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NAA: A1564, 4/1 INT

Series number: A1564

Control symbol: 4/1 INT
Barcode: 3320045
Number of pages: 213

Royal Australian Air Force - Headquarters, North Western Area - Intelligence Section - Attack reports, 13
Squadron [1.5cm]
_____h___W . RY‘ :Al1g_EpRCE 7'u_._ -‘.-" " $20/i/119 R EIf _ ‘_ ‘ ‘ - P: ,.,, V |."z~- F ~ ~.-~»= 1v="1 - 1; . ' y ’ ' _ “W ’ ‘M I1-.‘\‘.'§I,1--I-,, in " ’ ‘ . ‘Y’ ~ ,, F‘ .-'15“ -' --“**’§ "'-"'1 "' . 1'.'§*" " 1 ! -' V» ‘ \-j:\'~;: ‘ ‘ 6 > .____.*»,‘
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.1‘ 5 -,- ,_"_f’ " " i‘ ‘.1 \W V _ FQRM A_ ‘ R.A.4.F.Form’1\.1.08'(B).A \ 1 5,_ \_ ,' V . ATTACK REPORTi UNIT: ...... .... .j°‘ LL ........................................ . .- - - S d :Report 36 Pilot. Observer. qua 1'0"N0
..................................... .. 13’/0 ' _"_i{gI_19':$ is(1) Target and Position: Place: 35._;m‘-33Gmiaor, nncnaaoa close inch.‘-no oi! Date: /3 / 42I-E. norm: GOHOEIQIPI Idtmh, iBi-HIM GROUP, v‘._ ‘J In’ a I: Lt (V _ t
Time:0855‘/1 hrs.Q\___ .--.--. Height il°a0_6J oofeet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)._ V #11 ll-"Q; Bonita tall claw: or Item at cruiser.-u‘ 1 _; —'(4) Enemy
AA.Ground Defences encountered~—(~a) Location; (b) type; ~(c) strength:(8) omiaer Cb} Iieavy Ligk (q) 31559(5) Enemy Aii Activity—(a) Position or patrols; (1)) ‘type and number of aircraft (r) if. Q.
engagiementtresulted:mat laooo rear over mama amour (M s s.a. r1 at 1mt“ .5"'1"1p 3*» (oi 2 F:/A assume but broke ma; “£22332oting any dmqa.Q -,sf(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See
Instruction para. 6.)ta) ihoonnniaelnco Report Po. so mtmima._ (7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):B11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)""""'-""""bwqn»oo-no--Qua, K“ '( " lot
oiaor;to: ccrmanvier‘aomxlmmg Bo. 13 squadron,=>- O4'. 'c,.3El_ _ _ . ~ ' . t S2-gnatulre ................................ ................... e _____ ..... ‘~ 1'5.‘ ‘: ,. _ V’ _ _ _ ,- 1| ._ . Y, _, - _ -‘ "; ;‘ ~_":.'. o .rw.@@~rs s t < » , » s a
c n t = a » t 1 t i‘Y ,1» 7"‘? "‘c- "@1;?é,._- '=-“'.2.~ Y 1. ‘ '. '3’ -“r‘-Y“ > ‘ I . H v ~'<.-.;.&iw‘ . = '~ , = ‘~£_-|_~-V a ' I '~== =:.~==_, .>_>': i V '~ ".' +'< - '_ ' _.'-:4. V - V-__;~ _:‘>_ 1 :~ ,.,'.".,i,~ ‘:1-H - , - -I M ’ ‘_,_~ _' 'r.‘_1';r¢ ‘
V ' _ "“‘,_-.' -w ' ‘ ' V ‘ -:<‘ R I \ ‘_ ti, I, 5‘ ,""T,-’\Q*_‘"~3' .:¢_,,‘i,.>‘ - 1-;---; ._ _ _,i§,-‘;_.-,.-, - -:-"-»'_ - . - r _ , .¢.»s:‘»*.~a~»,-ta‘#’_.'L_.£\_~n_ _~, , i '.t:-~,.- t-.~ -*-~ 4. ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~
INSTRUCTIONS.¢‘ -Q;-. f, FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed-if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature
of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. ‘Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.K
rig; ' I W ‘I as! .‘ .44m'~.-.> .1R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B). 1FORM A.ATTACK REPORTiIO. 13 SQU ADE!UNIT: .................................................................................................... ..I ReportNo 3’Pilot : Observer: Sq"ad1‘°n IP/0.
lehtiuh r/0. louse]. 15(1) Target and Position: P1a°"" gucgpsOmiser, Imohcrnd close off LE. Date; 1 /8 /42corner GOF‘-KOEIKGAPI ISL.mD_ mumGROUP.Time : hrs.i s 08552/1Height :11ooo~4O oseet.(2) Nature of Attack:
(See Instruction para. 4.)fa) High mm (b) 4 x ass 11>. B.A.P., 1 aeo. delay(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Bombs not observed, I ‘(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered-(a) Location; (b) type; (r)
strength:(Q) cruiser lb) Retry ans Light (o)'I.1ght(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) if- engagement resulted: Véa) {£000 feet over GROUP’ (‘bl 3 8.1%. liloatplenea.0
ia152.(llEJ~att.kdbtbiggltigglmy amass. lo e u roke may without(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(ll Reconnaisslmoo Report Io. 38 attchea.(7) Casualties to own
aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):I11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)- W’) 1ot Officer,_f6r 1 /B‘ comnmdor,Oomldndmg ll 15 Squaqron,- _»4» O -K IF. HUGHES.ikj‘-"=we-.-. 1.: -‘vA,i:I;ll.'-
f§.1/4‘!§—‘§B118$= " .Signature ................................................................................................... ..
2 * ~ /pd‘bX\INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is'to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. ‘FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with
abbreviated details,from- FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completedif an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during
ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :-('a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.__ (_b_) _Vl[ejght,,,,f_use_,setting,,type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight
used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method ‘of sighting.(id) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air
combatNOT to be included. .Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P.
aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting,
approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bomb. burst, and, if any, time after explosion. '. I ,fa s
-Q / \ ( “ $9* A ? - »%.z';.~'-'~,-‘I\. \ IP‘ \.1‘N a amen: aw, V \ ’ . M 0g,ozv‘-::;'»;1~:r;~g Q, ms 9/1gm#g_a (1) r 1. mun$2; 573- 3“? :;, *3‘I 0 tuna: 1r/o ma.sac-In/divNEH HE???. Jque:L tau-an. hhttun. mum0'02 tuna: 1 tn
anus”E" J-¢.. m"‘ii7=f'§.-'§'-. 13"» Sm./1lpoqaon. in 0014 an. In M55 mm (5! 0440 mm.(4) mu an. I) om ma. (6) 0181 am.(‘H was am. M Mao am. (en was rm.R826!!! Jtarn club ill 4 3 880 15- 3.1.1’. bombs,il 1 anon! Aauq1&0
01'! In tn 5 taxation: 01'-3 airorl,Int on lulu: (1) zaiuracl Iinont hand-ilklq with ta). itk insulin Ind the air-crl or his taxation joined 4,6, can 6.fig waihor 11$!!! lewtng B5181] beootnoramtngxy IIIIII at 0 working up to ahow treat
I111 :11 vibllity tron 0 ta18-I09 £00. lolly rlia ml icing eonditiouwax: not. 2&1: £1-out cztnaiml to mm 11$.6 I-_ Ila can niacin III-A 181-M1," BABM181633 ml on M ¢$ilIilA Ill elem! with#1001101 vtdlillb.(9) miurnol io DU: with I
defect we wire-1.i'l0(83 zntzurnel to ban with sBim»:nen§ trouble,‘Oi-I‘. El‘ MQ(N QQMM ‘bill: iy malkilmx ml talhl tau hy anther anal icing.H) ml (5) hut togoitmr ma got 'ci-u-onzghan and an ma visibility.A aolu-ah vii
new £1-on the 1-eportea pmaittonand mm:-u or the cruiser towaru A810! BM no alitlnga were mils.BI)! Ism Ill‘! nun £1-an mam lutinoo 'may ma no YIIIMII or gtity oinarvml than.' (7) RI (C) £11! I lllilr wurne $0 (4)mi (5) that
lea! slghtlnznthrnugltho =1»: bola; BIL! 13L-MD. when8 In-go luggen were aaan. » Emil liq,IQCIOOQIIOOOI‘54 .qr‘;'5‘
Q.r,amknaknmwwzm ta a a£1$ll9lIl$Iwmv§nm¥Il81¥tm,/-1-Ia' Q4 iildli M Viii-11Q ill», 'ilwt M’ »%4$i§ki:$iu ~‘mama miuammsliwtwtlinunazufaiwarid‘! in tin :24: at titer 1181'-- 011$'3'agBright tkau 11088 til! (Y3 Mn! ismu: at
ma charts an um 111$-tm an amt»: very at-aw ./ »1§5h§1‘I 5” gsrw Q'~§$§¥ 5: inns: an lrm an n ‘Q emww an ack§ttut%t¢¢§mnth_laIa‘§£vnl1hlNbnl§1£ix&auttuamuumaunuzmvam A\an KIA mama} rm: mm miwe other ma
Imam. 4 was mt; ;.~=+:»1¢ln1 at imis£5%\xi mt!!! pulwi ‘R1: ta aunt 1:32: ~$t&e3r_-1.was ma any as Qsiw mum, maméu ao_/to 4-3: ya’.-in can-2 ma swans 1:3 Mm at an axui-new.0ebunc u waiwaaliiorai ea amM nmw ask
wuwtwm:ahtrmtaaMm:aQgmmn/ <31:-$118313; in {Ia e sis, ti Imam any.:34 other xi; stunting anus in-n st! wa falls! H} who iiwllaser. Aw rzuwfi at 22.5. all u! w tin U01}: g-war It thn "amt“: aka an dz-writ! qr was in aim.
V5gra--J5tsa laiilwz-aactouaareaiiat 'Ii‘l‘I\l£Il:IIi8§§6h;iIfliV§§i&‘§l1§l.< ‘am we .iu£t:5-an {3} -Q ‘GM wamham £1; ‘/ll t ilhbli rm QM 83623991‘! »gnu, sauna nzmanwmxm._'$% % Meagan» m a.:@Aman»a paw» ', ullqi vim
um sbwz-mi tan 1&0 aft ma S yiw manA ,trim»: ism-2:§§ii nr in! Ysiaaixa new am: in thatmutant bra, hicrimtaan A I, uw '¢uazWl!.au. at tam ax: cam /111% $7116 ill, $122313. 3!, R172. = u4&1” , V '6'» 321:9 iaammvl
M§:?iQua ugh! Mm. 24»:1V 1 A £ / "wk?!» nsmmmmmwaws. w rm” M "' em mow em.-art new in Vat&kaa¢&!mm£u11=@¢£»¢az*n:mv0Gtid%tksuas, ‘/, . > _ _, __ 73*1mw§,_'|~. smile: _
I.’ '_f,1' /IIF\v|\I C"/1“"L . * _/11‘ j W, ;ZP»¢ //A/4"/f”%V14¢%', 4’/*Q»~z/ma. ' Z9114./¢" -aha %z:¢ wél-%.¢--_,?,<.--’ /22 _\__’7'-. //I , , -' v K. /1_/é.}7?.4‘,z. _,/;,.,,, 29- 2,?/hf éé/1,4 ‘f7wJ‘/£5;1:?/V1: %,~% - /-%¢-1-M ~ /7I70
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4“‘.“I\____<_ _;J-,_, __}M_ *_‘P-\JCF’/1;! * ""7/~ //~ //' /4? 1»/19’ "I1-~~ .-?4<--jzzp mm 4441. 2/ ~ ya-4,~.¢»,¢‘.: 14;”-’4".ffi,m,_ '-+2-4 §7r4...,1,-(Q14 :- Z060-g¢(9*’+77/07% M42”,. ,M,3/ -6“, z¢,.m;<-1% ; .M*”;£v4 $4» »/N -
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W’/~ %'~"""* zmz 7%’-%(/ /5“ ¢¢-"/‘K7-¢4Q" ’ - b ““_: /"lz 7 44$’- #55 %A'%\.-’Z"'k¢‘;!61¢z%-j,%%\,~;— J 4/4// %,’,¢>-r %&¢¢¢ /9¢>»;>Z,%é/¢z.¢¢Z¢-.-' iI\1\\i@.@»1/4- ,2/¢-/%~ 1- ' -"¢,{'7 ’1-1&4?/>4, /7~.¢»/s/-
..%”wm¢.4/§_. /f“ ___ _ ,=% A %~//aw’ /€.¢-2;/A-1' , %'_,/-Q'§7~%——qA20'ff\\.\5.\§\\1-1~ I'0/.‘r/*3’ zz :'__ %;t¢ , '---"i//’ , ‘,1-gz,'__,/,¢”~ %%/%¢%..g;L,Z_,:/Z,’,§¢4'/$2 /X’ V.Z_'Z;‘_"_"LL""_:!’¢% =‘ $é/"%é¢
/X’/57;R.A.A,F. Form A60(Ma-y, 1936)V ./35-'_\' '4a| ’ .is 1 aim 33M'4W“%&%Mh‘®¢u /§H'E. V74-¢ 4'//¢~14¢%;~[ /11% /4.’ r [OVER /,1»; — ,<<"7=»:/~/</»4~¢'<» '/€7¢»¢<. , 5'71‘? /“’y"_.”} . ->~9=.A’4_/- ‘ j -A 4' . .i; ,,¢,<,w.;
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~\Uemaugsr E g. -2%I§S%§g-@131 Q: £5. M.aqan afa; mi ms sin 10 ttmrllh{:1 1»/M. 2a.w_@mm £2: r/,0. am* 1 t 3 0 9‘ K Q mmwzcn (83 1*. Q. eama2 a a»:~mre rm r/age. was‘Ia atttak mam sat fame».Inks tenwan -~
variant alum! la-wra -50:01-111; poor.I4} Him am. rm mm. E5‘; am am. 7H$}a':aa urn. £8) W98 luau. (93 ve}. hrs‘1 2} . sazrmcx ta; rm. aluzma61 rt nan 1% /2.4» "J 1°. ~nnsgll azman (11. 8:) 1124639,. aread ed tooattent a
aanraysr repute: puattton .:~§ &6‘$.~ 3.31 &0'lK:, warm EBB ,Iplid £2 mats at <>am¢m,I3} mikrne to him with angina tam» _L3 hm; £18-or tlke 03¢ 2&0 other 3 traltiGM mt leach n mug ntostmger.El 5/31 ~ ‘I'dk- than
aura mitt3.1% he iomttimzi, 6 mu! $ rarlh2&0» nu.-crttt urn is qttlat Gmay {emu ta punts: 06 zs*a..2ao8€!'E¢ hm chatrayera, 1 cruiser, mi I at.I~8k01'»Elm ieraiian 01' -6 lirer 95003 a qua;-.5;. 108.1»: than he south at BE»
ISI.-Mm,I1! an at@tu:5 the aontwot sanmznsx1$~‘MI9 tax name !.E.- ml eight“ themew no it Inahnr at: B~4!B»I-IR} trama pasavzim-: aver ?’I§s ma I>1L£in-u u! cumin“ at 3 gm-oble iestroyura,ans emu-or, am ponnta ex-user
ma awn:ether mtlentltiai vowels whieh wen I11until IM, Ilthaugh the 1‘-light was poor, urnéaaerhul no Y¢a~w3.a um an: luggem.4&1 drcrl cartel 1 bomb hit 01' 4 x-850 lb. 3.1-‘.1’. Inch, 1 mean! A0117-(5) uh thn amass.“ am
mm a asap armmm rm»: to rm avatar. um ml amaa 6&0:/31. am»nrszthni tic MI, We aioaast to tau ship an Ekzzt L0 {Grin at!»gym in. u 100* ‘bani or the um: pmtlhly ml: a Ingermun was at! the has at in aruls-av.iaaamausn
\ ~(4! can ix an anabort $1 in ltlrhiei darn, nan-atnin tollumd am:-Iain:£33; pa:-011:1 ta 2» whip that 33$ guilt aw3 0 \£1) ‘bums swam! nu.tbs 6.l‘*é1I&1'u '5. ;=$1» $52?$-gialb Jul‘-2alum: at the: WI‘ miAll than uml nah: the
tam tyga ofIktlex, lien the imam $843»? ta mac: £118 mien“rmau.inch, mu 1:80H‘), 18} and (191 ma-shot funk tin pan»Mum gran slut at Wu Lilli Q2181 us: 1.1%: ebardlg nun“ ata! 1&1“ anti Q! 3188.5, bat rain; ta titling
115%!an Inn ta IQ! no otaenlttéammu-lngth i3r!:£11$l!. 1-nwwaing- '8 ( A ( I G" G . l “‘mm '::..':: .. M :: QR..:*°*-: x QGHEIil-'Gl,5%I‘f£3¢ Iii I88 ietaalqa $31! Mb (103 will mQ10 to at: wlrslaul um»! nu awn. tapitu repaltni
attempt!in tin air we ilk: em 1&4?-M‘Ital»: anus =1... -§L"»€£“‘¢§i@‘ "“ W“ .4- * Ga , H ( \ J.‘-aza teak at! ml aha»: M blsgynqoz._ $1’; aw aux: tram the artisan, but no:71i§1o oiuamratieaa were nlm. It an praiia that was
hon:A .2 ‘IQ amt my am the new light, it tracer an abaerv-at. Ilawin vary title-euriw.P ~-*1 I G £M:,Int alum f air,In 15 squaamn, *
‘ I- uI ATTACK REPORTUNIT: ....... ............................... ..\,/2-1% (Jt R.A.A. . Form A.l08(B"sReport 52 Piloti Observer: Squadron? F/Lin Balkin 1>/o. White15 (1) Target and Position: Place:HUGHESEnemy sea forces,
cruiser and aea- Date, / /troyers anchored 01'! BA!£\£IilIiRlf+, ~ 51 7 42B-‘IDA ISLAIQQ V (_ H lé Time: 09303/31 hrs.é Height :55o0_200o feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)(la). Steep dive (bi g x 250 lb.
s.A.r. l sec. delay {=¢=)=}ee(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.) IA H B11 hits, g1__z_1e_ar_ piles. E0 damage observed(4) EnemyAAA Ground‘ Defences. encountered-(a) Location; (Ii) type; (0) strength:(a)
cruiser (bi Heavy and Lights (e) -Light(5) Enemy'Air Activity—(o) Position oft patrols; (b) type and b f 'Nilnum er 0 aircraft (rengagement resulted: ‘)if(6) State if (a) reconna' b(G) Reconnaissance Report Hot 5'7
attached.issance ( ) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para.6-)(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):I11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)_@—-Qc-Q0-——_-
_¢un@n__-sq-no-—\ _-3. "I(' ct Officer,\\:§o_ ag commmder,Commanding Ho. 12> Squadron,A A IR. . .1?» HUGHES.,7, ; Sig nature”; ............................................................................................. .. - itA.H.M.-11/41-
_—B1»1851 M ~-4'.->4 -.1,-_ - v»-w*I_~'-9- .-,4-I
“_"7-‘~I\l~.!E ‘.7..-xIt.4F --4,.234567.11INSTRUCTIONS.§,.FORM A. is to -becompleted in t-riplicateiby Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to
be completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber-), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy
aircraftoccurs during ight. _, _ . , .The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under:—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.O (b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs
dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel).
Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. 'Estimated lnyiimber of hits, and damage inicted.‘ IA Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information
obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. _If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:--
Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging and' release of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after
explosion.-1 c,,ii.—5\»\~ ' la‘: ‘_' l.;. _' :1 ;;<.~: : _ , ‘, 1 1,‘ ‘av, ~‘_. <_ , ‘ ' , __M. ‘ ‘ " ' " " ‘ ' ’ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ "“ ‘ '-i1=‘klK3£:1-._ ._.,,...>.."\A|..i_..-‘F13, .1 r: '-"3§"_'~¢w.~ ,4
e e ~ /— '-Vi“:T / ? 21¢» \FQRM 'A_ J R.A.A.F. Fonu A.l08(B)./i.‘ ATTACK REPORTUNIT : ................ ...................... ..Report 33 Pilot: Observer: Sq‘-1ad1‘°n5N0 ..................................... .. r/Q‘ Jnugs P/0‘ Bmcx 13(1) Target
and Position: Place: KUGHES.Sam sea fox-col, cruiser and den» Date: / /troyer unohorei oft BIIDAIAIRA, 31 ‘I 42BIUDA ISLAIBQTime : hrs.- ‘ ' 0950 2/I51Height : feet550 O-20 00(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para.
4.)la} steep ave lb) :11. 25:: lb. s.A.P. 1 sec. de1ly4=i=)=%&e*(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)I11 hits. Inn-eat lnub 60 feet tron stern or cruiser(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences e_ncounter_ed—(a) Location;
(b) type; (c) strength;(ll milil-' (B) Hairy ind Light (0) Light(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) ifengagement resulted:I11 '(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports
attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)ll) Reeonnnisamoe import lie. 3'7 attaches.(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):I11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)0039.--Q-u @QQ¢—-
cowcqpuo-0”_!7 A *0-»-:3‘K t of.-ner,101" Gomllmler,cementing Io. 3 squadron,Q A 5;!‘ Egg.,_'- .. .,, _ 4 __ » I Signature .................................................................................................... .. ‘ p V 11.5.11.-~11/41.-B1185 i : ‘L./.r
’ » - ~ ‘ . k§,"....;.'¢.~....;\‘(Ir-._-._-\. 1. 2' -~ V J AL.‘ \ - '1 “
\0_ . <5 3'. ' ‘QH... .___ __‘.__.___QL f. _ .. / _F 1 _ 1llvINSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE
(Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with
enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.\The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and
type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air
combatNOT to be included.Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P.
aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8 :--Distance of initial sighting,
approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.noL ~ ,
. Q\ \11> I,,, A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).i ~v _ I ATTACK REPORTRepart 3‘ Pi10t= Observer: Sq“ad1‘°"¢N0 ...................................... .. 3/La?’ MORE P/0. B-E3513’ A 13(1) Target and Position: Place:HUGHESE-new I9!
£01-col. omuer and lo» Date’ 31c/ ‘I / 48troyar lnahor.-ml 0!! B-IEDIIMRA, . _am: Isuzu I I , . I ;; .. Tm‘ O9-'50::/L31 hmH ' ht- .elg‘ 55OO_2oo0feet(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)(Q) ler dire (H 4 x 250 lb. s.A.P.
1 sea. aelag (an mo(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Ii-1) nu. noun an cu-:11 1 zatnrbc-Var! aide of eruigen Q 0 and 1° "mas Mam“(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (c)
strength:VI) Cminr (bl nun md mgnt (0) LightI' 1 4 . . , '(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) if._ engagement resulted: , ,- 'In . Yq(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic
reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(8) Reconnaissance Rspozat 3:0. 31' uttaehoa. "I .(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):I11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.))_ W1)
,10$ lot -Dffioar,Cmmander, Iuommanalng Io. 1:5 Squadron, .I Sig nature .................................................................................................... ._A.H.ll.'—11/41-81185B; ‘ ~ ‘ r I9-..
s>Y8». 3'1" '"-"W"l2JF___, _7INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be
completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy
aircraftoccurs during ight. TThe nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :--(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of
sight used. .(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air
combatNOT to be included.Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P.
aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting,
approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.1I
- f' Pi FQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).‘ ATTACK REPORTUNIT: ......... ............................. ..R%?0rt ,5 5 Pi10t I Observer : Squadmn 10...................................... __ 1519/0. Matias I"/'£>. Ha;*2<.'>I3-ALI)(1) Target and
Position: Place: 1-TUE-B33‘trwyer anchored off BMDIEAIRA 31 7 42 Tgmpg ISM.‘ I _ “I: ' U’ Time: 09305/31 hrs._ Height: feet.I 5500-2000(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)la) Steep dive lb} 4. x s.a,1=, 1 nae.
oelny(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.). .113.-..h1‘_ia~ Bombe fell well clear oi’ bow of-cruiser.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences e,ncountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:( mi cruiser (bi Heavy anti Light
(0) Light‘Enemy sea tomes, crmissr and dea-' Date: / / (5) Enerny'Air ActiVity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) if~ engagement resulted: 4 _ _p- Bil(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic
reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(8) Reconnaissance Report Bio. av attached.(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):H11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)aanuuan-
cause-_— » -.--‘Q.--nu‘\ ..- (' ilot C!1‘%ice-1*,3°17 I15‘ Commander,Commanding 30. 15 Sqiuaamn,( ,Sig nature ................................................................................................... ..A.H.M.-11/41_—B1185I451!
-u1INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completedif an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of
attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—-(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.. v , k ' ' .(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included.
'Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of
operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. .If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:—-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.4a _ ..
\\;,.9’ M‘ .%§!.S= * *E11‘.!!lA!.&L1.L*l*ag at Egg}: *is/V 12*“/I441§._3._9..!.L1~ - -,éé/7’~ 29*! R11. 1943-111-442/=9I/O. ll! I500-mean. _<Iabllhyaboatjnilaagarnndiayandtoaaadonto larc-boonalaaana at AQI.W90
’§’EK!§1!jliiiiawzszé“eaisEs§Ch//"//Ll‘Aobaarval (ItAt the jetty Illpain; 2000ib, moE.,55ahtoholnayaaapatualaranlooningoutIOIJJ DO indiatiaotly Iinirullghto no clearly now to diatllgniah
anyalaararovarhlhlandadaatroyaruuthoughtwithtnurftnlaliaatotthatowa.vaualuaaaaieuactintodau-lnllar aaa each 0110 at1‘/0. Blithanciralalturaturaapmaaadaltoraaroaathopalinnlar.
Iutotraanlltmmoathacoaltoppo|1taL\naQ11vaua1nanaa1roaoad1ng8IIh1ohhalthraanlta twaana% ha vauol last "naatiuanl nu attacked at low 10101allrlgpd puibly 159 tons.OP2'nrara10uaolfru§00taotuh.-
lchttraddlodthabouotthavlllabmxtlyu-uapart. IhavaualuaaQ\lau'IIlior1lah1;hbythabclIlal|dl1lolt"Itan|lup‘aad'bnt1’urthnrran1tawu-aaotaaaaulntarcaptionlnaliataly tollaaal. :
iliatalybcnblvararallaloialbnaohlarnlaaatarhoardquartaronaan1In1atahout400yard: trail; tannin port all loner. Q1011 intarvonadBhoa-t1;attarnrhannuya1ra:'att..aam-aQ.1a1oIuap1:u-
aaoh1a¢ulanaathatIII:ti~d1a'hanaanl1t1attttlatitgavaanaahartharli. lallygunartirad‘a\0at$9In\mlaobau'v1u¢t:\oar an-.~@;:; at-u-ban-4 aideuttaaahp. Alittlaaaublaloblarndowaz-
Zerolta1boa:dIl.|¢aamra1raIa:tta¢a1aanarala1m4-‘ma attacking aircraft all denitely ailar in appoaraaaauznaannonasunnar/o.1mamuuunzanm11/7. allulotthaairuartaaramrablutthantaparal. ‘ha dork lltarnllillnlt £6 obtain a
furthertu-_ obaawvaticu -4. itlucrlptiol than that thoairu-attlaagraylighfblunineolaurrithradnrkingaaappam-Iartaoaotthawirga.y .I-ntalligaaaa rrioar,Io. 2 Bqmlrm,
/46/.6’\:t ~ "‘ _ FQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).i p ATTACK REPORTUNIT : ................ ................................................ ..Pilot: - Observer: Squadmn 3I/o. my Sgt. slmman 2ReportNo...........1.11 ................ ..(1) Target and
Position: Place: ‘mammo-150 ton haul mos my (Ketch) Dew 29 / 7 / 42Time : 05093 hrs.Height: Q00 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)I-0010101. 2GP250 lost Inst. 2:111:00 delay.(3) Observed Eifectsz
(See Instruction para. 5.)3:: $¢!i1|:d be: er ship 15 yards ape:-2. sup soon to 1m high m(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(u) Location; (b) type; (r) strength: lm ‘_i1Zu-oattackedtrulowandastom(6) State if (a)
reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(al You - Io. 73(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):I11(8) Special comments :1 (See Instruction para.
