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Immunology & Serology in Laboratory

Medicine Mary Turgeon Edd

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Quick Reference
Chapter Titlea Proceduresb Case Studiesc
1 Highlights of Innate and • Identification of Leukocytes CASE 1.1 A 1-­month-­old female infant born 6 weeks prematurely was admitted to the hospital because she had a high
Adaptive Immune Related to Immune Function fever and was crying all of the time.
Systems • Screening Test for Phagocytic
2 Soluble Mediators of the • C-­Reactive Protein Rapid Latex CASE 2.1 A 39-­year-­old woman was admitted for a cholecystectomy. The patient became febrile 1 day after surgery.
Immune System Agglutination Test
3 Antigens and • ABO Blood Grouping CASE 3.1 A 38-­year-­old white woman presented to the emergency department of her local hospital with increased difficulty in
Antibodies (Forward Antigen Typing) breathing and chronic diarrhea.
4 Cellular Activities and • Screening Test for Phagocytic CASE 4.1 A family had a son who died age 2 weeks because of overwhelming bacterial infection. When their newborn
Clinical Disorders of Engulfment daughter began developing recurrent infections, she was immediately taken to a pediatrician.
Innate and Adaptive • Assessment of Cellular Immune CASE 4.2 A 6-­year-­old white male patient was taken to a pediatrician because of recurring abscesses since the age of 1
Immunity Status month.
CASE 4.3 A 33-­year-­old man, the child of unrelated parents of Mexican descent, was examined because of a history of
frequent sore throats and sinus headaches.
5 Basic Safety in the • Test Your Safety Knowledge CASE 5.1 When a new employee in a rural laboratory started to work, she wiped down the work bench with 5% bleach
Immunology-­Serology and donned latex gloves that she had rinsed off the night before.
6 Basic Quality Control • Validation of a New Procedure CASE 6.1 A new employee was asked to examine a CLISI procedural protocol worksheet and rate the write-­up.
and Quality Assurance Write-­Up
7 Basic Serologic Laboratory: • Card Pregnancy Testing CASE 7.1 A 9-­year-­old boy was taken to the emergency department with a sore throat.
Techniques and Clinical CASE 7.2 A 28-­year-­old woman has been trying to get pregnant for the past 6 months. Although she has no health problems,
Applications conceiving a child is proving to be difficult.
8 Precipitation and Particle • ABO Blood Grouping (Reverse CASE 8.1 An 85-­year-­old man had a discrepancy between his forward grouping (ABO antigens) and reverse grouping (ABO
Agglutination Methods Grouping) antibodies).
9 Electrophoresis • Immunofixation ­Electrophoresis CASE 9.1 A 40-­year-­old woman with a long-­term history of alcohol abuse comes to the emergency department
Techniques and complaining of difficulty breathing.
10 Labeling Techniques in • Pregnancy Testing CASE 10.1 A 25-­year-­old woman had a missed menstrual period 3 weeks earlier.
Immunoassay • Direct Fluorescent Antibody Test for
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
11 Flow Cytometry • Laboratory Activities CASE 11.1 The parents of a 6-­year-­old boy brought him to the hospital complaining of back pain and refusal to walk since
falling a week earlier.
12 Molecular Laboratory • Molecular testing – Group A CASE 12.1 A 38-­year-­old man drove himself to the emergency department because of a worsening condition of shortness of
Techniques Streptococcus Direct Test breath. He had a sore throat, felt tired, and had a fever, unproductive cough, and mild chest pain.
13 Infectious Diseases: • Rapid TORCH Testing CASE 13.1 A 34-­year-­old African-­American male was a local delivery truck driver until 2 weeks ago when he was laid off
Overview and TORCH • Passive Latex Rubella because of the SARS-­CoV-­2 pandemic. He has been an organist at his local church for the past 5 years. Two weeks ago,
Diseases Agglutination Test he began to feel very tired but had no other medical complaints.
• Passive Latex Agglutination CASE 13.2 A 24-­year-­old woman with a history of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) comes to the clinic for
for Detection of Antibodies to evaluation of left-­sided weakness. She has been experiencing headaches and seizures, and others had observed an
Cytomegalovirus alteration in her mental status.
• Quantitative Determination of CASE 13.3 A 20-­year-­old college junior comes to the student health office because she had been exposed to rubella during
Antibodies to Cytomegalovirus a recent outbreak at the college. She had been immunized as a child.
CASE 13.4 A 35-­year-­old man recently received a kidney transplant. He had been feeling well until 2 weeks before, when
he experienced a sore throat, fever, chills, profound malaise, and myalgia.
14 Streptococcal ­Infections • Antistreptolysin O Latex Test Kit CASE 14.1 A 19-­year-­old woman visited the emergency department (ED) with swelling and redness of her right leg.
• OSOM Ultra Streptococcus A
• Group A Streptococcus Direct
• Antistreptolysin O Classic
15 Syphilis • Classic Venereal Disease CASE 15.1 A 25-­year-­old woman comes to an ambulatory center with pain in the right side of her pelvis and a slightly
Research Laboratory Test – elevated temperature.
Venereal Disease Research
Laboratory Qualitative Slide Test
• Rapid Plasma Reagin Card Test
• Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody
Absorption Test
aDigitalenrichment files for animated content, virtual labs, web-­based videos, and additional chapter-­specific outline web resources are available on the Elsevier Evolve website for approved textbook
adopters (instructors).
bFully developed case studies and associated questions are published in associated chapters. A full, narrative discussion of the questions for each case study is posted on the Elsevier Evolve website

for approved textbook adopters (instructors).

cThe principles and clinical applications of these procedures are explained in the textbook. Procedural protocols and other technical details are posted and explained on the Elsevier Evolve website

for approved textbook adopters (instructors).

Quick Reference—cont’d
Chapter Titlea Proceduresb Case Studiesc
16 Vector-Borne Diseases Rapid Borrelia burgdorferi Antibody CASE 16.1 A 42.year-­old executive lives in New York City. Her company annually sponsors a Memorial Day weekend golf outing
Detection Assay at a Long Island club. In early June, she noticed a solid bright red spot on her left thigh.
CASE 16.2 A 25-­year-­old graduate student visits his local family physician because of episodic arthromyalgia, sporadic global
headaches, fatigue, irritability, and depression. Over the last several months, he had become seriously dysfunctional at work
and home.
CASE 16.3 A 45-­year-­old man from upstate New York visits his physician because of a worsening headache, myalgia, arthralgia,
and generalized weakness. He had been in good health until about 1 week before the appointment.
CASE 16.4 A 73-­year-­old previously healthy man had spent the previous summer on Martha’s Vineyard. On returning to his home
in Boston after Labor Day, he began to feel unusually tired and had difficulty breathing.
CASE 16.5 A 35-­year-­old field biologist from central Missouri was positive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Her work
required that she spend a great deal of time in the woods in the surrounding areas. Although she was in good health despite
the HIV positivity, she began having back pain, fever, chills, sweats, productive cough, and extreme tiredness before her visit
to the emergency department.
17 Infectious • Paul-­Bunnell Screening Test CASE 17.1 A female college freshman visits the infirmary complaining of extreme fatigue, frequent headaches, and a sore throat.
Mononucleosis • Davidsohn Differential Test
• MonoSlide Test
18 Viral Hepatitis • Rapid Hepatitis C Virus Testing CASE 18.1 Several workers at a local fast food restaurant called in sick and reported to the local ambulatory clinic for treatment.
They all complained of extreme fatigue. All of them complain of extreme fatigue. In addition, another 26-­year-­old food handler,
who returned from visiting his relatives in Costa Rica a month ago, is sick.
CASE 18.2 A 30-­year-­old phlebotomist presents with fever, persistent fatigue, and joint pain. She reports that a needle in a plastic
garbage bag nicked her finger about 2 months ago.
CASE 18.3 A 75-­year-­old woman had an 18-­month history of right-­sided abdominal pain and progressive fatigue. Her other
medical problems include insulin-­dependent diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
CASE 18.4 A 45-­year-­old previously healthy medical technologist visits her primary care physician because of increasing fatigue
and loss of appetite.
19 Primary and Acquired • Rapid HIV Antibody Test CASE 19.1 Mary is a freshman in college. She began to feel ill with diarrhea and a cough. She tried to ignore the symptoms but
Immunodeficiency • GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA woke up the next morning with a severe headache and a painful stiff neck.
Syndromes • Simulation of HIV-­1 CASE 19.2 Mr. J.J. Smith, aged 68 years, had retired to Florida and was meeting with his new primary care provider for the
Detection first time. His medical history indicated that he had suffered from recurrent upper and lower respiratory and gastrointestinal
infections throughout his life.
CASE 19.3 A 40-­year-­old man with a history of IV drug use came to the emergency department because of a rash and fever. In
addition, the patient complained of a several-­day history of malaise, fatigue, fever, headache, and sore throat.
20 Hypersensitivity • Rapid Test for Food CASE 20.1 A 60-­year-­old man was stung by a bee while gardening.
Reactions Allergy Direct Antiglobulin CASE 20.2 A 35-­year-­old gravida 4 para 1 + 2 was seen by her gynecologist when she was 8 weeks pregnant. Her first
Test pregnancy 4 years ago was unremarkable. The patient reported that her second and third pregnancies had resulted in a
stillbirth at 36 weeks and a spontaneous abortion at 10 weeks of gestation.
CASE 20.3 A patient had a medical history that included frequent sore throats as a child. He had been treated with antibiotics,
particularly penicillin. Eventually, he developed a rash. He was told that he had developed an allergy to penicillin and should not
have it again.
CASE 20.4 A 19-­year-­old college student went to the Student Health Services because she had a slowly developing rash on both
earlobes, her hands and her wrists, and around her neck.
CASE 20.5 A 35-­year-­old woman reported that she had experienced three bouts of urticaria of unknown origin about 10 years ago.
21 Immunoproliferative • Bence Jones Protein CASE 21.1 A 58-­year-­old nuclear power plant worker saw his family physician because of increasing fatigue and weakness.
Disorders Screening Procedure
22 Tolerance, Autoimmunity, • Rapid Slide Test for CASE 22.1 A 50-­year-­old white woman visited her primary care provider because of extreme fatigue. She also reported
and Autoimmune Antinucleoprotein experiencing mild pain in her abdominal region.
Disorders CASE 22.2 A right-­handed 25-­year-­old woman had no significant medical history. She came to the emergency department
because of a sudden onset of slurred speech.
23 Systemic Lupus Erythe- • Antinuclear Antibody CASE 23.1 A 39-­year-­old African-­American woman with SLE was diagnosed with the illness 20 years ago.
matosus Visible Method CASE 23.2 A 27-­year-­old white woman sought medical attention because of persisting pain in her wrists and ankles and an
• Rapid Slide Test for unexplained skin irritation on her face.
• Autoimmune Enzyme Immuno-
assay ANA Screening Test
24 Rheumatoid Arthritis • Rapid Agglutination CASE 24.1 A 62-­year-­old woman experienced pain in her left knee unrelated to trauma. The pain occurred primarily with weight
bearing. She is currently being treated for hypertension but is otherwise healthy.
CASE 24.2 A 31-­year-­old patient was referred to a rheumatologist because of pain and stiffness in her fingers and wrists. Before
her last pregnancy 3 years earlier, she had experienced similar symptoms, but these had gone away.
25 Transplantation: Human • Longitudinal Assessment of CASE 25.1 A 40-­year-­old was seen by her family physician after several episodes of painless hematuria. On direct questioning,
Leukocyte Antigens, Solid Posttransplant Immune Status she complained of worsening malaise and swelling of her legs and hands over the previous 2 weeks.
Organ, and Hematopoi-
etic Stem Cells
26 Tumor Immunology and • Prostate-­Specific Antigen CASE 26.1 A 59-­year-­old white man visited his primary care provider because of his need to urinate frequently and urgently. Over the
Applications of Massive Rapid Test of Seminal Fluid past several years, his urine output had been in small volumes, with a decreasing flow rate.
Parallel Sequencing/ (Seratec) CASE 26.2 A 65-­year-­old African-­American woman visited her primary care provider for an annual examination, including a routine
Next-­Generation pelvic examination. Although she had gained some weight since her last examination, she reported that her general health was
Sequencing good, but that she had been experiencing some gastrointestinal problems over the last 6 weeks.
27 Primer on Vaccines • Tetanus Antibodies (IgG) CASE 27.1 A 25-­year-­old female medical student came to the emergency department because of a fever, cough, and shortness
of breath.

aDigitalenrichment files for animated content, virtual labs, web-­based videos, and additional chapter-­specific outline web resources are available on the Elsevier Evolve website for approved textbook
adopters (instructors).
bFully developed case studies and associated questions are published in associated chapters. A full, narrative discussion of the questions for each case study is posted on the Elsevier Evolve website

for approved textbook adopters (instructors).

cThe principles and clinical applications of these procedures are explained in the textbook. Procedural protocols and other technical details are posted and explained on the Elsevier Evolve website

for approved textbook adopters (instructors).

Seventh Edition

in Laboratory Medicine

Mary Louise Turgeon, EdD, MLS(ASCP)CM

Associate Professor (Adjunct),
University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, Texas

Clinical Laboratory Education Consultant,

Mary L. Turgeon and Associates
Boston, Massachusetts; St. Petersburg, Florida
3251 Riverport Lane
St. Louis, Missouri 63043


Copyright ©2022 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Previous editions copyrighted © 2018, 2014, 2009, 2003, 1996, 1990.

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Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating
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Previous editions copyrighted © 2018, 2014, 2009, 2003, 1996, 1990.

International Standard Book Number: 978-0-323-71193-7

Senior Content Strategist: Tamara Myers

Senior Content Development Specialist: Heather Bays
Publishing Services Manager: Julie Eddy
Senior Project Manager: Richard Barber
Design Direction: Bridget Hoette

Printed in India

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To the continuing sense of curiosity and learning adventures shared with
Dick and Murphy.
Shauna N. Hay, MT(ASCP), MPH Steven R. Schwarze, PhD, MLS(ASCP) SBB
VP of Clinical Programs Associate Professor
Beacon LBS College of Health Sciences
Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp) University of Kentucky
Burlington, North Carolina Lexington, Kentucky


Medical Laboratory Science Program; Kyle P. Miller, BS, MLS(ASCP)CM, MS, MB(ASCP)CM
Associate Professor Chemistry Supervisor, Chemistry Molecular Biology Technical
Clinical Laboratory and Medical Imaging Sciences Specialist
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Cumberland Medical Center
Newark, New Jersey Crossville, Tennessee


The goal of the 7th edition of Immunology & Serology in Laboratory reviewers, and working professionals from around the globe. Some tra-
Medicine is to facilitate problem-based learning needed by medical ditional content has been retained in the book or transferred to the
laboratory technician (MLT) and medical laboratory science (MLS) web-based Evolve platform, because some questions related to classic
students to achieve high scores on board certification or licensure content may appear on certification or licensure examinations, and
examinations upon graduation and master entry-level professional under-resourced locations in the United States and worldwide may use
competencies for career success. classic manual techniques.
Since the 1st edition of Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Med- The procedural protocol, including specimen collection, the
icine, the goals continue to be to capture and share the latest knowl- required materials, actual procedure, and expected reference results, is
edge and emerging practices of an ever-changing field. Immunology & published on the Evolve websites for students and instructors who wish
Serology in Laboratory Medicine continues to strive to present relevant to select a particular laboratory exercise in their curriculum. Instruc-
content in sufficient detail and clarity to clinical laboratory science stu- tors can easily select procedures and create a customized laboratory
dents. Sharp focusing on the most important principles and practices manual that students can print, as needed. This reduces the risk of
of clinical immunology at the undergraduate level has restrained any soiling or contaminating their textbook in a wet laboratory. By reduc-
overexpansion of the length of the book. ing the number of pages devoted to laboratory procedures in the text,
The 7th edition of Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine which may not be desired in a course, the planet gets a little greener in
has been reviewed and revised to continue to include the most recent addition to the associated savings in the production cost.
advances in concepts and practices related to the study of immunology Content correlation between lecture and reading, procedures, and
applied to the clinical laboratory. Immunology & Serology in Labora- case studies is featured in the inside cover of the book for easy refer-
tory Medicine continues to be a unique textbook because of the recog- ence. Suggestions for web-based videos and virtual laboratories have
nition of the importance of the professional knowledge and practice been compiled by chapter and are presented on the Evolve site.
guidelines in the current ASCLS Entry Level Curriculum and ASCLS
Professional Body of Knowledge competencies in immunology and
applicable molecular applications. In addition, the latest ASCP Board
of Certification Immunology Examination Content Guideline & Out- Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine underscores the
line for the Medical Laboratory Technician, MLT(ASCP), and Medical importance of clarity, conciseness, and continuity of information for
Laboratory Scientist, MLS(ASCP), categories of certification are used an entry-level student. Integration of fundamental narrative content,
as reference guidelines. clinical case studies, and laboratory procedures occurs in every chap-
ter. Sole authorship of this textbook ensures a smooth transition from
chapter to chapter without unnecessary redundancy or changes in
ORGANIZATION writing style.
This 7th edition of Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine con- This edition of Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine
tinues to use the original, classic platform to present and integrate new continues to strengthen the robust pedagogy that has set the quality
content and practices. Each chapter has an integration of narrative con- benchmark for clinical laboratory science textbooks since the 1st edi-
tent and visual reinforcements with related fully developed case studies tion. Critical thinking is essential and has a renewed emphasis in this
and student laboratory procedures. Because students in the digital age edition, with more clinical case studies. Every chapter has applicable
are more visual learners, the inclusion of new and highly acclaimed cases. A total of fifty clinical cases are fully developed and presented
illustrations, tables, and boxes has increased again in this edition. in ed. 7. These cases have extensively developed content, case-related
Additional up-to-date, professionally developed laboratory assay algo- multiple-choice questions, and critical analysis group discussion ques-
rithms are included in the 7th edition. These algorithms are a unique tions. These cases not only promote critical thinking and stimulate an
feature of Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine and are overall interest in medicine but also highlight the essential role of the
included because of the value of high impact visuals that accommodate laboratory in patient diagnosis and treatment.
learning preferences of today’s students. Outstanding features of this
textbook are the inclusion of 50 fully developed clinical case studies
with associated review and critical thinking questions and more than
650 end-of-chapter, multiple choice review questions. The content in Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine is orga-
Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine clearly addresses nized into six parts. All of the content has been reviewed and refreshed as
changes in the clinical laboratory and challenges for students to learn— needed. New features include Key Concepts interwoven throughout each
and instructors to teach—more information in a fixed time frame. The chapter to highlight important facts. Use of these Key Concepts enables
organization of the book allows for tremendous flexibility in instructional more focused learning of the content narrative as it unfolds in a chapter.
design and delivery. The book is well suited for traditional on-campus
instruction, hybrid, or blended modes of teaching, and online delivery of Part I—Basic Immunologic Mechanisms (Chapters 1-4)
courses. The 7th edition provides students with a basic foundation in the In this section, content has been newly rearranged into chapters 1-4.
theory and practice of clinical immunology and practical serology in a The rearrangement focuses on examining the immune system in a
one- or two-term course at MLT or MLS levels of instruction. holistic manner rather than as independent entities.
Each chapter in this edition capitalizes on the strengths of previ- Chapter 1, Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immunity, orga-
ous editions based on up-to-date information presented at annual nizes the cells and tissues of both systems to enable students to relate
meetings and conferences; publications in the professional literature; the new immunology content to various blood cells that may have
and comments received from students, teaching faculty, faculty book been studied in previous courses. A comparison of the three lines of


immunologic defense introduces student to normal immunologic immunity and two new associated clinical case studies. Laboratory
body defense activities. testing algorithms are emphasized in order to simplify the diagnostic
Chapter 2, Soluble Mediators, is introduced earlier than in past process. Therapeutic drugs in an extensive number of viral mechanis-
editions. The early introduction of information related to soluble medi- tic categories for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus are
ator substances, e.g. complement and cytokines, allows students to link described in terms of viral impact.
the activities of these constituents to innate body defenses discussed
in chapter 1. The “cytokine storm” related to the pathophysiology of Part V—Transplantation and Tumor Immunology
COVID-19 has raised the interest level in cytokines activity. The list of (Chapters 25 and 26)
cytokines has been extensively expanded in Appendix C. Chapter 26, Tumor Immunology and Up-to-Date Applications of
To assist with the understanding of the importance of testing com- Next-Generation Sequencing/Massive Parallel Sequencing, has an
plement, new testing algorithms and tables summarizing complement extensively expanded table of diagnostic tumor markers currently in
testing are included in Chapter 2. common use. Content on Next-Generation Sequencing, now called
Chapter 3, Antigens and Antibodies, the hallmarks of immuno- Massive Parallel Sequencing, is re-introduced as an important aspect of
logic activities, has been placed in this position in the flow of infor- tumor immunology. In addition, continuous field-flow–assisted dielec-
mation to facilitate association of content with the previous chapters. tropheresis, a new method to isolate and characterize rare circulating
Chapter 4, Innate and Adaptive Immunity: Cellular Functions tumor cells (CTCs) is presented in this chapter. In addition, examples
and Related Clinical Disorders, integrates the content from the first of currently approved monoclonal antibodies and mechanisms of
three chapters into the functional characteristics of body defenses and action have been updated.
associated clinical disorders.
Part VI—Vaccines (Chapter 27)
Part II—The Theory of Immunologic and Serologic Knowledge of vaccines has never been more important to health-
Procedures (Chapters 5-12) care professionals. A new vaccine initiative directed at prevention of
Chapter 6, Basic Serologic Laboratory: Techniques & Clinical Appli- COVID-19 has raised awareness of the importance of vaccines. Con-
cations, now features integrated laboratory techniques supported tinuing research on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), malaria,
by examples of non-instrument, rapid testing techniques, including and cancer vaccines is discussed. Immunization schedules have been
malaria, HIV, and pregnancy testing. reviewed and updated as needed.
Chapter 12, Molecular Laboratory Techniques, has been
expanded to include the latest innovations in testing. The chapter
continues to begin with genetic information that bridges classic infor- COVID-19: AN IMMUNOLOGY TEACHING AND
mation with exciting state-of-the-art molecular techniques and appli- LEARNING OPPORTUNITY
cations. Molecular diagnostic testing and treatment strategies have
Information related to COVID-19 has exploded in the scientific litera-
assumed a more visible presence in the clinical laboratory. The content
ture, social media, news conferences on television, and newspapers since
of this chapter as well as throughout the book reflects the importance
the declaration of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. At every turn, medical terms
of molecular diagnostics in today’s medical laboratories.
and concepts in immunology are being articulated on a global scale. Ten
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) content is introduced
of the 27 chapters in this new edition of Immunology and Serology in Lab-
early in the chapter because they are the most abundant source of
oratory Medicine integrate the latest COVID-19 research to concepts and
genetic variation in the human genome. This chapter has expanded
laboratory techniques. Here are the applicable chapters and an example
content on molecular amplification methods and the molecular analy-
of the kind of COVID-19 questions related to a chapter’s content.
sis of amplification products. The alternatives to electrophoresis-based
techniques of pyrosequencing, mass spectrophotometry, and high per- Chapter 1—Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immune
formance liquid chromatography continue to be important topics in
this chapter. Other important topics are microarrays and Next Genera-
tion Sequencing Technology/Massively Parallel Sequencing. What are immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 virus?

