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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the

underlined bold word(s) in each of the following questions.

1. They were all ears when I told them my first day at university.
A. paid little attention B. listened attentively
C. said nothing D. were talkative
2. The name of the song rings a bell, but I can’t remember who sings it.
A. sounds familiar B. makes a difference
C. gives a chance D. seems uninteresting
3. The rising star really blotted his copybook when it came to light that he was involved in a murder.
A. earned his fame B. sold a lot of books
C. signed his name D. spoiled his reputation
4. The man, out of the blue, came into my room and shouted at me.
A. interestingly B. intentionally C. unexpectedly D. deliberately
5. Having deep pockets has helped the startup get through the financial crisis.
A. a basic salary B. lots of money C. a small amount D. a simple method
6. His attitude to work always drives me up the wall; he seems uninterested in what he’s doing.
A. makes me pleased B. makes me angry
C. gives me more energy D. motivates me
7. They haven’t been on speaking terms for years because they had an argument over their lifestyle.
A. giving presents to each other B. talking to each other
C. quarreling with each other D. being impolite with each other
8. Lucy’s mother has been walking on air since she was informed that her dear daughter had passed the
national entrance examination with flying colours.
A. pleased B. angry C. bored D. uninterested
9. The locals were up in arms over the proposal to widen the lanes for motorbikes.
A. positive B. neglected C. furious D. tired
10. Linda is licking her manager’s boots with a view to being promoted to the sales representative by
the end of the year.
A. trying to please the manager B. doing nothing to help the manager
C. disappointing the manager D. donating money to the manager
11. During the covid-19 pandemic, people in my small village had to tighten their belt due to price
increases on most goods.
A. donate lots of money B. spend on some luxury goods
C. refuse to buy anything D. spend less money
12. Michael was in two minds about whether to attend a university or not.
A. enthusiastic B. sure C. responsible D. uncertain
13. Mary’s still sitting on the fence, trying to decide which gifts she should buy for her mother.
A. refusing to report B. pleased to help
C. unable to decide D. constructing a new fence
14. The environmental campaign has done the trick; teenagers in my neighbourhood start to clean up
some polluted areas.
A. failed to be noticed B. confused some people
C. had the wanted effects D. needed more money
15. I blow a fuse when the man living next door often plays loud music at midnight.
A. remain calm B. get angry C. become uninterested D. keep pessimistic
16. You have to hold your tongue during the party; there’s a lot of guests there.
A. say much B. become furious C. keep silent D. say important things
17. The candidate got cold feet when asked an array of questions at the job interview.
A. became angry B. remained positive C. was confident D. became nervous
18. When he started to ask what time it was, I got the message and told him that I had to leave.
A. became unaware B. failed to text him C. got a call from him D. understood
19. He’s really made a go of his new coffee shop; he’s employed more 10 people to work on night shifts.
A. became successful with B. failed to succeed with
C. invested more in D. felt pessimistic with
20. The team spent nearly ten hours solving this problem, but they just drew a blank.
A. succeeded in finding a solution B. dealt with it successfully
C. came up with novel ideas D. were unable to find an answer
21. He’s trying to get an 8 in the IELTS test, but so far he’s come up against a brick wall and has got
only a 7.
A. become successful B. encountered some obstacles
C. spent lots of money D. built some walls
22. Lack of willingness to work on weekends is the major stumbling block to getting that job.
A. advantage B. dedication C. impediment D. satisfaction
23. It’s time you faced the music! You’ve lied to me all the time.
A. gave your answer B. achieved what you dream
C. accepted criticism D. made some complaint
24. The thought of what might happen in the interview room sent shivers down my spine.
A. kept me insane B. made me frightened
C. made me confused D. kept me calm
25. James was determined to pass the final test that he kept his nose to the grindstone.
A. suffered from an illness B. failed to take the exam
C. worked very hard D. refused to make friends
26. David put her nose out of joint when he didn’t invite Jane to his party.
A. satisfied her B. upset her C. confused her D. bullied her
27. She jumped down my throat when I suggested that she had made a mistake in her presentation.
A. spoke angrily to me B. responded to me calmly
C. praised my comments D. threw something into my throat
28. Tony stuck his neck out and told the teacher that she had made a spelling mistake.
A. did something crazy B. refused to say anything
C. gave up all his dreams D. took a risk
29. Finding a suitable accommodation during winter nights is a pain in the neck.
A. satisfactory B. annoying C. intimidating D. embarrassing
30. The man got bent out of shape when I suggested that he had got into the wrong room.
A. was excited B. became forgetful C. got angry D. felt comfortable
31. Police have been searching for two girls who vanished into thin air a week ago.
A. corrected B. disappeared C. arrived D. shouted
32. When he was young, he managed to get cigarettes under the counter. Now he realises that it’s not
really good.
