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Neurocritical Care Management of the

Neurosurgical Patient 1st Edition

Edition Monisha Kumar
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Neurocritical Care
Management of the
Neurosurgical Patient
Neurocritical Care
Management of
the Neurosurgical
Monisha Kumar, MD
Assistant Professor
Departments of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Anesthesiology & Critical Care
Associate Director of Neurocritical Care Fellowship Program
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA, USA

W. Andrew Kofke, MD, MBA, FCCM, FNCS

Professor, Director Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Program
Co-Director Neurocritical Care
Co-Director Perioperative Medicine and Pain Clinical Research Unit
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA, USA

Joshua M. Levine, MD, FANA, FNCS

Chief, Division of Neurocritical Care, Department of Neurology
Co-Director, Neurocritical Care Program
Associate Professor, Departments of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Anesthesiology and Critical Care
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA, USA

James Schuster, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery
Director of Neurotrauma
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA, USA

Edinburgh London New York Oxford Philadelphia St Louis Sydney Toronto

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In medicine there are a few nodes of care where over a short knowledge of the events that occur in the operating room
period of time a person’s life lies in the balance. The neuro- is equally essential. However, the emergency department
critical care unit (NICU) is one such node. Though postop- is a much more familiar environment for the neurointensi-
erative care units for neurosurgical patients have existed vist than the operating room. This textbook, written by
for many decades the multidisciplinary neurocritical care neurosurgeons, neuroanesthesiologists, and neurointensi-
field is still very young, dating back only to the 1980s. vists, defines the key issues needed to meld these two
As a result, the evidence-base that underlies much of the approaches.
decision-making in the NICU is still being assembled. The Dr. Kumar and her co-authors bring a unique viewpoint
lessons-learned from experienced neurointensivists remains that mimics the reality of the NICU where the patient care is
the bedrock of the art of neurocritical care. a complicated dance with multiple caregivers, the patient
This textbook incorporates the wisdom of an impressive and family. From my position at NIH it’s also important
cadre of dedicated physicians who clearly communicated to note that many of the chapters identify the evidence gaps
their art, as well as describing the evidence-base for their that need to be addressed to inform decision-making in the
craft. The focus on the neurosurgical patient places the NICU. Outlining these should enable neurointensivists to
book in a special position in medical literature. Close work- engage in research to understand those interventions asso-
ing relationships between the patient’s neurosurgeon, neu- ciated with clinically important outcomes in specific
roanesthesiologist, and the neurointensivist is crucial for patients. Though professional agendas differ among care-
good patient care in the NICU, but is not by itself a replace- givers, a good final clinical outcome is shared by all, and
ment for a working knowledge of each others concerns, the body of knowledge displayed in the text is a wonderful
abilities, and processes. Understanding the neurosurgery guide to the care of the neurosurgical patient in the NICU.
is as essential for the neurointensivist, as neurointensive
care is to the neurosurgeon. It would be impossible to pro- Walter Koroshetz, MD
vide quality care for the person transferred to the NICU Director, National Institute of
from the emergency department without knowledge of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
what occurred in the emergency department. A similar


Neurocritical Care is a burgeoning field dedicated to the Furthermore, the options and methods for intraoperative
management of patients with life-threatening neurological monitoring have grown over the past decade and will con-
and neurosurgical illness as well as those at risk for neuro- tinue to do so. Physiological data gleaned from novel mon-
logical complications of systemic disease. Much of neuro- itors provide critical information about the individual
intensive care unit (Neuro ICU) management focuses on patient’s response to surgery and anesthesia. Understand-
the postoperative neurosurgical patient. Treating neuro- ing the advantages and disadvantages of these monitoring
surgical patients without a comprehensive understanding techniques is imperative to the provision of exemplary care
of what occurs in the operating room (OR) may severely of the neurocritically-ill patient. Similarly, mounting evi-
hinder the intensivist in the provision of optimal care. It is dence suggests that critical information is progressively
imperative that neuro-intensivists be aware of the relevant omitted during points of transitions of care. Anticipatory
neuroanatomical structures, surgical approach, and anes- inquiry may enhance communication between OR and
thetic considerations as well as the range of known compli- ICU staff if providers receiving the patients are knowledge-
cations of elective and non-elective neurosurgery. This is able enough to ask probing questions and to elicit details
fundamental to the practice of neurocritical care. However, that may be lost in translation.
the preoperative evaluation, perioperative assessment and The aim of this text, Neurocritical Care Management of the
intraoperative management are not comprehensively Neurosurgical Patient, is to serve as the premier reference for
taught in the neurocritical care curriculum. This book is the intensive care management of neurosurgical patients.
intended to grant deeper insight into perioperative neuro- Many available neurocritical care textbooks have focused
surgical evaluations and anesthetic considerations that on particular disease states, pathophysiological conditions,
may affect the intensive care management of these patients. or medical complications. However, none has described the
It is critical that this knowledge gap be sealed as the field specific neurosurgical procedures or anesthetic consider-
of neurocritical care matures. The knowledge gap is further ations that impact the critical care management of these
compounded by the fact that practitioners of neurocritical patients.
care hail from a wide variety of primary specialties includ- This textbook is divided into 6 sections. Section 1 offers a
ing Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, General Sur- review of core neuroanesthesiology principles applied to the
gery, Anesthesiology and Neurology. The diversity of operative care of neurosurgical patients. Chapters in this
specialties allows practitioners a varied skill set; however, section focus on neurophysiological effects of anesthetic
a standard and comprehensive set of skills may be elusive. agents, procedural patient positioning, specific anesthetic
Although a fundamental understanding of neurosurgery, considerations for brain, spinal cord and endovascular neu-
including proper patient positioning, operative techniques rosurgery, intraoperative neuromonitoring, and intrao-
and relevant neuroanatomy, remain a prerequisite for perative catastrophes.
those caring for postoperative neurosurgical patients, it is The lion’s share of the volume is contained within
an oft-overlooked segment of clinical training. Sections 2-5. For the most part, a neurosurgeon or
Transitions in care and patient handoffs have evolved neuro-interventionalist collaborated with a neurointensivist
dramatically over the last decade. Hand-offs in surgical spe- to write each chapter. Section 2 focuses on types of craniot-
cialties often focus on the operative intervention, whereas omy procedures, including vascular neurosurgery, neuro-
hand-offs in medical specialties focus on the history of pre- oncologic surgery, epilepsy surgery, functional neurosurgery
sent illness. These distinct approaches intersect in the and trauma neurosurgery. Section 3 is devoted to spinal
Neuro ICU, which is frequently a mixed medical-surgical surgery and Section 4 focuses on endovascular neurosur-
ICU. Surgical ICU sign-out rounds involves a review of gery. Section 5 is dedicated to specialty procedures
the anatomy, anesthesia and complications of the surgery including ventricular shunts and neuro-monitor placement,
performed for each postoperative patient, in contradistinc- combined neurosurgical procedures (e.g. with Otorhinolar-
tion to the individual patient’s initial presentation and yngology or Plastic Surgery) and peripheral neurosurgery.
symptom chronology as is often done in the Neuro ICU. Chapters in Sections 2-5 adhere to a prescribed struc-
Although reviewing the patient’s initial symptomatology ture and format. Each chapter is divided into 3 parts: Neu-
may be important, it is likely that the early ICU course roanatomy and Procedure, Perioperative Considerations,
might be as much related to the operative procedure, as and ICU Complications. The first part, Neuroanatomy and
to the presenting signs and symptoms. We are unaware Procedure, reviews the relevant neuroanatomy and opera-
of a reference for the intensivist that provides this type of tive steps of the procedure. The second part, Perioperative
perioperative information regarding neurosurgical patients Considerations, describes the related neuro-monitoring,
in a clear and concise manner. This was the impetus for this operative position and anesthetic choices for the procedure.
textbook. The remainder of the chapter, ICU Complications, comprises

xii Preface

an evidence-based review of the potential procedural com- internationally recognized. These academic and clinical
plications and the relevant critical care management strat- endeavors have resulted in partnerships with experts in
egies. Section 6 is exclusively devoted to potential ICU neuroanesthesia, neurocritical care and neurosurgery,
complications of neurosurgery including delayed emer- many of whom have graciously contributed to this volume.
gence, intracranial hypertension, hemodynamic complica- We believe that this textbook will have broad applicability
tions, intracranial hypertension, or status epilepticus. and will serve neurosurgeons, anesthesiologists, medical
The editors are grateful that the Neuro ICUs at the Uni- intensivists, surgical intensivists as well as neurointensi-
versity of Pennsylvania foster collaborative endeavors vists. We hope that it will also serve as a reference for
between Neurology, Neurosurgery and Anesthesiology. It trainees of varied backgrounds.
is likely due to the fact that from its inception, the Penn
Neuro ICU represented a shared vision of the chairpersons M. A. Kumar, MD
of the Departments of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Anes- W. A. Kofke, MD, MBA
thesiology & Critical Care. The inherent nature of this J. M. Levine, MD
Neuro-ICU program has borne fruitful clinical, academic J. M. Schuster, MD, PhD
and research programs that are nationally and
List of Contributors

Manish K. Aghi, MD, PhD Robert L. Bailey, BS, MD

Department of Neurological Surgery, Center for Minimally Physician, Department of Neurosurgery, Paoli Hospital,
Invasive Skull Base Surgery, University of California, Paoli, IN, USA
San Francisco, CA, USA
Nicholas Bastidas, MD, FAAP
Zarina S. Ali, MD Attending, Plastic Surgery, Assistant Professor, Surgery,
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine, Manhasset, NY,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA USA

Dorothea Altschul, MD Paulomi Bhalla, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology, Neurological Neurocritical Care Fellow, Department of Neurology,
Surgery, Columbia University College of Physicians and Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Surgeons, New York, NY, USA PA, USA

Zirka H. Anastasian, MD Adarsh Bhimraj, MD

Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Department of Head, Section of Neurologic Infectious Diseases, Cleveland
Anesthesiology, Columbia University Medical Center, Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
New York, NY, USA
Joshua T. Billingsley, MD, MS
Safdar Ansari, MD Cerebrovascular Surgery, Department of Neurosurgery,
Assistant Professor, Chief, Division of Neurocritical Care, University of Florida at Orlando Health, Orlando, FL, USA
Department of Neurology, University of Utah School of
Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA Thomas P. Bleck, MD
Professor and Associate Chief Medical Officer,
William J. Ares, MD Departments of Neurological Sciences, Neurosurgery,
Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Anesthesiology, and Medicine, Rush University
Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA

Mark Attiah, BA Christine Boone, BS

Medical Student, Perelman School of Medicine, University MD, PhD Candidate, Department of Neurosurgery, The
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Anthony M. Avellino, MD, MBA
Chief Executive Officer, OSF HealthCare Neuroscience Steven Brem, MD
Service Line and Illinois Neurological Institute; Chief, Neurosurgical Oncology, Co-Director, Penn Brain
Professor of Neurosurgery and Pediatrics, University Tumor Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Abramson
of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, Peoria, IL, Cancer Center, Perelman School of Medicine, University
USA of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Rafi Avitsian, MD Vivek Buch, MD

Section Head, Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, Associate Neurosurgery Resident, Department of Neurosurgery,
Professor of Anesthesiology, Neuroanesthesia Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Fellowship Program Director, Anesthesiology and PA, USA
Neurological Institutes, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH,
USA Richard W. Byrne, MD
Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery,
Neeraj Badjatia, MD, MSc Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA
Chief of Neurocritical Care, Program in Trauma, Associate
Professor of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Anesthesiology, Daniel P. Cahill, MD, PhD
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery,
MD, USA Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

xiv List of Contributors

Justin M. Caplan, MD William T. Curry, Jr., MD

Resident Department of Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins Associate Professor and Attending Neurosurgeon, Director
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA of Neurosurgical Oncology, Department of
Neurosurgery, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Nohra Chalouhi, MD Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Neurological Surgery, Thomas Jefferson
University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, USA Andrew Dailey, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery,
Catherine S. Chang, MD University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City,
Resident Division of Plastic Surgery, University of UT, USA
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Rahul Damani, MD, MPH
Jason J. Chang, MD Assistant Professor, Division of Vascular Neurology and
Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery, Oregon Health Neurocritical Care, Department of Neurology, Baylor
& Science University, Center for Health & Healing, College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA
Portland, OR, USA
Daniel J. DiLorenzo, MD, PhD, MBA
Steven D. Chang, MD Functional and Epilepsy Neurosurgery Fellow, Department
Robert C. and Jeannette Powell Professor, Director, of Neurosurgery, Rush University Medical Center,
Stanford Neuromolecular Innovations Program, Chicago, IL, USA
Director, Stanford Neurogenetics Oncology Program,
Co-Director, Stanford CyberKnife Program, Department Christopher F. Dowd, MD
of Neurosurgery, Stanford University School of Professor, Department of Radiology and Biomedical
Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA Imaging, University of California, San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA USA
Navjot Chaudhary, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Emad N. Eskanadar, MD
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA Professor in Surgery, Charles Anthony Pappas Chair of
Neurosciences, Harvard Medical School, Department of
H. Isaac Chen, MD Neurosurgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston,
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital MA, USA
of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA,
James J. Evans, MD
Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery, Thomas
Randall M. Chesnut, MD, FCCM, FACS Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Department of Neurological Surgery and Orthopaedics
and Sports Medicine, University of Washington School
of Medicine, Harborview Medical Center, University of
Brenda G. Fahy, MD, MCCM
Associate Chair and Chief, Division of Critical Care,
Washington School of Global Health, Seattle, WA,
USA Department of Anesthesiology, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL, USA
E. Antonio Chiocca, MD, PhD, FAANS
Harvey W. Cushing Professor of Neurosurgery, Established Christopher J. Farrell, MD
by the Daniel E. Ponton Fund, Harvard Medical School, Assistant Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery,
Neurosurgeon-in-Chief and Chairman, Department of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Neurosurgery, Co-Director, Institute for the
Neurosciences at the Brigham, Brigham and Women’s/ Anna K. Finley Caulfield, MD
Faulkner Hospital, Surgical Director, Center for Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Neurology and
Neurooncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Neurological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford,

Rohan Chitale, MD Alana M. Flexman, MD

Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology,
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of British
USA Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Claudia F. Clavijo, MD Sunil V. Furtado, MS, MCh, DNB

Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Clinical Instructor, Department of Neurosurgery,
University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford,
List of Contributors xv

Alexander J. Gamble, DO Todd M. Herrington, MD, PhD

Resident in Neurosurgery, Hofstra Northwell School of Instructor in Neurology, Fellow in Movement Disorders,
Medicine, Manhasset, NY, USA Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General
Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Paul A. Gardner, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Neurological Lawrence J. Hirsch
Surgery, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Professor of Neurology, Department of Neurology,
Co-Director, Center for Cranial Base Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven,
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, CT, USA
Kyle S. Hobbs, MD
John G. Gaudet, MD Neurocritical care fellow, Division of Neurocritical Care
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Department of and Stroke, Department of Neurology, Stanford
Anesthesiology, Columbia University Medical Center, University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA
New York, NY, USA
Brian L. Hoh, MD
Emily J. Gilmore James and Newton Eblen Professor, Department of
Assistant Professor of Neurology, Department of Neurosurgery, Chief, Division of Cerebrovascular
Neurology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Surgery, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Haven, CT, USA
Yin C. Hu, MD
C. Rory Goodwin, MD, PhD Assistant Professor, Westchester Neurovascular
Neurosurgery Resident, Department of Neurosurgery, The Institute, Westchester Medical Center, Department
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, of Neurosurgery, New York Medical College,
MD, USA Valhalla, NY, USA

William B. Gormley, MD, MPH Christina Huang, MD

Director, Neurosurgical Critical Care, Brigham and Department of Neurological Surgery, Keck School of
Women’s Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Medicine, University of Southern California, Los
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Angeles, CA, USA

M. Sean Grady, MD Judy Huang, MD

Charles Harrison Frazier Professor and Chairman, Professor of Neurosurgery, Program Director,
Department of Neurosurgery, The University of Neurosurgery Residency Program, Fellowship Director,
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA Cerebrovascular Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Department of
Ramesh Grandhi, MD Neurosurgery, Baltimore, MD, USA
Department of Neurological Surgery, University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Robert W. Hurst, MD
Professor of Radiology, Department of Radiology, Hospital
Benjamin F. Gruenbaum, MD of the University of Pennsylvania, Children’s Hospital of
Resident Physician, Department of Anesthesiology, Yale Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA
University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Michael E. Ivan, MD
Shaun E. Gruenbaum, MD Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Miami,
Clinical Fellow, Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, Chief of Service, Cranial and Neuro-oncology, JSCH,
Department of Anesthesiology, Yale University School of Director of Research, University of Miami Brain Tumor
Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA Initiative, Miami, FL, USA

James S. Harrop, MD Pascal Jabbour, MD

Professor of Neurological and Orthopedic Surgery, Thomas Division Director of Neurovascular Surgery and
Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA Endovascular Neurosurgery, Department of
Neurological Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University
J. Claude Hemphill, III, MD Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Professor, Department of Neurology and Neurological
Surgery, Kenneth Rainin Chair in Neurocritical Care, Ian Kaminsky, MD
University of California, San Francisco, Co-Director, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Tufts
Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Center, Director, University, School of Medicine, Interventional
Neurocritical Care, San Francisco General Hospital, San Neuroradiologist, Lahey Hospital & Medical Center,
Francisco, CA, USA Burlington, MA, USA
xvi List of Contributors

Suhail Kanchwala, MD K.H. Kevin Luk, MD, MS

Assistant Professor of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA Pain Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle,
Gregory Kapinos, MD, MS, FASN
Attending, Neurocritical Care, Assistant Professor, Tracy S. Ma, MD
Neurosurgery and Neurology, Hofstra Northwell School Neurosurgery Resident, Department of Neurosurgery,
of Medicine, Manhasset, NY, USA Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Craig Kilburg, MD
Resident, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Utah Brian Mac Grory
School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA Resident Physician Department of Neurology, Yale
University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Koffi M. Kla, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Luke Macyszyn, MD, MA
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery and Orthopedics,
USA David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles,
W. Andrew Kofke, MD, MBA, FCCM, FNCS
Professor, Director Neuroscience in Anesthesiology Stephen T. Magill, MD, PhD
and Critical Care Program, Co-Director Neurocritical Resident Physician, Department of Neurological Surgery,
Care, Co-Director Perioperative Medicine and Pain University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco,
Clinical Research Unit, Department of Anesthesiology CA, USA
and Critical Care, Department of Neurosurgery,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA Geoffrey T. Manley, MD, PhD
Professor, Vice-Chairman, Department of Neurological
David Kung, MD Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, Chief,
Fellow, Neurovascular Surgery and Endovascular Neurological Surgery, Co-Director, Brain and Spinal
Neurosurgery, Thomas Jefferson University, Cord Injury Center, San Francisco General Hospital, San
Philadelphia, PA, USA Francisco, CA, USA

Shih-Shan Lang, MD Edward M. Manno, MD FCCM, FANA, FAAN, FAHA

Instructor, Division of Neurosurgery, Children’s Hospital Head, Neurological Intensive Care Unit, Cleveland Clinic,
of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA Cleveland, OH, USA

Sean D. Lavine, MD Neena I. Marupudi, MD, MS

Clinical Associate Professor in Neurological Surgery, Neurosurgery Resident, Wayne State University School of
Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, Medicine, Detroit, MI, USA
New York, NY, USA
Hesham Masoud, MD
Peter Le Roux, MD, FACS Assistant Professor of Neurology, Neurosurgery and
Brain and Spine Center, Lankenau Medical Center, Radiology, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse,
Wynnewood, PA, USA NY, USA

Lorri A. Lee, MD Christopher M. Maulucci, MD

Professor, Departments of Anesthesiology and Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Tulane
Neurological Surgery, Vanderbilt University School of University, New Orleans, LA, USA
Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA
Christopher Melinosky, MD
Vincent Lew, MD Neurocritical Care Fellow, Department of Neurology,
Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore,
University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA MD, USA

Caitlin Loomis, MD Jennifer Gutwald Miller, MD

Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Yale Attending, Neurocritical Care, Christiana Care Health
University, New Haven, CT, USA System, Newark, DE, USA

Timothy Lucas, MD, PhD Bradley J. Molyneaux, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Department of Assistant Professor, Departments of Neurology and Critical
Neurosurgery, Hospital of the University of Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA Pittsburgh, PA, USA
List of Contributors xvii

Bryan Moore, MD Santiago Ortega Gutierrez, MD, MSc

Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Division of Clinical Assistant Professor, Departments of
Neurocritical Care, Department of Neurology, Neurology, Anesthesia, Neurosurgery &
Philadelphia, PA, USA Radiology, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics,
Iowa City, IA, USA
Patricia L. Musolino, MD, PhD
Instructor, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts Bryan A. Pukenas, MD
General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA Assistant Professor of Radiology, Department of
Radiology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania,
Raj K. Narayan, MD, FACS Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia,
Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, PA, USA
Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine and Executive
Director, Northwell Neuroscience Institute, Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, MD, FAANS, FACS
Manhasset, NY, USA William J. and Charles H. Mayo Professor, Neurologic
Surgery Chair, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine,
Sandra Narayanan, MD, FAHA Jacksonviille, FL, USA
Assistant Professor, Depts. of Neurosurgery and
Neurology, Wayne State University School of Preethi Ramchand, MD
Medicine, Detroit, MI, USA Neurology Resident, Department of Neurology, Perelman
School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,
Neeraj Naval, MD Philadelphia, PA, USA
Assistant Professor of Neurology, Neurosurgery and
Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Johns Jordina Rincon-Torroella, MD
Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Neurosurgery, The
of Neurology, Director, Neurosciences Critical Care, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore,
MD, USA Jonathan Rosand, MD, MSc
Professor and Medical Director of the Neurosciences
Cuong Nguyen, MD Intensive Care Unit, Chief, Division of Neurocritical Care
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Division of and Emergency Neurology, Department of Neurology,
Interventional Neuroradiology, Department of Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
Radiology, Philadelphia, PA, USA School, Boston, MA, USA

Peggy Nguyen Robert H. Rosenwasser, MD

Department of Neurology, Keck School of Medicine, Chairman, Department of Neurological Surgery,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia,

Thanh Nguyen, MD, FRCP W. Caleb Rutledge, MD

Associate Professor, Departments of Neurology, Radiology Department of Neurological Surgery, Center for Minimally
and Neurosurgery, Boston University School of Invasive Skull Base Surgery, University of California,
Medicine, Boston, MA, USA San Francisco, CA, USA

