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Direction: True or False. Analyze each statement. Write T If the statement is true but if the statement is false
write F. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. Rising for the national anthem is an expected behavior is an example of mores. T

2. Wearing a rectangular black mourning pin is a common customary practice by the Filipinos. F

3. One of folkways practice in the Philippines is eating using our barehand T

4. Value o halaga refers to kalooban o inner which in essence is intertwined reason and emotion F

5. The act of terrorism is an example of Taboo.T

6. Social norms and values are culturally determined rules for us to avoid paying fines and penalties F

7. Wearing of complete school uniform by a student inside the classroom is considered a violation of norms
in the school community. F

8. Wearing of a wedding ring is an example of a symbolic culture T

9. Holding the door to open for someone is an example of laws F

10. Values such as “Mano po” is an “honoring-gesture” used in Filipino as a sign of respect for elders. T


Create an Essay with the theme “Society and Culture as a complex whole”

Societies are made up of groups of individuals who interact with one another either directly or indirectly.
Societies are collections of interdependent organisms, whereas cultures are complexity of acquired
behavioral patterns and perspectives. The term "culture" can mean various things. For some people, it refers
to having an appreciation for quality writing, music, art, and cuisine. A colony of bacteria or other
microorganisms growing on a nutrient medium in a laboratory dish is most likely what a biologist will see.
However, culture is the entirety of acquired human behavior patterns according to anthropologists and other
behavior scientists (Dean, 2010, p. 88). Culture is the intricate system that unites all of a person's abilities and
habits as a part of a community, including knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, and custom. A culture is
Despite being a tremendous weapon for human existence, it is a fragile phenomenon. Due to the fact that it
just lives in our brains, it is continuously changing and simple to lose. Our written languages, institutions of
governance, structures, and other human-made items are essentially cultural byproducts. Because they are
not culture in and of themselves, archaeologists are unable to actively excavate culture.


Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Shouting inside the church during mass would be a violation of a

A. Folkway C. Customs

B. Mores D. Law

2. Are general and shared perception of what is God, right appropriate and worth-

while and important with regard to modes of conduct

A. Values C. Belief

B. Norms D. Symbols

3. A. standard or pattern, especially of social behavior, that is typical or behaviors

appropriate of a group

A. Values C. Belief

B. Norms D. Symbols

4. Social norms and values are culturally determined rules to

A. Guide the people regarding what is right and wrong

B. Avoid paying fines and penalties

C. Led us to popularity for being the talk of the town

D. Threat us to follow the rules even if it is against our will

5. The following are the three elements that constitute the Filipino value system except.

A. Halaga C. Gawa

B. Asal D. Diwa

6. The following are the norms being played by the students inside the classroom except;

A. Attend classes regularly,

B. Interacting in the class discussions with the teachers.

C. Participates in group activities with another student

D. Cheat or use such material forbidden in the examinations

7. The Filipino subconsciously accepts the “bahala na” as part of life. This term literally means

A. Whatever will be will be C. Come what may

B. To leave everything to God D. All of the above

8. Which of the following statement best explains of Filipino’s beliefs of “gulong ng palad/wheel of fortune”.

A. Life is a series of ups and downs C. Indebtedness to love ones

B. Sharing of oneself to others D. Life is a game we play

9. This is learned, shared behavior, customs and beliefs?

A. Food C. Culture

B. Kinship D. Ethnicity

10. It’s a conception that people accept as true about how the world operates and where individuals fit in it.

A. Values C. Beliefs

B. Norms D. Symbols

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