Part III—Immunologic Manifestations of Infectious Chapter 2—Soluble Mediators of the Immune System
What’s a cytokine storm?
Diseases (Chapters 13-18)
Chapter 13, Infectious Diseases: Overview & TORCH Diseases Chapter 3—Antigens and Antibodies
is a newly organized chapter that continues to present a traditional
What are neutralizing antibodies?
overview of laboratory testing in infectious diseases. However, in this
edition TORCH (Toxoplasmosis, Other Viruses, Rubella, and Cyto- Chapter 4—Cellular Activities and Clinical Disorders of
megalovirus) infectious diseases are combined into a single chapter to
emphasize their similarities. The use of infectious diseases immunohis-
Innate and Adaptive Immunity
tochemistry (IHC), advantages of polymer-based immunohistochem- What are cytokine storm syndromes?
istry methods, and newer molecular testing approaches are carried
over into the new chapter. All of the statistics for chapters 13-18 have
Chapter 5—Basic Safety in the Immunology-Serology
been reviewed and updated as needed. All of the numerous testing Laboratory
algorithms have been reviewed and updated as needed. Is there new guidance for safety in the laboratory?

Part IV—Immune Disorders (Chapters 19-24) Chapter 6—Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Chapter 19, Primary and Acquired (Secondary) Immunodeficien- What are the major quality assurance topics related to the use of unap-
cies, has been expanded to include additional content related to innate proved laboratory diagnostic testing?

Chapter 9—Electrophoresis Techniques and • Test Bank: This test bank of more than 990 multiple choice ques-
Chromatography tions features answers, explanations, and cognitive levels. The test
bank can be used for review in class or for test development. More
What three laboratory methods of direct or indirect testing for COVID-
than 330 of the questions in the instructor test bank are available for
19 are available?
student use.
Chapter 12—Molecular Laboratory Techniques • PowerPoint Presentations: One PowerPoint presentation is given
per chapter; this feature can be used as is or as a template to prepare
What is the value of Next Generation Sequencing testing?
Chapter 13—Infectious Diseases • Image Collection: All the images from the book can be down-
loaded into PowerPoint presentations. The figures can be used
What kind of molecular testing and serological (antibody) assays are
during lectures to illustrate important concepts.
needed to assess the extent of virus spread and to determine the infec-
• Procedures: This feature presents the principles and application of
tion-related fatality rate?
procedures in every chapter.
Chapter 27—Primer on Vaccines • Sample Syllabi for MLT and MLS Students: One- and two-semes-
ter courses are available.
What is the difference among the eight research platforms being used
• Answers to Additional Review Questions: Students have access to
to develop a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine?
more than 330 questions that test their knowledge on the concepts
presented in the text. The questions and answers are available to
GENERAL, OVERALL IN-TEXT FEATURES • Chapter-Linked Digital Enrichment References: References to
• More Algorithms and other student-desired visual learning for- videos, animations, and virtual laboratories are available.
mats (figures, tables, and boxes) to meet the preferences of today’s
student. For the Student
• Key Concepts interwoven in every chapter to assist students to focus Evolve
on important topics as narrative content unfold in each ­chapter. . The student resources on Evolve include the following:
• Numerous Fully Developed Case Studies with etiology, patho- • Additional Review Questions: A set of more than 330 multiple
physiology, laboratory findings, and critical thinking group discus- choice questions provides extra review and practice.
sion questions link key concepts and procedures with a disorder, • Case Studies: Case studies provide additional opportunities for stu-
disease, or condition. dent application of chapter content in real-life scenarios.
• Applicable Procedures help students solidify concepts and gain
practical skills. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
• More Full-Color Images offer student-desired visual guides to
concepts and procedures. My objective in writing Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine,
• Extensive Number (total of more than 650) End-of-Chapter 7th edition, continues to be to share basic scientific concepts, procedural
Review Questions assist students in self-evaluation of content theory, and clinical applications with colleagues and students. Because
upon successful completion of each chapter. the knowledge base and technology in immunology and serology con-
tinues to expand, writing and revising a book that addresses the need of
teachers and students continues to be a challenge. In addition, this book
ANCILLARIES continues to provide me with the opportunity to learn and share my lab-
Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine includes additional oratory and teaching experience, and insight as an educator, with others.
resources for both instructors and students that are available on the Thank you to Ellen Wurm-Cutter and Heather Bays for guiding this
book’s companion website, Evolve. project. Also, thank you to Rich Barber for managing the production
of the book. Feedback from faculty reviewers and students has been
For the Instructor extremely helpful.
Evolve Comments from instructors and students are always welcome at
The companion Evolve website offers several features to aid instructors:
• Critical Analysis Group Discussion Questions: Complete expla-
nations are on the instructor’s side of Evolve for the open-ended, Mary L. Turgeon
case-related discussion questions. St. Petersburg, Florida

Mary Louise Turgeon, EdD, MLS(ASCP)CM, is an educator, author, The presentation of numerous professional workshops and lectures
and consultant in medical laboratory science education. Her career as complements Dr. Turgeon’s extensive teaching and writing activities.
an educator includes 15 years as a community college professor and Her career in medical laboratory science has spanned the globe with
Medical Laboratory Technology program director and 14 years as an active participation in a wide variety of professional meetings and work-
undergraduate and graduate university professor, Medical Labora- shops. Enthusiastic professional involvement has offered her the oppor-
tory Science program director, and departmental chairperson. Other tunity to share leading-edge knowledge with students and to meet and
university teaching has included teaching graduate Physician Assis- collaborate with medical laboratory science colleagues in the United
tant students at South University, Tampa, Florida and Northeastern States and worldwide, including China, Italy, Japan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
University, Boston, Massachusetts. Most recently, Dr. Turgeon taught and the United Arab Emirates. Professional volunteer activities have
a graduate immunology course to students in the Doctorate in Clin- taken her to distant locations such as Cambodia and Lesotho, Africa.
ical Laboratory Science program at the University of Texas Medical She is the author of medical laboratory science books (sold in more
Branch, Galveston, Texas. than 45 countries):
Dr. Turgeon is currently an ad hoc educational content specialist for • Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine, 6th edition (2018)
the College of Professional Studies, Northeastern University, Boston, • Linné & Ringsrud’s Clinical Laboratory Science, 8th edition (2020)
and maintains an active clinical laboratory science consulting practice. • Clinical Hematology, 6th edition (2018)
Her practice, Mary L. Turgeon and Associates, focuses on new program Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine has been translated
development, curriculum revision, and increasing teaching effective- into Italian and Chinese. Clinical Hematology has been translated into
ness through the use of technology and interactive teaching strategies. Spanish.


PART I Basic Immunologic Mechanisms PART IV: Immune Disorders

1. Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems, 2 19. Primary and Acquired Immunodeficiency
2. Soluble Mediators of the Immune System, 27 Syndromes, 298
3. Antigens and Antibodies, 46 20. Hypersensitivity Reactions, 338
4. Cellular Activities and Clinical Disorders of Innate and 21. Immunoproliferative Disorders, 355
Adaptive Immunity, 66 22. Tolerance, Autoimmunity, and Autoimmune
Disorders, 369
23. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, 396
PART II T he Theory of Immunologic and Serologic 24. Rheumatoid Arthritis, 415
5. Basic Safety in the Immunology-Serology PART V Transplantation & Tumor Immunology
Laboratory, 98
25. Transplantation: Human Leukocyte Antigens, Solid Organ,
6. Basic Quality Control and Quality Assurance Practices, 106
and Hematopoietic Stem Cells, 429
7. Basic Serologic Laboratory: Techniques and Clinical
26. Tumor Immunology and Applications of Massive Parallel
Applications, 116
Sequencing/Next-Generation Sequencing, 456
8. Precipitation and Particle Agglutination Methods, 130
9. Electrophoresis Techniques and Chromatography, 146
10. Labeling Techniques in Immunoassay, 153 PART VI Vaccines
11. Flow Cytometry, 163
12. Molecular Laboratory Techniques, 172 27. Primer on Vaccines, 480

Appendix A: Answers to Case Study Multiple Choice

PART III I mmunologic Manifestations of Infectious Questions, 502
Diseases Appendix B: A nswers to Review Questions, 505
Appendix C: Origin and Immunoregulatory Activity of
13. Infectious Diseases: Overview and TORCH Cytokines, 508
Diseases, 193 Appendix D: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), 512
14. Streptococcal Infections, 225 Appendix E: Vaccines Licensed in the United States by the
15. Syphilis, 233 Federal Drug Administration, 514
16. Vector-Borne Diseases, 246 Bibliography, 516
17. Infectious Mononucleosis, 264 Glossary, 528
18. Viral Hepatitis, 271 Index, 550

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Basic Immunologic
Chapter 1: Highlights of Innate and Adaptive
Immune Systems

Chapter 2: Soluble Mediators of the Immune


Chapter 3: Antigens and Antibodies

Chapter 4: Cellular Activities and Clinical

Disorders of Innate and Adaptive Immunity

Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems
What is Immunology?, 3 Secondary Lymphoid Organs, 15
Cells of the Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems, 3 Lymph Nodes, 16
Origin and Development of Blood Cells, 4 Spleen, 16
Blood and Tissue Cells Associated With Innate and Adaptive Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue, 16
­Immune Systems, 5 Thoracic Duct, 16
Granulocytes, 5 Bronchus-Associated Lymphoid Tissue, 16
Neutrophils, 5 Skin-Associated Lymphoid Tissue, 16
Blood, 16
Eosinophils, 7
Circulation of Lymphocytes, 17
Basophils, 7
Comparison of Innate and Adaptive Immunity, 17
Tissue Basophils (Mast Cells), 8
Role of Microbiota, 18
Mononuclear Phagocyte System, 8
Innate Immunity: the Early Defense, 18
Monocytes, 8
First Line of Defense, 18
Macrophages, 8
Second Line of Defense: Innate (Natural) Immunity, 18
Dendritic Cells, 9
Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns and Pattern Recognition
Lymphocyte Variations, 11
Receptors, 20
Lymphocyte Development, 11
Pattern Recognition Receptors, 20
T Cells, 12 Third Line of Defense: Adaptive Immunity, 20
B Cells, 12
Humoral-Mediated Immunity, 21
Plasma Cells, 13
Cell-Mediated Immunity, 23
Natural Killer Lymphocytes, 13 Case Study, 24
Innate Lymphoid Cells, 14 Procedure: Identification of Leukocytes Related to Immune
Primary Lymphoid Organs, 14 ­Function, 24
Bone Marrow, 14 Procedure: Screening Test for Phagocytic Engulfment, 24
Thymus, 14 Review Questions, 25

• D escribe the term immunology. • D escribe the maturation of a B lymphocyte from origination to
• Explain the functions of the immune system. plasma cell development.
• Describe the characteristics of five mature leukocytes and their • Describe the first, second, and third lines of body defense against
immune function. microbial diseases.
• Describe the general functions of granulocytes, monocytes- • Compare innate immunity and adaptive immunity.
macrophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells as components of the • Differentiate and compare the functions of primary and secondary
immune system. lymphoid tissues.
• Differentiate and compare the functions of primary and secondary • Analyze a case study related to immunity.
lymphoid tissues. • Correctly answer case study–related multiple choice questions.
• Describe the structure and function of a lymph node. • Participate in a discussion of critical thinking questions.
• Explain the role of the thymus in T lymphocyte maturation. • Correctly answer end-of-chapter review questions.

acquired immunity biological aging
active immunity B lymphocytes
adaptive immune system cell-mediated immunity
adaptive immunity chemokines
allografts clonal selection
antibodies cluster of differentiation (CD)
antigen complement
autoimmune disorder cytokines
basophils endotoxin

CHAPTER 1 Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems 3

endogenous macrophages
eosinophils major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
exogenous microbiome
exudate (pus) microbiota
genome monoclonal antibodies (MAbs)
gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) monoclonal gammopathies
hematopoiesis mononuclear phagocyte system
humoral-mediated immunity negative selection
immune senescence neutrophils
immunity passive immunity
immunocompetent pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)
immunogenic pattern recognition receptors (PRRs)
immunosuppression phagocytosis
inflammation plasma cells
innate immune system positive selection
interleukins (ILs) T lymphocytes
lymphocyte recirculation vaccination

in the innate division have receptors to recognize microbial products.

WHAT IS IMMUNOLOGY? The innate division can respond rapidly, but rather indiscriminately, to
Louis Pasteur is generally considered to be the “father of immunology.” a danger signal.
Some historic benchmarks in immunology are listed in Table 1.1. In contrast, adaptive immunity is specific and exhibits memory of
prior exposure to individual pathogens or foreign particles. Antibody
formation is a significant characteristic of adaptive immunity. In addi-
KEY CONCEPTS: Characteristics of the Immune System
tion, the adaptive division can rearrange genes, such as antibody or
• T he function of the immune system is to recognize self from nonself and to
antigen receptors, and achieve a highly targeted, precise response. This
defend the body against nonself.
process takes time, but it is much more selective than innate immunity.
• An effective immune response requires cooperative interaction between
Various specific cells and nonspecific constituents of the immune
specific cells of the immune system’s cellular elements, cell products, and
system, including soluble mediators (e.g., complement, the proteins that
nonlymphoid elements for optimal functioning.
are the major [fluid] component of natural immunity; see Chapter 2,
• Desirable consequences of immunity include natural resistance, recovery,
Soluble Mediators), in addition to antibodies, participate in body
and acquired resistance to infectious diseases.
defenses. The entire leukocytic cell system is designed to defend the
• Undesirable consequences of immunity include allergy, rejection of a trans-
body against disease. Each cell type has a unique function and behaves
planted organ, or an autoimmune disorder, in which the body’s own tissues
independently, or, in many cases, in cooperation with other cell types.
are attacked as nonself.
This chapter presents the general features of cornerstone concepts
• The immune system is usually conceptualized as having two divisions:
that support modern immunology. These themes are woven into sub-
the innate immune system, the immediate protection component, and the
sequent chapters throughout this book.
adaptive immune system, the slower but more focused defense component.

KEY CONCEPTS: Overview of Cells of the Innate and Adaptive

The term immunity has historically referred to resistance to pathogens
Immune Systems
based on the ability of the immune system to recognize and dispose
• The major blood and tissue cell components of the innate immune system
of foreign (nonself) material. Today it is recognized that the immune
include surface epithelial barriers.
system plays a critical role in both health and disease (Table 1.2). Desir-
• Tissue sentinel cells include macrophages, dendritic cells, and mast cells.
able consequences of immunity include natural resistance, recovery,
• Leukocytes associated with the innate immune system include neutrophils,
and acquired resistance to infectious diseases. Another advantage is the
eosinophils, and basophils, monocytes and macrophages derived from
scientific ability to manipulate the immune system to protect against
monocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, and innate lymphoid cells.
or treat a wide variety of clinical conditions. A deficiency or dysfunc-
• Lymphocytes are the key mediators of the adaptive immune system.
tion of the immune system can cause various disorders. Undesirable
• Tissue resident cells (dendritic cells, macrophages, and mast cells) act as
consequences of immunity include allergy, rejection of a transplanted
sentinels to detect the presence of microbes in tissues and initiate immune
organ, or an autoimmune disorder, in which the body’s own tissues
are attacked as if they were foreign.
The immune system is usually conceptualized as having two divisions:
the innate immune system (also called natural immunity or native immu- CELLS OF THE INNATE AND ADAPTIVE IMMUNE
nity), the immediate protection component, and the adaptive immune
system, the slower but more focused defense component (Fig. 1.1).
Innate immunity reflects a person’s ability to resist infections with The cells of the immune system are located in the peripheral blood and
first and second lines of defense that are nonspecifically directed at all different tissues. These cells function differently in host defense. Most
pathogens or foreign particles without memory of prior exposure. Cells of the cells derived from bone marrow precursors circulating in the
4 PART I Basic Immunologic Mechanisms

TABLE 1.1 Significant Milestones in TABLE 1.2 Importance of the Immune

Immunology System in Health and Disease
Date Scientists Discovery Role of Immune System Health Implications
1798 Jenner Smallpox vaccination Defense against infections Deficient immunity results in increased
1862 Haeckel Phagocytosis susceptibility to infections
1880–1881 Pasteur Live attenuated chicken cholera and anthrax Vaccination boosts immune defenses and
vaccines protects against infections
1883–1905 Metchnikoff Cellular theory of immunity through phago- Defense against tumors Potential for immunotherapy to treat
cytosis malignancies
1885 Pasteur Therapeutic vaccination Control of tissue regeneration Repair of damaged tissues
First report of live “attenuated” vaccine for and scarring
rabies Injury to cells and induction of Immune responses cause allergic, autoim-
1890 Von Behring, Humoral theory of immunity proposed pathologic inflammation mune, and other inflammatory diseases
Kitasatoa Recognition and response Immune responses are barriers to trans-
1891 Koch Demonstration of cutaneous (delayed-type) to tissue grafts and newly plantation and gene therapy
hypersensitivity introduced proteins
1900 Ehrlich Antibody formation theory Adapted from Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillae S: Basic immunology:
1902 Portier, Richet Immediate hypersensitivity anaphylaxis functions and disorders of the immune system, Philadelphia, 2020,
1903 Arthus Arthus reaction of intermediate hypersensitivity
1938 Marrack Hypothesis of antigen–antibody binding
1944 Hypothesis of allograft rejection tissue repair. Although the latter response is beneficial if short lived,
continued activation of the repair program may be detrimental if it
1949 Salk, Sabin Development of polio vaccine
becomes chronic.
1951 Reed Vaccine against yellow fever
In contrast, lymphocytes participate in adaptive body defenses pri-
1953 Graft-versus-host reaction marily through the recognition of foreign antigens and production of
1957 Burnet Clonal selection theory antibodies. Plasma cells are antibody-synthesizing cells.
1957 Interferon
1958–1962 Human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF BLOOD CELLS
1964–1968 T cell and B cell cooperation in immune
response Blood cell production, or hematopoiesis, begins in embryonic develop-
ment. Embryonic blood cells, excluding the lymphocyte type of white
1972 Identification of antibody molecule
blood cell (WBC), originate from the mesenchymal tissue that arises
1975 Köhler First monoclonal antibodies from the embryonic germ layer, the mesoderm (Fig. 1.2). The sites of
1985–1987 Identification of genes for T cell receptor hematopoiesis follow a definite sequence in the embryo and fetus:
1986 Monoclonal hepatitis B vaccine 1. In the embryo, self-renewing hematopoietic stem cells develop ini-
1986 Mosmann Th1 versus Th2 model of T helper cell function tially in the primitive yolk sac. The first blood cells are primitive red
1996–1998 Identification of toll-like receptors blood cells (RBCs, or erythroblasts), which are formed in the islets of
the yolk sac during the first 2 to 8 weeks of life. Advances in molec-
2001 FOXP3, the gene directing regulatory T cell
ular genetics have concluded that a large proportion of tissue-resi-
dent macrophage populations, including those in the pancreas, liver,
2005 Frazer Development of human papillomavirus vaccine brain, and skin, are derived from embryonic yolk sac progenitors.
2. Gradually the liver and spleen replace the yolk sac as the sites of
blood cell development. By the second month of gestation, the liver
peripheral blood are leukocytic white blood cells. Other immunologi- becomes the major site of hematopoiesis. Beginning in the fetal liver
cally active cells reside in tissues. Some cells function mainly in innate and later in bone marrow, hematopoietic stem cells give rise to the
immunity, others in adaptive immunity, and some in both innate and earliest myeloid and lymphoid progenitors. Pancreatic Langerhans
adaptive immune responses. cells in the epidermis were discovered to originate from embryonic
Leukocytes can be functionally divided into the general categories tissue, predominantly from the fetal liver. The liver and spleen pre-
of granulocyte, monocyte-macrophage, lymphocyte, or plasma cell. dominate from about 2 to 5 months of fetal life.
The primary phagocytic cells are the polymorphonuclear neutrophil 3. In the fourth month of gestation, bone marrow begins to produce
(PMN) leukocytes and the mononuclear monocytes-macrophages. blood cells. After the fifth fetal month, bone marrow begins to
The response of the body to pathogens involves cross-talk among assume its ultimate role as the primary site of hematopoiesis.
many immune cells, including macrophages, dendritic cells, and T The cellular elements of the blood are produced from a common
lymphocytes. CD34+ multipotential hematopoietic cell, the stem cell. Cluster of
The role of the innate system in tissue injury, particularly neutro- differentiation (CD) nomenclature for cell surface markers is a com-
phils and macrophages, is that these types of cells are recruited to sites mon system. The CD system can identify and discriminate between, or
of ischemic injury. Macrophages have a complex program in which “mark,” different cell populations, or it can differentiate maturational
they first release proinflammatory mediators to fight pathogens but stages of various leukocytes, particularly lymphocytes (Table 1.3; also
may then initiate programs to help in the clearance of dead tissue and see Fig. 4.5 and Table 4.3).
CHAPTER 1 Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems 5


Innate immunity Adaptive immunity



B lymphocytes
Plasma cells
Mast Dendritic
cells cells

NK cells T lymphocytes
Complement and ILCs Effector T cells
Hours Days
0 6 12 1 3 5
Time after infection
Fig. 1.1 Principal Mechanisms of Innate and Adaptive Immunity. The mechanisms of innate immunity
provide the initial defense against infections. Some mechanisms (e.g., epithelial barriers) prevent infections,
and other mechanisms (e.g., phagocytes, natural killer [NK] cells, and other innate lymphoid cells [ILCs] and
the complement system) eliminate microbes. Adaptive immune responses develop later and are mediated by
lymphocytes and their products. Antibodies block infections and eliminate microbes, and T lymphocytes erad-
icate intracellular microbes. The kinetics of the innate and adaptive immune responses are approximations
and may vary in different infections. (From Abbas AK, Lichtman, AH, Pillai S: Basic immunology: functions and
disorders of the immune system, ed 5, Philadelphia, 2016, Elsevier.)