A. directly B. excitingly C. secretly D. legally
33. Mitchell is the nicest guy I’ve ever met who is willing to do me a good turn.
A. help B. delay C. protest D. betray
34. James knows that he should start revising for his mid-term test, but he’s dragging his feet.
A. speeding B. promoting C. destroying D. delaying
35. When Joey saw her boyfriend flirting with another girl, she tried to pull herself together and left.
A. get angry B. feel nervous C. get anxious D. remain calm
36. This morning, the traffic was really bad, but we managed to arrive at the conference in the nick of
A. with all our documents B. at the last possible moment
C. with much time to spare D. in a terrible condition
37. If you are at a loose end this weekend, why don’t we go to the Italian restaurant and try some new
A. having nothing to lose B. having many things to do
C. having a lot to deal with D. having nothing to do
38. David gave me the cold shoulder all day because he was angry at my comments.
A. attended me B. hit me C. ignored me D. supported me
39. My best friend, Linda, tied the knot last month, but she said to me that she didn’t feel happy at all.
A. got engaged B. got married C. become separated D. got divorced
40. Her brother thinks that he will be home and dry in the job interview without careful preparations.
A. be successful B. be excited C. be satisfied D. be promoted
41. Joey has a big mouth. I told her not to tell Tim the whole story, but she just didn’t do it.
A. eats a lot B. makes friends easily
C. often say nasty things D. can’t keep secrets
42. I can’t believe it! I’ve been taken for a ride by my best friend all the time!
A. given a lift B. driven away
C. treated with sincerity D. deliberately deceived
43. He’s a nice guy but he started to go off the rails after making friends with them.
A. behave in an unacceptable way B. gain his power
C. conduct himself politely D. make the best decision
44. She went to pieces when she heard that her dear daughter was killed in the car accident.
A. got angry B. couldn’t behave in a sensible way
C. could lose her mind D. became confident
45. There was a great hue and cry over the government’s decision to demolish the ancient school.
A. expression B. satisfaction C. consolation D. disapproval
46. Even after he won the first prize in the competition, he kept his feet on the ground.
A. was happy B. was tired C. stayed humble D. was crazy
47. My younger sister has been walking on air all day since she knew that she was admitted to one of the
most elite universities in the UK.
A. pleased B. dissatisfied C. wary D. mistreated
48. She said that she had read more than 150 books in just one month, but it sounded like a tall story to
A. a story which is very long B. a story which is really interesting
C. a story which is hard to believe D. a story which is easily understood
49. She’s a reliable and honest woman, so it would be out of character of her to lie.
A. difficult B. not typical C. unkind D. not stable
50. My grandmother’s getting on a bit; she becomes very forgetful.
A. getting lazy B. feeling tired C. becoming interested D. getting old
51. Although I have known him since I was knee-high to a grasshopper, I couldn’t remember how many
people there are in his family.
A. strong B. old C. small D. weak
52. His uncle is no spring chicken anymore, so it’s not really appropriate to invite him to my Halloween
A. young B. old C. tall D. short
53. He doesn’t see himself as being over the hill yet; he still meets his friends in a local bar twice a
A. too old B. too fit C. too lazy D. too calm
54. There were a few odds and ends in the small box, so we decided to get rid of it.
A. familiar objects B. personal belongings C. valuable items D. trivial things
55. At the press conference, the rising star bit the young reporter’s head off when asked about his latest
A. spoke angrily to the young reporter B. gave the young reporter a present
C. told the young reporter to continue D. ask the young reporter to keep calm
56. I don’t know what happened to her, but she’s in a black mood all day.
A. ecstatic B. unhappy C. satisfied D. enthusiastic
57. Two of them decided to bury the hatchet after their conflicts had been resolved.
A. become friends B. become enemies C. dig a hole D. buy some tools
58. Travelling a long distance to get fresh produce is part and parcel of this job, so you have to
familiarise yourself with it.
A. a trivial thing B. an unexciting part
C. an unavoidable feature D. a new way
59. My brother made up his mind to put his shoulder to the wheel after many years of messing around.
A. buy a big house B. sell his belongings
C. save a lot of money D. begin to work very hard
60. It’s obvious that doing physical exercise on a daily basis can do wonders for your health.
A. have a good effect B. have a negative influence
C. be harmful D. be dissatisfied
61. Stop pulling my leg! I know David didn’t call me last night.
A. accepting B. teasing C. beating D. refusing
62. Some students don’t want to go straight to university after finishing high school education because
college tuition costs an arm and a leg nowadays.
A. is reduced B. remains stable C. is expensive D. keeps unchanged
63. You won the first prize in the competition, but don’t let it go to your head.
A. make you uneasy B. bring you money
C. keep you disappointed D. cause you to become arrogant
64. He’s really off his head if he thinks that he can perform well in his mid-term test without careful
A. uncomfortable B. crazy C. arrogant D. humorous
65. He really put his foot in his mouth with Sara when he asked her if she had remarried.
A. said something embarrassing B. told something obvious
C. said something interesting D. told something humorous
66. If you want to get a higher score in the listening test, just stay on your toes.
A. keep your feet above water B. wash your toes regularly
C. remain focused D. keep distracted
67. The government will face the music if they refuse to take any measures to stop the spread of the
A. turn on loud music B. accept criticism
C. refuse admission D. keep changing
68. The high-speed camera reveals how two thieves broke into the house and left in the blink of an eye.
A. slowly B. reluctantly C. leisurely D. quickly
69. She’s going to exert herself in the competition; I can feel it in my bones.
A. believe it strongly B. dismiss it quickly
C. reject it decisively D. affect it deeply
70. Mitchell hit the nail on the head when he said what makes people uninterested in Mary’s stories is
that they are tedious.