7.)Bunymmnerrirodoneburstatzerouikpuuodboluu ‘Ira¢ t mtItarboa;-4 portion or tuilago. llamlts mlburna as -v.¢m°:¢='?>§ tgkan .1:Y7 _ M t %Sig nature ...............................................................................................
..A.H.N.—l1/41-81135(5) Enemy Air Activity-—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) ifengagement resulted:
+‘ ->1!"-¢.._u',... .. - " '£'7 ,3? ' ‘ I e , /,, .~; ' ’ ‘: Y ‘$.‘n~‘.5"‘wn951$» ' ' g ? e.,.~ev-*_ 3. l\:<-vs ' ‘., »~i';-*"a'.~_- \ .. I: 5 ;-", it _.1 .?.:..§...»:_.. ... ~z - .1 -1.-,_, .__~,»~¢INSTRUCTIONS.i \_€._..._______.1. FORM A. is to be
completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.2. F(__)RMi_=BLUE. (Attack) is to be completed, rwithrabbreviated,details,‘ ‘from FORM A. for immediate
despatch to A.C.H. ie 3. FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and" FORM BLUE, Combat~ (Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight. , -4. The nature of attack. (Section 2) is
to be set out in detail as under :-. L . Method of attack, such -as high level, high dive, etc. _m . ..'..‘ ~.,_.-._.'.-_o..~_‘ L... .- gig‘ V ‘W(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number-of bombs dropped,and type of sight used. y(c)
Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be
included. ‘ ' ’ " '5. Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted. _6. A Reconnaissance Report (Form A-.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft
in the course of operational ight. A Photographic. Report (Form A36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. _ . ' _' _ V ; _, -7. If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial
sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.'3-¢~.s-.- - ..-
_~ .- 6-.. < _ _ - -K!a_ x‘ b _ \ _.3 1 ‘J > .nJZ>Jm.':\cIo» .~,.'--we-r._
P ._: -— 4' ' 'L»' UNIT! .......................... .............. ..';§£f'-» 43*-Fxi’Ara A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B).ATTACK REPORTReportk No ............... .......... .. r/L. nus‘!P/0 IQKIBIIPil0t 1 ' Observer: Squadron 12(1) Target and
Position: Place: BAEAR IBLAID6-Bmuum Date’ 31/7/42HID G1!!!» Tinqe; hQ3995 rs.Height : 600° feet._2§_Si_.P8mamntsown)(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)PPasll’'5Ilaoruu' of uilp(3) Observed Effects:
(See Instruction para. 5.)avy inomoIediunintlnn(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered-(a) Location; (b) type; (v) strength:(5) Enemy Air Activity-—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) itengagement
resulted:(I) Y“ I0» (6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)I11(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):lttlko(8) Special comments: (See
Instruction para. 7.) -Rotor Rocemuuanee Report. Special mention in nude or the excellentbdainingonthopartotthoobaornrwhoaouorkwunadoovonnorodiftieult by ue urn:-art flying in and out or cloud at the time or the 4 ,/5I / I
, ., ~I , /T f * ' 17,: 5, //y ‘-Signature ........ ............ ‘ ............ . A.H.M-—11/IIPBIIB5 '1‘,.’./.;- \-7‘ V 1.».-1./1""l ,Lu. -_ -i -' .___ ‘.4.; X 6,‘
III¢<'-_¢IeI:=¢—.»‘-~-9;, :_.;~~<~»-,~-‘ I »/ W * ' -H ‘r ".**' — "W-ip" r ' r - “ ‘ "“ ' '7F‘...g '13 _:.;_7 1;}:‘"1’. ..,‘ :.».\~.{-“- -."\ ' ,l k ~. '. A-.5 »~INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers
forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. "FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber)
Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :-—(a) Method of attack, such as
high level, high dive, etc.' ' -.- .-=-..._>,.-A_.\ n.. ... 7 ' ‘Hi _ (b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height,
method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. 'Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance
Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A36), giving details of
photographs, is to accompanythis report. ,If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 81-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging
andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion. 4IF'1-; .g ,-___.;Ki ¢~iI ‘I
¢.0" .§FORM A.i pATTACK REPORTUNIT: ........................ ........................... __isis-mR.A.A.F. Form A.108(B)Report Pilot : Observer:No 113r/0 ommnn P/0 mumSquadron:2(1) Target and Position:Yubari. mas Light
Qrailerr 5°4is - 131053:PlaceDate :31 /7 /42Time: 03222 hrs.Height: 15% feet.(2) Nature of Attack: '(See Instruction para. 4.)Highdintolw.2§oar2(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)1B@nte11 across and in from
of bows. H11 damgo.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered-—-(u) Location; (I1) type; (r) strength:Rodin Heavy 'Sli@t Hat(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r)
itengagement resulted :(6) State if (<1) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)I0(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):H11(8) Special comments: (See
Instruction para. 7.)A..H.M.—11/41-B1185/, I“);/7 /'. 1.:-I 5./t;....§.,.__ , U’Signature ....... ..... . 17.H4..:.;::.....T...:11.....; ......................... ..‘f:' ............ .."v\,~
fu- ', .,-<.., ..z‘v-\‘PINSTRUCTIONS.l_._ .._i_______ ‘~FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate‘ by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-»CTGWS .- ,. . ' . _FORM BLUE
(Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A; for_i-mmediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with
enemy aircraftoccurs during ight. -The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—p» ~~(a)~ Method ofattack, such as high level, high dive, etc; R '. ._ 1 t - . ~ ’ V -,;_" - -.-_,_...___,.-A_\ s._ ,- M ~'i (b)
Weight, fuse setting, type and-n-u-mber_ of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red
against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combate NOT to be included. “ " ‘ ‘ "Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany
thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport, (Form A36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. V_ . g A
_ I ,If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air
bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.u’\II91-I
(2)1,19 rbanbnére-%%E‘.@%¢£..¢%£’£ outerappourndemii 0nra1rcrlha€rato¢P°'"'“‘“"F”¢goo Ijglg, u neat Plano, however, cloud rapidly to8007::-uuhnturrotganncrtirsdthraobuntaandluwhis true entering aircraft. India; anon
magma:inclomlndthil airnnuunotls ""-. 7-,y;, K,”/14 , ,;,¢/4/4/1, an 7'1! /7/¢ /F’///1’ 5"*"*=*’v‘/- ‘K ‘ ‘ _= a-=~*===1==*°'*"-5'11“1, orluttzuk twolleatjnnu (toaturunot churn!)nz-opu|odax2n11oc,tz:vol11n55°'lI“°429zi3pol1t1eu.I.$
53'3"139 52'l' '.35‘?e?:§§'CoM"4Eu'r. Flu. c)\~<,<.n-vv ’k°‘-" '4‘°~"""" "’LL"'”"'*’/‘Lotcu, W, 07 /L¢l\’41<@.cLnrs-hiillll QffiilioIo. 2 iqmnlz-an, A@-FROM Intelligence Officer, No. 2 Squadron, DARWIN, N.T.Area Intelligence
Officer, Headquarters North Western AreaALLIED AIR" ‘jth August, 1942.AIR RECONNAISSANCE REPORT NQ,LZA,Please amend your copy of this report as follcws:--Page (2) Line I - Read "a" in place of
"the"Line 2 - Delete "or a similar one" add "Serial 45"Line 8 - Add after "fire" - "The radial engine of the aircraftappeared very large."Intelligence Officer,No. 2 Squadron,DARWIN,y \
I INTELLIGENCE REPORT , SERIAL .... .3 ............ .. ' K H5“/ ........ .. S E C R E- FROM: .... .............................. .. AT:...... ..DARHIlI. ............................ .. DA'rE..2/.3/. ...... ..19i2~ (Unit, Station, district or person)
(place)REFERENCE: ..................................................................................................................................................... ..' (Correspondence, previous related report, etc., if applicable), SOURCE: .......... ..Reeonnaies.eme
........................................................... ..GRADING: ............................. ..(As oicial, personal observation, reconnaissance, interpretations, etc.)f SUBJECT:....I§.R9=¥¥9!9...l=§§$1.1!!6..I?§R89!...'2..T9§3.1=..§?-
32%;...*l11d..DQ'QQ..Axtea. .................................... ..(main title) (sub titles) BRIEF: (Here enter careful summary of report, containing substance succinctly stated: include importantfacts, names, places, dates, times, etc.),
Attach photograph or sketch (giving dimensions) if applicable.The following information has been obtained as a result of Reconnaiss-i anee Operations Dar 4.7. 4/30 Dar 2. - 4.5.5/1.1. On the 30/7 about 15 open barges
were seen off a small island nearBH.E‘l'ING, Kai Islands, and at other points mrthsr south. The barges had nooccupants but natives were nearby wading out to a number of them. These nativeswere clad in highly coloured
skirts and costumes.2. On the 1/8 at T0vEAL two open barges were seen - one at the wharf whereit had obviously unloaded a quantity of petrol drums’, which were still on the ,e wharf and the other a short distance sway
3/4 full of sinilar drums. rm»I drvms were similar to our 44 gallons._ 3. The latter barges (at TKISAL) were about 50 feet long and 10-12 feet "wide - engine 3/4 way aft with gear levers (2) no decks, high stern, bow blunt.1
These were observed from 300 feet but no guns or gun positions were noticed ~; though they were scrutinised carefully. The craft were similar in design to* those shown on plate G4 "The Japanese Army in Pictures" 1942
issued from the\ War Office.1V 4.. The former type abevenentioned (BEIETING) were apparently smallerI but of similar design and had a solid sort of hand rail around the whole boat.I 5. One barge at 'l‘QE..L was numbered
"4329". '\ 6. Photographs were taken and will be forwarded in due course. '7. These barges have not been observed before. 'Intelligence Officer,No. 2 Squadron,DARWIN.I; DISTRIBUTION: (To be shown in every instance).
_ _i 7 Y Q_lJ,ire_e_tprat_e of Intelligence, Allied Air H.Q., BRISI .1!.-.l?.-....-‘.\.¥f*;|.%!...'.- A-I-°-_ D.P.W. 5/4.2. l
OFEEUEPIOIIAIRCRAFT;CAPTsIN.REIURT.isREGONNAISSANCE REPORT N0DAR 47/51.One.F/0 Overheu.Light cruiser, YUBARI class sighted 5°4%'Sl5l°55'E, at 05222. Course 280° True. Speed20 knots. Maintained
course for 3 hours.Dive attack made, 5000' to 1000'. Bombsreleased at 1000 feet. 2 x 250 lb G.P. fellin front of bows.Vessel followed at 5000 feet for 5 hours.Heavy A/A amidships, Pom-Pom aft and sides.Passed over
SAUMLAKI at 500 feet. No personsor any activity seen.MATKAS Is. - no change - runway as usual.Fewer luggers than usual.0n return from MATKAS Is, no shipping of anydescription sighted. Height on return, 2000'for 50
miles and 1000' then on.Visibility: 5 miles for that so miles and15 miles for remainder.Intelligence Officer.No 8 Squadron.44
A ? 731:’ _.. $6 “ ‘ 7._ ‘_v-f-1 , <. m silt! 1 an-was.3&5; % in 2%» in 2/a. asaa2; MQ iii auras mama Asiamm.'2 tim um m aw mu {Si owe um.IQ: an em: an twat It§% £2181 $6 §§§$!'i§ C1I31&0 nal! anntig unlit
anl&,1\_\~ 6.2. nan ll!» ta ‘stun ad! nmq ar an114r ill M11:3!»\§iin"Q1 3'0 *=" :2“§5 £522* Z3?*§ ii‘§; “E5* 3%5515:5 3+iii;5?2;;iaéa5%51$;23.2%5%“ Bib” Mini £*%3.6€,fhl $1; slightly hit!the lira:-tW Iii‘;hit liiuasll, 18 INb
ballllsi, Mgb. at one him“mmaimmm #81“ Maia n. no auda->§§§%f*””‘V ‘aw, "Iihlii . ’ "9!!!-Gk“,in 13 mam: ,-R: 5 é .- I I II I .
we ‘ ' h FORM A. R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B).~\ A'l‘TACK REPORTUNIT: ................ ...................... ..Report 29 Pilot! Observer: squadron?No ...................................... .. 2'/I-e. axons swr. mime. 15(1) Target and Position:
Place‘ Ema; 3amutrs raven aamnmm. Date‘ 3° /7 / 42_ t H A Timezlacas/2,’ hrs.Height zlaooc feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)‘cl High I-eve]._-It Nb) 4 1 25> lb. 9.19, nose plug, tau tnatmtaneous(3)
Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.). ..lemba fall net: buildl ngl along main runway, or onnmww itself.“(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered— (a) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:b‘ He(a) w Stltion am Momma
son_ ‘cl mm(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) if, engagement resulted:Cl 0791' PEJIFOEI J\ERODI=K3E¢’ -lb) 5 fighters, no mentication.(cl Ho.4\(6) State if (a) reconnaissance
(b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(8) Reconndaaméo Report Bo. 36 tmhad»(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):I11 e(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para.
7.) p$&QQI¢¢¢—I§0_=¢¢c¢¢¢@_anvc¢@ Pilot ormw,fer» Wig 0ml.q',ommdlng Io. 13 Squaclmn ,R1480 -l E» HUGHE§.Sig nature .................................................................................................... ..A.H.M.—-11/41-
B118_54 ./
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated det-
ails,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and_FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of
attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. iEstimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. _If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
‘ .~ p Maw’- - FORM A_ , R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B)‘v ii-iiiATTACK REPORTUNIT: ..... Report 3° Pilot: Observer: Sq'~1ad1‘°n1NO ..................................... .. B(1) Target and Position: Place: gjgg(Date: m/7 / 42nouns
rams: maonaonm. Tim h -'71’ ' " 1600:/W rs"“ H ' h : f . erg t 18°00 eet(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)(ml nu Level{bl 4 3 8% lb. G-.11‘; nolt 11123; ‘N11 1'1\815*&1'$&n6o\1l.(3) Observed Effects: (See
Instruction para. 5.)Boats £011 near bnltngs along main nunq or onnumq itself(4) Enemy AA Ground Defelle e.ncountered— (<1) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:(cl I/‘I Station and Blnmlll w l(D) Ruiz:cl Mg _(cl Over mus:
mmnaonzin a gh\0rl,- ‘no 1unu:i=m<>n.Q)‘ I50 '1 '(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) it_ jengagement resulted:(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic‘ reports attached:
(See Instruction para. 6.)(ll oonncluaso aeport $0. 86 elttbchol.(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):Bil » - ‘(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)tiéttqcn -n c— ¢_¢@
¢¢¢Q¢¢¢3C$Q$4, _°H_;£/' ‘Pilot Ot cor,_ Him Oommnhler,Qemmllt ]1’Q?i"."l'5-‘;S‘q11~:ldr0n,.Sign-ature ................................................................................................. ..A.H.M-’—l1/41-31185
U'\_1201)4567.INSTRUCTIONS.. FORM A5 is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with
abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. VFORM ~C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during
ight. 1 \ ‘The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, highrdive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of» bombs dropped,and type of sight used. 1‘ .
,(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting. ‘ '(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to
be included. .Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the
course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. -If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—Distance of initial sighting, approximate
course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
\' ‘ ‘ FORM A. itiéigm A.l08(B).§ATTACK REPORTUNIT: ..................... ________________ __ VReport 31 Pilot : Observer: squadmn 3No ...................................... __ 1:/Q‘ Rpm”. 38.‘. 3% 13(1) Target and Position: Place:
339%sauna mwom Jameson: Date: 2° /" / *2Time ' hrs. l ' 1600:/2'1_ Height: 1&0‘) feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)‘ti 85.31: B0181r - 4 so 8'50 1}‘ 6.1’. non (plug, $11 instantaneous(3) Observed Effects:
(See Instruction para. 5.) @0113 mi n1@’iQ0r 01;(4) Enemy‘ _AA Groundf Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type?(c) strength:(an) w/2 Station ma swam: mm‘ ‘ i ' T(‘bl Bewy(cl mgr: . ..(5) Enemy Air Activity--(a)
Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) ifengagement resultedz, . , , i?c%I‘§2.5!!Over PFJSFOEI EEO1Ji=tO. i_ §_:t1.-ghtpa:.'a,.iao iaantiticakloa. iO0 p _ _ - ,(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic
reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(I) muonneisaame aepcn Bo. as lttllchesb(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):H11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para.
7.)_rC@CQl$¢uv.a¢Q@&Q=¢I>O3¢Q@!'Cv@£i 3*”,_, 7 \§"'1> lot Officer,£0-P W116 omenie 1',ommmiag Ho. 13 Squadmn,‘ink Q BU E3Signature ....................................................................................................
A- INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated det-
ails,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM -C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completedif an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of
attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :-'(a) Method of attack’, such as high level, high dive, etc. *(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped," and type of sight used. ‘ ‘ " " ‘ ' " ' " A(c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combat‘NOT to be included. ' ' ’ ‘
i 'Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of
operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. A _ .If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:——Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.‘ta-.|l1
.24-a1Vva_.’7/4-,, “- gm‘I \\\-.'~ V2X23." n-.»'1_\‘ ‘" 3 1' 'l¢'1'%U%s':‘?\'s’.“\ ‘ r&')4‘:I\ _3%"‘“j ' j ' av”/asE /25%7??.;-s.n *21} mzmm r 1. mu! 2 a. nee:27/g. anmn2 . mam 2/as, 9 an:-an! 2 *ax I . mmIn 2/a. mu =1‘In rm.
zmmm. _To beat the ltii ts J9 ml I6 to Iurgut nip rs/2, Pans-pm Exams.EEE. jav. \~:g;\ > _ _ Z5_@1"vPL‘~.>" -' 3‘ J3-.iL AF;9-(1) em mm. ta: esza rmH ea: am. I53 awn rm1' 0666 hrs. I8) 0514 hrs 731 hrs.Beak 10¢: for sash
rern Ill 2 1: £m'tnntlntmoanp, it! 1 no £011: I at Z5 1‘ ineennlu-1:!‘Q3‘. _ . Cti-all war ‘tn-gd (8) I: (5) 1800:1815:1828:(831838:18%:1845:4-nmgnqnavel-v-1--vQQQ$33 hr!»EEK.? D "Q bl!-4 U~»~,o~.-a~.a-n-:0--vs*1Q -0Kthe
aircraft departeé in flights <1’3,8, nd 4,A1IlI‘-30$ of 3 ight: of 3 as plmnai. Owing to dualJust Math of YIBDR (9) ml (6) became detached from their .1$t ami lttcka iiepondly.(2) ant I5) Ippmaehea the tmget fmmtn South lad
bombs were can to £111 an to Ellliern emu 01' thettrgat clan go the 21.31% or pan. ‘rha an-craft In-e the rst overnznom ma aould observe nu ns burning tr-om the earlier raidby Bo. 3 Equbdren.rmer ate beg A/A In met, but
it wasall 1000 ta 2006 feet below than drer .7 » (2) lolt forzaa on in we clau mawent in is to target independently. Approach was maria fromujhe 'nut ml thi atreratt pas ed over rams; nlihcut observing er Imenag my Akita. LG
or 0&3-val bum!» burnt: from (2) and (5)ml tppn nah“. $8.2: an: tho Math. the bombs fall ‘(er ahorita $13 Math. (Ii mi (7) appmwed £1-om he $011211 mi om bouts£1211 on, er close to the fighter pens frua (13. (‘H Q18 not
re-lamo owing to an urrer and returnea to the targ-at latex.Heavy A/A was abaerved naming fromthe Binmnfk R959 area, ‘narrating about 1006-2600 feat below.(1) went may from P353031 north-DOO¢0cO0QoQl/8»Iran
15,000 to 17,600 tall. \ I
I ..a..4'5 % . at plan via; ma math stub at leg!» mm iwrtlllrhwy Auaunwzuutrapdnnowgtiaoonstuhntnun: filfnlisi.ii} 84!‘. kl, II-1an o$ua'0a ta ml11-, 11 - 311-if thannu mince! instantnae: an 0%“-' (‘I3 can iatathntg-get
tinIunutmtauhewmiqnzsaam *1-‘his: %1mm:u1ommif tbs tamtz-can 4‘7 fig an mans to hate in aw-arose me‘ma yulunim, _wuum:emauz tinas an Iinatmg at oua 7% 3% am atsmut, an ea, ar slant W an V! . huilnzm Ina z-
ulnar6 minim as in amirun»éigi2;;:»,~§€;£§:tannin: e1: the moi(M. Inuit%§ nan%§?§ii £1agiig%ii,» '3_oaIuk1mltIn&;,¥\\in%h1~~a££r-.-Q1 \:l,.~m11;biaintIaIa1~0a% sumled“ 1 8 war-ahfilgi an at fawn.j zhaaw us... an mas:
nu-asin pa-aawuagnruntt. 1' W * Ma_ V -» 4 we V §rl& 13$» twinned em n andknits amt:-e at tar that driver!!! war, Mt mt InaMI' 0.1 uazazt upon mania hall? 1/ Atum on an cannon. 28¢ aft area _\_ lawawumuwn <kk¢_%i
Lita!bunt $4 nor! Ila:-tr‘! rags?! the mm: axoing Min ‘ liner!!! raps-rt “Q am: 0!’ ta was smug 7 V:-L» at 3 bmangm suezua .n#ttea17, a1gamum=ume:»im»1= a.m-mn1;:.aaonzeQ£3=§1CSii‘Kl‘Ila mwm. (1: ml m mm;
peo-ttinu ung tho math ma! at zamnm an :ou$1; batman M51!!!"E Ml 83%. ~ - -Q it rm?!) ~rh=lbI Jinnpultiaut but nit wilgiw tam. N" ‘T ,1 , “Q '4 i vattieax,Bzttlar,QIi 1% aqaxma,~
ni ~' 1 W( .x\1.233 A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).i ATTACK REPORT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT gs ‘Report Pilot : Observer : Squadron 1No ......... ................... ..sin. momma2/0. rasnxsoa 15(1)
Target and Position: Place: Km,5.1-aaitoJ9an¢.1!6ta§9 Dam‘ 2"/"'/*3‘§&1~gg‘B map F3/2, rzxrozg, Time: 1822!/2‘: hrs.Height 0° feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)1 H) High Larval(bl 8 x 850 Speaial Gd’. 2 1:
250 P. nose inatmtmemlT11 1 33¢; ' Q, Y. ash \¢l\c.uv~<>\»\.'QJ\i<J§.(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)£1 homb fall in QBJPQGE ik-at(4‘) QE):1’l8‘1'liy) AA Ground Defences encountered--(a) Location; (b)
type (c) strength:V from positions mukaa on tn:-get PE 2 (2) 1' zngtbciiieqm EJEIEE HIYER x! Q@LQ map rm 8(bl Baum (al meerata(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c)
ifengagement resulted :H11(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (I2) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(R) meonnmasanae Repwt Ho. £55 attach“,_ 7, __ ____ _ ____ _ ____ ,€_ ____ ___ - __ 7 7 —(7)
Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):K11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)1 Qdu¢¢@@$¢$C, ‘ / is Qfaar,. or umor,Gcmmng Be, Squeamn,A.H.M.—1l/41-.-B1185Sig nature
.................................................................................................... ..‘Nag;INSTRUCTIONS.__..___i.i-_.._.-FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. _ -I 'FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be
completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed. if an engagement with enemy
aircraftoccurs during ight. -The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. -(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type
of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air
combatNOT to be included. AEstimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P.
aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:—Distance of initial sighting,
approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion. ~ .____,. _,_ _. _ 4J
. . _W
kl‘ATTACK REPORTReport 22 Pilot: ’ Observer: Sq“adr°ni(1) Target and Position: Place‘ gmjggaire£*J$;‘€aJ9m!&toB9 Dt: / /tar;-at ans as/2, mmr. a e 2? 7 *3V Time: 1&9‘/26 hrs. 'Height: 155% I feet.(2) Nature of Attack:
(See Instruction para. 4.)iii §‘g%%.?"‘ m.VII! Rivas- 9.1-P. 2 x 2 9.? new iwmtm asax 1 see. éelly, is 1,-Q \.;.:<-@LLw\-;o$, em(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.) £3. mam fell in Target -skin: -(4) Enemy AA
Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location ;z(b) type; (c) strength:£3) positions marked an target mg: PE‘/ Eorhratoengagement resulted: ~B11(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of
aircraft (r) if(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)ill saonnaameo Report Ba. 35 attached.J 7 A A W. — ~ — — l~— — —(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel
(NOT through air combat):X13.(8) Special comments; (See Instruction para. I*I$I /‘xi‘iii ‘ml\11 mints inc».-In<~—@,/ ,/ Pilot officer) for wing Gunman:ll ila . 13 8qq-Q3393,R»-Ll E: V mg,Signature
.................................................................................................. ..A.H.M.-11/41-B1186
E...;-_..¢_L-¢|_.l 5.=.INSTRUCTIONS., _.,FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of jattack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. -V - - : ". ‘FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be
completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.. FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber).,.are to be completed if an engagement with enemy
aircraftoccurs during ight. , Y gThe nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. *(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and
type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air
combatNOT to be included. - 1 - VEstimated number of hi-ts, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and
G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A36), giving details of photographs, is to accompany,this report. ' ' E EIf submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—Distance of initial
sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.*I'
¢ ' ~UNIT: .......... ,z 21>, FORM A. » R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B).ATTACK REPORTReport A Pi10’¢ I Observer: S‘1uad1'°n 1No ................ ............ ..F/1%. swam Flo. mas 13(1) Target and Position: Place: Bgmx‘lrea :5 to J9
ma 36 in as Dew / / Qcmgea Kip E/2, ransom‘ Time 3 ? 43= lsf hr“-) Height: 1&9‘; feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.) Q5-G. 2 350- 3 P8 cur z 6.9. noae maaentmaonama 1 m. map, 5': as 1». xmsanaues.(3)
('£.lserved gffects: (See Instruction para. 5.) 'bum a tall jun amt sf tar at 1 macs - Q11P9 - P11, ‘Blrgot mg PB/2. 8 n '(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (r) strength:is ggogaymntiom maa
on target map PE/2,f #2 noes:-aha(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) ifengagement resulted:H11(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See
Instruction para. 6.)(ti Bancnnmaa aepm-t Ho. 35 ittched,(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):311(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)1‘ ¢ n|o&l0»annIQ¢u¢nu-qnnapqpq; _—00
“$2£ /if’ §a0£:&§ Q ,_; , 7 mm az-@°Pf$911i ‘E0 '. sq-new :1:Qis F; , §§_§I_§_a: $5»A.H.M.—-11/41-—B1l85Sig nature .................................................................................................... ..
HAF .A-aU‘4INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-1crews. ‘FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with
abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. -FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during
ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :--(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number
of torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included.
REstimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of
operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
i‘ ‘ 11M .23:‘, E A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B).ATTACK REPORTum ................................... ..Report Pilot: I Observer: Squadron 3 'No ................ _._?.§.3.. ........... .. P/0. Ema\A.I-Ln.-1 1/41-B1 1 851»/o. muses 3,3(1) Target
and Position: Place: Rllggg‘4reaJ&to3‘9ma86‘ho‘?» Paw Q /'1/42!’rg8t gap E/2)‘ Time: 18255 hrs.Height e so feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)fl] High I-oval(5) 2 :1: 2% Bpedll 6.2., 2 :2 2& 9.1’. noun
instatmaonstil 1 886. dig’, 2 I: 25 11>. 1ncmd11'i@8.(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)an bombs zen amt of ttrgei in mate? - on,29 - 211, lrge my rs/2.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered--(a)
Location; (b) type; (c) strength:is gram posit one mrkei on target map E1/2‘£51lo} awe-as(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) if» engagement resulted:B11(6) State if (a)
reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(ti Ro¢onnd.asan¢e aepert no. 35 attnekaas(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):E11(8) Special comments:
(See Instruction para. 7.)< " '._ , Io/ 1 ones» er,for ng Gemmnder,congmavg Ho. 13 sgmmo n,R-is&.s p K .3,‘JSignature .................................................................................................... ..