Raul G. Nogueira, MD R. Alexander Schlichter, MD

Professor of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Radiology, Chief of Neuroanesthesia, Department of Anesthesiology
Emory University School of Medicine, Marcus Stroke & and Critical Care, Perelman School of Medicine,
Neuroscience Center, Grady Memorial Hospital, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Atlanta, GA, USA
James M. Schuster, MD, PhD
Alexander Norbash, MD, MHCM Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery, Director of
Professor and Chairman, Department of Radiology, Neurotrauma, University of Pennsylvania,
University of California, San Diego CA, USA Philadelphia, PA, USA

David Okonkwo, MD, PhD Daniel M. Sciubba, MD

Associate Professor, Department of Neurological Director, Spine Tumor and Spine Deformity Research,
Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Co-Director, Spinal Column Biomechanics and Surgical
Pittsburgh, PA, USA Outcomes, Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery,
Oncology, Orthopaedic Surgery, Radiation Oncology
Mark E. Oppenlander, MD and Molecular Radiation Sciences, Department of
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Neurosurgery, The Johns Hopkins University School
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
xviii List of Contributors

Benjamin K. Scott, MD Michael F. Stiefel, MD, PhD, FAANS

Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Director, Capital Institute for Neurosciences, Director,
University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Stroke and Cerebrovascular Center, Capital Health
CO, USA System, Pennington, NJ, USA

Alfred Pokmeng See, MD Geoffrey P. Stricsek, MD

Neurosurgery Resident, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Resident Physician, Department of Neurological
Department of Neurosurgery, Harvard Medical School, Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia,
Boston, MA, USA PA, USA

Ganesh M. Shankar, MD, PhD Jose I. Suarez, MD

Instructor, Department of Neurosurgery, Massachusetts Professor and Head, Division of Vascular Neurology and
General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA Neurocritical Care, Department of Neurology, Baylor
College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA
Yoram Shapira, MD, PhD
Professor and Chairman, Department of Anesthesiology Gene Sung, MD, MPH
and Critical Care, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Neurology, Keck School of Medicine,
Beer-Sheva, Israel University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Deepak Sharma, MBBS, DM, MD Peter Syre, MD
Professor and Division Chief, Neuroanesthesiology &
Chief Resident, Department of Neurosurgery, University of
Perioperative Neurosciences, Department of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Pekka O. Talke, MD
Kevin N. Sheth, MD Professor, Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative
Chief, Division of Neurocritical Care and Emergency Care, University of California, San Francisco, San
Neurology; Chief, Clinical Research, Department of Francisco, CA, USA
Neurology; Director, Neurosciences Intensive Care Unit,
Yale School of Medicine and Yale New Haven Hospital, Rafael J. Tamargo, MD
New Haven, CT, USA Walter E. Dandy Professor of Neurosurgery, Professor of
Neurosurgery and Otolaryngology-Head and Neck
Lori A. Shutter, MD, FCCM, FNCS Surgery, Director of Cerebrovascular Neurosurgery,
Professor, Departments of Critical Care Medicine, Neurosurgical Co-Director, The Johns Hopkins
Neurology and Neurosurgery, University of Pittsburgh Neurocritical Care Unit, Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Medical Director, Neurovascular School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery,
Intensive Care Unit, University of Pittsburgh Medical Baltimore, MD, USA
Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Robert Taylor, MD
James E. Siegler, MD Stroke and Neurovascular Center of Central California,
Resident Physician, Department of Neurology, Hospital Santa Barbara, CA, USA
of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, USA Anurag Tewari, MD
Neuroanesthesia Fellow, Anesthesia Institute, Cleveland
Michelle J. Smith, MD Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Department of
Neurosurgery, Philadelphia, PA, USA Stavropoula Tjoumakaris, MD
Department of Neurological Surgery, Thomas Jefferson
Carl H. Snyderman, MD, MBA University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Professor, Departments of Otolaryngology and
Neurological Surgery, University of Pittsburgh School of
Medicine, Co-Director, Center for Cranial Base Surgery, Chitra Venkatasubramanian, MBBS, MD, MSc
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Clinical Associate Professor, Division of Neurocritical
PA, USA care and Stroke, Department of Neurology,
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford,
Gary K. Steinberg, MD, PhD CA, USA
Bernard and Ronni Lacroute–William Randolph
Hearst Professor of Neurosurgery and the Andrew S. Venteicher, MD, PhD
Neurosciences, Chairman, Department of Resident physician, Department of Neurosurgery,
Neurosurgery, Stanford University School of Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA School, Boston, MA, USA
List of Contributors xix

Michael S. Weinstein, MD Patricia Zadnik, MD

Associate Professor of Surgery and Critical Care Resident Physician, Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital
Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Eric L. Zager, MD
Peggy White, MD Professor of Neurosurgery, Department of
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Pennsylvania,
Anesthesiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Mario Zanaty, MD
Anthony J. Wilson, MD Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Department of
Resident, Division of Plastic Surgery, University of Neurological Surgery, Thomas Jefferson
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, USA

James M. Wright, MD Alexander Zlotnik, MD, PhD

Department of Neurological Surgery, Case Western Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
Reserve School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH, USA and Critical Care, Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
Debbie Yi, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine,
UC San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA

We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appre- the seed that would grow into this textbook. Also we would
ciation to all the contributors to this volume. We also thank like to thank the nurses in the clinic, operating room and
the editorial, design and production staff at Elsevier, in par- intensive care unit who care for our patients as we could
ticular: Charlotta Kryhl, Sharon Nash, Trinity Hutton, and not do our job without them. Finally, we would like to
Julie Taylor who have been particularly helpful in produc- thank our patients and their families; we are grateful for
ing this volume. We would like to thank Dr. Rae Allain, for- the opportunity to be a part of their treatment, cure and
merly of the Massachusetts General Hospital, for planting recovery.


To the nurses in the clinic, operating room and intensive

care unit who care for our patients.
Monisha Kumar
W. Andrew Kofke
Joshua M. Levine
James M. Schuster

To my parents who motivated me, my girls who

inspire me, my husband who encourages me and CC
who supports me.

To RJS: for teaching me, training me, and giving me

the confidence to accomplish, one ML at a time.
Monisha Kumar

1 Effects of Anesthetics,
Operative Pharmacotherapy,
and Recovery from Anesthesia

pressure. Increased intraabdominal pressure decreases chest

Introduction wall compliance and increases the work of breathing, further
taxing the muscles of the respiratory pump.1
Even after completion of a neurosurgical intervention, intrao-
perative factors, including anesthetic agents, pharmacother- Upper airway muscles are generally more sensitive to
anesthetics and sedatives than respiratory pump muscles.
apy, and surgery, may have lasting effects that persist
Animal trials have shown that although volatile anes-
through recovery. The goal of this chapter is to discuss the
effects of intraoperative factors, such as anesthetic effect thetics, barbiturates, and benzodiazepine anesthetics all
decrease neural input to both upper airway (hypoglossal
and surgical manipulation, on postoperative recovery,
nerve) and respiratory pump muscles (phrenic nerve), the
including respiratory function, nausea and vomiting, glucose
decrease of upper airway neural input is much more than
control, temperature variations, pain management, and
respiratory pump muscles.4 In human clinical studies, even
delirium and cognitive dysfunction.
subhypnotic concentrations of propofol, isoflurane, and
sevoflurane increase the incidence of pharyngeal dysfunc-
Key Concepts tion. This places patients at increased risk for aspiration of
pharyngeal contents during recovery of anesthesia. The
• Anesthetics, sedatives, and opioids impair respiratory arousal effect on the pharyngeal contraction pattern may be most
by reducing chemoresponsiveness to hypoxemia and
pronounced in patients treated with propofol because pro-
• The effect of anesthetics on respiratory muscles depends pofol use results in markedly reduced pharyngeal contrac-
on the agent, the dose, the patient’s state of consciousness, tion.5 In contrast, ketamine reduces neural input to both
and the specific muscle group. the upper airway and respiratory muscles equally. Reduc-
• Risk factors for postoperative respiratory depression in tion in neural input to the upper airway muscles is much
patients with obstructive sleep apnea include the severity less with ketamine relative to the other classes of anes-
of sleep apnea, the dose of systemic opioids, the use of thetics.4 Ketamine has no inhibitory effect on genioglossus
sedatives, the site and invasiveness of surgical procedure, and activity. Unlike other anesthetics, ketamine preserves a
the potential for apnea during rapid eye movement (REM) high level of upper airway dilator muscle activity, similar
rebound. to that of conscious patients.6 Ketamine, however, is a sial-
• When neuromuscular blockade is employed, it is necessary to
monitor the degree of neuromuscular blockade and consider
agogue, a property that can occasionally be problematic.
adequacy and potential side effects of reversal of Opioid analgesics cause respiratory depression via both
neuromuscular blockade. upper airway dilator and respiratory pump muscle dysfunc-
tion. Opioids reduce genioglossus activity in animals,
decrease vagal motor neuron activity in the laryngeal
Respiratory Muscle Effects abductors, and increase vagal motor neuronal activity in
adductors.7–9 These changes result in increased upper air-
The muscles involved in respiration are skeletal muscles way resistance and possibly vocal cord closure, as well as
and can be classified by their anatomical function into pharyngeal airflow obstruction.9 Opioid analgesia also
two groups: (1) upper airway dilators and (2) respiratory increases abdominal muscle activity, which produces a
pump muscles. Upper airway dilator muscles counterbal- rapid decrease in end-expiratory lung volume and func-
ance the negative inspiratory pressure generated by tional residual capacity, contributing to a higher degree
the respiratory pump muscle to permit airflow during of atelectasis.10 Chest wall rigidity also occurs with the
inspiration.1 use of opioids, even when dosed conservatively.11
Surgery itself can have direct effects on respiratory pump
muscles by functional disruption (injury of muscle), postoper-
ative pain leading to restrictions on ventilation, and phrenic Clinical Pearl
nerve injury resulting in diaphragm dysfunction. Other fac-
tors that affect diaphragmatic dysfunction postoperatively Upper airway muscles are generally more affected by
include inflammation2 and reflex vagal inhibition.3 Indirect anesthetics and sedatives than respiratory pump muscles.
effects of abdominal surgery may increase intraabdominal

4 SECTION 1 • Neuroanesthesia and Perioperative Care

Controlled ventilation immobilizes the diaphragm and

Clinical Pearl
disrupts diaphragmatic function. Controlled ventilation is
associated with proteolysis in the diaphragm, which over
Monitoring of neuromuscular blockade is necessary to
a long period leads to diaphragmatic atrophy and dysfunc- evaluate for residual blockade when muscle relaxants have
tion.12 As little as 18 hours of controlled ventilation results been used. Clinical examination for fade in TOF ratio is not
in diaphragmatic atrophy and decreases contractile func- dependable.
tion.13 Duration of controlled ventilation correlates with
thinning, injury, and atrophy of the diaphragm.14,15
Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) are often used
during surgery to provide immobility and optimal operat- Anesthetic Effect on Respiratory
ing conditions. Train-of-four (TOF) ratios are customary Control
measures to assess neuromuscular blockade at muscle
groups. The TOF ratio value is determined by the ratio of At 1 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC), the concentra-
the last twitch height to the first twitch height after a tion at which 50% of patients do not move in response to
TOF twitches. Recovery at the adductor pollicis is often used a painful stimulus, all volatile anesthetics (in absence of
for this assessment because the hand is generally conve- other depressants) increase respiratory rate, decrease tidal
nient and available for monitoring purposes. A TOF ratio volume, decrease minute ventilation, and increase the
of 0.6 or more predicts acceptable recovery of forced vital arterial PCO2. The order of the respiratory depressant effect,
capacity,16,17 and for many years recovery to a TOF ratio as measured by the increase in arterial PCO2n is enflurane>
of 0.7 was considered indicative of adequate recovery of desflurane  isoflurane > sevoflurane  halothane.29 Volatile
neuromuscular function.18 Recovery from NMBA gener- anesthetics abolish the ventilatory response to hypoxia in ani-
ally occurs sooner at the diaphragm than peripheral mus- mals and humans in a dose-dependent manner.30,31 The
cles, such as the hand muscles. Therefore tidal volumes are peripheral chemoreceptors are the site responsible for this
usually preserved, whereas residual paralysis may still be action.32 Volatile anesthetics also decrease the ventilatory
noted by peripheral monitoring.19,20 However, a TOF ratio response to hypercapnia, but the response to hypercapnia is
of 0.6 and even 0.8 may be insufficient to ensure recovery more resistant than the response to hypoxia.33 At subanes-
of respiratory function. TOF ratios of <1.0 are associated thetic concentrations, similar to those that would be
with decreased forced inspiratory volume in one second found in patients recovering from anesthesia (0.1 MAC),
(FIV1), upper airway obstruction, and impaired pharyngeal volatile anesthetics reduce the acute hypoxic response
function and impaired ability to swallow.16,21 by 30% to 50%. The order of potency is halotha-
Even when nerve stimulators are used, subjective tactile or ne> enflurane > sevoflurane > isoflurane > desflurane. This
visual evaluation of the evoked response to indirect nerve is reflective of the extent to which these agents are metabo-
stimulation is notoriously inaccurate. Once the TOF ratio lized. This effect is probably mediated through a preferential
exceeds 0.4, most clinicians cannot detect the presence of action on the peripheral chemoreflex loop.34 Low-dose volatile
any fade in the twitches upon four stimuli.22 A very strong anesthetics also uncouple the association between peripheral
case can be made for the routine administration of a nonde- chemoreceptor activity and hypoxic ventilatory depression.34
polarizing reversal agent (cholinesterase inhibitor), unless it The effect of subanesthetic volatile anesthetics on the hyper-
can be objectively demonstrated that complete recovery capnic ventilatory response is minimal or absent.35
(TOF ratio >0.9) has occurred spontaneously.23,24 As little
as 0.015 to 0.025 mg/kg of neostigmine is required at a
TOF count of four with minimal fade, whereas 0.04 to Clinical Pearl
0.05 mg/kg is needed at a TOF count of two or three.23
Neuromuscular blockade reversal is not without conse- At subanesthetic concentrations, volatile anesthetics reduce
quence, however. Neostigmine, in clinically recommended the acute hypoxic response.
doses, can actually cause neuromuscular transmission fail-
ure when given to patients who have already recovered
from neuromuscular block.25 Cholinesterase inhibitors Anesthetic Effects on Bronchial
may cause neuromuscular transmission failure by various
mechanisms, including the desensitization of acetylcholine Tree, Mucociliary Function, and
receptors,26 block of neuromuscular transmission, or open Surfactant Production
channel block.27,28 Neostigmine, when given in the
absence of postsynaptic neuromuscular block, also impairs Volatile anesthetics are potent bronchodilators that relax
upper airway dilator volume, genioglossus muscle func- airway smooth muscle by directly depressing smooth mus-
tion, and diaphragmatic function.28 Thus patients fully cle contractility. This effect is thought to result from direct
recovered from the effects of NMBAs given unwarranted effects on bronchial epithelium and indirect inhibition of
reversal may develop secondary neuromuscular impair- reflex neural pathways. Animal models suggest that halo-
ment. Neostigmine can also have other systemic effects, thane (1 MAC), enflurane (1 MAC), and isoflurane (1.5
including bradycardia, bronchorrhea, bronchospasm, and MAC) produce a similar reduction in bronchial airway
alimentary peristalsis, muscarinic cholinergic effects that resistance.36 In vitro models demonstrate that isoflurane
require concomitant administration of an anticholinergic preferentially relaxes the bronchiole versus the bronchus.37
drug such as atropine or glycopyrrolate. Halothane, enflurane, sevoflurane, and isoflurane do not
1 • Effects of Anesthetics, Operative Pharmacotherapy, and Recovery from Anesthesia 5

affect baseline pulmonary resistance and dynamic pulmo- Sleeping CNS

nary compliance, but do attenuate increases in resistance
and decreases in compliance due to histamine.38 In addi-
tion to volatile anesthetics, intravenous anesthetics affect
NREM sleep Risk factors REM sleep
bronchial tone. Ketamine has a bronchodilator effect that Decreased baseline Sao2
may be due to inhibition of catecholamine reuptake and Increased baseline Paco2
action as a sympathomimetic agent.39 Propofol also has FEV1 < 50% predicted
bronchoprotective properties by reducing basal airway Irregular respiration
Stable respiration
tone and histamine-induced bronchoconstrictions in ani- Increased upper Increased upper airway
mal studies. Propofol also has a vagolytic effect on the airway resistance resistance
airway.40,41 Mild decrease in Substantial decrease in
Foreign matter is removed from the tracheobronchial hypercapnic and hypercapnic and
tree by the upward clearance of the ciliated respiratory epi- hypoxic hypoxic respiratory
thelium. Impaired ciliary motility in anesthetized or inten- respiratory center center responsiveness
responsiveness Inhibited intercostal
sive care patients may predispose them to respiratory
complications, including infections and atelectasis. Poorly Reduced FRC
humidified inspiratory gases, cuffed endotracheal tubes,
high fractional inspired O2, and positive pressure ventila-
tion are known to reduce ciliary movement and decrease Severe hypoventilation
mucus production. Halothane, enflurane, nitrous oxide hypoventilation
Increased V/Q inequality
with halothane, and nitrous oxide with opioid all produce from reduced FRC
dose-dependent decreases of mucociliary movement in
dogs.42,43 Human studies with isoflurane show no inhibi-
Mild excess Severe prolonged
tion in mucus production; however, data are conflicting excess hypoxemia
regarding the impact on ciliary motion.44,45 Intravenous hypoxemia
anesthetics, including propofol, dexmedetomidine, and Fig. 1.1 Effect of nonrapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye move-
thiopental, have no effect on ciliary function. Administra- ment (REM) sleep on nocturnal arterial hemoglobin saturation in patients
tion of ketamine and fentanyl at high doses increases ciliary with severe to very severe COPD, with FEV1 generally less than 50% pre-
dicted. Boldface type indicates differences between NREM and REM
beat frequency. sleep contributing to hypoxemia. CNS, central nervous system; COPD,
Lastly, volatile anesthetics cause a progressive, reversible chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FRC, functional residual capacity
reduction in phosphatidylcholine, the main lipid compo- (end-expiratory lung volume); PaCO2, partial arterial pressure of carbon
nent of surfactant. The reversibility was within 2 hours dioxide; SaO2, arterial oxygen saturation (%) of hemoglobin, usually
in culture.46 expressed in as a percentage; V./Q., pulmonary alveolar/pulmonary
capillary ventilation/perfusion inequality. (Adapted from Barkoukis, TJ
& Littner, MR. Therapy in Sleep Medicine. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier,
Inc. All rights reserved.)

Anesthesia Effects on Respiratory

Arousal from Sleep, Rapid Eye
sleep.54 Benzodiazepines and opioids cause REM rebound
Movement Rebound, and upon discontinuation.55 Propofol has no effect on REM
Obstructive Sleep Apnea rebound.56
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a syndrome character-
Anesthetics, sedatives, and opioids impair respiratory ized by periodic, partial, or complete obstruction in the
arousal, defined as arousal from sleep due to respiratory upper airway during sleep. This, in turn, causes repetitive
stimuli. These agents reduce chemoresponsiveness to hyp- arousal from sleep to restore airway patency. The airway
oxia47 and hypercarbia,48 suppress the reflexive respon- obstruction may also cause episodic sleep-associated oxy-
siveness to negative upper airway pressure,49 and depress gen desaturation, episodic hypercarbia, and cardiovascu-
the magnitude of wakefulness. lar dysfunction. In the postoperative period, patients
During REM sleep, there is hypotonia of voluntary mus- with OSA, even if asymptomatic, present special chal-
cles. Electromyogram activity is at the lowest level of any lenges that must be addressed to minimize the risk of
stage of sleep.50 Neural drive to the upper airway dilators perioperative morbidity and mortality. Risk factors for
is decreased, and this predisposes the patient to airway postoperative respiratory depression may include the
instability and episodes of hypoxemia.51 REM sleep also severity of the underlying sleep apnea, administration of
reduces the hypoxic ventilatory drive and the hypercarbic opioids or sedatives, site and extent of the surgical proce-
ventilatory response. Therefore REM rebound (i.e., dure, and the potential for apnea during REM rebound.
increased REM sleep due to sleep deprivation or anesthetic Postoperative interventions to manage OSA patients
inhibition of REM sleep) results in more episodes of hypox- who may be susceptible to the aforementioned risks
emia due to impaired respiratory arousal52 (see Fig. 1.1). should take into consideration (1) postoperative analgesia,
The effect of anesthetics on REM rebound varies according (2) oxygenation, (3) patient positioning, and (4) monitor-
to the specific agent. Six hours of treatment with volatile ing. Recently published guidelines57 relevant to the post-
anesthesia in mice caused REM rebound,53 but 3 hours operative management of patients with OSA include the
of isoflurane in human volunteers had no effect on REM following:
6 SECTION 1 • Neuroanesthesia and Perioperative Care

A. Provide evidence supporting the use of postoperative

continuous positive airway pressure (Category A3-B • Low Risk (10–20%)
evidence).58 • No prophylaxis or single therapy
B. Suggest consideration of a regional anesthesia tech- • Dexamethasone 4–8mg
nique. This is in the setting of insufficient literature to • Rescue: Ondansetron
evaluate outcomes associated with different types of
postoperative analgesia (regional versus systemic anal-
gesia and effects of basal rates of analgesia) on patients • Risk Factors
with OSA. • 0 RF=10% • Intermediate Risk (20–40%)
C. Suggest consideration of providing supplemental • Propofol/antiemetic
• 1 RF=20%
oxygenation, but this is in the setting of insufficient • Combination antiemetics
literature. • 2 RF=40% • Rescue: Drug from a different class
D. Support positioning patients in a nonsupine fashion • 3 RF=60%
(Category B1-B evidence).59 • 4 RF=80%
E. Support using postoperative pulse oximetry monitoring
(Category B3-B evidence).60 • High Risk (60–80%)
• Multimodal therapy
• TlVA with propofol
• Combinations antiemetics
Effects of Anesthetics and Surgery on • Minimal opioids
Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Fig. 1.2 Risk factors and PONV management strategy. (Adapted from
Keyes, M. Management of postoperative nausea and vomiting in ambu-
latory surgery: the big little problem. Clinics in Plastic Surgery. Copyright
Key Concepts © 2013 Elsevier, Inc.)

• Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is multifactorial

involving anesthetic risk factors, surgical risk factors, and Table 1.1 Risk of PONV
individual risk factors. Risk Factors Female sex
• Prevention and treatment of PONV should focus on Nonsmoker
identification of risk factors, reduction of baseline risk factors, History of PONV
and intervention based on a multimodal prophylaxis and Use of post op opioids
treatment regimen.
• Some neurosurgical procedures, particularly those involving Risk of PONV 10%: No risk factor
20%: One risk factor
the posterior fossa, are at higher risk of PONV. 40%: Two risk factors
60%: Three risk factors
80%: Four risk factors
General anesthesia using volatile anesthetics is associ-
ated with an average incidence of PONV ranging between
20% and 30% for general surgery patients, 50% for crani- administration of appropriate prophylaxis.65 Antiemetics
otomy patients, and even higher for infratentorial craniot- that are commonly used, the classes, mechanisms, and
omy.61,62 Development of PONV is multifactorial, involving common side effects are as follows:
anesthetic, surgical, and individual risk factors (see 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT3) receptor antagonists
Fig. 1.2). Anesthetic risk factors include the use of volatile (ondansetron, dolasetron, granisetron, and tropisetron).66
anesthetics, nitrous oxide, and intraoperative and postoper- There are no effects on cerebral hemodynamics or intracra-
ative opioids. The emetogenic effect of the inhaled anes- nial pressure with minimal added sedation.67 Side effects
thetics and opioids appears to be dose related.61,63 The include the potential to produce a headache, dizziness,68
duration of surgery also affects the likelihood of PONV. and a possibility to produce a dystonic/encephalopathic
For each 30-minute increase in duration, the risk of PONV reaction.69
increases by 60% from baseline. However, patient-specific Metoclopramide is a D2 and 5-HT3 antagonist.70 It
factors, including female sex, nonsmoking status, and his- increases gastric motility.71 It can produce dystonic reac-
tory of PONV, may be the most important determinants. A tions, which can include respiratory insufficiency and
validated scoring system based on risk factors includes extrapyramidal symptoms. It is therefore contraindicated
female gender, nonsmoker, history of PONV, and adminis- in patients with Parkinson’s disease.
tration of postoperative opioids, with a corresponding risk Corticosteroids (dexamethasone) have an unclear mech-
of 10% for no risk factors, 20% for one risk factor, 40% anism on decreasing nausea and vomiting, but it is thought
for two, 60% for three, and 80% for four risk factors64 to be related to antiinflammatory effects, a direct effect on
(see Table 1.1). the solitary tract nucleus, interaction with serotonin
Nausea and vomiting after neurosurgery may increase and receptor proteins NK1 and NK2, regulation of the
the risk of systemic hypertension, vagal maneuvers, and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, and reduction of
increased venous postoperative bleeding. Anesthesiology pain and thus the use of opioids.72 Side effects include blood
guidelines to prevent PONV focus on identification of glucose abnormalities and genital pain/burning upon
risk factors, reduction of exacerbating factors, and administration.
1 • Effects of Anesthetics, Operative Pharmacotherapy, and Recovery from Anesthesia 7

Propofol in low doses is an antiemetic of an unclear mech- brain.78,79 Also numerous retrospective studies have
anism. The residual antiemetic properties postoperatively reported an association between hyperglycemia and
make propofol a popular choice or adjunct for an anesthetic adverse outcomes in humans with various types of neuro-
in a patient who is at high risk for nausea and vomiting logical problems.80 Sieber et al. reported that routine elec-
postoperatively.68 tive neurosurgery was associated with levels of
Phenothiazines (promethazine and prochlorperazine) hyperglycemia thought to be high enough to exacerbate
are D2 antagonists with moderate antihistamine and anti- ischemic brain damage.81 Thus the stage was set for needed
cholinergic properties.70 They can produce extrapyramidal prospective randomized studies. In 2001 Van den Berghe
reactions.68 et al. reported on the use of intensive insulin therapy
Phenylethylamine (ephedrine) is a sympathomimetic targeted to tight blood glucose control (target range 80–
agent that has been used as an antiemetic in the obstetrical 110 mg/dL) in critically ill surgical patients. This and
and abdominal surgery populations.73 It does increase subsequent studies from her group resulted in
heart rate and blood pressure. recommendations calling for the widespread use of inten-
Butyrophenones (droperidol, haloperidol) are D2 recep- sive insulin therapy (IIT) in critically ill patients.82 To
tor antagonists.70 They have minimal effect on cerebral address the safety of IIT administered to postoperative neu-
hemodynamics or intracranial pressure and tend to rosurgical patients, tight blood glucose control with IIT
decrease blood pressure. Side effects include mild sedation, resulted in a three-fold increase in the risk of iatrogenic
dysphoria, and extrapyramidal side effects. It is therefore hypoglycemia.83 The Normoglycemia in Intensive Care
contraindicated in patients with Parkinson’s disease and Evaluation-Survival Using Glucose Algorithm Regulation
prolonged QT interval. trial, a large (6104 patients), multicenter, international,
Antihistamines (dimenhydrinate, hydroxyzine) block randomized trial, reported that in adult intensive care unit
histamine receptors in the nucleus of the solitary tract. (ICU) patients, IIT targeted to tight blood glucose control
They can produce some sedation.68 (target range 81–108 mg/dL), compared with conven-
Anticholinergic (transdermal scopolamine) medica- tional glucose control (target <144–180 mg/dL), resulted
tions act centrally and block impulses from vestibular in higher mortality.84
nuclei to higher areas in the central nervous system Optimal glucose management, particularly in patients
and reticular activating system.68,74 The central cholin- with acute brain injury and those undergoing neurosur-
ergic antagonism can lead to delirium, which can be gery, remains a controversial issue. Both hypoglycemia
reversed with physostigmine, a centrally acting cholines- and hyperglycemia appear to result in critical adverse
terase inhibitor. It also can result in mild sedation and effects. Although there may be benefit in controlling hyper-
dizziness. glycemia in neurocritical care and neurosurgical ICU
Neurokinin antagonists (aprepitant) act by blocking the patients,85–87 the actual incidence and impact of hypogly-
binding of substance P (a regulatory neuropeptide) to NK1 cemia remain unknown. This may be due to the fact that
receptors in vagal afferents in the gastrointestinal tract and the temporal relationship to ictus, optimal level of control,
in regions of the central nervous system. Common side and the impact of confounding factors such as stress or ste-
effects include fatigue, headache, and constipation.75 roid administration remains unknown. More information is
In general, combination therapy has superior efficacy needed about the correlation of peripheral glucose levels
compared with monotherapy for PONV prophylaxis, and with intracellular levels in the brain, particularly in the
drugs with different mechanisms of action should be used ischemic or potentially ischemic brain. Current guidelines
in combination to optimize efficacy.76 suggest that hyperglycemic levels above 180 to 200 mg%
Postoperatively, when a prophylactic dose of an antie- warrant insulin therapy.88
metic has failed, a rescue dose should be chosen from The widespread use of glucocorticoids in the neurosur-
another mechanistic class. To repeat a prophylactic dose gical ICU affects optimal glucose management. Glucocor-
in the first 6 hours after administration has not been shown ticoids stabilize the blood–brain barrier and increase
to be effective.77 absorption of cerebrospinal fluid. They are beneficial
when administered in low doses (e.g., 10 mg of dexa-
methasone) in preventing PONV and are commonly used
Effects of Anesthetics and Surgery on in neurosurgery to reduce vasogenic edema in primary
and metastatic tumors. The administration of a single
Postoperative Glycemic Control dose of dexamethasone will, however, increase blood
glucose concentration significantly in both diabetic and
Key Concept nondiabetic patients.89,90

Optimal glucose management, particularly in patients with acute

brain insult, remains a controversial issue because both
hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia appear to result in critical
adverse effects. Clinical Pearl
Although hyperglycemia has negative consequences,
Many preclinical studies conclusively demonstrate the hypoglycemia can be regional in the injured brain and
deleterious effects of hyperglycemia in the ischemic should be avoided.
8 SECTION 1 • Neuroanesthesia and Perioperative Care

Effects of Anesthetics and Surgery The effects of general and/or neuraxial anesthesia may
either balance or exacerbate temperature changes com-
on Temperature Regulation monly observed in brain or spinal cord injury. After brain
injury, hypothalamic dysfunction or stress-induced
Key Concepts immune modulation may result in hypothermia or hyper-
thermia.104 In patients with altered mental status, fever is
• Hypothermia has both deleterious and potentially also commonly due to environmental exposure and
neuroprotective effects when performed intraoperatively and bronchoaspiration. After spinal cord injury, although pro-
postoperatively. longed immobility may present with hyperthermia due to
• Rewarming should be done gradually and with caution to infectious or thrombotic complications, neurogenic vaso-
avoid complications. plegia can be responsible for significant heat loss.105
Fever is clearly associated with worse clinical outcomes
Abnormal body temperature results from an imbalance in patients with neurological injury.106 Although hypo-
between heat loss and heat production. Radiation, conduc- thermia has multiple systemic deleterious side effects, it
tion, convection, and evaporation mechanisms contribute may also have neuroprotective effects in patients with trau-
to heat loss.91 The hypothalamus is responsible, in large matic brain injury (TBI) or massive stroke.107,108 Mild
part, for maintaining core temperature within a normal hypothermia attenuates secondary cerebral insults due to
range (35.0–37.5°C, 95.0–99.5°F).92 It receives afferent intracranial hypertension after TBI.109 In stroke patients,
peripheral input from C (warm) and Aδ (cold) fibers and reg- therapeutic effects of hypothermia are equivocal despite
ulates both heat production (basal metabolic rate, shivering) robust benefits in animal models. In absence of strong evi-
and heat distribution (peripheral vasomotor tone, sweat) via dence from clinical trials, therapeutic hypothermia should
efferent autonomic and endocrine signals.93 Disruption of be considered for treatment of massive stroke with intracra-
afferent or efferent signaling, as well as hypothalamic dys- nial hypertension.110 Unclear benefits of therapeutic hypo-
function, may lead to hypothermia (any core temperature thermia in a clinical setting are due in part to the
below 35°C) or hyperthermia (any core temperature above deleterious effects of rewarming.111 Patients with brain
37.5°C) as measured centrally (pulmonary artery, bladder, or spinal cord injury should be rewarmed carefully before
nasopharynx, lower esophagus, tympanic membrane) or initiation of emergence. As a general rule, the more severe
peripherally (axilla, mouth, rectum). Core temperature is the injury and/or degree of hypothermia, the more progres-
usually higher than peripheral temperature. Core hypother- sive and closely monitored rewarming should be. In all
mia is graded as mild (32–35.0°C, 90–95.0°F), moderate cases of brain or spinal cord injury, hyperthermia should
(28–32°C, 82–90°F), severe (20–28°C, 68–82°F), or pro- be avoided, as it is clearly deleterious.112
found (less than 20°C, 68°F). Severe hyperthermia (any core
temperature above 40.0°C, 104.0°F) is sometimes referred
to as hyperpyrexia.94 Clinical Pearl
Whereas hypothermia is frequently observed following
administration of general anesthesia, the onset of hyper- Hypothermia is common during and after surgery and may
be neuroprotective in some cases, but hyperthermia is clearly
thermia is rare but should prompt immediate investigation
deleterious and should be avoided.
because it may be the expression of anaphylaxis or abnor-
mal drug reaction.95 Malignant hyperthermia is most con-
cerning and potentially lethal, but quite rare. Most general
anesthetic drugs affect both peripheral vasomotor tone and Effects of Anesthetics and Surgery
hypothalamic function but preserve sweat mechanisms on Pain and Pain Control
and afferent hypothalamic input.96 Initially after induction
of general anesthesia, heat loss is accelerated due to redis-
tribution of blood flow to peripheral tissues. Skin warming Key Concepts
before induction attenuates this phenomenon by reducing
the thermic gradient between the central and peripheral • Multimodal analgesia, including acetaminophen, nonsteroidal
compartments.97 Drugs such as ketamine98 and midazo- antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), local anesthetics,
lam,99 as well as nitrous oxide100 may help preserve vaso- gabapentinoids, ketamine, and opioids, should be considered
in chronic pain patients or patients at risk of developing
motor tone and decrease heat loss. During maintenance of
chronic pain.
general anesthesia, the hypothalamic temperature set • Whenever necessary, collaboration with a pain specialist
point gets readjusted to a lower temperature due to drug- should be considered.
related effects. Inhibition of shivering by muscle relaxants
further decreases heat production.101 During neuraxial
anesthesia, the combination of sympatholytic vasoplegia Up to two-thirds of patients suffer from postoperative pain
and altered afferent signaling leads to hypothermia from after craniotomy.113 Compared with supratentorial proce-
accelerated heat loss and abnormal elevation in apparent dures, patients undergoing infratentorial craniotomy report
temperature, respectively.102 Under such circumstances, more severe pain scores. Such poor outcomes are at least in
skin warming may fail to prevent hypothermia.103 Heat part due to avoidance or underutilization of opioids to reduce
loss is also exacerbated by the frequent administration of the sedation associated with their use. They also result from
hypnotic drugs to produce sedation in combination with a presumed lack of need for analgesics, as well as difficulties
neuraxial anesthesia. in assessing pain during recovery from brain surgery.
1 • Effects of Anesthetics, Operative Pharmacotherapy, and Recovery from Anesthesia 9

Pain after spine surgery represents a particularly difficult decreasing opioid consumption without increasing the risk
challenge. These patients often have chronic pain, signifi- of aberrant excitatory cortical, hippocampal, and limbic
cant disability, and psychological distress, and many have hallucinogenic activity observed at higher dosages.
had prior neurosurgery.114 The challenge in managing Although the use of ketamine during craniotomy remains
pain after spine surgery resides in treating patients with very controversial, there is preliminary clinical evidence
multiple predictors of severe postoperative pain and analge- indicating ketamine may be beneficial in sedated, ventilated
sic consumption.115 Factors clearly associated with difficult patients with severe traumatic brain injury.130 It should be
postoperative pain management include chronic pain inde- considered for patients with chronic pain and opioid depen-
pendent of opioid tolerance, significant disability with psy- dence undergoing spine surgery.131
chological distress, major surgery, or reoperation after Gabapentinoids, such as gabapentin and pregabalin, are
failed surgery.114 In the presence of such risk factors, the oral anticonvulsant drugs. They block calcium channels,
perioperative analgesic plan should be made and adjusted which are upregulated in dorsal root ganglia and contrib-
in collaboration with a pain specialist. ute to neuropathic pain symptoms (hyperalgesia, allody-
Opioids remain the mainstay of analgesia after neurosur- nia) after nerve injury. A heterogeneous body of clinical
gical procedures. Although most share common pharma- studies shows they may also have antinociceptive, opioid-
codynamical properties (μ receptor agonism), their sparing, and anxiolytic properties.128 Their use as analge-
pharmacokinetic profiles tend to differ significantly.116 sic premedication before craniotomy is very controversial
Whenever rapid neurological recovery from anesthetic due to a high incidence of dizziness and sedation, most com-
effect is required, drugs with shorter half-lives are usually monly in the elderly and/or in patients with renal dysfunc-
favored. Unless complemented with other nonopioid anal- tion.132 Gabapentinoids appear to be most beneficial in
gesics, use of such short-acting drugs may result in subop- patients undergoing major spine surgery; however, timing
timal postoperative analgesia. Alternatively, drugs with and optimal dosage remain unclear.133
longer half-lives may be preferred to optimize analgesia dur- Finally, postoperative pain may also be attenuated using
ing emergence and recovery whenever pain management is local anesthetics to reduce transmission of the nociceptive
anticipated to be problematic. Opioid-induced side effects signal from the peripheral to the central nervous system.
include respiratory depression, sedation, and prolonged During craniotomy, regional scalp block using lidocaine,
immobilization. Perioperative analgesia should be managed bupivacaine, or ropivacaine before incision has been shown
in collaboration with a pain specialist in presence of respira- to reduce postoperative pain and opioid consumption.
tory risk factors such as obesity, sleep apnea, or obstructive Addition of low-dose epinephrine to the local anesthetic
or restrictive lung disease. Nausea, vomiting, constipation, solution may help prolong duration of the block without
and slow gastric emptying with delayed enteral nutrition systemic hemodynamic effects.134 Local anesthetics may
may also complicate their use.117 Prolonged duration of also be administered in the epidural space or intravenously
high opioid plasma levels has been associated with increas- in patients undergoing major spine surgery. Combined epi-
ing sensitivity to noxious stimuli (opioid-induced hyperalge- dural/general anesthesia with postoperative epidural anal-
sia)118 and immunosuppression.119 In order to reduce the gesia may produce better pain control and a lower surgical
incidence and severity of opioid-induced side effects, modern stress response than general anesthesia with postoperative
analgesic management relies on a multimodal approach that systemic opioid analgesia. However, patients with epidural
combines opioids with coanalgesics.120 catheters should be carefully monitored and referred to a
Acetaminophen may be used as an adjunctive to treat pain specialist postoperatively due to the potential signifi-
mild to moderate postoperative pain. In patients with fever, cant side effects of sympathetic blockade.135 Alternatively,
it may also induce a significant decrease in temperature perioperative IV administration of lidocaine may improve
within 15 minutes. Compared with the oral or rectal routes, postoperative pain management after complex spine proce-
IV acetaminophen may be beneficial. However, due to the dures. The evidence supporting this strategy remains lim-
relatively high cost of the IV formulation, physicians ited; further research is needed to confirm preliminary
remain hesitant to use it.121 results, demonstrate safety, and clarify dosage.136
The use of NSAIDs such as ketorolac after neurosurgical
procedures remains controversial. On one hand, ketorolac
is a nonsedating drug with potent analgesic activity that Effects of Anesthetics and Surgery
has been demonstrated to reduce postoperative opioid
requirements.122 On the other hand, ketorolac has an inhib- on Consciousness and Cognition
itory effect on both platelet function123 and bone
formation,124 a key determinant for the success of spinal Key Concepts
fusion procedures. In the absence of strong clinical evidence,
ketorolac should be used cautiously, if at all, after intracra- • Postoperative delirium (POD) and postoperative cognitive
nial surgery125 or spinal fusion procedures.126 In addition, decline (POCD) are frequently encountered in the elderly after
NSAIDs should be avoided in patients with, or at risk for, surgery.
renal dysfunction and gastrointestinal bleeding.127 • Management should rely on early identification of patients at
Ketamine has potent antinociceptive effects in the spinal risk and avoidance of any disruption of cerebral physiology
cord at subanesthetic concentrations.128 It may also have until the mechanisms leading to POD and POCD are
beneficial antiinflammatory effects.129 The combination of elucidated.
a low-dose bolus (0.1–0.5 mg/kg preferably administered • Treatment can include reduction of psychological and
physiological perioperative stress and use of
before incision) and a continuous infusion (2–5 mcg/kg/ dexmedetomidine and antipsychotics.
min) may improve postoperative pain management while
10 SECTION 1 • Neuroanesthesia and Perioperative Care

POD and POCD are two distinct forms of brain dysfunc- Table 1.2 Predisposing and Precipitating Factors
tion that are frequently encountered mostly in the elderly for Postoperative Delirium
after major surgery.137 Although it is unclear whether both
disorders share common pathophysiological mechanisms, Predisposing factors Precipitating factors
they have clearly been associated with an increased Reduced cognitive reserve Polymedication
risk of complications leading to longer hospital stays, (advanced age, cognitive Drugs affecting the central nervous
significantly higher costs, and higher mortality rates.138 impairment) system
Rapid, often fluctuant alterations of consciousness are Sensory impairment Pain
the hallmark of POD. Psychomotor changes (agitation or, (visual, auditory) Urinary obstruction/catheterization
more commonly, hypoactivity) and acute cognitive distur- Frailty Hypoxemia
bances are other important signs frequently observed (malnutrition, dehydration) Hypotension
alongside an abnormal sleep/wake cycle or disturbed
visual/auditory perception. POD typically presents 1 to Substance dependence Infection
(alcohol, drugs) Electrolyte abnormalities
3 days after surgery; it may persist for several days to
weeks. Several diagnostic scales using Diagnostic and Statis- Severe illness with organ Environmental changes
tical Manual of Mental Disorders criteria are available for use dysfunction
in multiple settings, including the ICU.139 In some situa- Apolipoprotein E4 genotype Sleep/wake disturbances
tions of an apparent hypoactive cognitive state, consider-
ation should be given to nonconvulsive seizures, which
have been reported in up to 19% of ICU patients.140
POCD has a subtler, subacute presentation dominated by
memory loss and executive dysfunction leading to inability been shown to increase the risk of POD irrespective of
to perform simple activities of daily living. POCD usually dose or duration of administration, dexmedetomidine
presents weeks to months after surgery; it may be only may be advantageous and should be considered for seda-
partially reversible over a period of several months. The tion or as a complement for general anesthesia in patients
diagnosis of POCD must be confirmed by the results of a at risk.147 Interestingly, recent evidence indicates excessive
time-consuming battery of neurocognitive tests, adminis- depth of anesthesia, as measured with electroencephalog-
tered by trained personnel, showing significant decline raphy, may correlate with a higher risk of both POD and
from baseline evaluation.141 Education and awareness of POCD.148
POCD are of considerable importance because many Anticholinergic drugs used for reversal of muscle paral-
patients and their families may not be aware of the poten- ysis have been suspected to contribute to the development
tial scope of this disease. of POD and POCD; however, recent reports have failed to
Because the stress response to surgery appears to play a confirm this hypothesis.149 Antipsychotic medications
central role in development of postoperative brain dysfunc- have been successfully used for prevention and treatment
tion, strategies aimed at reducing tissue injury and/or lim- of hyperactive POD. The precise underlying mechanism
iting its impact on the brain may be beneficial. Minimally remains unclear; some authors suggest it may convert
invasive surgical techniques are associated with lower rates hyperactive episodes of POD into hypoactive ones without
of POD.142 Their role in decreasing the risk of POCD resolving the issue.150 In absence of a reversible cause for
remains unclear. Similarly, effective attenuation of the brain dysfunction, they may be administered cautiously.
pain-induced stress response using a multimodal, opioid- Atypical antipsychotics such as risperidone or olanzapine
sparing analgesic strategy may be beneficial during have a better side effect profile but are available for oral
and after surgery.143 Other neuroprotective strategies tar- administration only. Alternatively, haloperidol may be
geting the perioperative inflammatory activation or the administered intravenously or intramuscularly.151
neuroendocrine response are being investigated.144
Finally, reduction of psychological perioperative stress
using reassurance, orientation, and maintenance of sen- Clinical Pearl
sory input from visual or auditory aids has been shown
to be as efficient as, if not more than, other strategies.145 Management of POD and POCD should focus on early
identification of patients at risk and minimizing disruption of
Clearly, management should rely on early identification
cerebral physiology.
of patients at risk (Table 1.2) and avoidance of any disrup-
tion of cerebral physiology until the mechanisms leading to
POD and POCD are elucidated. Patient management rely-
ing on a multimodal, multidisciplinary strategy is most suc- Summary
cessful when initiated before surgery and continued
postoperatively.146 Overall, conditions associated with The effects of anesthetics, agents given during surgery, and
insufficient cerebral oxygen or energy delivery (hypoxemia, surgery itself can have an effect on the recovering patient.
anemia, hypotension, hypoglycemia, stroke), excessive Patients who are at an increased risk for postoperative
cerebral metabolism (hyperthermia, seizure activity, sub- respiratory dysfunction, PONV, hyperglycemia, hypother-
stance withdrawal), and any acute homeostatic imbalance mia, pain, and cognitive dysfunction should be identified
(renal or hepatic dysfunction, drug toxicity, systemic by preoperative risk factors, and the postoperative manage-
inflammation) should be identified as early as possible ment should take into consideration the intraoperative
and treated promptly. Whereas most hypnotic drugs have course and management.
1 • Effects of Anesthetics, Operative Pharmacotherapy, and Recovery from Anesthesia 11

