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6/1/24, 22:01 TEST_3: Revisión del intento

 PregradoAula Grado 

Área personal - Mis cursos - QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH IN EDUCATION,[QUAREEDU_VIR] - C6[71841] - P - Actividades contacto con el docente - TEST_3

https://aulagrado.unemi.edu.ec/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=3166785&cmid=954955 1/3
6/1/24, 22:01 TEST_3: Revisión del intento

Comenzado el Saturday, 6 de January de 2024, 20:42

 PregradoAula Grado

Estado Finalizado

Finalizado en Saturday, 6 de January de 2024, 20:53

11 minutos 23 segundos

Calificación 12,00 de 15,00 (80%)

Pregunta 1

Correcta Se puntúa 3,00 sobre 3,00

¿20.- Unit 3 topic 2 subtopic 1.- During a statistical analysis endeavor, Mark has implemented a certain
technique commonly used to hinder coefficient significance
during statistical measurement. What is the name of the technique?

a. Bootstrap samples

b. Non-parametric bootstrap process 


d. PLS nomogram

Pregunta 2

Correcta Se puntúa 3,00 sobre 3,00

¿26.- Unit 3 topic 2 subtopic 3.- Terrence and his colleagues have gathered enough data to make a population
and form research samples based on the data itself.
Subsequently, this data is used to calculate a numerical estimate of the population values. Based on the
example, this is a?

a. Null hypothesis

b. Hypothesis 

c. Alternative hypothesis

d. Hypothesis testing

Pregunta 3

Correcta Se puntúa 3,00 sobre 3,00

¿30.- Unit 3 topic 2 subtopic 4.- Mary works as a secretary for her government, but she is not happy at all
because her salary is 40% less than that of her male
colleagues. Based on the example, which of the following is a null hypothesis?

a. Male workers have a higher salary than female workers

b. There is no difference in the salaries of men and women based on gender 

c. There is no relationship between height and size

d. There is a big disparity between female wages and male wages

Pregunta 4

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6/1/24, 22:01 TEST_3: Revisión del intento
Correcta Se puntúa 3,00 sobre 3,00
 PregradoAula Grado

¿39.- Unit 4 topic 1 subtopic 2.- Cynthia wants to use a bibliographic manager that does not need to be
updated every time nor downloaded because she has her devices’
memory full and wants to save space. What bibliographic manager would you recommend, Cynthia?

a. Library of Congress

b. Zotero

c. RefWorks 

d. Mendeley

Pregunta 5

Incorrecta Se puntúa 0,00 sobre 3,00

¿57.- Unit 4 topic 2 subtopic 3.- Monica and his classmates were tasked with analyzing an article concerning
the educational needs and educational liabilities.
Therefore, they went to Google Scholar and found a myriad of reputable and trustworthy scientific articles that
will be useful for their learning journey
as high school students. In summary, this example refers to?

Respuesta: The open access movement, free access to knowledge and copyright 

Finalizar revisión

 TEST_1

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S1-WEEK 1 - UNIT 1 - TOPIC 1-Compendio 

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8/1/24, 15:15 TEST_3: Revisión del intento

 PregradoAula Grado 

- Actividades contacto con el docente - TEST_3

https://aulagrado.unemi.edu.ec/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=2952148&cmid=902067 1/4
8/1/24, 15:15 TEST_3: Revisión del intento

Comenzado el Wednesday, 13 de December de 2023, 21:04

 PregradoAula Grado

Estado Finalizado

Finalizado en Wednesday, 13 de December de 2023, 21:13

9 minutos 20 segundos

Calificación 15,00 de 15,00 (100%)

Pregunta 1

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

Choose the item that corresponds to the 4C’s in CLIL:

a. Culture, Content, Cognition, Coordination

b. Communication, Culture, Classroom, Cognition

c. Cognition, Classroom, Culture, Coordination

d. Content, Communication, Cognition, Culture 

Pregunta 2

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

In a traditional language teaching model, what is the primary role of the teacher?

a. Organizer

b. Observer

c. Facilitator

d. Source of Information 

Pregunta 3

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

In the context of didactics, what does the term "pedagogical content knowledge" refer to?

a. Mastery of advanced teaching technologies

b. Familiarity with student demographics

c. Understanding of subject matter and how to teach it 

d. Knowledge of educational policies

Pregunta 4

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

In the context of didactics, what does the term "pedagogy" refer to?