.- U '~I' IINSTRUCTIONS.1. FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-A' crews. * ' ‘2. FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with
abbreviated details,“from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.3. FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, "and FORM BLUE, C0mbat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy -aircraftoccurs during
ight.v4. The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under:-—- -R - --(-a»)~ -Method of attack, -such as high level, high dive, etc. A - -~ (b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of
sight used. '(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofirelease, height, method of sighting. ‘=(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air
combat» NOT to be included. ~ - -5. Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted. pi6. A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by
G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythisvreport. g ' , -7. If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of
initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.‘.4Co‘ -
IQ 41unm ............... ??,t,oro}?.ro.?9U‘”R°“K"t 23 /’ A, R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).ATTACK REPORTReport 24 Pilot I Observer: S‘1uad1‘°n 1Nor/0 . uauas 1*»/o . amazon 1s(1) Target and Position: Place‘ 5139533,area as to
:9 Bud as to re Paw 2'2 / '1 /42tm:'g¢ mllp an/2, mmm. Tim hrsV ‘moo z/26Height :l60QO feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)(al High Laval(‘bl 2 1: 250 Special e-.1=., 2 x ass s.P. nose instant mama‘til 1 am.
elay, 2 2 25 lb. incmaim-Lea.(3) Observed Eects: (See Instruction para. 5.)£1 bombs fell in target area(4) Eneiny AA Ground» Defences encountered—-(a) Ijocation; (b) type; (c)strehgth: IEn) Fran p081‘§. cans ma-Ema on -
km-get map E‘/ E tla) Egge(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) ifengagement resulted:H11(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction
para. 6.)fa) Reeonnciaamea Repcrt Ho» 35 attaches.(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):Bil(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)m$1IZIX$1ZIZ"I§ii Gm ii(9 ~ N; _ - --“r ct
Officer, jar" Comma-er,Gamméingié. 15 Squamn,R.A»l-Es B11333.A.H.M.--11/41—B1185Signature .............................................................................................. ..
eINSTRiUCTIO1\‘IS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Ofcers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. VFORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight. V ‘ »The
nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :--(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. "
‘Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of
operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. _If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
T? ' e_ ‘\.254 A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B). @ATTACK REPORTUNIT: ................ ..§9.!....§§,...§QU*m°HReportN0 25Pilot : Observer: Squadron 1P/0 onmn 1?/o max 15(1) Target and Position: Place: Emngs‘ .I1-an J6 to J9
mi I6 in B9 Date‘ / /Target up PE/2, mrom. . ' 27 7 42Time : hrs1a4.s 5/as ' .Height: 1583 O feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)l at High Level(bl 1 x 250 Spedd G.P., 2 x 250 G.P. nose inatmteuemstail 1 sac.
delay(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)one bomb fall close to the aimless station, azd ‘me othertwo just South of it.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (Iv) type; (r) strength: I(9.) Prom
positions mnked on target map PE/2 and also fiom pointsJust east md west of the tqlm of KOEPG, near the coast(bl Eewy (cl Modanato(5) Enemy Air Activity-(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c)
ifengagement resulted:D11(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)fa) Reconnaissance Report No. 55 attached.(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through
air combat):H11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)p 0£f5.ee1~,for 2? ‘ Comma ler,Guiding Kc. 13 Squron,3.4.-L3‘-_ _ HUGHES-A.H.M.-11/41-31185Signature
............................................................................................. ..
0 I 0I' 1_ INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate-by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. 'FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight. “The nature
of attack (Section 2') is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included.Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
\7 rv1ls 1+ A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B).ATTACK REPORTUNIT: .................... .................. ..R%?ort 25 Pi10'€ 1 Observer : Squadron 1o2/0. sans 2/0. anssszzr. 13(1) Target and Position: Place: HUG! E3mesa 1:039
m&!6to§9 PW" 2'1 /'1/42‘1'ar:a-at nap EE/2, 1=30s:I-- ATime: 18323/'25 hrs.Height: lmw feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)la} High Levellb) 1 x ass 6.1% nose tail 1 see. aelwa(3) Observed Effects: (See
Instruction para. 5.)Bomb fall é to -§ ml: 5.3. at nareimme(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered--(a) Location; (b) type; (c strength:t 66 (1) Prom peaitiona max.-kaii on tmrget map E/2(21 From scat batten: smm arms
as osssmlb) Keir: ta) soda:-as: --(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) ifengagement resulted:K11(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction
para. 6.)(8) Raaonndnama Repwt Rm 35 wtauhed.(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):313.(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)§'I¢~wvmIvIr§-tanevqa-nuaapqpP ~ ,..;> . Ulier(
_for=sIi:i8 Gommder:omamuing Tao. 3.5 squaamn,A.H.M.—11/41-B1185Signature .................................................................................................. ..
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated details,from
FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack
(Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack,- such asihigh level, high dive, etc.- _. :;¢ ‘ _ . *‘.,-.»¢;.' ' -.1 L.-_._->_..\.>L~%\ A... ..-. " ‘H(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and
type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in
air combatNOT to be included. o 'Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and
G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. _ H _. g »If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—Distance of initial
sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.E¢\ _
xvi “ . _IZQ .¢ _ R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B).ATTACK REPORTE6. 1” ‘ AUNIT: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii “MRiport 2? Pilot: Observer: Squadron? 13° """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "P/0~ RULE P/0. BK%R(1) Target and Position: Place:
3735333Jacea as to J9 ma no to as Date: 2., / 7 / 42Target tilp an/2, ;+n:m=on1.Time: 18252/26 hrs.Height : feet( l5C!C¥G(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.) '(an High Level(b) 2 x 258 Special 9.1%, 2 x 250
G.P. nose instantmeeuatail 1 sec. delay, 3 1 25 lb. incendiries.(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Bombs naciientally releasecli miles south of target(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location;
(b) type; (r) strength:(a) Prom positions marked on target map Pf,/2.( 1:) Heavy(0? 3‘.-ioclerarteengagement resulted:B11 c(5) Enemy Air Activity—-(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (4') if(6) State if (a)
reconnaissance (I1) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)ta) Reconnaissance Report Iio. as anmnaa.\(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (i\IOT th1'oughM—a—ir4coinbat):K13.(8) Special
commentszi (See Instruction para. 7.)amuse»-Q--Q-_ -n-»-_ --n-ap-'1-_ —_/”_ A clot Officer,\_ 101' on-manner,Goufcnmilinp o. 13 Sqmaz-on,Roianéu-$0 Signature
................................................................................................. I4A.H.M.-11/41.—B1lB5
\ " Q’‘Y‘I‘V \v,1Ns'rRUc'r1oNs.___...__ii__.- 1. -FORM A. is to be completed in triplicateiby Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-" crews. ' l2. FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be
completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. .3. FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat. ' g (Bomber), are to be completed" if an engagement with enemy
aircraft‘occurs during ight. ‘4. The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :-* (a) Method of attack, -such as high level, high dive, etc.-Q . g_, __;~1-L1 ‘V L‘ l~"_-Jui-.,,\»‘;.\_ V l nu Lt‘ ‘ ‘ " " J I '-(b)
Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used. l(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting. .(d) Estimated number of rounds red
against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. ' ‘ * ' " ' ”l 5. Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.6. A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always
accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.:and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. 'A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompany,_ this
report. H , , - . V’ 7 _ _ 47. If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs,
whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion./* 1- ei,___,.;____‘
if-" ‘ 7 A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(1I4 ' ,“ ATTACK REPORTUNIT: .... .......... .f ...................... .. _2.33’Report 28 Pilot : Observer :No. .................................... ..¥/Q, mm 592. wig$quadron :113Place:(1) Target and
Position:Areaé to J9 smliié to B9target nag rs/a, rszamal.KlitliiDate : Q Q Q3Time: 18153/35 hrs.Heightienee feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.):3) Kieth Level ,$1‘ 'f'_’ .2-ji $pea1‘a1'G.?¢, 2 : am 6.1:“. nose
insemztmemz~ tall lieu. dalq, 2 1: 25 lb. immune t(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)-lal3.3."eea:‘he-' £211:-'_83*:m'k‘ 1 rails south of %1'01'¢1$¢Eeaw( Q) Boierdzo(4) Enemy AA Grounds Defences
encounte1'ed¥ (a) Location; (b type;H(c) strength:§ Fran positions minim eon target my as/2._ A engagement resulted; I 7B11(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (I1) type and number of aircraft(F) if(:3
Roconnllssmeo Repurt Bo. as mamaU(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)I11(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through‘ air combat):(8) Special
comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)'%&@lD¢cnqpwu1qvtnn¢.u§p»uIr=cI-chSig nature .................. <4A.H.M.—-ll/41-B1185' = Uffiasrgone 15 Squaamn,Ii 15$: Q ‘E3Ol1i
i --—. - Ym — ___;,;§> _i'\‘-qr‘ -, "IINSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. ‘ ’ 'FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be
completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy
aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under:—~(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. "(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,.. W .and
type of sigh-t.used..._-i , g - A(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(cl) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel).
Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included.Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by
G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. ,If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:—Distance of initial
sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.xQ
\\FORM A.ATTACK REPORTUNIT = --------------------- M3--.5§mad1'.Qn ........................................... -4,Z__§_/7R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).Report Pilot : Observer:No .................. ....... ../F/I... FRASER P/O HIRENZIESquadron
:2(1) Target and Position: gPenfooi Aerodrome Target Map P.E.II 1'6-9R6-9Place: PanfooiDate: 26 / 7 / 42Time : 12932 hrs.Height 2 l54o° feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction ‘para. 4.)High level_25_In.een:1._?2‘jO G
P 2§ Nose plug Tail Inst. 250 G P Special 2‘(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Bombs fell in target area on buildings 8: runway,(:1) From known positionsib) Heavy and Ilight(0) Medium(4) Enemy AA Ground
Defences encountered—(u) (Iv) type:?;W(¢~) strength: W_ engagement resulted :N11(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (1') ifla) Yea No. 72(6) State if (0) reconnaissance (b)
photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)Nil(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Refer Roconnaisaz ace report Ho.
72.Bombs fall on hangar or buildings adjacent and also tell on runaway gout};and - Bombing ncmzzat " F '9- ~11“! 89911 by hangar by following aircraft.A.H.M.—11/41—BllB5Signature. .......... ... \£3?*/‘
rfINSTRUCTIONS.»FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of
attack (Section 2) is to beset out in detail as under :—(a)- Method of attack, such-as high level, high dive, etc. ~ <(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used. V(c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be
included.»Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance-information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course
of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
_ 7 _ ,_=___ _. I e t, .Na~Q5./iiFQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).§_._ _"' ATTACK REPORTUNIT: AAAA .)E:5em.i:m ..................................................... .:Report Pilot: A '_ - Observer: "_ Squadron?N0 __________
______________ __ P/9: SHARP P/O. REG 2(1) Target and Position: Place: P6111961Pentaoi An:-ad:-an "Target mp 1=;sIia'a-9 Pa“-=‘= 35 / -; / 4235"‘ Time: 1263 hrs.p zHeight: 13‘G° feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See
Instruction para. 4.)ggel Boa plug 11 " 25" a ta Inst 256 G P S cialas mam. z ’ ’°(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.) ,sum an ‘between buildings s;e. oi‘ drum 1;target area. Rater Reo%i.asaaea Report.(4) Enemy
AA Ground Defences encountered--:(u) Location; (b) ‘type; (v) strength::8 Bony and u_ Iledim‘ V .4(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) if. engagement resulted:H11(6) State if
(a)_reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(a) ‘Ina 80$ 72(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (§OT througn lair combat):R21(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.). . .
Im was in tmmtim (ace Rupert F372) I»: ta vi; Babs an2:; mu 1‘! parties at ta:-ee1>M(13.n. 11'a'e-9 nae-0)A 0 /*Sig nature .............. .- ......................................................... ..A.H.M.—1l/41-31185is
%—-.~I > 7'-'=""'-'T"' ~ _ *|r‘ .._ _ “--» &,l+V ,> >/. _, > _~r' > Y F=< -<1INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-
crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.< .\_.* -.2FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be
completedif an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as underr-(a) Method of attack,;such as high level, high dive, etc. »(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and
number of bombs dropped,g and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets
(including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. REstimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance
information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. J _If submarine is attacked, state following in
Section 8:~—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bomb'burst, and, if any,
time after explosion.M-_. .. _-/
2,2. c; A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).\ ________ .ATTACK REPORTUNIT: ...... ..................................................... ..Rfggrt me Pil°t’:/mwlmimnrm Observe” 1»/5; navmsoa Squadron: 2(1) Target and Position: Place: Penfoei
Aaroam Earget my 1=~;E ;11ae-e Date‘ as / #1 /42_ K6“; Time : 12 zz’ hrs.Height : 158% feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Ki€11Le1rel _' '. " i8566- P@3§§esap1ug‘rail mat. 250GPSjpaoi.al2§25 3-
1338133-0 2(3) Observed Eects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Bmbs seen tagfall past and em near ILE. corner ofbarracks area‘(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences e11countered—(a)lliocation; ((11) type; (r) streligthiif(a) From
lmovzn positions(12 Heavy en light(0) medium(5) Enemy Air Activity--(<1) Position of patrols; (I1) type and number of aircraft (0) ifengagement resulted:E11(6) State if (q) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached:
(See Instruction para. 6.)(a) Yea H0; '73(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):£11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.) .Bombing accuz-ate - visibility perfect.Signature
................................................................................................... _,A.H.M.-11/41—Bl1B5
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A._for immediate despatch to A.C.H. iFORM_C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature
of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—-(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. e e(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be
included.Estimated number of hits, and damage inic.ted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course
of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. 'If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
§UNIT I ......... .. 0Z/2,0; A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).ATTACK REPORT ..................................... ..'. ........ ..ReportPi10t I ‘ Observer: ' Squadron 1No....._,lQ_'Z _________________ _, Y-I/C. mmnem Pie; PM 2(1) Target and
Position: ’ M Place: PllfiPenroei. Aereéxme Target hie; ZPEJI J6-19 Date‘ 35 / 7 / 42p 4 E6-‘Q Time: 12° SZ hrs.Height: _ feet.13099(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)-High level . 4 3 _ r ,2509 P2§§me pli2g?!.i1
k5‘bv 4-‘35O.G Psgaoial 2‘ 1»(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)$1» tell an barzraoks is target area(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered--(a) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:(a Irramimaam titima 4(la
Keavy and lggt‘oi mdiemaengagement resulted :H11(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) if(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para.
6.)(a) ‘Yes Hal '72 i0(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):E11'(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Bombs seen to fall near two buildings near hazager am rm intoberracm.
Boron: firing tracer ubeerwed to-, 3.4,€>0Q rest true.Refer Raeonnaissance Report 72 fear details.-A.H.M.—11/41-—B11B5/ WSignature ......... .1 ................. ..f .... ..... _.//<3
»,, .1 .--INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. K. ; 1 IFORM. C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The
nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. ~ -V(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. -
~Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted. *A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of
operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles ‘observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
IY $_, n.\ —rFORM A_ R.A.A.F. ForATTACK REPORTUN1T= ---- liansdren ..................................................... .. .,2:-4-¢<.5ex§>~-(“TnReport Pilt 1 Observer: '1 Squadron 3N0 __________ _____________ __ F/I4;
l€6CG§% SGT‘ MADE 2(1) Target and Position: Place: Psareei Ae ‘target rap P;.s;II gg "Data as /'1/42Time : 1297 hrs.Height : 14500feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)High level ~250G P Zose 121% ‘fail
Ihst. 2586 PS‘pe§i&l ZS$5 meand. 2(3) Observed Eects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Bombs seen to fall past over sowars barracm:Large fire seen by lama.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered-— (a) Location; (b)
type; (c) strength:Va From moem positionalb Heavy and lightre Medium(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) if\ engagement resulted :H11(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b)
photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. (a) Yes Ho; '72 .(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat) :H11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Run made from E to S with
two other aircraft (Report 109 and110) in rozmatiaa which passes over Smith owner or westernrxmaway. These mm falling about mo yards west of thecorner 1-eferres to.Largo fire seen by hanger and snot-her at north and
W northernset of bomb blast bays.A.H.M.--11/41—-B1185/Sig niaiture ...........
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligfnce Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.I-L" .,_FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The
nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :-—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.. _ >____‘ M ‘MA M__ ___ ;'_ ' viF ' (b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and
type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air
combatNOT to be included. F ' iEstimated number of hits. and damage inicted. 'A Reconnaissance Report (Form A./16) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and
G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. A _ A A _,If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:—Distance of initial
sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
\r,z,c /-‘i A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).ATTACK REPORTUNIT: ........ TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT _,ReportNo 199' ; '_ -- p S d IPM r/0. °'°“”""" P/o. DOLPEIEI qua 1”“ 2(1) Target and
Position: ,_ , Place: P633081Pemtoei Aerodrm forget map PLEJI Date: 35 i/ Q / 42-9Time: 13952 hrs.Height 2 14295 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Eta level) " V259 G P 39$ Hose ping ‘rail Inst.» 259 G
3* Special 2525 mm. 2-(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)rst two ‘bonba seen to fall at at smith -comer at westrimavmy rminder cm tweets barraemca Prom Imam itiws ’is Heawyanlggt.(4{ Enemy AA Ground
Defences encountered—-(a) Location (b) type; (c) strength:cl iéedltm(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) if. engagement resulted:E11 '(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b)
photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(a) Yes Ea} 92. a(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):H11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Rim made E to S right
‘aver S earner at west runaway thatcomer being hit. Braking very accurateA.H.M.—11/41—~B1185 ‘ . ‘V/7L)/Q,‘ Szg nature .................................................................................................... .., ’ 1J 5
'r.. ,lPk. 7.5:>. *"*1:kINSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Ofcers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with
abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. ’~ 'FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during
ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a)e Method of attack, such as high'level, ‘high dive, etc. " A _ __.;....._.. ._ .. "-1 ‘i"F“" ' ‘W ‘" i (b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of-bombs‘
dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel).
Rounds red in air combat"NOT to be included. ' “Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted. ‘A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information
obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. _ . _If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:—-
Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after
\UNIT: ......... ..?.:..§%???.§t'.§F5FORM A.ATTACK REPORT$46. R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B)Report ONo ........ Pilot:F/Q. HA2. Observer: P/8 GSquadron :2(1) Target and Position: - -Place: Fen:-Ge 1Fenfooi Aerodrome
Target imp P.E;II 36-9as’-‘IsDate :as /1,48Time: 12952 hrs.Height : 14339 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)High level356 G P 25 Ease plug ‘rail Inst. 350 G P special 8525 Incend. 2(3) Observed Effects:
(See Instruction para. 5.)Bombs seen to amongst barracks about 200 yards to west ofS corner at west runaway.(4) En AAG ' - O i- - 7 I A It emy round Defences encounteled-—(a) Location, (h) type; (c) strength: _ ia From
known positioasb eawy and light0 wdizm(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) itengagement resulted 2Hi}.(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See
Instruction para. 6.)(al Yes Ha‘; ‘#2 V_ s _, : A _ _ _ __. _ __ __________(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):Eil(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Fire seen he be burning H
and at northern bomb blast baysA.H.M.—1l/41-—B1185S1’-gnat-ure....!:/'1) />J
\INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Inteilligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. “»- 3. »~FORM G.'B., Gombat (Bomber) Report, ‘and FORM,BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during
ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—~ (a) Method of attack, such as high level,» high dive, etc; g- V ___..._..;,..'s\ \_.‘ l *J‘?F“- ' » A(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number
ofbombsdropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including
personnel). Rounds red in air combat* NOT to be included. ‘ ' ' ‘Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance
information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is _to accompanythis report. A _ . A V -If submarine is attacked, state
following in Section 8:—-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,' approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst,
and, if any, time after explosion.
I 5IIZ’-7-"..Q “" y WAIR moomussmao: meg znn my. 1942.. . . . , . , .Ogomtiggz nu 41. - 26.38.1150; of rt SUI‘! ‘ ‘Gagtoins of Aircraft: (1) 1'/1.". Irazor, P/0. Sham, I‘/agt. Howkoatord,W163 '(11) 1'/I... Iloonbo,
r/0. Kay, 1'/0. Ovorlmo.Begin (1) 14,200 1:1-no(11) 13,5oo ~ IVisibility: Portooily oloar ovor target aroa. = 12°33 - 121172.261?-Objoot: to attack aroa or Pontooi aorodromo I6-3'9, I641‘)Rogort/'1\ V.1' '/3214//'55,-1' Iforgot
Hap P3. II.?¢-?~ V‘M{iiAll aircraft flow to Timer in -tormation. On approachingtargot tomati on split up am attackod as followu-(1) Those four aircraft moo run over target from E to Wpassing over at rigt angle the lino or AA
emplacement:on western runaway. I‘/L. Fraser loading, P/O. aharp (2)flying about 100 ydo Au starboard, I/Sgt. Hawkooford (3)100 yards port and I/G. mam-iane (4) oqo-ohm 100 yard!to port. ‘rho loading aireratt did. not
drop its bombs onthis run, the nomaindor doing so. Bombs from (2) tell justpast tho edge of runway, £1-m (3) to roar of hangar and £1-an(4.) amongst the buildings in tho 31 I corner of tho Barrack!aroa (Ono o P Spaoial
failed to release). r/L. In-ourthan oirolod. and can back over the target from a little Nof wont and droppod hio bombs the first being B6611 to tollon either tho hangar or one of the two buildings immediatelyto tho aouth or it
and the romaimlor ooroao tho runaway, 'inoondiarioa falling jut or: the east odgo or this runaway.("am 1'/Lt. mom: loadinrg, r/o. Hay flying (2) and 1'/o.Ovorhem flying (3) . Those awe:-aft approached targot ‘practically mo
am-zn*%“!'S‘%. mimltol aftor (1) ma attaokodi‘mono an-oz-art nu-o also lpaood approximatoly 100 you apart.ks first two bomb! an from (3) (250 o P) mu ixmodiatolyon the south corner of the main mnfway just south of
thehangar the second being right on the ooz-nor. The rem inderroll in lino. ‘mono dropped by I/L. lio0ombo's aircrafttoll between the engo or thin runiway and tho ‘oarracka aroaom those tron 1'/O. Hay in area between
hangar and borrackl.All bombs had mtimun lotting and would fall approximately120 root apart,Damage oboorvod: Apart from moot crown verifying the ‘pooitions whore bombs have been described as dropping, onostrong
tire was burning otoadily at the north end or thenorth not of bomb ‘slut bayl. Another tn-o of greater 'intonlity was burning at the hangar or just to tho roar oi‘ it.A A 3%: Iiro no onoountorod from the alrohdy knownpooitioml. A
majority oi‘ aircraft report Bofor tire from-positions south of Iiroloao Station and close to runway.'1'lu-oo heavy guns uoro observed firing tron near coast H Eor Kooyong. All crown are denite that Borer tire withtraoor rooo to
botwoon 131,500 ft to 14000 ft one at leastand quite possibly higher. Trace was ma we w/c ll0?ar-lanereported seeing throe loot in 1000 rs. The oano oboorvorreported those guns tiziogtrom Just north or western runmy‘and
that throo ootl of gm: appoorod to be working ‘bogo‘bhor'.4_..,..../¢:-A y an it oft one ogghe, sheila coming up in parallel lines.w
j /‘ ‘ (2) K‘Y.-Qn“Two other reliable dbeorvera eonsidered rs came from anunbar as isolated paints aouth or Barracks, but or lightercallbrm Gran and white trace was observed but this mamuch lunar and ml probably .5. -
Gumsiderod that than wcmldbo8to10hoavygnazt:3f1ring1*:omthadrunaroa. : Om observed. in vicinity of gun emplaemautsto nidrlle east or" drama and another north or dram. Bothquite inzfrcetivc.7141551311: Cloud
omonntemd aouth and east or target areabut our ta:-gut visibility nu perfect and doscribtd as"char an any."Intalligonco Officer,Ho; 2 Squadron,ROAOAIFI l ‘ ‘D3.R¥'!DI HQ‘,
rl./A, 23x1?- FORM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).A} _ i 1?A ATTACK REPORTHG. 1'5 3’JUAD1@E! ,UNIT: ..................................... f ............................................................ ..Report. 17 Pilot: ‘H 5‘ ' Observer: Squadron?N0 ---
---------------------------------- ~ W/- &0~SI@H P/0. eaaxxrsos 15(1) Target and Position: Place: HUGHESlTE§53E5 Date:O(‘QP3/ / ~08 s2"s. 7 4“135 Q5‘E, Thne: Z/31 lws-ABGUT 500 EOH8taso|-J0Height 300 o_lO O 0
feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)(Ell low Div-:>(bl 4 x ass s.e. nose inatntneona tail 1 sec. delew(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)E11(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a)
Location; (b) type; (c) strength:(al Bridge of Ship(bl a.G.(5) Enemy Air Activity-—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) ifengagement resulted:E11(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports
attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)la) Reconnaissance Report Ho. 54 attached.3‘;*(7) Casualties to own aircraft” and personnel W(lI\lIOT tllroughjair combat): 7* W‘ ‘MIiil(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para.
7.)Attack made fro atarb 8rd b - ti 1: 1 -wake of 8hi‘p abfllut 20 grarda ggterg. 0 Of bomba bur“ mmas§_\'¢\-link YR\ Tu Mil._ _ 0-.Aiuimkn/“_B1l85 Sag na tw e ..... ........ ............ ..... Q .......... ., ‘-——*“_PLi ‘
INSTRUCTIONS. 'FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers for.the recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM" BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed. if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature
of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—~ (a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.- -s(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. V -
Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of
operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. _ U g ; 'If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.I A
,. .41 A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).Q ——-———-——i ATTACK REPORTUNIT: ........................... ........................... .,l.F3Q0Report 18 Pilot: Observer: Squadron:N° ------------------------------------- -- F/I-m T:'i'rl?iRE' r/~z-.
15(1) Target and Position: Place: H{,r{;g5_*g(1) Vessel 88° 32"3. Daw= 33 / 7 / 43125° ova.. Time: hI'S.('2) Builéings at nmzosmxHeight s_l0OO feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.),___ W10 _uuu ¥lV& ‘x
2aQ e.r. nose instenheoua, tail 1 sec. delay.4p‘.vP\Elim>4(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Bil hits(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered-—(a) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:Bil(5) Enemy Air Activity--
(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (1') ifengagement resulted:I513.(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(8) Reconnaissance Report Eu. 34 &tt8ched-
(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):Nil(8) Special commentsi (See Instruction para. 7.)Eereet (1) lion Diveftttaok mane em bomb faileél to amp owingto 8 blown ¢Q§8, whaeh was reetifie
and 2 bombs released atH1$In0EnIK whmeh overehot ne target._ _ 1 W \ a ___;§§ii3>c;»A~_a»:%q‘Signature . < ............................ ....... A.H.M.—1l/41-—B1185
1.V ¢ -~.».< J- -1'.INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in_ triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be
completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy
aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack (Section 2)‘ is to be set out in detail as under :—;- (a) Method of attack, suchas high level, high dive, etc. R '(b) Weight, fuse setting, type an.d number of bombs dropped,and
type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air
combatNOT to be included. ~ a ~ - Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.‘and
G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. 1 O _ ‘If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:— iDistance of initial
sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.YQ~ -»‘ '-\-
4-.»_,..n '\ ,....- _,
- ;6LFQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).t _ ________ATTACK REPORTusm ...... .¥i9::.::?§_.:§F??.§???‘°‘Report 19 Pilot: Observer: Squad1'°n5 P/0. RULE 2/o. Ema 12,(1) Target and Position: Place: EUGEE3» (3{1}
vissgltlggg Date: 22 /7 /‘$2ta) imleinge at seem Time‘ 22455/21 hrs"' Heigh% OO_1O CG feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.){ a) Low rive V(bl 4 x 250 e.1>. nose intnteou, tail 1 aee. delay(3) Observed
Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Nil hits.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:I111(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) ifengagement
resulted:H11(6) State if (0) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(Q) Reeonnaiasmaae Report No. 54 attmheci.(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air
combat):H11.x_(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Target £1) Low Dive attack made on weasel - bomb distributorfailed.a1&:rg§:egi)m%o?Z§ $1353? ea salvo owing to distributor failure, ‘T T +.;;_>~~i; " . _ ‘
3A'H.M'_u/“_Bn85 S10 natw ............ ................ .1 ............ Ea ...... $*~ ........... A .
.». tINSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. ;FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature
of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :--E A-»~(»a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombsdropped,and type of sight used. ' " V -(c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. -4 ~
»Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted., .A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of
operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. . V V. p ' OIf submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-~Distance of initial sighting, approximate
course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
'4,9 IA‘/ 5 rmeommssmcn mrom I0. e4 227572;OYERQIOE I0QAPERKS.use as/asI/6. Eolswich (2) 2!/m. Trelren2/o. Rule 4(ll to attack shipping in WEEAR er£LOR SQR-III‘! (2) Buildings nearchurch at 203$.W16 hrs. (2)
0731 hrs0738 hrs.the aircraft ew in formation andon approaching ALOR SERMQ a vesseloz! about 500 tons was sighted.1'15-£2-SG-H9-BS-8'11, passenger cargotype. ‘the topmests were white andall crews mentioned the
masts asbeing a partiouldrly prominentieatureé The course of the vesselIns 250 and speed about 8 knots.%?Q Fl§p'§JOBIEGE .dI§F'\b1 Pincl‘-ifNR-R2103 01' ERIE.~\oeo. (1) llade a low dive attack from3000 feet from the
starboard bot. The bombs were seen to drop ina stick across the wake :7! the ship about 20 yards asters. Ehisattack was mde at 22102 21 in good visibility. LG. tire was seento come tron a position on or near the bridge
during the attack.Baring the dive about 200 rounds were red and the tunnel gunnerfired about 500 rounds on the recovery. Ho observed effects.(8) Redo a low dive attack on theship, but owing to a ruse failure which was
subsequently rectified,the bombs failed to Made e low dive attack and thebomb distributor tailed to operate.Ho 11.9. fire was observed b (2) or(5). The attacks were made in the following order - (2), $1), (5).the
aircraft then rejoined formationand crossed the coast about CAPE TOEIUSEAH and met the MAMBOEA -TOBJH road just south of ATAMIBOEA. Ar-WBOE-A itself was obscuredby haze. Ehe read was followed to H-
BZLILOELIK and no activity of ‘any sort observed.At HALILOEI-IE (2) decided to drop8 bombs on the prominent buildings there, which were square inshape, surrounding e court yard. These appeared to be barracks.The
bombs overshot end tell in an open field to the .E. Attackwas a low dive from 8000 - 1900 feet, made at 2222:/21 in goodvisibility.'.Bhe aircractt then proceeded south,and the road beeme obscured by ground mist just south
of HALILOELIK,clearing again when the ooastl plains were reached near YOBM.‘this area is well cultivated, end numerous large villages were seen.K IOQIIOIQIII/2O
\ , 2- aIt Ina difficult to positively identity 203$ for this reaaen.Tha rermft eirelei the roam urea for about 15 minutes and (3):21-Zppea bombs as a salvo on the aha:-ah area atroam at5;/21, but these overahoi, no relulta we( (
» re observed. (2)not having tmmd the target 1-eturne with two bombs.The aircraft than went east ovar WELOI-Iwithout positive identification inow g to the number oi village!and track! mi returned to ‘base. _Ho activity was
seen in any part ofthe area. Visibility Iea itqu e goon! and the aircraft were ying atbout 1500 techV \___;'§ lot Officer,Igtal ence Officer,0. 13 Squadron,' BUGwS.'<\3;o\\,> ";>Q<>\\~\-=1, \»Mb< )»-&~=»-~\~ =-=~'*<$9 , \-
\@.SuL.=<,Qa\*<3»-=<~J<;> c»~A~ /*'<>‘"~*~* °"‘°°*'
_ _ "J _ n\\, ‘\ " ‘I ‘HrmW“‘__:: __:1 ‘|"M#d_|m_|IHY k _H_ __h“H \_~_5___ :_ i _ II‘ H_L_f_| M u K h‘__ kw" l __\_ _, _ _ _ __1 _“__ I _ H__ ‘H J_W_T!_Ih___' H K V >_5 ‘v‘___ M ‘_ [M__\_ _ _ _ I vr_j_‘_ .__! _ ’ Vp
I)*‘|y'_vI‘ ‘ _ J1‘ h_ ___ ___ _ I v__‘ _ H _‘ 1) V ‘ _r ’M‘? 7 “‘_ ‘_‘ ‘H __"__n.d__'_ ‘ ‘V4? __I ‘ ___AL_'_, %W VI H __W u _r /‘ /_hfl‘J!‘_ , ;__ Vi __ ‘ _ I__ _ “,7 ‘_ JV _ H 9 ‘*7_ _ ‘_$__> 4_‘ V u ___‘____“J_ __ ‘H‘___ __kn ‘as
“MW ___!“h VHXJ AmHwm__ _ _ _ J ’_‘1Zn“‘_ §‘Ir“‘I_|\RH|___ __H_“ |wI__|_p?‘yk_ _ \__\ P“1 F L (1 ___ _I JK_%__ kw _ __ __a___W_§_‘:_ I > v‘_H___ L _ 4 ‘H,‘ _' _ G ‘ ‘ _ |__W__$__M_yi‘_'|’ I _ “__ I H F71’;‘ _ W _ 2
_3* k ‘ __y___ ‘__h __v_ ‘H_ _1_€_i‘wl'w“ _ ‘ ‘I Q‘m|H___ HUG V‘ ) _ ’ V _*__|y_> _d"‘_[-LI Hmwmww 2‘ _y_ _.'| 5‘? | )l _ V‘I( H _ _1£__;_W _"M; W __,_ W___H> __~_“_t >h__u_; I‘\. JHT‘ MW" _T_>"“n_Mr _ _“__"m
__g,_ W; kl“ _ LWPV ____'”_W_&._w“ ‘R __ ‘ V My 7 an E_\\‘ ‘‘__”v/UM. v_‘ ‘ V_‘ _ 1 Y‘ r £7” I1‘ _ ’M“V _ __ '‘ H“ /V‘_l v_ _|_‘ _ ‘ind __W_“H_\é M //T é‘|>_‘l?'|H_h V ,J’JT‘ I\_ 1’ |_ I 4 __ "M ‘_ V A9‘”%_'___b__H_“@‘_v‘_ ‘
I ‘ L‘; ‘W V_ _‘ ' __ TH‘ ‘I_ 5'“ _ VI] ?_ L‘ _k_‘_‘ZX__/r_“ V ‘ Y I “’J l \ _‘ I" V U‘ lk “V '-‘_"_ ‘ ‘‘___‘/"__Iv_/I/'r‘,‘,‘_" _ “K I IH ‘/M '| I_ ‘ \_| _‘_ ii)~" _ 1' i__,_> Ly \"|'J"-\
(April, 1942)SERIAL .............................. .. , SECRET ............. .. AT: ......... ....................... .. 1)A'rE.%./Pl/....19$.3(Unit, Station, district or person) (Pliwe) ¢u§§¢———-cape-Q@qpqnuno¢u_Q»c¢ccoau$_-pound!.
............................................................................................................................................. . .(Correspondence, previous relatedreport, etc., if applicable)SOURCE: ..... ................................... ..GRADING: ...... ..(As ofcial,
personal observation, reconnaissance, interpretations, etc.)mm .... .2@.5..‘.’....=.>»...(main title)(sub titles)BRIEF: (Here enter careful summary of report, containing substance succinctly stated: include
importantfacts, names, places, dates, times, etc.)Attach photograph or sketch (giving dimensions) if applicable.‘this photo ha been proaaoei from e poor negative andmagnified a number of time. lotuel height ck vhioh taken
is alsohard to determine, ea it I88 Just after the live attmk.ETINTELLIGENCE REPORT “"‘*“'- "°" A‘;Ethe outline and description by the pilotl resemble the sketchof e Japanese wireleel ship azéet out 17 Lzpendix '17‘ to R.-
LLB‘.Intelligenee Information Bull tin Ho. 2 19 2.The tunnel, which doe! not show in the photo, was Just aftof the bridge, aid the H.G. re met, one from the ‘bridge. ‘IbisMA. fire was eilonooa during the attack by HUG 451-
Piriot Oieer,igence Officer,Ho. 13 Squadron,DISTRIBUTION: (To be shown in every instan .AIR BOARD (D. of I.) 1 copy.!.I.....he.lR.Jo<LF- HUGHES.ce) _inut: no
_ ' T Z :7FQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108( .W%_.kii______ATTACK REPORTUNIT= ----------------------- .......................................... __Report, Pilot: Observer: Squadron: 2N°-is-~~--»-ee~-1°? ------------- -- F/T~ FRASER P/0.
11%;:(1) Target and Position: Place: BOELADate: 16 / '] /42Ship - BOELA BAY, _Time : Q2293 hrs.Heigligat high feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Eli high. i25° 9-1% 2. Hose Plug. Tail 11 sec. - 10
rounds(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.) 'TI" bomb» penm-mm mu cs" ship at waterline but r ed c II-Brge hole in side or vessel. a G “plea”(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type;
(c) strength:(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) ifengagement resulted:(6) State if (<1) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(11) Yea Ho.
59(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)A1; moment of release of bombs aircraft about 20 feet above later.Signature ........
A.H.M.—11/41—B1185 I; W XV ' e \ A
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. 'FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. eFORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature
of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. V(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting. '(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be -included.Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted. IA Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight.
A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.\-,
,/\'‘ is A_ _ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).ATTACK REPORTUNIT: .......... ...... .. AR?€5’f? TTTTTTTT Pil0’61 . Observer: Squadron? 21>/0. sum P/0. nmo(1) Target and Position: Place: BOELA 5}Date: IE / / 42Ship - mm BAY
T_ - Z e 1; h1me: { PS.Heighast high feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)‘lit high '25° GQPQ 2 H086 IQQBQ(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Bombs undarahot.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences
encountered--(:1) Location; (b) type; (c) strength: It(5) Enemy Air Activity-~(n) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) if. engagement resulted: '(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (Iv) photographic reports attached:
m(See Instruction para.’6.)(Q) N30 590(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)A.H.M.—11/41—B1l85Signature ........... 444
...................................................................... ...... ..
INSTRUCTIONS.‘FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attaclg particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.‘ .FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. q .FORM jC.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The
nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—i(a)- Method of attack, such as high level, high dive,-etc. g(b) W'eight,'fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used._ (c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. - -
AEstimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of
operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.\--l-
I \*\<k~%=lei '"!1!1!l.Hl*?£m_m-..mm_=Q1!!!‘£5L ¢§§» 3; 1.-:;%_.:=-_ ‘ jf ;' _" I .FIT I-9.-§"‘-‘“"‘ 5 ' I 3. '“ fe.-..-21' - _.’. , ' _ .-- ~: .~-.'.'F";"“'_ -%- .. ~ H __ . ,'Ir? ‘ K; ' A» -V ‘ '_ Q '- ‘ ._ _ .~ ° ~ ’ F K _I|' Ff; _ —. ' ~ ' - ' ' V ' ._ $ ‘. ‘
*5 .,I .- . .‘. V E. W P ..$_., J» .,~ \"‘s-."- _...w~ ..1' 3 0' 0nr.-" ‘wt - ~ ~ . - - ~ I, *,, *_~_.:~,--A.~."' ;:3,¢¢._'_,1A,.;' 7.6: - I 4 0 ¢t 31¢10a030. 1‘H1-no- 1 , ,!/L In-any-. P/b. liqj, r/In. yam“. H8-xi um. m ha moo rm. Ovoznnat and
mu.emu/16.Photograph: than MILA am mm - manIhintfaa a ;m§=um»-8. " M 'lhzr 31.2 did nut roach‘ target, rotzn-ning to baathrough Qnginl trmblc. _W: rim. mmmamr/\m>r1np=uamuaria
u|n'Inrlndltr1k1300a|tH.I.ortonnnd.ofirst ma our U. an hay, run that direction, um!fullmml with 0 $0: or circuits over the :1-on,iii: 7011:1911 mat obllquc yhnton are tum: of the$1, jrttyallbq.
IkaieunlatlhnuoilnndingroundA'1".l'A6'K: main jetty FDKG-E-S0.E diatetik, havingpared an‘ on lung hatchbid. Out in)lna "§§§E"%§%@ gs §;§;;_§§%;z= ihiz ~ *~§lq=‘§?ii! 51* § 5.-21;; ig,*:§;b§F‘; gm; 1:553:921?“? :3’?
§§E=§?.1s§52 5' J?‘ s>»w§i§a§ i:§§§§§§§i'”';§;§§:*~ gs-:.=:.-=.:» g;£55??? ‘Nd a lht dllb ‘x-1It unscrew! to '0 1‘o . /\;~-=7Ii-1r'~'_.§ : 1p an attach: n mater cl‘ pq|vqb>* {'£*1-:‘,,."“:,:.;*':,*.*m’;..£"'='..';'*: “I» ah-u-2.8”."
Lmm »_.~'__
'3‘ -5*‘L?‘7'“ " 1? 7/at I /at7 I J,‘ FQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).4-_ ATTACK REPORTUNIT: ..... ..§.?.?.....?i§.l..§9§fP§§ ................................. ..Report 16 Pilot : Observer : Sq“9~d1’°n 1No ..................................... ..
1|/bl, JQUEQ 1»/Q. loom 13(1) Target and Position: Place: EUQESDate: 14 /JET! -RED SHALL $1? KMBJBHI Ti7/ 42me: 0840, hrs.Heightiooo _ lzogzet.I_ (2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Ia; Lou Dive (b; 4 2
250 G.P. Hose lntmzt tail 1 sec. delay(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)3. hit, 1 nee:-.' mien on jetty at shore line(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:I11(5) Enemy
Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (1') ifengagement resulted:i Hi].(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(al Reeonnalasauee .ze-port Bu.
53 attached.(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):Bil(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)1311,l I ‘v.-..:3rPi° W it", _ Z, ‘ I _ .. .. ............... ..A.H.M.—11/41-.—I§1l8§ ' 6' N _f'.‘. é
5, - R‘ '---vs . », ;,____ ,_\ ‘ - ____ '. , _ ._ :
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated details,from
FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack
(Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :-(a) Method of attack, such as highlevel, high dive, etc.A (b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released,
type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included.Estimated number of
hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. '¢If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:--Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion. @¥_ _._ ___ a --~-.
Z’‘ l FQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B).Q ATTACK Q» REPORTUNIT: .......... ..§9:.,.§§....§:@§§P§9§.fRort 15 P3015! Observer: squadron:° -------------------------------------- -- W/In EQLSWIGH P/0 mumxsol 1:5(1) Target and
Position: Place: HUGHESDate: 14 / 7/ 42Time: 0 840 Z hrs.Hejéht : feet.JETTY AW) SMALL SKIP KKLQB HI00 - 1200(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)la) Low Diva (“cl 4 x 250 9.9. Hose Instant tailel sec.
delw(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)One near miss, one hit on Jetty. Large quantity of greyBmoka observed.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered-—(a) Location; (b) type; (r) strength:BIL(5) Enemy
Air Activity--(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) ifengagement resulted: 'NIL(6) State if (at) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(H) Reconnaissance Report E0.
53 attached.(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):H11(8) Special comments :* (See Instruction para. 7.)NilI ,a;.:..: PU \_ - Q»-u..\a_...."§..=_~ “<1-_‘Szgnatlzv ..A.H.M.-11/41,-B1185 Q \3/
\J L“/_ v/7 I W ' _4u
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of
attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. . iEstimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
. in' FQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B). -iATTACK REPORTUNIT: ..... ................................. .. ‘Report Pilot : Observer : Squadron 314No ______________________________________ ,_ p/1,1; , 5} 3513333 331;}.
31333533 13. . Pl :(1) Target and Position: ace 333.333men mo SMALL sew xnaem Dita‘ 14‘ / 7/ 42)Time: Q8403 hrs.Heiilliioo -1200 feet‘(2) Natureof Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)(a) Low Diva (bi 4 1 250 G-.19. Eoae
instant, tail 1 see. delay(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.). 50 ton single funnel vessel smik(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:H11engagement resulted :H11(6)
State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(B) Reconnaissance Report Ho. 52> attached(7) Casualties to own (aircraft ami persjonneij (NOT througiiiair combat):H11(8) Special
comments :j (See Instruction para. 7.)H11Sig ....... ... A.H.M.-11/41--miss 2 : r.‘ L‘ ‘(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (11) type and number of aircraft (c) if
\INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. ‘FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, With abbreviated details,-
from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. ~ "FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of
attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :--(a) Method of -attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. ‘Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. ,If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:--Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
/‘\,'§,OPELME I011 HO.GAPTJIISQBJEOT$2bl H&(\-I"'1\~ave 41/14 At. mzswzmn (2) I/0. nonswrcx0. noose.To attack aeaplanea and shipping atKMJBEI or K1113. AIQR ISZMBEasi oi’ TIMOR and to the north 01’
1?F£’.E.AR ISLAM)-Ihe aircraft proceeded in formation intoBEIILELAHG BAY and nally approached the target mi-ea in lino astern.Ho nativity was observed at KALABIEI wherethe-re ‘La H jetty. One aircraft than dropped
two bombs on a smallvessel near the jetty.The three aircraft than went down the bayto ALOR md can only a few native villages on each side and good“,4ZEWHHHSSMOE REYOEE R0. 33 /wamxor or mm (1) 0326 hrs. (2)
08:55 bra <5) 08:58 hrs.REPORE Target area was approached by paasingroads along both shores. No activity observed anywhere and thera-fore the aircraft returned end bombed tm Jetty t IKE-ABAIL(1) Ban a small
single funnel vesselKALIBAHI lying off the Jetty on first approach and dropped twobombs. The vesgwl had sunk by the time the aircraft re‘bu*:'ned fromALOR. The remmning two ’n-fmba were dropped on the Jetty on
return,but overahoii.(2) Dropped four bombs on the Jetty ,scoring one near miss and one direct nit. Large volumes of greyemoke came up and the Jetty was lo: burning.-l3) Dropped four bomb! at about the shoreline of the
Jetty and scored one hit and one near mine.5%ISISRARI BAX is reported an being quitedeep water and well sheltered, suitable as a flying boat anchorage,but no mooring buoys were seen.V. The hey is about 1% miles
wide andnarrowing to less than a mile at the entrance-; >/I S// ’.K lot Qffioer,Int ‘_ genes Officer, _H6. 13 Squadron‘,R.-1!. A-F. IEJI.
7... _)_mUu z__' Q _,-.)..~'-Q)L¢,J¢ .4;; ; ;.;;; ;»¢1?:;;~¢;ii{ ,;.1:;a gancojJ‘tif»»'r: 1H ,4. 1' T, _... /,_,_5~.3 },1__ _;U, :,L_.Cf‘T.-r'\*1[\-Cf‘_.».O. ., J. ._ .- ‘0 ,» -7 , “ ln;_nJ\|—:-or‘.:c\O5\\___>¢e*ort: Further|-InT5vi-‘
:3Qf7Q4’}_l.og 1n of aircrcws on ‘E o;erat10n,’§UF}-InU2pwO(D(F)Ca(.‘_Mr"1'.(Y2(D\'+It alsv soc; J _Hill referrai to 5 Intellige; Infohi sleun on the 2'reas 1n vhw.4OP’O'1O"3I1‘ 1 011 _on the above nhy ii red.? 3»-)3(D»;‘_‘.
>. \4 J ___, , -_ _ .4L', i rerl._ 't>11il<]i:1'_jOno‘LJ~‘ bcibs S011 asU!r*‘-\\.1';'wLsTO ‘ILTL-I:_ ‘.>\—. --' -\ma; QUT€~liL.clearl"A.-O, 4‘I3.-C: 3¢_C_ by srlzn iq ;.,\t in 1-1.2.‘.U)> 4, ,,(D<4_ m H»,4.. /_4Cl‘3P‘.Q _.._. /‘lab 1'}-
’:'» :_ ,CD,, mO 6*’<0 rsO’_.-I,_..13.3..C?‘23“A.‘ '1" ' f:r10l-.,:..2.4,1 ..~r~LI-a(‘DY-'}t‘./ifI,.1 \}\.J .her fhé. EEQ “ed I »n the<2{.1C2(D~>--;,\-,1 -_ .~,-W: H.-. -T f‘<’1'] <1-(1“-4, A1\»,.,,,,0~,~.1-. ;_;:r_;_\rvw T1114‘.’ ~ r\H'\ “ ‘ ' L\r\
1 'SrG)Y3IL :+T).-<4. FfCf" \>3‘ QI.F‘ 'J-ii <11 (DSfli, _n LQTKOF. :L dircc 11t b7 hnuhr we?» riw-if"br.rrz;c1_s Ti. _-.;.i1.u;;r, j.I‘.':!_’iC1k_‘t'».~-: by <:i1'0lQ\>‘~J(\.1 -.l—I3< PO\_.\\,1),);E F.)‘Om_ligence Cfficer,1'“ , "rQww-
~'.<=,,¢...”“$»',":r'ie/Mhe,. sncnn7'01 'no, 2 sgtmmon.~ Am lmnomufssmcr REEORT no, 66. 10/7/429355524: Dar 28-,5.6./9.Number of Aircraft: SixCaptains of Aircraft: s/L. llc]!'ARIAm, 1*/1.. nmsxm, r/L. l|c00llBE, r/0.
HAY,r/0. OVERHEU, 1'/Sgt. HAMCBFORD.Height: 2000 feetVisibility: Cloud base 2000 - layers nimbo stratus to 14,000.Visibility l2 miles.Time over Tar t: 09212./9 and 09302/9.Ob jest: To attack barracks S.E. of DELI at
TIBESSE.Repg Art pproach:T9 attach‘ our aircraft approached the DILLI area,6-»~»'" élbng the éeaitf swinging inland shortly before DILLIIf itself and approaching the Barracks at ‘EIBESSE over the7£’H_w J M, g; 1* hills to
the N E of the target which rose sharply to 1200 feet.The barracks were hidden by some small hills rising toabout 4.00 feet and our aircraft found themselves onapproach to be some 300 yards to the N of the actualtarget
without actual chance of correction.Formtion:Aircraft were in Vee formation on attack except that1!’/0. HAY who was flying on extreme right moved intothe box behind leader in endeavour to over target.Attack use made
from N.E.Damgg Observed:Sons bombs fell on buildings short and past Red House(Clearly distinguishable) on Hill, and remainder fellin line S W from Wireless Station; Numbers of buildingsand huts were seen to be hit. No
fires were observed.Our aircraft returned to the target area, diving to 200feet and machine gunned the buildings in the area,including the barracks. 3300 rounds were fired. 'Bombs dropped were 250 G P Special 24. and 25
incendiary 24A.A. Defences:Small calibre A.A. fire was met with from a position whichappeared to be on the high ground S I of Wireless StationOne aircraft obtained a direct burst of machine gun fireon this position.Our
Casualties: DAR.286 had rear gunner shot in wrist -parachute harness damaged and 8 inch hole in perspex. Bar283 hole in cockpit cover.DILLI Aerodrome:Could be clearly seen and was reported to be partiallyunder water
and quite unserviceable.Weather:Rain and cloud made visibility nil until DILLI wasactually reached where it was onpletely clear.Intelligence Officer,No. 2 Squadron,DARWIN.
1LiUNIT: ............ A 1lr 1,1:FQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).ATTACK REPORTReport Pilot : - Observer: Squadron 3No .............. r.91..§ .............. ..s/L; IMFARLANEP/o; Rm 2(1) Target and Position:Place: m
LLIBARRAGKS as miles s E or om: Date‘ 9 / 7/ 42Time: (Em hrs.Height : ZOGO feet.’(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Law level V’ 250 G P Special 24. 25 Inoend. 24. machine gunnedbuild ings from 1000-200
ft. '(3) Observed Effects: ‘(See Instruction para. 5.)Bombs dropped among huts and buildings near Red Hbuse onHill.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (r) strength:b Light - possibly *5gag
On high ground between two valleys s W of Wireless station0) Slight(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (1') ifengagement resulted :Bil(6) State if (n) reconnaissance (b)
photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(a) Yes (no. ea)b) No(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):Nil(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)After bombs dropped
aircraft returned & machine gunned Redroofed house on hill near barracks - at height 1000-200 ft.Target hidden on approach by low hills and was passed byformation to north.‘iA,H.M.—11/41—B1185Signature ............
_ _ _- -— we V-_-._ =? m,INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. ‘FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed,
with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. .FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during
ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a)~ Method of attack, such as high -level, high dive, etc. -(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c)
Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets ‘(including personnel). Rounds red in air combat.NOT to be
included. » - ~ R ‘Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the
course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. ‘ A _ ' RIf submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:—Distance of initial sighting,
approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion. _KY\-1
2:’.( FORM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).til} -—-----ATTACK REPORT UN1'1‘= --------------- ........................................... ..Report pilot; L Squadron:No ............... ........... .. F/I-. raasm P 0 Ii1lacGREG(R . 3(1)
Target and Position: Place: D11‘LiBARRAGI’§S miles S E 81' DILLI p Date. 9 / 7 / 42‘Time: all hrs. ZHeight: 3990 feet. "(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Low 1 1 " '25Di}e¥eSpe0ial 24. 25 inoend 24. Machine
gunnedbuildings from 1000-290 ft. Rounds fired 500(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.) -_Bombs dropped in area ii of actual target. Possible damageto build 11153, Aircraft returneir and machine g;w.ed
buildingspossibly target from 1000-200 ft.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (r) strength:a On high ;i;l‘011nd between two valleys S W of Wireless Station{bi L1.-:'?;ht - possibly .5 .0)
Slight(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (v) ifengagement resulted:H11(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(ag Yea (No. 66)
_(b lie(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):Nil D(8) Special comments; (See Instruction para. 7.)1/Y/ E i5Signature ........................ ..' .........................................................................
INSTRUCTIONS. ‘FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of ‘attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. ~FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of
attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included.Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. ,If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 82-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.D
2FORM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).(1‘ -----ATTACK REPORTUNIT: .................. ........................................ .. ‘ 4R t 98 Pilot:_ 1 Observer: Squadron?$38? LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL .- F/Lt. Mwowas Set.
mm 2(1) Target and Position: Place: DILLIBarracks as miles s E of DILLI Date‘ 9 / 7/ 42*Time: UQEIZ hrs.Height : @OO feet.(2)Lé\%1t\fg V9; lAttack: (See Instruction para. 4.) ‘B59 G P spwisl 24;’ aetineeaa. 24. Hadaine-
gxmzzedbaimmss from loos-zoo rs. ae=.-was fired zoo;(3)3 Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)ombs straddled buildings near wireless station Buildi '~~ , .i _ “ . '°-- 0 HES‘§=;gg_g%g.ifeturnea and maohlne gunned
buildings frgm(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) -Location; (b) type; (c) strength:gs) on high ground between two valleys s of 15) Light " P058151? .5 e ess stationc) Slight . -(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a)
Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) ifengagement resulted: ‘Nil ~i(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.))3; gig (No. e)(7) Casualties to own aircraft and
personnel (NOT through air combat):Nil iI!/(8) Specialiicolnmentsz (See Instruction para. 7.)Wireless station with two mast observed in Dcsitign K85on ‘rarest Map (photo) provided; * ' M|I/Ir/ Signature .............. . .... ... E . .