After stem cell differentiation, blast cells arise for each of the major Normally only mature cells are seen in the peripheral blood circula-
categories of cell types. Subsequent maturation of these blast cells pro- tion, but immature cells may appear in the peripheral blood in certain
duces the major cellular elements of the circulating blood, the erythro- disease states. Each mature cell type has an identifiable appearance,
cytes (RBCs), thrombocytes (platelets), and specific types of leukocytes a unique function, independent behavior, or cooperative interaction
(WBCs). In normal peripheral or circulating blood, the following types with other cell types. Each cell type has a normal life span and function.
of leukocytes can be found, in order of frequency: neutrophils, lym-
phocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils.
BLOOD AND TISSUE CELLS ASSOCIATED WITH Granulocytic leukocytes can be further subdivided on the basis of
morphology into neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. Granulo-
INNATE AND ADAPTIVE IMMUNE SYSTEMS cytes develop in the bone marrow. The maturation stages are similar
Cooperation is required for optimal function of the immune system. for all granulocytes; each begins as a multipotential stem cell in the
This cooperative interaction involves specific cells of the immune bone marrow.
system, cell products, and soluble mediators. Cells of the immune
system consist of specialized cells that capture and display microbial Neutrophils
antigens, effector cells that eliminate microbes, and various subsets of The most numerous of the granulocytes are PMN leukocytes, or seg-
lymphocytes. mented neutrophil leukocytes. Neutrophils make up about 59% of the
The principal functions of the major cell types involved in the leukocytes in the peripheral blood of adults, with a range of 35% to 71%.
immune response are: Infants and children have fewer neutrophils and more lymphocytes.
1. Specific recognition of antigens or foreign particles Cells of the neutrophil series are generally round with smooth mar-
2. Capture and processing of antigens or foreign particles for dis- gins or edges. As the cells mature, they become progressively smaller.
play to lymphocytes Most immature cells have cytoplasm that stains dark blue and becomes
3. Elimination of offending antigens or foreign particles light pink as the cells mature. As the cells mature, nonspecific granules
The major blood and tissue cell components of the innate immune that stain blue to reddish purple appear in the cytoplasm. Eventually,
system are surface epithelial barriers; tissue sentinel cells, including these nonspecific granules are replaced by specific neutrophilic granules.
macrophages, dendritic cells, and mast cells; leukocytes, including Nuclear changes also occur as the cells mature. As the cell matures,
granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils), monocytes and the nucleus decreases in relative size and begins to contort or form
macrophages derived from monocytes, and NK cells; and innate lym- lobes. At the same time the nuclear chromatin changes from a fine, del-
phoid cells. Lymphocytes are the key mediators of the adaptive immune icate pattern to the more clumped pattern characteristic of the mature
system. Some cells, such as tissue-resident cells (dendritic cells, mac- cell. The staining of the nucleus also changes from reddish purple to
rophages, and mast cells), act as sentinels to detect the presence of bluish purple as the cell matures. Nucleoli may be apparent in the early
microbes in tissues and initiate immune responses. Formed elements forms but gradually disappear as the chromatin thickens and the cell
of the circulating blood go through a series of developmental stages. matures.
6 PART I Basic Immunologic Mechanisms

Pluripotent stem cell


Erythroblast Megakaryoblast Myeloblast Monoblast Lymphoblast

Basophil Eosinophil Neutrophil

Reticulocyte Megakaryocyte Lymphocyte
myelocyte myelocyte myelocyte

Erythrocyte Basophil Eosinophil Neutrophil Monocyte T lymphocyte B lymphocyte

Granulocytes Agranulocytes

Fig. 1.2 Diagram of Hematopoiesis. Diagram shows derivation of cells from the pluripotential stem cell.
(From Waugh A, Grant A: Ross and Wilson anatomy and physiology in health and illness, ed 13, Philadelphia,
2018, Elsevier. Photographic inserts from Telser AG, Young JK, Baldwin KM: Elsevier’s integrated histology,
Edinburgh, 2007, Mosby; and Young B, Lowe JS, Stevens A, et al: Wheater’s functional histology: a text and
colour atlas, Edinburgh, 2006, Churchill Livingstone. Reproduced with permission.)

TABLE 1.3 Examples of Cluster of

Differentiation (CD) Molecules
CD Number Main Cellular Expression
CD2 (LFA-2) T lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells
CD4 Class II MHC–restricted T lymphocytes, some macrophages
CD8b Class I MHC–restricted T lymphocytes
CD16b Neutrophils
CD20 Most B lymphocytes
CD36 Platelets, monocytes, macrophages, endothelial cells
CD80 Dendritic cells, activated B lymphocytes, macrophages
MHC, Major histocompatibility complex.
Adapted from Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillae S: Basic immunology: func-
tions and disorders of the immune system, ed 6, St. Louis, 2020, Elsevier.

Neutrophils (Fig. 1.3) are recognized as an essential part of the

innate immune response. Previously neutrophils were believed to be
directly eliminated in the marrow, liver, and spleen after circulating for Fig. 1.3 Segmented Neutrophil. (From Rodak BF, Carr JH: Clinical
hematology atlas, ed 4, St. Louis, 2013, Elsevier.)
less than 1 day. It has now been established that neutrophils redistrib-
ute into multiple tissues. Neutrophils exist in the peripheral blood for
about 10 hours after they are released from the marrow. During this
CHAPTER 1 Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems 7

time they move back and forth between the general blood circulation plumper and the chromatin often stains lighter purple than in the neu-
and the walls of the blood vessels, where they accumulate. They also trophil. The nuclear membrane is distinct, and no nucleoli are visible.
leave the blood and enter the tissues, where they carry out their pri- The cytoplasm is usually colorless, but it may be faintly basophilic. It
mary functions. In the tissues neutrophils fight bacterial infections and is crowded with spheric acidophilic granules, which stain red-orange
are then destroyed or eliminated from the body by the excretory system with eosin and are larger and more distinct than neutrophilic granules.
(intestinal tract, urine, lungs, or saliva). The granules are evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm but are
Neutrophilic leukocytes, particularly the PMN type, provide an rarely seen overlying the nucleus. A second population of eosinophilic
effective host defense against bacterial and fungal infections. The granules is highly refractive, a feature that is often a valuable distin-
antimicrobial function of PMNs is essential in the innate immune guishing characteristic.
response. Although other granulocytes are also phagocytic cells, the The eosinophil is considered to be a regulator of inflammation.
PMNs and macrophages are the principal cells associated with phago- Functionally this means that the eosinophil attempts to suppress an
cytosis (i.e., the capture and destruction of invading microorganisms; inflammatory reaction to prevent the excessive spread of the inflam-
see Chapter 4) and a localized inflammatory response. Inflammatory mation. The eosinophil may also play a role in the host defense mecha-
exudate (pus), which develops rapidly in an inflammatory response, is nism because of its ability to kill certain parasites. Although capable of
composed primarily of neutrophils and monocytes. participating in phagocytosis, eosinophils and basophils are less effec-
PMNs can prolong inflammation by the release of soluble sub- tive in phagocytosis than neutrophils. Eosinophils exist in the periph-
stances, such as cytokines and chemokines. The role of neutrophils in eral blood for less than 8 hours after release from the marrow and have
influencing the adaptive immune response is believed to include shut- a short survival time in the tissues.
tling pathogens to draining lymph nodes, antigen presentation, and An increase in eosinophils is associated with a wide variety of con-
modulation of T lymphocyte responses. ditions, but especially with allergic reactions, drug reactions, certain
Mature neutrophils are found in two evenly divided pools: the skin disorders, parasitic infestations, collagen vascular diseases, Hod-
circulating and the marginating pools. The marginating granulocytes gkin disease, and myeloproliferative diseases.
adhere to the vascular endothelium. In the peripheral blood these cells
are only in transit to their potential sites of action in the tissues. Move- Basophils
ment of granulocytes from the circulating pool to the peripheral tissues Basophils (Fig. 1.5) are granulocytes that normally constitute an aver-
occurs by movement through the vessel wall. Once in the peripheral age of 0.6% of the total circulating leukocytes. They are about the same
tissues the neutrophils are able to carry out their function of capture size as neutrophils, but their nuclei usually occupy a relatively greater
and destruction of invading pathogens or foreign particles. portion of the cell. The nucleus is often extremely irregular in shape,
varying from a lobular form to a form showing indentations that are
Eosinophils not deep enough to divide it into definite lobes. The nuclear pattern
Although capable of participating in phagocytosis, eosinophils and is indistinct and stains purple or blue. The nuclear membrane is fairly
basophils have less phagocytic activity. The ineffectiveness of these distinct, and no nucleoli are visible. The cytoplasm is usually color-
cells results from the small number of cells in the circulating blood and less; it contains a variable number of deeply stained, coarse, round, or
a lack of powerful digestive enzymes. However, both eosinophils and angular basophilic granules. The granules (metachromatic) stain deep
basophils are functionally important in the body’s defense. purple or black; occasionally a few smaller, brownish granules may be
Eosinophils (Fig. 1.4) are granulocytes and generally make up present. They may overlie and obscure the nucleus. Because the gran-
about 3% of the circulating leukocytes. They are slightly larger than ules are soluble in water, occasionally a few or even most of them may
neutrophils. The nucleus occupies a relatively small part of the cell. The be dissolved during the staining procedure. When this occurs, the cell
nucleus is usually bilobed, and occasionally three lobes are seen. The
nuclear structure is similar to that of the neutrophil, but the lobes are

Fig. 1.4 Eosinophil. (From Rodak BF, Carr JH: Clinical hematology Fig. 1.5 Basophil. (From Rodak BF, Carr JH: Clinical hematology atlas,
atlas, ed 4, St. Louis, 2013, Elsevier.) ed 4, St. Louis, 2013, Elsevier.)
8 PART I Basic Immunologic Mechanisms

contains vacuoles in place of granules, and the cytoplasm may appear

grayish or brownish in their vicinity. The cytoplasm of a mature baso-
phil is colorless.
Basophils have high concentrations of heparin and histamine in
their granules. If events are triggered by antigens from pollen, food,
drugs, or insect venom, the result is an immediate hypersensitivity

Tissue Basophils (Mast Cells)

Tissue basophils are also called mast cells. Mast cells are bone mar-
row–derived cells found in the skin and mucosal barriers. These cells
resemble basophils with abundant basophilic, cytoplasmic granules.
Tissue basophils are activated by microbial binding and complement
components as part of innate immunity or by an antibody-dependent
mechanism of adaptive immunity. Degranulation occurs when an
antigen such as pollen binds to two adjacent immunoglobulin E (IgE)
antibody molecules located on the surface of mast cells. The events
resulting from the release of the contents of these basophilic granules Fig. 1.6 Monocyte. (From Rodak BF, Carr JH: Clinical hematology atlas,
ed 4, St. Louis, 2013, Elsevier.)
include increased vascular permeability, smooth muscle spasm, and
vasodilation. If severe, this reaction can result in anaphylactic shock
(see Chapter 20). leukocytes, ranging from 2% to 10%, depending on the laboratory or
Tissue basophils are an important defense against parasitic hel- author. Monocytes are the largest of the normal leukocytes.
minths and other pathogens, in addition to snake and insect venom. The nucleus is fairly large; it may be round, oval, indented, lobular,
Some subsets of basophils are involved in normal tissue homeostasis notched, or rarely even segmented, but most frequently it is indented
(e.g., neurogenic and endocrine responses). or horseshoe shaped. The nuclear chromatin stains light purple and is
delicate or lacy. Chromatin and parachromatin are sharply segregated,
and the chromatin is distributed in a linear arrangement of delicate
MONONUCLEAR PHAGOCYTE SYSTEM strands, which gives the nucleus a stringy appearance. The nuclear
In the past the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) was known only membrane is delicate but not distinct, and nucleoli usually are not seen.
as a scavenger cell system. Recently the role of the MPS as a complex The cytoplasm is abundant and stains gray or gray-blue. It may
component of the immune system in the host defense against infection contain numerous small, poorly defined granules, resulting in a
has been recognized. The MPS is considered a cellular system because “ground-glass” appearance, and is often vacuolated. Extremely fine and
of the common origin, similar morphology, and shared functions, abundant azurophilic granules are present; this granulation is called
including rapid phagocytosis, mediated by receptors and a major frag- azure dust and is seen only in monocytes. The granules vary in color
ment of complement (C1). from light pink to bright purplish red. In addition, phagocytized parti-
Cells of the MPS system originate in the bone marrow from the cles may be seen in the cytoplasm.
multipotential stem cell. This common committed progenitor cell can
differentiate into the granulocyte or monocyte-macrophage pathway, Macrophages
depending on the microenvironment and chemical regulators. Matu- The macrophage (Fig. 1.7) and its precursors are widely distributed
ration and differentiation of these cells may occur in various directions. throughout the body. Macrophages have long been viewed as major
Circulating monocytes may continue to be multipotential and give rise components of the innate immune system as a result of their ability
to different types of macrophages. to coordinate directional movement with the detection and elimina-
The MPS consists of monocytes, dendritic cells, and macrophages. tion of foreign entities. Macrophages also facilitate tissue repair and
The system, comprised of promonocytes and their precursors in the remodeling, resolution of inflammation, maintenance of homeostasis,
bone marrow, monocytes in circulation, and terminally differentiated and disease progression.
macrophages at peripheral tissue sites, represents a continuum that is Although distinct macrophage subsets populate the developing
dynamically controlled through proliferation, differentiation, matu- embryo and fetus in three distinct waves, little is known about the
ration, and precise movement of cells (trafficking). Macrophages and functional differences between in utero macrophage populations
monocytes resident in the tissues of the body are already strategically and how they might contribute to fetal and neonatal immunity.
placed to recognize and deal with an intruding agent. They migrate Macrophage populations may share common functional properties
freely into the tissues from the blood to replenish and reinforce the in the moments after their differentiation from myeloid progeni-
macrophage population. tors during fetal hematopoiesis. Upon trafficking to the circulation
The MPS contributes to various functions that are essential for and into various tissues, the local microenvironment then shapes
maintaining homeostasis, activation of innate immunity, and bridging macrophage biology and promotes specialized, tissue-specific
it with the adaptive immunity. The MPS is highly significant in bolster- functions.
ing immunity against pathogens. An initial concept was that tissue macrophages were derived from
multiple organs in early-stage monocyte differentiation, the kinetics of
tissue macrophage repopulation by circulating monocytes, and macro-
MONOCYTES phage proliferation in tissues. Now it is recognized that a steady-state
Monocytes (Fig. 1.6), as with granulocytes, are produced mainly in maintenance of tissue macrophage populations is not the result of the
the bone marrow. Monocytes, like granulocytes, are derived from the recruitment of circulating macrophages, but rather of proliferation of
myeloid cell line. They make up about 4% to 6% of normal circulating tissue-resident cells. There is a fundamental distinction in macrophage
CHAPTER 1 Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems 9

Fig. 1.7 Electron Micrograph of a Macrophage. (From Barrett JT: Textbook of immunology, ed 5, St. Louis,
1988, Mosby.)

populations and function. Tissue homeostasis is maintained by resi- granulomatous inflammatory diseases, such as tuberculosis. Both
dent macrophages established during development; macrophages gen- monocytes and macrophages can be shown in the lesions in these dis-
erated from adult hematopoiesis participate predominantly in response eases before the formation of giant cells, thought to be precursors of the
to tissue insult and disease resolution. Resident macrophages can be multinucleated cells.
distinguished from macrophages that enter tissues from the circulation Macrophages and neutrophils have different characteristics, but
because they tend to express higher levels of the G-protein–coupled they are the most effective phagocytic cells (Table 1.4).
receptor F4/80.
Specialized macrophages, such as the pulmonary alveolar macro- Dendritic Cells
phages, are the so-called dust phagocytes of the lung that function as Dendritic cells (DCs) (also known as accessory cells) resemble the
the first line of defense against inhaled foreign particles and bacteria. microscopic appearance of nerve cells (i.e., dendrites) with long,
Macrophages line the endothelium of capillaries and the sinuses of stringlike extensions. DCs act as sentinels in tissues that respond
organs such as the bone marrow, spleen, and lymph nodes. Kupffer to microbes by producing soluble substances, cytokines. They
cells, also known as stellate macrophages, are specialized macrophages act as messengers between the innate and the adaptive immune
located in the liver, lining the walls of the sinusoids that form part of systems.
the MPS (Fig. 1.8). The common portals of entry for microbes are the skin and the gas-
Functionally the most important step in the maturation of mac- trointestinal, respiratory, and urogenital tracts. These tissue locations
rophages is the mediator (cytokine)–driven conversion of the normal contain the classic, or conventional, DCs (Table 1.5). DCs or macro-
resting macrophage to the activated macrophage. Macrophages can be phages residing in tissues capture microbes or antigens and present
activated during infection by the release of macrophage-activating processed antigen to lymphocytes; these are the first steps in the devel-
cytokines, such as interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and granulocyte opment of an adaptive immune response.
colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), from T lymphocytes specifically The main function of tissue DCs is to process antigens and pres-
sensitized to antigens from the infecting microorganisms. This interac- ent them on the cell surface to the T lymphocytes of the immune sys-
tion constitutes the basis of cell-mediated immunity. In addition, mac- tem. Other antigen-presenting cells (macrophages and B lymphocytes)
rophages exposed to an endotoxin release a hormone, tumor necrosis present antigens to differentiated effector T lymphocytes in various
factor α (TNF-α), or cachectin, which can activate macrophages itself immune responses.
under certain in vitro conditions. Follicular dendritic cells reside in the germinal centers of lymphoid
The terminal stage of development in the mononuclear phago- follicles in peripheral lymphoid organs and display antigens that stim-
cyte cell line is the multinucleated giant cell, which characterizes ulate the differentiation of B lymphocytes in the follicles.
10 PART I Basic Immunologic Mechanisms

Nervous tissue
(microglial cells)

Lymph nodes

Lungs Bone
(pulmonary alveolar (osteoclasts)

Liver Spleen
(Kupffer cells) (macrophages)

(glomerular mesangial cells)
Connective tissue
(tissue macrophages)
or histiocytes
Fig. 1.8 Mononuclear Phagocyte System. (Adapted from Roitt IM: Essential immunology, ed 5, Oxford,
1984, Blackwell Scientific.)

TABLE 1.4 Comparison of Characteristics of Neutrophils and Macrophages

Neutrophils Monocytes-Macrophages
Life cycle Highly variable concentration in peripheral circulating blood, but react with Consistent concentration produced at a steady state
increased concentration in infection
Only migrate to inflamed tissue injury Migrate into tissues without the presence of inflammation
Die a few hours after migrating into tissue and encountering pathogen Can survive for many years after encountering pathogens
Killing of patho- Phagocytosis Phagocytosis
gens Kill pathogens by release of toxic molecules and enzymes Kill pathogens by release of toxic molecules and enzymes
Produce neutrophil cellular trapsa
Interaction with Short-lived secretion of soluble mediators, chemokines, that recruits more Recruit neutrophils to site of inflammation/infection by secreting
other immune neutrophils to the site of inflammation/infection soluble mediators, cytokines
components Respond to soluble mediator interleukin (IL-17) from the adaptive immune Respond to soluble mediator, interferon, from adaptive immune
system system
Do not provide many signals to interact with adaptive immune system Stimulate adaptive immune system by presenting processed
antigen and secreting soluble mediators, cytokines
aNeutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are networks of extracellular fibers, primarily composed of DNA from neutrophils, which bind pathogens. NETs
are a first line of defense against infection because NETs kill invading pathogens by engulfing microbes and secreting antimicrobial mediators.
Adapted from Helbert M: Immunology for medical students, ed 3, St. Louis, 2017, Elsevier.

TABLE 1.5 Classic Human Dendritic Cell Subsets

Major Cross Presentinga Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cellsb
Major proposed Innate immunity: Source of inflammatory Antiviral immunity: Early innate response;
functions cytokines priming of antiviral T lymphocytes
Adaptive immunity: Capture and presentation Adaptive immunity: Capture and cross presenta-
of antigens mostly to CD4+ T lymphocytes tion of antigens to CD8+ T lymphocytes
aPresentation of exogenous antigens on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules, which is essential for the initiation of CD8+
T cell responses.
bA rare type of immune cell that circulates in the blood and is found in peripheral lymphoid organs. These cells secrete large quantities of type 1

interferon (IFN) in response to a viral infection.

Adapted from Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillai S: Cellular and molecular immunology, ed 9, Philadelphia, 2018, Elsevier.
CHAPTER 1 Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems 11

Fig. 1.9 Lymphocytes. (From Rodak BF, Carr JH: Clinical hematology atlas, ed 4, St. Louis, 2013, Elsevier.)

