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RIPH REVIEWER West Indies, in the island of Guam, and in

the Philippine Archipelago, all the buildings,

wharves, barracks, forts, structures, public
WEEK 7 highways and other immovable property
which, in conformity with law, belong to the
 Treaty of Paris: This is a treaty between the
public domain, and as such belong to the
United States of America and Her Majesty
Crown of Spain.
the Queen Regent of Spain, in the name of
 Article XV: The Government of each country
her August Son, Don Alfonso XIII, was
will, for the term of ten years, accord to the
concluded and signed by their respective
merchant vessels of the other country the
plenipotentiaries at Paris on the tenth day
same treatment in respect of all port
of December, 1898, the original of which
charges, including entrance and clearance
Convention being in the English and Spanish
dues, light dues, and tonnage duties, as its
accords to its own merchant vessels, not
 Article I: Spain relinquishes all claim of
engaged in the coastwise trade.
sovereignty over and title to Cuba.
 Article XVII: The present treaty shall be
 Article III: The United States will pay to
ratified by the President of the United
Spain the sum of twenty million dollars
States, by and with the advice and consent
($20,000,000) within three months after the
of the Senate thereof, and by Her Majesty
exchange of the ratifications of the present
the Queen Regent of Spain; and the
ratifications shall be exchanged at
 Article V: The United States will, upon the
Washington within six months from the
signature of the present treaty, send back to
date hereof, or earlier if possible.
Spain, at its own cost, the Spanish soldiers
taken as prisoners of war on the capture of  Done in duplicate at Paris, the tenth day of
Manila by the American forces. The arms of thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight.
the soldiers in question shall be restored to
 Spain will, upon the exchange of the
ratifications of the present treaty, proceed  [SEAL] CUSHMAN K. DAVIS
to evacuate the Philippines, as well as the
island of Guam, on terms similar to those  [SEAL] WM P. FRYE
agreed upon by the Commissioners
appointed to arrange for the evacuation of
Porto Rico and other islands in the West  [SEAL] WHITELAW REID.
Indies, under the Protocol of August 12,
 Article VI: Spain will, upon the signature of
the present treaty, release all prisoners of  [SEAL] B. DEABARDUZA
war, and all persons detained or imprisoned
for political offenses, in connection with the  [SEAL] J. DE GARNICA
insurrections in Cuba and the Philippines
and the war with the United States.
 Article VII: The United States and Spain
mutually relinquish all claims for indemnity,
national and individual, of every kind, of WEEK 7: Political Caricatures of the American Era
either Government, or of its citizens or
subjects, against the other Government that  Alfred McCoy: He has written about and
may have arisen since the beginning of the testified before Congress on, Philippine
late insurrection in Cuba and prior to the political history, opium trafficking in the
exchange of ratifications of the present Golden Triangle, underworld crime
treaty, including all claims for indemnity for syndicates, and international political
the cost of the war. surveillance.
 Article VIII: Spain relinquishes in Cuba, and 1. Is the Police Force Bribed? (The
cedes in Porto Rico and other islands in the Independent) - this cartoon depicts the
alleging that senior police were WEEK 8: Filipino Grievances against Wood
accepting bribes from Chinese gambling (Zaide)
houses in Binondo and Quiapo districts.  American Colonization: Jones Law and Hare
2. New Bird of Prey (The Independent)- -Hawes-Cutting Bill
depicts Harrison as a hero, his suggested  Leonard Wood: - a United States Army
reform was hardly major general, physician, and public official.
heroic. Despite the stern rhetoric, which He served as the Chief of Staff of the United
obviously appealed to the paper's States Army, Military Governor of Cuba and
penchant for hyperbole, Governor General of the Philippines.
Harrison’s suggested reform was little  Jones Law: America would give the Filipinos
more than a temporary palliative. independence once a stable government is
3. While the Priest Lives Alone in a Big established.
Building (The Independent)- Like many  (Wood-Forbes mission): to observe if ever
nationalist of his day, Vicente Sotto, the the Filipinos have already complied with the
publisher of The Independent, never conditions of the Jones law. The mission
missed a chance to attack the Catholic conducted an exhaustive investigation
Church. The editorial below this cartoon visiting 48 provinces and 449 municipalities.
urged the government to confiscate the  It exposed the corruption and patronage
large priests’ residence attached to system that became prevalent in
Santa Cruz parish church. government owned and controlled
4. Where The Mosquito Is King (Free corporations during the Harrison era. It
Press)- During the 19th century, Spanish singled out particularly the anomalous
public health procedures were grossly transactions in the administration of public
inadequate to the imperatives of lands and the banking malpractices.
