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What is your name, and where are you from?

Wow, you have a very lovely name

您好,我的朋友,您今天好吗,很高兴认识您,我是新来的,让我们在微信上聊天,这是我的微信 ID
C8147554498。 请加我,或者您可以给我您的微信 ID,我将加您。


My name is mark, from USA.

..,..................................... ...................

I am a single father with two lovely kids, I lost my beloved wife two years ago.
She died of breast cancer. .

Do you live with your husband?

Do you have kids?


My kids are very minor, the first one is 10 years old and the other is 7 years
old. I love them very much because they are the only family I have on earth for

My kids are in boarding school in USA.


How old are you?


Am 47 years old


What is your job?


I am a marine engineer. I work inside the sea in Dubai.

I go paid at end of each contract.

The government provide everything will need for here at the sea, I cant use my card
here at sea.

Do you have parents, brother and sister?

I am the only surviving child of my parents, I never know my parents, I grew up in

an orphanage home, I don't have any brother and sister.

My kids are the only family I have on earth. I love them so much

Do you know what went wrong in your past relationship?

What are your likes and dislikes?

I like real things; I like honesty, truthful, caring and obedient person. I dislike
dramas, cheating, lies, disrespect, racist & Betrayal.

I want someone that will love me for me, regardless of age, distance, language
barrier, cultural differences or materia

What turns you off?

Anything fake, lies, deceit, cheating, quarreling and argument turns me off.

How do you feel when someone upset you? And what will you do to calm yourself down?

.......................... ......................................

What is your favorite color

Wow, you have a very lovely color, my daughter also likes white, and my favorite
color is white, red and blue.


What are your hobbies?

You have a very lovely hobbies, my hobbies are, enjoy, cooking, swimming, and
reading, walking on the beach, fishing, camping, scrabbling, playing checkers and
seeing good comedies.

........... ..............................................

Do you like the beach or the mountains?

I like the mountain view.,


Do you like silver or gold?

I like gold.

Do you live alone?

You are living in a rental apartment or house?


Which country have you been? Do you likes to travel?

Due to the nature of my job, I have travel to different countries for business
contract such as, France, Syria, Singapore, Germany and Canada for business

......................................................... .......

I have been to China before to see the great wall of China.

China is a very beautiful and peaceful country, the Chinese people are very kind
and honest, they have a good heart.

I want to come China to invest and start a new life in China.

I like China so much, I want to come to China to spend the rest of my life in China
and also invest.

I want to invest in China, but I have a little problem.

My Chinese is not that good, I need a honest and trusted somebody who can help me
to invest in China, I promise to pay that somebody heavily.

I am very worried right now..

I mean I worked in Syria four years ago and got this contract in Dubai. But because
of the on going war in Syria, they could not pay me my salary.

I have taken them to court and they promise to pay me 2.5milllion dollars they owe
me soon

I hope you can help me pray that the Syrian government can pay me back on time
because I want to use the money to invested in China.

Are you willing to travel far distance just to meet your love one?


Who prepared your meals?

What time you usually goes to bed?

.............. ...................................................
My friend, you are such a wonderful, caring and kind hearted woman. Am so happy to
be your friend in trust and honest.

My friend, I dont have a family, can you be my sister.

I promise to guide and protect you, I promise you that, you will never regret
accepting me as your brother. I will be loyal to you and you family.

Relationship fmt

First let me ask you Do you believe in love at first sight?

I understand the meaning of love, recognition of each others character and

personality have a good impression, accept each other, but also care about each
others feelings, not to hurt each other, respect each other

I try to find a word to express the feeling in my heart, i try to show you that i
care, But i don’t know where to start. I guess i will start right here, and i guess
i will start right now.

Am telling you this because i have study you just for few time we have being
chatting, your Character is what i admired and likes so much,You look Honest and
straight forward and that is what i like.

