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Child’s Name: MB

Family goals: Detailed observations from the classroom at the Goals to work on this semester:
beginning of the semester:

Social-Emotional Development:

Social • Interacting with other • MB imitated the actions of her teachers and • To engage in parallel play next to peers during
Development kids her age and learning peers. For instance, MB watched her classmate free play, outside, small groups, and snack.
what sharing means play in the sand, and then she played in the sand.
MB watched her teachers and classmates do the
actions to the train song and then she attempted
the actions by rubbing her hands together.
• MB engaged in parallel play. She played next to
her classmate in the sensory bin.

Emotional • While interacting with • MB separated from her caregiver with assistance. • To begin to share materials with peers.
Development other kids during play She cried right when she got dropped off. With a Child’s Outcome: MB will begin to share materials
time, working on distraction, she stopped crying and played. with her peers during free play. We know MB can do
understanding her own • MB depended on her teachers for some things, this when she offers her materials to her classmates.
emotions regarding like washing her hands.
sharing a toy or if a toy is • MB wandered off to explore the classroom on her
taken away. own.
Strategies: Teachers will provide activities to
• MB needed assistance from her teachers to wash
encourage multiple children to play. Teachers will
and dry her hands. She often needed to be held
model sharing to other classmates and/or teachers.
on a teacher’s lap when she washed her hands.

SD Early Learning Guideline: Developing


Goal SED-3: Children form relationships and interact

positively with other children in play and everyday
Developmental indicator continuum: (Younger
Toddlers 8-21 months) Offer toys and objects to
other children.

Cognitive Development

Mathematics • Recognizing numbers • MB attempted to insert some shapes into the • To show interest and complete puzzles of varying
shape sorter, but didn’t put any in the correct difficulty.
place. MB didn’t show interest in the shape
• MB built a tower of two blocks after she watched
her teacher do it first.
Communication • Learning more words per • MB pointed to the dog and apple in a book when • To use signs and/or gestures to get wants and
and Language age group her teacher listed those items. needs met.
• MB pointed to the eyes, ears, nose, and hair on Child’s Outcome: MB will use signs and/or gestures
her teacher. She didn’t point to the feet. to get her wants and needs met during free play and
• MB used gestures to communicate what she snack. We know MB can do this when she uses a sign
wanted. She pointed to an area in the classroom and/or gesture to get her wants and needs met.
to tell her teachers where she wanted to go. She
uttered noise and made grasping gestures
towards what she wanted.
Strategies: Teachers will model the correct signs for
• MB followed simple directions with assistance.
MB and help her do them. Teachers will provide
When MB was told to clean up, she watched her
teacher put the cars away, and then she put one opportunities for MB to ask for help or use signs or
away. gestures.

SD Early Learning Guideline: Communicating and

Oral Language Development

Goal CLL-1: Through their explorations, play, and

social interactions, children successfully
communicate for multiple purposes.

Developmental indicator continuum: (Younger

Toddlers 8-21 months) Use sounds, actions, or simple
words to initiate interaction and simple conversation
with another person and make their needs known.

Reading and • • MB showed some interest in the books that were • To participate during large group stories and
Literacy read. She pointed to the pictures in some books songs. To do the hand motions to fingerplays.
but lost interest only a couple of pages into the
• MB pointed to the dog and apple in the picture
Science and • • MB used simple materials to explore materials. • To manipulate tools to explore a variety of
Inquiry She used the cups and bowls to explore the materials.
sensory bin.
• MB showed curiosity about items from nature.
She picked and held the flowers outside. MB
picked up a pinecone and examined it. When her
teacher held a butterfly in front of MB, she tried
to touch it.
Physical Development

Fine Motor • • MB used a pincer grasp when she held her pencil. • To take care of personal needs, such as but not
She held it at the top. She wrote with her left limited to, taking off own coat or washing and
hand. drying hands.
• MB gestured for help when she needed help with
self-care activities such as washing hands, getting
snack, etc.
Large Motor • Running and jumping • MB didn’t show interest in kicking a ball. She • To continue to increase her coordination,
didn’t attempt. balance, endurance, and flexibility through
• MB didn’t attempt to jump when prompted by activities inside and outside the classroom.
her teachers. • To sit in other positions besides the “W” sit.
• She moved through the classroom with ease
when it came to walking. MB didn’t run. She tried
to walk faster, and it was a little off balance.
• MB was observed sitting in the “W” sit
* Families can add goals anytime throughout the semester

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