Science Lesson Plans

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Name of Activity – Bubbles

Originating Idea
Jack said he wanted to play with bubbles too when he saw has other class friends play with them
outside during recess. He said he liked to play with bubbles.
Curriculum Area
Choose 1:
Approaches to learning
Social and emotional development
Physical development and health
Language, literacy, and communication
Creative arts
Science and technology
Social studies
E. Mathematics 32. Counting: Children count things.
G. Science and Technology 47. Experimenting: Children experiment to test their ideas

water, dawn soap, corn syrup. bowls, measuring scoops, pipe cleaners.

Appropriate Age group

Pre-K children – ages 4 and 5

Beginning of Activity
today we are going to play with bubbles what do you think we need for ingredients to make our
own bubbles.

Middle of Activity –
children will take turns and use measuring scoops to poor the ingredients any ball to create their
own bubble solution. The teacher will scaffold them as they are using the measuring scoops and
help them to create their bubble wand with pipe cleaners.

Early Extension:
Teacher will encourage children to measure ingredients and mix them. The teacher will help
them identify the correct ingredients and assist in measuring them.

Teacher will encourage children to make bubbles after they mix the solution. Teacher will
assist in using pipe cleaner as wands.

Later Extension:
Teacher will encourage children to count bubbles. Teacher will help with vocabulary:
ingredients, bubbles, mix, corn syrup, soap, measure.

End of Activity
The children will measure out the ingredients and create their own bubble solution and
make wands using pipe cleaners. The children will then blow bubbles and count how many
bubbles they are able to blow.

Follow-up Ideas
1. The children can use bubbles outside in the playground and see which way the bubbles
blow and analyze what makes the bubble go that direction. G. Science and Technology
47. Experimenting: Children experiment to test their ideas. 49. Drawing conclusions:
Children draw conclusions based
on their experiences and observations.
2. Add color while creating the bubbles solution and children can then blow bubbles on a
paper creating bubble art. F Creative arts 44. Appreciating the arts: Children appreciate the

2. Name of Activity – drawing under the sun.

Originating Idea
Tommy said look this is my shadow my mom said that when we stand and the sun falls on us it
makes a black shadow.
Curriculum Area
Choose 1:
Approaches to learning
Social and emotional development
Physical development and health
Language, literacy, and communication
Creative arts
Science and technology
Social studies
G. Science and Technology 45. Observing: Children observe the materials and processes
in their environment.
51. Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge
about the natural and physical world

Paper, pencils, color pencils, clipboard. Small animals.

Appropriate Age group

Pre-K children – ages 4 and 5

Beginning of Activity
Opening statement
Today I want to talk about something called that we make when we stand in and sun. You
may have seen a shadow of a tree or a building. We make shadows too do you know how
shadows are formed?

Middle of Activity –
children will take small animals of their choice set them on a paper attached to a clipboard and
observe how the sun falls on the animal and makes a shadow. They will try to trace the shadow
with a pencil. They will observe how the shadow changes as the sun moves during the day.

Early Extension:
The children will try to trace the animal on the paper. The teacher will encourage them to
observe the dark are black shadow formed by the animal in the sun.

The children will be able to trace the shadow off the animal and observe how the shadow may
look like the animal but may have some difference in the appearance.

Later Extension:
The children will be able to tell the difference between the shadow and the actual
appearance of the animal. They will completely trace the shadow and predict how a
shadow is formed. They may try different animals and trays their shawdows as well.
They may observe how the shadow changes as the sun moves during the day.

End of Activity
At the end of the activity the teacher will mention what time of the day it is so that
children can note it on their shadow. The children will stand and see their shadows and try to
trace their own shadows using chalk. When they come out again at the end of the afternoon, they
can redo this experiment to see how the shadow changes.

Follow-up Ideas -
1. Children learn how the sun helps plants make food. G Science and technology 50.
Communicating ideas: Children communicate their ideas about the characteristics of
things and how they work.
2. Children will discuss animal habitats. G. science and technology 51. Natural and physical
world: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world.

3. Name of Activity – Animal Habitats.

Originating Idea
Emma said she went to the zoo and saw an elephant, she likes going to see the animals in the
Curriculum Area
Choose 1:
Approaches to learning
Social and emotional development
Physical development and health
Language, literacy, and communication
Creative arts
Science and technology
Social studies

KDIs –
G. Science and technology 51. Natural and physical world: Children gather knowledge
about the natural and physical world.
D. Language, Literacy, and Communication 28. Book knowledge: Children demonstrate
knowledge about books.

Zoos books, paper, crayons

Appropriate Age group

Pre-K children – ages 4 and 5

Beginning of Activity
Emma went to the zoo and she said she saw a lot of animals at the zoo but do you know where
all the animals actually live their natural homes. Here are some books that show us the habitats
or the homes of the animals where they live, how they use their body and what kind of fruit they
Middle of Activity – The children will choose the books of their choice of animals. That
children well looked through the book point at the pictures of the animals ohh identify letters,
and words. Children will notice the habitat of the animals in the book. Children will then draw
their favorite animal they read about on a paper using crayons.

Early Extension:
Children may just flip through the book looking at the pictures. Teachers will scaffold asking
them open-ended questions and pointing out to the words and print. Teachers will help with
vocabulary and terms so children can associate them with what they say in the book.

Middle Extension:
Children will read the zoo's book identify letters share what they see and learn from the
book with their friends or teachers make a simple representation of the animal they read
about. The teacher will scaffold him asking them open-ended questions to help them add
more details to the animal they're true.

Later Extension:
Children will read the source book identify words letters and make a detailed
representation of the animal. For example tiger with stripes or cheetah with the dots.
Children will look at the picture and be able to say what kind of habitat the animal lives
in the wild and may ask teacher more questions about what they read.

End of Activity
The teacher will discuss difference between wild animals and farm animals. The children
well share their animal picture and the details they know about the animal with their friends.

Follow-up Ideas
1. Children will sort animals based on their habitat. G Science and Technology 46.
Classifying: Children classify materials, actions, people,
and events.
2. Children can bring a picture or stuffy of their favorite animal and give details about the
animal and its habitat and why it is their favorite.
3. D. Language, Literacy, and Communication 22. Speaking: Children express themselves
using language. 23. Vocabulary: Children understand and use a variety of words
and phrases

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