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2 Patient Positioning for
Neurosurgical Procedures

• Temporary disconnection of the patient’s monitors, lines, and

Introduction ventilator may be necessary during positioning and when
turning the head of the bed; this should be done efficiently
Perhaps more so than in any other surgical specialty, and with the coordination of the operating room staff.
patient positioning is a critical component of neurosurgical
procedures. Whereas most other surgeries are performed in
the supine position with little input or assistance from the The general goals of patient positioning for neurosurgical
anesthesiologist, positioning for neurosurgical procedures procedures are to provide optimal surgical exposure while
requires cooperation between the surgeon, anesthesiolo- maintaining patient safety. Positioning the patient is an
gist, and nursing staff. important component of the neurosurgical procedure,
Correct patient positioning is essential to ensure ade- and this step is perhaps more critical than in any other
quate surgical access, surgeon comfort, and minimal risk specialty. Whereas positioning for most other surgical spe-
for patient injury. There are several positions commonly cialties usually involves little input by anesthesiologists,
employed for neurosurgical procedures. It is essential that positioning the patient for neurosurgical procedures should
all operating room personnel have a comprehensive be a collaborative effort between the surgical, anesthesia,
understanding of the various positions employed for neu- and nursing staff.1 Especially in long surgeries, poor posi-
rosurgical procedures, as well as the unique risks and pos- tioning may result in significant comorbidity secondary
sible postoperative implications associated with that to direct effects of positioning or indirect effects related to
position. suboptimal anatomical orientation.
The four major positions utilized for neurosurgical proce- Many patient positions have unique associated risks,
dures include the supine, lateral, prone, and sitting posi- which must be appreciated by the surgical, nursing, and
tions. Patients should be carefully evaluated prior to anesthesia staff.2 The risks of a particular position must be
surgery, and the benefits of a particular position as they weighed against the benefits of surgical access and comfort.
pertain to surgical access and comfort for the surgeon The patient should be thoroughly evaluated in the preoper-
should be weighed against the specific risks. ative clinic, and the optimal position should be considered
Each step of positioning the patient should be a cooper- and planned at that time. The operating room nurses and
ative effort and should be accomplished in an efficient anesthesiologist should be notified as early as possible about
and safe manner. Communication is vital to minimize the planned patient position so they can prepare all neces-
patient risk. Care and diligence should be taken when fixing sary equipment. The anesthesiologist should be able to
the patient’s head in a stereotaxic frame, positioning the anticipate potential complications associated with the
head and neck, and positioning the patient’s body. The planned position and be prepared to treat accordingly.
general principles of patient positioning are discussed at The basic principles of patient positioning with regard to
length in the literature. In this chapter, we will focus our appropriate padding and positioning the extremities should
discussion on the specific considerations that pertain to be based on the American Society of Anesthesiologists
positioning patients for neurosurgical procedures. Practice Advisory for the Prevention of Perioperative
Peripheral Neuropathies3 (Table 2.1). The patient’s eyes
should be taped after induction of general anesthesia,
General Principles and eye lubrication should be considered for long proce-
dures. The arms should be maintained in a neutral position,
with arm abduction limited to 90 degrees. The bony prom-
Key Concepts inences of the extremities should be padded well to prevent
compression and breakdown of the skin, as well as periph-
• Positioning the patient is an important part of the eral neuropathies.
neurosurgical procedure and should be planned during the After induction of general anesthesia and placement of
preoperative evaluation. arterial and venous lines, the operating room table is typi-
• Positioning the extremities should be done under the
cally rotated 90 degrees or 180 degrees away from the
guidelines of the American Society of Anesthesiologists
Practice Advisory for the Prevention of Perioperative anesthesiologist. For a brief period, the patients may be dis-
Peripheral Neuropathies. connected from the monitoring devices, vascular lines, and
ventilation circuit. This requires careful coordination

16 SECTION 1 • Neuroanesthesia and Perioperative Care

Table 2.1 Positioning Strategies of the Upper and Lower HEAD FIXATION
Extremities to Reduce the Risk of Perioperative Peripheral Fixing the head in a stereotaxic Mayfield frame is com-
monly done prior to neurosurgical procedures. Placing
A. UPPER EXTREMITY the stereotaxic frame requires the placement of 3–4 exter-
nal pins on the patient’s scalp at a pressure of 60–80
Positioning Strategy
pounds per square inch (psi). Head pinning has a pro-
BRACHIAL PLEXUS Arm abduction should not exceed 90 foundly stimulating effect, similar to that of a surgical inci-
NEUROPATHY degrees sion. If not properly anticipated and treated, pinning can
ULNAR NEUROPATHY Avoid pronation of the hands or result in a large catecholamine release and associated
(ELBOW) forearms hypertension and tachycardia. Furthermore, if the patient’s
RADIAL NEUROPATHY Avoid pressure in the spiral groove of
head moves after being fixed in the stereotaxic frame, this
(ARM) the humerus from prolonged contact can result in significant lacerations to the patient’s scalp or
with a hard surface cervical spine injury.
The severe hypertension that results from head pinning
MEDIAN NEUROPATHY Avoid extending the elbow beyond
(ELBOW) what is comfortable for the patient may result in exacerbation of cerebral edema or hemor-
during the preoperative examination rhage at the surgical site or, rarely, at another intracranial
site remote from the surgical area.4,5 If the hemorrhage is
large enough, it may require surgical evacuation. Worsen-
Positioning Strategy ing edema due to fixation-related hypertension may com-
promise exposure during an intracranial procedure. It is
SCIATIC NEUROPATHY Avoid stretching the hamstring muscle
beyond what is comfortable for the therefore very important to anticipate the sequelae of head
patient during the preoperative pinning, ensure adequate pain control, and maintain the
examination blood pressure within the normal range. This is especially
Avoid extreme hip flexion important for patients with vascular lesions in the brain
(such as arteriovenous malformations or cerebral aneu-
PERONEAL Avoid pressure near the fibular head rysm), known coagulation disorders or on anticoagulants,
NEUROPATHY from contact with a hard surface or rigid
and disrupted blood–brain barrier function. Blood pressure
should be frequently monitored, preferably with an arterial
Adapted from the American Society of Anesthesiologists Practice Advisory for line, during head pinning.
the Prevention of Perioperative Peripheral Neuropathies. Anesthesiology. Patients with chronically uncontrolled hypertension are
2011 Apr;114(4):741–54.
at particularly high risk of severe hypertension during pin-
ning. Head fixation requires constant communication
between the surgery and anesthesia team to ensure patient between the surgical and anesthesia teams, and the hemo-
safety, and the patient should be reconnected to the venti- dynamic responses associated with head pinning should be
lator and monitors in a timely manner. anticipated and preemptively treated. Prior to head pinning
in both the awake and anesthetized patient, the patient’s
scalp should be infiltrated with local anesthetic.6 The anes-
Clinical Pearl thesia should be deepened, and when appropriate, muscle
relaxation should be administered to anesthetized patients.
Rotating the bed 90 to 180 degrees often necessitates that When one plans to administer an opioid infusion during the
monitors, vascular lines, and ventilation circuit be neurosurgical procedure, it should ideally be started prior
disconnected from the patient; this is a moment of risk and to head pinning to further blunt the response to pinning.
should be accomplished efficiently and with the cooperation It is important to note that the hemodynamic response
of the surgical and anesthesia teams.
from pinning is typically short lived, and after the patient’s
head is fixed, the stereotaxic frame is no longer stimulating.
For this reason, a bolus of a short-acting opioid (such as
Head Fixation and Positioning remifentanil 1 mcg/kg), with or without propofol, may be
advantageous over large doses of propofol or volatile anes-
thetics that may result in profound hypotension after the
Key Concepts head is fixed.
Fixing the head in the Mayfield frame is associated with
• Fixing the head with pins in a Mayfield frame is profoundly
stimulating, and severe hypertension and tachycardia can
several additional complications.7 In children or adults
ensue if not anticipated and pharmacologically prevented. with thin skulls, the use of excessive force may cause a
• Positioning the head and neck is one of the most important depressed skull fracture. Occasionally, the fracture may
considerations when positioning patients for neurosurgical be so severe that it results in a poor outcome. Similarly,
procedures, and proper positioning ensures optimal surgical in trauma patients with a known or suspected skull frac-
approach and exposure. ture, fixing the head should be done with extreme caution.
• To facilitate venous and lymphatic drainage and minimize the In the immediate postoperative period, the clinician
chance of endotracheal tube kink when the neck is flexed, a should be cognizant of potential complications related to
distance of at least 2–3 fingerbreadths must be maintained head pinning (Table 2.2). When the pins are removed at
between the mandibular protuberance and the manubrium of
the end of the procedure, bleeding is common at the pin
the sternum at all times.
sites. Typically, a pressure dressing with gauze is sufficient
2 • Patient Positioning for Neurosurgical Procedures 17

Table 2.2 Postoperative Complications That May Result from compression of the vertebral arteries, resulting in cerebral
Neurosurgery in the Various Positions ischemia, and difficulties in oxygenation and ventilation.
It is therefore recommended that a distance of at least
Risk Factor Postoperative Complications 2–3 fingerbreadths be maintained between the mandibular
Head Pinning ■ Bleeding at the pin sites protuberance and the manubrium of the sternum at all
■ VAE times. Furthermore, the surgical and anesthesia team
Head and Neck ■ Neck discomfort or pain
should be cognizant to avoid a position that maintains pres-
Positioning ■ Brachial plexus injury sure on the patient’s chin, which can result in skin break-
■ Postoperative airway obstruction from down or pressure necrosis.
inadequate cerebral venous or lymphatic Complications related to head and neck positioning
drainage might present in the immediate postoperative period6
■ Cervical spine ischemia and quadriplegia
from vertebral or carotid artery obstruction (Table 2.2). Excess strain of the neck may cause brachial
plexus injury or postoperative discomfort or pain. Skin
Supine Position ■ Lower back pain and peripheral breakdown or pressure necrosis may result from prolonged
neuropathies (especially ulnar) from
inadequate padding of pressure points pressure on the patient’s chin. Swelling of the neck and air-
■ Complications related to neck rotation or way from inadequate cerebral venous or lymphatic drain-
flexion (see earlier) age may result in postoperative airway obstruction.
Lateral Position ■ Brachial plexus injury from axillary artery
Furthermore, if the vertebral or carotid arteries were
compression obstructed during surgery for a prolonged period, cervical
■ Pressure and stretch palsies (especially spine ischemia and quadriplegia may ensue.
peroneal nerve and lateral femoral
cutaneous nerve injury due to improper
positioning of the lower extremities)
Prone position ■ Postoperative blindness (most commonly
Body Positioning
due to OIN)
■ Pressure sores
■ Brachial plexus injuries Key Concepts
■ Vascular compression with subsequent
quadriplegia • The supine position is the easiest, most common position
used for neurosurgical procedures and does not require any
Sitting position ■ Pneumocephalus special equipment.
■ Quadriplegia (due to cervical spine ischemia
• Risks of neurosurgical procedures in the lateral position
from extreme head and neck flexion)
■ Pressor support and mechanical ventilation include kinking of the jugular vein and brachial plexus injury,
for severe VAE peripheral nerve injury, and ventilation-perfusion mismatch.
• Turning a patient prone may necessitate being disconnected
OIN, optic ischemic neuropathy; VAE, venous air embolism. from monitors, vascular lines, and the ventilator and should be
done carefully but efficiently.
• VAE is a potentially catastrophic complication that can occur
to stop the bleeding. Occasionally, the holes may require in the sitting position, and the risk-to-benefit ratio of
closure with sutures or staples. Furthermore, the removal performing procedures in this position has been heavily
of the pins may increase the risk of venous air embolism debated.
(VAE). For procedures in the sitting position, where the risk
of VAE is highest, the placement of antibiotic ointment on
Neurosurgical procedures are generally performed with
the pins is advocated to prevent VAE.6
the patient in the supine, lateral, prone, or sitting position
or in a variation of one of these positions. Each of these
HEAD AND NECK POSITIONING positions has unique associated benefits and risks that
should be considered in the preoperative assessment
The positioning of the head and neck is one of the most
(Table 2.3). A comprehensive understanding of the risks
important aspects of patient positioning for neurosurgical
associated with each of these positions is essential for
procedures8 because the orientation of the head provides
ensuring patient safety during the neurosurgical proce-
the neurosurgeon with the appropriate surgical approach
dure. Especially after long procedures, an incorrectly posi-
and exposure. There are a few basic principles of positioning
tioned patient may be at increased risk of postoperative
the head and neck that are important to consider, and vig-
ilance on the part of the surgeon and anesthesiologist are
vital in preventing complications. First, the patient’s neck
mobility and stability should be assessed prior to surgery SUPINE POSITION
and should dictate the extent of intraoperative head and
neck positioning. If a patient reports neurological symptoms The supine position is the most common position employed
associated with neck mobility, one should avoid or minimize for neurosurgical procedures.8 The supine position is easily
hyperflexion, hyperextension, lateral flexion, or rotation.6 achieved and is arguably associated with the lowest risk of
Extreme hyperflexion of the neck may result in obstruc- complications. Moreover, the supine position does not
tion of venous and lymphatic drainage from the head, require any special equipment.
resulting in tongue and face swelling, and increased intra- For patients in the supine position, special attention
cranial pressure. Extreme hyperflexion can also cause should be paid to the extremities. The arms are typically
18 SECTION 1 • Neuroanesthesia and Perioperative Care

Table 2.3 Advantages and Risks Associated with the Four Primary Patient Positions Employed in Neurosurgical Procedures
Advantages Risks

SUPINE ■ Simplest position ■ Peripheral neuropathies

■ Does not require any special equipment ■ Lower back injury
■ Lowest risk of complications ■ May require moderate neck rotation and shoulder traction,
■ Access to patient’s airway which can result in kinking of the internal jugular vein or
brachial plexus injury

LATERAL ■ Best surgical access for temporal lobe ■ Kinking of the jugular vein and brachial plexus injury
■ Three-quarter prone position allows for access to the posterior ■ Peripheral nerve injury
cranial fossa with less risk of venous air embolism and increased ■ Ventilation/perfusion mismatch
surgeon comfort (compared with the sitting position) ■ Fluid accumulation in the dependent lung

PRONE ■ Best surgical access to the suboccipital region or posterior spine ■ Typically necessitates disconnection from monitors, vascular
■ Low risk of venous air embolism compared with the sitting position lines, and ventilator
■ Potential injury when turning prone
■ Decreased pulmonary compliance with increased peak
airway pressure
■ Increased intracranial pressure
■ Poor airway access
■ If arms are tucked at the patient’s sides, vascular access may
be lost
■ Postoperative blindness

SITTING ■ Best surgical access for posterior cranial fossa ■ Significant hypotension and reduced cerebral perfusion
■ Reduced tissue retraction results in improved exposure and pressure
reduced risk of cranial nerve damage ■ Highest risk of venous air embolism (compared with other
■ Improved cerebrospinal fluid drainage, resulting in reduced positions)
intracranial pressure ■ Many clinicians advocate for screening for a patent foramen
■ Improved cerebral venous drainage, resulting in potentially ovale
reduced surgical blood loss
■ Good airway access

placed neutrally at the patient’s sides and are often tucked,

making them poorly accessible during the procedure. Prior
Clinical Pearl
to sterile draping, the anesthesiologist should confirm that
For intracranial procedures in the supine position, head
the arterial and venous lines are functioning well. Pressure elevation or reverse Trendelenburg up to 30 degrees may
points should be padded well, according to the recommen- facilitate venous return and decrease intracranial pressure,
dations of the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task but may reduce cerebral perfusion pressure by decreasing
Force on Prevention of Perioperative Peripheral Neuropa- hydrostatic pressure at the cranial and cardiac levels.
thies.3 In the supine position, the ulnar nerve and lower
back are particularly vulnerable to injury. The arms should
be supinated and padded, and knees should be elevated The biggest risk associated with the supine position is
with pillows to relieve pressure from the lower back. that it often requires moderate neck rotation to achieve
Due to the low pressure in the venous system, venous optimal surgical conditions.6 Neck rotation is typically
return to the heart is highly dependent on the patient’s achieved by elevating the ipsilateral shoulder with a rolled
position. The effects of gravity on venous drainage are min- blanket or pillow.12 Neck rotation can be especially prob-
imal in the supine position. For intracranial procedures, lematic in elderly patients, in whom kinking of the internal
head elevation or reverse Trendelenburg position up to jugular vein or arteries in the neck may occur. Addition-
30 degrees is often recommended to facilitate venous ally, if there is excessive traction on the shoulder, the bra-
return, decrease intracranial pressure, and improve cere- chial plexus can be stretched and injured.
bral perfusion pressure.9,10 However, some studies suggest Postoperative complications that result from the supine
that the reverse Trendelenburg position may actually position are rare (Table 2.2). Lower back pain and periph-
reduce cerebral perfusion pressure by decreasing the hydro- eral neuropathies (especially the ulnar nerve) may result
static pressure at both the cranial and cardiac level.11 Fur- from inadequate padding of pressure points. Most complica-
thermore, the head-up position decreases intrathoracic tions that result from the supine position are related to head
pressure and improves respiratory mechanics during rotation or flexion.
mechanical ventilation. It should be noted that the degree
of head elevation determines the height of the surgical site
relative to the level of the heart. As such, the degree of head
elevation determines the relative risk of VAE. The sitting The lateral position (Fig. 2.1) provides the best access for
position, which results in the maximum difference in height surgery on the temporal lobe and can be useful for surgery
between the surgical site and the heart, confers the highest on the lateral skull base, posterior fossa, or lateral subocci-
risk of VAE. pital area.6,8 In the supine position, the patient’s head and
2 • Patient Positioning for Neurosurgical Procedures 19

dependent arm is placed on a padded armrest. The nonde-

pendent arm is placed on a padded, raised armrest that is
secured to the operating room table in front of the patient.
The nondependent shoulder is slightly abducted, and the
elbow is minimally flexed. A beanbag or some other support
mechanism is used to secure the patient’s torso in the lat-
eral position.
When placed in the lateral position, special attention
should be given to positioning the patient’s dependent
arm.6 Perhaps the most important feature of the lateral posi-
tion is the proper placement of the axillary roll to prevent
brachial plexus compression or pressure on the dependent
shoulder. The axillary roll should be placed under the upper
part of the chest rather than the axilla. Incorrect placement
of the axillary roll can actually cause, instead of prevent,
injury to the brachial plexus.12 The patient’s head should
be fixed and adequately supported to prevent any injury
to the cervical spine. A pillow should be placed between legs,
and the dependent knee should be flexed to avoid compres-
sion over the fibular head and peroneal nerve. Care should
also be taken to avoid extreme flexion of the neck, which is
sometimes necessary in the lateral position. Extreme flexion
A can result in kinking of the jugular vein, delayed face swell-
ing, and brachial plexopathy.13

Clinical Pearl
When placing patients in the lateral position, one should be
especially careful to place an axillary roll under the upper
part of the chest to prevent brachial plexus injury.

