A Business Interview

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Doza Altamirano Andrea

Rivera Yalli Arian

Torres Salinas Rosmery

Guevara Ortega Anais

Chaico Rojas Sandy

Davila Carhuaricra Ángel

Rosmery: Good morning sir
Andrea: Good morning sir
Arian: please introduce yourself (se dirige a rosmery)
Rosmery: my name is Rosmery, I am 22 years old and I
am studying an administration degree.
Arian: What are your qualities and why do you want to
work in this company?
Rosmery: I am a very hard-working, responsible and
dedicated person to my work. I really like working as a
team and innovating. I chose this company because of
its great work history so I want to be part of it.
Arian: ok thank you, what about you young lady?
Andrea: My name is Andrea, I am 19 years old and I am studying
an administration degree.
Arian: What are your qualities and why do you want to work in
this company?
Andrea: I am a very dedicated person with my work, disciplined
and always have new ideas. I would like to work here because it
is a company full of prestige and I can grow with it.
Arian: Thank you very much for your time, you are both hired
and it will be a pleasure to work with you.
(Ángel enters and approaches the secretary)

Sandy: Good morning, how can I help you?

Ángel: Good morning, I'm here for the job interview.
Sandy: Can I have your name and ID number?
Angel: I'm Angel Dávila and my ID is….
Sandy: Please have a seat. The lady will see you next.
Angel: Thank you.

(Sandy approaches Anais to inform her of the candidate's arrival)

Sandy: Mrs. Guevara, the last candidate for the interview, has arrived.
Anais: Please have him come in in a minute.
Sandy: Okay.

(Sandy leaves the “office”)

Angel: Will I wait long?

Sandy: You can enter in a minute.
Angel: Is the interviewer friendly? Is the work environment good? as...?
Sandy: Don't worry, it's normal to be nervous. Stay calm by breathing deeply before entering.
Hold it for a count of three and then exhale slowly.
(Angel breathes deeply)

Sandy: Please come in.

(Enter angel)

Ángel: Nice to meet you, my name is Ángel Dávila.

Anais: Nice to meet you! I am Mrs. Anais Guevara, the human resources manager, please take a seat.
Angel: Thank you.
Anais: then tell me about yourself
Angel: I've been in the marketing industry for over four years, working in account and project management roles.
And now I'm looking to expand my experience in different industries, which is why I'm so interested in joining an
agency like yours.
Anais: What is your greatest weakness?
Angel: I tend to get caught up in the small details, which can distract me from the end goal. Nowadays, I break each
project into mini-tasks, each with its own deadline.
Anais: What is your work style?
Angel: I tend to do my best work when I collaborate with colleagues and work together toward a common goal.
Anais: Thank you. Those are all the questions I have for you today. Do you have any question for me?
Anais: Thank you. Those are all the questions I have for
you today. Do you have any question for me?
Angel: Can you tell me about the work schedule?
Anais: We would like whoever holds the position to work
from nine to five every day of the week. There may be
some occasional overtime.
Angel: Okay. Thank you. And when do you expect to make
your decision?
Anais: We will call you in a week and inform you. Any other
Ángel: Not at the moment, thank you.
Anais: It was a pleasure meeting you. Thank you for
coming today.
Angel: Thank you. It was also a pleasure meeting you.

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