A. say indirectly B. indicate clearly C. describe exactly D. tell falsely
71. My parents seem to see eye to eye with my future career; they’re always supportive.
A. oppose B. neglect C. witness D. agree
72. I’m sorry but I can’t attend your birth party; I’m up to my ears in assignments and reports.
A. distracted B. callous C. perceptive D. occupied
73. Glancy has a head for numbers, so he can sail through all the Maths tests.
A. is uninterested in B. has a natural ability for
C. is bad at D. has an effect on
74. I’m going to take the IELTS test tomorrow, and I now have butterflies in my stomach.
A. feel comfortable B. become nervous C. keep depressed D. remain calm
75. I told Linda to keep the surprise party a secret, but she let the cat out of the bag.
A. feel unwell B. sing a song C. reveal a secret D. buy a new bag
76. The holiday was worse than expected; it rained cats and dogs day in, day out.
A. rained heavily B. rained slightly C. was sunny D. was cloudy
77. It’s the first time I’ve come to such a large banquet; people don’t wear casual clothes like me. I just
feel like a fish out of water.
A. become excited B. feel comfortable C. become ecstatic D. feel awkward
78. Dan was in deep water when he said nasty things about his History teacher on Facebook.
A. in debt B. in trouble C. in detail D. in custody
79. On behalf of my business, I’m sorry that you’ve experienced the technical hitch for the last two days.
Please accept these bottles of champagne on the house as an apology.
A. busy B. uncomfortable C. expensive D. free
80. He really got in my hair today; he asked me the same questions the whole day.
A. hurt me B. killed me C. annoyed me D. supported me
81. My mother went off the deep end when she found out that her daughter played truant.
A. went crazy B. fainted C. was lazy D. felt ashamed
82. Lucy’s had ants in her pants all day; she’s waiting for her test result.
A. been dizzy B. been exhausted C. felt itchy D. felt anxious
83. Jane was like a bear with a sore head when she missed the last bus to school.
A. felt unhealthy B. became irritable
C. was enthusiastic D. remained confident
84. Some experts advise that you shouldn’t lose weight by eating like a bird.
A. eating very much B. eating only meat
C. eating only vegetables D. eating very little
85. Shala’s been like a cat on hot bricks all day because she couldn’t find the key to her apartment.
A. been relaxed B. become anxious C. felt unwell D. been tired
86. They’ve been arguing about this matter till the cows come home, but they can’t solve anything.
A. unexpectedly B. for a long time
C. for a short period of time D. abruptly
87. You need to get your ducks in a row to make a good impression on the interviewer.
A. become forgetful B. become well-prepared
C. become extinct D. become lethargic
88. He’s never played golf before, but he’s taken it like a duck to water.
A. failed to adapt to it B. refused to learn it
C. learned it very quickly D. stopped trying it
89. Her attitude to same-sex marriage always gets my goats, so I just don’t want to talk with her about it.
A. annoys me B. interests me C. disappoints me D. interrupts me
90. The company decided to spend the lion’s share of its budget to help victims of the recent earthquake.
A. the most interesting part B. the most boring part
C. the largest part D. the smallest part
91. The loud music coming from the man living next door is driving me up the wall.
A. motivating me B. annoying me C. confusing me D. worrying me
92. Linda was on cloud nine when she was offered a position at a multinational.
A. bitterly disappointed B. deeply depressed
C. extremely happy D. desperately worried
93. When I told my mother that I had quit the job, she flipped her lid.
A. remained calm B. kept confident C. became angry D. felt happy
94. They’ve been working hard in the last 20 years, and now they’re living high off the hog.
A. making ends meet B. living with lots of money
C. donating money to poor people D. living in slumps
95. The newly launched app from the company is in a different league altogether.
A. much poorer B. much dirtier
C. much more expensive D. much better
96. My brother’s a night owl, and our parents often say that staying up too late can do harm to his health.
A. a person who likes to sleep early
B. a person who often drinks alcohol at night
C. a person who prefers to stay awake late at night
D. a person who usually drinks coffee to remain awake at night
97. They’ve been together through thick and thin, and nothing can break their bond.
A. through good and bad times B. in excitement
C. with regrets D. with the support of strangers
98. It’s time you hit the books, boy! Your exam is on Monday.
A. study in a relaxing way B. buy some reference books
C. read some books on the Internet D. study hard
99. Susan made a bundle selling locally obtained produce to city citizens.
A. received a low salary B. earned a lot of money
C. failed to meet sales targets D. got a promotion
100. I didn’t see the joke when my teacher told a funny story.
A. understand the joke B. laugh at someone else
C. become annoyed D. feel disappointed

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
101. Just wait while I tie up these _______ ends, then I’ll go and play tennis with you.
A. loose B. tight C. small D. large
102. I’ve never tried scuba diving before, but I’d be happy to ______ it a shot.
A. take B. make C. have D. give
103. After performing successfully in the interview, he knew that the job was in the ______.
A. kitchen B. bag C. drawer D. purse
104. As a captain of the football team, I have to carry the ________ for today’s loss.
A. box B. bag C. can D. package
105. He’s left to his own ________ because he’s an adult now.
A. phones B. appliances C. devices D. messages
106. The teacher _______ an example of Peter when he made nasty remarks about his classmates.
A. followed B. took C. made D. gave
107. Laura broke out in a ______ sweat when he got a coronavirus test.
A. cold B. hot C. cool D. chilly
108. Sarah ______ great pains to get to the venue on time, but the traffic was just so bad.
A. made B. gave C. did D. took
109. Mitchell dropped the _____ when he decided to leave home and pursue his dream.
A. stick B. line C. ball D. rack
110. Gina’s been working on a large project, so she’s been burning the _______ at both ends.
A. paper B. candle C. leaf D. fire
111. She’s a professional singer who is always able to bring the _______ down during each performance.
A. house B. villa C. apartment D. mansion
112. Everyone was on the edge of their ________ while the football match was taking place.
A. lounges B. benches C. couches D. seats
113. Stop beating about the _______. Tell me the whole story please.
A. forest B. jungle C. bush D. plant
114. The government has imposed social distancing rules across the country with the hope of containing
the spread of the virus, but it’s just _________ at straws.