Due to gravitational forces, perfusion is best in the depen-

dent part the lungs (West zone 3), where vascular pressure
exceeds alveolar pressure. In the anesthetized, mechani-
cally ventilated patient, the lung areas 18 cm above the
bed are poorly perfused but receive the largest inspired vol-
umes. In the lateral position, there is a worsening mismatch
between ventilation and perfusion.14 Furthermore, if a
large volume of fluid is administered to the patient, the fluid
B may accumulate in the dependent lung over time. If this
Fig. 2.1 Lateral position. (A) Dependent arm is hung under the occurs, peak airway pressures may increase, and ade-
operating table; an upper arm is placed on the arm board. (B) Depen- quately ventilating and oxygenating the patient may prove
dent arm is positioned on the operating table and an arm board; difficult. Indeed, the increased airway pressures can
an upper arm is placed over the trunk on the pillow. (Adapted from become so pronounced that adding positive end-expiratory
Goodkin R, Mesiwala A. General principles of operative positioning.
In: Winn RH, ed. Youmans Neurological Surgery, 5th ed. Philadelphia: pressure in response to hypoxemia may encourage
Saunders; 2004; with permission.) increased blood flow to the dependent lung, resulting in
worsened hypoxemia.
The park bench position is a modification of the lateral
body can approach the lateral position when a shoulder position (Fig. 2.2) and is used to allow access to the poste-
bolster is used and the head is turned. A true lateral posi- rior fossa without need for the sitting position.8,12 In this
tion, however, requires that the patient’s hips be perpendic- position, the patient is placed superiorly enough on the
ular to the floor. The risks associated with the lateral operating table that the dependent arm, which is slightly
approach include kinking of the jugular vein and brachial flexed, can hang over the edge of the bed. The dependent
plexus injury, peripheral nerve injury, and mismatch in arm is then secured with a sling. The patient’s neck is
ventilation and perfusion. flexed toward the floor, and the head is rotated toward
The lateral position is achieved by first inducing general the floor. Patients in the park bench position are particu-
anesthesia with the patient lying supine on the operating larly susceptible to venous stasis and deep vein thrombo-
room table. The patient is rolled laterally, an axillary roll sis.7 Compression boots should be used when feasible
is placed under the patient’s upper chest to minimize com- and should be applied when the patient enters the
pression of important structures in the upper arm, and the operating room.
20 SECTION 1 • Neuroanesthesia and Perioperative Care

The three-quarter prone position (Fig. 2.2) is similar to

the prone position in many ways and may be utilized to
access the parietooccipital cranial region and posterior cra-
nial fossa. The three-quarter prone position offers several
advantages over the sitting position. Even though the head
is above the level of the heart, there is a lower risk of VAE
compared with the sitting position. Furthermore, the three-
quarter prone position offers more comfort for the surgeon,
with decreased fatigue of the surgeon’s arms and
Postoperative complications that result from surgery in
the lateral position include brachial plexus injury due to
axillary artery compression, pressure palsies, and stretch
injuries6 (Table 2.2). In particular, symptoms related to
peroneal nerve injury and lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
injury might result from improper positioning of the lower

Fig. 2.2 Three-quarters (lateral oblique) positioning. The principles
of three-quarter positioning resemble those for the lateral position, but The prone position is often preferred for surgical access to
the head may be placed on the table or in pins, and the dependent the suboccipital region or posterior spine.12 A variety of
(lower) arm may be placed behind the body or in a sling below the face prone configurations and support frames are used
for a so-called park bench modification. If a suboccipital approach is
required, the nondependent (upper) shoulder may need to be taped (Fig. 2.3). Prior to turning the patient prone, the patient
down toward the foot. However, this can cause additional stretching is typically induced under general anesthesia on the hospi-
of the brachial plexus with associated risk of postoperative neuropa- tal bed in the supine position. Venous and arterial access is
thy. (Adapted from Goodkin R, Mesiwala A. General principles of oper- established, and the bladder is catheterized. The head is
ative positioning. In: Winn RH, ed. Youmans Neurological Surgery, 5th ed.
Philadelphia: Saunders; 2004; with permission.)
then fixed in the Mayfield frame (for intracranial and cervi-
cal spine procedures), and the patient is subsequently



Fig. 2.3 Examples of positioning frames for spinal surgery designed to minimize vertebral venous distension: (A) Tuck position; (B) Canadian frame;
(C) Relton Hall type frame; (D) Andrews frame; (E) Wilson frame. (Adapted from Schonauer C, Bocchetti A, Barbagallo G, Albanese V, Moraci A. Posi-
tioning on surgical table. European Spine Journal. 2004;13(Suppl. 1):S50–S5.)
2 • Patient Positioning for Neurosurgical Procedures 21

turned onto the operating room table. Alternatively, special cerebral perfusion pressure. Compared with the sitting posi-
operating tables (such as the RotoProne) have the ability to tion, surgery in the prone position may provide excellent
rotate the patient prone without having to transfer the posterior access with a significantly lower risk of VAE.
patient to a different bed.
Turning the patient prone should be done with extreme
caution and with the coordination of several staff members. Clinical Pearl
The surgeon, not the anesthesiologist, should be responsi-
ble for controlling the head and spine during the turn as the The most common risk factors associated with postoperative
anesthesiologist ensures security of the endotracheal tube. visual loss include the prone position, length of surgery over
The surgeon must be especially careful to maintain the 6 hours, intraoperative hypotension, and significant
blood loss.
head in a stable and neutral position during the turn to pre-
vent any spinal injury. Turning the patient prone may
require that the patient be disconnected from the ventilator
circuit and monitors, causing a brief temporary period of no Postoperative visual loss is a rare but devastating com-
monitoring or ventilation. During the turn, special care plication after surgery in the prone position (Table 2.2).
must be made to monitor all lines, urinary catheter, and The incidence and mechanism of visual loss are poorly
endotracheal tube. There must be cooperation between understood.17 The four causes of postoperative visual loss
the surgical and anesthesia team to ensure that the patient include ischemic optic neuropathy (most common cause,
is efficiently turned and reconnected to the ventilator and accounting for approximately 89% of cases of postopera-
monitors in a timely fashion. tive visual loss), central retinal artery occlusion, cortical
Once the patient is turned and reconnected to the ven- infarction, and external ocular injury. The most common
tilator circuit and monitors, the patient’s body, extremities, risk factors associated with postoperative visual loss
and eyes should be examined. When positioning the body, include the prone position, length of surgery over 6 hours,
special care should be taken to avoid excessive intraab- intraoperative hypotension, and significant blood loss. It
dominal pressure. Pressure on the abdomen may occlude should be noted, however, that the risk factors are specu-
the inferior vena cava, thereby decreasing venous return lative based on associations made in retrospective
and increasing bleeding for lumbar surgery (Chapter 7), reports.18 There is no effective treatment for ischemic optic
and may prevent or impair optimal diaphragmatic excur- neuropathy (see also Chapter 4). Other potential postoper-
sion during ventilation. Providing adequate chest support ative complications include pressure sores, brachial plexus
may reduce pressure on the abdomen. The arms and knees injuries, and vascular compression with subsequent
should be padded over the bony prominences to prevent quadriplegia.6
skin breakdown due to mechanical pressure. The shoul-
ders should not be abducted more than 90 degrees, and SITTING POSITION
the arms should be flexed. The knees should be flexed,
and one should avoid excessive plantar flexion of the feet. The sitting position (Fig. 2.4) has traditionally been the pre-
Male genitalia should hang freely, the eyes should be taped ferred position to surgically access the posterior cranial
shut and free from orbital compression, and the breasts fossa or posterior cervical spine.12 Although the prone
should be adequately padded. The head should be fixed and lateral positions may also be used when operating on
in the neutral or flexed position as indicated by the the posterior cranial fossa, the sitting position offers several
surgery. physiological advantages. The effects of gravity facilitate an
If the patient’s head is not fixed in a Mayfield frame, a improvement in cerebrospinal fluid drainage, consequently
prone foam pillow with cutouts for the eyes, nose, and air- lowering intracranial pressure more than any other posi-
way should be used. It should be noted that a prone pillow is tion.19 Compared with other positions, there is improved
only available in one height, and neck hyperextension may exposure of the posterior cranial fossa due to less tissue
occur in smaller patients.7 During the procedure, the eyes retraction, and there is a reduced risk of cranial nerve dam-
should be checked at least every 15 minutes to ensure that age. Cerebral venous drainage is also improved, thereby
there is no orbital compression.15 During long procedures draining blood away from the surgical field. This results
in the prone position, there may be significant facial edema in optimal surgical conditions and potentially less surgical
that occurs. After letting the endotracheal tube cuff down, blood loss than other positions.
the absence of a leak around the cuff may necessitate post- Compared with the prone position, the patient’s airway is
operative ventilation. easily accessible to the anesthesiologist when in the sitting
Compared with the supine position, the prone position position. Furthermore, intrathoracic pressure is lower in
may lower the patient’s pulmonary compliance, resulting the sitting position, allowing for easier ventilation. In the
in higher peak airway pressure. Furthermore, the prone event of cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation
position results in decreased venous return to the heart, (CPR) in the sitting position is easier than in the prone posi-
with increased systemic and pulmonary vascular resis- tion, and the bed can be positioned to facilitate CPR.
tance.6 The prone position also increases intracranial pres- Neurosurgery in the sitting position is associated with
sure and should be used with caution in patients with significant and potentially life-threatening risks. The effects
reduced intracranial compliance.16 The prone position is of gravity on venous drainage make patients prone to
advantageous in that it improves matching of ventilation potentially significant hypotension, thereby reducing cere-
and perfusion, resulting in improved arterial oxygenation bral perfusion pressure. The drop in blood pressure may be
and cerebral tissue oxygenation, as well as increased partially ameliorated by a fluid bolus prior to positioning,
22 SECTION 1 • Neuroanesthesia and Perioperative Care

Fig. 2.4 “Sitting” position with Mayfield head pins. This is actually a modified recumbent position because the legs are kept as high as possible to pro-
mote venous return. Arms must be supported to prevent shoulder traction. Note that the head holder support is preferably attached to the back section
of the table so that the patient’s back may be adjusted or lowered emergently without first detaching the head holder. If the head holder is connected to
the thigh section of the table, this cannot be done. (Reprinted from Cassorla L, Lee J-W. Patient positioning and anesthesia. In: Miller RD, ed. Miller’s
Anesthesia. Maryland Heights: Churchill-Livingstone; 2009: pp. 1151–70.).

administration of vasopressors, application of elastic bands VAE is typically detected with end-tidal CO2, precordial
to the lower extremities, and positioning the patient to the Doppler, or transesophageal echocardiogram, although
sitting position in increments. Furthermore, the sitting no single monitoring modality will accurately predict all
position is associated with an increase in pulmonary and cases of VAE.22 In the event of a VAE, hypoxemia can
systemic vascular resistance.20 quickly ensue due to an increase in dead space in the lungs.
VAE is a potentially catastrophic complication that can Right heart strain can further result in cardiac ischemia
occur when neurosurgery is performed in the sitting posi- and significant hypotension and cardiac arrest. A paradox-
tion. VAE can occur when there is an open vein and a pres- ical air embolism can lead to significant neurological
sure gradient between the surgical site and the heart. The sequelae, including stroke and quadriplegia. Patients with
risk of VAE in the sitting position greatly varies depending VAE can also develop thrombocytopenia, increasing the
on the type of procedure. The noncollapsible venous sinuses patient’s risk of bleeding.23
are exposed during posterior cranial fossa surgery, making Due to the increased risk of VAE in patients with a PFO,
these procedures particularly high risk. The presence of a many clinicians advocate for routine preoperative screen-
patent foramen ovale (PFO) further increases the risk of ing with contrast-enhanced transesophageal, transtho-
introducing a paradoxical embolism into the systemic cir- racic echocardiography. In recent years, transcranial
culation. Stendel and colleagues21 demonstrated a preva- Doppler has emerged as an inexpensive, noninvasive, and
lence of PFO in 27% of patients with a posterior cranial easy method of assessing for PFO.21 In short, a contrast
fossa lesion. They further demonstrated the presence of agent with a small amount of air is injected into the ante-
VAE in 75% of patients during posterior cranial fossa sur- cubital vein. If a right to left shunt is present, the contrast
gery in the sitting position. It should be noted that the risk will bypass the pulmonary circulation and result in micro-
of VAE is not unique to the sitting position and can occur embolic signals in the basal cerebral arteries. The quantity
during surgery in the prone or lateral position as well, pro- of microbubbles indicates the severity of PFO. When a neu-
viding the venous pressure in the surgical bed is subatmo- rosurgical procedure is preferred in the sitting position and
spheric, which typically can arise when the level of the a PFO is found on screening, some authors recommend that
surgery is above the heart. the PFO be surgically closed prior to surgery.24
2 • Patient Positioning for Neurosurgical Procedures 23

Postoperative tension pneumocephalus can occur in up position may occur with or without the use of nitrous oxide.
to 3% of posterior cranial fossa surgeries in the sitting posi- With extreme head and neck flexion, quadriplegia may
tion.25 Tension pneumocephalus may result when air result from cervical spine ischemia. In the event of a signif-
enters the epidural space in large enough volumes to cause icant VAE, continued pressor support and mechanical ven-
a mass effect, which can result in life-threatening brain her- tilation may be needed in the postoperative period.
niation. Some authors recommend that minute ventilation
be decreased to allow for brain expansion as the dura is
closed,26 and nitrous oxide should be avoided in the first Summary
14 days after posterior cranial fossa surgery. The risk is fur-
ther decreased by the placement of a ventriculostomy The long duration of neurosurgical procedures and the fact
drain, which is commonly placed after major posterior fossa that patients are completely covered by drapes makes
surgeries in the sitting position. proper patient positioning especially critical. When decid-
Extreme neck flexion, in which the chin rests on the ing the patient’s position during surgery, the benefits
chest, combined with the use of an oropharyngeal airway of optimal surgical access and surgeon comfort should
or transesophageal probe that obstructs venous and lym- be weighed against the risks of a particular position. A com-
phatic drainage, can result in significant postoperative ton- prehensive preoperative assessment is vital, and the
gue edema.26 This can result in postoperative airway position decided on should be communicated to the anes-
obstruction and hypoxemia. Careful positioning of the neck thesiologist and nursing staff as early as possible. Proper
and proper placement of a bite block rather than an oropha- patient positioning requires the cooperation and communi-
ryngeal airway may reduce this risk. cation between all operating room personnel.
Rarely, peripheral neuropathies can result from neuro- Fixing the patient’s head in a Mayfield stereotaxic frame,
surgical procedures in the sitting position. The most com- positioning the head and neck, and positioning the body
monly injured nerve in the sitting position is the all deserve special attention and consideration. Pinning
common peroneal nerve, resulting in foot drop. Injury to the head may result in significant hypertension and tachy-
the common peroneal nerve may be due to ischemic com- cardia and should be anticipated by the anesthesiologist.
pression or from stretching the sciatic nerve. Prior to pinning, patients should be preemptively treated
The risk-to-benefit ratio of neurosurgical procedures in with an opioid or anesthetic agent, and blood pressure
the sitting position has been considerably debated.24,27 In should be carefully monitored during this time. During
recent years, the sitting position has largely fallen out of positioning of the head and neck, a patient’s preoperative
favor in the United States due to fear of its associated com- mobility should be considered. Extreme hyperflexion is
plications. Today, the most common procedure done in the discouraged, and at least 2–3 fingerbreadths should be
sitting position in the United States is an insertion of a deep- maintained between the mandibular protuberance and
brain stimulator8 or occasionally for difficult-to-access manubrium at all times.
lesions such as pineal tumors. In Europe, the sitting posi- Each patient position is associated with unique benefits
tion is still very popular and is the preferred position for sur- and risks and should be considered for all neurosurgical
gery of the posterior cranial fossa.28 patients. Peripheral nerve injury is possible in all positions,
It has never been firmly established that neurosurgical pro- and care should be taken when positioning the extremities.
cedures in the lateral or prone position are safer than the sit- Similarly, there is a risk of VAE in all procedures in which
ting position. Many authors have argued that the fear of the operative site is above the heart, with the highest risk in
catastrophic complications related to the sitting position the sitting position.
seems unwarranted.29 With an experienced surgical and
anesthesia team, neurosurgery in the sitting position may
be done safely and may be advantageous to the prone References
position.22,30,31 Orliaguet and colleagues32 retrospectively 1. Kroll DA, Caplan RA, Posner K, Ward RJ, Cheney FW. Nerve injury
analyzed 85 pediatric patients undergoing craniotomy for associated with anesthesia. Anesthesiology. 1990;73(2):202–207.
2. McCaig C. Review: positioning for neurosurgery. AORN J. 1978;28
posterior fossa tumor in either the sitting or prone position (6):1053–1060.
and found that patients in the sitting position actually 3. American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Prevention of
experienced fewer intraoperative and postoperative compli- Perioperative Peripheral N. Practice advisory for the prevention of
cations, with a shorter intensive care and hospital stay. perioperative peripheral neuropathies: an updated report by the
When the sitting position is preferred for a neurosurgical American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on prevention of
perioperative peripheral neuropathies. Anesthesiology. 2011;114
procedure, the surgical and anesthesia team must cooperate (4):741–754.
in the early detection of VAE. The presence of a right to left 4. Brisman MH, Bederson JB, Sen CN, Germano IM, Moore F, Post KD.
intracardiac shunt has generally been considered an absolute Intracerebral hemorrhage occurring remote from the craniotomy site.
contraindication to surgery in the sitting position, although Neurosurgery. 1996;39(6):1114–1121. discussion 21–2.
5. Koller M, Ortler M, Langmayr J, Twerdy K. Posterior-fossa haemor-
this premise has been challenged in recent years. Limited data rhage after supratentorial surgery—report of three cases and review
suggest that even patients with a PFO may be safely operated of the literature. Acta Neurochir. 1999;141(6):587–592.
on in the sitting position, with minimal risk of VAE.33–35 Rel- 6. Rozet I, Vavilala MS. Risks and benefits of patient positioning during
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24 SECTION 1 • Neuroanesthesia and Perioperative Care

9. Fan JY. Effect of backrest position on intracranial pressure and cere- 22. Lindroos AC, Niiya T, Randell T, Romani R, Hernesniemi J, Niemi T.
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perfusion pressures in traumatically brain-injured adults. Am J Crit cytopenia. Anaesthesia. 2011;66(1):25–30.
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3 Anesthetic Considerations
for Craniotomy

Introduction patient’s preexisting medical condition may require more

intense scrutiny than the specific neuropathological pro-
cess being treated. For example, implanted cardiac devices
Anesthetic management of craniotomy incorporates preop-
erative, intraoperative, and postoperative considerations such as pacemakers may need to be interrogated preoper-
atively to ensure optimal perioperative functioning. Yet a
based on the neurological pathophysiology, planned surgi-
consultation with an internist does not replace preanesthe-
cal procedure, and systemic comorbidities. Although spe-
sia evaluation by a neuroanesthesiologist.
cific anesthetic considerations depend on the nature and
The use of preanesthesia clinics has been shown to
clinical presentation of the neurological condition, this
improve operating room efficiency and minimize unex-
chapter addresses general considerations for craniotomy.
pected delays and cancellations because of poorly prepared
The neuroanesthesiologist’s goal preoperatively is to evalu-
patients.1 For emergency surgeries, a brief, focused evalu-
ate and optimize the patient’s condition and synthesize a
suitable anesthetic plan consistent with the neurosurgical ation is performed just before surgery. The ASA classifica-
plan. The primary intraoperative considerations are to ren- tion of physical status is a universally accepted system
der the patient unconscious and insensitive to surgical and used for stratification of a patient’s preexisting health sta-
psychological trauma, minimize the stress response to the tus (Table 3.1) and correlates with perioperative morbidity
surgical procedure, optimize physiological function, and and mortality.2 The ASA physical status 3–5 indepen-
provide optimal surgical conditions. The postoperative con- dently predicts increased risk of perioperative cardiovascu-
siderations involve adequate pain control, hemodynamic lar complications in intracranial surgical patients and is
stability, adequacy of ventilation/oxygenation, correction also a risk factor for perioperative mortality.3 Coexisting
of electrolyte imbalance, and facilitation of neurological cardiopulmonary, hepatic, renal, and other diseases have
assessment. specific anesthetic implications. The cardiac evaluation
follows the American College of Cardiology/American
Heart Association guidelines.4 The overall risk of cardiac
Preanesthesia Evaluation and patients undergoing a noncardiac surgery is assessed
using the Revised Cardiac Risk Index,5 according to
Optimization which, the presence of three or more of the following fac-
tors is associated with a cardiac morbidity rate of 9%,
Key Concepts which affects postoperative management in the neurology
intensive care unit (ICU): (i) high-risk surgery, (ii) history
• Proper preanesthesia evaluation is critical for anesthetic of ischemic heart disease, (iii) history of congestive heart
management. failure, (iv) history of cerebrovascular disease, (v) preoper-
• The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification ative treatment with insulin, and (vi) preoperative
is used for stratification of a patient’s preoperative health serum creatinine level greater than 2.0 mg/dL. The risk
status. factors for postoperative pulmonary complications include
• Consultation with an internist and routine screening tests do advanced age, ASA class 2 or greater, functional dependence,
not replace preanesthesia evaluation by a
neuroanesthesiologist. “Medical clearance” for surgery
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and congestive
without the underlying data and rationale is not an heart failure.6
appropriate or useful consultation. A review of current medications is critical because of sig-
nificant anesthetic implications. For example, anticonvul-
sant therapy is associated with increased resistance to
Anesthesia care starts with a preanesthesia evaluation nondepolarizing muscle relaxants and hence an increased
designed to assess and to optimize the patient’s medical requirement under anesthesia.7 Steroid administration
condition and to formulate a suitable anesthesia plan. might be associated with intraoperative hyperglycemia
Other potential benefits of preanesthesia evaluation include and adrenal suppression.8 Beta-blocker therapy is typically
improved safety and coordination of perioperative care, continued through the perioperative period,9 whereas
optimal resource utilization, improved outcomes, and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin
patient satisfaction. An important aspect is to arrange for receptor blockers are often avoided on the morning of major
essential investigations and consultations to eliminate craniotomy to avoid intraoperative hypotension. Interrup-
unnecessary preoperative standing “screening tests.” The tion of antiepileptic therapy may affect susceptibility to

26 SECTION 1 • Neuroanesthesia and Perioperative Care

Table 3.1 ASA Classification of Physical Status Cushing’s reflex (hypertension, bradycardia, and irregular
breathing) in a patient with intracranial mass lesions trig-
ASA Physical gers rapid intervention to acutely decrease the intracranial
Status Disease State
pressure (ICP). Finally, preexisting motor deficits are iden-
1 A normal healthy patient tified to avoid life-threatening hyperkalemia secondary to
2 A patient with mild systemic disease
Review of neuroimaging is pertinent to anesthetic
3 A patient with severe systemic disease management. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic
4 A patient with severe systemic disease that is a resonance imaging scans are reviewed to predict intra-
constant threat to life operative brain swelling and risk of bleeding. The degree
of midline shift, peritumoral edema, and a diagnosis of
5 A moribund patient who is not expected to survive
without the operation
glioblastoma multiforme or metastasis are independent
predictors of brain swelling.14 The presence of subdural
6 A patient declared brain-dead whose organs are hematoma on imaging is associated with intraoperative
being removed for donor purposes hyperglycemia, as well as intraoperative hypotension, dur-
ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists. ing emergent craniotomy.15,16 Cerebral angiograms provide
Excerpted from the Relative Value Guide 2008 of the American Society of information regarding collateral vessels, which is helpful in
Anesthesiologists. A copy of the full text can be obtained from ASA, 520 N. anticipating the risk of cerebral ischemia (and hence the
Northwest Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068-2573.
need for neuroprotective interventions) during temporary
clipping for aneurysm surgery. Tumors adjacent to the
superior sagittal sinus or other dural sinuses suggest a risk
perioperative seizure. Discussion of relevant social/religious of hemorrhage and venous air embolism.
background (e.g., Jehovah’s Witnesses, who may not want
to receive blood transfusion), as well as personal prefer-
ences (such as “do not resuscitate” orders), is imperative Clinical Pearl
to anesthetic planning. Establishing a rapport with the
patient preoperatively is invaluable if an awake craniotomy Proper preanesthesia evaluation is critical—a consultation
is being planned. with an internist and routine screening tests do not replace
A comprehensive physical examination is critical for preanesthesia evaluation.
anesthetic planning. Preoperative correction of dehydra-
tion in patients with reduced intake of fluids, vomiting,
or the use of diuretics and contrast agents can prevent
hypotension after induction of anesthesia. Recording of
preoperative vital parameters provides baseline values to Goals of Anesthetic Management
direct hemodynamic management. Assessment of the
airway is mandatory to ensure the ability to adequately The general goal of intraoperative anesthetic management
oxygenate and ventilate under anesthesia. Modified Mal- is to render the patient unconscious and immobile to facil-
lampati scoring, thyromental distance, presence of overbite itate surgery, to provide adequate analgesia, and to main-
or underbite, and the range of neck flexion-extension tain homeostasis and vital functions. The anesthetic goals
collectively provide an estimate of the risk for difficult intu- specific to craniotomy are listed in Box 3.1. These goals are
bation. Difficult airway should be anticipated in patients accomplished by selection of appropriate pharmacological
who have recently undergone a frontotemporal craniot- agents, careful titration of hemodynamic and ventilation
omy and may have developed a pseudoankylosis of the tem- parameters, and vigilant neuromonitoring and will be
poromandibular joint,10 acromegalic patients undergoing described in detail later.
pituitary surgery,11 and patients with cervical spine lesions
or with cervical immobilization devices (internal or exter-
nal). Recognition of potential airway difficulty allows
proper planning with the availability of equipment and
resources and formulation of a backup plan. Patients with Box 3.1 Anesthetic Goals for Craniotomy
depressed level of consciousness are likely to have a reduced
need for anesthetic agents and are more likely to emerge 1. Provide adequate amnesia, analgesia, and immobility
from anesthesia slowly postoperatively. The presence of 2. Optimize cerebral blood flow and oxygenation
brainstem lesions or lower cranial nerve dysfunction pre- 3. Control intracranial pressure
disposes patients to an increased risk of aspiration, and 4. Avoid secondary physiological insults (hypotension, hypoxia,
extubation of the trachea may electively be delayed. hyper-/hypoglycemia, hyper-/hypocarbia, hyperthermia,
Patients with ruptured intracranial aneurysms with higher seizures)
Hunt and Hess grades are more likely to have impaired 5. Provide optimal operating conditions (brain relaxation)
6. Facilitate intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring
cerebral autoregulation (and, hence, susceptibility to 7. Provide intraoperative neuroprotection
hemodynamic fluctuations) in addition to the higher 8. Avoid positioning-related complications
chance of associated diminished airway reflexes and cardio- 9. Accomplish early emergence after surgery to facilitate
pulmonary, metabolic, and electrolyte imbalances com- neurological assessment
pared with patients with lower Hunt and Hess grades.12
3 • Anesthetic Considerations for Craniotomy 27