Manila's site, and the Americans found  Cabinet Crisis of 1923: The anti-Wood
the city of cesspool of ill health when sentiment of Filipino officials exploded on
they July 21, 1923 with the decision of Governor
occupied it in 1898. The Board of Health General to reinstate Ray Conley, chief of the
brought tropical disease -- malaria, vice squad of the Manila police force who
smallpox, cholera and plague -- under was accused of receiving money from
control. During the cholera epidemic of gambling lords.
1902-04.  Mayor Fernandez and Secretary Laurel
5. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”- that rendered their resignation and Senate President
legislators and officials are able to strut Quezon and Speaker Manuel Roxas also
around with a gun or two guns strapped resigned as members of the Council of State in
about their manly waists, they will have support of Laurel.
to be respected.  The Jones law also created a
6. Brothers Under The Skin- Urges Filipinos, bicameral Congress that gave opportunities
in the name of Rizal whose birthday was to politicians based in the provinces to
following day, to end social conflict and participate i n policy making. Quezon was
deal with each other fairly. Senate President while the House of
7. The Loyalty of the Filipinos- The artist Representatives had Sergio Osmena as
Fernando Amorsolo Speaker. Being in key government positions,
draws a wise, handsome Uncle Sam the Filipinos began to prove to the
leading little Juan, loyal and smiling, on Americans that they are now competent to
the road to war. manage their own affairs.
 In November, Quezon led a new mission to  Not content with these and other arbitrary
Washington and returned five months later acts, the Governor-General has recently
with the same bill by a different name, just promulgated Executive Order no.37,
in time to crush his rivals in the June 1934 declaring that the laws creating and defining
legislative elections. As hero of the the powers of the Board of Control is
independence battles, his leadership for the authorized to vote the stocks owned by the
rest of the decade was assured. government in certain private corporations,
are absolute nullities.
Leonard Wood:  He has insistently sought the amendment of
 He has refused to obtain the advice of the our land laws approved by the Congress of
Senate in making appointments where such theUnited States, which amendment would
advice is required by the Organic Act open up the resources of our country to
 He has refused to submit to the Senate exploitation by predatory interests.
appointment for vacancies occurring during
the recess of the Legislature in
contravention of the Organic Act. WEEK 8: PRESIDENT CORAZON AQUINO’S
 He has substituted his constitutional SPEECH
advisers for a group of military attaches - Delivered at Washington, D.C., on
without legal standing in the government September 18, 1986]
and not responsible to the people. - Ninoy was put on trial for subversion,
 He has reversed the policy of Filipinizing the murder and a host of other crimes before a
military commission. Ninoy challenged its
service of the government by appointing
authority and went on a fast. If he survived
Americans even when Filipinos of proven it, then, he felt, God intended him for
capacity were available. another fate.
 He has rendered merely perfunctory by the - By the exercise of democracy, even in a
power of Legislature to pass the annual dictatorship, they would be prepared for
 appropriation law by reviving items in the democracy when it came.
law of the preceding years, after vetoing the - Today, I say, join us, America, as we build a
corresponding items of the current new home for democracy, another haven for
appropriation act, in flagrant violation of the the oppressed, so it may stand as a shining
testament of our two nation’s commitment to
Organic Law. He has used certain public
funds to grant additional compensation to
public officials in clear violation of law. WEEK 9: RAIDERS OF THE SULU SEA
 H e has arrogated unto himself the right of
exercising the powers granted by law to the  A Historiography documentary
 Emergency Board after abolishing said film focusing on Zamboanga City
board on the ground that its powers depicting how the Spaniards
involved an unlawful delegation of defended the city with the Fort
legislative authority. Pilar as Spain’s last stronghold
 He has, in the administration of affairs in and bastion of defense and
Mindanao, brought about the condition economic expansion in the South
which has given rise to discord and of the Philippines.
dissension between certain groups of  The documentary centers on the
Christian and Mohammedan Filipinos. activities of the slave raiders as a
 He has endeavored, on the pretext of way of retaliation to the
getting the government out of business, to colonizers and a way to defend
dispose of all the companies capitalized by their way of life against
the government worth many millions of the oppression.
people’s money to powerfulAmerican  The Sulu and Maguindanao
interest. sultanates were then the two
 He has sanctioned the campaign of insidious main kingdoms controlling the
propaganda in the United States against the Muslim colonies of the southern
Filipino people and their aspirations. Philippines. With the king of
 He has attempted to close the Philippine Maguindanao, Rajah Dalasi, at
National Bank so necessary to the economic the helm, they launched a
development of the country. bloody attack on Fort Pilar.