A.H.M.—11/41—B1185 jY‘\
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particu1ars_,f1'om the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE_ (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. "FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature
of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method -of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) (Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. V » V -
<Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of
operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. R 'If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:— ‘Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
1 Q‘ A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).? ATTACK REPORTUNIT 1 ----------------- ........................................ .. 'Report Pilot : - Observer:No Q9........................... __vSquadron :F/Q . OVEREU P/0 . l%T.l'BR 2Plw-== DILLIDate: 9 /
7/ 42Time: 09212. hrs.- Height: 2560 feet. i(1) Target and Position:BARRACKS 2;; miles S E Of DILLI(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Low level -250 G P Special :34. 25 Incend. 34. Machine gunnedbuildings
from 1000-v3G€) ft. Rommds fired 1000.(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Bombs fell north of Barracks Area. Buildings subsequentlymachine gunneé. from 1060»-200 ft. i(4) Enemy AA‘Gr0und Defences
enc0untered—(u) Location; (b) type; (c) strength: _a On high around between two ‘valleys of ‘.’=-.'ireless stat-ionLight - possibly .5. 'ab;(0 Slight(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft
(r) ifengagement resulted :H11(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(3 gs (No. 66)(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):Bullet thmugh
cockpit cover;(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)with six aircraft in formation difficult in identifymposition whore undivided bombs fell.A.H.M.-11/41—B1185Wamuw” P7Sig n.atm~e
___________________________ .................................................................... .. 0
JINSTRUCTIONS.FORM A, is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. ~ FORM BLUE _(Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight. xThe nature
of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :-—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. -(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. ~ ~Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
(_~r A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B).--__--.-_aATTACK REPORTUN1T= --------------- ........................................... ..Rgport Pilot: ' I V ObS€I‘V€1‘2 . Squadron: F/0. BAY P/0. snares 2(1) Target and Position: Pme‘
]j)I1_.LIBarracks 2,"; miles -‘ii E of DILLI Date‘ 9/ 7 / 43Time: Qggl-Z hrs.Height :ZQQQ feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.) .259 fl Psyaréializls; -.25.I§ee!1d/. 24. Iaiachinelgtmned buildings Ima moo-200 re. ~
Rounds tired euo(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.) _ _ pBcmbs seen to fall amongst buildings 335.12‘. er iviveless Station.'_Buildings in area subsequentlgr machine 5-gunned from 1000-200 ft.(4) Enemy AA
Ground Defences encountered-(a) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:(a) On high greund between two valleys of Wireless Station(bl Light -- possibly .5(0) Slightla ' ‘ "(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and
number of aircraft (v) ifengagement resulted :E11(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(a) Yes (No; 66)(hi No(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through
air combat) :N1l'(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Observed target and moves frem position 6 in fez-nation toleft until in box, but unable to cover targetA.H.M.—11/41-—-B1185Signature ........
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. ~ AFORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE,“Combat(Bomber), are to be completed ifan engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of
attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. ~ l(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. ~Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted. 'A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight.
A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. ,7 -If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion. ' M“ 7——~ —?
w\\\UNIT: ............................ FQRM A_ - R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).ATTACK REPORTReport Pi10tZ Observer:' v Squadron?No ................. an; AAAAAAA __ F/sec. mnnmsroan 1»/e. DAVIDSQH 2' (1) Target and Position:
Place: DILLIIBARPACKS 2?; miles s 12 of DILLI Bat“ 9 / '7 / ‘-‘=3Time: (39313 hrs.Height : 2000 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)low Level 4350 G ? Fpeoisl 34. S5 Ineend 34. "Machine gunned buildings
'from 1000-206 ft. Rounds fired 700.(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Bombs Zell tc.n of target.Returnec rrom.5 W and machine gunner buildings from3.800 to 2100 ft. -(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences
enc.ountered—-(a) Location; (b-) type; (c) strength:(e) on high ground between two valleys E Y of Tireless station(bg Light ~ possibly .5(e Slight(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft
(c) ifengagement resulted:E11(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(ax) Yes (No. 66)(b) Ho(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):Rr
gunner li ht bullet wound forearm. Eight inchsquare hole in perspex.(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)A A position observec on higher ground S E of Wireless Station.A A fire considered .5A.H.M.—11/41-
31185iriarwaaeSig nat-are ................................................ .............................................. ..
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. ~FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of
attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included.Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.I
__ /é >2” /5% QnrmFQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B). iATTACK REPORTUNIT: ....... SQMW“Report 13 I Observer ; Squadron IN0. .................................... .. D‘F.c‘SGT» PEER(1) Target and
Position:Plgzg813%aazerzm, aims: swam: on sanamxs Date: 5' / 7 / 42¢ -E-$931) Time: 33552 hrs.Height: 2300 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)(#111151: awe 51:1 2 25:: o. . <~r‘W11 0&9 (ll Iaegné ielé
($55 IF lth?‘(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)BIL hits -- lamb: £011 smart at lap-mans Quarters,(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—'(a) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:‘"9 ""='8@‘= MP ‘Q/7'» was 0-
5 Ts) new (c) moderate‘ engagement resultedNIL 1(5) Enemy Air Activity-(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) if(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para.
6.)Rwmwev Revert Io. as aktmhai3113(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)A ~ggjgragtggaggggéf Mme as "rir pm» , which causedA.H.M.--
11/41—B1186‘ _ canSignatm-ed .. ‘ ..._...i -mté; -1iiiiii
L lINSTRUCTIONS.1. FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording-of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.2. FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.3.. FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report-, and FORM BLUE, Combat. N (Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.4.
The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—» (a) ~Methodeof attack, such as high level; high -dive, etc. 1 R _e(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and rnumber of bombs :dropped,and type of sight
used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combat~
NOT to be included-. ~ e~ ~» A —~ ~5. Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.6. A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by
G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. p p _ ; p V. '.__L -7. If submarine is attacked, state following in Section
8:—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after
explosion.1““!-vi.’-__‘ I-. aI M)
pIéff, ,4,>+’FQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B)Q ________ATTACK REPORTUN1T= --------- E9-1---}§.....§.9§.?§?39ll .............................. ..Report 14 Pilot: Observer: Squadron 3No ..................................... .. w/Q , HQLSWI
(33112/o . P¢!.HKINSON 5(1) Target and Position:AI.‘ AB-QVLBOEAPlace : HUGHESSHIPPING omzsaz STR-AIT on BARR-ACKS Date‘ 5 / '1 / 42TIITIGI hI'S.Height: 200 O feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para.
4.)(a) High Dive (bl 2 X 250 e.P. and‘2 x 250 s.A.P. tailone (1) second delay.(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.) l INIL hits, bombs fell, Target map as/1, area Ll-L2, K2(cl Moderate(4) Enemy A_A Ground
Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:(a) Target Map as/1, area H to K, 1 and 2 (b) Heavy(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a)engagement resulted:NI LPosition of patrols; (I1) type and number of aircraft (c) if(6)
State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)Reconnaissance Report Ho. 52 attached.NIL(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):(8) Special
comments: (Seeinaccurate bombingInstruction para. 7.)A/A fire was fairly accurate and very prompt, which causedA.H.M.—11/41.-B1185_ Q’) ?‘§Sig
"1.-2..3.4.567'."INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be coinpleted in triplic~ate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) Visto be completed; with
abbreviated idetails,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if. an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during
ight. _ _ __ A _ I A H .The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :--(a)» Method of attack, sucheas high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and" number of bombs dropped,and type of
sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air
combatNOT to be included. ~ 'Estimated, number -of hits,,ar_1d damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and
G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. , .If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:--Distance of initial sighting,
approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.:k(_Av;\‘
Z»e ». ‘W £4- FQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B).¢ § .________ATTACK REPORTUNIT: .......... ............................ ..' - - Squadron:Report 3.‘ Pilot . Observer . 15No ..................................... .. 1'/0‘ mum 1-/1:. sonar.(1)
Target and Position: Place: ‘WESBBPPIM $3‘ 518K! UH Bmmm Date‘ 5/ 7/ ‘ZJT ‘$931 .Time: 23552/1 hrs.Height : 18° 0 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)in) lift mm t-In 2 x am 9.2. as 2 x 250 s.A.P. tauone
(1 Ioooni lily Q1») ‘boo(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)I t JB.0,Boa§bl-eiinihibl:s:':..::: A ca ca. “ °" K "P: M: =*(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (v) strength:‘ll 'J.'~Il-'8“ KW
Q/1, EB! B8 (bl Belly (0) Moderateengagement resulted :IIL(6) State if (n) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)an-mama mport Io. 32 skinning.(7) Casualties to own aircraft and
personnel (NOT through air combat):HIL(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.) ,:/A ixgaznln 911:1! 0:3;-:18: can wry prmpt, which<> ~._>?*<>‘ IA H M U Sigiiat-u;}.....%.\).§.Q§S!.1.In .............. ... . .- /41-B1185(5)
Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (v) if
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Ofcers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated details,from
FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completedif an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack
(Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—-(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombsvdropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released,
type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included.Estimated number of
hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. V ,If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:—-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.fI‘ 1I1vll
BUQ LO §W,UlDKU.|!|RECONNIISSJNCE REPORT NO. 52 ughes5%/42.ornaarxor no. 1-we :55/5CJETJHNS\(1) w/c. HOLSWICH (2) F/Lt. nmxn(3) P/0. REHFISCH.OBJECT Att ack Shipping OMBAI STRAIT or.1
barracks JEEJIBQELDURITION OF FLIGHT"t nil(1) 0642 hrs. {2} 0652 hrs.(5) 0640 hrs.REPORT Nil shipping sighted."'—__ The aircraft proceeded in formationto LETI ISLAND, F/Lt. DALKIN leading, turned West along
WETAKSTRAET. Visibility was excellent and the whole area of thestraits could be seen. The formation passed close to CAEE EGO,ATJEO ISLID, and turned S.W. alang OMBAI STRAJT to ATAEOEPOE.The attack on
ATABOEA.was madefr8m 5000 feet, dive to 2000 feet, approach on a bearing of about90 2Eoderate, heavy A/A fire, which wasfairly accurate, was met as seon as aircraft were in range.This would indicate that the enemy
had had sighting reports ofour aircraft and was prepared. Bursting shells were numerous,and followed the aircraft, most shells bursting at about 5000 feeYisibility was excellent, sky cloudless.The aircraft approached
ATAMBOEAfrom the West in format ion and split formation when the A/Aopened. This led to inaccuracy in bombing and only the two air-craft on the left of the formation were able to attack the barracks.The third aircraft (1)
was forced to veer away.Time over target 2255Z/4.Reference Target Map AB/1. _(1) This aircraft was on the rightthe formation and because of avoiding action taken by all air-craft, veered away, south easterly, and bombs
fell in a halfmoon pattern in the area K1.K2,Ll,L2.0 Flashes from heavy A/A guns appearedto come from the area bombed and also from H2,I2.Further heavy A/A.was seen to burstnear the aircraft just later, this was very
accurate and appearedto come from a position on the South bank of the River, dueSouth of the town. ‘High Dive, release at 2000 feet.t.of
‘(If " ', ~ g. --(2) 2111! mriti lltthked theJplmeae buraks but bomb: worn can to till short in uam“ &.. 35$05 llalry A/A was oialorrtd 11-om the canUHG rs pmblg 8 clnntroaapoaitton mar an henna ;=§\"1m-:a‘¢»: has J7: ' »High
mu, raleunal a 2060 taut.I3) E1111 irarvtt am not elearlyebaerve 63.1 ‘bombs, but am one burst at about €§‘aZ_8»3 theatlas: three ‘bauba were ahart ma are eonsidera :5 naée fallenin the aram 3’! Bani 66. rGar. flashes
were obaarvmi to come fromQ $311‘ B17, 81,1.fries» frwm the ax-ea iuat Barth of thehurrah, ma tracer tram the Ana K8-ma MW, release! at 1806 .-ttwt.Pilot Oteer,Intel V genca Qfficer,» $00 13 $ifll%.1’0I1,§£‘%~
4 0' /Q/;</ZFORM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B)ATTACK REPORTQ9800 P"um; LLLLLLLLLLLLL Report '_ Pilot:N° --------------------------- capt... Rouse.Observer: Squadron 1 'Sgt‘ Payne, 93rd Bombardment-(1) Target and
Position:Place: KO G; .' Date ' / /- 5 ‘I 42Penfoei Aerodrome.Time: 09352 hrs.Height: 35 ‘O06 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.) 7(a) level rum 8 x $30 lb. 1./10 sec. elay.(3) Observed Eects: (See Instruztion
para. 5.)//4 - Y7 ,Bombs landed on ¢ 1'1-Illwayv(4) Enemy AA Ground 1Déences encountered—W(t1) I ii 77 Kon, (2) type; (0) strength:(a) rmz. of rsenroei. (b) Heavy. (c) 11@av':r-(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of
patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) ifengagement resulted:(a) H11. (b) 1:11.. (e) See Combat Report no.1.(a) Yes. (b) Yes.(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para.
6.)Hi}. I(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnei (NOT througb air combat): Ah H9310 0(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)A.H.M.—-11/41-31185Si g nature ..................... .................................... .,
lF’-w.» _g- "'\INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to becompleted, with
abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.'
‘ ' -u aThe nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :-—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c)
Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be
included.Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course
of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.-36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:—'-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
W!-\j_______,__.__ A . _v Lje .___> . 1' - FORM A.~ 1ATTACK REPORTUNIT: .... lPilot :Cap‘-‘Q Squadron :Rgeg 3, as:-:1 Bombardment.Ob ' ' '-%%%%%%%% pp Sam“.R.A.A.F. Form AJ08 (B).(1) Target and
Position:Place : Koepang.Penroei Aerodrome-- Date: 3 / 7/ 4,2Time: Q 93;; -,2 . hrs.l Height: 335,390 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)(a) Level run» (‘bi 8 x 50011:. 1/10 see. delay.(3) Observed Effects:
(See Instruction para. 5.)Three aircraft destroyed at W. and of the E — W runway.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location' (I>) type; (c) strength:is) I~I.E—, of Koepang, (11) Heavy. (o Light. ,lg ILJ, 01’
Ponfoei, b Heavy. I~\<ie<1i.um_ (4-6 bursts).éa 84?. 01' Penfoei. (‘pg Heavy. Medium.a) Se}. of Pentooi» (b Heavy, riediim,O00(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft(r) ifengagement
resulted: '(a) nil. (b) ml. (c) See Combat Report no.2‘;(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(a) Yea. (b) Yes. »‘ (7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel”(NOT
throughiwair/(combat): W MNil I(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)None}Signature......o.... A.H.M.—11/41—~B1185\
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight. . R._ 4 .
.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be
included.Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted. iA Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.,and G.P. aircraft in the course
of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-——Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
& -Z’FORM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).K ________._ATTACK REPORTvN1T= TTTTTTTTTTT IReport '_ Pilot I Observer : Squadmn 3 let L1; Kelsey. Sgt; Dozier. Both Bombardment.(1) Target and Position: E . Place:Kw
fang.Penfoe i ./lerodzza me; IDate: :5/Y?/43O‘.-7552.Time: _ hrs.Height: 25,900 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)(8.) Level 11111» lb} 8 x 500 lb. 1/lo see. delay. ‘ of the field .7 1(3) Observed Effects: (See
Instruction para. 5.) I All bombs landed at about 75' intervals in the Barracks area 5?}:(4) Enemy AA Ground Dei'e;1/cées /egiécountered--(La) Wtype”;’ (c) strength-¢(21) X-met nd of the %==# :r~unx=:ay. {*9} gallium. (o) I-
iea*ry.engagement resulted :Nil »(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) if(3) Y9-‘iv Yes:(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para.
6.)(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):Nil-.(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Hone .Signature .............. ..................... ..A..H.M.——11/41-—B1185
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of
attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combat» NOT to be included.Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. »If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
W ' NTELLIGENCE RE|>oriTSERIAL\1RAAI n¢1un(Ap mm)4ySECRETmom N/W Area, Hea<1vua1'u@I'8 AT DIMRWIN, DATE4,/7/42 19(Umt, Statxon, dxstnct or person) (place)REFERENCE AttacL on PEHFOEI aercd
rcxne 3/'7/44.,(Correspondence, pX‘€Vl0\1S related report, etc , 1f apphcable)SOURCE Interrogation GRADING(As oicxal, personal observatlon reconnmssance, mterpretatlons, etc)SUBJECT Attack by zero's on 5 B—l7's-
(mam tltle) (sub tltles) I1IiInBRIEF (Here enter careful summary of report, contammg substance succmctly stated mclude xmportantfacts, names, places, dates, t1mes, etc)Attach photograph or sketch (glvmg dxmenslons)
1f apphcableThe following auditonal particulare have been obtainedTime over target: 1906 hrs.?ero*s sighted in air over Target 1911 hours.YOTE These were not actually seen to take off aerodrcme, outwere not in air
previorsly and it is canard red that theytooL of; at about 1909 hours.7ero*e intercepted B~l7'E'e at 1700 hours.Weight over target 25,000' ~ seeeu 240 Statute m.n.h true.Holght interee ted ~l,500' — speed 280 Staeutc M
>.n. true."OlUht was lost to increase air syeed "umber of ere‘et1ecL1ng uncertain owint to failing liaht ice attacksmace from etarboard ruarter and on head on, same levelas B-l';"E'e.One B-17 had navigation lights on anu
.bese were notnoticed lgtil after attach xas ade.ISTRIBUTION (To be shown 1n every mstanD f I 1AF ‘Z§$‘;'%./\‘ ° > °°PY
"NAir Intellk enee Section, j ‘ 7.Headquarters, H01-th wa_stm'n Area, *mm AIR FORCES; ’41:11 a*u1y,, 1942. A V ', -.. QRQUPC‘ REOOEIAI$AI\'£GE REPORT. , ‘ -‘ .BA'r. 40,13.,QbJ6¢$uBurationot Fl3.<;111;.,1 ;<\
.Capt. Teats.Capt, Rouse.Capt, Briegas. ‘' l!.st¢Lt_.Ka1saq. A ’#€Nb*-Attack-shipping KQE1-Wm. Secendary target, "; aireraft on ground and intallatidns PENFOEI 4aerbrwm ’ ‘ * ‘ ‘> (2. diihburs. ' V< V 2 GTZ5 'hQ\11'8n .:
‘| ._ 3 " @715 §¢‘\11‘Bo6731 hours‘. - -y Q‘ . " ‘(1) did not reaéh target. because or engine trouble._ when three (5) hours out, turned around andé TGZHPEGQ1 "130 bs-60 Y ' 'Remaining three (5) ylanas approached
KOEPANGBAY mom Wyh -1511 shipfiing ii! Harbor. §xI8.§$ bombing mm at feet, caurse approximately 11:5 degrees. Observed whatjappenred to be three$5) blaek bombers on ahrme: one on 16 >- 196 _degrees) one
on 62 - 2&3 (dagrees) runway;, one On. 151 - 5 (dag-ass) runway, near south west Acorner, saw fighters, number uncertain onairdrmzie.‘ Observed five (5) fiigh1:»e_rs tako (ff .V 1514 -~ 531 »('d’eg;re-es) mmwfaay, after
bombsv4 A/A‘, intensity fire or heavy caliber, was reaeive-,frem‘ H.E¢~. of KGEPANG; battery _j A. appéaro to ha near wast. Iiediznn intensit fire,' eaJ.iber’was rweived from batter : (=a-{at_ Station; {f_b)_ on 1,61 - 551
(degrees? runv‘|ay;* A and (c) 1n,vi¢1n3,ty o1‘_S‘.€!-, comer of’ll6 - "296 (degrges) Heavy tracer re frun light V ,we,ap_m1$ was seen, but origin ceuld not" be . , 1 ,_der1n[it-9?-1Y"~ 1o=oated¢ » ' - T ~,5 I Baa;-.t0red
cloud alt 143,000 feet, visibility :1»; L4 ’ - .. . Hajor; "A12: Gwzllu, j I j Y'~ ¢ mmA.n11r:.Ic;mms "crlrzcm,-1> A ‘ “ -- _ 1 \"* ;-\-'.‘\\ 4.2., '~\% ‘T ,-, Vy .z!<tx.1_ _
. /3/7 = A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).\. _._____ATTACK REPORTUNIT .................................. ..Report 9 Pilot : Observer: Squad?“ 5No ...................................... .. is/13, 1-Ragga}; p/0 1:5§:E61::an(1) Target and Position:
Place: Hbtlisili(1) snzrremoit ,,_u .(2) *ssrx."ma*:o1rs Date’ 2 / 7 / £2 itELL: -r Tzm Time: 36592/1 hrs.Height: 1500 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)(al Low Level (12) 2 x 250 S.J.P., C~.?., sea.delw ‘tail
only (8) M1.P3HNSP:Q-Jf"-*'(2) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.) W iall homba seen to fall in 1&2 our‘; - Limigiggig FeliceBuilding res .(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (c)
strength:BIL(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) ifengagement resulted:BIL(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para.
6.)Reuunncieamce l;€6'§8I‘E 1:0. 33. ettched.(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):HIE. »(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Primary target had left -the area-! “ as rP%'
Signatzwe. .... .... ....... ..A.H.M.-11/41.—-B1185 Z’_ . . ».v~~. ;~Q.
.1123456_ L-;7.¥INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with
abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to becompleted if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.
_The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :-(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. *(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. - ~
-Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of
operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. .If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
/3 8FQRM A_ ' R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B)\ _______ATTACK REPORTReport 10 Pilot! Observer: Squadron?No ...................................... .. 1?/o ancocx 1=/0 BOYNTON 13(1) Target and Position: Place: 11UGHES( 1)
SHIPPING(2) INSTLLLIPIONS Date’ 2 / 7 / 42T‘ 2 h .DILLI - rmon me 2°15” 1 rsHeight: IOO O feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)(a) Low level (bl 1 x 250 G.P. 1 sec. delay tail only( d) E11(3) Observed
Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Bomb fell in sea near wharf(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:.1111 'engagement resulted :Nil(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols;
(b) type and number of aircraft (r) if(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)Reconnaissance report No. 51 attached(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT
through air combat):H11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)5 Bombs failed to release,. N ;;,?’h>Sig'@fur A.H.M.——11/41-B1185 e c
I1.;7\a'_.L~.-’ "1?-:?efT'1'~:~‘jfL-‘_i"."‘;a< ‘Li if fa-"t' ..~K4. v. ‘111 ' . MLINSTRUCTIO_l\I§,,._ A _‘V _,, ___ _.-.,_.-.-.._,.__-__-.. tr . ' " ' .. - -'5FORMRA. is to beicompleted ink triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe
recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. .FORM BLUE (Attack) is to. be completed, with 'abbrev'i1ated‘ details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. .FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber)
Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be-completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight. 1. .The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :— I (a~) Method- of attack,
such as-high-level, high dive, etc.» - ~ ~ -.‘ ' ' W.’ ' '1 .. W ...!.._\, , , . ._ . -(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and ‘numberof bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range
ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combat- VNOT to be included.~~ --- ~ ~ A ~e ~~ -- . , .' . V I -Estimated
number ,0f hits,“ and damage. inicted,A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight.
A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of_ photographs, is to accompanythisreport. '_ _ _ ,__ _ ,If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:— A IDistance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.r-4II
/?:-CFORM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).\ _______ATTACK REPORTUNIT .... ..l.??,,..§QP§3?l?9§Report Pil01l I Observer : Squadrbn 3 P/0 REHFISCH P/O ontnnr 12>(1) Target and Position: Place: HUGHES(1)
SHIPPING Date: 2 / 7/ 42(2) InsmlmnmronsTime: 3043 Z/1 hrs.DILLI - TIMOR _ _Helght : 1400 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: SSee Instruction para. 4.)(al Low level (b 2 x 2.50 S.l.P., 2 1; 250 G.P. all 1 see.delay tail only (<1)
Nil(3) Observed Eifects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Ill bombs seen to fall in Custons House - Post OfficeArea - one sl%=1a fire started/§\-.0.-QQ.(4) Enemy AA Ground Deiiences encountered--(a) Location; (I1) type; (c)
strength:Nil -(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) ifengagement resulted: e ‘Nil(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para.
6.)’_Reconnaissance Report No. 51 attached(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):Nil - A ' .(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.) _Primary target had left the area.( \ ' } ?(‘§' . ......
..... .A.H.M.——11/41-31185i
Il-‘Ir\».\~f -7 Yum-usllnv-sin»L’r5rQwww,.$1»I._,_,,,,,,.~...-M-:=+/1'7"’'e.'... ,ll».\€>3ivJ‘ : *'kQ .¢- . . ts t -4 ' 'FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by‘ Intelligence Officers forthe recording of
attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM EBLUE’ (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated -details,from FORM A. for immediate despatcln to :A'.C.H. - " . f iFORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and
FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if ante engagement -With enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—V (»a.) Method of attack, such as high
level, high dive, etc. V(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated
number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (mcluding personnel). Rounds red in air combatl. NOT to be included. - - eEstimated number of hits, and damage inicted-. jA Reconnaissance Report (Form A.-46) must
always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to
accompanythis report. _ ., . R -If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:— .Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of
bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
____.;_a.|»\v.:.‘.$i/-/3DFORM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).\ ._______. 1ATTACK REPORT UNIT: ,,,,,, LLLL ............ to Repgrt 12 Pi10ti Observer: SquadronNo ...................................... .. F/0 JJQUES P/O moon];(1) Target
and Position: 4 Place: HUG}-13$(9-l SHIPPING Date: 2 / 7/ 4?(bl INSTALLHIONSTime: hrs.DILLI - TIMORHeight: feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)FILLED TO Leann TARGET ‘(3) Observed Effects: (See
Instruction para. 5.)NIL I‘ c l(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:NIL(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) ifengagement
resulted:NILi(6) State if (a-) reconnaissance (I2) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)Reconnaissance Report 13¢, 51 attached ~(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air
combat):NIL(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)NIL ‘il ieS‘. ’ t ‘V ...... .. ..A.H.M.—11/41--B1185 Zga ‘“.4.7.? p -INSTRUCTIONS.‘I . .FORM A. is to be completed“ in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attackvparticulars from the interrogation of air-1CYGWS.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be
completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despa-tch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if anl engagement with enemy
aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :-— (a) V Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. - rl (Eb) Weight, fuse setting, type and number" of bombs
dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel).
Rounds red in air combat~ 4 ~NOT to be included. R - ' * *Estimatednumber of hits,’ and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information
obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A36), giving details ofphotographs, is to accompanythis report. , ~If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-
Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after
explosion._ l
\\§Q ( WHo. 13 SguaronHegonnuiasaaoe Regort 30. 31Ogez-e=»@:-L011 1-‘so. arm as/21 cagbmg (él P/0 llcoek (23, E/Li. Irewren% Z575723_ ( ) P/0 Rohtch (4.; I/0 JaqueaOb1eq_‘§_ Attaek ahipving £1138
installations8'6 DILLI 0Lmzration f rliggt (1) 061? hrs. (2) 0519 esa ‘ J hr 8Ks) 0644 hrs. fa’) 0521 hrs.Revert (1) 3 Bmfbis failed to 1-eease. neA ‘numb wm dropped. 1n the sea nearthaw z=:hm':£'.(2) On roaehimr the
‘££It‘<g~;ei: r;1;n.':.=-a, conlelnot see any ship so attaclreri 't?::-<2 Cu.stnm's House a-1:1 232::-abs overshotfalling in“ the haw Court - P‘:3.i.ea Office Rea. Ho results ob-served. the drback um made from leval flight at 1500
feet. Abuilding atill an fire arr! ‘burnt nut, war: seen when the tergatwas raaohazh ‘ibis appeared to be the mew market. visibilitywaa pnor, slight haze, 8115 poor maonlig,-hisL‘-1: the return trip at: 21452/1, apatah oi’ 0'11
about 100 Kurds in élianeter and several smallerpatches were seen at 10 41' 8., 127° 35' E-15) iwihis aircraft also :E;‘/mzné ncshipping and -tahtacbea ilying along the rem more :i:‘rom_Ea:at toWest. Bombs fell in
0l18";0m'S House - Pest Office Area and asmall fire Wm seen to start. Time 20422/1, height 1400 feet.‘This aircra-ft also reported ,8 ‘burnt out building in meat market€l'6Q.~u(4! 1?a:l.3.e& to loetia target.Ho A/A :tir<: was
enaountered by anyaisz-craft ma no activity obaerwd./,./<2‘ /1iv}Pilnt Offieer,. igexme Officer,Bo. 13 $quad1-on,HUGHES.