Honey, I will tell you that i love you and i will tell you why and how. You are the
one i want to lay next to When my time has passed. You are the one i have given
myself to, and you will be the last. You are the one i want for life, Until the day
i will die. You are the one god sent from heaven above to me, and be my future
wife. You are the one, who brightens my day, With your smile bright and glowing.
You are the one whom I wake up for each and every morning.

I want you with all my heart, No matter how tough this relationship gets or how
hard it may seem to move forward, i will never stop loving you.

You are my world and soul, the air that i breathe each day. You are my best lover,
and no matter how difficult it may seem or how tough it may be to go on, i know i
will, because i will have the best person in the whole world right by my side every
step of the way.

I pray every night that you will some day be the one i wake up to in the morning.
Without you i wouldn't be complete. So, please my love, i am asking you to spend
the rest of your life with me; all i can give you is love. I need you! with all my

The love that we share has grown so strong that it has become long
as i can breathe or i can see, so long lives your love which gives life to me. I
promise myself to you from now and for the rest of my life. I love you with all my
heart and all my soul.

,...................... .............. ....................

As I promise always to be true, I promise myself to you. I promise to hold our love
as a love everlasting. To you, I promise to cherish and share in everything.


When you walked into my life, love walked in. It was a magical moment, that I will
treasure forever with you. I will walk together with you and with love true

They say that, love is a many splendored thing, constantly changing and evolving.
My love for you will be ever changing like a chimera and ever growing, like a
verdant valley. Our love will bind us together, through all times and this, I
promise, to always be true


I am here forever, by your side, for always. You mean the world to me and i would
do anything for you. You have taken my whole heart into your hands and what i feel
for you can never be replaced. Only you have my love. We are going to have the most
amazing future ahead of us my love

I promise to always love you and always hold you in my heart. I will always be
there for you when you need me, and I will love you no matter what life brings us.
You are my soul mate, and I vow to love you all eternity. I love you, baby.

I want to share in your joys and sorrows. I want to be your everything, because you
are everything to me.

Your presence in my life brings wonderful smiles and loving thoughts within my


Q ever come close to the reality of your embrace, I hope you feel the same for me.
I hereby commit all my love and life to you. I love and adore you. I long to hold
you in my arms, kiss your hand and hug you. You are everything for me. Good night
my love sweet dreams

Baby Our eyes are best instruments for making love. Merely looking at you and
having a glance of your beautiful liquid eyes gives me great pleasure. The love
which causes pain also cures my sorrow. Just keep looking at me with love. Your
instant, bright, embracing glance gives me supreme delight.good my heart beat sweet

I wish to be everything that brings a smile on your face and happiness in your
heart. I want to love you like no else ever did! I love you

If I could describe the love that I have for you, I would try and use lyrics of
love songs and even the sonnets of Shakespeare and it would be impossible, because
the love that I love for you is real, unconditional, everlasting and indescribable
i've fallen in love with you and I'll never let you go. I love you more than
anyone, I just had to let you know. And if you ever wonder why, I don't know what
I'll say, but I'll never stop loving you, each and every day."

Although we've never met, I feel as if I know you well. I knew from the start that
there was something special about you; you've touched my heart and wouldn't let go

I need you like the desert needs rain. Like the breathless need air, like the
flowers need sunshine. I need you from the first chapter of my love story to the

My love, I just contract with the courier service, they said how money can pay for
the deliver? They want us to raise any amount of money to pay for the delivery.

They said you will pay them the remain balance of the money as soon as they deliver
the box of money to you in China.

They ask us to pay at least half of the delivery money to them. I have to beg them
so much before they accept half of the delivery money,

please, my love, just try and help me pay the money, half of the delivery money, I
swear i will double the money for you I promise

My love, just pay the money I will reward you, heavily,

They said will should pay the money as soon as possible or else they will send back
the money to Syria, if they send back the money, I will lose the money forever.
Please try to understand me

I really need this money to invest in China and start a new life with you in China,
Please help me pay

They will give you the code of the box, so that you can open the box and pay them
the remaining balance.

My love, help me, and I will forever remain greatful to you, I swear I will not let

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