LYMPHOCYTE VARIATIONS Lymphocyte Development

The adaptive immune system is composed of the cellular and humoral In mammalian immunologic development the precursors of lympho-
systems. Each of the two arms of the adaptive immune system has fun- cytes arise from progenitor cells of the yolk sac and liver in the embryo
damental mechanisms allowing the body to attack an invading patho- (Fig. 1.10). Later in fetal development and throughout the life cycle the
gen. The immunologically specific cellular component of the immune bone marrow becomes the sole provider of undifferentiated progeni-
system is organized around two classes of specialized cells, T lympho- tor cells, which can further develop into lymphoblasts. Continued cel-
cytes and B lymphocytes. Lymphocytes recognize foreign antigens, lular development and proliferation of lymphoid precursors occur as
directly destroy some cells, or produce antibodies as plasma cells. the cells travel to the primary and secondary lymphoid tissues. Mature
Virgin, or naïve, lymphocytes (Fig. 1.9) are mature T or B lympho- lymphocytes differentiate into the main categories of T lymphocytes
cytes that have not encountered or been stimulated by a foreign anti- or B lymphocytes (Table 1.6) and include different subsets of highly
gen. Naïve and memory lymphocytes are both called resting lymphocytes specialized lymphocytes (discussed in Chapter 4).
because they are not actively dividing or performing immune functions. Naïve lymphocytes must see proteins displayed by dendritic cells
A newly discovered lymphocyte, the innate lymphoid cell, straddles to initiate clonal expansion and differentiation of T lymphocytes into
the innate and adaptive immune systems. Unlike lymphocytes associ- effector and memory cells. Naïve lymphocytes produce cytokines simi-
ated with the adaptive immune system, innate lymphoid cells cannot lar to helper T cells but do not express T cell antigen receptors.
perform gene rearrangement of their antigen receptors. Although con- Lymphocytes make up about 34% of the leukocytes in the normal
ventional classes of lymphocytes greatly outnumber innate lymphoid adult. Infants and children normally have more lymphocytes and fewer
cells, innate cells have been implicated in a variety of diseases, especially neutrophils than adults, a reversed differential. Lymphocytes fall into
ones associated with mucosal surfaces such as the skin, lung, and gut. two general groups, small and large. Most normal lymphocytes are small.
When observed microscopically, lymphocytes are described based
on their size and cytoplasmic granularity. Small lymphocytes are found
KEY CONCEPTS: Facts About Lymphocyte Development
in the greatest numbers. The small lymphocyte is composed chiefly of
• In mammalian immunologic development the precursors of lymphocytes
nucleus and is the type of lymphocyte predominating in normal adult
arise from progenitor cells of the yolk sac and liver in the embryo.
blood. It is about the same size as a normocytic (nucleated) RBC and is
• Later in fetal development and throughout the life cycle, the bone marrow
a useful size marker during examination of the peripheral blood film,
becomes the sole provider of undifferentiated progenitor cells, which can
especially in cases of megaloblastic anemia, in which all cell forms
further develop into lymphoblasts.
other than lymphocytes are increased in diameter.
• Continued cellular development and proliferation of lymphoid precursors
The nucleus is round or slightly notched, and the nuclear chromatin
occur as the cells travel to the primary and secondary lymphoid tissues.
is in the form of coarse, dense, deeply staining blocks. There is rela-
• Mature lymphocytes differentiate into the main categories of T lympho-
tively little parachromatin, and it is not very distinct. Almost the entire
cytes or B lymphocytes and include different subsets of highly specialized
nucleus stains deep purple. The nuclear membrane is heavy and dis-
tinct, and nucleoli are not usually seen. The cytoplasm appears in the
• T cells arise in the thymus from fetal liver or bone marrow precursors that
form of a narrow band that stains pale blue with few, if any, red (azure)
seed the thymus during embryonic development.
• B lymphocytes most likely mature in the bone marrow and function primar-
The large lymphocyte shows a further increase in the size of the
ily in antibody production or the formation of antibodies.
nucleus and an increase in the relative amount of cytoplasm. The
• Plasma cells arise as the end stage of B cell differentiation into a large,
nucleus contains more parachromatin and thus stains more lightly
activated plasma cell.
than the nuclei of the smaller forms. The chromatin is still present in
• An increase in the number of lymphocytes is associated with viral infec-
clumps, without distinct outlines because of the blending of chroma-
tin and parachromatin. The nuclear membrane is distinct, and nucleoli
• NK lymphocytes are very important in host defense and are recognized as
usually are not seen. The cytoplasm in this form can be abundant, and
a unique and important part of the immune system with roles in both infec-
azure granules are frequently seen. The cytoplasm color varies from
tious disease defense and tumor surveillance.
colorless to a clear light or medium blue. The cytoplasm of the large
• A newly discovered type of lymphocyte, the innate lymphoid cell, straddles
granular lymphocyte can be deeply basophilic. Morphologically T and
the innate and adaptive immune systems.
B lymphocytes appear identical on a Wright-stained blood film, but
12 PART I Basic Immunologic Mechanisms


Yolk sac

Fig. 1.10 Development of Immunologic Organs. The anatomy of the human fetus illustrates the develop-
ment of the mammalian immune system. Cells of the pharyngeal pouches migrate into the chest and form
the thymus. Precursors of lymphocytes originate early in embryonic life in the yolk sac and eventually migrate
to the bone marrow via the spleen and liver.

TABLE 1.6 Stages of Maturation of T and B They migrate to various sites in the body to await antigenic stimulus
Lymphocytes and activation. Only when immunologic studies are performed can
these cells be identified as belonging to specific subsets of lymphocytes.
Stages of Immature Mature As lymphocytes mature, their identity and function are specified by the
Maturation Stem Cell Cell Cell antigenic structures on their external membrane surface.
T Lymphocyte
Anatomic location Bone marrow Thymus Peripheral blood T Cells
Response to None Positive and nega- Activation (and T cells arise in the thymus from fetal liver or bone marrow precur-
antigen tive selection differentiation) sors that seed the thymus during embryonic development. These
CD34+ progenitor cells develop in the thymic cortex. B lympho-
B Lymphocyte cytes are derived from hematopoietic stem cells by a complex series
Anatomic location Bone marrow Bone marrow/ Peripheral blood of differentiation events. T lymphocytes mature in the thymus
peripheral blood and function in cell-mediated immune responses, such as delayed
Response to None Negative selection Activation (pro- hypersensitivity, graft-versus-host reactions, and allograft rejection.
antigen (deletion), recep- liferation and T cells make up the majority of the lymphocytes circulating in the
tor editing differentiation) peripheral blood. In the periphery of the thymus they further differ-
entiate into multiple different T cell subpopulations with different
Adapted from Turgeon ML: Clinical hematology, ed 6, Philadelphia, functions, including cytotoxicity and the secretion of soluble factors
2018, Lippincott. (cytokines). Many different cytokines have been identified, includ-
ing 25 interleukin molecules and more than 40 chemokines; their
their appearance is very different with scanning electron microscopy functions include growth promotion, differentiation, chemotaxis,
(Fig. 1.11) and cell stimulation.
After antigenic stimulation, small lymphocytes can undergo trans-
formation. These transformed cells appear large on Wright-stained B Cells
films, with a relatively large amount of deep blue cytoplasm, and are B lymphocytes most likely mature in the bone marrow and function
called large granular lymphocytes. The large nucleus has a reticular primarily in antibody production or the formation of immunoglob-
appearance, with uniform chromatin and prominent nucleoli. Such ulins. B cells constitute about 10% to 30% of the blood lymphocytes.
cells have various names, including reactive, atypical, variant, and retic- Some activated B cells differentiate into memory B cells, long-lived
ular lymphocytes. cells that circulate in the blood. Memory B cells may live for years, but
Nucleoli can be observed in reactive or neoplastic lymphocyte mature B cells that are not activated live only for days. B lymphocytes
nucleoli but are not routinely observed in normal resting lymphocytes. undergo blast transformation into plasma cells with appropriate anti-
An increase in the number of lymphocytes is associated with viral gen stimulation.
infections. It is characteristic of certain acute infections, such as infec- Mammalian B cell development encompasses a continuum of stages
tious mononucleosis; pertussis, mumps, and rubella; and German that begins in primary lymphoid tissue, such as human fetal liver and
measles, and of chronic infections, such as tuberculosis, brucellosis, fetal or adult marrow, with subsequent functional maturation in sec-
and infectious hepatitis. The changes seen in these diseases have been ondary lymphoid tissue, such as human lymph nodes and spleen. The
referred to as reactive or atypical changes and are particularly associated functional or protective endpoint is antibody production by terminally
with infectious mononucleosis. The cells are called reactive lymphocytes differentiated plasma cells. At least 10 distinct transcription factors reg-
because the increased amount and apparent activity of the cytoplasm ulate the early stages of B cell development.
indicate that it may be reacting to some sort of stimulus. These cells can B cells are derived from progenitor cells through an antigen-­
be referred to as variant forms. independent maturation process occurring in the bone marrow
Lymphocytes act to direct the immune response system of the body. and gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Plasma cells or anti-
Maturation of lymphocytes in the bone marrow or thymus results in body-forming cells are terminally differentiated B cells. These cells
cells that are immunocompetent. The cells are able to respond to anti- are entirely devoted to antibody production, a primary host defense
genic challenges by directing the immune responses of the host defense. against microorganisms.
CHAPTER 1 Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems 13



Fig. 1.11 Scanning Electron Photomicrographs of Lymphocyte Cell Surface Membranes. A, T and B lym-
phocytes. B, T lymphocyte. C, B lymphocyte. (From Polliack A, Lampen N, Clarkson BD, et al: Identification of
human B and T lymphocytes by scanning electron microscopy, J Exp Med 138:607–624, 1973.)

Plasma Cells
Plasma cells (Fig. 1.12) are not normally found in the circulating blood
but are found in the bone marrow in concentrations that do not nor-
mally exceed 2%. A greater concentration of plasma cells can be seen
in the bone marrow.
After binding and cooperative interaction with T cells, B cells
undergo transformation into plasma cells. B lymphocyte differentia-
tion is complex and proceeds through both an antigen-independent
and an antigen-dependent state, culminating in the generation of
mature, end-stage, plasma cells.
Plasma cells are large with a round or an oval nucleus that is usu-
ally in an eccentric position. The chromatin consists of deeply stained,
heavy masses that may be arranged in a radial pattern. The cytoplasm
is strongly basophilic. There may be a pale, clear zone in the cytoplasm
to one side of the nucleus, referred to as a hof. Immature forms may
occasionally be seen.
Plasma cells function in the synthesis of immunoglobulins. They Fig. 1.12 Plasma Cell. (From Rodak BF, Carr JH: Clinical hematology
may be seen in the peripheral blood of patients with measles, chick- atlas, ed 4, St. Louis, 2013, Elsevier.)
enpox, or scarlet fever and in the malignant conditions of multiple
myeloma and plasmacytic leukemia. important part of the immune system, with roles in both infectious
disease defense and tumor surveillance. Originally described in terms
Natural Killer Lymphocytes of natural killing of tumors, NK lymphocytes have a major role in con-
The third major population of lymphocytes, NK lymphocytes, uses trolling pathogens, especially viruses. Clonal expansion of NK cells
different strategies to discriminate self from nonself. These cells are occurs after viral exposure. Human patients with selective NK cell defi-
very important in host defense and are recognized as a unique and ciencies have recurrent, severe viral infections.
14 PART I Basic Immunologic Mechanisms

NK cells vary morphologically from typical lymphocytes and

appear as large lymphocytes with characteristic azurophilic granules
in the cytoplasm. There are two phenotypically distinct subsets of NK
cells. A total of 70% to 80% of NK cells have the appearance of large
granular lymphocytes (LGLs). Up to about 75% of LGLs function as
Thymus (primary tissue)
NK cells, and LGLs appear to account fully for the NK activity in mixed Right lymphatic duct
cell populations.
The NK subpopulation is approximately 10% of circulating lympho-
Bone marrow
cytes. NK lymphocytes lack conventional antigen receptors of T or B (primary tissue)
cells. Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) demonstrate that NK cells express
lymphatic duct
a variety of surface membrane markers (see Table 4.3). NK cells synthe- Spleen
size a number of cytokines involved in the modulation of hematopoiesis (secondary tissue)
and immune responses and in the regulation of their own activities.
NK cells destroy target cells through an extracellular, nonphago- Intestine:
Peyer patches
cytic mechanism referred to as a cytotoxic reaction. Target cells include (secondary tissue) Lymph nodes
tumor cells, some cells of the embryo, cells of the normal bone mar- (secondary tissue)
row and thymus, and microbial agents. A considerable number of NK
cells may be present in other tissues, particularly in the lungs and liver,
where they may play important roles in inflammatory reactions and in
host defense, including defense against certain viruses (e.g., cytomega-
lovirus, hepatitis). NK cells actively kill virally infected target cells, and
if this activity is completed before the virus has time to replicate, a viral
infection may be stopped.


As mentioned previously, innate lymphoid cells straddle the innate
and adaptive immune systems. Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are lym-
phocyte-like cells that produce cytokines and perform similar func-
tions to CD4+ and CD8+ effector cells; however, they do not express
T cell receptors (TCRs). ILCs include several developmentally related
subsets of bone marrow–derived cells with lymphoid morphology and
effector functions similar to those of T cells, but lacking T cell antigen
receptors. Fig. 1.13 Human Primary and Secondary Tissues.
Unlike lymphocytes associated with the adaptive immune system,
innate lymphoid cells cannot perform gene rearrangement of their anti- Bone Marrow
gen receptors. Although conventional classes of lymphocytes greatly The bone marrow is the source of progenitor stem cells. Less than 1%
outnumber innate lymphoid cells, innate cells have been implicated in of the marrow consists of stem cells. They have the ability to repopulate
a variety of diseases, especially ones associated with mucosal surfaces the bone marrow after injury or lethal radiation, which is the basis of
such as the skin, lung, and gut. bone marrow transplantation. These cells can differentiate into lym-
phocytes and other hematopoietic cells (e.g., granulocytes, erythro-
cytes, and megakaryocyte populations). In mammals the bone marrow
KEY CONCEPTS: Primary and Secondary Lymphoid Organs
also supports eventual differentiation of mature T and B lymphocytes,
• In mammals, both the bone marrow (and/or fetal liver) and thymus are clas-
probably from a common lymphoid cell progenitor. It is believed that
sified as primary or central lymphoid organs.
the bone marrow and GALT may also play a role in the differentiation
• The bone marrow is the source of progenitor stem cells.
of progenitor cells into B lymphocytes.
• In mammals the bone marrow also supports eventual differentiation of
mature T and B lymphocytes, probably from a common lymphoid cell pro- Thymus
Early in embryonic development, the stroma and nonlymphoid epithe-
• Bone marrow and GALT may also play a role in the differentiation of pro-
lium of the thymus are derived from the third and fourth pharyngeal
genitor cells into B lymphocytes.
pouches. The characteristics of the thymus gland change with aging. Older
• The secondary lymphoid tissues include lymph nodes, spleen, GALT, tho-
persons are immunologically challenged because aging causes a reduc-
racic duct, bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT), skin-associated
tion in the production of naïve T cells by the thymus. Intrinsic defects in
lymphoid tissue, and blood.
mature T cell function and alterations in the life span of naïve T cells and
• Lymphocytes move freely between the blood and lymphoid tissues. This
in naïve or memory T cell ratios in the peripheral lymphoid tissues occur
lymphocyte recirculation enables lymphocytes to come into contact with
as the result of the decline of the T cell response in older persons.
processed foreign antigens and disseminate antigen-sensitized memory
The thymus, located in the mediastinum, exercises control over the
cells throughout the lymphoid system
entire immune system. It is believed that the development of diversity
occurs mainly in the thymus and bone marrow, although clonal expan-
Primary Lymphoid Organs sion can occur anywhere in the peripheral lymphoid tissue.
In mammals both the bone marrow (and/or fetal liver) and thymus are Progenitor cells that migrate to the thymus proliferate and differ-
classified as primary or central lymphoid organs (Fig. 1.13). entiate under the influence of the humoral factor thymosin. These
CHAPTER 1 Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems 15

TABLE 1.7 Approximate Concentrations
of Lymphocytes of the Adaptive Immune
30 Site Number of Lymphocytes
Fat Spleen 70 × 109/L
Lymph nodes 190 × 109/L
20 Bone marrow 50 × 109/L
Cortex Blood 10 × 109/L
Skin 20 × 109/L
Intestines 50 × 109/L
Medulla Liver 10 × 109/L
Lungs 30 × 109/L
Prenatal 10 20 30 40 50 80 aConcentrations
(months) are approximations based on data from human periph-
Age (years)
eral blood and mouse lymphoid organs. Not included are natural killer
Fig. 1.14 Thymic Development. The histology of the thymus changes cells and other innate lymphoid cells.
with age. The main feature of these changes is a loss of cellularity with Adapted from Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillai S: Basic immunology:
advancing age. functions and disorders of the immune system, ed 6, Elsevier, 2020;
Figs. 1.9 and 1.13. Valiathan R, Deeb K, Diamante M, et al: Reference
ranges of lymphocyte subsets in healthy adults and adolescents with
lymphocyte precursors with acquired surface membrane antigens are
special mention of T cell maturation subsets in adults of South Florida,
referred to as thymocytes. Immunobiology 219(7):487–496, 2014.
The reticular structure of the thymus allows a significant number
of lymphocytes to pass through it to become fully immunocompetent
(able to function in the immune response) thymus-derived T cells. The to follicular dendritic cells, proliferate, and either differentiate into
thymus also regulates immune function by the secretion of multiple plasma cells or enter germinal center (GC) reactions. Antigen-induced
soluble hormones. B cell activation and differentiation in secondary lymphoid tissues are
Many cells die in the thymus and apparently are phagocytized, a mediated by dynamic changes in gene expression that give rise to the
mechanism to eliminate lymphocyte clones reactive against self. It is GC reaction.
estimated that approximately 97% of the cortical cells die in the thymus GCs containing rapidly proliferating cells were first described in
before becoming mature T cells. Viable cells migrate to the secondary 1884 but were not identified as the main site for high-affinity anti-
tissues. The absence or abnormal development of the thymus results in body-secreting plasma cell and memory B cell generation until a cen-
a T lymphocyte deficiency. tury later.
Involution of the thymus is the first age-related change occurring It is within GCs that purifying selection produces the higher affinity
in the human immune system. In postnatal life the thymus is the pri- B cell clones that form the memory component of humoral immunity.
mary organ that produces naïve T cells for the peripheral T cell pool, The dynamics of lymphocyte entry into follicles and their selection for
but production of cells declines as early as 3 months of age. The thy- migration into and within GCs represents a complex set of molecular
mus gradually loses up to 95% of its mass during the first 50 years interactions orchestrated by chemotactic gradients.
of life (Fig. 1.14). The accompanying functional changes of decreased The highly sophisticated structure of secondary lymphoid organs
synthesis of thymic hormones and the loss of ability to differentiate allows migration and interactions between antigen-presenting cells,
immature lymphocytes are reflected in an increased number of imma- T and B lymphocytes, and follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) and other
ture lymphocytes within the thymus and as circulating peripheral stromal cells. The cooperative activities of lymphoid cells within sec-
blood T cells. Most changes in immune function, such as dysfunc- ondary organs dramatically increase the probability of interactions
tion of T and B lymphocytes, elevated levels of circulating immune of rare B, T, and APCs that result in effective generation of humoral
complexes, increases in autoantibodies, and monoclonal gammop- immune responses.
athies (see Chapter 21), are correlated with involution of the thy- Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and lymphotoxin are essential to the
mus. Immune senescence, or biological aging, may account for the formation and maintenance of secondary organs. These cytokines are
increased susceptibility of older adults to infections, autoimmune dis- produced by B and T lymphocytes. Proliferation of the T and B lym-
ease, and neoplasms. phocytes in the secondary or peripheral lymphoid tissues (Fig. 1.15) is
primarily dependent on antigenic stimulation.
Secondary Lymphoid Organs The T lymphocytes or T cells populate the following:
Secondary lymphoid organs provide a unique microenvironment for 1. Perifollicular and paracortical regions of the lymph nodes
the initiation and development of immune responses. The secondary 2. Medullary cords of the lymph nodes
lymphoid tissues include lymph nodes, spleen, GALT, thoracic duct, 3. Periarteriolar regions of the spleen
BALT, skin-associated lymphoid tissue, and blood. 4. Thoracic duct of the circulatory system
Mature lymphocytes and accessory cells (e.g., antigen-presenting The B lymphocytes or B cells multiply and populate the following:
cells [APCs]) are found throughout the body, although the relative per- 1. Follicular and medullary regions (germinal centers) of the
centages of T and B cells vary in different locations (Tables 1.7 and 1.8). lymph nodes
The majority of mature B cells outside of the GALT reside within 2. Primary follicles and red pulp of the spleen
lymphoid follicles of the spleen and lymph nodes, where they 3. Follicular regions of the GALT
encounter and respond to T cell–dependent foreign antigens bound 4. Medullary cords of the lymph nodes
16 PART I Basic Immunologic Mechanisms

TABLE 1.8 Distribution of Lymphocytes in Lymphoid Organs and Other Tissuesa

Site CD4+ T Lymphocytes (%) CD8+ T Lymphocytes (%) T (Treg) Lymphocytes (%) B Lymphocytes (%)
Blood 35–60 15–40 0.5–2 5–20
Lymph nodes 50–60 15–20 5–10 20–25
Spleen 50–60 10–15 5–10 40–45
aApproximate numbers of lymphocytes in different organs of healthy adults.
Adapted from Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillai S: Basic immunology: functions and disorders of the immune system, ed 6, 2020, Elsevier; Figs. 1.9
and 1.13 Valiathan R, Deeb K, Diamante M, et al: Reference ranges of lymphocyte subsets in healthy adults and adolescents with special mention
of T cell maturation subsets in adults of South Florida, Immunobiology 219(7):487–496, 2014.


Germinal center

Lymph sinus

Medullary cords

Fig. 1.15 Internal Structure of a Lymph Node. Photomicrography shows a portion of the cortex and
medulla. (From Patton KT, Thibodeau GA: Anthony’s textbook of anatomy and physiology, ed 20, St. Louis,
2013, Elsevier.)

Lymph Nodes enter the general circulation and then return to the gut. GALT is also
Lymph fluid is constantly drained from tissue through lymphatics into important for the development of tolerance to ingested antigens.
lymph nodes and eventually into the blood. Microbial antigens are car-
ried in soluble form and within dendritic cells in the lymph to lymph Thoracic Duct
nodes, where they are recognized by lymphocytes. The thoracic duct lymph is a rich source of mature T cells. Chronic
Lymph nodes act as lymphoid filters in the lymphatic system. thoracic duct drainage can cause T cell depletion and has been used as
Lymph nodes respond to antigens introduced distally and routed to a method of immunosuppression.
them by afferent lymphatics (Fig 1.16).
No membrane separates T and B lymphocytes in a lymph node. Bronchus-Associated Lymphoid Tissue
Chemokines, a family of cytokines that function in the regulation of BALT includes lymphoid tissue in the lower respiratory tract and hilar
the immune system, enhance immunity by guiding naïve CD8+ T cells lymph nodes. It is mainly associated with IgA production in response
to sites of CD4+ T cell–dendritic cell interaction. Antigen-activated T to inhaled antigens.
and B cells migrate to the T-B border by reversing resting chemokine
receptor expression patterns. Skin-Associated Lymphoid Tissue
Generalized lymph node reactivity can occur after systemic antigen Antigens introduced through the skin are presented by epidermal
challenge (e.g., serum sickness). During antibody responses, B cells Langerhans cells, which are bone marrow–derived accessory cells.
undergo a series of migratory events that guide them to the appropriate These epidermal cells then interact with lymphocytes in the skin and in
microenvironments for activation and differentiation. draining lymph nodes.

