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The Ongoing Information versus Data


Track Maintenance Planning in the Era of Big Data

David Staplin – Deputy Chief Engineer Track
December 9, 2014

Safe Reliable Economical Smart

Information versus Data

 Where have we come from – case study

 The evolution of “data”
 Where we are now
 Where we want to go

Safe Reliable Economical Smart

Where We Have Come From

 Formation of Conrail in 1976

 United States Railway Association had detailed inventory of
infrastructure condition
–Massive study including walking samples over entire network
–Data in boxes summarized to “operating segment” level

 Final size and funding based on network sized by cost of

ongoing rehabilitation and maintenance (data was manual)
 Challenge: Put the money where it did the most good first
–35,000 miles of track
–7,800 miles of track under slow orders, many down to 15 MPH
–Check the YouTube Penn Central Trustee’s video for your own

Safe Reliable Economical Smart

Where We Have Come From

 Conrail Board challenged to use Fed funding wisely

 No formal methodology existed for evaluating
maintenance projects based on business case
–Improve operation of trains on network
–Improve safety
Cut costs
–Focus on profitability
 Rail lines

 Lines of business

–Strategic importance

 Conrail developed operations planning group and hired

consultant to develop a methodology
 Board gave the group three months to do the impossible
Safe Reliable Economical Smart
Where We Have Come From

 Methodology developed combined

–Business techniques
–Expert knowledge
–Expert opinion

 All of the above required massive amounts of data that

did not exist in an organized repository
 Where then to get it? Relied on:
–Field operating and maintenance personnel to develop business
case data (scope, budget, improvement to be expected)
–Marketing to provide relative profitability
–Senior management for strategic guidance

Safe Reliable Economical Smart

Where We Have Come From

 Each project took a minimum of three pages of

handwritten data
 Data was transferred to key punch cards for input
–1545 projects input
–1238 chosen

 Even with crude data, total selected program

–Cost 4% less
–Yielded 31% more benefits

 The case for data driven decisions was made but

–Where to get quality data
–Where to get consistent data
–How to get data that did not burden staff and field forces

Safe Reliable Economical Smart

Where We Have Come From

Safe Reliable Economical Smart

The Evolution of Data

 In the beginning data and information were often

–Data was generally about failure
 Failure could be verified by

-Measurement (geometry car)

-Testing (internal rail flaw detection)
-Eyesight (mud spot)
–Issue was more about where to go first with resources not whether
there was a need to do something or when
–As things continued to “break,” they got added to the job jar

 The railway network had enough capacity to absorb any

shortcomings if the crude selection processes were
sometimes non-optimal

Safe Reliable Economical Smart

The Evolution of Data

 As the railway network improved, the choices for expending

resources began to get more difficult
–Better data was needed
–More data was needed

 Example in rail replacement strategies…

While jointed rail was still common, one needed to know where it was
–Once main tracks were predominantly welded
 Needed defect information, by type (rail defect data bases)

 Accumulated usage (tonnage from train movement records)

 Wear data and trends (rail wear camera systems)

 Surface condition (corrugation analyzers)

 Collection and storage systems were able to keep up with

more discrete data
Safe Reliable Economical Smart
The Evolution of Data

Track Geometry Joint inspection

Lidar for ROW Rail
–Type and chemistry
GPR for ballast and
GPS to locate anything –B-scan history of interior
–Surface analysis
Ties & fasteners
–Line scan data Right-of-way sensors
–Lidar –HBD
Accelerometers –Wheel profile
Safe Reliable Economical Smart
Where We Are Now

 Industry has seen steady growth since last round of big

mergers in the 1990s (Conrail break-up)
 Industry has the ability to move into markets quickly (oil)
 Industry is safer than ever (hold that thought)
 Network has seen signs of strain (Amtrak OTP mirrors it)
–Started before 2008 recession)
–Has recently shown signs of returning
 Nodes - Chicago

 Links – Empire Builder route east of Minot

Safe Reliable Economical Smart

Where We Are Now

 What happens when network strains

–At the node or link where strain occurs, capacity is consumed,
stopping growth
–Reliability drops, impacting other nodes and links
–Train crews outlaw on the road
–Maintenance crews are inhibited from inspection and repair
–Costs go up as efficiency drops
–Customers complain
–Amtrak cannot maintain schedules
–Some business is driven off
–Recovery from service interruptions takes longer

 The network of the future may have to operate

substantially better to accommodate growth

Safe Reliable Economical Smart

Where We Are Now

Safe Reliable Economical Smart

Where We Want to Go

 Congratulations, derailments per mtm decreased annually

at an average rate of 3.1%
 Plan is to cut rate by another 60% by 2030, a
compounded reduction rate of 2.5%
–What if traffic grows 2.5%? The number of derailments doesn’t
–What if traffic grows 3.5%? The number of derailments will go up
 Can the rail network live with that?

 Will the public live with that?

 We might need to do better

–What if we had to reduce events 3.5% per year?

Safe Reliable Economical Smart

Where We Want to Go

 In thinking of how we can do better in the future…

–Much low hanging fruit has already been picked (burnt off journals)
–Some of the known problems have been tough to crack (DFs)
–We don’t know what new problems we might face
 History shows that solving one problem often exposes another

 Our regulator is not always predictable

 We can be certain that we will need:

–More data
–Better data
–To be better at relating disparate data sets
 For better alignment of events (RCF)

 For determining relationships leading to cause and effect

Safe Reliable Economical Smart

Where We Want to Go

 More data – Rail defects

–Reliably assessing cracks that have potential to become TDDs
–Seeing defects in the web and base of rail
–Seeing defects in thermite welds

 Better data – Assessment of force free temp in rail

 Example - Amtrak project with VT on high frequency

accelerometers to “listen” to the track

Safe Reliable Economical Smart

Where We Want to Go

 At the end of the day, based on past history, we can be

confident of having more and better data
 Going forward, our largest single challenge:
How can we take the data we have, the new data we get, and
be able to:

1. “Cross talk” among the technologies

2. Search for trends and relationships hidden in the data
3. Analyze data in context

The complexity and amount are such that data by itself no

longer guarantees that we have INFORMATION

Safe Reliable Economical Smart

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