a. Classroom Environment Design

b. Educational Technology Integration

c. Student-Centered Learning
https://aulagrado.unemi.edu.ec/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=2952148&cmid=902067 2/4
8/1/24, 15:15 TEST_3: Revisión del intento

 d. The Art and Science of Teaching  PregradoAula Grado

Pregunta 5

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

What does the term "didactics" primarily refer to in the context of education?

a. Classroom Management Techniques

b. Teaching Methods and Strategies 

c. School Infrastructure Design

d. Student Assessment Tools

Pregunta 6

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

What is a key characteristic of a traditional teaching model in the context of English Language Learning?

a. Inquiry-Based Learning

b. Student-Centered Approach

c. Collaborative Learning

d. Teacher-Centered Approach 

Pregunta 7

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

What is the role of "learning objectives" in the field of didactics?

a. Evaluating Classroom Resources

b. Guiding and Measuring Student Learning 

c. Assessing Teacher Performance

d. Setting School Budgets

Pregunta 8

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

Choose the item that represents one of the characteristics of CLT?

a. Evaluation is focused an accuracy

b. Motivation is optional

c. Trial and error are part of the learning process 

d. Learners must have interaction without exposure to the target language

Pregunta 9

https://aulagrado.unemi.edu.ec/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=2952148&cmid=902067 3/4
8/1/24, 15:15 TEST_3: Revisión del intento
Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50
 PregradoAula Grado

In CLIL, intercultural dialogue involves using skills:

a. To focus on learners' attitudes and behaviors.

b. To mediate between one's own and other cultures. 

c. To develop learners' qualities for future careers.

d. To extend students' background.

Pregunta 10

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

What is the teacher's main role in CLT?

a. A facilitator and monitor, rather than leading the class 

b. A negotiator (between himself, learning processes, and the object of learning

c. A negotiator and a monitor of the class

d. A facilitator and negotiator who leads the class

Finalizar revisión

 TEST_1

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S1-COMPENDIUM UNIT 1-Compendio 

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6/1/24, 22:01 TEST_3: Revisión del intento

 PregradoAula Grado 

Área personal - Mis cursos - QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH IN EDUCATION,[QUAREEDU_VIR] - C6[71841] - P - Actividades contacto con el docente - TEST_3

https://aulagrado.unemi.edu.ec/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=3166785&cmid=954955 1/3
6/1/24, 22:01 TEST_3: Revisión del intento

Comenzado el Saturday, 6 de January de 2024, 20:42

 PregradoAula Grado

Estado Finalizado

Finalizado en Saturday, 6 de January de 2024, 20:53

11 minutos 23 segundos

Calificación 12,00 de 15,00 (80%)

Pregunta 1

Correcta Se puntúa 3,00 sobre 3,00

¿20.- Unit 3 topic 2 subtopic 1.- During a statistical analysis endeavor, Mark has implemented a certain
technique commonly used to hinder coefficient significance
during statistical measurement. What is the name of the technique?

a. Bootstrap samples

b. Non-parametric bootstrap process 


d. PLS nomogram

Pregunta 2

Correcta Se puntúa 3,00 sobre 3,00

¿26.- Unit 3 topic 2 subtopic 3.- Terrence and his colleagues have gathered enough data to make a population
and form research samples based on the data itself.
Subsequently, this data is used to calculate a numerical estimate of the population values. Based on the
example, this is a?

a. Null hypothesis

b. Hypothesis 

c. Alternative hypothesis

d. Hypothesis testing

Pregunta 3

Correcta Se puntúa 3,00 sobre 3,00

¿30.- Unit 3 topic 2 subtopic 4.- Mary works as a secretary for her government, but she is not happy at all
because her salary is 40% less than that of her male
colleagues. Based on the example, which of the following is a null hypothesis?

a. Male workers have a higher salary than female workers

b. There is no difference in the salaries of men and women based on gender 

c. There is no relationship between height and size

d. There is a big disparity between female wages and male wages

Pregunta 4

https://aulagrado.unemi.edu.ec/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=3166785&cmid=954955 2/3
6/1/24, 22:01 TEST_3: Revisión del intento
Correcta Se puntúa 3,00 sobre 3,00
 PregradoAula Grado