Airway Management for Craniotomy Choice of Anesthetic Agents

Key Concepts Key Concepts
• Airway should be carefully secured in patients with intracranial • The choice of anesthetic agent is based on the patient’s
disease, while avoiding hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and neurological condition, planned procedure, and
hemodynamic perturbations. neurophysiological monitoring.
• Difficult intubation should be anticipated in patients with • In general, propofol decreases cerebral blood flow (CBF) and
acromegaly, cervical spine disease or fixation, and when maintains the coupling between cerebral metabolic rate
access to airway is limited (awake craniotomy and stereotactic (CMR) and CBF, whereas inhaled anesthetics have a dose-
surgery). dependent potential to increase CBF.
• Brainstem-evoked potentials are the most resistant to the
Airway management in patients with intracranial effect of anesthetic agents, whereas cortical motor–evoked
pathology is a delicate balance between safe and expedi- potentials are the most sensitive.
tious placement of the endotracheal tube and offsetting
the sympathetic surge due to laryngoscopy and its effect
on ICP and blood pressure. Difficulty in airway manage- The most commonly used intravenous anesthetic agent
ment may be anticipated in patients with acromegaly is propofol. The commonly used inhalational anesthetic
presenting for resection of pituitary tumors and situations agents are isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane. The
where access to the airway may be limited during anesthetic agents that provide for both loss of conscious-
craniotomy—for example, awake craniotomy and stereo- ness and amnesia (so-called balanced anesthesia) are typi-
tactic neurosurgery. Awake fiberoptic intubation is often cally combined with potent opioids to provide analgesia
considered the safest approach in patients with advanced (remifentanil, fentanyl, morphine, or hydromorphone)
acromegaly. In patients presenting for emergent craniot- and neuromuscular blocking agents (typically vecuro-
omy who may have a full stomach, and in patients with nium, rocuronium, or cis-atracurium) to provide immobil-
acutely increased ICP where gastric emptying may be ity. Dexmedetomidine, an α2-adrenoceptor agonist with
altered, increasing the risk of aspiration during intubation, sedative properties, is increasingly being used for craniot-
a rapid sequence intubation is performed. Although there omies, particularly awake craniotomies. The properties
are few data suggesting potential increased ICP with succi- that make it suitable as an adjunct for craniotomy include
nylcholine, the clinical significance of the transient sedation and analgesia without respiratory depression,
increase in ICP is unknown.17 Hypertension during laryn- attenuation of neuroendocrine and hemodynamic res-
goscopy and intubation can cause rupture/rebleeding of ponses, and reduction of anesthetic and opioid require-
unsecured aneurysms and is attenuated by using one ments, in addition to favorable pharmacokinetics
or more of the following: opioids, lidocaine, beta-blockers, facilitating rapid wash-out after termination of infusion.18
calcium channel blockers, or additional bolus of propofol. The intravenous and inhaled anesthetic agents differ sub-
Neuroanesthesiologists often place an arterial line to stantially in their pharmacodynamics and pharmacoki-
monitor arterial blood pressure prior to induction of netic properties, and the choice of anesthetic agents is
anesthesia. based on the patient’s neurological condition, proposed
For patients undergoing awake craniotomy, typically an procedure, coexisting diseases, and planned neurophysio-
asleep-awake-asleep anesthetic technique is used where a logical monitoring.
scalp block is placed and general anesthesia is induced dur- Most anesthetic agents decrease the CMR. However, in
ing the initial phase of surgical exposure, then the patient is general terms, propofol decreases CBF and maintains
woken up for neurocognitive testing and then reanesthe- the coupling between CMR and CBF, whereas inhaled
tized to complete the surgical resection and closure. During anesthetics have a dose-dependent effect on the CBF.19,20
the initial exposure, a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is fre- Inhaled anesthetics decrease CBF when used in <1.0 min-
quently inserted to maintain the patency of the airway. imum alveolar concentration (MAC) doses, but tend to
Some neuroanesthesiologists prefer not to orally instru- cause cerebral vasodilation at higher concentrations, lead-
ment the airway in this phase, and the patient breathes ing to increase in CBF and uncoupling between flow and
spontaneously using a nasopharyngeal airway as needed. metabolism in the brain,20 but with preservation of some
For neurocognitive testing, the patient is smoothly emerged reactivity to changes in PaCO2. This “luxury perfusion”
from anesthesia and the LMA is removed. For the final may increase ICP and brain swelling in patients with
resection and surgical closure, the LMA may be reinserted already reduced intracranial compliance.21
to facilitate adequate gas exchange in order to avoid There is also significant difference among various
hypercapnia and brain swelling. inhaled anesthetics. Isoflurane causes more cerebral vaso-
dilation than an equipotent concentration of sevoflur-
ane.22 The diseased/injured brain with preexisting
Clinical Pearl intracranial hypertension may be more sensitive to the
cerebral vasodilatory effects of inhaled agents even at
Hypoxemia and hypercarbia must be avoided during airway
lower concentrations. However, the cerebral vasodilatory
management in patients with neurological disease.
Familiarity with the ASA “difficult airway” algorithm and effect of inhalational agents can be avoided by hyperven-
availability of backup airway devices are critical. tilation to decrease the partial pressure of carbon dioxide
(PaCO2). On the other hand, institution of hypocapnia in
28 SECTION 1 • Neuroanesthesia and Perioperative Care

patients under propofol anesthesia may lead to excessive Hemodynamic Management under
cerebral vasoconstriction and can cause cerebral
ischemia.23 Anesthesia
Positron emission tomography studies demonstrate that
although both sevoflurane and propofol similarly reduce Key Concepts
CMR in all brain areas, sevoflurane decreases CBF in some
and propofol in all brain structures, and only propofol • According to the Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines, the
reduces cerebral blood volume in the cortex and cerebel- recommended CPP for TBI is 50 to 70 mm Hg.
lum.19 In an open-label study of patients with supratentor- • Hypertension should be avoided in patients with unsecured
ial cerebral tumors randomized to propofol-fentanyl, aneurysms.
isoflurane-fentanyl, or sevoflurane-fentanyl anesthesia, • Blood pressure is actively decreased after resection of large
the ICP was significantly lower and cerebral perfusion arteriovenous malformations to prevent normal perfusion
pressure (CPP) higher in patients who received propofol pressure breakthrough and hyperemia.
• Emerging data suggest that the lower and upper limits of
anesthesia.21 The cerebral swelling after opening of the
cerebral autoregulation may be more variable and the range
dura was also lower in patients who received propofol, of autoregulation narrower than previously believed.
but the arteriovenous oxygen difference was higher and • Warm, nonglucose-containing isotonic fluids are preferred
jugular venous saturation and carbon dioxide reactivity during craniotomy.
lower in patients anesthetized with propofol.21 Moreover,
cerebral autoregulation is impaired at 1.5 MAC by isoflur-
ane and desflurane, whereas propofol preserves it.24 These Optimization of hemodynamic parameters is important
and similar other findings indicate the potential benefit of to ensure adequate cerebral perfusion during craniotomy.
propofol anesthesia in patients with intracranial tumors. Patients with neurosurgical disorders are likely to have
Importantly, propofol-induced burst suppression after trau- impaired cerebral autoregulation31 and, hence, increased
matic brain injury (TBI) may not reduce the level of susceptibility to hemodynamic fluctuations. The hemody-
regional ischemic burden measured by arterial-jugular namic goals differ depending on the intracranial pathology
venous oxygen differences.25 However, low-dose inhaled as well as comorbid conditions. The current guidelines rec-
agents as part of balanced anesthesia are often effectively ommend maintaining CPP between 50 and 70 mm Hg and
used by neuroanesthesiologists to provide optimal opera- mean arterial pressure above 90 mm Hg in patients with
tive conditions during craniotomy.26 severe TBI. Intraoperative hypotension is anticipated
Numerous other factors, such as the effect on evoked in patients with multiple lesions on the CT, subdural
potential signal quality, are considered in selecting an hematoma, and thickness of lesion15 and is frequently
anesthetic agent. Although the inhalational agents cause encountered after decompression of the brain. Hypoten-
dose-dependent increases in latency and decreases in sion is also undesirable in patients with occlusive cerebro-
amplitude of somatosensory-evoked potentials (SSEPs), vascular disease such as Moyamoya and intracranial
less than 1.0 MAC concentration is generally compatible arterial stenosis. Conversely, in patients undergoing crani-
with monitoring of cortical SSEPs, although propofol otomy for aneurysm clipping, the goal is to avoid acute
anesthesia does not affect SSEPs.27 However, if motor- increases in blood pressure that may risk rebleeding due
evoked potential monitoring is contemplated, many neu- to increase in the transmural pressure. Calcium channel
roanesthesiologists prefer propofol anesthesia, especially blockers such as nicardipine and short-acting beta-
in patients who may have preexisting neurological defi- blockers like esmolol are sometimes used to actively
cits. It should be noted that despite the apparent pre- decrease the blood pressure. However, during the periods
ference for propofol, <0.5 MAC of desflurane is also of temporary clipping, the blood pressure may be actively
compatible with motor-evoked potentials.28,29 Ketamine raised to ensure blood flow through the collateral channels
is also often added to support motor-evoked potentials, to avoid cerebral ischemia. Once the aneurysm is secured,
but its use requires consideration of potential for increased the blood pressure goals are normalized. Occasionally, in
CMR and CBF. Motor-evoked potentials also preclude order to facilitate clipping of giant basilar tip aneurysms,
the use of neuromuscular blocking agents, whereas intraoperative temporary cardiac standstill is provided
brainstem-evoked potentials are, in general, most resis- using high-dose adenosine (0.2–0.3 mg/kg).32 Blood pres-
tant to the effect of anesthetic agents. The choice of sure is actively reduced after the resection of arteriovenous
anesthetic agents is also determined by the need for malformation to prevent hyperemia and normal perfusion
intraoperative electrocorticography or motor mapping. pressure breakthrough.
There is growing evidence regarding potential epilepto- Invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring is used to
genicity of sevoflurane.30 titrate hemodynamic goals during craniotomy. Myocardial
stunning is not uncommon after aneurysmal subarachnoid
hemorrhage, which can result in a Takotsubo-like cardio-
Clinical Pearl
myopathy. Myocardial dysfunction has also been described
in the setting of TBI. Although the effects of vasopressor
Volatile anesthetic agents cause cerebral vasodilatation
only in concentrations above 1.0 MAC. agents on cerebral vasculature have not been fully deci-
Low-concentration volatile anesthetics may be safely used phered, the inotropic and vasopressor medication choices
in combination with mild hyperventilation without can contribute to such comorbidities. The arterial pressure
causing brain swelling. transducer is zeroed and positioned at the level of the exter-
nal auditory meatus to ensure adequate CPP and CBF, and
3 • Anesthetic Considerations for Craniotomy 29

is especially prudent in patients undergoing craniotomy in feasible.35 Jugular venous oximetry can be used intraopera-
the sitting position. tively to optimize oxygen delivery to the brain.36 Jugular
Patients undergoing craniotomy typically receive venous saturation maintained between 50% and 70%
nonglucose-containing warm, isotonic intravenous fluids. serves as a surrogate for the balance between the global
Hypotonic fluids like lactated Ringer’s solution are avoided cerebral oxygen delivery and metabolic requirement and
because they can worsen cerebral edema and brain swell- is useful in individualizing blood pressure and ventilation
ing. Despite the use of diuretics to facilitate brain relaxation, parameters intraoperatively.36
the goal is to maintain normovolemia during the proce-
dure. Albumin may be associated with poor outcomes in
patients with TBI and hence is often avoided.33 Because Intracranial Pressure Management
cerebral salt wasting, diabetes insipidus, hypokalemia,
and hypocalcemia are often associated with intracranial
and Brain Relaxation
disease, electrolytes are periodically monitored under anes-
thesia and corrected accordingly. Surgical blood loss can Key Concepts
sometimes be substantial, requiring blood transfusion.
Some typical examples include resection of a large arterio- • Hyperventilation should be used selectively—prolonged and
venous malformation or meningioma, intraoperative excessive hyperventilation must be avoided.
rupture of an aneurysm, and inadvertent vascular injury. • Steroids should not be administered to patients with TBI.
The transfusion triggers for neurosurgical patients are
somewhat elusive, although historically, a hemoglobin Patients presenting for craniotomy often have elevated
level of 10 g/dL was often considered to be a balance ICP. In addition, brain relaxation is desirable to facilitate
between optimal oxygen-carrying capacity and rheology surgical exposure and brain retraction. The various inter-
of blood to facilitate perfusion of cerebral microvasculature. ventions used intraoperatively for brain relaxation and
However, more recently, lower hemoglobin values have ICP reduction are listed in Box 3.2. Briefly, maintenance
been advocated in neurosurgical patients. Anemia in neu- of adequate anesthesia and analgesia is essential to avoid
rosurgical patients is associated with poor outcomes, but so cerebral metabolic demand associated with increase in
is the use of transfusion of blood. Intraoperative decision to CBF, which may cause swelling of a poorly compliant brain.
transfuse blood is often made based on overall fluid and Volatile anesthetic agents are used in low concentrations to
hemodynamic status, hemoglobin value, and rapidity of avoid direct cerebral vasodilation, and in patients where
blood loss, taking into account the patient’s cardiac comor- brain swelling is anticipated, intravenous anesthesia with
bidity and neurological dysfunction, including estimates of propofol (but avoiding hypotension) is often preferred.21
cerebrovascular reserve (i.e., capability to vasodilate in Optimal patient positioning is critical because excessive
compensation for anemia). Although the safety of acute flexion or rotation of the neck can lead to obstruction of
normovolemic hemodilution during craniotomy has been cerebral venous drainage, resulting in brain swelling.
demonstrated,34 the practice has not gained substantial Slight head elevation is desirable to facilitate cerebral
popularity. venous drainage. Avoidance of hypercarbia with controlled
ventilation is critical, and moderate hypocarbia (PaCO2
Clinical Pearl

Nonglucose-containing warm, isotonic intravenous fluids Box 3.2 Strategies for Intraoperative Brain
are preferable during craniotomy. Strict hemodynamic Relaxation and Control of Intracranial Pressure
control is critical.
1. Maintenance of adequate depth of anesthesia and analgesia
2. Selection of appropriate anesthetic agents (intravenous
anesthetics for patients with anticipated brain swelling)
3. Optimal positioning with slight head elevation and avoiding
excessive neck flexion or rotation
Intraoperative Monitoring 4. Optimization of hemodynamic parameters
5. Controlled ventilation with normocarbia to moderate
The details of intraoperative neuromonitoring are dis- hypocarbia (PaCO2 30–35 mm Hg)*
cussed in Chapter 6. Briefly, the ASA recommends monitor- 6. Mannitol (osmotic diuretic)
ing electrocardiography, blood pressure, pulse oximetry, 7. Furosemide
capnography, temperature, and anesthetic concentration 8. Hypertonic saline
monitoring for inhaled anesthetics. Arterial lines are also 9. Cerebrospinal fluid drainage (external ventricular drainage)
useful for hemodynamic monitoring and to sample PaO2, 10. Steroids in patients with tumors/vasogenic edema#
PaCO2, glucose levels, and electrolytes. Evoked potential 11. Treatment of fever/seizures
monitoring and electroencephalography are increasingly 12. Burst suppression with propofol/thiopental bolus
being used. In addition, monitoring for venous air embo- *Brief periods of hypocarbia with PaCO2 < 30 mm Hg should be used only
lism may include transesophageal echocardiography or in emergent conditions or when other ICP reduction maneuvers have
precordial Doppler. Monitoring cerebral blood flow velocity failed.
using transcranial Doppler ultrasonography may provide #
Steroids should not be administered in patients with traumatic brain
useful information in surgeries where probe placement is injury.
30 SECTION 1 • Neuroanesthesia and Perioperative Care

30–35 mm Hg) is used judiciously to facilitate surgical Temperature Management

exposure. In patients with supratentorial brain tumors,
intraoperative hyperventilation improves surgeon-assessed
brain bulk and is associated with a decrease in ICP.37 How- Key Concept
ever, excessive/prolonged hyperventilation can lead to
cerebral ischemia and must be avoided.38 Intraoperative hypothermia should be avoided by using forced-air
Hemodynamic stability and avoidance of hypertension in warming blankets, warming intravenous fluids, and adjusting room
patients with impaired cerebral autoregulation is critical to
the intracranial milieu. Mannitol (0.25–1.0 g/kg) causes
osmotic diuresis and provides brain relaxation. Three per- General anesthesia is associated with a decrease in the
cent hypertonic saline is associated with similar brain relax- body temperature due to peripheral vasodilatation and
ation and arteriovenous oxygen and lactate difference.39 redistribution of the body heat from the core. Forced-air
Occasionally, furosemide is administered to potentiate the warming blankets, warmed intravenous fluids, and adjust-
brain-relaxing effect of mannitol. The volume of urine out- ment of the operating room temperature are some strategies
put from mannitol- and/or furosemide-induced diuresis used to maintain normothermia under anesthesia. How-
is generally replaced with isotonic crystalloid or normal ever, the detrimental effects of hyperthermia on the brain
saline. In patients with ventricular drainage devices, are well known. Although laboratory studies and animal
drainage of cerebrospinal fluid may be an effective and con- data suggest that mild hypothermia (33–35°C) is protective
venient method for rapid ICP reduction and brain relaxa- against cerebral dysfunction in ischemic and TBI models,
tion, but should be used cautiously, considering the clinical data on effectiveness of hypothermia are not equally
potential risk of aneurysm rebleeding or intracranial hypo- encouraging. The International Hypothermia in Aneurysm
tension/brain sag. Steroids help reduce vasogenic edema Surgery Trial failed to demonstrate a difference in Glasgow
and may be helpful in patients with tumors, but should Outcome Score, Rankin Score, Barthel’s Index, or National
not be administered to patients with TBI, in whom they have Institute of Health Stroke Scale Score between the normo-
been shown to worsen outcomes. Finally, fever and seizures thermic (33°C) and hypothermic (36.5°C) groups.42 In
should be promptly treated, and in refractory cases, burst addition, there was a higher incidence of postoperative bac-
suppression with thiopental or propofol may be attempted. teremia in the hypothermic group. Clinical benefits of
intraoperative hypothermia in other neurosurgical condi-
tions have also not been demonstrated. Hence, although
Clinical Pearl the temperature may spontaneously decrease under anes-
thesia, the neuroanesthesiologist’s aim is intraoperative
Steroids should not be administered to patients with TBI. normothermia and certainly to avoid hyperthermia.
Prolonged and excessive hyperventilation must be avoided.
Brain relaxation using mannitol/furosemide can result in
continued electrolyte imbalance postoperatively and should
be monitored and corrected aggressively.
Emergence from General Anesthesia