/£5’__ - FORM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B). ’. % _A ATTACK REPORTUNIT -Squadron : "Report 1'. Pilot : Observer: soul Bommrdm nt.Capt feats Lt. Perkins.Place :(1) Target and Position: K9353;-1. AAerodrome 18 miles
s.w of Kenari. Dam 56/ 6 / £2T' : V h .~ 18544/Z. *8Height: 8,500 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: .(See .Instruction para. 4. p(0.) Dived from 1s~,ooo* levelled tale I 5001‘=>- Demlitiwout at s,soo*. ' (InB‘b8n'8Bn80I1B)-(1 hens-
up).(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.) 'Two fell among builclings 8.12’ corner - 4 overehot‘ "Six mall fires seen (started by bombs mom Lt. elsayvs plane).. (4) Ene-my AA Ground Defences encountered—(u)
Location; (b) type; (c) strength:la) S37 building 1‘@B- (bl ;‘g§:rGgg(3) observed coming tmm om(e) Very kigns,engagement resulted :Hone .(5) Enemy Air Activity-(a) Position of patrols; (I1) type and number of aircraft (r)
if(6) State if (n) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(9,) no; ('0) Camera in right. wing plane (Lt. Kelsayhs).(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air
combat):NQHGO(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Bomb racks did not release the rst time, and, as a result -bombs overshot enemy planes parked within aerodmme perimeter}Attempted to st:-are, from 8
000*, one Zero seen on satellite "riem 20 miles South of aenéari.Signature ............ ............................................... ..A.H.M.—11/41-—B118§l
, +INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.~The nature
of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—- (a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used. .(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. -Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:—-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after ,explosion.~?_ r‘ §1’
I I. E 5».1--_- FQRM A_ ' R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).. q.‘_--i.;.___¢_ATTACK REPORTRe ort Pilot: . Observer: ‘ S‘1“ad1'°n= I1&1, ________ LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL H Ls. Kelsey. Sgt. Dozier. sow Bombardmnt.(1) Target
and Position: P]ace:Kendar'1' AAerodrome, 18 miles SAY. or Kendari. Date: 3Q/5 42.Time: hrs.Hei8'g¢'!50Q 9 (gig)(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.) '_(cg Dived 1'rcm_18,000' levelled out at 8 500'. -A1» '1 x
see la.» Demolition (mm, 1e 1 1 11». Incendiaries.(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction paren?’8'3BSouth 11' building area, 4Two ‘bombs in SAY building area» be overahot into wooded area(4) Enemy AA Ground
Defences encountered—-(a) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:Ro _ "engagement resulted :Ema. ‘(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) if(a) Ne; (b) Yea.(6) Statejif (a)
reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):None;(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Sig nature
...................... ....................................... ..A.H.M.—11/4l—B1185
INSTRUCTIONS.4FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of
attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a)- Method of attack,.such as high level, high dive, etc.(b)l Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included.Estimated
number of hits, and damage inflicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight.
A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.i. 4
iATTACK REPORT7 UNPFal9thaBombarm§nhWGrQPMlHJ-12;( FQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).‘Q!Squadron :95rd Bombardment.Report _ Pilot! _ Observer: _NO ............... ............. Al sgt& GQMI (1) Target and
Position: Place:K9116. Era. 0_ Date: 30 / 6 /42l Time: 094,7/Z hrs.Aerodre, 18 miles Saw of Kendari.* Height: feet.I ' 8,500’(2) Nature of "Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.) -a Dived fro 18,600‘ levelled out at 8,500’.b I 500 lb.
demolition (Inst). 2 clusters Incendiaries.?Total Incendiazies 68 x 4 ll.)(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.):5 bmbs in sari. building, area==2 in woods South of bu-ma ing wee;(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences
encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (r) strength:Eons; ,H0118 ;(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) ifengagement resulted:la) Ho; (bl Yea.(6) State if (a)_reconnaissance (b)
photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):HD1190(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Signature ............
............................................... ..A,H.M.—11/41-B1185 '
inINSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate ‘by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. ’ .FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.‘ .The nature
of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of war-‘head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included.Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted. ’A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight.
A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. RIf submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
£.‘ A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B).l*‘aimATTACK REPORTUNIT -Report '_ Pilot: -, Observer: Squadron 5 _N0 ...... .é@ _______________________ __ Sept, Rouse. gt. Payne. 93rd Bombardment.. . Pl : ~(1) Target and
Position: ace Kendari.Aerodrome, 18 miles s.w. of Kendari. Date‘ so /s /42Timezogév/Z. hrs.Height: 8' 500, ‘ feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Se) Dived from l£,OOO* levelled cut at 8,500’.la 1 cluster inc-
endiaries ( 54 x 41b.)(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Gould not release bombs an drums, except one cluster thronout of planet(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences enc0untered—(a) Location; (b) type; (c)
strength:E0119 0engagement resulted : I t(5) Enemy Air Activity—-(n) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) if(a)20 miles South of Kendari. (b) One Zero. (c) Yes (See CombatReport).(a) 1-tot; £1») Hot.‘(6)
State if (a) reconnaissance (I2) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):File(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Signat-ure
.................... ..................................... ..A.H.M.—11/41—B1185
is.INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A; is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Ofcers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. .FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.sThe nature
of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :-—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,_ and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included.Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. _QIf submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:--Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
f _ _ ,7 '~qE, ,4) FORM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.I08(B).‘N~ ATTACK REPORT Grew <11) Q_ Plot; ()1, ~ ; SquadronR‘f\§’§_ ________ _____________ __ éapt, Rouse, Sg§€:Ve§>ayne. 95’>1‘€1 BOI11b&1‘<1m8I1‘l3¢(1)
Target and Position: Place: D1111}Dilli - Pgrtnguese Timur; Dam 50/ e /42A Time: 12302. hrs.H'h:mg t zvoo (T§%§).(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)(a) level; (b) e x zoo lb. demolition (Inst) and two clusters
ofInoendiaries (Total Incendiaries - 68 2 41ba.)(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.) -Droppe bombs in West to East run on Dilli near beach. Severaladditional fires seen prior to léaving,(4) Enemy AA Ground
Defences encountered-—(n) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:h)Wmmm W)mwm (dLwM(mHwmomy1@m2rounds only.(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (v) ifengagement resulted: -
- None;(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (I1) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(a) Yes. (b) No.(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personznelW(NOT throuéI‘1Wair I Id Iml;(8) Special comments: (See
Instruction para. 7.)J’Signature ................. ...................................... ..A.H.M.--11/4l—B1185
3INSTRUCTIONS._.i.____,i-_-FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with
abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.,
\The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—-(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be
included.Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course
of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
s 1‘ A. R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).ATTACK REPORTUNIT -Report Pilot : Observer: Squadron 2NO 5. Capt. Smith, 1;. Davis. 95rd Bcmbardment.(1) Target and Position: _ Placejlijgndgyi;Aerodrome, 18 miles S.W of Kendaris
Date‘ 30 /5 A43Time: 094,7/Z. hrs.Heights, 500 feet. I, ( ) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.) __ .tel DlV€€1 from 18,000‘, levellee out at 8,;-100'.bi Bomb loadc x 300 lb. demelition (Inst)'§!f0ne cluster inaeds.(3)
Observed Eects: (See Instruction para. 5.) T(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered-—-(a) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:(5) Enemy Air Activity--(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) ifengagement
resulted:(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(a) No; (b) Yea}(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):Crashed and bnrned before
reaching home aerodrome. Three of crewkilled, and remaining six injured and in hospital. Full reportwill be sent as aoon as injured can be interrogated.(8) Special comments; (See Instruction para. 7.)Signature .......
.................................................. A-A,H.M.-11/41—B1185(34 x 41b) in bomb bay. B clusters Incends. in fuselage (68 I 411:
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. 'FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despat-ch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature
of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—-(a) Method-of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.- - ~(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used. _(c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included.
'Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of
operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion. g
» INTELLIGEN CE REPORTSER.IAL...;..1n ................... ..R.A.A.F. No. A111(April, 1942)L SECRETQ~ FRoM=Aree...Inte1J.i5onee ............. .. .......... .. DATE ........ ..'.l./1./199?‘!- (Unit, Station, district or person) (place)i
REFERENCE: ............... _,(Correspondence, previous related report, etc., if applicable)SOURCE: ...... .................................. ..GRA.DING: ............................. ..3 (As oicial, personal observation, reconnaissance,
interpretations, etc.) _i sUBJEc'r= imisn.mi..m§1!39§@....~&?;..§ei~=1!¥é§¥..§Z..!¥!§..!¢&‘?!s...¥.9Z§lf%*-‘ (main title) (sub titles) .............. ..\ BRIEF: (Here enter careful summary of report, containing substance succinctly
stated: include importantfacts, names, places, dates, times, etc.) ’Attach photograph or sketch (giving dimensions) if applicable. ‘_ 4Five e.1vu took ctr £rom.Betohe1or*e£ o4ae.o4soz/so/0 toattack the eeroarene at Xoamrh
One extra fuel tent can-ion byeaoh aircraft in boat Bey. This reduoee the 12¢ iced by heif-Bomb ioeée ea enoorze ‘ vEB}? LEIBLEXLKQ4 ""A" Dept. Teete 186% com: in law. 48:43.1: . IncFiigns. rm. xe1-my.’ 12639:
coiunlis hey. 18x4Ib.Tno"I" dept. kl-lo '1’°14so 800ibn¢in bay-.102x41'o. T118F1 . 0 ~ an ea. 0a884‘78aMM can@P"g 3011520 0.22478»Il-asINemgooe-H MIN bay. 681$]-he 721050$ begin by . 343415 - Inc50013!‘
1801411: . Tno. . -.TONI2; The aim-o1-nit ew in formation at 1048.000 feet, Blimbingto 18,000 teat before turning ‘eet towere We ‘They were thanNorth oi Wenoli Ialanih The target could not he ea tinguienenwhen we:
Kendari Owing to ligit scattered cumulus end some haze.The formation come com rapid to 8,500 feet to get below cloudban ana mean e quick mm to attack :1-an mm!» so 8-8-1% ac:-onethe min target one on the Booth
aloe oi.’ the eerodromo. It wasoriginally intenee to attack along the Southern boundary fromWee to Eat. Fozmtion wee lost on the met turn ana the attackwee: one pair in lino abreast, one einglymalioeee by the last H'8.11'in
lino abreelh8. 3 3 800 lb. bomb: £1-cm the rst pair landed in the target;10i1I1Iarea, one on the ac:-ohms and two among milainge and treesstarting null fires» The remainaer of the bone overehot, exceptone which teilee to
1'81GB9e A11 bombl on the third aircraftfeiieo to reieeee and were later dropped on Dilli-8 300 1». bcmba and one oluwer oi Inooaiaries from thelast pet: toil. among trees in aiepereal area just outside theSouthern
boundary, Ono of the home was lean to fall amidst a emalgroup at zeros den:-oying three. Another eineter of Inoemuarieatell within the aerodmme perimeter; The reminder or tho bombs1 111overehoh z ‘Hares Type "0"
fighters definitely destroyed. 11 x 3003.1».no ion bombs and two clusters or inoondiariee in target area.About halt oi those were in tnevioiaity of a high aircraftconcentration. so damage to mrther eirez-art om be
reasonablyensued. Ono mall. building we: tired. Tao other small time wealoe loom These my have been our own inoendiariee burn £1130Time or observation nu short en! wee United by the desire orcane to mke e quick
getaway and ma the guns in cane oi’interception -DISTRIBUTION: (To be shown in every instance). ' " ' J2’ pAIR BOARD (D. of I.) 1 copy.i 3, 7 __c _ D'P'w' 5/Q’
7 14» find“:-targati-I63-0945Z¢I~'oA{Lt1:'awat %eaoutmiernd. -' A ” - '18- A 5111 I-claps! acroreno was sighted about 80 milsaouthotttwtargotathrhawinganaonozau umohwuonz¢4gmunl, 1». um an Iran e.00<> mu Lzaii rm:
trwcr wunoun rm ting-om!‘ mu um para: a% Waxmi-n’ Briislj jand Gaptnm n) una‘aztact-Q1 by ma luv 1:; ins vieuuty at Vthin marnarnlu. ‘Ha attacks lanai to: ntnntqa. tin Zen £11153 ~pant level on the awhoari ail-On, tum
turning urea to avtroatquarter attaek. 'I&n= m mm; ta brunt 01': engngamnntowing to n @318! dmad on the jamw 8.1tB1‘!f§t_ One Into: at a *"I0¢).IO14 taih pg I aunt or this attaam _a. Airemtt na.,suva..wmm1n %l
pzocaeded ‘Eu B1111 amdamp :11 heats a a 11:» or builalms an the wazeriront at12302 _ , Result _ ~ ~ Pimva wen: nil]. hmnizji slothin b 112;: nu a miult of attack No.1; lmrea, B ‘Ad’. aa .tin um or as/s/42¢ A nan man: 0:
medium A/& roporhaa,bcllcnd u can illlb1. azmmz 304.9014 faptin mm) paéslld Barvnn an tin-asmu»;-g at aw man NearB‘n@.uaa Km mu .. Darwin) mxather mtar"ant out am: the airaraft crash lama: seem.‘ ma m:1vm.%
um. TheB-1'7 ma wry badly de m a bumoamztg 0 or u;oosupmtn um killaa ' the A er iniurea. The remaining3.17: ltada at Batuholor betlula 142.0% we 14502/so/5.8. ‘ma mm ma-got, ma as mcollunt om. 01-or a
htmd1'eGairs:-att vars obaervei, paorly limernea, in almost tlw aw arm:an umoaa in pmnngmpm on zaéa]-22.. am: am mm thought to ‘In lype "6" tiguaru, tin mm being bumbmra of various types".P1 t I-intern tmm
%s.m.Iamuma§x61~1en.805% WESTEZRE i.N
1:».. .‘ ';-~= 1 -.:1¢‘_]v . I _- . ' " .~ 1 - - _ ~.;‘~,\~», m - 0,‘ ¢- ; 4 4:- ‘=1’-‘~ » ‘ ' 'v 114* i » ‘:= ‘ .;;~1» ';» 4' ‘-».'v'.: ‘ -’ '1. ~I ‘~-'* v V *-‘-.* " \ -$4 ' " ""'»'“‘”'»"4 »' ~ ‘ . 4\~-1'-"V ~ _ mi»; ‘ ‘v:_\(lVl-A:l"-’;"{":- - ~, .' > V -"FT ",- "
' ' ;,. '. ;,.'Q; '1' "$="'»" .-,"=‘,1" ~' J " .._,-L .‘ 1.1.» >.- 4~ * - - . ' ~ - ;;.'1§=‘1-'~~-- ,,‘iii-.\" 1:\=31; 1» ‘ , >v 7 H \ \ ‘ R.A.A.F. Fania ‘_‘ ~ (R.A.F. Form 6313) Z5? ' * ~ (De4_;ember,I9b7) ;.* 2:‘ '/*§"\"/»,q>\_-,_,»/.\4--r_,\'/»<'j-
_\' I V ...*1,g ma +*;@,; @333_"“j=»'x&j:&~" <xv‘:'§'_'§_*'\_I\ 'CYPHER MESSAGEThis message must not be referred N ;' , ‘ 4*to in any but cypher m¢$Sag¢S- Serial 1~I0_____,_ :n.. ........ 4‘ no ... ., . .. rzva .. . - .. .vsw ; --
I .. ---\ --v---_ Orv: '1 1- -1| I Ilnvr 1 1 .-.- -,-.- -v.-. .- .- ... -. .. . .--1"-1 z: .v.\v.v -1.‘.-1.x ‘I n w1-r.\|.~:1-\rv';nv.1-1.-r|v~z.v;—1n=\-nuu .. .. -. ..... .. e l» _ .... .. _.. .1 .,. ..,. a > 1.2- - .- . .-. -- - ..... -- .1. -v- .. w I ’ .,.- -. . .. .. . _ -
- _ .. .. . ._ ......_-- . - . _ . . . . . . . . . . .. .1. ‘ . ~ . - . . I . ._ II 3. iiiiii‘-‘I .\z .nv|Y-\i'A\ -‘ii!-nniav-\n\-iII|n\l~ir-V-Y§F'h - 1-1- --. - -- --..- 1 - u - ---|- -... -. .-.. .. ...... . ,. . -. . . .._...._.. . . - ;--. . .v.‘ ..v=v=-1 . . . . . . - . . .
\.v-M..1-\.>--.1“.--nu“.1“.-1-vu..u“~-.v.\.v-1-"nu--_. --. -- .. - .- . .... . .,..... ..-...... . .. ._ .._.._ _. .. ..........><+ ‘/39+\.. _\\‘WC.\‘IlanTO <5 /K 'kT§~'§*@:i.’¢v-‘I211-é-~".!'="'€':~:7 '1'-'~W 1-? *é ;"..,~.».;,~,. » -'0Q_'»-"-z x """' ' ‘u-
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‘KM :""=:?>./*7’ 714;’? T Op“; " (/’ ’§“’{ ‘w/.~.. >4 . ..-.v»---\‘...<__.-_.._.,__-k- »,1_ “ * ‘ .' ‘ " .V‘. H , e V 1 _ Y,I-;','"i*_?‘\w,.*,-_1=..:; 4 '-;"?.~‘-.~x .-‘.1-1 . . »~ V » .- -4-I; ' ~ ‘~ ‘ ¢ ~ -~ I .1 ‘ » *» _ »‘~ 4.»; '~ ‘ u». ,1 '4 _»,- .- ;~_
1- ':. - ~.,- . _ 2,» - : - - \ ~:' s, - 1_ 1: ;*,-, .- ;_- 1._ ,;»»u:~'.- » _',‘§\‘>' 1-,,;- -\-, ~- *0.‘ #1 , ._ - ..~! 1.» > s \ = \ I 1_ , , . 4 _~<_'\., -"3?34;P~'-"-?'1-“--b3~‘wY='1='%', ..,_;=;~~'.'-;-i"»?I+4.~ :'~ .1’ 1*‘;‘sT.. -ft aw =2.-1
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‘-51"» /,2»?VFQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B).4‘ ~ V EATTACK REPORTUNIT: ........... ...................................................... .. eReport Pi1013 I Observer : squadron 5N° -------------- ---------- -- F/°- QVERHEU sow.
cmnnocx 2(1) Target and Position: Place: DILLIDILLI Date: 1 /7 /42Time: ]_Q15Z hrs.Height: 1500 feet. _(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Inw Level2'50 G P Special 4 25 Incendiary 4.(3) Observed Effects:
(See Instruction para. 5.)NIL(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encounter_ed;(u) ;Wtll»l) type; (r) strength: 1NILengagement resulted:NIL(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (1') if(6)
State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(a) Yes Ilb) Ho(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):NIL1(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para.
7.).;;:cong:=nied F/Lt. 1ticC01!BEl hformation. Bombs failed to release‘,Q Signature ........ ......... at .... ............ E ......................... 5 . . 9 .... AlA.H.M.—11/41-31185
\INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of
attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :-(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. ~Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. -If submarine is attacked, state §)lloWing in Section 8:—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
5,4’; A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B). @ATTACK REPORTUNIT : ..................... ........................................... ..Report Pi10'¢ 1 Observer: Squadron 11/ L. IRCOIEESGT» MADIN 2(1) Target and Position:911.111Place
:DILLIDate: 1 / 7 Time: 16153 hrs.Height: 1509 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Low level250 G P special 4 25 Incendiary 4(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)First bomb seen to fall in vicinity
of buildings west of jetty -remainder probably in sea vicinity of jetty itself.H11(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (r) strength:(5) Enemy Air Activity—-(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and
number of aircraft (c) ifengagement resulted :N11 -(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(a) Yes(bl Ho(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air
combat):H11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Run <>'= ta-Pset was made" from s.w. Am to mt buildings west of pier orjetty. Bombs overshot.A.H.M.-‘11/41-BussS/ignat~m'e.o
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated details,from
FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack
(Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level,high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used. _(c) Number of torpedoes released,
type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included.Estimated number of
hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. 4 A r .If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
. FORM A.~ .i___ATTACK REPORT7 UNIT: ................. ..g..gqua‘k,°n ________________________________________________ __,5‘ ,/?'R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B)Pilot: . Observer :r/sgt. mroanReportNo ..............
................ ..Squadron :2P/0. STORER(1) Target and Position:DILLIPlace : DELIDate: 1 /7 / 42Time : 15153 hrs.Height : 4090 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Lou Level250 c- P Special 4 25 Incendiary ..
4(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)NilH11(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered-—(u) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:engagement resulted 2Nil(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and
number of aircraft (r) if£3 5;‘(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)N11(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):(8) Special comments: (See
Instruction para. 7.)Owing to difficult visibility the target could not be identified. Bombswere dropped in vicinity of fires believed from other bombs but checkindicated that bombs were probably released in vicinity of
aerodrome.Signature ...... ..A.H.M.-—~11/41-31185
5 -INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Ofcers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. ’ 'FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature
of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :--(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included."Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. ~ _If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
7 W [7FQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).\ _.___i__p ATTACK REPORTUNIT: ..................... ...2..,§suss1ros. ........................................... ..Report Pilot: Observerr P/oi. D01-PHIN Sq“ad1’°“‘N° --------------- --------------- --
F/O. BADGER P70. surm 2(1) Target and Position: Place: DILLIDate I 1 / 7 / 42Time : 16002 hrs.Height: 1600 feetlDILLI(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Low level250 G P Special 4. 25 Incendiary 4.(3)
Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Very clear at time of release. lst bomb fell in sea, remainder fell acrossarea of Chinese School, street and beyond. One building on 81.3. corner byschool seen hit-(4) Enemy AA
Ground Defences encountered-—(n) Location; (I1) type; (r) strength:Nil(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (1') ifengagement resulted:N11_ (6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b)
photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(a) Yes(bl No(7) Casualties to own aircraftwanci personnel (N()T through Iaircombat) :1 I Ian (8) Special comments; (See Instruction para. 7.)Run made trcm KW. to
S.E. across area known as Ohinese Club am School.Two fires started this area,Signa-tare ......... 9 ... .... ............... E .......... 6 .............. " .... a‘ ...... " W" .. ...... i . . A.H.M.—1l/'41-—B1135
INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to b_e completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of
attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :--(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. "(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. ‘Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. _ .If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.‘\\_. \‘ Ii: ‘ \37,; 1'.’ .
ii - A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B).i _____________ATTACK REPORTp UNIT: ............ ..................................................... ..Report Pilot :- Observer: Squadron 3N0 --------------- -~9l~ --------------- _~ F/I» FRASER P/o. ncmmm
2(1) Target and Position: Place: DILLIBARRACKS - 8.1!. or DILLI Date‘ 1 /7 /42i Time : 16092, hrs.- Height: 4,000 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Low level250 G P Special 4 25 Incendiary 4.(3) Observed
Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)All bombs burst within 1.00 yards of target at leat one hit building.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered--(u) Location; (b) type; (r) strength:H11engagement resulted :’ Nil(5) Enemy
Air Activity-—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) if(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(a) Yes(bi No(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel
(NOT through air combat):N11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.) tTarget use difficult to locate necessitating a nmber of runs over area.Buildings and position previously picked out as Barracks trm photos
andi=1°1'm1=1<>11 nally identified and bmbs all released within 100 yards -011° building 59111111‘-01! hit. Cloud prevented further observation.Signature. ..... A.H.M.——1l/41-—B1l85
mn12~_34.5.6.7.~INSTRUCTIONS\‘I~I§ " ' ‘ *' ' ‘" “ ‘ 'FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars jrom the. interrogation of air-crews. p p ' M v _FORM BLUE (Attack)
is to be completed, with abbreviated details,from .FORM ‘A. for immediate ‘despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B.,--Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat1 (Bomber),‘are to be completed if an engagement with
enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) -Method of attack, such as high level, highdive, etc. (-b")"'Weight;*"fuse'i“s‘etting:"typec andmumber of bombs
dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range‘ of. release, height, method of sighting.4“ (d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel).
Rounds red in air combatc NOT to be included. i ' 'Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information
obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. _ p e _ _ V . _If submarine is attacked, state following in
Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether ‘oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time
after explosion. O\ v .- A\
‘ 0___., a/<L-' h ' V 7% 71" - .-,, . "‘f‘-\\' “(V-lI":‘,—\'*i-3317;)?‘ T.'l;7‘;'-':'~‘, -1» 5==‘<1ie ‘ no; ""‘)/' _<.- _.“‘ ' . 1* ‘ “'1 ' F ‘ T ’ ' ‘ “W >' 4-$4.“?-"‘3‘}1*“¥‘i~¢'-“ 1» -'3-'§““' -, - ‘35"— .>Q‘ ' ‘-4- 1“.- »- ' F0-' “ - *_“ ,p v""‘i-' .15‘ 4.' _
" Y '-'i_‘|{ ., , - . G .__ _ 5‘ ‘J ‘ - -“*3 E;.5:rg\['|» ‘ -'f‘rf'*_"_ I 5,-Q; ' ‘I'_*_: >r :=- I‘->5’ -71:‘L ' | '1 .' ._.- -J. 1 I _ ~ ' -V Y‘ _" ' '“\"§ ‘ -V '4 "M I '5.-T"' . _. . . _’ - - I, ‘ _ r, ="_ 4J‘ V T M*’,_\ .~ ,- .. X1 Q Q_ . _ . 1 . '._ \“,-Qgorat
ionif:3 RE @)_£*>“ -V; B»-QR‘! .-"' ~‘ 2nd J'uly,'l942.. . ,» ‘ , .Bar.2§. 1/7lumber of Aircraft: Flip _ V _Cagtains ofailfcraft: I/L. Iruer, 1'/L.‘ llefiomba, I‘/0. Overhm, 3'/(L 385361‘,1'/Sgt. Hukaatord. . ~Ragga: 1500 -V
4000 fact ~ " _Visibility Poor. mm. Broken éama 8110. Cloud ban zeoo-3000, ‘'33; Over ?1'a1'-gt: 16002/1 - 16152/1 ~ A ~ A.0bjoe't:: _ a To attack barraekl s.1:. of nun and um: mar.L925; e original intontioa Ian to attack
Bu-raokl allogod to\OIbu in the vicinity of Wiroloia Btation abut ail»8 E of DELI town. Tho 1nf&a$:lon inch .obtainod as to the location or than barman nu_- ozmunly 1naqr1n1eo. 1'/L. mam on tho. intonationV availablo pickod
out the n__o|t>_l-ital! looulity rm photostuba on 24/6/42. It the oiior aircraft lost rorntionwhen he was ‘omeavoux-ing to I1-nd thair target, they wereto Bulb the town. I/L. FRASER after a number of runs 'fauna the Ipot and
drogpod allvboubu. Y1.-aibglity was V‘ difficult owing to cloud to .35oe rm, but one um (throughbreak) was aeon to hit a ‘D115 attaek was made fmnv4000 feat, _- . - ~ ~Tho remaining aircraft an wan
antiaipated loot their loaeler"* r/L. mam and individually attacked the 1'/0. ' QBADGER mde his run over um buildings on the Chine”School locality from H I to S_ E rst bcn1b~1’_a.ll1ng in aroa,’ tho rlliadnr over buildings
and atraet-, one being goonto shrink a baildingund two 1'11-as Ioro ntartod.I/Lt. M0018! attacked buildings west of P1_ar from S Wat 1500 feet, but with one oxcoption bombs overahot to seain di1-action: of jetty. Tho two.