A. clinging B. clasping C. clustering D. clutching
115. More people will become unemployed in this health crisis; it’s just par for the ______.
A. program B. progress C. course D. period
116. Understandably, he’s been struggling with a new studying environment, but he’ll get to _______ the
ropes soon enough.
A. take B. know C. hold D. give
117. It’s time you stopped ________ the buck! You have to think about what you can do to solve the
A. passing B. baking C. acting D. playing
118. She dropped a ________ on their first date by telling him that she didn’t like pets. Unfortunately,
he’s always been a real sucker for pets.
A. stone B. tile C. brick D. block
119. The atmosphere at the year-end party was very awkward when one of the interns spilled his drink all
over the manager. I tried to ___________ the ice, but it didn’t help at all.
A. crack B. crash C. crush D. break
120. If you decide not to apply for this position, you’ll miss the _______.
A. canoe B. craft C. boat D. ship
121. Despite being a team leader, he’s too hesitant to ________ the shots.
A. call B. give C. pay D. take
122. I can eat a variety of foods, but I ________ the line at fish!
A. cross B. lay C. maintain D. draw
123. He said he would ________ the bill for the party. I think it’s reasonable because he’s earned a large
amount of money from his business.
A. work B. weigh C. foot D. play
124. If Laura had been able to keep her _______ on, everything would have been fine.
A. trouser B. sweater C. scarf D. shirt
125. Since you’re new to the job, you’d better go with the ________ and see what people do.
A. flow B. stream C. water D. well
126. I don’t think he will be home and ________ in his speaking test. He’s not been preparing much for
A. moistureless B. arid C. barren D. dry
127. Dan was as high as a _______ when he heard that his grandmother has been recovering from the
A. plane B. kite C. thread D. bird
128. After the holiday, there was a list of things as long as my __________ to deal with.
A. nose B. hair C. arm D. leg
129. He got rather hot under the ________ when I told him that he had a mistake in his essay.
A. collar B. sleeve C. hem D. pocket
130. I was as _______ as a beetroot when I had entered the wrong WC.
A. yellow B. red C. blue D. green
131. My heart was in my ________ when I entered the exam room.
A. nose B. eye C. mouth D. lip
132. I’ve got a __________ to pick with you. You’re always playing loud music at night, which is really
A. spine B. shoulder C. back D. bone
133. I was in Sana’s bad ________ because I ate all of her chocolate.
A. books B. pencils C. inks D. bags
134. Because Becky’s feeling unwell at the moment, our plan to have an outdoor barbecue is up in the
A. cloud B. sky C. star D. air
135. Paul said that the whole process was a ________ in a teacup, and we didn’t need to worry about it.
A. hurricane B. storm C. typhoon D. landslide
136. They had a serious quarrel last night, but now they think it’s time they _______ the air.
A. cleared B. erased C. removed D. deleted
137. It’s a good idea to avoid talking about the accident last month – just let sleeping dogs _______.
A. stand B. lie C. sing D. dance
138. There is little love ________ between Michael and David; they argue with each other almost every
A. missed B. dropped C. lost D. suffered
139. He got a D in his writing test and he’s acting as if he were the worst student in his class. I think he’s
just making a ________ out of a molehill.
A. sea B. plain C. mountain D. waterfall
140. He became depressed after failing the driving test, and he was ready to ________ a fight with
anyone having a driver license.
A. hold B. mix C. leave D. pick
141. When it became obvious that he had taken advantage of my generosity, I _______ him packing.
A. mailed B. sent C. shipped D. delivered
142. They decided to sink their _________ to establish a good community.
A. differences B. changes C. diversities D. disparities
143. Stop sitting on the ________! You have to choose which university you will apply to.
A. rail B. bar C. fence D. block
144. He’s skating on thin ________ when he said to the manager that he was dissatisfied with the pay
A. rock B. bank C. nail D. ice
145. Actually, he committed a petty crime when he turned 6, but that’s water under the_______ now.
A. bridge B. overpass C. arch D. platform
146. He robbed some money from an old lady, but after he volunteered to clean up the polluted river, the
policeman decided to ________ his slate clean.
A. erase B. remove C. delete D. wipe
147. All students in the class were ________ with envy when she told them that she had an opportunity to
see J. K. Rowling in person.
A. blue B. red C. black D. green
148. In order not to spoil the romantic atmosphere, he decided to ______ to his girlfriend’s tune and sang
a song.
A. sing B. perform C. dance D. ring
149. James is not ready to book the ticket, but I will force his ______. I just don’t want to miss this
A. hand B. leg C. arm D. toe
150. She’s caught cheating on the final exam, but she didn’t seem worried much. She definitely has
______ in high places.
A. members B. parents C. friends D. relatives
151. David was chosen as the person who ________ the reins on this important project because he had
lots of experience.