¿39.- Unit 4 topic 1 subtopic 2.- Cynthia wants to use a bibliographic manager that does not need to be
updated every time nor downloaded because she has her devices’
memory full and wants to save space. What bibliographic manager would you recommend, Cynthia?

a. Library of Congress

b. Zotero

c. RefWorks 

d. Mendeley

Pregunta 5

Incorrecta Se puntúa 0,00 sobre 3,00

¿57.- Unit 4 topic 2 subtopic 3.- Monica and his classmates were tasked with analyzing an article concerning
the educational needs and educational liabilities.
Therefore, they went to Google Scholar and found a myriad of reputable and trustworthy scientific articles that
will be useful for their learning journey
as high school students. In summary, this example refers to?

Respuesta: The open access movement, free access to knowledge and copyright 

Finalizar revisión

 TEST_1

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S1-WEEK 1 - UNIT 1 - TOPIC 1-Compendio 

https://aulagrado.unemi.edu.ec/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=3166785&cmid=954955 3/3
8/1/24, 15:15 TEST_3: Revisión del intento

 PregradoAula Grado 

- Actividades contacto con el docente - TEST_3

https://aulagrado.unemi.edu.ec/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=2952148&cmid=902067 1/4
8/1/24, 15:15 TEST_3: Revisión del intento

Comenzado el Wednesday, 13 de December de 2023, 21:04

 PregradoAula Grado

Estado Finalizado

Finalizado en Wednesday, 13 de December de 2023, 21:13

9 minutos 20 segundos

Calificación 15,00 de 15,00 (100%)

Pregunta 1

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

Choose the item that corresponds to the 4C’s in CLIL:

a. Culture, Content, Cognition, Coordination

b. Communication, Culture, Classroom, Cognition

c. Cognition, Classroom, Culture, Coordination

d. Content, Communication, Cognition, Culture 

Pregunta 2

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

In a traditional language teaching model, what is the primary role of the teacher?

a. Organizer

b. Observer

c. Facilitator

d. Source of Information 

Pregunta 3

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

In the context of didactics, what does the term "pedagogical content knowledge" refer to?

a. Mastery of advanced teaching technologies

b. Familiarity with student demographics

c. Understanding of subject matter and how to teach it 

d. Knowledge of educational policies

Pregunta 4

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

In the context of didactics, what does the term "pedagogy" refer to?

a. Classroom Environment Design

b. Educational Technology Integration

c. Student-Centered Learning
https://aulagrado.unemi.edu.ec/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=2952148&cmid=902067 2/4
8/1/24, 15:15 TEST_3: Revisión del intento

 d. The Art and Science of Teaching  PregradoAula Grado

Pregunta 5

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

What does the term "didactics" primarily refer to in the context of education?

a. Classroom Management Techniques

b. Teaching Methods and Strategies 

c. School Infrastructure Design

d. Student Assessment Tools

Pregunta 6

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

What is a key characteristic of a traditional teaching model in the context of English Language Learning?

a. Inquiry-Based Learning

b. Student-Centered Approach

c. Collaborative Learning

d. Teacher-Centered Approach 

Pregunta 7

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

What is the role of "learning objectives" in the field of didactics?

a. Evaluating Classroom Resources

b. Guiding and Measuring Student Learning 

c. Assessing Teacher Performance

d. Setting School Budgets

Pregunta 8

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

Choose the item that represents one of the characteristics of CLT?

a. Evaluation is focused an accuracy

b. Motivation is optional

c. Trial and error are part of the learning process 

d. Learners must have interaction without exposure to the target language

Pregunta 9

https://aulagrado.unemi.edu.ec/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=2952148&cmid=902067 3/4
8/1/24, 15:15 TEST_3: Revisión del intento
Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50
 PregradoAula Grado

In CLIL, intercultural dialogue involves using skills:

a. To focus on learners' attitudes and behaviors.

b. To mediate between one's own and other cultures. 

c. To develop learners' qualities for future careers.

d. To extend students' background.

Pregunta 10

Correcta Se puntúa 1,50 sobre 1,50

What is the teacher's main role in CLT?

a. A facilitator and monitor, rather than leading the class 

b. A negotiator (between himself, learning processes, and the object of learning

c. A negotiator and a monitor of the class

d. A facilitator and negotiator who leads the class

Finalizar revisión

 TEST_1

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S1-COMPENDIUM UNIT 1-Compendio 

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