Improving Reading Using Key Picture

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Improving Reading Ability and Comprehension of Beginning Readers Using Key


I- Context and Rationale

The meaning of mother tongue can often be referred to as your first language or native
language. It is the language that you most commonly speak. However, mother tongue is always
referencing the language that the child has used from birth for important and impacting times in
the child’s life. For example there are instances where a child is brought up until school age
using a particular language at home spoken by their mother, father or other family members, and
due to living in another country, begin to adopt the language spoken in their interactions such as
fun groups, school etc…but if the child comes back home continually to another language, this is
impact can be lessened.

The mother tongue meaning for a child involves more than just language and includes the
child’s personal, social and cultural identity. The choice of words and expression carry different
meaning across cultures and where in one language asking direct questions is considered
intrusive, in another it is inquisitive. This means that the language chosen when speaking is
thought about before it is delivered.
II- Action Research Questions

The study entitled “Improving Reading Ability and Comprehension of Beginning

Readers Using Key Picture” focuses on the reading comprehension problems and

ability of learners in grade _ school year ___. Hence, this study aims to answer the

following questions:

1. What teaching reading strategies are appropriate to address reading

comprehension problems of learners in grade _ learners?

2. How would learners understand and appreciate the importance of reading


3. How would this study help to address the prevailing reading comprehension

problems in grade _?
III- Proposed Innovations, Intervention and Strategy

This research focuses on the implementation of reading intervention using key picture in

improving the reading ability and comprehension level among the 5 learners in grade _. The

researchers will utilize ______ as source of the reading materials and they will develop rubrics in

evaluating the reading skills and comprehension of the students. The conduct of the activity will

last for one hour every day after the class. On every activity, the class will be divided into small

groups to develop collaboration among the students and will be facilitated by the researchers.

Assisted Reading using key picture

This strategy provide learners a valuable way to boost their reading

comprehension skills using key picture as a strategy. Students sets with the teacher or

other excellent reader. As student reads, the partner listens. If the student make an

error, the partner corrects the student.


1. Choose the assigned reading and introduce the text to the students.

2. Create pairs within the classroom by identifying which children require help on

specific skills and who the most appropriate children are to help other children learn

those skills.

3. Model the procedure to ensure that students understand how to use the strategy.

4. Have each member of the teacher-assigned pair take turns being "Coach" and

"Player." These pairs are changed regularly, and over a period of time as students work.
Thus, all students have the opportunity to be "coaches" and "players."

Note: It is important for teachers to monitor and support students as they work together.

5. Ask the stronger reader to begin this activity as the "Player" and read orally for 5

minutes. Have the "Coach" follow along and correct any mistakes when necessary.

6. Have the pair switch roles and ask the weaker reader to become the "Player." The

"Player" rereads the same passage for the next 5 minutes and the "Coach" provides

corrective feedback. One point is earned for each correct sentence read (optional).

According to Thorndike in his law of exercise, allowing students to be continuously

exposed to different activities like reading will lead on the development of their skills in reading

and comprehension.

The researchers believed that students who are frequently expose to reading exercises

will lead to the development of their reading and comprehension skills. In addition, it will help

them to foster love for reading that will surely aid them in facing daily challenges.

IV- Action Research Methods

A. Participants and / or other Source of Data and Information

The target respondent of this study are the 5 learners of grade _ school year ___

in which the data gathered from them will be the basis for testing the proposed

B. Data Gathering Methods

For the purpose of this research, the writer has decided to use the following
research tools:
Interview/focus group discussion


Documents analysis based on the of pre and post test results

C. Data Analysis Plan

The result of this study will be analyzed using the appropriate statistical method
to have a reliable basis for selecting reading intervention using key picture strategy, to
find out reading comprehension progress of the learners and to find answer to the
research questions and propose solution to the problem.

V- Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

Resources Need
Objectives Activities Time Human Materials Remarks

Asking Preparation of Researcher, Supply Prepared

permission action research School Head proposal and
from the proposal and permitted to
School Head, to ask permission conduct
conduct action from the School classroom
research Head action research

Finalized action Finalization of Researcher, Supply Finalized action

research action research and School research
proposal proposal Division proposal

To prepare the Preparation of Researcher Supply Prepared

project the project project
proposal and proposal proposal

Implement the Implementation Researcher Supply Implemented

project of the project project

To collect, Interpretation Researcher Supply Data collected

process and of data and interpreted
interpret the collected
gathered data

Craft the action Planning out the Researcher Supply Planned out
plan that may measures to be the measures
be undertaken to to be
recommended improve the undertaken to
to improve reading skills of improved and
reading the students develop
comprehension reading skills of
of Grade _ the students

Submit the Submission of Researcher Report of the Approved

action research the result of the research report of the
for approval action research project research
proposal completed project
VI- Cost Estimates

Research Task Items Quantit Unit Total Cost

y Cost Estimates

Crafting of the
Laptop School-owned
Research Proposal

Reproduction of the Clear Folder 5 15.00 75.00

Research Proposal Bondpaper School-owned

Computer ink

Review of the Research Proposal
Proposal by the copies -
District Research

Reproduction of copies
of Letter of Computer ink
Invitation and School-owned
Consent Form and Bond paper,
Interview long

Identification of Study Bondpaper School-owned

Participants Ballpen

Briefing of Study
Snacks 12 pax 30.0 360.00

Distribution and Ballpen 10.0 240.00

Retrieval of 0
24 pcs

Interview of Teacher- Snacks 12 pax 30 360.00

audio- Researcher’s cellphone

Observation of Snacks 12 pax

Teacher- 30.00 360.00

Sticky notes 10 20.00 200.00

Data Transcription
Logbook 1 set 200.00 200.00

Ballpen 5 pcs 10.00 50.00

Bond paper School-owned

Data Analysis Ballpen

Crafting of the Final Laptop

Research Report
Computer ink

Clear folder

Total Cost Estimates Php 1,845.00

VII- Plan for Dissemination and Utilization

In disseminating the significant findings from this study, the researchers will distribute copies
with her fellow teachers, School head, Public School District Supervisor, and School community
members. This will be done during faculty meetings and general parent-teacher association

The researcher will ask permission from the Public District Supervisor and School Head of
(School) to share the findings of the study during the Learning Action Cells (LACs) or In-
Service Training. At the same time, copies of completed research will be provided by the
researcher in the school research program, in the District Office and in the School Division
Office, ______.

VIII- References

Montgomery, (2018) How to improve Reading Comprehension: 8 Expert Tips

Kelly, (updated 2019) 10 Reading Comprehension Strategies All Students Need
Guthrie, Wigfield et al. (2004) Increasing reading Comprehension and Engagement
through Concept – Oriented Reading Instruction.
Rupley W. H., Blair T. R. et al (2009) Effective Reading Instruction for Struggling
Readers: The Role of Direct/Explicit Teaching, Reading & Writing

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