fires irrarea or ChineseSchool were obanea by this a1'1'-craft. F/0. ovmmm a' acooapani-ed I’/Lt. llc00HB'E in formation but his bombs fa ilédto roleaise. ' ' -F/Sgt. mmamab I8.l‘!711I.Q1‘.Bl8-‘C0_10¢a1-‘.6 target at 460:; rm;'
am! finally droppad bombs near acme other fire, which, itappears, would be in the vicinity of the aerodx-one.A.A-. Ho ground dofoncooot any ldaaoript ion weroancounto811123135: Ho Ihipping in harbour. ‘Oemoggz -It is
di.8'GOn¢0;l'ting to crows to have to make attack: ofthis nature whore the’ location and doaeription of tax-ptis so _§_1_t;oxQl2_ gag‘. Effective at Wupon any Iiooiary target auffara accordingly. ',, arvern state }that tho noon
qua too high for orfoptiyo boaing mm W ~baa present. 'V l ,4//€@-‘--o 1% 15%~ ~'— =-;_g_;p§vT- ~ V¢Intollipnco Officer, A / Aml 2 . V '1\<||.'>
‘L.1.N‘!-‘-\w.. ‘Hm+~<— ' 5!'§’4[’*”.»/ ‘X "Wu; ~ - "..,.4 .. 1 1. 5. - '; - '’ .11.‘; ‘, 1 ‘F /"7 _ pviav* »..~<‘wm“W-s?""‘}_.‘,. " . iv ‘g I r‘“.¥v“ ‘“‘ ‘“* C" l?‘¥¢i:++.w-5'?-qr4!:3,..‘€»'. - ‘ _Hr _vsh..35-- - ./. 1_ '"'» 0* - .~ M. =- Al ; ~' "r
JUN‘!_ _ w ‘ ..w» 4 _ .».-= N.,.~.— _ * " ‘ " :1 (1 51?? _."'-, .;‘. . k k R‘M 1.,’ ” M if; ‘ )1 /*1 1-.. 4. i ;. ,_’;,._,+'%-‘gr ..~- * §r - _ £3’. -3 -{Pu 1-,‘ .> e.*"f'.4 -\-a. ii.. xx.t?f*.-"g1 v_ ‘ ‘(;.;:%~g‘»-"ti> :F-Q~’ <4 '5'" *7 ' ‘ K *-_ * V K - 5 ' ~
» <s- _§ ' ._ . " M ' * . 41 ’K I , > .51 ‘ M _ 7 *1? w#1» .='>"€.~. ~ -. 1 ?i’+*#:“.%"*-->”E. .:%*:..a' ;,;,‘..~;,-§...;iN?% M ".»=*‘ §'i.f*".‘, -. . .E: _ § I ... 4 $1“;u“as. -3-*‘;1 .3‘1*‘*1-51K‘?‘ . F‘! A J I-'.I;'A -“>“ H W3: _.31.. .,-[4 .v""‘u,_
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.1<=-- aw V.,1 ,1 V;';Y¢,’;1 -- ~ - - '1*"vV - V Q. ‘ “V "-V aw P; '* 1" '1' ;'}.,-'3".:V‘¢;,_.‘¢..;_-as ¥.. ' _v'r,._-*'.§~_-V;-»§\§i<@$a§' 9!? . V.,-'; ."6‘.V _ F. ‘¥-‘- 1 ‘;;-~ V‘ -~'- -3.:5 »"‘=‘~‘~__ <V =;;-74$’ ,: .?.\~-QT5-
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. w » ‘ ' - . ' iii‘ '1 ' _-V- -. --‘-.1 .3 . ‘V _ . V V _. _ _¢ ..’ 1. " .l~- V. W- .- ‘- ; I 3*1; V~ 1*“ -*~.-- .V. -r. %'- #1-<., . V ~ -v ' . _;_¢,',-__";'j'f'\ V _ ._;r’_'*‘--‘ . V . ~ ;.'_‘- ~‘- £5 .:'§' V:_ '_';j:_I'q; § .1 _;_%_g'~-;'-‘-2‘:
_V;.‘..V~ _":V It-4‘_:>_.;;--UV‘ ~‘-‘lg . ~- - 1] ~ --_-_.-S ~\~-Ljq1 N -L "’ ..V ~' h-L ~'!‘<;'- ’:§“>4?"-.1 ' _. " ..-1.. " YT u',',1,-.‘1'.:_k.§ ~ .; V §§.'*.'.p“:‘%=;-'-Z 7“ ' “ ' "-?."- '~ " b“-4-‘$*Y,_ ~- .".- _- _.~ E.-'. ‘£71 -Q xi’ v .., i ;'"V ' 1-,:-
1.1V-~~'= ~‘ §.~1i~.~ ""*§<*- "-_=u1*V*-.Vi'V_-' . ' 1* ‘ .1 ‘ ‘4». N‘ 1- *~='- " ~-4} b ...~§ .~ . ~ . '~ -_ 1 ‘v..‘ .."~ . ., . ~. -- ~'- ' - \V'V.,_ = -V --'-:'. "~ . ".~Qkw~@.$* ' hi "" --fa.. .¢- Y ,_‘. ' * -V, Q >~: a_~_‘.;_;“ . . . . . . . . - --
I/‘D42¢ fa? R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B)ATTACK REPORT _UNIT ........................ ..Re ort Pigz. Observer. qua ron- . . S d :£0 ............. ................... .. apt’ 0' Lieut. Norris 435th Bombardment.(1)Target and Position: Place:
KOEPANQBuilding area, Penroei Aerodrome. Dam: 50 /’6./ 42Time: QEID Z hrs. 30Height: 26 , 000 feet.(2)Nature of Attack: (See Instruction Dara. 4.)High Level20 x 100 lb Demolition, fused instantaneous(3) Observed
Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)19 bombs tell on Southern section or building area. Fires starter- which were seen as long_as‘aerodrome was in eight.,._,__,_,_'.Emomma(anemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a)
Location; (b) type; (c) strength-Hot (b He . 5b 1: 'ooo'Beyoggrgl end KW-SE rungay ?§§ Trgggr “rs 8 azcisfairAdjacent to SE end NW-SE runwa (b) Tracer o) Fairg Beyond BE end of H-SW runway ID) Tracer o FairOn
runway near hangar (b) Trager ' sci Fair(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) if_ engagement resulted :) On ground taking off (b) Zero - one (o) Interception madein position
11.05812.6.25]! at 0110240(6)State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)Reconnaissance Report Ho. 6 BAEOHELGB.5 photographs taken of aerodrome.(7)Casualties to own
aircraft a11d personnel (NOT through air combat):(8)Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)A.H.M.—11/41—B1l85Signature .......... ----------- -A x
1INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. "FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated det-
ails,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM>C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight. . -The nature
of attack (Section 2)~is to be set out in detail as under-:—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used,(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. ‘Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state ‘following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of ‘bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
SERIAL 5 .................... .. sncnnFROM 1 0....BA.TGHEI.QB. .................. .. AT: .......... Banenelor ............... .. 1>ATE..§§.Q/.§/ 1943___ -" —_ _-i"""_"'i‘!INTELLIGENCE REPORT “““'-N ‘““O(AP111. 19%)(Unit, Station, district
or person) (place)REFERENCE ..................................................................................................................................... ..(Correspondence, previous related report, etc., if applicable)SOURCE ..P.i1c.t...ena..Qrcn...or..B=17
..................................... ..GRADING: .............. ..(As oicial, personal observation, reconnaissance, interpretations, etc.)SUBJECT>.e...91..Jieatsei...A§;tQ.éx9m9.....§9§£A!lQ. ................ ..(main title) (sub
titles)BRIEF (Here enter careful summary of report, containing substance succinctly stated: include importantfacts, names, places, dates, times, etc.)Attach photograph or sketch (giving dimensions) if applicable.Time up.
21252/29. Time Down. 05102/so.Capt of Aircraft. - Capt. I.A. Rawls.Squadron - 455th Bombardment Squadron.No of Aircraft - Ono.. - 26,000 feet.Visibility. - Clear.pogt.ISTRIBUTION ce)l Black Bomber on runway in same
position asshown in photographs taken on §§§x’§§6 1943.rl Zero fighter seen taking off. No other aircraftseen on aerodromp.It was not possible to tell if fighters were inblast pens.».§[§. 5 bursts from heavy guns were
noticed at23,000 feet.Other A/A fire was tracer, which curved awayat approximately 10,000 feet.Positions given of this fire warez-Beyond S.E. end of NW-S3 runway.Adjacent to and a little North of 8.3. end of IW-SErunway
0Beyons RE end of NE-SW runway (the pointed one).0n the broad runway near the hangar.This fire was fairly intense.5 photographs taken.1No shipping sighted in Koepang Harbour oroff Hansis . /Kerrie: (T0 be shown m
every mstan .AIR BOARD (D. of I.) 1 copy..X.)§Y....Ar.ea 1 copy.D.P W 5/412
...—<,e:»—:_ .‘ * A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B)./,8 __i___ATTACK REPORTmum ........... _____________________________________________________ __Report Pi10’tI - Observer: Squadron: r/0. ovmam P/0. was 2(1)
Target and Position: ' Place: DELIBILL: Date: 25/ 6 / 42Time: lglyjz hrs.Height : 150° feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)mwmvm.25oo1>s4(nm')25nm~:1m 4 irmm(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para.
5.)Bombs 1'01]. in line along main threat from Barrack: to Chinese School.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered--(a) Location; (b) type; (r) strength:in), West of Pm-(a) Ied1mLight(0) sngnengagement resulted:M1'
(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (v) if(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(val Yes.M In(7) Casualties to own aircraft and
personnel (NOT through air combat):I.(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)1-/1.1:. momma um; an to ms building and start rm. His aircraftrst to attack. %Signature
................................................................................................ ..-A.H.u.-11/41-B1185
A|-INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Ofcers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed-, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B.,-Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed i-flan engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature
of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :-—»- (a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. _ ~(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of -bombs dropped,and type of sight used. ,(c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be
included.Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course
of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. FIf submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:--Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
UNIT :; ................... FORM A.IATTACK REPORT_ 7' __t ,441" vR.A.A.F. Form A.108_(B).Report Pilot I - Observer: Squadron 1 r/0. anP/0. CAREER2DIILI(1) Target and Position: Place: DELIDate: 3 / G / Time: 10553
hrs.Height : 1200 feet.Iawlanl(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)2500?-4(ms1') 25Ia0aa4, 1l’1n-0(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Bdrm toll mar building: imam as China» School and towards Pier.
Fireobserved this area.(0) Slight(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (r) strength:(al Int or Pier -(D) dil LightI11(5) Enemy Air Activity-(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c)
it‘engagement resulted:(a) Youlb) lb(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)I11(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):(8) Special
comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)<4/ZwawnSig natu re ............................................................................... .... ...\.n.u.-u/41:-mm
1INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. "FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to.A.C.H. 'FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight. -The nature
of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under:—-(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. c(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included.Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. - g eIf submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion. ‘
\4*i/-'FQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).ATTACK REPORTUNIT 1 ......... ..2,_,8quad_1-_gg ______________________________________________________ __iReport Pilot z Observer: Squadron 5No 88 1' 2/1.. mom
Sgt. mm(1) Target and Position: Place: gnu(Date: 25 /Q /42DILLITime : 1°55-Z hrs.Height : 1500 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Lowxavn. V25ec:1>s 4(ms@)251n<1cm> 4 lnm(3) Observed Effects: (See
Instruction para. 5.)Bombs £011 along Inter front, last om hitting building Chinese Club Area-(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Iiocation; (b) type; (c) strength:la) Rear and wast or Pour Hams: l(1)) Medium
Ligbib(0) Slight(5) Enemy Air Activity-(0) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) ifengagement resulted: -NIL(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(a) You(bl
No -(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):an I(8) Special comments: (See Instruct-ion para. 7.)A.H.M.—1 1/41——Bl185/ /‘Signature ...........
INSTRUCTIONS.1,,_.,.,i_.-.i__FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE. (Attack) is to be completed, with
abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) -Report,» and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are. to be COm])l6t8d~if=. an engagement with! enemy aircraftoccurs
during ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—- (a-)- Method of» attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. -(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight
used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combat -
NOT‘to-be included. ‘ c s " ’ c" "Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P.
aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. . , , ,_ ,If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:- »Distance of initial
sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.\" \
. § '_ ATTACK REPORT t 'I£~FQRM A_ . R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).‘ a Pilot: ' Observer: S<1"ad1'°n1R rt _ a 13%’, _______________ ,§Z ______________ __ -HM mw P/0. RIGO 2(1) Target and Position: Place: D11-
LIDate: 35/5/42Time: uqoz hrs.Height: 800 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Ian level2§OGA4(1netl25I1I1I!D 4 - 11.1mm:(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Bonbe tell between tiree already
burning ‘behind pier and added tocoarlagration.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(u) Location; (b) type; (r) strength:(al Heat or Pier 'in) Iedima Light(¢) SlightI11(5) Enemy Air Activity-(a) Position of patrols; (b)
type and number of aircraft (r) ifengagement resulted:(a) Yes(bi no(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air
combat):H11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)be target wee approached tiree could be observed twenty nilee “away. -I'Mtire directly behind pier ehcled repeated white tlaehee._ &/‘4~“ 6Szgnatiure
.................................................................................... A.H.M.—11/41-81186
'“ .\INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.G.H. .FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), ‘are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature
of attack_ (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—~ -- (a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.A (b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.' (d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. " ‘
"Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of
operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bomb_ burst, and, if any, time after explosion.
A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).0 ATTACK REPORTUNIT: ............ _____________________________________ __pi-QReport 0 Pilot: . Observer: S‘1"ad1‘°"3N0--~ 1‘/83%. HAIKBIORD(1) Target and Position: Place:
BILL:V Date: 25 / 6 /DILLI42Time: ]_]_02Z hrs.Height: 1000 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Law lowl250GP,4(hI16)25III3EH3-4 J,I'ILa1~Q(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.) _Rztonain fires
obnrnd canned by attaak or other aircraft. Babsdropped in aano area but mrtlnt to EAST.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(u) Location; (Ii) type; (c) strength:(1) won of rm-(bl. Iodim 11¢:(cl Slishb -(5) Enemy
Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraftengagement resulted:I11 '(cl III(bi Ila(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (Iv) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(7) Casualties to own aircraft
and personnel (NOT through air combat):I1.-1(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Bax omma at tn good tires vicinity Quatuu 31116123 andPout orna.Signatures 6.‘ A,H.M.—11/41—Bl185L\
L _i__,_,.. _INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-CTGWS.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with
abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. 'FORM -G.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE,‘ Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during
ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—(a) Method of attack, such as high level-,-high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c)
Number of torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be
included. ' ‘ ' 'Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the
course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. _ , _ .If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—Distance of initial sighting, approximate
course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.e l1llvllI
_ 4 4_ 5 1,1 1 //FQRM A_ 1 R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).Q, ________ATTACK REPORT IUNIT: ........ ..2..Bqnd1!Q ________________________________________________________ __' ,- - S d :Report Pilot ._§_ Observer.
qua Ton 1'2: mm P/0. lemma 2(1) Target and Position: Place: D]¥LInnznf Dare: 25 / 5 /42Time : 11002 hrs.Height: 100° feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)LOI IIBI. >25001’ 4(@1')M.251'.lI!HD. 4 ITLAR(3)
Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)AIJ.b:nh0t011unud\ranndbn11d1ngIknounu0uItnuaandPoatorr1ooIhioh wore not on firm(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(u) Location; (I1) type; (1') strength:(Q) it
Gf_ P101‘(bl Indium Light n(0) Sliit(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r) ifengagement resulted:I11(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See
Instruction para. 6.)(a) YOU(U 30(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):I11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)I1cnnak1gmnoatlrg0t,1ergor1ruIorouanbm.'n1ng1ntho$n:-bf 'the
Guiana School all Club and batman there and the Pier and Gum: ml I/12. Station are clear]; puma m on my to uni: msIon not attach! at 1.0. Gar tailed.6Signature
.................................................................................... ..A,H.M-—ll/I1-—B1lB5
I IT“.9!-—— —-~ ~E R er» I-z:;.-.*3 -4», -- is 4< I_ - _-¢_ .r==-INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars fromithe interrogation of air-crews.FORM
BLUE (Attack) is tobe completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM<C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat;(B,o_mber)_, are to bei completed if an
engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—-(a) Method of attack, such as high lev-el, high dive, etc. - (b) aWeight, fuse setting, type /and number-
of bombs dropped,and type of sight used. ’(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including
personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT~to be included. a ‘ a ' ' a ‘ 'Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance
information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A26), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. l . ' » -O O ' ' RIf submarine is attacked, state
following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and,
if any, time after explosion.»\r~.\ ~ *.¢~".-la »‘riv
A ~=»"11%a!.u=‘-~ ‘ .umsa ¥311* _‘!§!£L1.§l* *-!E$.=_0 I\a~ .2‘'?>!(f;"= 1 ’ 1 F , a ff-//__i "‘_A7I%’“'i_?' “£5?f .0 --- 0 - ¢»~=I . ’ @n_k- 26/6/42-mmao. /2531?I/L. n-am-, 7I00oaba, r/0. Hay, 1'/0. Ovarhau,r/0.
am-p, r . aunam-a. . ‘800-1500:-at. - ' A\1Poor. hr! Blond overhead and covering aoon - aone rain.cum! 3/10 - 5/10 - cloud baaa 2000 to 3000 rut.10552./25 <- 110:2/25.1-» Kfm mu. -‘ma target Ia attacked sapamtaly by each
01’ two flightaoi’ than aircraft, ona haadad by I’/L. Ii-aaar and the othar‘1 I/In ‘imo‘ma formation or aaah Flight at a tina or thoir raapactiveattaaka Iaa Raahalon to Starboard. A11 aircraft madé theirrun over thatlrpt prallod to
tho baaah, roar aircraftattacking tinny from tho aaat and two from the oaat. Allboiba _(w1_th tho axooption 01' throo which tall on or about Vthe baaah) an baliavad to lava fallen anongat tho buildingsin tho trout-of tha ton.
Each aircraft aomfizi tho factthat tho laildlnaa in tho vicinity 01’ tho Chino“ School andOlub, the buildilma botbon um: and tho Quatml and tho 5;.ll’-33! Peat 011:1» thaalvos were all merrily ablaze.krona azploaioaa ware
noticed in -a fire near tho Guatema- : A/A lire aaa directed at our aircraftconaiating ~§)l'§ and Iona .5. A.-.\ for as can be estimatedita position Iaa ainiiar to that roportad on previousoaoaaioaa - oa or aaar beach not of aaatra
of ll. = 1'/I~ Pr-m was able to .~1<=1=thala out clearly on thavay over but did not attackaa his intar-¢1mication _¢aar' tailed, ~ : No ahipping ‘seen.~ ._ ' 6’;e'<,Q._¢..»---. ‘tiIntalliganoa Otricar,Ho. 2 Squadron,BABIE-L‘ \0I0.1
\.1'--.3-, \ ‘-?-1%!- __21
_ ' , ,_ s. _ _ _ \_I ..50uUNIT: .............. .............. .,iiFORM A_ ’ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).ATTACK REPORTPilot : . P/0. mm, -Observer-: Squadmn 3P/0; mom 15 Squad:-on' (1) Target and Position: Place: PglDate: I5/ 6/
QTime: 15352 hrs.Height: 15 .Q{)Q feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)%.I-$Vi?JI-woo“.1>.o. plm 4-25 mcmplusi(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)R01‘ GEETE(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences
encountered-(u) Location; (b) type; (r) strength:SQE $3‘-{Em MACE 8%’ WT P$I'£'ION HQ KNO‘é¢'N(5) Enemy Air Activity-(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) ifengagement resulted:NIL(al Isl(bl 59(6)
State if (a) reconnaissance (Ir) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)NIL(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para.
7.)1A.H.M.—11/41—-B1185‘ " aSignature 1I1\l
-_,_‘;.l-~'$-~§."'T'~V'-t '7'myEsme3K1.‘ . a,. _ '_ .3 .1’ \i \ 4“ _@».'.m"3Q_,,~.. -‘:I§:‘q\.0INSTRUCTIONS. .FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars
from‘the ihterrogation of air-crews.\ _ I $5 .FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE,
Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight. 'The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :-—(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b)
Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of_ torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against
vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. 'Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted. -A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a
record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is
attacked, state following in Section 8:—Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of. submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed
after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.‘TH ,4 ‘_..‘ -\,_.\, . _ I 11+-yrs-*1'*;§f!F\~~-' —— — * — r ' 7 "-7"’ 7 r * ,"' r" * ‘ - ‘._ L ‘ ‘ -I’¢ 0O
K 6’0 kg A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).— ATTACK REPORTUNIT: ....... ................................ AbReportNo ................. E ........... ..Pilot : -o Observer-: squadron 31'/L. mm r/0; mm 15 sommaoa(1) Target and Position: Place:
PENFOEImum Asmm Date‘ 1°’ ” *3Time: 1535 Z hrs.Height: 13009 feet.(2) Nature of Attacli: (See Instruction para. 4.) H > C.’ 0' Q ’ - \~"— ¢'DaU.g>-llvhxili(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Brats mt, chard (no
balm 8)(4)'Enemy AA.Ground Defences encountered-+(u) Location; (Ii) type; (c) strength:{$1 §~§ S §§:““”°”=¢111gs=' II % 01: BMQ(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r)
ifengagement resulted : IBil(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (I2) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)l§l 52' i(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):H1(8) Special comments:
(See Instruction para. 7.) _Intormtionwith. rot ttakRep0rt'82 _%i;&w’mm2'tnnmsBJ£tr&aygammma£I OA.H.M.-11/41-31185Signature .................. .........................................
var».\'EINSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from th‘e interrogation of air-_crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. =FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature
of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :---» a (a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. ~(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of
torpedoes released, type of War-head, range offrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatA * sNOT to be
included. ' ' ‘ ’ ‘Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the
course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:--Distance of initial sighting, approximate course
of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.I
V 6‘ 5UNIT = .................. .5i;liléJ2RQH ........................... IvFORM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).ATTACK REPORTReport 82 pilot; I Observ :1 p Squadron: 2.NO ______________________________________ ]_ mmm
P70. mm(1) Target and Position: Place‘ PoDate: / 6/ P AI~?;RODRO$ETime : 15352 hrs.Height : 15000 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)HIGH 1I_-EYEIQY-. L ,weeernaqexaazsmmxe(3) Observed
Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Effects nor ebsawe (See B)(4) ‘Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(u) Location; (b) type; (0) strength:¥§¥§as§r ts sgz M“ so(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type
and number of aircraft (c) ifengagement resulted :H11I(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)iii iii‘(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air
combat):H11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)DEIZAIL or target impossible to discern; Fmmgeaazalaiigprassion bomb thought ‘be have dropped at Hi.‘ emA.H.M.—11/41-31135,/Signature ..............
1234567.\vINSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forithe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. _FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with
abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during
ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—-(a) Method of attack-, such as high level, high dive, etc. -(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c)
Number of torpedoes released, type of War-head,’ range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air be
included. ’ s ’Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the
course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of
submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
W . -_._v ‘ A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).‘Q.' ATTACK REPORTUNIT: ............... ............ ..Report Pilot ; -‘ *(1)bSe1-Va! ; Squadron : 2 r/szmmwmrom 1'/0. mwm' . . = imam?(1) Target and Position: PlaceDate: I-'5 / 5/
£3Time: IB_%Z hrs.Height: 1&0 feet.‘ P@‘0EIAERODRGE(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)EEK IEVEL .zsoal: n;c; 4 - amcm 4(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Saw only two or three null £11-as(4)
Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—-(u) Location; (b)_type; (r) strength:a N am S or as;-edmao '_{lag Heavy and kiedim light.0 slight(5) Enemy Air Activity-—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (r)
ifengagement resulted:an’(6) State if (<1) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)$2; ta:(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (I\IOT through air combat):H11(8) Special comments:
(See Instruction para. 7.)Eu aaeralzlighta observed. Airomrt 1:11 formation towith 2/1.. raasm ta-or acme: Report Bo, aol. Bombspannelasenaaauaersnsaerrilz. mm."554Signature ........... A.H.M.-11/41--B1185
in-iasfgqf-I-_?;~---7 M--¢-=c'~ ~~\INSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from“ th‘e interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be
completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy
aircraftoccurs during ight.vThe nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :--(a) Methodof attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of
sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air
combat' NOT to be included. ' i‘Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P.
aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. *If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-~Distance of initial sighting,
approximate course of submarine,approximate time lnterval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.
\ FQRM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).K--ii-—~_.i_ATTACK REPORTUNIT: ................. ................. ..IPo ;-_" Qbservgr; ‘ Squadron: 2R%’§fi ................. LLLLLL .. P/vs mmm(1) Target and Position: Place: Pics:amen
Amwaom Date‘ 16/ M ‘ETime: IKE hrs.Height: 14,5o0 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Risk sew; z e..1>.1>.c. 4 - as mom: 4..(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)m'Fm'1's -' new oharvo.(4)
Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(a) Location; (b) type; (r) strength:a Banwiseraorudraanb lBd1'm1i@:tan6.huawye $11-sh:(5) Enemy Air Activity-—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (1') if1
engagement resulted:I.(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)ts) nl(M no(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT throughnair combat): 7 MN11(8) Special
comments; (See Instruction para. 7.)Y over target but barn:-s semi hawledge 3 substuzhiatas gsamtionptfmt bombs tellaims -omit: at imzeraeation or rumraws,, ,¢¢,€....e-4- . . .20Signature
................................................................................................... ..A.H.M.—11/4l—B1l85hr .
pr-==s==,». ~.+I»- eINSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording F of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with
abbreviated details,-from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during
ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—A (a) Methodof attack, such-as high level», high dive, etc.‘ c -(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c)
Number of_ torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be
included. ’ ‘ ' " ' -Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the
course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. _ _ -If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:—— ‘Distance of initial sighting,
approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.II
2)Bi»??? RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I??? RRRRRRR to F/0. amass 81%‘ SHFBH(1) Target and Position: Place: EZTOEPQ-§G'Date: I5 / 5 / ‘$3Time: I5UGZ hrs. IHeight: I300); feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction
para. 4.)HIGH ' L -_(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.) '_“ TWO LA$E FEES ‘>ZfA‘I‘FROI§T ELK, PGRTIGII OF KOEPAIIG(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(u) Location; (I1) type; (v) strength:in
ILE. or teem0ti. heavyslight(5) Enemy Air Activity-(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (v) if. engagement resulted:H11(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para.
6.)5% 3'-as'0 no(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):E11(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Fires observed. were very bri@t rad extending quztcklyand could be seen for
coasiderable distance.J~p.)Sig nature ............... : ......................... . A.H.M.-11/41—B1135
12345.670_INSTRUCTIONS.*-____.__._i____.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by lntelligence Ofcers for?the recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-Icrews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be
completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy
aircraftoccurs during ight. i _The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :—- (a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc. "W Nib)"Weitght,"fii§é“isettii1g,i typeilianidi iiuinber of bombs
dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel).
Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. , ' ' i Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information
obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis (report. _ O _ - g A ;, .If submarine is attacked, state following in
Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time
after explosion.4
K. ;¢ _2_s_u.s_z- /' - A11:4‘ I *-~43 > '. 13¢ 0; 14‘! '_._ Mi ,‘ ‘ .9-IE9}?! * = '2281*!1P.uLI* *EQJ(A)(1) B/L Iahrlana, I/L bamlaa, P/0. Jacqui.(2) I/L. Iraaaf, I’/83%. Eahaaful. .(3) I/0. mg».(1) 15552/15(2) 1.6ooz/1.5 ‘(31
16m/15(1) 13cm an(2) 14900 an(3) 1350a an3001'. (III. 4/10 01011.Attack on Paafoai hrolrua.Ituaaarigimllyiatanladtankathoattaakwithfaarflightaaftlu.'aaat%aalinntaintu'va1a,intm|aaa'viaaab1.aai:c1-aftroaiaradthiailyoaaiblu
.(1)' an run 111?; cumming of s/2.. Ian:-inc,I/Llrovlaaair. Iaaquoapouaialtoattaaktargatiafaamtiu. u apynaaah only no airazaft an togathar.Iapouibln ta diatiagaiah aaroch-can with any elaamaaa butthe plitiaa nu iuumaa by
A/A fin. has aircraftpaaaalavartarptbutinbothagaaadiltribatorfailodtooperate. Aaavtlnrranaaa thannalofi-QSJ. toI.I. andbull dropped. aircraft actiltca that its Dadafallatthan ,anitl|natl:nrthatthabmia fall at the 8 tin irtation af the
'Il!'1'li8lI¢Itiaaatkaonahunbabaafthathiriairaraftfhn.(2) haaa0oMf1i¢1toffo|n'airaraftfai10dto:aaohta1-gottoptlar, only in aircraft attacking in fumtioni Elanaairuaftoanliihatifylruaa, butaatalaarly. lmnadafruIi]. latilatal Dds fall
about aura of runaw-(3) ma an-nan last fammtion pallilgillll sou» mm.It naaavu faui visibility vary nah bath: as it appaaahaiIaapangfi-ct1:oI.l.th0tIIbaia;a1.0ai-lqviaibla.
Dubsaaralroppadatrowoflightaanaatarhantaaladiroathitnumb. hafiraavithiaapraiglovatartolanlapaai:apilJ.y._8aa16baaoanfIanaaaaaidai'ab1ndiatanac. he
'portianiftbtannattaahaliaahamhaoainpaayiagahatah._E_i1\!Ufl.'Q$lllf11'OIlOOlU&l1l‘l\KOIl‘l06‘lliI2lnapaaaobaau-ndbutit iaaartaintbatthaairu-aftmntiaaifounlthatargatnlthatbmbafallapanhaaax-ad:-ma.1.
