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What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Educational attainment

1.4 Number of years in service

1.5 Number of trainings attended related to technology for education

2. What is the level of digital competency of teachers based on the following aspects:

2.2 computerization and information literacy

2.3 Digital communication

2.4 Digital content creation

2.5 Digital information security

3. What is the level of utilization of digital technology by teachers in implementing their

teaching strategies for instruction delivery in the following aspect:

3.1 Design

3.2 Implementation

3.3 Evaluation

4. Do profile and level of digital competency of teachers significantly impact their utilization

of digital technology?

5. What are the other factors affecting the adoption of digital technology by teachers?

6. What recommendations can be made based on the finding of the study to further utilize the

digital competence of teachers for instruction delivery?

Chapter 3


Short intro to chapter

Profile of the Respondents


Introduce the table

Table 1. Frequency and Percentage distribution of the Respondents according to Profile

Age Frequency Percentage

Under 25 9 9.00
25-29 21 21.00
30-39 27 27.00
40-49 27 27.00
50-59 16 16.00
60 and above 0 0.00

Male 24 24.00
Female 76 76.00

Educational Attainment
Bachelor’s degree 100 100.00
Master’s degree 0 0.00
Doctoral Degree or Equivalent 0 0.00

Number of Years in Service

1-5 years 13 13.00
5-10 years 20 20.00
10-15 years 34 34.00
15-20 years 14 14.00
20-25 years 13 13.00
more than 25 years 6 6.00

Number of Trainings Attended Related to Technology for Education

1-10 56 56.00
10-20 30 30.00
20-30 14 14.00
more than 30 0 0.00

Digital Competency of Teachers


Introduce the table

Table 2. Level of Competency of Teachers in terms of Information Processing

Indicators Mean SD Descriptive


1. I can use advanced search strategies to find 3.42 0.78 Very

reliable information on the internet such as using Competent
web feeds (like RSS).
2. I can assess the validity and credibility of 3.84 0.51 Highly
information using a range of criteria. Competent

3. Ι can save information found on the internet in 3.47 0.66 Very

different formats. I can use cloud information Competent
storage services.
4. I know not all online information is reliable.

5. I use some filters when searching to compare and

assess the reliability of the information I find.
OVERALL 3.58 0.65 Highly


Introduce the table

Table 3. Level of Competency of Teachers in terms of Communication

Indicators Mean SD Descriptive

1. I actively use a wide range of communication tools 3.8 0.46 Highly
(e-mail, chat, SMS, instant messaging, blogs, micro- 2 Competent
blogs, social networks) for online communication.
2. I can create and manage content with collaboration 3.83 0.3 Highly
tools (e.g. project management systems, online 8 Competent
3. I actively participate in online spaces and use 3.87 0.3 Highly
several online services (e.g. public services, e- 4 Competent
banking, online shopping).
4. I can use advanced features of communication tools 3.14 0.9 Very
(e.g. video conferencing, data sharing, application 3 Competent
5. I cqan communicate with other using Skype or chat
– using basic features (e.g. voice messaging, SMS,
text exchange).
OVERALL 3.67 0.53 Highly


Introduce the table

Table 4. Level of Competency of Teachers in terms of Content Creation

Indicators Mean SD Descriptive


1. I can produce complex, multimedia content in 3.51 0.86 Highly

different formats, using a variety of digital tools Competent
and environments. I can create a website using a
programming language.
2. I can use advanced formatting functions of 3.69 0.68 Highly
different tools (e.g. mail merge, merging Competent
documents of different formats, using advanced
formulas, macros).
3. I know how to - and when is necessary to - apply 3.41 0.89 Very
licenses and copyrights. Competent

4. I can use several programming languages. I know 3.58 0.82 Highly

how to design, create and modify databases with a Competent
computer tool.
5. I can make basic editing to content produced by
others (e.g. adding and deleting).
OVERALL 3.55 0.81 Highly


Introduce the table

Table 5. Level of Competency of Teachers in terms of Safety

Indicators Mean SD Descriptive


1. I frequently check the security configuration and 3.47 0.66 Very

systems of my devices and/or of the applications I Competent
use on a regular basis to access the Internet.
2. I know how to react if my computer is infected by 3.68 0.63 Highly
a virus. I can configure or modify the firewall and Competent
security settings of my digital devices.
3. To avoid health problems (physical and 3.63 0.65 Highly
psychological), I can make use of information and Competent
communication technology.
4. I have an informed stance on the impact of digital 3.38 0.79 Very
technologies on everyday life and the Competent
5. I can take basic steps to protect my devices (e.g.
using anti-viruses and passwords).
OVERALL 3.54 0.68 Highly


Introduce the table

Table 6. Level of Competency of Teachers in terms of Problem solving

Indicators Mean SD Descriptive


1. I can solve almost all problems that arise when 3.94 0.24 Highly
using digital technology. Competent

2. I can frequently choose the right tool, device, 3.62 0.49 Highly
application, software or service to solve (non- Competent
technical) problems.
3. I am aware of new technological developments. I 3.85 0.46 Highly
understand how new tools work. Competent

4. I frequently update my digital skills to decrease 3.18 0.98 Very

my limits and increase my digital knowledge Competent

5. I find support wheb a technical problem occurs or

when using a new program.
OVERALL 3.65 0.54 Highly

Utilization of Digital Technology in Instruction Delivery


Introduce the table

Table 7

Level of Utilization of Digital Technology in Instruction Delivery in terms of Design

Indicators Mean SD Descriptive


1. Teaching productivity may be improved by using

advanced technological aids, which facilitate
better planning, easy and practical learning, quick
assessment, better resources, new skills, etc.
2. Technological advancements have helped create
and develop online libraries, which have removed
the physical space requirement and facilitated
interaction among students, teachers, and
researchers from across the globe.
3. In reality, technological advancement has boosted
distance learning education.
4. It is encouraging to see how much assistive
technology is available to help students with
physical or learning disabilities absorb concepts
quickly and actively participate in their classes.
5. Digital technologies in education have given rise
to various Learning management systems (LMS).


