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Chapter One

Alex listened as Nichole went in the kitchen. He planned to be very quiet, for he would
otherwise give himself away, and he didn't want that now. He could hear Nichole's steps
on the stairs as she made her way towards her room. Inside Nichole's closet, Alex waited
for his sister, determined to make sure this would be a day she never forgot. Nichole had
been hungry, and as she walked in the room, she stuffed the last part of a sandwich into
her mouth. Alex's mouth watered at what he saw. Nichole was dressed in a light blue top,
very tight fitting, which showed off her chest. On the bottom, she wore a flowing, toga
skirt that swayed when her hips swayed. Nichole headed for the bathroom, and Alex
heard his sister start the water. She came back in the room, going to the mirror on one
side of the room. He just stared as Nichole now crossed her arms and slowly took off her
top. He had never taken note of Nichole's chest before, mostly because it was usually
hidden under her long, golden hair. But with the hair brushed away, he now realized just
how large Nichole's breasts really. were. Alex watched as Nichole cuddled her own
breasts, the nipples starting to rise in the cooler air of her bedroom. Nichole balanced her
breasts in her hands, trying to make them look fuller as she looked in the mirror. He
eagerly watched as her hands now started to work on the short skirt she wore. A loud zip
could be heard, and then he watched as Nichole's skirt hit the floor. Alex was so excited!
Nichole's panties still hid her charms, but what charms they were! She had a rounded,
perfect ass, with just a hint of her crack at the top of the panties. As his sister turned to
where he hid, he could see several dark blonde pubic hairs curling over the top of the
panties. He groaned quietly as she headed for the bathroom with her panties still on. Alex
knew he had to see more. He listened as the water continued to run, then heard Nichole
singing. As he emerged from his hiding place, he felt his manhood harden. He stripped as
he padded his way to the bathroom. He opened the unlocked door and looked to the
shower. The door of the shower was nearly see through, and as Alex stared, he saw the
pink outline of Nichole's ass. Alex stopped thinking, then. All he could think of was
Nichole's pink ass, casually outlined against the door as he walked to the door. From her
singing, and her appearance, he could tell she was washing her hair. This was the perfect
time. He had closed the door on the way in, and the steam had built up. The bathroom
was hot. Alex opened the door, and saw his older sister naked for the first time. He didn't
know where to begin to look. His eyes went from her pink ass to her chest as she turned
to him, to the sight of her thick golden mound as she washed her hair. Alex now stepped
in the shower, then quietly closed the door. It was a large shower, and he knew she didn't
know he was there. He felt his manhood almost exploding, and he knew he had to act
fast. He came forward. Nichole was surprised and shocked when she felt rough, male
hands start to grab her. She opened her eyes, then started to sputter. "Alex!" she yelled.
"What in the hell are you doing! Get the hell out of here!" Alex now handled one breast,
then the other, watching his older sister's pink nipples as they hardened. She grabbed his
face, then she slapped him. Alex stared momentarily at Nichole, and she again slapped
him. Both sides of his face hurt now, and he continued to stare at Nichole. When she tried
a third, he grabbed her hand, then pinned it above her. He now slapped Nichole. Nichole
burst into tears as Alex slapped her again and again. She felt herself nearing the edge of
collapse. He felt his manhood brushing her pink body, her soft pubic hair. He reared back
and thrust in his sister. "Ohhhh nooo!" she screamed. "My Gooodddd! Alex! Stop! You're
huuurrrtttiinng me!" Alex started to thrust in and out of Nichole. He felt her hymen burst
on his second thrust deep in her, and he knew that part of the wetness around his
manhood was her blood. The thought made him even wilder. Nichole was in shock. This
couldn't be happening. Not with Alex! He was her brother! But it was happening. Alex
worked quickly in and out of his sister now, knowing that the thought of what he was
doing, and to whom, would send him over the edge quickly. He moaned as he went in
and out of his no longer virgin sister. Nichole cried and continued to scream and shriek as
her brother's violation of her continued. She was in a lot of pain, and it wasn't going
away. Alex didn't care. The sensations on his manhood were incredible. He thrust
forward, even harder and deeper, and felt himself start to peak as Nichole gave an
agonized moan. Alex held himself inside Nichole as his orgasm passed, forcing her
mound to milk him. Alex tried to force another kiss, but Nichole turned her face away,
her crying starting again. "You bastard!" she wailed. "I'm your sister! How could you,
Alex?" Alex just smiled as Nichole continued to rant and rave. He got an evil look. He
now framed her face. First, he tried to force a kiss, but Nichole struggled with him. Alex
slapped his sister now, again and again, the sound loud in the shower. He could feel his
manhood returning to life. "I want you to suck me, you little slut," he said now. He
waved his manhood in her face. Nichole blanched at the thought. "No, Alex," she said
quietly. "That's wrong. I'm your sister." Alex could tell by the sound of her voice she was
near the edge of hysteria. "I really don't care if you're my sister," he hissed. "I want you to
suck me." Nichole shuddered, both from the cold and the pain of her broken virginity. "I
said I-mmmf!" Alex grabbed the back of Nichole's head, then rammed his manhood
down her throat. Alex started thrusting his manhood in and out of Nichole's mouth. He
could feel her gag and choke as she struggled with him, and he could tell she was trying
to scream in vain. It was her eyes that were best. Her eyes were so wide, so full of panic
and terror, Alex nearly shot off. Nichole had kept trying to escape her brother. She didn't
want him in her mouth, but he kept forcing her down, forcing her closer to his groin. She
refused to help him, no matter how much he might want it. Alex felt perfect. Here he
was, ramming himself down the throat of his sister, her crying on the floor. It all felt so
right. Nichole knew when her brother's moans got louder that he was close. She braced
herself internally for what she knew was about to happen. Alex went faster and faster, the
explosions overwhelming him, as he exploded, his jizz shooting down Nichole's throat.
He smiled as he pulled out, allowing some to shoot on her face and in her hair. He thrust
back in her mouth, to make sure his sister swallowed all of him. Nichole felt completely
devastated. It had been bad enough, losing her virginity to her brother. But now, shooting
part of his jizz on her face and in her mouth, making her swallow it, rubbing it in her
face, just took a lot out of her. She fell to the bathroom floor. Looking down only excited
Alex. Nichole had rolled to the side, and he saw, for the first time, her pink rounded ass.
It looked so mouthwatering, so perfect. As he started to get excited yet again, he now
stood over Nichole. He pulled his sister up by the hair, then dragged her to her bedroom,
throwing her on the bed. Nichole was screaming and crying, trying to fight off her out of
control brother. Alex now came up to Nichole, then slapped her ass. He started to rain
blows down on his sister, watching as they bounced. He was also now fully erect.
"Ohhhhh noooo!" cried Nichole. "Ohhh Gooodd! Not that! Not that! Pleeeaassseeee!
Alex, noooooo!" Alex tried to thrust in Nichole's ass, but it was so tight, he was having a
lot of trouble. He slapped and spanked her again, and when she loosened just a bit, he
thrust forward as hard and as deep as he could. Nichole's screams filled the room, if not
the house. She was in so much pain! So was Alex! Nichole was much tighter back here,
and he had to get himself all the way in before he could do anything. Finally, he started to
thrust in and out. Nichole shook her head in agony, golden hair everywhere. She tried to
shake off to the left or the right, but no matter where she went, her brother's manhood
went with her. She continued to shriek with every stroke. Alex went fast. He knew that,
because of the tightness, he wouldn't last very long back here. He liked the ride and feel
of his sister, but he was going to have to loosen her up if he wanted to ever do this again.
Nichole just wanted her brother out of her. She slowed her shaking, feeling her brother
would go faster if she held still. Alex did indeed go faster, and he peaked now, jizz deep
in his sister. Alex lay on Nichole, but he didn't really go soft even after his orgasm had
passed. He started to again thrust in and out of Nichole's ass. As he thrust, Alex thought
he heard a noise downstairs. He looked at his watch. He smiled. His younger sister Josie
was home. He knew she would be surprised at what she found. He started to thrust hard
and deep in Nichole, and he got the reaction he hoped for. She screamed, loudly, her
crying returning as well. He heard the click of the door. He stared now into the eyes of
his younger sister as she took in the scene of depravement.