A. took B. held C. made D. played
152. You should ________ down the law and ask your children to comply with family rules.
A. lay B. pave C. act D. call
153. He’s the boss, but his financial consultant is the real power behind the _______.
A. couch B. bench C. chair D. throne
154. He couldn’t stand the way his wife kept him under her _______, so they got divorced last year.
A. finger B. nail C. hand D. thumb
155. When Johnny heard that his essay got an A, he was in ________ heaven.
A. ninth B. eighth C. seventh D. sixth
156. I’ve never seen a person like Tim – he’s always full of ______ and willing to do every task.
A. nuts B. beans C. seeds D. grains
157. Before entering the exam room, I had to act as cool as a __________.
A. potato B. tomato C. banana D. cucumber
158. He popped the ________ on my 22nd birthday. I was extremely happy.
A. question B. problem C. issue D. matte
159. David really _________ a dash in his new suit at the annual conference. I couldn’t take my eyes off
A. cut B. chop C. shave D. slice
160. Tony ________ a sight when I met him this morning. He must have forgotten to look at himself in
the mirror.
A. saw B. glanced C. looked D. stared
161. He’s a ________ partner. He’s done many things, but he owns half of the enterprise.
A. lying B. watching C. standing D. sleeping
162. She worked as an intern at a local company, but she thought that it would be a great way to get her
______ in the door at that company.
A. arm B. nose C. neck D. foot
163. During the covid-19 pandemic, I had an opportunity to work from home and spend quality time with
my family. It’s such a cushy ________.
A. number B. data C. figure D. statistic
164. The aviation industry will go ______ up if the covid-19 pandemic starts to take hold.
A. stomach B. belly C. waist D. liver
165. Most companies in the region are considering shutting up ________ due to the complicated
development of the covid-19 pandemic.
A. store B. house C. school D. shop
166. Preliminary findings show that there may be a _________ on the horizon if the government refuses
to take action.
A. star B. thunder C. cloud D. sky
167. Thomas was a big ________ in a small pond; he was more knowledgeable and experienced than
anyone else in the office.
A. crab B. fish C. snail D. duck
168. The government has decided to _________ small businesses across the country a lifeline in the
context of the health crisis.
A. hold B. give C. lead D. throw
169. Last quarter’s sales _________ a nosedive, which worried both employers and employees.
A. held B. made C. took D. paved
170. They claimed that _______ will roll following the company’s lacklustre performance this quarter.
A. heads B. necks C. noses D. lips
171. The new principal hopes that students will _______ into line with the new regulations.
A. throw B. act C. earn D. fall
172. When appointed captain of the football team, he promised to bring his experience and important
skills to the ________.
A. pool B. table C. curtain D. blanket
173. I strongly believe that Peter is a suitable candidate for that position. He _______ all the boxes.
A. pays B. crosses C. ticks D. lends
174. They used to be friendly to each other, but now the _______ are off! They are shouting at each other.
A. hats B. shoes C. boots D. gloves
175. I was caught between a _______ and a hard place. I didn’t know how to deal with this problem.
A. rock B. stone C. box D. parcel
176. My grandfather’s a little _______ on top; he’s 65 now.
A. slight B. thin C. small D. tiny
177. Her ability to think outside the ________ earned him admission to that company.
A. package B. parcel C. vase D. box
178. The company decided to push the _______, but I don’t think it’s a good idea.
A. letter B. hand C. arm D. envelope
179. He ______ home the bacon while his wife stays at home and looks after their two sons.
A. takes B. makes C. brings D. creates
180. Most of them are going for a _________ because they intend to discontinue this line of products.
A. song B. melody C. verse D. tune
181. Lucy’s been in my good _________. She’s helped me a lot with my study.
A. booklets B. albums C. brochures D. books
182. With many years of experience in dealing with customers, she _______ the makings of an excellent
sales representative.
A. pays B. takes C. has D. cuts
183. I was worried that my parents wouldn’t like my new boyfriend, but actually they got on like a
________ on fire.
A. fence B. feet C. house D. pot
184. I think Bob has ________ a shine to my friend, David. Both of them are really keen on arts and
A. taken B. put C. made D. given
185. My roommate, Rof, is always making noise at night, but I just can’t help having a soft _______ for
A. shoe B. lid C. pizza D. spot
186. The doctor has been working around the _______ to help the old patient with underlying health
conditions who contracted the coronavirus.
A. watch B. minute C. hour D. clock
187. Luke was thrilled to ________ when he was nominated as best student.
A. heaven B. bits C. heaven D. shreds
188. The workers were up in _______ over the proposal to cut down on paid time off.
A. shoulders B. arms C. fingers D. elbows
189. The upcoming exam is very important, so I have to break my ______.
A. arm B. nose C. back D. eye
190. His sudden appearance from the window made my _______ run cold.
A. blood B. neck C. sweat D. spine
191. Being a single mother, she had to work her ________ to the bone to support her three children.
A. eyes B. head C. fingers D. stomach
192. My son’s been beating his _______ out to finish the school project ahead of time.
A. ears B. bones C. brains D. toes
193. More than 80 countries agreed to keep a _________ on carbon emissions.
A. song B. scissor C. lid D. house
194. I think you should _______ Tony’s brains. He’s an expert in the field of child psychology.
A. lay B. pick C. gain D. aim
195. All of my advice fell on deaf _______. He decided to invest in that company.
A. ears B. noses C. eyes D. fingers
196. I don’t think it’s a good idea to take his advice at ______ value. He’s not a reliable person.
A. back B. eye C. toe D. face
197. You should _______ your chin up! A bad essay doesn’t necessarily mean you’re bad at writing.
A. put B. ask C. keep D. build
198. They’re great prime ministers, but obviously they all have ______ of clay.
A. knees B. toes C. fingers D. feet
199. Joe morphed from a difficult child to a famous singer, and now he has the world at his _______.
A. feet B. arm C. neck D. head
200. Joey really has his __________ on the pulse of the current market, so I think you’d better ask for his
A. chin B. foot C. finger D. skin

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined bold word(s) in each of the following questions.