Spleen Blood
The spleen acts as a lymphatic filter within the blood vascular tree. It is an The blood is an important lymphoid organ and immunologic effec-
important site of antibody production in response to IV particulate antigens tor tissue. Circulating blood has enough mature T cells to produce a
(e.g., bacteria). The spleen is also a major organ for the clearance of particles. graft-versus-host reaction. In addition, blood transfusions have been
responsible for inducing acquired immunologic tolerance in kidney
Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue transplant patients (see Chapter 25).
GALT includes lymphoid tissue in the intestines (Peyer patches) and Blood is the most frequently sampled lymphoid organ. It is assumed
the liver. GALT features immunoglobulin A (IgA) production and that what is found in blood samples represents what is present in other
involves a unique pattern of lymphocyte recirculation. Pre–B cells lymphoid tissues. Although this may be a true representation, it is not
develop in Peyer patches and, after meeting antigen from the gut, many always accurate.
CHAPTER 1 Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems 17



Germinal center

Cortical nodules
Medullary cords

Medullary sinus
Efferent lymph vessel

Fig. 1.16 Structure of a Lymph Node. Several afferent valved lymphatics bring lymph to the node. In this
example, a single efferent lymphatic leaves the node at a concave area called the hilum. Note that the artery
and vein enter and leave at the hilum. (From Patton KT, Thibodeau GA: Anthony’s textbook of anatomy and
physiology, ed 20, St. Louis, 2013, Elsevier.)


Mature T lymphocytes survive for several months or years, whereas the
average life span of B lymphocytes is only a few days. Lymphocytes move
freely between the blood and lymphoid tissues. This activity, termed The innate immune system and the adaptive immune system both
lymphocyte recirculation, enables lymphocytes to come into contact defend the body, but they differ in many characteristics (Table 1.9).
with processed foreign antigens and disseminate antigen-sensitized The innate immune system, an ancient form of host defense, appeared
memory cells throughout the lymphoid system. Clonal expansion may before the adaptive immune system. It is composed of a diverse array
occur regionally, as when lymph nodes drain a contact allergic reac- of evolutionarily ancient hematopoietic cell types, including dendritic
tion. The whole body then becomes susceptible to rechallenge because cells, monocytes, macrophages, granulocytic cell lines and NK lym-
T cells recirculate but generally are excluded from returning to the phocytes. Innate lymphoid cells are the most recently identified cells of
thymus. Research has shown that a pool of T cell clonal elements is the innate immune system. These cells have an emerging role in con-
developed by a combination of positive selection of clones able to rec- trolling tissue homeostasis in situations of infection, chronic inflam-
ognize and react to foreign antigens and negative selection (purging) mation, metabolic disease, and cancer. The innate immune system
of clones able to interact with self-antigens in a damaging way. and the alternative complement pathways are activated immediately
Recirculation of lymphocytes back to the blood is through the after infection and quickly begin to control multiplication of infecting
major lymphatic ducts. Lymphocytes enter the lymph node from the microorganisms. Some form of innate immunity probably exists in all
blood circulation via arterioles and capillaries to reach the specialized multicellular organisms. Innate immune recognition is mediated by
postcapillary venules. From the venule the lymphocytes enter the node germline-encoded receptors, which means that the specificity of each
and either remain in the node or pass through the node and return to receptor is genetically predetermined. Germline-encoded receptors
the circulating blood. Lymphatic fluid, lymphocytes, and antigens from evolved by natural selection to have defined specificities for infectious
certain body sites enter the lymph node through the afferent lymphatic microorganisms. The problem is that every organism has a limit as to
duct and exit the lymph node through the efferent lymphatic duct. the number of genes it can encode in its genome.
In contrast, the adaptive immune system is organized around two
classes of cells, T and B lymphocytes. When an individual lymphocyte
KEY CONCEPTS: Major Characteristics of Innate and Adaptive encounters an antigen that binds to its unique antigen receptor site,
Immunity activation and proliferation of that lymphocyte occur. This is called
• The innate immune system is composed of dendritic cells, monocytes, clonal selection and is responsible for the basic properties of the adap-
macrophages, granulocytic cell lines, NK lymphocytes, and innate lymphoid tive immune system.
cells. Random generation of a highly diverse database of antigen recep-
• The innate immune system and the alternative complement pathways are tors allows the adaptive immune system to recognize virtually any
activated immediately after infection and quickly begin to control multipli- antigen. The downside to this recognition is the inability to distinguish
cation of infecting microorganisms. foreign antigens from self-antigens. Activation of the adaptive immune
• The adaptive immune system is organized around two classes of cells, T response can be harmful to the host when the antigens are self or envi-
and B lymphocytes. If a microorganism overwhelms the body’s natural, ronmental antigens. They can mimic other antigens and trigger an
innate resistance, the third line of defense, adaptive immunity, steps in. autoimmune condition.
18 PART I Basic Immunologic Mechanisms

TABLE 1.9 Comparison of Timeframe of Innate Immunity and Adaptive Immunity

Innate Immediate
Action Immunity (0–4 hours) Innate Induced Immunity (4–96 hours) Adaptive Immunity (3–5 days)
Initial phase Exposure to pathogen Exposure to pathogen Exposure to pathogen
Pathogen recognition by pre- Pathogen recognized by receptors encoded in the Pathogen recognized by receptors generated randomly
formed nonspecific effectors germline
Second phase Removal of infectious agent Receptors have broad specificity (i.e., they recognize Receptors have very narrow specificity (i.e., they
many related molecular structures [PAMPs]) recognize a specific epitope)
Inflammatory response – recruitment and activation Recognition by naïve: T and B lymphocytes
of effector cells
Action Removal of infectious agent Clonal expansion and differentiation to effector cells
Memory of antigenic exposure
Removal of infectious agent
PAMPs, Pathogen-associated molecular patterns.

Role of Microbiota First Line of Defense

Bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses colonize our skin, eyes, ears, nose, Before a pathogen can invade the human body, it must overcome the
mouth, anus, vagina, and gastrointestinal tract. The term microbiome resistance provided by the body’s first line of defense. The first barrier to
refers to all of the microbes that inhabit these locations of our bodies. infection is unbroken skin and mucosal membrane surfaces. These sur-
This relatively new field of science has discovered that there is a unique faces are essential in forming a physical barrier to many microorganisms
and different mix of microbes for everyone. Most related studies inves- because this is where foreign materials usually first contact the host.
tigate the relationship of the microbiome with health and diseases. Keratinization of the upper layer of the skin and the constant
The mammalian gut harbors trillions of microorganisms known as renewal of the skin’s epithelial cells, which repairs breaks in the skin,
the microbiota. Recent evidence suggests that host microbiota and the assist in the protective function of skin and mucosal membranes. In
immune system interact to maintain tissue homeostasis in healthy indi- addition the normal microbiota, microorganisms normally inhabiting
viduals. Among the numerous microorganisms in the gut, some bacte- the skin and membranes, deter penetration or facilitate elimination of
ria are known to provide health benefits to the host when acquired in foreign microorganisms from the body (Fig. 1.18).
adequate amounts; these are labeled “probiotics.” Probiotics and other In addition to the physical ability to wash away potential patho-
beneficial bacteria provide colonization resistance to pathogens. Ben- gens, tears and saliva have chemical properties that defend the body.
eficial microbes can also indirectly diminish pathogen colonization by The enzyme lysozyme, which is found in tears and saliva, attacks and
stimulating the development of the innate and adaptive immune sys- destroys the cell wall of susceptible bacteria, particularly certain gram
tems, in addition to the function of the mucosal barrier. positive bacteria. IgA antibody, which is formed by the adaptive immune
Microbiota regulate development and differentiation of local and response, is an important protective substance in tears and saliva.
systemic immune and nonimmune components by: Secretions are also an important component in the first line of
• Regulation of innate immune functions and homeostasis defense against microbial invasion. Mucus adhering to the membranes
• Regulation of adaptive immune functions in intestines and the wet mucosal surfaces of the nose and nasopharynx trap micro-
• Regulation of systemic innate and adaptive immune functions organisms (Fig. 1.19), which can be expelled by coughing or sneezing.
Disruption of the host microbiota, especially in the gut, has been Sebum (oil) produced by the sebaceous glands of the skin and lactic
shown to be associated with many autoimmune diseases (see Chapter 22). acid in sweat both have antimicrobial properties. The production of
earwax (cerumen) protects the auditory canals from infectious disease.
Innate Immunity: the Early Defense Secretions produced in the elimination of liquid and solid wastes (e.g.,
The innate immune system responds almost immediately to microbes urinary and gastrointestinal processes) are important in physically
or injured cells. Repeated exposures invoke virtually identical innate removing potential pathogens from the body. The acidity and alkalin-
immune responses to groups of related microbes. Three lines of defense ity of the fluids of the stomach and intestinal tract, in addition to the
exist in the human body (Fig. 1.17). The first two of these three lines of acidity of the vagina, can destroy many potentially infectious microor-
defense form the principal components of innate immunity. If a micro- ganisms. Additional protection is provided to the respiratory tract by
organism overwhelms the body’s natural resistance, a third line of the constant motion of the cilia of the tubules.
defensive resistance, acquired (or adaptive) immunity, allows the body In viral infections, the host innate immune system is designed
to recognize, remember, and respond to a specific stimulus, an antigen. to act as a first line defense to prevent viral invasion or replication
before more specific protection by the adaptive immune system kicks
in. Since the appearance of the novel pathogenic human coronavirus
KEY CONCEPTS: Lines of Defense
disease 2019 (COVID-19), there has been an increased interest in this
• T he first line of defense against infection is unbroken skin, mucosal mem-
virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
brane surfaces, and secretions.
• Natural immunity, consisting of cellular and humoral defense mechanisms,
forms the second line of body defenses. Second Line of Defense: Innate (Natural) Immunity
• The innate immune response may not be able to recognize every possible
Innate, or natural, immunity is one of the ways the body resists infec-
antigen but may focus on a few large groups of microorganisms, called
tion after microorganisms have penetrated the first line of defense.
pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs).
Acquired resistance, which specifically recognizes and selectively elim-
• The receptors of the innate immune system that recognize these PAMPs are
inates exogenous or endogenous agents, is discussed later in adaptive
called pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) (e.g., toll-like receptors [TLRs]).
External environment

Injury Bacteria Secretion

Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems

Lines of defense

First line of defense

• Mechanical barriers Cutaneous or mucous membrane
• Chemical barriers

Second line of defense

• Inflammation response Macrophage
• Phagocytosis

Third line of defense T cell

• Specific immune responses
• Natural killer cells Antibody Internal environment

Fig. 1.17 Lines of Defense. Immune function—that is, defense of the internal environment against foreign cells, proteins, and viruses—includes three
layers of protection. The first line of defense is a set of barriers between the internal and external environments; the second line involves the innate inflam-
matory response (including phagocytosis); and the third line includes the adaptive immune responses and the innate defense offered by natural killer cells.
Of course, tumor cells that arise within the body are not affected by the first two lines of defense and must be attacked by the third line of defense. This
diagram is a simplification of the complex function of the immune system; in reality, a great deal of crossover of mechanisms occurs between these lines
of defense. (From Patton KT, Thibodeau GA: Anthony’s textbook of anatomy and physiology, ed 20, St. Louis, 2013, Elsevier.)

20 PART I Basic Immunologic Mechanisms

phagocytosis (engulfment and destruction) of microorganisms or

damaged cells. Chronic or other, intermittent inflammation contrib-
utes over time to the destruction of target organs that contain inciting
antigens or are the sites of immune complex deposition. Although the
adaptive immune system has long been the focus of attention, innate
immune mechanisms are now viewed as central to the pathogenesis of
these diseases. If the degree of inflammation is sufficiently extensive, it
is accompanied by an increase in the plasma concentration of acute-
phase proteins or reactants, a group of glycoproteins. Acute-phase pro-
teins are sensitive indicators of the presence of inflammatory disease
Skin and are especially useful in monitoring such conditions (see Chapter 2).
Complement proteins are the major humoral (fluid) component
of natural immunity. Other substances of the humoral component
include lysozymes and interferon, sometimes described as natural
antibiotics. Interferon is a family of proteins produced rapidly by many
cells in response to viral infection; it blocks the replication of virus in
other cells.

Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns and Pattern
system Recognition Receptors
The innate immune response may not be able to recognize every pos-
Urogenital sible antigen, but may focus on a few large groups of microorganisms,
tract called pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). The recep-
tors of the innate immune system that recognize these PAMPs are
called pattern recognition receptors (e.g., TLRs).
PAMPs are molecules associated with groups of pathogens that are
Fig. 1.18 First Line of Defense, Nonspecific. Body fluids, specialized recognized by cells of the innate immune system. PRRs are found in
cells, and resident bacteria (normal biota) allow the respiratory, diges- plants and animals.
tive, urogenital, integumentary, and other systems to defend the body
against microbial infection. Pattern Recognition Receptors
Three groups of PRRs exist:
The innate immune system predates the adaptive immune system 1. Secreted PRRs are molecules that circulate in blood and lymph;
and is common to all living organisms. All multicellular organisms face circulating proteins bind to PAMPs on the surface of many patho-
the same challenges, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. Nat- gens. This interaction triggers the complement cascade, leading to
ural immunity is characterized as a nonspecific mechanism. Unique the opsonization of the pathogen and its speedy phagocytosis (dis-
characteristics of innate immunity include: cussed in Chapter 4).
• Rapid recognition of microbes 2. Phagocytosis receptors are cell surface receptors that bind the
• No prior exposure required pathogen, initiating a signal leading to the release of effector mole-
• Use of widely expressed nonvariant receptors to recognize cules (e.g., cytokines). Macrophages have cell surface receptors that
microbes recognize PAMPs containing mannose.
• Receptors to distinguish between nonself and self 3. TLRs are a set of transmembrane receptors that recognize differ-
If a microorganism penetrates the skin or mucosal membranes, a ent types of PAMPs. TLRs are found on macrophages, dendritic
second line of cellular and humoral defense mechanisms becomes oper- cells, and epithelial cells. Mammals have multiple TLRs, with each
ational (Box 1.1). The elements of natural resistance include phagocytic exhibiting a specialized function, frequently with the aid of acces-
cells, complement (see Chapter 2), and the acute inflammatory reaction. sory molecules, in a subset of PAMPs. In this way TLRs identify the
Detection of microbial pathogens is carried out by sentinel cells of nature of the pathogen and turn on an effector response appropriate
the innate immune system located in tissues (macrophages and DCs) for counteracting it. These signaling cascades lead to the expression
in close contact with the host’s natural environment or that are rap- of various cytokine genes. Examples include TLR-1, which binds
idly reunited to the site of infection (neutrophils). There are common to the peptidoglycan of gram positive bacteria, and TLR-2, which
molecular signatures (patterns) that define kinds of bacteria, such as binds lipoproteins of gram negative bacteria.
bacterial cell wall components. In all these cases, binding of the pathogen to the TLR initiates a
Patterns that define classes of viruses include double-strand signaling pathway, leading to the activation of nuclear factor κB (NF-
ribonucleic acid (RNA), unmethylated CpG deoxyribonucleic acid κB, light-chain enhancer of activated B cells). This transcription factor
(DNA), and uncapped RNA. Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) turns on many cytokine genes, such as TNF-α, interleukin-1 (IL-1), and
determine which molecules are immunogenic. Recently innate chemokines. All these effector molecules lead to the inflammation site.
immune receptors and their unique downstream pathways have
been identified. In the innate immune response, PRRs are engaged to Third Line of Defense: Adaptive Immunity
detect specific viral components or viral intermediate products and to If a microorganism overwhelms the body’s natural, innate resistance,
induce pro-inflammatory cytokine (see Chapter 2, Soluble Mediators) a third line of defensive adaptive immunity, comes into play (Table
responses in infected cells and other immune cells. 1.10). Acquired, or adaptive, immunity is a more recently evolved
Tissue damage produced by infectious or other agents results in mechanism that allows the body to recognize, remember, and respond
inflammation, a series of biochemical and cellular changes that facilitate to a specific stimulus, an antigen. Adaptive immunity can result in the
CHAPTER 1 Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems 21

Villus bacteria

lymphocytes Intestinal
Intestinal M cell lumen
epithelial cell Mucus

Crypt Mucosal

Afferent IgA
Lymphatic lymphatic
Follicle Lamina

Dendritic B cell Macrophage

T cell Plasma cell

lymph node

Fig. 1.19 Mucosal Immune System. This schematic diagram of the mucosal immune system uses the small
bowel as an example. Many commensal bacteria are present in the lumen. The mucus-secreting epithelium
provides an innate barrier to microbial invasion. Specialized epithelial cells, such as M cells, promote the trans-
port of antigens from the lumen into underlying tissues. Cells in the lamina propria, including dendritic cells,
T lymphocytes, and macrophages, provide innate and adaptive immune defense against invading microbes;
some of these cells are organized into specialized structures, such as Peyer patches in the small intestine.
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is a type of antibody abundantly produced in mucosal tissues that is transported into
the lumen, where it binds and neutralizes microbes. (From Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillai S: Basic immunol-
ogy: functions and disorders of the immune system, ed 5, Philadelphia, 2016, Elsevier.)

acquired immunity is the lymphocyte (see Chapter 4); the major

BOX 1.1 Components of the Natural humoral component is the antibody.
Immune System: the Second Line of Defense Lymphocytes selectively respond to nonself materials (antigens),
Cellular which leads to immune memory and a permanently altered pattern of
1. Mast cells response or adaptation to the environment. Most actions in the two
2. Neutrophils categories of the adaptive response, humoral-mediated immunity
3. Macrophages and cell-mediated immunity, are exerted by the interaction of antibody
with complement and the phagocytic cells (natural immunity) and of
Humoral T cells with macrophages.
1. Complement
2. Lysozyme Humoral-Mediated Immunity
3. Interferon If specific antibodies have been formed in response to antigenic stimula-
tion, they are available to protect the body against foreign substances. The
recognition of foreign substances and subsequent production of antibod-
elimination of microorganisms and recovery from disease, and the ies to these substances define immunity. Antibody-mediated immunity to
host often acquires a specific immunologic memory. This condition of infection can be acquired if the antibodies are formed by the host or if they
memory or recall (acquired resistance) allows the host to respond more are received from another source; these two types of acquired immunity
effectively if reinfection with the same microorganism occurs. are called active immunity and passive immunity, respectively (Table 1.11).
Adaptive immunity is composed of cellular and humoral com- Active immunity can be acquired by natural exposure in response
ponents (Fig. 1.20 and Box 1.2). The major cellular component of to an infection or a natural series of infections or through intentional
22 PART I Basic Immunologic Mechanisms

TABLE 1.10 Features of Innate Immunity and Adaptive Immunity

Major Characteristics Innate Immunity Adaptive Immunity
Memory lymphocytes None or limited Yes
Physical barriers Skin, mucosal epithelia Lymphocytes in epithelia
Chemical barriers Antimicrobial chemicals Antibodies secreted at epithelial surfaces
Blood proteins Complement Antibodies
Blood cells Macrophages, neutrophils, natural killer cells Lymphocytes
Nonreactivity to self Yes Yes
Specificity For molecules shared by groups of related microbes For microbial and nonmicrobial antigens
and molecules produced by damaged host cells
Adapted from Abbas AK, Lichtman AH: Cellular & molecular immunology, ed 9, Philadelphia, 2018, Elsevier.

Humoral Cell-mediated
immunity immunity


Phagocytosed Intracellular microbes

Extracellular (e.g., viruses)
microbes microbes that can
live within replicating within
macrophages infected cell

Helper Cytotoxic
B lymphocyte T lymphocyte T lymphocyte


Block Killed infected cell

infections macrophage
and Kill infected cells
Functions eliminate Elimination of and eliminate
extracellular phagocytosed reservoirs
microbes microbes of infection
Fig. 1.20 Types of Adaptive Immunity. In humoral immunity B lymphocytes secrete antibodies that elimi-
nate extracellular microbes. In cell-mediated immunity, different types of T lymphocytes recruit and activate
phagocytes to destroy ingested microbes and kill infected cells. (From Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillai S: Basic
immunology: functions and disorders of the immune system, ed 5, Philadelphia, 2016, Elsevier.)

injection of an antigen. The latter, vaccination (see Chapter 27), is an foreign antigen and build specific antigen-directed antibodies) and
effective method of stimulating antibody production and memory result in permanent antigenic memory. Booster vaccinations may be
(acquired resistance) without contracting the disease. Suspensions of needed in some cases to expand the pool of memory cells. The mech-
antigenic materials used for immunization may be of animal or plant anisms of antigen recognition and antibody production are discussed
origin. These products may consist of living suspensions of weak or in Chapter 3.
attenuated cells or viruses, killed cells or viruses, or extracted bacterial Artificial passive immunity is achieved by the infusion of serum
products (e.g., altered and no longer poisonous toxoids used to immu- or plasma containing high concentrations of antibody or lympho-
nize against diphtheria and tetanus). The selected agents should stimu- cytes from an actively immunized individual. Passive immunity via
late the production of antibodies without clinical signs and symptoms preformed antibodies in serum provides immediate, temporary anti-
of disease in an immunocompetent host (a host able to recognize a body protection against microorganisms (e.g., hepatitis A) through the
CHAPTER 1 Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems 23