Table 8

Level of Utilization of Digital Technology in Instruction Delivery in terms of Implementation

Indicators Mean SD Descriptive


1. Technologies strive to build knowledge,

understanding, and skills to ensure that students
thrive individually and as a team.
2. An inclusive learning environment provides an
equal opportunity for each student with different
ability levels to learn in the same place.
3. Teamwork and communication skills are two
crucial attributes that help develop a successful
4. Students collaborate to solve ongoing educational
challenges using online platforms.
5. Access to educational resources anytime is now
possible, seven days a week.


Level of Utilization of Digital Technology in Instruction Delivery in terms of Evaluation

Indicators Mean SD Descriptive


1. Computer-assisted learning is the most direct way

to support students by helping the teachers
complete the syllabus..
2. Digital technology has transformed the way pupils
learn in the classroom, even though the education
industry has evolved.
3. Digital tools help students listen to math classes
and respond by typing, scribbling, or dictating
their remarks.
4. COVID-19 has heightened the role of technology
in the lives of billions of students around the
5. The class with the most advanced technologies is
now considered the best class.

Impact of Profile and Level of Digital Competency of Teachers in their Utilization of

Digital Technology
To determine the impact of profile and level of digital competency of teachers to their

utilization of digital technology, a multiple regression analysis is run in the data using IBM

SPSS. The summary of the results is shown in table 8.

Table 8. Multiple Regression Analysis on Profile and Level of Digital Competency of

Teachers Predicting their level of Utilization of Digital Technology

Variable B SE β t-statistic Prob.

(Constant) 1.549 .455 3.404 .001
Age -.011 .027 -.022 -.413 .680
Gender -.155 .087 -.107 -1.784 .078
No. of years in service .076 .026 .169 2.866 .005*
Number of Trainings -.169 .059 -.198 -2.851 .005*
Attended Related to
Technology for Education
Information Processing .350 .102 .269 3.416 .001*
Communication .109 .118 .058 .922 .359
Content Creation .866 .057 .897 15.309 .000*
Safety -.661 .139 -.409 -4.757 .000*
Dependent Variable Utilization of Digital Technology
R-squared .752
Adjusted R-squared .730
F-statistic 34.404
Prob (F-statistic) .000

The value of F-statistic is 34.404 which is highly significant at .01 level of significance

(p≤.01). Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. At α

= .01 level of significance, at least one of the variables significantly impact the level of

Utilization of Digital Technology of teachers. The value of R-square is .752, which means

that the predictors explain 75.2 percent of the variations in the Utilization of Digital

Technology of teachers.

The probability column shows that five variables have p-values less than .05 (p < .05)

indicating that the corresponding unstandardized beta (B) are significant. These are No. of
years in service (B = .076, p = .005), Number of Trainings Attended Related to Technology

for Education (B = -.169, p = .005), Information Processing (B = .350, p = .001), Content

Creation (B = .866, p = .000), and Safety (B = -.661, p = .005) are significant to the

prediction at p < .05.

Consequently, the value of unstandardized beta (B) indicates that for every one unit

increase in No. of years in service, the Utilization of Digital Technology of teachers increases

by .076 when all other variables are held constant. On the other hand, for every one unit

increase in Number of Trainings Attended Related to Technology for Education, the

Utilization of Digital Technology of teachers decreases by .169. Meanwhile, for every one

unit increase in Information Processing, the Utilization of Digital Technology of teachers

increases by .350 when all other variables are held constant. While, for every one unit

increase in Content Creation, the Utilization of Digital Technology of teachers increases by

.866 when all other variables are held constant. But, for every one unit increase in Safety, the

Utilization of Digital Technology of teachers decreases by .661 when all other variables are

held constant.

In addition, the standardized beta (β) indicates that there is a very high, positive

correlation between Content Creation and Utilization of Digital Technology of teachers.


Factors Affecting the Adoption of Digital Technology of Teachers


Introduce the table

Table 9. Factors Affecting the Adoption of Digital Technology of Teachers

Indicators Mean SD Rank

1. The lack of teacher ICT skills. 4.14 0.70 4
2. The lack of teacher confidence. 4.15 0.69 3
3. The lack of pedagogical teacher training. 4.02 0.53 6
4. The lack of suitable educational software. 3.44 1.27 7
5. The limited access to ICT. 4.46 0.69 1
6. The rigid structure of traditional education systems. 4.04 0.74 5
7. The restrictive curricula. 4.23 0.49 2


Recommendations to Further Utilize the Digital Competence of Teachers for

Instruction Delivery

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