201. After travelling to the concert venue for 2 hours, he started to run out of steam and wanted to come
back home.
A. lose interest B. become enthusiastic
C. get promoted D. keep changing
202. Sana’s been on the edge of her seat when she watched the horror film.
A. essential B. callous C. calm D. excited
203. We’re taking our kids to the zoo tomorrow, but they’re champing at the bit now.
A. uninterested B. eager C. nervous D. sick
204. After jogging for a few minutes, she was as fresh as a daisy and ready to go to work.
A. patient B. positive C. lethargic D. influential
205. It cost an arm and a leg when we decided to eat at a gourmet restaurant.
A. exorbitant B. primitive C. conducive D. affordable
206. David will attend my birthday party. He said he would be there with bells on.
A. eagerly B. patiently C. indifferently D. surprisingly
207. After being late for work several times, Laura’s afraid that she’ll get her walking papers soon.
A. be attacked B. be killed C. be sacked D. be recruited
208. The house has been abandoned for years. It’s gone to seed.
A. become better B. been worsened C. been deteriorated D. been unstable
209. Her father is of the old school who believes that women should always stay at home and take care of
their children.
A. modern B. recalled C. ignorant D. primitive
210. She’s been trying to pass the driving test, but she never achieves her dream. Now she’s ready to
throw in the towel.
A. admitting her defeat B. giving in to her ideas
C. refusing to give up D. abandoning a task
211. Lucy really wants the first prize, so she’s been putting her heart and soul into that project.
A. trying very hard to do B. making an effort to finish
C. attempting to win D. unwilling to do
212. Don’t worry! She’s going to know the ropes there. I mean she’s an ability to adapt to a new
environment well.
A. become excited B. go insane C. feel sick D. be unfamiliar
213. I’m not going to play second fiddle to John when I have more experience than him.
A. be friendly to B. be hostile to
C. be treated as less important than D. have a more important position than
214. He’s become forgetful in recent years, and the board of directors decided that it’s time to put him
out to pasture.
A. ask him to stay longer with the company
B. force him to leave the job
C. stop him from getting a promotion
D. ask him to pay for his own business expenses
215. The teacher spent 3 hours showing them the ropes because they were new students.
A. teaching them basic details B. asking them to study on their own
C. explaining the lessons to them D. demonstrating how to make a rope
216. We bought this washing machine 10 years ago, and now it’s such dead wood.
A. an unnecessary thing B. a simple method
C. a complicated way D. a useful thing

217. His performance is always good, but this time he really excels himself. I believe he’s definitely the
cream of the crop.
A. the most industrious person B. the most interesting person
C. the worst person D. the best person
218. I’ve been worried sick about my exam, so I searched for some tips on the Internet to succeed on
exam days. And I have to say that they worked like a charm.
A. worked very well B. were ineffective
C. were updated D. gave me some ideas
219. If we want to become a leading company in the apparel industry, we have to move with the times.
A. reject modern trends B. attract more investors
C. adopt a new strategy D. keep up with latest fashions
220. He’s helped us a lot with good advice about fashion; as a result, we can make light work of this
A. effectively deal with B. quickly solve
C. have difficulty in completing D. have some ideas for
221. After the company had declared bankruptcy on Thursday, she was on a shoestring.
A. loaded B. using little money C. emotional D. on a tight budget
222. During the interview, you’re expected to think on your feet and answer interviewers’ questions
clearly and honestly.
A. stand on your feet B. sit still
C. be slower than usual D. react to things quickly
223. Tom always keeps his fingers on the pulse of the covid-19 pandemic, so I asked him how many
new positive cases had been recorded that day.
A. gets emotional for B. remains an awareness of
C. keeps reading about D. remains unaware of
224. You need to get your ducks in a row to ensure that you won’t make any stupid mistaken in the
writing test.