BOX 1.2 Components of the Adaptive TABLE 1.12 Adaptive Immunity: Classes of
Immune System Lymphocytes
Cellular Humoral-Mediated
1. T lymphocytes Immunity Cell-Mediated Immunity
2. B lymphocytes Mechanism Antibody mediated Cell mediated
3. Plasma cells Cell type B lymphocytes T lymphocytes
Humoral Mode of Antibodies in serum Direct cell-to-cell contact or solu-
1. Antibodies action ble products secreted by cells
2. Cytokines Purpose Primary defense against Defense against viral and fungal
bacterial infection infections, intracellular organ-
isms, tumor antigens, and graft
TABLE 1.11 Comparison of Active Immunity
and Passive Immunity
However, for a newborn to have lasting protection, active immunity
Antibody Duration must occur.
Mode of Produced of Immune
Type Acquisition by Host Response Cell-Mediated Immunity
Active Natural Infection Yes Long*† In contrast to humoral-mediated immunity, cell-mediated immunity
Artificial Vaccination Yes Long*† consists of immune activities that differ from antibody-mediated
Passive Natural Transfer in vivo or No Short immunity (Table 1.12). Lymphocytes are the unique bearers of immu-
colostrum nologic specificity, which depends on their antigen receptors. The full
development and expression of immune responses, however, require
Artificial Infusion of serum/ No Short
that nonlymphoid cells and molecules primarily act as amplifiers and
*Immunocompetent host. Cell-mediated immunity is moderated by the link between T lym-
†IgGimmune antibody half-life is 23 days. Lifespan of memory cells phocytes and phagocytic cells (i.e., monocytes-macrophages). A B
(memory lymphocytes) can be decades or years. lymphocyte can probably respond to a native antigenic determinant
of the appropriate fit. A T lymphocyte responds to antigens presented
by other cells in the context of major histocompatibility complex
administration of preformed antibodies. The recipient will benefit only (MHC) proteins (i.e., a group of genes that code for proteins found on
temporarily from passive immunity for as long as the antibodies per- cellular surfaces that assist the immune system in recognizing foreign
sist in the circulation. Immune antibodies are usually of the IgG type, substances). In human beings the complex is also called the human
with a half-life of 23 days. Antibody half-life is a measure of the mean leukocyte antigen (HLA) system. The T lymphocyte does not directly
survival time of antibody molecules after their formation. It is usually recognize the antigens of microorganisms or other living cells, such
expressed as the time required to eliminate 50% of a known quantity as allografts (tissue from a genetically different member of the same
of immunoglobulin from the body. Half-life varies from one immuno- species, such as a human kidney), but it recognizes when the antigen
globulin class to another. is present on the surface of an antigen-presenting cell (see Chapter 4),
The main strategies for cancer immunotherapy aim to provide anti- the macrophage. APCs were first thought to be limited to cells of the
tumor effectors (T lymphocytes and antibodies) to patients. The pur- mononuclear phagocyte system. Recently other types of cells (e.g.,
pose is to immunize patients actively against their own tumors and to endothelial, glial) have been shown to possess the ability to present
stimulate the patient’s own antitumor immune responses. antigens.
In addition, passive immunity can be acquired naturally by the fetus Lymphocytes are immunologically active through various types
through the transfer of antibodies by the maternal placental circulation of direct cell-to-cell contact and by the production of soluble factors.
in utero during the last 3 months of pregnancy. Maternal antibodies are Nonspecific soluble factors are made by or act on various elements of
also transferred to the newborn after birth by breast milk, especially the immune system. These molecules are collectively called cytokines
the first breast milk, colostrum. The amount and specificity of maternal (see Chapter 2). Some of these mediators that act between leukocytes
antibodies depend on the mother’s immune status to infectious dis- are called interleukins (ILs).
eases that she has experienced. Under some conditions the activities of cell-mediated immunity
Passively acquired immunity in newborns is only temporary may not be beneficial. Suppression of the normal adaptive immune
because it starts to decrease after the first several weeks or months after response by drugs or other means is necessary in conditions or proce-
birth. Breast milk, especially the thick yellowish milk (colostrum) pro- dures such as organ transplantation, hypersensitivity, and autoimmune
duced for a few days after the birth of a baby, is very rich in antibodies. disorders.
24 PART I Basic Immunologic Mechanisms

Case Study 1.1

A 1-month-old infant female neonate born 6 weeks premature was admitted Questions
for surgery to her foot. Several days after hospital discharge, her parents 1. A risk factor for the development of a fungal infection in this child is:
brought her back to the emergency department because she had a high fever a. Gender
and was crying all of the time. Physical examination revealed increased body b. Body weight
temperature, increased respiration rate, and increased heart rate. She also c. Premature birth
had redness around the site of an inserted percutaneous central line related d. Decreased blood platelet count
to her surgery. 2. The child’s immune problem is related to:
Her blood count was normal except for a decreased concentration of a. A lack of immune antibodies to yeast
blood platelets. A smear and a culture were taken from the inflamed b. Defect in her cellular immune response
area. The direct smears revealed the presence of yeast. Pending results c. Lack of sunshine and vitamins
of the culture, the patient was started on antifungal therapeutics. She d. Acquiring the infection from her mother
was admitted to the hospital, where her condition improved within the See Appendix A for the answers to these questions.
first 24 hours.
Subsequently, the culture demonstrated Candida albicans. Critical Thinking Group Discussion Questions
1. Why is the child at risk for developing an infection of this type?
2. Why did this child acquire an infection?


Principle Band and segmented neutrophils – phagocytosis
A whole blood smear is prepared and stained for microscopic examination. Five Lymphocytes – recognition of foreign antigens and transformation to anti-
mature leukocytes with various immune functions can be identified. body-producing cells
See instructor site for the procedural protocol. Monocytes – phagocytosis
Eosinophils – allergic reactions
Results Basophils – anaphylactic reactions
The specific leukocytes and their related immune functions are as follows:


Principle important to distinguish between granules and cocci. In addition, the bacteria
A mixture of bacteria and phagocytes is incubated and examined for the pres- must be intracellular and not extracellular for the test result to be positive.
ence of engulfed bacteria. This simple procedure may be useful in supporting the
diagnosis of impaired neutrophilic function in conjunction with clinical signs and Clinical Applications
symptoms (Fig. 1.21). The failure of phagocytes to engulf bacteria can support the diagnosis of neutro-
philic dysfunction; however, these results must be used in conjunction with the
Reporting Results patient’s signs and symptoms.
Positive – demonstration of the engulfment of bacteria
Negative – no engulfment of bacteria Limitations
This is a simple screening procedure for engulfment. The presence of engulfed
Sources of Error bacteria does not demonstrate that the bacteria have been destroyed.
This procedure may produce false-negative results if the blood specimen is not
fresh or if a coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus specimen is used. It is
CHAPTER 1 Highlights of Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems 25

Fig. 1.21 Electron Photomicrograph of Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte from Normal Control Patient
Incubated with Staphylococci for 30 Minutes. Many bacteria (arrows) in various stages of destruction
are evident within the cell. Note the cytoplasmic vacuoles (V) around and adjacent to degenerating bacteria.
(From Bauer JD: Clinical laboratory methods, ed 9, St. Louis, 1982, Mosby.)

   R E V I E W Q U E S T I O N S
1. A n appropriate definition or description of the immune system is: 5. A n appropriate definition or description of autoimmune disorder is:
a. T and B types a. T and B types
b. Specific cellular elements, cell products, and nonlymphoid b. Specific cellular elements, cell products, and nonlymphoid
elements elements
c. Mononuclear cells c. Mononuclear phagocytes
d. Can protect against or be manipulated to treat disease d. Condition in which the body’s own tissues are attacked as if
2. An appropriate definition or description of lymphocytes is: they were foreign
a. T and B types 6. A secondary lymphoid tissue in mammals is:
b. Specific cellular elements, cell products, and nonlymphoid a. Thymus
elements b. Lymph nodes
c. Segmented cells c. Bone marrow
d. Condition in which the body’s own tissues are attacked as if d. Macrophage
they were foreign 7. In mammalian immunologic development, the precursors of neu-
3. An appropriate definition or description of cooperative inter- trophils arise from progenitor cells of the:
action is: a. Thymus
a. T and B types b. Lymph nodes
b. Specific cellular elements, cell products, and nonlymphoid c. Spleen
elements d. Bone marrow
c. Mononuclear cells 8. The thymus is embryologically derived from the:
d. Can protect against or be manipulated to treat disease a. Yolk sac
4. An appropriate definition or description of nonspecific immune b. Pharyngeal pouches
elements is: c. Lymphoblasts
a. T and B types d. Bone marrow
b. Specific cellular elements, cell products, and nonlymphoid 9. A primary function of the eosinophil is:
elements a. Phagocytosis
c. Mononuclear phagocytes b. Suppression of the inflammatory response
d. Condition in which the body’s own tissues are attacked as if c. Response in acute, systemic hypersensitivity reactions
they were foreign d. Antigen recognition
26 PART I Basic Immunologic Mechanisms

10. Th
 e cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system include: 15. I n adaptive immunity the mode of acquisition of artificial passive
a. Monocytes and promonocytes immunity is:
b. Monocytes and macrophages a. Infusion of serum or plasma
c. Lymphocytes and monocytes b. Transfer in vivo or by colostrum
d. Both a and b c. Vaccination
11. Another term for adaptive immunity is: d. Infection
a. Antigenic immunity 16. In adaptive immunity acquired by active natural immunity, the
b. Acquired immunity duration of the presence of circulating antibody is __________
c. Lymphocyte-reactive immunity some other types of responses.
d. Phagocytosis a. Shorter than
12. Humoral components of the adaptive immune system include: b. Longer than
a. T lymphocytes c. Equivalent to
b. B lymphocytes 17. In adaptive immunity acquired by artificial active immunity, the
c. Antibodies duration of the presence of circulating antibody is __________
d. Saliva some other types of responses.
13. In adaptive immunity the mode of acquisition of active natural a. Shorter than
immunity is: b. Longer than
a. Infusion of serum or plasma c. Equivalent to
b. Transfer in vivo or by colostrum 18. In adaptive immunity acquired by passive natural immunity, the
c. Vaccination duration of the presence of circulating antibody is __________
d. Infection some other types of responses.
14. In adaptive immunity the mode of acquisition of passive natural a. Shorter than
immunity is: b. Longer than
a. Infusion of serum or plasma c. Equivalent to
b. Transfer in vivo or by colostrum
c. Vaccination
d. Infection
Soluble Mediators of the Immune System

Complement System, 28 Biological Response Modifiers, 35
Activation of Complement, 28 Cytokines, 35
Enzyme Activation, 28 A Cytokine Storm, 38
Complement Receptors, 28 Interleukins, 39
Classic Pathway, 29 Interferons, 39
Recognition, 30 Tumor Necrosis Factor, 39
Amplification of Proteolytic Complement Cascade, 30 Hematopoietic Stimulators, 39
Membrane Attack Complex, 30 Stem Cell Factor (c-kit Ligand), 39
Alternative Pathway, 31 Colony-Stimulating Factors, 39
Mannose-Binding Lectin Pathway, 31 Transforming Growth Factors, 40
Biological Functions of Complement Proteins, 31 Chemokines, 40
Biological Effects of Complement Activation, 31 Acute-Phase Proteins, 40
Alterations in Complement Levels, 32 Overview, 40
Elevated Complement Levels, 32 Synthesis and Catabolism, 40
Decreased Complement Levels, 32 C-Reactive Protein, 41
Diagnostic Evaluation, 34 Other Acute-Phase Reactants, 41
Hemolytic Method, 34 Laboratory Assessment Methods, 42
Enzyme Immunoassay, 35 Case Study 2.1, 42
Liposome Assay, 35 Procedure: C-Reactive Protein Rapid Latex
Other Soluble Immune Response Mediators, 35 Agglutination Test, 44
Review Questions, 44

• N ame and compare the three complement activation pathways. • D iscuss the clinical applications of C-reactive protein.
• Describe the central role played by C3 for all pathways. • Compare acute-phase reactant methods.
• Describe the mechanisms and consequences of complement • Analyze a patient history, clinical signs and symptoms, and
activation. laboratory data; answer the related multiple choice and critical
• Name three reasons for measuring complement. thinking questions and conclude the most likely diagnosis.
• Explain the biological functions of the complement system. • Describe the principle, reporting results, sources of error,
• Name and describe alterations in complement levels. limitations, and clinical applications of the C-reactive protein
• Briefly describe the assessment of complement levels. procedure.
• Compare other types of nonspecific mediators of the immune • Correctly answer end-of-chapter review questions.
system, including cytokines, interleukins, tumor necrosis factor,
hematopoietic growth factors, and chemokines.

acute-phase proteins (acute-phase reactants) factor H
agglutination febrile
α1-antitrypsin haptoglobin
antineoplastic agents hemolysis
ceruloplasmin hydrophilic
colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) hydrophobic
complement cascade immunomodulators
convertase integrins
cytokine storm ligands
effector cells lipemic

28 PART I Basic Immunologic Mechanisms

lysis procalcitonin (PCT)

malignant neoplasia properdin
membrane attack complex (MAC) proteinases
natural immune system proteolytic
nephelometry pyogenic
osmotic cytolytic reaction tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
peptide zymosan

The immune system is composed of the phylogenetically oldest, highly 2. A lternative pathway (oldest pathway in evolution)
diversified innate immune system and the adaptive immune system. 3. Mannose-binding lectin pathway (associated with pathogen rec-
Some components of the innate immune system, or natural immune ognition receptors)
system (e.g., phagocytosis), are discussed in Chapter 1. As part of the The three pathways (Fig. 2.1) converge at the point of cleavage of C3
innate immunity, the complement system is one of the first lines of to C3b, the central event of the common final pathway, which in turn
defense against gram negative pathogens. Besides its direct bactericidal leads to the activation of the lytic complement sequence, C5 through
activity, activation of the complement system stimulates phagocytosis C9, and cell destruction.
and triggers proinflammatory signaling. This chapter discusses other
components of the innate immune system: the complement system and Activation of Complement
other circulating effector proteins of innate immunity, including cyto- Normally complement components are present in the circulation in an
kines and acute-phase reactants. inactive form. In addition, the control proteins C1 INH, factor I, fac-
Regulatory mechanisms of complement are finely balanced. The tor H, and C4-binding protein (C4-bp) are normally present to inhibit
activation of complement is focused on the surface of invading micro- uncontrolled complement activation. Under normal physiologic con-
organisms, with limited complement deposited on normal cells and tis- ditions, activation of one pathway probably also leads to the activation
sues. If the mechanisms that regulate this delicate balance malfunction, of another pathway, as follows:
the complement system may cause injury to cells, tissues, and organs, • The classic pathway is initiated by the bonding of the C1 complex,
such as destruction of the kidneys in systemic lupus erythematosus consisting of C1q, C1r, and C1s, to antibodies bound to an antigen
(SLE) or hemolytic anemias. on the surface of a bacterial cell.
• The alternative pathway is initiated by contact with a foreign sur-
face, such as the polysaccharide coating of a microorganism and the
KEY CONCEPTS: Facts About Complement
covalent binding of a small amount of C3b to hydroxyl groups on
• T he complement system is a heat-labile series of 18 plasma proteins, many
cell surface carbohydrates and proteins. The pathway is activated by
of which are enzymes or proteinases.
low-grade cleavage of C3 in plasma.
• Normally complement components are present in the circulation in an inac-
• The mannose-binding lectin pathway is initiated by binding of the
tive form.
complex of mannose-binding lectin and associated serine proteases
• Complement is composed of three interrelated enzyme cascades: the clas-
(MASP1 and MASP2) to arrays of mannose groups on the surface
sic, alternative, and mannose-binding lectin pathways.
of a bacterial cell.

Enzyme Activation
After complement is initially activated, each enzyme precursor is acti-
Complement is a heat-labile series of 18 plasma proteins, many of vated by the previous complement component or complex, which is a
which are enzymes or proteinases. Collectively, these proteins are a highly specialized proteinase. This converts the enzyme precursor to its
major fraction of the β-1 and β-2 globulins. catalytically active form by limited proteolysis.
The classic complement system proteins are named with a capital C The pathways leading to the cleavage of C3 are triggered enzyme
followed by a number. A small letter after the number indicates that the cascades. During this activation process a small peptide fragment is
protein is a smaller protein resulting from the cleavage of a larger pre- cleaved, a membrane-binding site is exposed, and the major fragment
cursor by a protease. Several complement proteins are cleaved during binds. As a consequence, the next active enzyme of the sequence is
activation of the complement system; the fragments are designated formed. Because each enzyme can activate many enzyme precursors,
with lowercase suffixes, such as C3a and C3b. Usually the larger frag- each step is amplified until the C3 stage; therefore the whole system
ment is designated as “b” and the smaller fragment as “a.” The exception forms an amplifying cascade.
is the designation of the C2 fragments; the larger fragment is desig-
nated C2a and the smaller fragment is C2b. Complement Receptors
Proteins of the alternative activation pathway are called factors and Various cell types express surface membrane glycoproteins that react
are symbolized by letters, such as B. Control proteins include the inhib- with one or more of the fragments of C3 produced during complement
itor of C1 (C1 INH), factor I, and factor H. activation and degradation. The functions of these receptors depend on
The complement system as a component of the natural immune the type of cell and often are incompletely understood. Complement
system is crucial for host defense from microbial infections, an inter- receptor 1 (CR1) is important in enhancing phagocytosis, and CR3b is
face between innate and adaptive immunity, including enhancement of also important in these host defense mechanisms.
immunologic memory, and for clearance of immune complexes from For example, Plasmodium falciparum adhesin PfRh4 binds
tissues and apoptotic or injured cells. to CR1 on human erythrocytes. CR1 is a complement regulator
These activities are initiated in various ways through the following and an immune adherence receptor on erythrocytes required for
three pathways: shuttling C3bC4b-opsonized particles to the liver and spleen for
1. Classic pathway (coevolved with active immunity) phagocytosis.
CHAPTER 2 Soluble Mediators of the Immune System 29

Alternative Pathway Classic Pathway Lectin Pathway

Binding of Mannose
proteins to C3 C3b IgG antibody MASP1 Mannose-
microbial cell MASP2 binding
surface or C1
antibody C4 C2
C4 C2

C4b 2a
C4b 2a

Formation of C3b Bb C3 C4b 2a C3 C4b 2a C3

convertase convertase convertase
C3 convertase

C3b Bb C4b 2a C4b 2a

C3 C3 C3
Cleavage of C3
C3b C3b C3b

C3a C3a C3a

C3b Bb C3b C4b 2a C3b C4b 2a C3b

C5 C5 C5

Formation of C5
C5b C5b C5 C5b
C5 convertase C5
convertase convertase
C5a C5a
Fig. 2.1 The Early Stages of Complement Activation. The alternative pathway is activated by C3b binding
to various activating surfaces, such as microbial cell walls; the classic pathway is initiated by C1 binding to
antigen–antibody complexes; and the lectin pathway is activated by binding of a plasma lectin to microbes.
The C3b that is generated by the action of the C3 convertase binds to the microbial cell surface or the anti-
body and becomes a component of the enzyme that cleaves C5 (C5 convertase) and initiates the late steps
of complement activation. The late steps of all three pathways are the same (not shown), and complement
activated by all three pathways serves the same function. (From Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pillai S: Cellular and
molecular immunology, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2015, Saunders.)

C3 is present in the plasma in the largest quantities; fixation of
The classic complement pathway is one of the major effector mecha- C3 is the major quantitative reaction of the complement cascade.
nisms of antibody-mediated immunity. The principal components of Although the principal source of synthesis of complement in vivo
the classic pathway are C1 through C9. The sequence of component is debatable, the majority of the plasma complement components
activation—C1, -4, -2, -3, -5, -6, -7, -8, and -9—does not follow the are made in hepatic parenchymal cells, except for C1 (a calcium-
expected numerical order. dependent complex of the three glycoproteins C1q, C1r, and C1s),
30 PART I Basic Immunologic Mechanisms


C6 C7
C5 C5a

C5 C5b
C6 C5b C6 C5b
C3b Bb C3b C3b Bb C3b
C7 C8 C7 C8

Plasma membrane

Membrane attack
complex (MAC)

Fig. 2.2 Late Steps of Complement Activation and Formation of the Membrane Attack Complex (MAC).
Cell-associated C5 convertase cleaves C5 and generates C5b, which becomes bound to the convertase. C6 and
C7 bind sequentially, and the C5b,6,7 complex inserts into the plasma membrane, followed by insertion of C8.
Up to 15 C9 molecules may then polymerize around the complex to form the MAC, which creates pores in the
membrane and induces cell lysis. C5a, released on proteolysis of C5, stimulates inflammation. (From Abbas AK,
Lichtman AH, Pillai S: Cellular and molecular immunology, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2015, Saunders.)