Glycemic Management Key Concepts

• Emergence from craniotomy should be rapid and smooth,
Key Concepts with minimal hemodynamic changes and straining on the
tracheal tube.
• Glucose levels may fluctuate intraoperatively and must be • Emergence response may be decreased using esmolol,
monitored. lidocaine, or dexmedetomidine.
• Both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia are detrimental for the
brain—normoglycemia is targeted.
The goal for emergence from anesthesia for craniotomy is
to have an awake patient so that a neurological examina-
Given the association of both hypoglycemia and hyper- tion may be performed reliably. Patients who were intu-
glycemia with poor outcomes in neurosurgical patients, bated preoperatively, those with poor neurological status,
the goal of anesthetic management is to maintain normo- and patients undergoing prolonged surgery around the
glycemia. The surgical stress response and perioperative brainstem are likely to remain intubated. Emergence from
steroid use often contribute to intraoperative hyperglyce- anesthesia requires diligent planning to accomplish a
mia. In fact, new-onset intraoperative hyperglycemia timely, smooth emergence with minimal hemodynamic
may be observed during craniotomy in patients who had perturbation and straining on the tracheal tube. Anesthetic
normal blood glucose levels preoperatively.40,41 Because agents are gradually weaned, and the patients are trialed
the benefits of tight glucose control in neurosurgical on spontaneous ventilation to determine if their respiratory
patients have not been demonstrated conclusively and glu- drive and minute ventilation are appropriate. With the
cose levels may fluctuate substantially under anesthe- modern short-acting anesthetic agents, rapid emergence
sia,40,41 neuroanesthesiologists monitor glucose regularly can be accomplished in most cases.43,44 Despite the popular
and maintain the blood glucose level in the range of 150 belief, systematic studies show no benefit of using total
to 200 mg/dL. intravenous anesthesia with an ultrashort-acting opioid
3 • Anesthetic Considerations for Craniotomy 31

over the conventional balanced volatile technique in terms are closely monitored for adequacy of oxygenation and
of recovery and cognitive functions after craniotomy.43,44 ventilation, hemodynamic stability, pain control, neurolog-
However, patients who receive desflurane are likely to have ical recovery, and any complications. Data on the effect of
a shorter extubation and recovery time compared with craniotomy site on the severity of pain are somewhat con-
those who receive sevoflurane.44 Desflurane also provides flicting. Despite the associated risk of overdosing-related
earlier postoperative cognitive recovery and reversal to adverse effects such as respiratory depression with hypox-
normocapnia and normal pH in overweight and obese emia and/or carbon dioxide retention and increased
patients after craniotomy. Incorporation of dexmedetomi- CBF and ICP, judicious use of potent opioids such as fenta-
dine in the anesthetic regimen is another strategy to facil- nyl, morphine, and hydromorphone, including patient-
itate shorter emergence and recovery time in neurosurgical controlled analgesia (PCA), remains the cornerstone of
patients45 with attenuation of delirium, and scalp blocks postoperative pain management.47 The use of scheduled
have been shown to improve recovery profiles. tramadol in addition to narcotics may provide better
The adrenergic surge associated with emergence may be pain control in some patients, decrease the side effects asso-
treated with a short-acting opioid or an antihypertensive ciated with narcotic pain medications, encourage earlier
such as esmolol or nicardipine. Coughing and straining postoperative ambulation, and reduce total hospitalization
on the tracheal tube during emergence can be prevented costs.48 Importantly, tramadol does present a small
with lidocaine or judicious use of remifentanil. Dexmedeto- increased risk of seizure in addition to the high incidence
midine has both sedative and analgesic properties, but does of vomiting. The cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor parecoxib
not cause respiratory depression and is also useful in facil- has been found to offer no benefit in addition to local anes-
itating timely and smooth emergence. Perioperative hyper- thetic scalp infiltration, intravenous paracetamol, and mor-
tension has been associated with increased incidence in phine PCA after supratentorial craniotomy.49 Preoperative
postoperative intracranial hemorrhage in patients under- oral gabapentin used for antiepileptic prophylaxis in
going craniotomy and should be avoided.46 Unexpected patients undergoing craniotomy for supratentorial tumor
delay in emergence mandates ruling out potential con- resection can decrease the postoperative pain scores and
founding factors such as nonconvulsive status epilepticus, the total morphine consumption, albeit with increased
drug overdose, hypothermia, and hypoglycemia before an sedation postoperatively. Regional scalp blocks attenuate
imaging study will be performed to rule out an intracranial the postcraniotomy pain and stress responses but appear
cause. to remain underutilized. Although the published random-
ized controlled trials of regional scalp block are small and
of limited methodological quality, metaanalysis shows
Clinical Pearl reduced postoperative pain.50
PONV after elective craniotomy may affect up to two
Patients should almost never be extubated under deep thirds of patients. Selective serotonin (5-HT3) receptor
anesthesia after craniotomy. Extubation should be smooth antagonists are considered first-choice drugs for prophy-
and without hemodynamic response with a patient who can laxis of PONV due to their favorable safety profile. Ondan-
yield a valid neurological examination.
setron 4 mg given at the time of dural closure is safe and
effective in preventing emetic episodes after elective crani-
otomy. However, the effectiveness may be substantially
variable. Granisetron 1 mg provides comparable preven-
tion of emesis after supratentorial craniotomy. Metaanaly-
Immediate Postoperative sis of published data indicates that the cumulative
incidence of emesis but not nausea is significantly reduced
Management with 5-HT3 receptor antagonists at 24 and 48 hours.51
A single 600-mg dose of gabapentin also reduces the 24-
Key Concepts hour incidence of PONV. Other options, based on disparate
antiemetic mechanisms, for rescue of PONV include meto-
• Opioids are the mainstay of postcraniotomy pain control but clopramide, droperidol, and scopolamine.
should be used judiciously to avoid respiratory and Maintenance of adequate ventilation and oxygenation
neurological depression. postoperatively is critical. Some common indications for
• Regional scalp block prevents and attenuates the reintubation are neurological deterioration, respiratory
postcraniotomy pain and stress responses. distress, copious oropharyngeal secretions, and seizures.
• Selective serotonin (5-HT3) receptor antagonists are first- The neurological deterioration may be related to residual
choice drugs for prophylaxis of postoperative nausea and tumor with surrounding edema, intracerebral hemor-
vomiting (PONV).
rhage, or cerebral infarction. Patients who are not extu-
• Patients with neurological deterioration, respiratory distress,
copious oropharyngeal secretions, or seizures may need
bated at the end of surgery or require reintubation
reintubation. usually undergo imaging followed by transfer to the ICU.
• Effective hand-off with adequate communication is critical for A systematic and detailed hand-off communication is crit-
patient safety. ical to facilitate a smooth transition of care from the anes-
thesia providers to the ICU. Table 3.2 summarizes some
possible perioperative complications related to craniotomy
Immediate postoperative recovery arises in the posta- that may require special attention while transitioning to
nesthesia care unit or neurology ICU, where the patients intensive care.
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— Millainen hän sitten on? — kysyi Aljoša. — Onko hän kantelija?

Pojat katsahtivat toisiinsa ja olivat nauravan näköisiä.

— Tehän olette menossa samaan suuntaan, Mikaelinkadulle? —

jatkoi sama poika. — Ottakaapa hänet kiinni… Kas, tuolla, näettekö,
hän pysähtyi taas, hän odottaa ja katselee teitä.

— Teitä katselee, teitä katselee! — yhtyivät pojat.

— Kysykääpä häneltä, pitääkö hän pesurievusta, hajalleen

revitystä niinihoskasta. Kuulkaa, kysykää juuri noin.

Kaikki alkoivat nauraa hohottaa. Aljoša katseli heitä ja he häntä.

— Älkää menkö, hän paukauttaa teitä, — huudahti Smurov


— Pojat, minä en kysy häneltä mitään pesurievusta, sillä

luultavasti te jollakin tavoin ärsyttelette häntä sillä sanalla, mutta
minä saan häneltä tietää, miksi te häntä niin vihaatte…

— Koettakaa vain, koettakaa vain saada tietää, — nauroivat pojat.

Aljoša meni sillan yli ja lähti kulkemaan aidan vierustaa mäkeä

ylös suoraan poikaa kohti, joka oli toisten epäsuosiossa.

— Katsokaa, huudettiin hänen jälkeensä varoittavasti, — hän ei

pelkää teitä, hän saattaa äkkiä pistää, aivan kavalasti… niinkuin

Poika odotti häntä liikahtamatta paikaltaan. Kun Aljoša oli tullut

aivan hänen luokseen, niin hän näki edessään lapsen, joka ei ollut
yhdeksää vuotta vanhempi, oli heikko ja pienikokoinen, kasvot laihat
ja pitkulaiset, silmät suuret ja tummat, ja ne katselivat Aljošaa
häijysti. Hänen yllään oli jokseenkin vanha ja huono päällystakki,
joka oli jäänyt hänelle naurettavan pieneksi. Paljaat kädet pistivät
ulos hihoista. Housujen oikeassa lahkeessa oli polven kohdalla iso
paikka ja oikean jalan saappaan kärjessä isonvarpaan kohdalla iso
reikä, jota oli kovasti voideltu musteella. Hänen päällystakkinsa
molemmissa pullottavissa taskuissa oli kiviä. Aljoša pysähtyi hänen
eteensä parin askelen päähän katsoen häneen kysyvästi. Poika,
joka heti arvasi Aljošan silmistä, että tämä ei aio lyödä häntä, tuli
myös rohkeaksi ja alkoi itse puhua:

— Minä olen yksin ja heitä on kuusi… Minä yksin annan selkään

heille kaikille, — sanoi hän äkkiä, ja hänen silmänsä salamoivat.

— Yksi kivi taisi sattua teihin hyvin kipeästi, — huomautti Aljoša.

— Mutta minäpä osasin Smurovia päähän! — huudahti poika.

— Ne sanoivat minulle siellä, että te tunnette minut ja jostakin

syystä heititte minua kivellä? — kysyi Aljoša.

Poika katsoi häneen synkästi.

— Minä en tunne teitä. Tunnetteko te sitten minut? — jatkoi Aljoša


— Antakaa minun olla rauhassa? — huudahti äkkiä poika äreästi,

mutta ei liikahtanut paikaltaan, vaan näytti yhä odottavan jotakin, ja
hänen silmänsä kiiluivat taas häijysti.

— Hyvä on, minä menen, — sanoi Aljoša, — mutta minä en tunne

teitä enkä ärsytä teitä. He sanoivat minulle, kuinka teitä ärsytetään,
mutta minä en tahdo teitä ärsyttää. Hyvästi.
— Munkki silkkihousuissa! — huudahti poika katsoen edelleen
yhtä häijyn ja uhmailevan näköisenä Aljošaa ja asettuen
puolustusasentoon, koska hän näytti luulevan, että Aljoša nyt aivan
varmasti hyökkää hänen kimppuunsa, mutta Aljoša kääntyi, katsoi
häneen ja meni pois. Hän ei ollut ennättänyt astua kolmea
askeltakaan, kun hänen selkäänsä kipeästi sattui pojan heittämä
kaikkein suurin mukulakivi, mikä tällä oli ollut taskussa.

— Te siis heitätte takaapäin? Ehkäpä he ovatkin oikeassa, kun

sanovat teidän käyvän kimppuun salakavalasti? — sanoi Aljoša
kääntyen taas päin, mutta nyt poika raivostuneena taas heitti Aljošaa
kivellä suoraan kohti kasvoja. Aljoša ennätti kuitenkin ajoissa nostaa
kätensä suojakseen, ja kivi sattui hänen kyynärpäähänsä.

— Ettekö häpeä! Mitä minä olen teille tehnyt? — huudahti hän.

Poika odotti ääneti ja uhmailevana vain sitä, että Aljoša nyt toki
välttämättömästi hyökkäisi hänen kimppuunsa. Kun hän näki että
tämä nytkään ei aio sitä tehdä, niin hän vimmastui kuin peto: hän
syöksyi paikaltaan ja hyökkäsi Aljošan kimppuun, eikä tämä
ennättänyt liikahtaakaan, kun ilkeä poika taivuttaen päänsä alas ja
tarttuen molemmin käsin hänen vasempaan käteensä puraisi
kipeästi hänen keskisormeaan. Poika pureutui siihen hampaineen
eikä noin kymmeneen sekuntiin päästänyt sitä irti. Aljoša huudahti
kivusta ja nyki kaikin voimin sormeaan. Poika päästi sen viimein irti
ja juoksi pois entisen välimatkan päähän. Sormea hän oli purrut
kipeästi aivan kynnen kohdalta syvälle luuhun asti, ja siitä virtasi
verta. Aljoša otti taskustaan liinan ja kääri sen tiukasti haavoitetun
käden ympäri. Käärimiseen meni melkein kokonainen minuutti. Poika
seisoi kaiken aikaa ja odotti. Viimein Aljoša kohotti häneen
rauhallisen katseensa.
— No, hyvä, — sanoi hän, — näette, kuinka kipeästi olette minua
purrut, kai se jo riittää? Sanokaa nyt, mitä minä olen teille tehnyt?

Poika katseli häntä ihmetellen.

— Vaikka minä en ollenkaan tunne teitä ja näen teidät

ensimmäisen kerran, — jatkoi Aljoša yhä yhtä rauhallisesti, — niin
onhan minun täytynyt teille jotakin tehdä, ettehän te syyttä kiusaisi
minua tällä tavoin. Mitä minä siis olen tehnyt ja miten olen rikkonut
teitä vastaan, sanokaa?

Vastauksen asemesta poika alkoi yht'äkkiä kovalla äänellä itkeä ja

juoksi pois Aljošan luota. Aljoša lähti hiljaa kulkemaan hänen
jäljessään Mikaelinkadulle ja näki vielä pitkän aikaa, kuinka poika
juoksi etäällä vauhtiaan hiljentämättä, taakseen katsomatta ja
luultavasti yhä täyttä kurkkua itkien. Hän päätti ehdottomasti heti,
kun saisi aikaa siihen, etsiä pojan käsiinsä ja selvittää tämän
arvoituksen, joka häntä suuresti hämmästytti. Mutta nyt ei ollut aikaa.


Hohlakovien luona

Hän saapui pian rouva Hohlakovin talon luo. Se oli kivitalo,

kaksikerroksinen, kaunis, parhaita taloja kaupungissamme. Vaikka
rouva Hohlakov enimmäkseen asui toisessa kuvernementissa, missä
hänellä oli maatila, tai Moskovassa, missä hänellä oli oma talo, niin
hänellä oli meidänkin kaupungissamme isiltä ja isoisiltä peritty oma
talonsa. Myös se maatila, jonka hän omisti meidän
kihlakunnassamme, oli suurin kaikista hänen kolmesta maatilastaan,
mutta tähän saakka hän oli varsin harvoin käynyt meidän
kuvernementissamme. Hän juoksi Aljošaa vastaan ulos eteiseen.

— Saitteko, saitteko kirjeen uudesta ihmeestä? — alkoi hän puhua

nopeasti ja hermostuneesti.

— Sain kyllä.

— Levitittekö tietoa, näytittekö kaikille? Hän antoi äidille jälleen


— Hän kuolee tänään, — sanoi Aljoša.

— Olen kuullut, tiedän, oi kuinka haluan puhua kanssanne! Teidän

taikka jonkun muun kanssa kaikesta tästä, ei, teidän kanssanne,
teidän kanssanne! Kuinka ikävää, etten mitenkään saa häntä nähdä!
Koko kaupunki on jännityksessä, kaikki ovat odotuksen vallassa.
Mutta nyt… tiedättekö, että nyt meillä istuu Katerina Ivanovna?

— Ah, se kävi onnellisesti! — huudahti Aljoša. — Nyt tapaankin

hänet teillä, hän käski eilen minua tulemaan välttämättömästi
luokseen tänään.

— Minä tiedän kaikki, tiedän kaikki. Olen kuullut yksityiskohtaisesti

kaikki, mitä eilen tapahtui hänen luonaan… ja kaikista noista
kauheista asioista tuon… elukan kanssa. C'est tragique, ja minä
hänen sijassaan — en tiedä mitä tekisin hänen sijassaan! Mutta
veljennekin, tuo Dmitri Fjodorovitš, onpa hänkin vasta — voi, hyvä
Jumala! Aleksei Fjodorovitš, minä olen aivan pyörällä päästäni,
ajatelkaahan: siellä istuu nyt teidän veljenne, ei se kauhea eilinen,
vaan toinen, Ivan Fjodorovitš, istuu ja puhuu hänen kanssaan: heillä
on juhlallinen keskustelu… Ja jospa te vain uskoisitte, mitä heidän
kesken nyt tapahtuu, — se on kerrassaan kauheata, se on, sanon
minä teille, mullerrus, se on mitä kamalin satu, jota on aivan
mahdotonta uskoa: he molemmat saattavat käsittämättömästä
syystä toisensa turmioon, he itse tietävät sen ja itse nauttivat siitä.
Olen odottanut teitä! Olen hartaasti halunnut tavata teitä! Pääasia,
en jaksa kestää tätä. Kerron teille kohta kaikki, mutta nyt on toinen ja
aivan kaikkein tärkein asia, — ah, minähän unohdinkin, että se on
kaikkein tärkein: sanokaa, miksi Lise on saanut hysteerisen
kohtauksen? Kun hän vain kuuli teidän olevan tulossa, niin hän sai
heti hysteerisen kohtauksen!

— Maman, teillähän nyt on hysteerinen kohtaus eikä minulla, —

sipisi äkkiä oven raosta Lisen ääni viereisestä huoneesta. Rako oli
hyvin pieni ja ääni oli tukahtunut, aivan sellainen kuin syntyy, kun
hirveästi tekisi mieli nauraa, mutta kaikin voimin hillitsee itsensä.
Aljoša huomasi heti tuon raon, ja varmaankin Lise katseli sen läpi
lepotuolistaan häntä, mutta sitä hän ei kylläkään voinut nähdä.

— Tuo ei ole viisasta, Lise, ei ole viisasta… sinun oikkusi tuottavat

minullekin hysteerisen kohtauksen, mutta muuten hän on niin kovin
sairas, Aleksei Fjodorovitš, hän on koko yön ollut niin sairas,
kuumeessa, on vaikeroinut! Tuskin jaksoin odottaa aamua ja
Herzenstubea. Tämä sanoo, että hän ei ymmärrä tautia ensinkään ja
että pitää odottaa. Tuo Herzenstube tulee aina ja sanoo, että hän ei
ymmärrä ensinkään. Heti kun te tulitte talomme luo, Lise huudahti ja
sai kohtauksen ja käski kuljettamaan itsensä tänne omaan

— Äiti, en minä ollenkaan tietänyt, että hän oli talon luona, en

minä ollenkaan hänen tähtensä tahtonut siirtyä tähän huoneeseen.
— Se ei ole totta, Lise, juoksihan Julia sinulle sanomaan, että
Fjodorovitš on tulossa, sinä olit pannut Julian vahtimaan.

— Ystäväiseni, äitikulta, tämä ei ole ensinkään älykästä teidän

puoleltanne. Mutta jos tahdotte olla mieliksi ja sanoa nyt heti jotakin
oikein älykästä, niin sanokaa, rakas äiti, nyt sisään astuneelle
armolliselle herralle Aleksei Fjodorovitšille, että hän jo sillä on
osoittanut olevansa kaikkea muuta kuin älykäs, että hän on katsonut
voivansa tulla tänään meille eilisen tapahtuman jälkeen ja siitä
huolimatta, että kaikki nauravat hänelle.

— Lise, sinä otat itsellesi liian paljon vapauksia, ja minä vakuutan

sinulle, että ryhdyn lopulta ankariin toimenpiteisiin. Kuka hänelle
nauraa, minä olen niin iloissani, että hän tuli, hän on minulle
tarpeellinen, aivan välttämätön. Oh, Aleksei Fjodorovitš, minä olen
tavattoman onneton!

— Mikä teitä sitten vaivaa, äitikulta?

— Ah, nuo sinun oikkusi, Lise, epävakaisuus, sairautesi, tämä

kauhea yö kuumeessa, tuo kamala ja ikuinen Herzenstube, ennen
kaikkea ikuinen, ikuinen ja ikuinen! Ja lopuksi kaikki, kaikki… Ja
vihdoin viimein myöskin tuo ihme! Oi, kuinka tämä ihme minua
hämmästytti, kuinka se minua järkytti, rakas Aleksei Fjodorovitš! Ja
tuo tragedia nyt tuolla vierashuoneessa, jota en voi kestää, en voi,
sanon Sen teille edeltäpäin, en voi. Kenties se on komedia eikä
tragedia. Sanokaa, elääkö luostarinvanhin Zosima vielä huomiseen
asti, elääkö? Voi hyvä Jumala! Miten onkaan laitani, minä suljen
tavantakaa silmäni ja näen, että kaikki on roskaa, kaikki on roskaa.
— Pyytäisin teitä, — keskeytti Aljoša äkkiä, — antamaan minulle
jonkin puhtaan vaatetilkun, jotta voisin sitoa sormeni. Olen saanut
siihen pahan haavan, ja sitä kivistää nyt kovin.

Aljoša paljasti näkyviin purrun sormensa. Liina oli paksulta veren

tahrima. Rouva Hohlakov huudahti ja siristi silmiään.

— Herra Jumala, millainen haava, se on kauheata!

Mutta heti kun Lise näki raosta Aljošan sormen, hän avasi oven
selko selälleen.

— Tulkaa, tulkaa sisään tänne luokseni, — huudahti hän

innokkaasti ja käskevästi, — ei mitään tyhmyyksiä nyt enää. Voi
hyvä Jumala, miksi te seisoitte ja olitte vaiti niin kauan? Veri olisi
voinut juosta hänestä kuiviin, äiti! Missä te noin, miten te! Ennen
kaikkea vettä, vettä! Täytyy pestä haava, pistää se suorastaan
kylmään veteen, jotta kipu lakkaisi, ja pitää siinä, pitää yhä… Pian,
pian vettä, äiti, huuhtelumaljaan. No pian nyt, — lopetti hän
hermostuneesti. Hän oli hyvin pelästynyt, Aljošan haava saattoi
hänet pahasti hermostumaan.

— Eikö olisi lähetettävä hakemaan Herzenstubea? — huudahti


— Äiti, te tapatte minut. Teidän Herzenstubenne tulee ja sanoo,

että ei ensinkään ymmärrä! Vettä, vettä! Äiti, Jumalan tähden,
menkää itse, hoputtakaa Juliaa, joka on jäänyt jonnekin
kuhnailemaan eikä koskaan voi tulla nopeasti! Pian nyt, äiti, muuten
minä kuolen…
— Tämähän on aivan mitätöntä! — huudahti Aljoša pelästyen
heidän säikähdystään.

Julia kiiruhti sisälle tuoden vettä. Aljoša pisti siihen sormensa.

— Äiti, Jumalan tähden, tuokaa haavasidettä, haavasidettä ja sitä

väkevää sameata vettä haavoja varten, no, mikä sen nimi nyt taas
onkaan! Meillä on sitä, on on… Äiti, te tiedätte itse, missä pullo on,
teidän makuuhuoneenne kaapissa oikealla, siellä on iso pullo ja

— Minä tuon heti kaikki, Lise, älä vain huuda äläkä ole levoton.
Näetkö, kuinka lujana Aleksei Fjodorovitš kantaa onnettomuutensa.
Missä te olettekaan voinut niin kamalasti haavoittua, Aleksei

Rouva Hohlakov poistui kiireesti huoneesta. Sitä juuri Lise olikin


— Ennen kaikkea vastatkaa kysymykseen, — alkoi hän nopeasti

puhua Aljošalle, — missä te olette tuolla tavoin haavoittunut? Sitten
minä puhun kanssanne aivan toisesta asiasta. No!

Aljoša tunsi vaistomaisesti, että äidin poissaoloaika oli Liselle

kallista, ja hän kertoi tälle nopeasti, jättäen pois ja lyhentäen paljon,
mutta kuitenkin täsmällisesti ja selvästi arvoituksellisesta
kohtauksestaan koulupoikien kanssa. Kuultuaan kertomuksen Lise
löi käsiään yhteen:

— No, kuinka te voittekaan, kuinka te voittekaan ryhtyä tekemisiin

poikanulikoitten kanssa ja vielä tuossa puvussa! — huudahti hän
vihaisesti aivan kuin hänellä olisi ollut jonkinmoinen oikeus Aljošaan.
— Tehän olette itse tämän jälkeen poika, kaikkein pienin poika mitä
voi olla! Ottakaa kuitenkin kaikin mokomin jotenkuten selvä tuosta
ilkeästä pojannallikasta ja kertokaa minulle kaikki, sillä tässä on jokin
salaisuus. Nyt toiseen asiaan, mutta sitä ennen kysymys: voitteko te,
Aleksei Fjodorovitš, kivun tuottamasta kärsimyksestä huolimatta
puhua aivan tyhjänpäiväisistä asioista, mutta puhua järkevästi?

— Voin varsin hyvin enkä tunne enää niin suurta kipuakaan.