A. take action B. be prepared C. be unwilling to change D. be ill-prepared
225. We need to get the show on the road if we want to get good seats at the theatre.
A. delay taking action B. refuse to give up
C. get started D. drive immediately
226. Writing the introduction is the most difficult part, but Joey has it down to a fine art.
A. does it quickly B. completes it unsuccessfully
C. does it effectively D. completes it well
227. Her new studying method has really done the trick; she recently got a 10 in the speaking test.
A. got desired results B. become popular
C. been unsuccessful D. remained unknown
228. She didn’t pull her weight, so we couldn’t finish the assignment on time.
A. make a lot effort B. work in a relaxing way
C. put on weight D. go on a diet
229. The rising star’s career has been hanging by a thread since he was caught causing a tragic accident.
A. becoming more successful B. ending soon
C. gaining few achievements D. criticised a lot
230. I don’t know what to do now. Everything is up in the air.
A. likely to fail B. likely to succeed C. certain D. uncertain
231. Both of them are like two peas in a pod though they come from two different families.
A. interested B. depressed C. similar D. different
232. Tony got bent out of shape when his girlfriend cheated on him.
A. was determined B. was satisfied C. was angry D. was disappointed
233. After causing the accident, Sara tried to get a grip on herself and called her brother.
A. get confused B. become calm C. be positive D. leave quickly
234. I told Tom about losing my job. I think it’s better to get it out of my system.
A. express it B. prevent it C. improve it D. hide it
235. The man was very worked up about relocating to the UK. It meant that he could be closer to his
A. depressed B. tenacious C. ecstatic D. different
236. Our kids will go bananas when they are told that their trip to the zoo has been cancelled due to
heavy rain.
A. angry B. enthusiastic C. pessimistic D. disappointed
237. She didn’t give a hoot about learning a foreign language, and she regretted it a few years later.
A. didn’t care much about B. attached little importance to
C. paid much attention to D. made a good impression on
238. He couldn’t get the position he wanted, and now he’s trying to lick his wounds.
A. be injured B. get back his happiness
C. be safe D. make him more disappointed
239. You failed the driving test, but it’s not the end of the world. Please look on the bright side.
A. be confident B. be determined C. be pessimistic D. be optimistic
240. Although Tim didn’t get the results he had wanted in the mid-term test, he decided to keep a stiff
upper lip and focus on his study.
A. hide his feelings B. remain calm
C. conceal his thoughts D. express his emotions
241. The idea of speaking in front of a large audience makes my flesh crawl.
A. cheers me up B. disappoints me C. worries me D. frightens me
242. When I told Tim that his proposal had been dismissed by the board of directors, he didn’t turn a
A. washed his hair B. dyed his hair C. showed his feelings D. hid his emotions
243. She poured her heart out to her husband about how depressed she was when she lost her job.
A. shared her thoughts B. concealed her deepest emotions
C. showed her abilities D. underwent heart surgery
244. Her sister was as pleased as Punch when she knew that she was tested negative for coronavirus.
A. enthusiastic B. embarrassed C. influential D. dissatisfied
245. The tragic accident between two cars reduced her to tears.
A. made her smile B. made her cry
C. made her emotional D. made her uninterested
246. I’ve always had a soft spot for those who try their best despite many hardships.
A. admired B. had a fondness for C. despised D. had an affection for
247. His rude behaviour at the company’s conference spoke volumes about his characteristics.
A. showed clearly B. indicated ambiguously
C. expressed directly D. demonstrated simply
248. My mother was in a stew when my brother didn’t come back home until 11.30 p.m.
A. worried B. insane C. relaxed D. bothered
249. I believe that Joey struck a raw nerve when he mentioned his getting a promotion to Laura who lost
her job two days ago.
A. evoked anger B. disappointed her C. frustrated her D. pleased her
250. She told me that she had a magic wand to deal with my problem, so there’s nothing to worry about.
A. a simple answer B. an uninteresting way
C. a positive thinking D. a complex solution
251. The couple at the corner were whispering sweet nothings to each other.
A. hateful comments B. words of affections
C. interesting messages D. songs of love
252. Paul was on tenterhooks to see if he had caught the virus or not.
A. anxious B. frightened C. apprehensive D. comforted
253. She thanked her lucky stars for having an opportunity to work with friendly colleagues.
A. was ungrateful B. travelled into space
C. didn’t complain much D. was thankful
254. He’s committed many crimes all his life, and the judge decided to throw the book at him.
A. buy him a book B. give him a light punishment
C. borrow a book from him D. punish him severely
255. I slogged my guts out for years in that company and never got a promotion.
A. invested heavily B. worked idly C. used a lot of effort D. criticised indirectly
256. She was ready to take part in a 10-mile race, but I told her that she was excluded from the team. That
took the wind out of her sails.
A. diminished her enthusiasm B. suppressed her excitement
C. boosted her confidence D. made her less determined
257. The thought of having the first date with the next-door guy made me go weak at the knees.
A. obsessive B. fearful C. sick D. indifferent
258. My kids mean the world to me. I’m willing to do anything to make them happy.
A. becomes essential B. is unimportant C. is vital D. becomes necessary
259. Peter threw a wobbly when Linda suggested that his report must have been written in haste.
A. was satisfied B. became upset C. went crazy D. feel embarrassed
260. Our company is currently recruiting a person who is hardworking and on the ball to deal with
complaints from customers.
A. attentive B. competent C. energetic D. inactive
261. The aviation industry has been facing the chill wind of the covid-19 pandemic.
A. the problem B. the advantage C. the impact D. the recession
262. She was under the weather, so we had to cancel the trip to Ha Long Bay.
A. crazy B. unwell C. healthy D. tired
263. If he continues sailing close to the wind, he will get into trouble soon.
A. not taking risks B. travelling by boat
C. inviting friends to invest D. doing something dangerous
264. We spent 2.5 hours travelling to this desolate area, but we’re on the home stretch.
A. going home B. leaving home C. in the final part D. in the first portion
265. It’s getting darker and darker, so it’s a good idea to hit the road.
A. buy gifts B. depart C. finish the journey D. start the journey
266. He always paddles his own canoe, but I think sometimes he should ask for others’ advice before
making any decisions.