which is primarily synthesized in the epithelium of the gastrointesti- peptide, C3 anaphylatoxin, from the N-terminal end of the peptide of
nal and urogenital tracts. C3. This exposes a reactive binding site on the larger fragment, C3b. Con-
The classic pathway has three major stages: sequently, clusters of C3b molecules are activated and bound near the
1. Recognition C4bC2a complex. Each catalytic site can bind several hundred C3b mol-
2. Amplification of proteolytic complement cascade ecules, even though the reaction is very efficient because C3 is present in
3. Membrane attack complex high concentration. Only one C3b molecule combines with C4bC2a to
form the final proteolytic complex of the complement cascade.
The recognition unit of the complement system is the C1 complex: C1q, Membrane Attack Complex
C1r, and C1s, an interlocking enzyme system. In the classic pathway the The membrane attack complex (MAC) is a unique system that builds
first step is initiation of the pathway, triggered by recognition by comple- up a lipophilic complex in cell membranes from several plasma pro-
ment factor C1 of antigen–antibody complexes on the cell surface. When teins. To initiate C5b fixation and the MAC, C3b splits C5a from the
the C1 complex interacts with aggregates of immunoglobulin G (IgG) with alpha chain of C2. No further proteinases are generated in the classic
antigen on a cell’s surface, two C1-associated proteases, C1r and C1s, are complement sequence. Other bound C3b molecules not involved in
activated. A single IgM molecule is potentially able to fix C1, but at least the C4b2a3b complex form an opsonic macromolecular coat on the
two IgG molecules are required for this purpose. The amount of C1 fixed erythrocyte or other target, which renders it susceptible to immune
is directly proportional to the concentration of IgM antibodies, although adherence by C3b receptors on phagocytic cells.
this is not true of IgG molecules. C1s is weakly proteolytic for free intact When fully assembled in the correct proportions, C7, C6, C5b, and
C2 but is highly active against C2 that has complexed with C4b molecules C8 form the MAC (Fig. 2.2). The C5bC6 complex is hydrophilic but,
in the presence of magnesium (Mg2+) ions. This reaction occurs only if the with the addition of C7, it also has additional detergent and phospho-
C4bC2 complex forms close to the C1s. lipid-binding properties. The presence of hydrophobic and hydro-
The resultant C2a fragment joins with C4b to form the new C4bC2a philic groups within the same complex may account for its tendency to
enzyme, or classic pathway C3 convertase. The catalytic site of the polymerize and form small protein micelles (a packet of chain mole-
C4bC2a complex is probably in the C2a peptide. A smaller C2b frag- cules in parallel arrangement). It can attach to any lipid bilayer within
ment from the C2 component is lost to the surrounding environment. its effective diffusion radius, which produces the phenomenon of reac-
tive lysis on innocent so-called bystander cells. Once membrane bound,
Amplification of Proteolytic Complement Cascade C5bC6C7 is relatively stable and can interact with C8 and C9.
Once C1s is activated, the proteolytic complement cascade is ampli- The C5bC6C7C8 complex polymerizes C9 to form a tubule (pore),
fied on the cell membrane through sequential cleavage of complement which spans the membrane of the cell being attacked, allowing ions to
factors and recruitment of new factors until a cell surface complex con- flow freely between the cellular interior and exterior. Complexing with
taining C5b, C6, C7, and C8 is formed. C9 accelerates the osmotic cytolytic reaction. This tubule is a hollow
The complement cascade reaches its full amplitude at the C3 stage, cylinder with one end inserted into the lipid bilayer and the other pro-
which represents the heart of the system. The C4bC2a complex, the jecting from the membrane. A structure of this form can be assumed
classic pathway C3 convertase, activates C3 molecules by splitting the to disturb the lipid bilayer sufficiently to allow the free exchange of
CHAPTER 2 Soluble Mediators of the Immune System 31

ions and water (H2O) molecules across the membrane. Ions flow out, microorganism has potent activity as a C5 convertase. With the cleav-
but large molecules stay in, causing water to flood into the cell. The age of C5, the remainder of the complement cascade continues as in
consequence in a living cell is that the influx of sodium (Na+) ions and the classic pathway.
H2O leads to disruption of osmotic balance, which produces cell lysis.
ALTERNATIVE PATHWAY Mannose-binding lectin is a member of a family of calcium-dependent
The alternative pathway shows points of similarity with the classic lectins, the collectins (collagenous lectins), and is homologous in struc-
sequence. Both pathways generate a C3 convertase that activates C3 to ture to C1q. Mannose-binding lectin, a pattern recognition molecule of
provide the pivotal event in the final common pathway of both systems. the innate immune system, binds to arrays of terminal mannose groups
However, in contrast to the classic pathway, which is initiated by the on a variety of bacteria.
formation of antigen–antibody reactions, the alternative complement A deficiency of mannose-binding lectin is caused by one of three
pathway is predominantly a non–antibody-initiated pathway. point mutations in its gene, each of which reduces levels of the lec-
Microbial and mammalian cell surfaces can activate the alterna- tin. After the discovery that the binding of mannose-binding lectin
tive pathway in the absence of specific antigen–antibody complexes. to mannose residues can initiate complement activation, the man-
Factors capable of activating the alternative pathway include inulin; nose-binding lectin–associated serine protease (MASP) enzymes were
zymosan (a polysaccharide complex from the surface of yeast cells); discovered. MASP activates complement by interacting with two serine
bacterial polysaccharides and endotoxins; and the aggregated IgG2, proteases, MASP1 and MASP2. These components make up the man-
IgA, and IgE. In paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) the nose-binding lectin pathway.
patient’s erythrocytes act as an activator and result in excessive lysis of
these erythrocytes. This nonspecific activation is a major physiologic
advantage because host protection can be generated before the induc-
tion of a humoral immune response. PROTEINS
A key feature of the alternative pathway is that the first three pro-
teins of the classic activation pathway—C1, C4, and C2—do not partic-
ipate in the cascade sequence. The C3a component is considered to be KEY CONCEPTS: Impact of Complement
the counterpart of C2a in the classic pathway. C2 of the classic pathway • T hree reasons for measuring complement are to detect an absence of a
structurally resembles factor B of the alternative pathway. The omis- specific protein or a protein that is nonfunctional; to assess consumption of
sion of C1, C4, and C2 is possible because activators of the alternative complement; and to monitor patients on immunosuppressive drugs.
pathway catalyze the conversion of another series of normal serum • Complement levels may be abnormal in certain disease states.
proteins, which leads to the activation of C3. It was previously believed • Increased complement levels are often associated with inflammatory con-
that properdin, a normal protein of human serum, was the first protein ditions, trauma, and acute illness. Separate complement components (e.g.,
to function in the alternative pathway; thus the pathway was originally C3) are acute-phase proteins.
named after this protein. • The biological functions of the complement system fall into two general
The uptake of factor B onto C3b occurs when C3b is bound to categories: cell lysis by the membrane attack complex and biological
an activator surface. However, C3b in the fluid phase or attached to effects of proteolytic fragments of complement.
a nonactivator surface preferentially binds to and therefore prevents
C3b,B formation. C3b and factor B combine to form C3b,B, which is
converted into an active C3 convertase, C3b,Bb. This results from the Biological Effects of Complement Activation
loss of a small fragment, Ba (glycine-rich α2-globulin, believed to be The three reasons for measuring complement are:
physiologically inert), through the action of the enzyme, factor D. The • To detect an absence of a specific protein or a protein that is
C3b,Bb complex is able to convert more C3 to C3b, which binds more nonfunctional
factor B, and the feedback cycle continues. • To assess consumption of complement
The major controlling event of the alternative pathway is factor H, • To monitor patients on immunosuppressive drugs
which prevents the association between C3b and factor B. Factor H The activation of complement and the products formed during the
blocks the formation of C3b,Bb, the catalytically active C3 convertase complement cascade have a variety of physiologic and cellular conse-
of the feedback loop. Factor H (formerly β1-H) competes with factor quences (Box 2.1). The effects of complement in immunity and inflam-
B for its combining site on C3b, eventually leading to C3 inactivation. mation that are mediated by the proteolytic fragments generated during
Factors B and H apparently occupy a common site on C3b. The factor complement activation, such as opsonization in phagocytosis and ana-
that is preferentially bound to C3b depends on the nature of the surface phylatoxins, are an important consequence of complement activation.
to which C3b is attached. Polysaccharides are called activator surfaces These fragments may remain bound to the same cell surfaces at which
and favor the uptake of factor B on the chain of C3b, with the corre- complement has been activated or may be released into the blood or
sponding displacement of factor H. In this situation, binding of factor extracellular fluid. In either situation active fragments mediate their
H is inhibited, and consequently factor B replaces H at the common effects by binding to specific receptors expressed on various types of
binding site. When factor H is excluded, C3b is thought to be formed cells, including phagocytic leukocytes and the endothelium (Table 2.1).
continuously in small amounts. Another controlling point in the In addition to the function of complement as a major effector of
amplification loop depends on the stability of the C3b,Bb convertase. antigen–antibody interaction, physiologic concentrations of comple-
Ordinarily C3b,Bb decays because of the loss of Bb, with a half-life of ment have been found to induce profound alterations in the molecular
approximately 5 minutes. However, if properdin (P) binds to C3b,Bb, weight, composition, and solubility of immune complexes (Fig. 2.3). The
forming C3b,BbP, the half-life is extended to 30 minutes. activation of complement may also play a role in mediating hypersensi-
The association of numerous C3b units, factor Bb, and proper- tivity reactions. This process may occur from direct alternative pathway
din on the surface of an aggregate of protein or the surface of a activation by IgE–antigen complexes or through a sequence initiated by
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has sido tan amada, y separarte de estos chicos que has criado y que
como a madre te miran?...
El padre Alelí fijó en ella sus ojos, ávidos de leer en los de la joven
lo que de su alma saliese al rostro, si es que algo salía. El buen fraile
que a pesar de su decrepitud, ocasionada a perturbaciones mentales
conservaba algo de su antigua penetración, creyó ver en Sola una
pena muy viva. Esto le hacía sonreír, diciendo para su sayo: «mujercita
—Don Benigno no se casará —dijo ella—. ¿Será posible que caiga
en tan mala tentación? Yo de mí sé decir que si salgo de esta casa me
moriré de pena; tan tranquila, tan considerada y tan feliz he vivido en
ella. Y luego, estos diablillos del cielo, como yo les llamo; estos
muchachos, a quienes quiero tanto sin ser míos, y no tengo mejo
gusto que ocuparme de ellos... No, digo que don Benigno no se
casará. Sería un disparate; ya no está en edad para eso.
—¿Qué dices ahí, tontuela? —exclamó Alelí incorporándose con
enojo—. ¿Conque mi amigo no está en edad de casarse? ¿Es acaso
algún viejo chocho? ¿Está por ventura enfermo? No, más sana y
limpia está su persona y su sangre noble que la de todos esos
mozuelos del día.
Esto decía, cuando Juan Jacobo, cansado de estarse quieto tanto
tiempo y no teniendo interés en la conversación, empezó a tirarle de
los bigotes al gato, que dormido estaba en la falda del fraile. Sentirse
el animal tan malamente interrumpido en su sueño de canónigo y
empezar a dar bufidos y a sacar las uñas, fue todo uno. Alborotose e
fraile con los rasguños, y dio un coscorrón al chico; Sola le aplicó dos
nalgadas, y todo concluyó con enfadarse el muchacho y coger el gato
en brazos y marcharse con él a un rincón, donde le puso el sombrero
del mercedario para que durmiera.
—Eso es, sí, está mi sombrero para cama de gatos —refunfuñó
—¡Jesús qué criatura!... Le voy a matar —dijo Sola amenazándole
con la mano—. Trae acá el sombrero.
Juan trajo el sombrero, y aprovechándose del interés que en la
corversación tenían el fraile y la joven, rescató su molinillo y su
bandeja y bajó a la tienda para escaparse a la calle.
—Vaya con la tonta —dijo Alelí continuando su interrumpido tema
—. ¡Si Benigno es un muchacho, un chiquillo...! ¡Si me parece que fue
ayer cuando le vi arrastrándose a gatas por un cerrillo que hay delante
de su casa...! ¡Qué piernazas aquellas, qué brazos y qué manotas
tenía! ¡Y cómo se agarraba al pecho de su madre, y qué mordidas le
daba el muy antropófago! Yo le cogía en brazos y le daba unos
palmetazos en los muslos... Sabrás que fui al pueblo a restablecerme
de unas intermitentes que cogí en Madrid cuando vine a las elecciones
de la Orden. Entonces conocí al bueno de Jovellanos, un Voltaire
encubierto, dígase lo que se quiera, y al conde de Aranda, que era un
Pombal español, y a mi señor don Carlos III, que era un Federico de
Prusia españolizado...
—Al grano, al grano.
—Justo es que al grano vayamos. Cuando Nicolás Moratín y yo
—Al grano.
—Pues digo que Benigno es un mozalbete. ¿No ves su arrogancia
su buen color, sus bríos? Bah, bah... Oye una cosa, hijita: Benigno se
casará, tú te quedarás sola, y entonces será bien añadir a tu nombre
otra palabra, llamándote Sola y Monda en vez de Sola a secas. Pero
aquí viene bien darte un consejo... ¿Sabes, hija mía, que me está
entrando un sueño tal, que la cabeza me parece de plomo?
—Pues deme su reverencia el consejo y duérmase después —
repuso ella con impaciencia.
—El consejo es que te cases tú también, y así, del matrimonio de
Benigno no podrá resultar ninguna desgracia... ¡Qué sueño, santo
Sola se echó a reír.
—¡Casarme yo!... Qué bromas gasta el padrito.
—Hija, el sueño me rinde... no puedo más —dijo Alelí luchando con
su propia cabeza, que sobre el pecho se caía, y tirando de sus propios
párpados con nervioso esfuerzo para impedir que se cerraran cua
pesadas compuertas.
—Otro cigarrito.
—Sí..., chupetón..., humo —murmuró Alelí, cuya flaca naturaleza
era bruscamente vencida por la necesidad del reposo.

Sola corrió a buscar el despertador, y a su vuelta encontró al pobre

religioso más que medianamente dormido, la cabeza inclinada a un
lado, la boca entreabierta, roncando como un viejo y sonriendo como
un niño. No quiso despertarle, aunque tenía curiosidad por saber en
qué pararía aquel asunto del casamiento de su protector. Sospechaba
la intención del fraile y todo el intríngulis de aquella conferencia
cortada por el sueño, y se reía interiormente, considerando los rodeos
y la timidez de su protector.
Acomodó la cabeza del anciano en la almohada, le puso una manta
en las piernas para que no se enfriase, y le dejó dormir. Sentada en
una silla al pie de La Creación, le miró mucho, cual si en el semblante
frailesco estuvieran estampadas y legibles las palabras que Alelí había
dicho y las que no había tenido tiempo de decir. Profundo silencio
reinaba en el comedor. Oíase, sin embargo, el paseo igual y sereno de
la péndula y un roncar lejano, profundo, que tenía algo de la trompa
épica, y era la melopea del sueño de doña Crucita, cantada en tonante
estilo por sus órganos respiratorios. Los del reverendo Alelí no
tardaron en unir su voz a la que de la alcoba venía, y sonando primero
en aflautados preludios, después en rotundos períodos, llegaron a
concertarse tan bien con la otra música, que no parecía sino que e
mismo Haydn había andado en ello.
Entre las dos ventanas de la pieza, que recibían de un patio la poca
luz de que este podía disponer, había un armario lleno de loza fina, tan
bien dispuesta, que bastaba una ojeada para enterarse de las distintas
piezas allí guardadas. Las copas, puestas en fila y boca abajo
sustentando cada cual una naranja, parecían enanos con turbante
amarillos. En todas las tablas, las cenefas de papel recortado caían
graciosamente formando picos como un encaje, y de este modo los
arabescos de la loza tenían mayor realce. Algunas cafeteras y jarras
echaban hacia fuera sus picos como aves que, después de toma
agua, estiran el cuello para tragarla mejor, y las redondas soperas se
estaban muy quietas sobre su plato, como gallinas que sacan pollos
En el chinesco juego de té que regalaron a don Benigno el día de su
santo, las tacitas puestas en círculo, semejando la empolladura recién
salida y piando junto a la madre. Un alto y descomedido botellón, cuya
boca figuraba la de un animalejo, era el rey de toda aquella
muchedumbre porcelanesca; diríase que amenazaba a las piezas
vasallas con cierta ley escrita en el fondo de una fuente. Era un letrero
dorado que decía: «Me soy de Benigno Cordero de Paz. Año de
Junto al armario había una silla de tijera, en la cual estaba Sola con
los brazos cruzados. Miraba a Alelí, a la lámpara de cuatro brazos, a
La Creación, al monumento de Toledo y al suelo cubierto de estera
común. También fue objeto de sus miradas el aguamanil, cuya
llavecita, un poco desgastada, dejaba caer una gota de agua a cada
diez oscilaciones de la péndula. La caja de latón en que estaba e
agua tenía pintado un pajarillo picando una flor, con tan desdichado
arte, que más bien parecía que la flor se comía al ave. También miraba
Sola al techo, donde había cuatro ligeras manchas de humo
correspondientes a los cuatro quinquets de cada uno de los brazos de
la lámpara. Tales manchas eran las únicas nubes que empañaban e
azul de aquel cielo de yeso, que en verano se estrellaba de moscas.
A todas estas partes dirigía la joven sus ojos, cual si estuviese
buscando sus pensamientos perdidos y desparramados por la
estancia. Creeríase que habían salido a holgar, volando como
mariposas a distintos parajes, y que su dueña los iba recogiendo uno a
uno, o dos a dos, para traerlos a casa y someterlos al yugo de
Y así era en efecto. Ella tenía que concertar algo en su cabeza y
discurrir. Convidábanla a ello la soledad en que estaba y la suave
sombra que empezaba a ocupar el comedor, dominando primero los
ángulos, el techo, y extendiéndose poco a poco y avanzando un paso
al compás de los que daba la péndula. Las voces, o dígase ronquidos
se apagaron un momento, cual si los músicos que las producían
descansasen para tomar más fuerza. La de doña Crucita empezó
luego a crecer, a crecer, desafiando a la del padre Alelí. La de este
sonaba entonces en el registro del caramillo pastoril, y parecía
convidar a la égloga con su gorjeo cariñoso.
Y en tanto, el murmullo de Crucita se tornaba de llamativo en
provocador y de provocador en insolente, cual si decir quisiera: «en
esta casa nadie ronca más que yo».
Indudablemente Sola discurría con muy buen juicio en medio de
estas músicas. Pensaba que era un disparate vivir tanto tiempo en un
mundo quimérico. La edad avanzaba; la juventud, aunque todavía
rozagante y lozana en ella, había dejado ya atrás una buena parte de
sí misma. Su vida marchaba ya muy cerca de aquel límite en que
están la razón y la prudencia, las posibilidades y las prosas, de ta
modo que las ilusiones se iban quedando atrás envueltas en brumas
de recuerdos, mal iluminados por la luz vespertina de esperanzas
desvanecidas. La fantasía se cansaba de su trabajo estéril, de aquella
fatigosa edificación de castillos llevados del viento y descompuestos
en aire como las bovedillas de la espuma, que no son más que juegos
del jabón, transformándose por un instante en pedrería de mil matices
Llegaba doña Sola y Monda a la edad en que parece verificarse en la
mente un despejo de todas las jugueterías y figuraciones que traemos
de la niñez, y queda aquel aposento de nuestro espíritu limpio de las
telarañas, que parecen tapices por capricho de la luz filtrada.
El sentimiento de la realidad empezaba a hacer en ella su tardía y
radical conquista, y así sentía la imposición ineludible de ciertas ideas
¿Cómo vivir más tiempo por y para un fantasma? ¿Cómo subordina
toda la existencia a lo que tal vez no tenía ya existencia real, o si la
tenía estaba tan distante que su alejamiento equivalía al no existir?
¿No podía suceder que, sin quererlo ella misma, se destruyesen en su
alma ciertos afectos, y que de las ruinas de estos nacieran otros con
menos intensidad y lozanía, pero con más condiciones de realidad y
Tan abstraída estaba, que no advirtió cuán bravamente aceptaba la
voz del padre Alelí el reto de los lejanos bramidos de doña Crucita, y
dejando el tono pastoril, iba aumentando en intensidad sonora hasta
llegar a un toque de clarines que habrían infundido ideas belicosas a
todo aquel que los oyera. Los cañones respiratorios del reverendo
decían seguramente en su enérgico lenguaje: «cuando yo ronco en
esta casa, nadie me levanta el gallo». Acobardada y humillada por tan
marcial alboroto, doña Crucita se recogió y se fue aplacando, hasta
que su música no fue más que un murmullo como el de los perezosos
beatos que rezan dentro de una vasta catedral, y luego se cambió en
el sollozo de las hojas de otoño arrancadas por el viento y bailando
con él.
A su vez, el victorioso ronquido de Alelí remedó el fagot de un coro
de frailes, y después dejo oír varias notas vagas, suspironas, fugitivas
como los murmullos del órgano cuando el organista pasa los dedos
sobre el teclado en tanto que el oficiante le da con sus preces la seña
de empezar. La música roncadora se había hecho triste, coincidiendo
con la oscuridad casi completa que llenaba la pieza.
Pero el alma de doña Sola y Monda no estaba triste. Había echado
una mirada al porvenir y lo había visto placentero, tranquilo, honroso y
honrado. Su corazón, al declararse vencido por las realidades un poco
brutales, como conquistadoras que eran, no estaba vacío de
sentimientos, antes bien se llenaba de los afectos más puros, más
delicados, más nobles. La vida nueva que se le ofrecía, debía
inaugurarse, eso sí, con un poco de tristeza; pero ¡cuánta dignidad en
aquella nueva vida!, ¡qué hermoso realce en la personalidad!, ¡qué
ocasión para mostrar los más nobles sentimientos, tales como la
abnegación, la constancia, la fidelidad, el trabajo!, ¡qué ocasión para
perfeccionarse constantemente y ser cada día mejor, realizando e
bien en todas las formas posibles y gozando en el sostenimiento de
esa deliciosa carga que se llama el deber!
¿Pero qué estruendo, qué fragor temeroso era aquel que Sola
sentía tan cerca y que interrumpía sus discretos pensamientos en lo
mejor de ellos? Sonaban ya sin duda las trompetas del Juicio final
pues no de otro modo debían llamarse los destemplados y altísonos
ronquidos de Crucita y el padre Alelí. Los de este se detuvieron
bruscamente, cual si fuera a despertar, y oyose su voz que entre
sueños decía:
—Vete, vete de mi celda, terrible democracio... ¿Qué buscas aquí?
¿a qué vienes a España y a Madrid, si no es a que te ahorquen?..
¡Vuélvete a la emigración de donde jamás debiste salir!..
¡Conspirador..., vagabundo!
Doña Sola y Monda se acercó al fraile para oír mejor lo que entre
dientes seguía diciendo.
Alelí extendió los brazos, quedándose un buen rato como un
crucifijo en sabroso estiramiento de músculos, y con voz clara y entera
dijo así:
—Esproncedilla..., busca-ruidos..., mequetrefe, no me
comprometas..., vete de mi celda.
Sola se acercó y le tomó una mano.
—¿Pero qué osscuridad es esta? ¿En dónde estoy?
—¡Vaya un modo de dormir y de disparatar! —replicó Sola riendo.
—¿Pues qué, he dormido yo?... Si no he hecho más que
aletargarme un instante, cinco minutos todo lo más... Vaya, que se
pone pronto el sol en esta dichosa casa... Chiquilla, dame m
sombrero, que me voy.
—Primero voy a traer luz —dijo la Hormiga saliendo.
Al poco rato volvió con una lámpara, cuyos rayos ofendieron la vista
del fraile.
—Yo creí que ya habían empezado a crecer los días... ¿Qué hora
es? Las cinco y media... Lo dicho, dicho, querida señorita..
¿Reflexionarás en lo que te he manifestado?
—¿Pues qué he de hacer sino reflexionar?
—¿Y comprenderás que se te entra por las puertas la fortuna, y que
vas a ser la más dichosa de las mujeres?
—Pues claro que sí.
—¡Bendita seas tú y bendito quien te trajo a esta casa! —exclamó
Alelí con acento muy evangélico.
Abriose con no poco estrépito la puerta del comedor, y apareció
Crucita de malísimo talante, diciendo:
—No he podido pegar los ojos en toda la tarde con la dichosa
conversación de la niña y el fraile.
—Quita allá, Cruz del Mal Ladrón —replicó Alelí—. Lo que ha sido
es que con la trompeta de tus roncamientos no me has dejado a m
descabezar un mal sueño.
—Sí, porque a fe que el padrito toca algún cascabelillo sordo
cuando duerme... Me habéis tenido toda la tarde despabilada como un
lince, primero con la charla de sus mercedes y luego con los
piporrazos de su reverencia... ¡Qué importunidad, Santo Dios! Busque
usted un momento de tranquilidad en esta casa.
—Cállate, serpiente del Paraíso, que así guardas silencio dormida
como despierta, y no hables de eso, que el que más y el que menos
todos, todos repicamos, y abur.
Echáronse a reír Sola y el fraile, y al fin también se rio un poco
Crucita, pues su genio arisco también tenía flores de cuando en
cuando, si bien estas eran como las plantas marinas, que están en e
fondo y casi siempre en el fondo mueren.