 He has adopted the practice of intervening 1. Tausug: A tribe without maritime
in, and controlling directly, to its minute experience, but known for its fierce warriors
details, the affairs of the Philippine and widespread political power
Government, both insular and local, in 2. Ilanun: The one which was very important in
violation of self-government. piracy history and long-standing seafaring
3. Balangingi Tribe or Samal: Occupied the celebration that would be a highlight
chain of islands between Basilan and Sulu in the memoirs of members of the
island and also a long-standing seafaring Propaganda Movement.
community  A great Filipino painter, and
4. Garay: isH built from bamboo, wood, and occasionally a sculptor.
the nipa palm and could carry more than  He was a prominent propagandist
100 sailors. who pushed for political reforms
 Garay is a single-sailed ship was 25 meters along with Jose Rizal.
long and six meters across and housed a
powder magazine and cannon at the bow.
5. Kris: Measuring up to 1.2 meters in length, was not
Fernando Amorsolo
only carried by slave raiders into battle but also by  First National Artist in Painting
nobles and high-ranking officials of the southern (1972) of the Philippines, and is also
sultanates referred to as the "Grand Old Man of
6. Kampilan: At the tip of the blade are two Philippine Art".
horns projecting from the blunt side which  Amorsolo graduated from both Liceo
is used to pick up the head of a decapitated de Manila Art School in 1909 and
body. the University of the Philippines
7. Barong: One the Tausug warriors use to cut School of Fine Arts. He also
off an M-14, a carbine and a single-edged graduated from U.P. with honors in
leaf-shaped blade made of thick tempered 1914, and received a study grant in
steel. Madrid, Spain.


BATAAN AND CORREGIDOR  GOMBURZA: had fought for reforms
 It discusses World War 2 in the but charged with treason and
Philippines and how thousands of sedition.
heroic young Filipinos braved the - Collective name of three martyred
odds and struggled to defend and priests.
protect the freedom of their people  CAPT. GENERAL RAFAEL DE
and motherland. IZQUIERDO: abolished the Filipinos
 Through the eyewitness accounts of old time privileges of exemption
patriotic Filipino and American men from paying the annual tribute and
who fought, the documentary from rendering the polo (forced
returns to the events of the war, labor).
beginning from the attacks of the  CAVITE MUTINY: is the brief uprising
Japanese at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and of 200 Filipino troops and workers at
then the Philippines immediately the Cavite arsenal, which became
after, to the battles in Bataan and the excuse for Spanish repression of
Corregidor and the Death March the embryonic Philippine nationalist
where courage and sacrifice rose to movement.
its heights creating a saga in  FIRST MASS: is an event that marked
Philippine history and a legacy of the birth of Roman Catholicism in
heroes that will always be the Philippines.
remembered. -Easter Sunday is the religious event
they are celebrating at the first
FERNANDO AMORSOLO  LIMASAWA: is the site of the first
mass given by the American
Juan Luna historians and some Spanish
 His victory taking the gold medal in historians that is closer to Cebu
the 1884 Madrid Exposition of Fine where Magellan went next.
Arts for his “Spoliarium”, along with  LAS ISLAS FILIPINAS: is the name of
the 2nd prize silver of fellow Filipino our country given by Magellan in
painter Felix Hidalgo, created a honor of the king of Spain.
 MAZAUA: is the name of a Philippine
island-port where the first mass was
complete and reliable account of the
Magellan expedition into Philippine
shores in 1521 as the only credible
primary source of reports on the
celebration of the first Christian
mass on Philippine soil.
of the Spaniards and the celebration
of the first mass introduced the
Filipinos to this religion.
debated sites of the first mass in the
 JANUARY 20, 1872: Cavite Mutiny
Governador general before Rafael de
Izquierdo and was accused by fellow
Spaniards for letting the Filipino
rebel and most loved by Filipinos.
 FORT PILLAR: place where soldiers
began their uprising.
Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto
 200 Filipinos staged and participated
on the Mutiny.
 Joaquin Pardo De Tavera, Jose Basa
and Antonio M. Regidor: death,
prison or exiled.
 SAMAL: One of the pieces of
evidence that linked Butuan as the
site of the first mass is this route.
 Early 1900 claims that Limasawa is
the site of the First Mass.
 RA 2733 is also known as Limasawa
 SGT. LA MADRID is the commander
led the mutineers in the Cavite

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