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DATE: 04-03-24

1. What does it mean to you to know that Jesus’ resurrection is a well-documented

historical fact?
 For individuals who view Jesus' resurrection in this light, it carries
significant theological and spiritual implications. It affirms the central tenet
of Christianity, which holds that Jesus, as the Son of God, conquered
death and offers salvation and eternal life to believers. The resurrection is
seen as the ultimate validation of Jesus' divinity and the fulfillment of
prophecies within the Christian scriptures. Moreover, the idea that Jesus'
resurrection is a well-documented historical fact suggests that the
accounts of this event are not merely matters of faith or religious belief but
are grounded in historical evidence. This viewpoint may emphasize the
reliability of the Gospel narratives and their alignment with other historical
sources and cultural contexts of the time. However, it's important to note
that the claim of Jesus' resurrection as a "well-documented historical fact"
is subject to debate and interpretation. While the New Testament provides
accounts of the resurrection, historians approach these texts with critical
scrutiny, considering factors such as authorship, reliability, and potential
biases. Some may argue for the historical validity of Jesus' resurrection
based on various lines of evidence, while others may approach it with
skepticism, viewing it as a matter of faith rather than strictly historical fact.

2. How does Jesus’ resurrection affect your Christian faith?

 Jesus Christ was chosen to be our Savior. His Atonement makes it
possible for us to be resurrected and to repent and be forgiven so we can
return to our Heavenly Father’s presence. In addition to saving us from our
sins, Jesus Christ, our Savior, also offers us peace and strength in times
of trial. He sets the perfect example for us, and His teachings are the
foundation for happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come.

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