En la tienda, don Benigno preguntó con gran interés a su amigo po

el resultado de la conferencia que con Sola había tenido.
—Muy bien —dijo Alelí—, admirablemente bien.
Después se quedó perplejo, con los ojos fijos en el suelo y el dedo
sobre el labio, como revolviendo en el caótico montón de sus
recuerdos; y al cabo de tantas meditaciones, habló así:
—Pues, hijo, ahora caigo en que no llegué a decirle lo más
importante, porque me acometió un sueño tal, que no lo hubiera
podido vencer aunque me echaran encima un jarro de agua fría... Ya la
tenía preparada; ya, si no me engaño, había ella comprendido e
objeto de mi discurso, y manifestaba un gran contento por la felicidad
que Dios le depara, cuando... Yo no sé sino que me desperté en la
oscuridad de tu comedor, que parece la boca de un lobo... Y qué
quieres, hijo..., lo demás puedes decírselo tú, o se lo diré yo mañana
Quédate con Dios y con la Virgen.
Marchose Alelí, y don Benigno se quedó muy contrariado y ofendido
de la poca destreza de su amigo. Juró no volver a confiar misiones
delicadas a un viejo decrépito y medio lelo, y al mismo tiempo se
sentía él muy cobarde para desempeñar por sí mismo el papel que
había confiado al otro. Cuando subió, después de cerrar la tienda, en
compañía de Juan Jacobo, que había entrado de la calle con un
chichón en la frente, dijo a Sola:
—Ya estoy convencido de que ese estafermo de Alelí es el bobo de
Coria... Apreciabilísima Hormiga, quisiera hablar con usted...
—¿Hablar conmigo?... Ahora mismo; ya escucho —dijo ella
sonriendo de tal modo que a Cordero se le encandilaron los ojos.
Pero en el mismo instante le acometió la timidez de tal modo, que
no se atrevió a decir lo que decir quería, y solo balbució estas
—Es que conviene ponerle a este enemigo una venda y dos cuartos
sobre el chichón, que es el mejor medio de curarlo.
Aquella noche don Benigno estuvo muy triste y se pasó algunas
horas en su cuarto, sin leer a Rousseau, aunque bien se le acordaba
aquel pasaje del libro quinto del Emilio:

«Emilio es hombre, Sofía es mujer... Sofía no enamora a

primer golpe de vista, pero agrada más cada día. Sus encantos
se van manifestando por grados en la intimidad del trato. Su
educación no es ni brillante ni estrecha. Tiene gusto sin estudio
talento sin arte, y criterio sin erudición... La desconformidad de
los matrimonios no nace de la edad, sino del carácter...».

Y luego añadía, alterando un poco el texto:

«Sofía había leído el Telémaco, y estaba prendada de él; pero

ya su tierno corazón ha cambiado de objeto y palpita por el buen

Después Cordero se reía de sí mismo y de su timidez, haciendo

juramento de vencerla al día siguiente, pues lo que él sentía era un
afecto decoroso, un sentimiento de gratitud y de respeto, y no pasión
ni capricho de mozalbete.
Al día siguiente, Sola mostraba excelente humor que rayaba en
festivo, lo que dio muy buena espina al héroe de Boteros. Canturreaba
entre dientes, cosa que no hacía todos los días, y en su cara se
notaba animación, si bien podía observarse que tenía los ojos algo
encendidos. Sin duda había visto y aceptado la posibilidad de un
destino nuevo, honrado y honroso en extremo, y se complacía en él
creyéndolo dispuesto por Dios con extraordinaria sabiduría. Pero si no
se entra en la vida sin llanto, también parece natural que no se entre
en las felicidades nuevas sin algo de lágrimas. Los nuevos estados
aunque sean muy buenos y hermosos, no siempre seducen tanto que
hagan aborrecible la situación vieja por detestable que haya sido. De
aquí venía, sin duda, el que estando de tan buen humor, tuviese en lo
encendido de sus ojos el testimonio de haber lloriqueado algo.
O quizás la alegría que mostraba venía más bien de la voluntad que
del corazón, como si su espíritu, tan hecho a la observancia de los
deberes, hubiese resuelto que convenía estar alegre. La razón sin
duda lo mandaba así, y la razón iba siendo la señora de ella... No hay
más sino que se dominaba maravillosamente, y lograba alcanzar tan
grande victoria sobre sí misma, que era al fin, si es permitido decirlo
así, un producto humano de todas las ideas razonables, una
conciencia puesta en acción.
Su protector le dijo que aquella tarde se verían los dos en su cuarto
para hablar a solas. El héroe se atrevía al fin. Prometió ella se
puntual, y esperó la hora. Pero Dios, que sin duda por móviles
altísimos o inexplicables quería estorbar los honestos impulsos de
héroe, dispuso las cosas de otra manera. Ya se sabe lo que significan
todas las voluntades humanas cuando Él quiere imponer la suya.
Sucedió que poco antes de la hora de comer, Juanito Jacobo
todavía vendado por los chichones del día anterior, andaba enredando
con una pelota. Trabáronse de palabras él y su hermano Rafaelito
sobre a quién pertenecía el tal juguete. Hay indicios y aun
antecedentes jurídicos para creer que el verdadero propietario era e
pequeñuelo, y así debió sentirlo en su conciencia Rafael; que tanto
imperio tiene la justicia en la conciencia humana aunque sea
conciencia en agraz.
Pero de reconocerlo en la conciencia a declararlo, hay gran
distancia, y si tal distancia no existiera, no habría abogados ni curiales
en el mundo. Por eso Rafael, no sintiéndose bastante egoísta para
apandar la pelota, ni bastante generoso para dejársela a su rival, hizo
lo que suelen hacer los chicos en estas contiendas, es a saber; cogió
la pelota y la arrojó a lo alto del armario del comedor, donde no podría
ser alcanzada ni por uno ni por otro.
¡Valiente hazaña la de Rafaelito!... Pero el pequeño Hércules no
había nacido para retroceder ante contrariedades tan tontas. ¡Bonito
genio tenía él para acobardarse porque el techo esté más alto que e
suelo!... Arrastró el sillón hasta acercarlo al armario; puso sobre e
sillón una silla, sobre la silla una banqueta, y ya trepaba él por aquella
frágil torre, cuando esta se vino al suelo con estruendo, y rodó el chico
y se abrió la cabeza contra una de las patas de la mesa.
El laberinto que se armó en la casa no es para descrito. Salió don
Benigno, acudió Sola, puso el grito en el cielo Crucita, ladraron todos
los perros, maldijo la criada todas las pelotas habidas y por haber, lloró
Rafael, gimieron sus hermanos, y el herido fue alzado del suelo sin
conocimiento. Pronto volvió en sí, y la descalabradura no parecía
grave, gracias a la mucha sangre que salió de aquella cabezota. En
tanto que Sola batía aceite con vino, y la criada, partidaria de otro
sistema, mascaba romero para hacer un emplasto, doña Crucita, que
en todas estas ocasiones se remontaba siempre al origen de los
conflictos, repartía una zurribanda general entre los muchachos
mayores, azotándoles sin piedad uno tras otro. Los perros seguían
chillando, y hasta la cotorra tuvo algo que decir acerca de tan
memorable suceso.
Toda la tarde duró la agitación y nadie tuvo ganas de comer, porque
el muchacho padecía bastante con su herida. Vino el médico y dijo
que, sin ser grave, la herida era penosa y exigía mucho cuidado. No
hubo, pues, conferencia entre Cordero y Sola, porque la ocasión no
era propicia. Por la noche Juanito Jacobo se durmió sosegadamente
Sola, que en la misma pieza puso su cama, estaba alerta vigilando a
enfermito. Ya muy tarde se despertó este intranquilo, calenturiento
pidiendo de beber y quejándose de dolores en todo el cuerpo. Sola se
arrojó del lecho medio vestida, y echándose un mantón sobre los
hombros salió para llamar a la criada. Levantose esta, y entre las dos
prepararon medicinas, encendieron la lumbre, fueron y vinieron por los
helados pasillos. A la madrugada, cuando el chico se durmió, a
parecer sosegado y repuesto, Sola sintió un frío intensísimo con
bruscas alternativas de calor sofocante. Arrojose en su lecho y a
punto sintió una postración tan grande que su cuerpo parecía de
plomo. La respiración érale a cada instante más difícil, y no podía
resistir el agudo dolor de las sienes. La tos seca y profunda añadía
una molestia más a tantas molestias, y en su costado derecho le
habían seguramente clavado un gran clavo, pues no otra cosa parecía
la insufrible punzada que la atormentaba en aquella parte.
La criada, que al punto conoció lo grave de tales síntomas, quiso
llamar a don Benigno y a Crucita; pero Sola no consintió que se les
molestara por ella. Era la madrugada. Mientras llegaba el día, la
alcarreña preparó no sé cuántos sudoríficos y emolientes, sin
resultado satisfactorio. Al fin, cuando daban las siete, Crucita dejó las
ociosas plumas, y enterada de lo que pasaba, reprendió a la enferma
por haberse puesto mala voluntariamente; que no otra cosa significaba
el haber tomado aires colados, hallándose, como se hallaba desde
hace días, con un catarro más que regular. La avinagrada señora echó
por la boca mil prescripciones higiénicas para evitar los enfriamientos
y otros tantos anatemas contra las personas que no se cuidaban
Cuando Cordero se levantó, Crucita, que gozaba en anunciar los
sucesos poco gratos, fue a su encuentro y le dijo:
—Ya tenemos otro enfermo en campaña. Sola se ha puesto muy
—¿Qué tiene? —dijo el héroe con repentino dolor, como
presagiando una gran desgracia.
—Pues una pulmonía fulminante.
Si lo partiera un rayo, no se quedara don Benigno más tieso, más
mudo, más parado, más muerto que en aquel momento estaba. Creía
ver su dicha futura, sus risueños proyectos desplomándose como un
castillo de naipes al traidor soplo del Guadarrama.
—Veámosla —dijo recobrando la esperanza; y corrió a la alcoba.
Sola le miró con cariñosos y agradecidos ojos. Quiso hablarle, y la
violenta tos se lo impedía. Nada pudo decir don Benigno, porque
indudablemente el corazón se le había partido en dos pedazos, y uno
de estos se le había subido a la garganta. Al fin hizo un esfuerzo
quiso llenarle de optimismo, y echó una forzada sonrisa diciendo:
—Eso no será nada. Veamos el pulso.
¡Ay!, el pulso era tal que Cordero, en la exaltación de su miedo
creyó que dentro de las venas de Sola había un caballo que
—Que venga don Pedro Castelló, el médico de Su Majestad —dijo
sin poder contener su alarma—. Que vengan todos los médicos de
Madrid... Veamos, apreciable Hormiga: ¿desde cuándo se sintió usted
—Desde ayer tarde —pudo contestar la joven.
—¡Y no había dicho nada!... ¡Qué crueldad consigo mismo y con los
—¡Ya se ve..., no dice nada!... —vociferó Crucita—. ¡Bien merecido
le está!... ¿Hase visto terquedad semejante? Esta es de las que se
morirán sin quejarse... ¿Por qué no se acostó ayer tarde, por qué?
¡Bendito de Dios, qué mujer! Si ella tuviese por costumbre, como es su
deber, consultarme, yo le habría aconsejado anoche que tomara un
buen tazón de flor de malva con unas gotas de aguardiente... Pero ella
se lo hace todo y ella se lo sabe todo... Silencio, Otelo... Vete fuera
Mortimer... No ladres, Blanquillo.
Y en tanto que su hermana imponía silencio al ejército perruno, e
atribulado don Benigno elevaba el pensamiento a Dios Todopoderoso
pidiéndole misericordia.
Sin pérdida de tiempo hizo venir al médico de la casa, y a todos los
médicos célebres, precedidos por don Pedro Castelló, que era la
primera de las celebridades.

Mientras que esto pasaba en casa del vendedor de encajes, doña

Jenara y Pipaón andaban atortolados por el ningún éxito de sus
averiguaciones, y los días iban pasando y la sombra o fantasma que
ambos perseguían se les escapaba de las manos cuando creían
tenerla segura. El terrible democracio albergado en la Trinidad resultó
ser el más inocente y el más calavera de todos, hombre que jamás
haría nada de provecho fuera de las hazañas en el glorioso campo de
arte; gran poeta que pronto había de señalarse cantando dolores y
melancolías desgarradoras. No sabiendo cómo lo recibiría la
Superintendencia, acogiose a los frailes trinitarios por indicación de
Vega, que en aquella casa cumplió seis años antes su condena
cuando el desastre numantino. Influencias de su familia y amigos le
consiguieron pronto el indulto, y decidido a ser en lo sucesivo todo lo
juicioso que su índole de poeta permitiera, solicitó una plaza en la
Guardia de la Real Persona, que le fue concedida más adelante.
Bretón, desesperado por las horribles trabas del teatro, marchó a
Sevilla con Grimaldi, autor de la Pata de cabra. Vega, que luchaba con
la pobreza y era muy perezoso para escribir, quería hacerse cómico y
aun llegó a ajustarse en la compañía de Grimaldi. Considerando esto
los amigos como una deshonra, pusieron el grito en el cielo; pero
como los lamentos no podían sacar al poeta de sus apuros, fue
preciso echar un guante para rescatarle, por haber cobrado con
anticipación parte del sueldo de galán joven. Grimaldi era un
empresario hábil que sabía elegir la gente, y en su memorable
excursión por Cádiz y Sevilla, dio a conocer como actriz de grandísima
precocidad a una niña llamada Matilde, que a los doce años hacía la
protagonista de La huérfana de Bruselas con extraordinario primor.
En Madrid, después de la marcha de Grimaldi, el teatro se
alimentaba de traducciones. Algunas de estas fueron hechas por un
muchacho carpintero, de modestia suma y apellido impronunciable
Era hijo de un alemán, y hacía sillas y dramas. Fue el primero que
acometió en gran escala la restauración del teatro nacional, para saca
al gran Lope del polvoriento rincón en que Moratín y los clásicos le
habían puesto, juntamente con los demás inmortales del siglo de oro
El infeliz ebanista, que no podía ver representadas sus obras
originales, traducía a Voltaire y a Alfieri, refundía a Rojas y al buen
Moreto. Pero su mala estrella no le permitió abrirse camino ni hace
resonar su nombre en la república literaria. Pocos años después, la
víspera del estreno de su gran obra original, que le llevó de un golpe a
las alturas de la fama, el lenguaraz satírico de la época, e
malhumorado y bilioso escritor a quien ya conocemos, decía: «Pues s
el autor es sillero, la obra debe de tener mucha paja». El enrevesado
nombre del ebanista nacido de alemán y criado en un taller, fue, desde
que se conocieron Los amantes de Teruel, uno de los más gloriosos
que España tuvo y tiene en el siglo que corre.
Y el satírico seguía satirizando en la época a que nos referimos
(1831); mas con poca fortuna todavía, y sin anunciar con sus escritos
lo que más tarde fue. Se había casado a los veinte años, y su vida no
era un modelo de arreglo ni de paz doméstica. Recibió protección de
don Manuel Fernández Varela, a quien se debe llamar El Magnífico po
serlo en todas sus acciones. Su corazón generoso, su amor a la
esplendidez, a las artes, a las letras, a todo lo noble y antivulgar, su
trato cortesano, las cuantiosas rentas de que dispuso, hacían de él un
verdadero prócer, un Mecenas, un magnate, superior por mi
conceptos a los estirados e ignorantes señorones de su época, a los
rutinarios y suspicaces ministros. Era la figura del señor Varela
arrogante y simpática, su habla afabilísima y galante, sus modales
muy finos. Vestía con magnificencia, y adornaba el severo vestido
sacerdotal con pieles y rasos tan artísticamente, que parecía una
figura de otras edades. En su mesa se comía mejor que en ninguna
otra, de lo que fueron testimonio dos célebres gastrónomos a quienes
convidó y obsequió mucho. El uno se llamaba Aguado, marqués de las
Marismas, y el otro Rossini, no ya marqués, sino príncipe y emperado
de la Música.
El señor Varela protegió a mucha y diversa gente, distinguiendo
especialmente a sus paisanos los gallegos; fundó colegios, desecó
lagunas, erigió la estatua de Cervantes que está en la plazuela de las
Cortes, ayudó a Larra, a Espronceda y dio a conocer a Pastor Díaz.
Cuando vino Rossini en marzo de aquel año, le encargó una misa
Rossini no quería componer misas... «Pues un Stabat Mater», le dijo
Varela. El maestro compuso en aquellos días el primer número de su
gran obra religiosa que parece dramática. El resto lo envió desde e
extranjero. Cuentan que Varela le pagó bien.
Algunos números del célebre Stabat se estrenaron aquella Semana
Santa en San Felipe el Real, dirigidos por el mismo Rossini, y hubo
tantas apreturas en la iglesia, que muchos recibieron magulladuras y
contusiones, y se asfixiaron dos o tres personas en medio del tumulto
Rossini fue obsequiado, como es de suponer, atendida su gran fama
Tenía próximamente cuarenta años, buena figura, y su hermosa cara
un poco napoleónica, revelaba, más que el estro músico y el aire de la
familia de Orfeo, su afición al epigrama y a los buenos platos.
Habiendo recibido en un mismo día dos invitaciones a comer, una
del señor Varela y otra de un grande de España, prefirió la del primero
Preguntada la causa de esta preferencia, respondió:
—Porque en ninguna parte se come mejor que en casa de los
En efecto: la mesa de este generoso y espléndido sacerdote era la
mejor de Madrid. A sus salones de la plazuela de Barajas concurría
gente muy escogida, no faltando en ellos damas elegantes y
hermosas, porque, a decir verdad, el señor Varela no estaba por e
ascetismo en esta materia.
Pero allí la opulencia del señor y su misma gravedad de eclesiástico
no permitían la confianza y esparcimientos de otras tertulias. La de
Cambronero, por el contrario, era de las más agradables y divertidas
dentro de los límites de la decencia más refinada.
Era el señor don Manuel María Cambronero varón dignísimo, de
altas prendas y crédito inmenso como abogado. Durante muchos años
no tuvo rival en el foro de Madrid, y todos los grandes negocios de la
aristocracia estaban a su cargo. Fue en su época lo que
posteriormente Pérez Hernández y más tarde Cortina. Su señora era
castellana vieja, algo chapada a la antigua, y sus hijos siguieron
diversos destinos y carreras. Uno de ellos, don José, casó por aquellos
años con Doloritas Armijo, guapísima muchacha, cuyo nombre parece
que no viene al caso en esta relación, y, sin embargo, está aquí muy
en su lugar.
El primer pasante de Cambronero era un joven llamado Juan
Bautista Alonso, a quien el insigne letrado tomó gran cariño, legándole
al morir sus negocios y su rica biblioteca. Alonso, que más tarde fue
también abogado eminente, político y filósofo de nota, tuvo en su
mocedad aficiones de poeta, y, por tanto, amistad con todos los poetas
y literatos jóvenes de la época. Él fue, pues, quien introdujo en las
agradabilísimas y honestas tertulias de Cambronero a Vega
Espronceda, Felipe Pardo, Juanito Pezuela, y, por último, a
misántropo, al que ya se llamaba con poca fortuna Duende satírico, y
más tarde se había de llamar Pobrecito hablador, Bachiller Pérez de
Murguía, Andrés Niporesas, y, finalmente, Fígaro.
El entrometido Pipaón iba también a casa de Cambronero. Jenara
sin que se supiese la causa, había disminuido considerablemente sus
tertulias; recibía poquísima gente, y solo daba convites en muy
contados días. En cambio, frecuentaba la tertulia de Cambronero
donde hallaba casi todo el contingente de la suya, y además otras
personas que no había tratado hasta entonces; tales como don Ánge
Iznardi, don José Rives, don Juan Bautista Erro, el conde de Negri y
otros varios.
También se veía por allí al joven Olózaga, pasante, como Alonso
en el bufete de Cambronero, si bien menos asiduo en el trabajo
Desde los principios del año andaba Salustiano tan distraído, que no
parecía el mismo. Iba a las reuniones como por compromiso o po
temor de que al echarse de menos su persona, se le creyese
empeñado en conspiraciones políticas. Su mismo padre, don
Celestino, se quejaba de sus frecuentes ausencias de la casa. Ta
conducta no podía atribuirse sino a dos motivos: política o amores. La
familia y los conocidos, inclinándose siempre a lo menos peligroso
presumían que Salustiano andaba enamorado. Su buena figura, su
elocuencia, sus distinguidos modales, la misma exaltación de sus
ideas políticas y otras prendas de mucha estima, dándole desde su
tierna juventud gran favor entre las damas, justificaban aquella idea.
De repente, Jenara dejó de asistir también con puntualidad a las
tertulias. El público, que todo lo quiere explicar según su especia
modo de ver, comentó aquellas ausencias con cierta malignidad, y
hasta hubo quien hablara de fuga al extranjero en busca de apartadas
y placenteras soledades, propicias al amor. Se daban pormenores, se
referían entrevistas, se repetían frases, y, sin embargo, todo esto y lo
demás que se dijo y que no es para contado, era un castillo aéreo
levantado por las delicadas manos de la chismografía. Pero acontece
que tales obras, con ser de aire, son mucho más fáciles de levanta
que de destruir, y aquella iba tomando consistencia de día en día y
alzándose más, y engalanándose con torreones de epigramas y
chapiteles de calumnias.

Mediaba el mes de marzo cuando estas hablillas llegaron a su más

alto grado. Jenara no recibía a nadie; pero no estaba enferma, porque
a menudo se la veía en la calle o paseando en coche, y visitando a
personajes de alto copete.
Un día se encontraron ella y Pipaón en la antesala de la Comisión
Militar. Jenara salía, Pipaón entraba. Eran las cinco de la tarde, hora
excelente para el paseo en aquella estación.
—Iba a su casa de usted —le dijo don Juan—, para prevenirla de
peligro que corre...
—¡Yo! —exclamó la dama con gesto de orgullo—. ¿También yo
corro peligro?
—¿Y por qué?
—Salgamos de esta caverna, señora, que si en todas partes oyen
las paredes, aquí oyen las ropas que vestimos, hasta la sombra que
hacemos sobre el suelo. Vámonos.
—¿Qué hay? —dijo la señora extraordinariamente alarmada—
Quiero ver a Maroto.
—No recibe ahora... Salgamos y hablaremos. Principiaré diciendo a
usted que hemos errado en todos nuestros cálculos. Buscábamos a
nuestro amigo en casa de Cordero, en el convento de la Trinidad, en la
cárcel de Corte, en el parador de Zaragoza, en el sótano de la botica
de la calle de Hortaleza, en la habitación del jefe del guardamangier de
palacio, y ahora resulta que no estaba en ninguno de estos parajes
—¿En dónde, en dónde?
—Salgamos de esta casa, señora —añadió Pipaón poniendo el pie
en el último peldaño.

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