"?a§§:.'EEiggi555as;iéi, ‘BID llatlnA/A can fru(um) was not1% IMP»:
0~ 2. % : Al beta-0, sea:-ehlight tailed to holdaircrattbntrcportlinoatothat lightnaltrongorthan an prtviou occasion.this no tourth :11-can lightdanlepod engia traablo mar 100$,am! mlly crash lama! in in .Iyhlan I11 about tau les
theu-owhanbocnrucalrithant auultinl. .01-au.-01-nrt at this flight also ha! Inginu trnblo, boon:10¢, act aturning t-111 213%;/15. In bath than canit In impossible to give 1 baring to tho 111-en-art un/r am! Ur nu mmzmuu.
Iaithnr =1:-:1-an Iollldban can-tuned any difficulty ha! this at boa lo.%Z@e@»¢1e~»~_____/»-2ma mun,Ithlligua Ortztoor,I9. 2 $q\uir<n.§§~§§555.?‘gv
Z.m5/’<ET¢ H ~ /(0 :.=.r>a~<2.501“/. Pm» TM;/?m>H. mm;-/\_1, Q3; 3- 14.2. -2, S¢,u»m>~é§e.@.r-'2/. 7;"‘¢~:>~if~.~".F~?; 5-:'.*‘§:$¢F‘.r??%‘:“~€<;§%-c?§ wasDE M~:2'f'u :11: 1%;,2, (],Q;fp} M5 iA?€*§::.%*-1 F514 aw D
'?%@~‘* if __-'5. \_&; 5-::i3._§., I li— ';:,~—:_;uv- v...<1__——,~,.~~ —“~ l _ r--"4 __—.~>;:—_:»-:-_—_~ --—_, __¢ ~= ; 7"’ --01.:a\§1|51iF!X@ 5» z.-.._ <»v.~.L Z2&4 ‘\-»-4-,I~\! I1E/Wi \i?.»1;7 ____~—_~__-»,-: —— ’_
,;~,~,;—W;-___~ 1’;-_<-._.. ,__; >1»: — -. X“-'-5% .»-..|.,- -_-;»-. --— —.;_. - »»--.-,,.,~._.._...¢. - .._ _ __O
>7S>;XxRJ¥M*:v~ If I Li2L§I7 I30):‘ Eat/iJ\£§u_--\~\\l~.-\-S. aw FORM A_ R.A.A.F.FormjXl.108(B).‘' ' _ ATTACK REPQRT7 UNIT3 --------------- v-§g_i..1.‘5....;5q:g_.QQ.gg_n ........................... ..R Pilot : Observer : Squadron
3 ........................ AI Flo mm P/Q ammo» - 13.. _ Place:“&.‘%aIg‘i.%““3b€°&l§‘°§;@@¢ tons sightedposition s zas I25 15 E. Data :4 6 42* _ Time: hrs.- Heig : ‘I’ feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)(Q) High dive
(bl 4 X 250 G.P. II sac. delay tailtil nili(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Bombs .d1'0p'pe 25-35 yards astern of vessel(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(u) Location; (1)) type; (c) strength: I(al I
twin M.G. on hrilge, I twin BLG. on stern(c) Unidentied possibly .5(5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) if Zengagement resulted: “"4N11 ri(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b)
photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.) rPhotographs. of vessel to follow. rzeeonnarlsaance report 50.25 attached. if‘*4vl-.- 1(7) Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat): ‘ ‘B11
\_._,(8) Special commentszi (See Instruction para. 7.) QCourse or MN. O90 degrees.Speed 8 knots.__~ . ,, ig/‘D; 3 M‘ \_\ _‘ ~.'_,L_. . ail . “"-j _ .1,!1 . .-A I. '3. " /jg a~m4- /,1 R ISignature .............. ....................
.................................... ..A.H.M.—1l/41—~Bll85I‘~a‘Q?’_________ 4| \
,.I __;__,__P./‘JEl'0‘En.-. _ ‘_ .r\, .¢,,_;. _! ‘INSTRUCTIONS.. FORM A. is to’be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Ofcers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. tFORM BLUE (Attack) is
to be completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy
aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :-—-(a) Method of attack, such as high level, high dive, etc.(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of
sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air
combatNOT to be included.Estimated number ot hits, and damage inicted... . .. __ ., .,.;,._, - .A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by
G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial
sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion., _ _ ,,, 1,.
I : I t 111 s t1 I ¢1:? £21:/Il€:‘i;:gu;:o 8:1'1o::?‘:.W.Jr0c. 'an 10/0 as A* 1-‘W) . if‘i‘ ,k__ _ "A~‘ _og4ni,;tk tho only photo obi _ on as 1 rcsult at this' 4 tan» Batu‘ 1-Quanta 1-upon nu. :61 * I-> .A i 0’1c¢’ f V 'h111gu'aub Q1‘-
£1aQ1A'_ l,__ _I0; I3 \‘\‘POa
WJlL-‘Fx lilo . _§_I§_ itguairén Ar *?9.¢*1=1==1?==r-rM<=@ 21822.1 ‘N2-42$ ' ME! I4/‘$2fxgert 1-an Bo: nus 9/14Cgtsin , P/O JaquesOblect Dearch cf Qmbai ;l’sr8:‘.t, attaul: shipping.Vi ai‘n1.1itg 20-25 miles.911-
Wqg;99___§’;_;1;5n3 0545 hours.’zicgori.A Vessel den-zcribed as a pauaenger - eego type ofabout 5,i~00 tons, one black funnel, superstrueture grey, hullblack, ho masts, straight bow, counter stern, wm; zzightd inposition
8 28‘3,I25 15'?) on e course of 090, apesii 8 knots, at2150/z/15.A dive bombing attazk was made from 72000 feet anbomb;-e released Q 1,500 feet. 4 x 250’ G.P. II See. delay tail only.‘these fell about 25-55 yams a;-J-tern
of the hip. The attackwas made tram aatérn at en eagle of 52! degrees to the vessel.machine gun fire wag met frm a twin gun post on the stern andlth a twin gun 'p".>8'l; on the ‘bridge. iize of Md}. uncertainbut possibly .5‘la
a raiding action wag taken the guns from awn a/c we;not brought into use. Own a/c received no damage.During the ‘p&’QI'0l D1111 aer-odroms was p8;S':(1 aout4 miles to the Berth at 7,300 zteet. No aircraft ativity
observed.‘the photos taken were a Ofeerelligezme OfficerBo I3 SquadronHughes.. \___C¢k-\ Jr“ i Y\_=U-m~.¢..
Bo . 1.3 gullz-on secretLI Cl. _)__o >Rea0gl12<sQ.nca Ragort he, 23 Hughes £3/6/42 ‘Qgrlltion go. HUG II/I3§00 Ur Hg; 1CQQEGIJI - P/I} RehfiachOb act sue:-an for eraéhed A/at from Gaps Dan to Jlnsan nay.Visibility;
consiarlble smoke haze.mrntlun 0434 hrs.Reggri liter J/0 in llir for acme time sewchingtowards GQQ Dan area signal received to proceedto the Anson Bq cat. Contact made with Q lnggar in Anson Bayand ant:-eh maa of
Dnly River tar 20 miles. Qn return crashed P.P 40 sighted it a point abmzt one mile from ‘Mae ecznat and wemile from the Duly River on the ioath side. mm men observed atthe A/a. -Kbout I0 men neon on the South hm]: of
the Dd Rivermoored ta the b@kaabout 1 mile from the A/0. This group haltwo small bocga‘£<;.r::‘/°"’°‘, <\_ GfficerLlitelligence OfficerNo. I3 SquulranH\1§he8- ~—-'-
__ _ ,7 1|——-_=——'~— ' * - ~_-fé?‘ A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).A ----' ATTACK REPORT /"' UN1T=!!:.. .................................................. .."‘ Pi10tI Observer: V Squadron I= Report No ........ .................... .. Ilyilgfcer mt Pun
Officer cam 1'Io(2)-~'//""”""" "(1) Target and Position: Place 3~m;_n|_In-chant 70351. a ,S_ Deter 11 / 3 / 43 if* T cog 03' _' Lg»/Q‘ u_‘+,lL»E Time: 09103 hrs.Height: feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)I-or
10111 (Inst high)25° 1” 9:5 -4:.»..-.... ..-(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)I11.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—'(<1) Location; (b) type; (v) strength:(mi m-mu aft bridge., M Bdtnto um. (Q) Blight.(5)
Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (Z1) type and number of aircraft (c) ifengagement resulted: -I11.(6) State if (n) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(ml Yea. ’ '(bl lo.' (7)
Casualties to own aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):I11.\iIIf.I(8) Special comments: (See Instructionlpara. 7.)I 1 1. (Boo lbaonnaiuanoo report Io. 50-)-//I ._-; S-lg nature
............................................................................ it-x.H.M.—11/41-B1135 ':-‘-‘ ~.. ‘. _'- 7 ',"~3~1—§ _ .. _. 3-g cu.__;._a...._ _ _ _ ___ _ __-_ -..._. _. _ s»s._'_.=-___.1-_. .
,, YINSTRUCTIONS.FORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews. . - -FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated
details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.C.H. 'FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature
of attack (Section 2) is to beset out in detail as under :--(a) Method of attack, such asahigh level, high dive, etc. .(b) Weight, fuse setting, type anfd numbenofi bombs dropped,and type of sight used. l(c) Number of torpedoes
released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be included. Estimated
number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A
PhotographicReport (Form A36), giving details of photographs, is_ to accompanythis report.If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-,Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate
time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, Whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion..iE .- g §ui__r__>;_»~ ~ ........ L?’ _11
IA §.££.8.§_!.-‘_‘ ' - 12/6/42-_»0nL. : mun-5:2.iii}. “.33 * w Qww w- * °91°/5/1L‘-wlv"m 1. M951 /IIQHi 1,4 : G004 - 26 I110 an slal-_ lboouaiuuu nun“ maul: am! 111-craft can-in-1.Q: it 951°/Z/11 Ihla app:-aching the In-thlrn
coat or TIIORon u rattan rm a bu-chant nasal nu sighted in position “.1-“T-009°o.3'§ Lo/v 12.-4-°’.ul£ (001186 l=ILo°Mrcnttnl0I|.sth1¢hattaukt!ul30°Itnrboarlut0raan1lo\\totf-Mum.
Bliplmtappnntlyoburnldroruttuntiln§=;aeh!sis:"is. l :5;19-:O$-iu-0 attack. labs 250 lb 6.1’. 4 I020 roloaudlntarnlul vho airs:-watt love). and at nonont3%! OYOI.‘lh9t - Iililn not 05301101.diroet approach of our aircraft to
attaok,thcIts npul whoa sight“! In about 10 knots. ‘ _; L . 2.111; :. 1-,. =....,.1. ..t1..t.. .@ ..,..,t2,5601»: andtlnnaail appoaz-alto IlqblothammmIn Llooth 43 inept tho onyoratz-mutt: nan the tnnnol ashnituly Iherttr. an 101501 ood
will out or tho later butappouodtobonllladln-awhito owning‘: obaorvoltm-ward.:LA. %.w. gm tire was 411-outed at :11-ex-art frongridgeind both to Aluft. he gm: lft In huviu; probnb1y,_,nntruer In uni am! gm flashes worn
yellow.A 00111101-ablo mulbor or personnel (tar non than noaouary forcrowl Iunoboornleladinbromorklnkiabont thodock.Ante: cu-naontlu tn:-wan! hatch.‘Inn opontian it in mggnutoi in further Justification for thecontontion
that than pt:-011 manic! be ulortahn by a leasthe 112:1-art in canny.- 7%/Z 6H.,@a,WArun 08100:,Intolllgua 0221001»,Io. 2 Bqulren,l.A.A.l'. Mu.-utloml Inn,
_f'7 777— ‘ ‘,.1 /2/22; - //V A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.l08(B)., Q -—---. ’ ATTACK REPORT1UNIT ............................................ I IReport Pi10t I Observer: Squadron 1 1’/LT. moons]; r/sow. miman. ‘ho (2)(1) Target and Position:
Flaw‘ mmm -Tom of Emd - patrol and ammunition Date: 9 /. 6/ 42‘mm!-5 ° Time : 213° hrs.Height: feet.I 700 - 1,000 feet-(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)Low lovel-, 2§0 5-P‘ 4. nose inst. Tail 1 sec.'1 ,_ (3)
Obsened Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Building demolished - 1 direct hit.Firs started in woods close to tom.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(u) Location; (b) type; (c) strength:Hi 1(5) Enemy Air Activity--
(av) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) ifengagement resulted:' K11.(6) State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(Q) YO8. .(b) Ho.(7) Casualties to own
aircraft and personnel (NOT through air combat):Auxiliary oil tank and tail plane.(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Large explosions appeared to combine with dropping onbuilding in contra of tom. This my
have caused damage to owna11‘61'&ft»Signature...i' .... 4 A.H.M.—lI/41—Bl185 I "
--=—» ' -J-an-._ __ _. ,._;__ __,,,,_ _ i ._,.__ _ , A 7 7_.___.. i—-— 7INSTRUCTIONS.iiFORM A. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers forthe recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-crews.
.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A.‘ for immediate despatch to A.C.H.FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completed if an
engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under:-—(a) Method of attack, such-as high level, high dive, etc.~._ .~..-'..i-:. = $~‘,,-_~n-_->\.\_.k;\ ,_. ..- ‘(b)
Weight, fuse setting, type and number of bombs dropped,and type of sight used.(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of War-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against
vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combatNOT to be includedi" ' ' ” ‘ "Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always accompany thisreport as
a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to accompanythis report. - _ . , V gIf submarine
is attacked, state following in Section 8:-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed
after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.~.
‘ A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.10$(B).(NATTACK REPORTUNIT: ............................ __Report Pilot: Observer: Squadron 3No ______________ 16 ________________ _, r/0. an P/0. cmrmn Two (2)(1) Target and Position:
PlaceugluDate: 9/ 6 / 42Town or EIKRA - patrol and a@11t1ondmnpg, Time : 21302 hrs.Height’: _ 1.000 feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.)L1 lQYUlo250 8.1’. 4 nose inst. ‘fail 1 sec.(3) Observed Effects:
(See Instruction para. 5.)Building demolished -p 1 direct hit.1'11-e started in woods close to tom.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences encountered—(u) Location; (b) type; (r) strength:F 1 1-engagement resulted :H11. l(5)
Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) if(6) State i (a) reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)(a) Yes.(b) Ho.(7) Casualties to own aircraft and
personnel (NOT through air combat):H 1 1.(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Acconpanind I/LT. !i::C~0ltBE and I/0. OVEEU. Information ref. report Hos.75 and 77 reapeetively.Signature ......... ,. .. @“e/”
........................ L ...... 6 ... L*“'“‘*‘-" ..................... , . A.H.M.-11/41—B11S5
.7 I\ . JP 0%,._____I1Ie, 7.._-..e..-.¢...,».._ - ~ ¢. ._ _ _F ,' -run-7'-"'S¢'*“ 'J_T7'>"_""§'“'?9fHy"-"$"'?9?7"7'_‘?-F€€i?""‘ - -» e»"~— IWWPZ-,1" -#74, ' *-"">1¢4"-'*"- """"""' '- ' ' " “'* """*""!“"7""F“’i * “'“Q* I.~ l ltiff l..__ t ,- , _, ; l'*','=.j ;
' T“-113.33‘?-' :._ I, 1 !‘¢?‘ -“- ‘Y Qlil , ,. . 1-, ,.-' ¢ ~ F.J ... .-,. ._.,.._ ._. . rINSTRUCTIO'NS.._i_.-____i__i.FORM A., is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Officers forthe recording _of attack particulars from the
interrogation of air-crews.FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated details;from FORM A. for immediate despatchto A,C.H. ' _ iFORM C.B.,_.Combat (Bomber) Report, and FORM',BLUE, Combat(Bomber),
are to be completed if‘ an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detailas under :-—:- (a) Method of attack, such as high level, highedive, etc. ~ n »(b) Weight,
fuse setting, type and. number» of bombs dropped,and type of sight used. @'(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head‘, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d) Estimated number of rounds red against
vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combat" NOT‘ to "be included‘. ' ‘ " ‘ ‘.. 1 p. '_ - .Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted. aA Reconnaissance Report (Form A.46) must always
accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.;and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36),_giving details of photographs, is to
accompany.*<hi=1'.¢1wr¢- . v - ll .~ - . y =If submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:'-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval’ between submarine submerging
andrelease of bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.e. J‘. Nq, -=_‘:,'_,p, i‘ \._ ~59 ».‘,,,,.., -,-,;..*,,,,.;. j7;._._ ~_;' ;,'_g_:_,;._ __;-. a
_ g/Q‘* FORM A_ R.A.A.F. Form A.108(B).ts —-——-ATTACK REPORTUNIT _________________________________________ __Report Pilot‘ Observer : Squadron 1No _______________ 17 _______________ __ r/0.
omm P/0. RIGG ‘ho (2)' (1) Target and Position: ~ Place: EKEHATow or ERMERA -eépetrol and ammunition dumps. Date: 9 / 6 / 42Time: 21302. hrs.H*“')Qi1f=- 1,000 foe§“£et-(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para.
4.)Low legal. -250 11>, 6.1’. 4. Hose inst. Tail 1 80¢-(3) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)Buolding demolished - 1 direct hit.Fire started in woods cloae to town.(4) Enemy AA Ground Defences ¢;nc0unte1*ed—(izl
Isocation: (11) type; (r) giiéngtiif1 I11.engagement resulted:N 1 1.(5) Enemy Air Activity—-(a) Position of patrols; (b) type and number of aircraft (c) if(6) State if (a)_ reconnaissance (b) photographic reports attached: (See
Instruction para. 6.)(a) 1'... Ila) Ho. _(7) Casualties to oyvn aircraft and pe1'sonnelm (N61) thi~oughmair’con1bat): I WW I1 bullet hole through tail plane.(8) Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)Accompanied um.
imam: and r/0. HA1. ref--r@1><>r% 1‘<>- 75 and ‘#5 respectively.O. 7 , V "'1-1 4. 1 -' 9 . . / .-Szgnature ....... .... ff ................... .. -'A.H.M.—1l/41-81185
FIiYF.IY-— -4<~.—q»-LIL ,=IlgsflxIF.l1;; V -7 We V at it 7 W77 '__ 7? 7 ~ 7i 77777 j 777 _, ~__El: 7 _yrvi.‘ -' U\-il .INSTRUCTIONS._____Z_i_.FORMRA. is to be completed in triplicate by Intelligence Oicers for' the
recording of attack particulars from the interrogation of air-CYGWS. >FORM BLUE (Attack) is to be completed, with abbreviated details,from FORM A. for immediate despatch to A.G.H.4FORM C.B., Combat (Bomber)
Report, and FORM BLUE, Combat(Bomber), are to be completedif an engagement with enemy aircraftoccurs during ight.The nature of attack (Section 2) is to be set out in detail as under :--(ea) Method of attack, such as
high level, high dive, etc. * *(b) Weight, fuse setting, type and number of ‘bombs dropped,and type of sight used. .(c) Number of torpedoes released, type of war-head, range ofrelease, height, method of sighting.(d)
Estimated number of rounds red against vessels, groundtargets (including personnel). Rounds red in air combat c NOT to be included. ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 'Estimated number of hits, and damage inicted.A Reconnaissance Report (Form
A.46) must always accompany thisreport as a record of reconnaissance information obtained by G.R.and G.P. aircraft in the course of operational ight. A PhotographicReport (Form A.36), giving details of photographs, is to
accompanythis report. -. .coIf submarine is attacked, state following in Section 8:-—-Distance of initial sighting, approximate course of submarine,approximate time interval between submarine submerging andrelease of
bombs, whether oil or air bubbles observed after bombburst, and, if any, time after explosion.0.\0 ~ " \" \
N@e@1gOI.§_§.2..8£.:- gr '£2=.£. AIR meomussmcn more lo, §. - 9.6.42.NOI 3 = r Three (3)cmams oremcaim r/1.. mconaz, 1'/o. mar, r/0. ommm.rm om: cane-2: ‘I$152130/Z./8 - 2150/z/8.W0 " W 1&1: - early 115112
scattered cumulus cloud base 6,000 feet.OBIEGI 01' Pr’ : 1'0 attack township of RQA particularly petrol andexmition dqpe ii’ located. Alternative target VILLA JIARIA.h: Aircraft passed tom to South on approach, returned,
circledtom twice thennedernnfrcnto. The three aircrertapproached to attack in line eastern but did not keep to thistormtion and bombs were dropped over e wider area. TheQ sketch shown linee upon which bohbe dropped
andtheeel1neeWnldbeabout209)erdeepart. Bonbawereeettofell 49 feet apart.- *15:0 boats of the leading aircraft (1) tell in line shown cmfirst telling ea the building on the HJI. corner or the roadintersection. Bah aptain of
this aircrert and the observeroi‘ the following one etreeeei:(e) the loudness or the explosion and(b) the extreme severity or the blaet. e 'A large poll oi’ black smoke cane from the building which wasfarther described as being
shattered.Hie second aircraft at‘ ail point vered to the loft and itsbomb: with those oi‘ Bo. 3 just overshot the building describedea the poet office and tell in the bush which grew cloae up toit. M the end of this line of bombs a
billo'Iing4&g1-‘iithe red flue imedietely started with a conaiderabl of blacksnob.Ade 2nl.2;eeedl<‘Le9_e2e-Ione he observed but one aircraft on return had a bullethole in fin and tail‘ plane. a . Ho other torn oi’ defence could
be seen. -The leading eirerert eurtered a mall gash in the tail planeand a large hole in the engine cewling and autiliary oil tank. -Io activity oi’ an kind was observed in the approaching the tom to attack the
Gaptain of the leadingaircraft observed about belt a dozen eeaoutleged motortrlneport in the tree; at the LE. corner or the roadintersection (see sketch), His atteck_waa made on these butWerahor nu the result deecribed. '
pEbsmm;lhe obliquee taken during the operation are attached.L@_.=1-Iwlging from the deacription or the explosion when thebuilding wee hit, the type or tire started near the poet ortice-Combined with the intelligence
received on the matter it is apoaeibilitythat either or both petrol em! Qnition dlpsmy have been hit. This however could only be brohence asthe target inrormetionwes both vague ind inaccurate and itma quite ilpoeeihle to
give the ci-ewe definite inroi-nationto guide then. It also eeenp doubtfuln:§ the small photossupplied were actually of E2 at all._ P1let'0ttioer, rInte@.igenc_e Officer,Ho. 2'..$0ual:|-nn_
3\' -.5 . ;.‘\:u~" ‘ ' . . . . .u# " " ' ..,,. '. =‘ ,' <-‘ .. ._ .1‘ '. _ ~g-V. * _,. . ., ., .-. '4 __ . . , ._ ,_ .. 1;.1‘., .‘$}.- ‘ “;,j , > . ‘. .__. _ . ., ’. V .; I _. A k. 'T*1Y_.<‘_K§'_,.‘ §_r£4_=1_-.-A . . I _. ~.~ ¢,. V‘ '( 1‘. . . ‘ 7. -1 _ a . .. - ‘ ...-».' ‘ ': ‘ ' .‘
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_1 Y 2/" : IF!» P " 5 -wt Pilot : Observer : S<1"ad1'°" 1 .3 #0. 1% 1»/o. @‘Z:30.2(1) Target and Position: Place: ‘Bi.Date: 7 / Q /424'\\‘.v\ JTime : hrs.1§Height: 1”’ feet.(2) Nature of Attack: (See Instruction para. 4.) " -l$'l#P~1
- In-11-wan now. -r Zisrbuh.P(8) Observed Effects: (See Instruction para. 5.)I A-ms. mg. .,:_n‘ 1--qnre;-1 1' » i ,~ _JA3PiBemy AA Ground Defences enconntered—-’( )L i 7 it i i V - 7 X .‘ _ _ e a ocation; (b) type; (c)
strength..‘-5.,K» Ii_ ,‘ \ i,,,_, ,- 4 ‘> . ',.‘VI . . Y3" {__,5|it, '‘J-;-*-U1I.-I5at1‘t 5%‘I-,.r'?‘~%?':.5”;PT* . ~.. . '1- v x; .'| ' '* " ‘ ’_ I ' " ' ' ‘ " > i ii i ii -i|,|| V ‘ 1. _ . \ ' .\\ ' t t >.I I .v' L.‘ - | 'K * 1‘ M‘v'__ 1 _ Y "A- ,"i.'_'.' Ur, ~ _i-Ir‘,4|‘ _ V1.5,
‘ rt‘ Itt (5) Enemy Air Activity—(a) Position ‘of patrols- (b) ‘tine and numbe of ' ft‘1§ ‘,H . _ ,‘ r aircra (c) if= -» . engagement resulted: \ <as annex.‘ »»,, _ J . . '_ (6)- State if (a) reconnaissance (b) photogranhic reports
attached: (See Instruction para. 6.)__ h:'J V -r - - 4- . u'T1'~“.' ' wz; > '-';r_\'i;' , j_ ‘ ' _ ‘ 1 . ‘" - ~\v i _ v . i . t _' _ *'—u-1‘, ‘*r "r '1 '"-nnn|r~‘—\‘n~’- s ' ~ -‘ *~ — -— e -'—' 1*» ~**— ‘ ha» — ‘ ~ I ———-A13 (7j~ Casualties to
own aircraft and personnel (NOT throngh §r{<§6m5at)=a A | ki I < . _, ~ i (8) “Special comments: (See Instruction para. 7.)7., ' tn-aeoiuuv-1-~aaa-eznsuz.‘ A! ‘Ex ' i 7 #-n
F -’?~‘i9’1‘ ‘(it . ,,M‘.'.'15 .W F- ..' losure. ,1 - ..: _»from protectwe enc \__ _ -Do not remove _ . - .W. d.' |f assustance us r€q""'ePlease contact Conservatuonn.. .~*?‘%?5?=.‘*"‘?, 1?’-5 . .:Tr;-SJ}§ -"F zzwnimraép 7 :15”,-
;92(§Q ' ::Io.!i‘i1 \ ' W‘,,V- ‘ H -. .‘ .Y'l(‘oq$ “ ,0 ii , 1»:/»_{~=.',___-K-._>___ _: __ __, ;‘- ~ ‘ . 2' . »¢; ~ . ~. - ?*'?*. ." ,. -,*_’ -. _»-1 2 i £311} ‘ 0 <4!‘\ ;P- é ‘J5’ =3?‘ ' J * " 3 _ Ti)‘ ,_.-;. ’ - .' 1.’ 1,; _ _ ,_~_;v-_(-L,;,;;,.-r_;‘¢_;~_,a
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u0i.*I;>u'm;;.i -ae>F;‘.i :>:3-)9'ii_:l in r:azm(*- {$31 112 FEED! BLU (Attack is to be completed, wlt algbrewated details, |1 * - iv<\1/\_ .-».elm--;~-A~ ---~‘;:;% _ ‘j (='\) ;>.tm1r;q_ 10 /ing131f4_<>‘%_ _‘_r;,);'~:,-
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released,_type of war-h‘ea;i,._,range of! release, hemght, method of sighting. ~- *~ 1’H-‘\‘:"1V'~‘ ' ' ' "F". ' . -\ av " ' » ' 1:1; — , .’ 7"" j - ,(x1~)» E-sntimatenj‘ Q1 W -, _a£ rounds red agamst vgsselgi, ground" 7+5 5; - .>f“_‘> ‘
_, -> t&r$js._(¥¥. ,W-‘»+personnel). Rounds red m azr eombatW _ 7' %;""‘ 1.‘ N; §"'Q gp‘ ‘Q 77*‘ ‘7 ‘“:"' '_ '7 " ‘N 7' 'y 7"‘ ‘ ' M N ' W "1i‘é'r:I =-3;‘+:'{oen'~;e.*ifs4Qmiqs-1 mi q.s'10;.riq (Pa; ‘>u:1s=w.>a:¢:iarz=::_;<>-1 my ii
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aircraft in the eourse of operational ight. A Phl‘ ‘ ‘ ~—-—-7' j *' .:»( r1;d11§h5"§1%?§¢m~1|h' HM) l‘€1UE!’[Uf§ mm -.§'irn~:~*:iu. mm or aa1>3ls1;:¢s”') 3ta me,approximae time l1lI150@!‘V8.l between submarme snbmerng
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Opntioml Duo,

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