A. travels by canoe B. relies on others
C. acts independently D. remains positive
267. David’s a real troublemaker. Yesterday he rocked the boat when bringing up a very controversial
topic at my birthday party.
A. did something to improve the situation B. brought a boat with him
C. said something that caused problems D. made other people upset
268. David and Peter were in the same boat when both of them were made redundant yesterday.
A. at the same house B. at the same company
C. in the same difficult situation D. in the same favourable situation
269. The smell of freshly baked bread made my mouth water.
A. made me thirsty B. made me hungry
C. made me vomit D. made me happy
270. After finding out that Mitchell committed several crimes, including fraud, she decided to drop him
like a hot potato.
A. be friendly to him B. mistreat him C. abandon him D. criticise him
271. When asked about a hot potato at the press conference, the politician was hesitant to give his
A. a difficult subject B. an interesting topic
C. a controversial situation D. a real problem
272. She’s so bigheaded that she’s unwilling to eat humble pie.
A. accept her responsibility B. admit her fault
C. deny that she was wrong D. agree to eat a pie
273. Laura went nuts when asked to work on the weekend.
A. became relaxed B. felt sick C. became angry D. went crazy
274. When you get paid to look after your neighbour’s garden while they’re on business, it’s money for
A. illegal B. easy to get money
C. rewarding D. a difficult way to earn money
275. The project will bear fruit if you apply yourself.
A. yield desired results B. be unlikely to succeed
C. be possible to attract investors D. gain more money
276. I was nervous to go on stage, but I tried to be as cool as a cucumber.
A. stressed B. calm C. confident D. false
277. As soon as the smartphone was readily available on the market, it sold like hot cakes.
A. didn’t get much attention B. was sold out
C. got cheaper D. became more expensive
278. The English test was a piece of cake; all of my students sailed through it.
A. relaxing B. tedious C. simple D. complex
279. Don’t tell Jack about Linda’s surprise party; he’s always spilling the beans.
A. telling a boring story B. hiding a secret
C. telling an interesting story D. revealing a secret
280. If you read the manual more than three times, you can get the hang of it.
A. get bored with it B. understand it easily
C. fail to understand it D. be able to write a similar one
281. Thanks to his dedication to protecting the environment, this candidate is certainly ahead of the
A. having less advantage B. more successful
C. gaining more power D. paying more attention
282. You have to pull your socks up if you want to finish the report on time.
A. get furious B. lose confidence C. work harder D. become lazy
283. The thought of standing up and singing a song sent chills down my spine.
A. made me frightened B. made me less confident
C. made me relaxed D. made me disappointed
284. Don’t hesitate anymore. It’s time we got the show on the road!
A. bought tickets for a show B. travelled to a remote area
C. got started immediately D. delayed taking actions
285. You should ask David; he’s a dab hand at designing.
A. lazy B. good C. studious D. bad
286. My friend, Lucy, had to live from hand to mouth since she was made redundant last week.
A. catch a disease B. live with lots of money
C. live with little money D. recover from a disease
287. After seeing the catastrophic impacts caused by the recent flood at first hand, the tourist decided to
donate $2000 to help those in these areas.
A. perfectly B. unevenly C. directly D. indirectly
288. It turns out that he’s been hand in glove with a colleague for years, trying to steal as much money as
possible from the bank.
A. dissociating himself from B. working closely with
C. friendly to D. sending a glove to
289. I haven’t prepared much for tomorrow’s interview. Just the thought of sitting in a room full of
interviewers made my hair stand on end.
A. appalled me B. cooled me C. comforted me D. horrified me
290. I wondered why Jimmy could put up with Peter. He really got in my hair when asking me lots of
stupid questions all through lunch.
A. scared me B. soothed me C. annoyed me D. bothered me
291. Your bedroom should be repainted. Patches of mildew on the walls stick out like a sore thumb.
A. are noticeable B. remain obvious C. are invisible D. become important
292. I was once offered a position at Nature of Humans, but I wasn’t really confident at that time and just
let it slip through my fingers.
A. cut my fingers B. heal the pain
C. fail to catch the opportunity D. succeeded in achieving the opportunity
293. I’m all fingers and thumbs, so I asked my sister to wrap up this Christmas present.
A. clumsy B. careful C. direct D. awkward
294. He told that he would send her a message, but he just kept putting it on the long finger.
A. continuing B. delaying C. preventing D. stopping
295. I believe that her essay lacks something, but I just can’t put my finger on it.
A. discover the reason B. clarify it
C. fail to recognise it D. succeed in determining the reason
296. I didn’t lift a finger until he begged me to help him with his homework.
A. didn’t care much B. didn’t cut a finger
C. refused to take action D. was very supportive
297. If you want to be admitted to one of the prestigious universities in the UK, you have to put your
best forward in the GCSE.
A. stop trying B. impress others C. do your best D. work harder
298. I didn’t want to make a fool out of myself when they asked me to dance. I’ve had two left feet.
A. been unable to dance gracefully B. been an expert at dancing
C. moved awkwardly D. broken my leg
299. She’s learned to stand on her own feet since her parents got divorced 5 years ago.
A. care for others B. help those in need
C. become dependent D. get stronger
300. Clara got itchy feet after nearly 10 years of working in the same company with a low salary.
A. wanted to stay with her company B. desired to change her job
C. wanted to travel more D. started to spend less money


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