— Se johtuu siitä, että sormenne on vedessä. Vettä on heti

vaihdettava, sillä se lämpenee yht'äkkiä. Julia, tuo heti palanen jäätä
kellarista ja uusi huuhdemalja vettä täynnä. No, nyt hän meni, minä
käyn asiaan: heti paikalla, rakas Aleksei Fjodorovitš, suvaitkaa antaa
minulle kirjeeni, jonka lähetin teille eilen, — silmänräpäyksessä, sillä
äiti voi tulla heti enkä minä tahdo…

— Minulla ei ole kirjettä mukanani.

— Se ei ole totta, se on mukananne. Minä arvasin, että vastaatte

näin. Se on tuolla taskussanne. Minä olen suuresti katunut tuota
tyhmää pilaa koko yön. Antakaa kirje heti takaisin, antakaa!

— Se jäi sinne.

— Mutta te ette voi pitää minua tyttösenä, pikkuisena tyttösenä,

kirjeeni jälkeen, jossa oli niin typerä pila! Pyydän teitä antamaan
anteeksi tyhmän pilani, mutta kirje teidän on välttämättömästi minulle
tuotava, jos se todellakaan ei ole mukananne, — tuokaa jo tänään,
ehdottomasti, ehdottomasti!

— Tänään se on aivan mahdotonta, sillä minä menen luostariin

enkä tule luoksenne pariin kolmeen tai ehkäpä neljään päivään,
koska luostarinvanhin Zosima…

— Neljään päivään, mitä roskaa! Kuulkaa, nauroitteko te minulle

hyvin paljon?

— Minä en nauranut hituistakaan.

— Minkä tähden?

— Sen tähden, että minä uskoin kaiken täydellisesti.

— Te loukkaatte minua!

— En vähääkään. Luettuani kirjeen ajattelin heti, että niin kaikki

käykin, sillä minun on heti luostarinvanhin Zosiman kuoltua
poistuttava luostarista. Sen jälkeen jatkan lukujani ja suoritan
tutkinnon, ja kun lain sallima aika on tullut, niin me menemme
naimisiin. Minä tulen teitä rakastamaan. Vaikka minulla ei vielä
olekaan ollut aikaa ajatella, niin olen kuitenkin tuuminut, että en voi
löytää parempaa vaimoa kuin te, ja luostarinvanhin on käskenyt
minua menemään naimisiin…

— Mutta minähän olen raajarikko, minua kuljetetaan lepotuolissa!

— alkoi Lise, ja hänen poskensa alkoivat punoittaa.

— Minä itse kuljetan teitä lepotuolissa, mutta olen vakuutettu siitä,

että te siihen mennessä tulette terveeksi.

— Mutta tehän olette hullu, — lausui Lise hermostuneesti. —

Semmoisesta pilasta te yht'äkkiä teitte moisen jonninjoutavan
johtopäätöksen!… Ah, tuossa on mammakin, taisi tullakin hyvin
sopivaan aikaan. Äiti, kuinka te aina myöhästytte, miten voi niin
kauan viipyä! Tuossa jo Juliakin tuo jäätä!
— Ah, Lise, älä huuda, pääasia on, ettet huuda. Tuosta huudosta
minä… Minkä minä sille voin, että sinä itse olit pistänyt
haavakankaan toiseen paikkaan… Minä etsin ja etsin… Luulenpa,
että teit sen tahallasi.

— Enhän minä voinut tietää, että hän tulee tänne sormi purtuna,
muutenhan tosiaankin olisin voinut tehdä sen tahallani. Enkelini,
äitikulta, te alatte puhua tavattoman teräväjärkisesti.

— Olkoon vain teräväjärkistä, mutta millaiset tunteet, Lise, Aleksei

Fjodorovitšin sormen ja kaiken tämän johdosta! Oh, rakas Aleksei
Fjodorovitš, eivät minua yksityiskohdat tapa, ei joku Herzenstube,
kaikki yhdessä, tämä kokonaisuus, sitä minä en jaksa kestää.

— Riittää, äiti, riittää Herzenstubesta, — nauroi Lise iloisesti. —

Antakaa pian haavaside ja vettä, äiti. Tämä on yksinkertaisesti
lyijyvettä, Aleksei Fjodorovitš, nyt muistin sen nimen, mutta se on
mainiota haudevettä. Äiti, ajatelkaahan, hän on tapellut
poikanulikoitten kanssa kadulla ja joku poika on häntä purrut, no,
eikö hän ole itse pieni, pikkuinen poika ja voiko hän, äiti, tämän
jälkeen mennä naimisiin, sillä ajatelkaahan, äiti, hän tahtoo mennä
naimisiin. Kuvitelkaahan hänen olevan naimisissa, no, eikö se
naurata, eikö se ole kauheata?

Ja Lise nauroi kaiken aikaa hermostunutta hiljaista nauruaan

katsellen viekkaasti Aljošaa.

— No, miksi ei menisi naimisiin, Lise, ja miksi sinä tuommoista ja

aivan sopimattomia… kun tuo poika kenties on hullu.

— Ah, äiti. Onko olemassa hulluja poikia?

— Miksi ei olisi olemassa, Lise, aivan kuin minä olisin sanonut
tyhmyyden. Tuota poikaa on purrut vesikauhuinen koira ja hänestä
on tullut hullu poika ja nyt hän vuorostaan puree jotakuta lähellään
olevista. Mutta kylläpä hän laittoi teille hyvän siteen, Aleksei
Fjodorovitš, minä en olisi osannut. Tunnetteko nyt kipua?

— Hyvin vähäistä enää.

— Pelkäättekö te vettä? — kysyi Lise.

— No, riittää jo, Lise, kenties minä tosiaankin olin liian kärkäs
puhumaan hullusta pojasta ja sinä teit jo omat johtopäätöksesi. Heti
kun Katerina Ivanovna sai kuulla teidän tulleen, Aleksei Fjodorovitš,
hän syöksyi luokseni, hänellä on hirveä, hirveä halu nähdä teitä.

— Ah, äiti! Menkää sinne yksin, hän ei voi nyt heti lähteä, hän
kärsii kovin.

— En minä ensinkään kärsi, minä voin varsin hyvin lähteä… —


— Kuinka! Menettekö te pois? Niinkö te? Niinkö te?

— Mikäpä siinä? Kun olen siellä toimittanut asiani loppuun, niin

tulen tänne takaisin ja me voimme taas puhella niin paljon kun vain
tahdotte. Mutta tahtoisin mahdollisimman pian tavata Katerina
Ivanovnan, sillä joka tapauksessa tahdon palata tänään niin pian
kuin mahdollista luostariin.

— Äiti, ottakaa ja viekää hänet pian pois. Aleksei Fjodorovitš,

älkää vaivautuko poikkeamaan minun luokseni Katerina Ivanovnan
puheilta palatessanne, vaan menkää suoraan luostariinne, menkää
vain menojanne! Minä käyn nukkumaan, en ole nukkunut koko yönä.

— Ah, Lise, tuo on vain leikkiä sinun puoleltasi, vaan mitäpä, jos
tosiaankin nukkuisit! — huudahti rouva Hohlakov.

— Minä en tiedä, millä olen… Minä jään vielä noin kolmeksi tai, jos
niin tahdotte, viideksi minuutiksi, — mutisi Aljoša.

— Ihan viideksikin! Viekää hänet pian pois, äiti, tuo hirvitys!

— Lise, sinä olet menettänyt järkesi. Lähtekäämme, Aleksei

Fjodorovitš, hän on liian oikukas tänään, en uskalla häntä ärsyttää.
Oi, surkeata on hermostuneen naisen olo, Aleksei Fjodorovitš! Mutta
ehkäpä häntä tosiaankin alkoi nukuttaa teidän siellä ollessanne.
Miten te niin pian saitte hänet uneliaaksi, ja miten onnellista se

— Ah, äiti, miten rakastettavasti te olette alkanut puhua, minä

suutelen teitä siitä, mammakulta.

— Ja minä sinua, Lise. Kuulkaahan, Aleksei Fjodorovitš, — sanoi

rouva Hohlakov salaperäisen ja tärkeän näköisenä nopeasti
kuiskuttaen, poistuessaan huoneesta Aljošan kanssa, — en tahdo
antaa teille mitään ennakkokäsityksiä enkä kohottaa tuota verhoa, te
menette sisälle ja näette itse kaiken, mitä siellä tapahtuu, se on
kauheata, se on mitä kummallisin komedia: hän rakastaa veljeänne
Ivan Fjodorovitšia ja koettaa kaikin voimin vakuuttaa itselleen
rakastavansa veljeänne Dmitri Fjodorovitšia. Se on kauheata! Minä
tulen sisälle teidän kanssanne, ja jos minua ei sieltä ajeta pois, niin
katson, minkälaiseksi asia kehittyy.

Mullerrus vierashuoneessa

Vierashuoneessa oli keskustelu jo päättynyt. Katerina Ivanovna oli

voimakkaan mielenliikutuksen vallassa, vaikka olikin päättäväisen
näköinen. Sillä hetkellä, jolloin Aljoša ja rouva Hohlakov astuivat
sisälle, oli Ivan Fjodorovitš jo noussut seisomaan lähteäkseen pois.
Hänen kasvonsa olivat hieman kalpeat, ja Aljoša katsahti
levottomana häneen. Seikka oli semmoinen, että Aljoša tässä nyt sai
selvyyden erääseen epäluuloonsa — erääseen levottomuutta
tuottavaan arvoitukseen, joka jo jonkin aikaa oli häntä kiusannut. Jo
noin kuukauden ajan oli hänelle silloin tällöin eri tahoilta koetettu
antaa se käsitys, että veli Ivan rakastaa Katerina Ivanovnaa, ja mikä
oli tärkeintä, todellakin aikoo »lyödä laudalta» Mitjan. Aivan
viimeiseen asti tämä oli tuntunut Aljošasta aivan luonnottomalta,
vaikka olikin herättänyt hänessä suurta levottomuutta. Hän rakasti
kumpaakin veljeään, ja häntä peloitti tuommoinen kilpailu heidän
kesken. Mutta Dmitri Fjodorovitš itse oli äkkiä eilen hänelle suoraan
selittänyt, että veli Ivanin kilpakosinta oli hänelle suorastaan mieleen
ja että se auttaa häntä, Dmitriä, monessa suhteessa. Mihin se
auttaa? Menemäänkö naimisiin Grušenjkan kanssa? Mutta tätä
tekoa Aljoša piti epätoivoisena ja vihoviimeisenä. Kaiken tämän
lisäksi Aljoša oli ehdottomasti uskonut aivan eiliseen iltaan asti, että
Katerina Ivanovna itse intohimoisesti ja järkähtämättömästi rakastaa
hänen veljeään Dmitriä, — mutta uskoi sitä vain eiliseen iltaan asti.
Lisäksi hänen mielessään jostakin syystä kangasteli, että Katerina
Ivanovna ei voi rakastaa sellaista kuin veli Ivan, vaan rakastaa
hänen veljeään Dmitriä ja juuri semmoisena kuin tämä on, niin
kummalliselta kuin tuommoinen rakkaus näyttikin. Mutta eilen
Grušenjkan kanssa sattuneen kohtauksen aikana oli hänen
mieleensä alkanut kangastella jotakin muuta. Sana »mullerrus», jota
rouva Hohlakov äsken oli käyttänyt, sai hänet melkein vavahtamaan,
sen tähden että juuri viime yönä hän puoleksi heränneenä
aamuyöstä oli äkkiä, luultavasti vastaten omaan unennäköönsä,
lausunut: »Mullerrus, mullerrus!» Kaiken yötä hän oli unissaan
nähnyt eilisen kohtauksen Katerina Ivanovnan luona. Nyt äkkiä
rouva Hohlakovin suora ja itsepintainen vakuutus, että Katerina
Ivanovna rakastaa veli Ivania ja että hän vain itse, tahallaan,
jonkinmoista leikkiä leikkien, sydämen »mullerruksen» vaikutuksesta
pettää itseään ja itse kiduttaa itseään teeskennellyllä rakkaudellaan
Dmitriä kohtaan, joka rakkaus johtuu muka jonkinmoisesta
kiitollisuudesta, — hämmästytti Aljošaa: »Kenties todella juuri näissä
sanoissa onkin täydellinen totuus. Mutta millainen on sitten näin
ollen veli Ivanin asema?» Aljoša tunsi vaistomaisesti, että sellaisen
luonteen kuin Katerina Ivanovnan täytyi saada vallita, mutta hän voi
vallita ainoastaan Dmitrin kaltaista eikä ollenkaan sellaista kuin Ivan.
Sillä vain Dmitri saattoi (olkoonpa, että vasta pitkän ajan kuluessa)
lopulta alistua hänen edessään »omaksi onnekseen» (jota Aljošakin
olisi toivonut), mutta Ivan ei, Ivan ei voisi hänen edessään alistua,
eikä tuo alistuminen tuottaisi hänelle onnea. Tämmöisen käsityksen
oli Aljoša jostakin syystä tahtomattaan muodostanut itselleen
Ivanista. Ja nyt kaikki nämä epäilyt ja mietteet välähtivät hänen
mielessään ja kulkivat sen läpi sillä hetkellä, jolloin hän oli menossa
vierashuoneeseen. Välähtipä vieläkin yksi ajatus, äkkiä ja
vastustamattomasti: »Entäpä jos hän ei rakasta ketään, ei
kumpaakaan?» Huomautan, että Aljoša ikäänkuin häpesi tämmöisiä
ajatuksiaan ja moitti itseään niistä, kun ne sattuivat, kuten viime
kuukauden aikana oli tapahtunut, nousemaan hänen mieleensä:
»Mitäpä minä ymmärrän rakkaudesta ja naisista ja kuinka minä voin
tehdä tuommoisia päätelmiä», ajatteli hän itseään soimaten joka
kerta tuollaisen ajatuksen tai arvelun noustua hänen mieleensä.
Mutta hän ei kuitenkaan voinut olla ajattelematta. Hän ymmärsi
vaistollaan, että esimerkiksi nyt hänen kahden veljensä kohtalossa
tuo kilpailu oli hyvin tärkeä kysymys, josta riippui paljon. »Toinen
iljettävä olento syö toisen», oli veli Ivan eilen lausunut puhuessaan
suuttuneena isästään ja veljestään Dmitristä. Siis veli Dmitri oli
hänen silmissään iljettävä olento ja oli kenties jo kauankin ollut?
Eiköhän siitä asti kun veli Ivan oli tutustunut Katerina Ivanovnaan?
Nuo sanat olivat eilen tietysti päässeet Ivanin suusta hänen
tahtomattaan, mutta juuri siksi niillä oli sitäkin suurempi merkitys. Jos
niin on, niin kuinka tässä voi olla kysymys rauhasta? Eikö
päinvastoin ole ilmaantunut yhä uusia vihamielisyyden ja
vihollisuuden syitä heidän perheessään? Mutta tärkeintä oli, ketä
hänen, Aljošan, tuli sääliä? Ja mitä hänen piti kullekin toivoa? Hän
rakastaa heitä kumpaakin, mutta mitä pitää toivoa heille kummallekin
tämmöisten kauheitten ristiriitojen vallitessa? Näissä sekavissa
oloissa saattoi joutua aivan neuvottomaksi, mutta Aljošan sydän ei
voinut sietää epätietoisuutta, sillä hänen rakkautensa oli luonteeltaan
aina toimivaa. Hän ei voinut rakastaa passiivisesti; kun hän jotakuta
rakasti, niin hän heti ryhtyi myös tätä auttamaan. Mutta tätä varten
täytyi asettaa itselleen päämäärä, täytyi varmasti tietää, mikä
kummallekin heistä oli hyvää ja tarpeellista, ja kun oli päässyt
varmuuteen, että päämäärä oli oikea, tuli luonnollisesti auttaa heitä
kumpaakin. Mutta varman päämäärän asemesta oli kaikkialla vain
epäselvyyttä ja hämmennystä. »Mullerrus», lausuttiin nyt! Mutta mitä
hän saattoi ymmärtää edes tuon mullerruksen laadusta? Hän ei
ymmärrä edes ensimmäistä sanaa koko tästä sekamelskasta!

Nähtyään Aljošan lausui Katerina Ivanovna nopeasti ja ilomielin

Fjodorovitšille, joka jo oli noussut paikaltaan lähteäkseen:

— Hetkiseksi vielä! Jääkää vielä hetkeksi. Minä tahdon kuulla,

mitä mieltä on tämä mies, johon minä luotan koko sydämestäni.
Katerina Osipovna, älkää tekään menkö, — lisäsi hän kääntyen
rouva Hohlakovin puoleen. Hän pyysi Aljošaa istuutumaan
viereensä, ja rouva Hohlakov istuutui vastapäätä, Ivan Fjodorovitšin

— Tässä ovat kaikki ystäväni, kaikki, mitä minulla on maailmassa,

rakkaat ystäväni, — alkoi hän kiihkeästi äänellä, jossa värisivät
todellisen kärsimyksen kyynelet, ja Aljošan sydän taipui taas heti
hänen puoleensa. — Te, Aleksei Fjodorovitš, te näitte eilen tuon…
kauheuden ja näitte, millainen minä olin. Te ette ole nähnyt sitä, Ivan
Fjodorovitš, hän näki. Mitä hän ajatteli minusta eilen, sitä en tiedä,
tiedän vain sen, että jos sama toistuisi tänään, nyt juuri, niin minä
lausuisin ilmi aivan samat tunteet kuin eilen, — aivan samat tunteet,
samat sanat ja tekisin samat liikkeet. Te muistatte minun liikkeeni,
Aleksei Fjodorovitš, te itse estitte minulta yhden niistä… (Kun hän
sanoi tämän, hän punastui ja hänen silmänsä alkoivat säkenöidä.)
Sanon teille, Aleksei Fjodorovitš, että minä en voi tehdä minkään
kanssa sovintoa. Kuulkaa, Aleksei Fjodorovitš, minä en edes tiedä,
rakastanko häntä nyt. Minusta hän on säälittävä, se on huono
rakkauden todistus. Jos minä rakastaisin häntä, edelleenkin
rakastaisin, niin minä kenties nyt en säälisi häntä, vaan päinvastoin

Hänen äänensä alkoi väristä, ja kyynelet kimaltelivat hänen

silmäripsissään. Aljoša vavahti sisimmässään: »Tämä tyttö on
totinen ja vilpitön», ajatteli hän, »eikä… eikä hän enää rakasta
— Niin se on! Niin! — huudahti rouva Hohlakov.

— Odottakaa, rakas Katerina Osipovna, minä en ole vielä sanonut

pääasiaa, en ole sanonut mitä minä tänä yönä lopullisesti päätin.
Minä tunnen, että päätökseni kenties on kauhea — minulle itselleni,
mutta minä aavistan, että en muuta sitä enää millään ehdolla, en
millään ehdolla koko elämäni aikana, vaan niin tapahtuu. Minun
rakas, hyvä, ainainen ja jalo neuvonantajani ja syvä sydänten tuntija
sekä ainoa ystäväni, mikä minulla maailmassa vain onkin, Ivan
Fjodorovitš, hyväksyy ajatukseni kaikissa suhteissa ja pitää
päätöstäni hyvänä… Hän tuntee sen.

— Niin, minä hyväksyn sen, — lausui Ivan Fjodorovitš hiljaisella,

mutta lujalla äänellä.

— Mutta minä tahdon, että myös Aljoša (ah, Aleksei Fjodorovitš,

anteeksi, että nimitin teitä yksinkertaisesti Aljošaksi), — minä tahdon,
että myös Aleksei Fjodorovitš sanoo minulle juuri nyt, molempien
ystävieni läsnäollessa, olenko oikeassa vai enkö? Minulla on
vaistomainen aavistus, että te, Aljoša, olette rakas veljeni (sillä te
olette minun rakas veljeni), — lausui hän taas innostuneesti ja tarttui
Aljošan kylmään käteen kuumalla kädellään, — minä aavistan, että
teidän ratkaisunne, teidän hyväksymisenne on kaikista tuskistani
huolimatta antava minulle rauhan, sillä teidän sanojenne jälkeen
minä rauhoitun ja tulen sovintoon, — aavistan sen!

— En tiedä mitä te minulta kysytte, — lausui Aljoša, ja hänen

kasvonsa punastuivat, — tiedän vain, että rakastan teitä ja toivon
tällä hetkellä teille onnea hartaammin kuin itselleni!… Mutta enhän
minä ollenkaan ymmärrä näitä asioita… — kiiruhti hän äkkiä jostakin
syystä lisäämään.
— Näissä asioissa, Aleksei Fjodorovitš, näissä asioissa on
tärkeintä nyt kunnia ja velvollisuus ja en tiedä mikä vielä, jokin
kenties velvollisuuttakin korkeampi. Sydämeni puhuu minulle
vastustamattomasta tunteesta, ja se vetää minua
vastustamattomasti mukanaan. Kaiken voi muutoin sanoa lyhyesti,
minä olen jo tehnyt päätökseni: jos hän naikin tuon… elukan (alkoi
hän juhlallisesti), jolle minä en koskaan, en koskaan voi antaa
anteeksi, niin minä kumminkaan en jätä häntä! Tästä lähin minä en
enää koskaan, en koskaan jätä häntä! — lausui hän niin, että se oli
kuin kalpean, kiusaantumisesta syntyneen innostuksen purkaus. —
Ei niin, että minä kuljeskelisin hänen jäljessään, joka hetki
laittautuisin hänen näkyviinsä, kiusaisin häntä, — oi ei, minä menen
toiseen kaupunkiin, minne tahansa, mutta koko ikäni, koko elämäni
ajan minä seuraan hänen vaiheitaan väsymättä. Kun hän tulee tuon
kanssa onnettomaksi, ja niinhän ehdottomasti käykin aivan kohta,
niin tulkoon hän minun luokseni ja hän on kohtaava ystävän,
sisaren… Vain sisaren tietysti, ja niin on oleva ainaisesti, mutta
tulkoon hän lopultakin vakuutetuksi, että tämä sisar on todella hänen
sisarensa, rakastaa häntä ja on uhrannut hänelle koko elämänsä.
Minä pääsen siihen, minä pidän sen järkähtämättömästi
päämääränäni, että hän viimein oppii tuntemaan minut ja kertoo
minulle kaikki häpeilemättä! — huudahti hän aivan kuin
raivostuneena. — Minusta tulee hänen jumalansa, jota hän rukoilee,
— ja sen hän on minulle vähintään velkaa uskottomuudesta ja siitä,
mitä sain eilen hänen tähtensä kärsiä. Ja nähköön hän koko
elämänsä ajan, että minä läpi elämäni olen uskollinen hänelle ja
kerran antamalleni lupaukselle siitä huolimatta, että hän oli uskoton
ja petti. Minä… minä muutun vain hänen onnensa välikappaleeksi
(vai kuinka sen sanoisin), hänen onnensa työkaluksi, koneeksi, ja
koko elämäni ajaksi, koko elämäni ajaksi, ja jotta hän näkisi sen niin

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