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While the pie chart illustrates the proportion of kinds of jobs that Anthropology chose chooses

after graduation, the table shows the salaries of these people after five years of work.
Overall, it can be clearly seen that the highest percentage of anthropology graduates had full-
time jobs. (chưa có overview cho table

The pie chart shows that a little more than half of graduates chosechoosed full-time jobs while
the figures for the part-time work and unemployed are less than 15%. Meanwhile, both of the
percentagespercentage of full-time postgrad study and not known are 8% and the lowest ratio in
this chart is the proportion of people who do part-time work and postgrad study at the same
time with 5%.
The given diagram demonstrates the steps of collecting water for drinking of the people in a
town in Australia.
Overall, there are five steps to create clean water for drinking. The process begins begin with
collecting rainwater by drains on the roof and ends end with the perfect product which is
drinking water.
First of all, the rainwater falls on the roof and flowsflow into the drains attached to houses.
Secondly, the water is removed of any impurities by the filter. After being cleaned, the water is
taken to a large tank by water pipes. => Đa phần là câu đơn
In the next step, the water is transferred to another tank and cleaned with chemicals. During this
step, the rainwater is transformed into drinking water. Finally, the water is provided for
households to use.
In the future, it is proposed that City Road is rebuilt into a straight road while a roundabout will
be constructed at the intersection of City Road and Forest Road. Moreover, The crossroad near
the school is erected with many traffic lights to minimize the accident.

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