If you aren't 18, don't read this!

From the book "Defiled", a cyberpunk novel available only in the adult book section of
Red Eye Productions. Http://

Chapter Two

Josie stared at Alex. She just couldn't believe he had done what it looked like. But
Nichole was crying hysterically in her bed, and Alex stared at her with fire in his eyes,
his maleness sticking out. "I already took care of one whore today," he roared. "I might as
well make it two. Come here, Josie." Josie turned to run. Alex caught her by her long
golden hair just as she reached the bottom of the stairs. He tackled her to the ground,
coming to a rest on top of her. He leaned forward and started to kiss her. Josie started to
fight her brother, shaking her head wildly. "Alex, don't," she screamed. This is wrong."
"It's never wrong when it's with the right girl," he said. He grabbed her tiny breast
through her shirt. "And you are definitely the right girl." "Alex, no," she said, trying to
wrestle with her brother. "Don't do this! Please!" Alex ripped down on the material, and
saw, for the first time, Josie's virginal 13-year old charms. Alex nearly shot off just
staring at the pink chest, Josie's nipples the size of a dime. "Alex, no!" she shrieked,
covering her chest. "Don't do this!" The fight continued, Alex pinching Josie's nipple into
hardness, then sucking it once it did come out. His hands were all over his sister, who
continued to fight and cry. He now tired of her resistance. He reared back and slapped his
sister as hard as he could. He did it three more times before the fight left Josie. Alex now
stood, then pulled Josie up by her hair. "Back to the bedroom for you, slut!" he yelled.
Josie cried as Alex drug and lifted her back to her bedroom, where she could still hear
Nichole crying from Alex's earlier attack. "Take off your pants!" thundered Alex. Josie
just stared at her brother, not believing what she had just heard him demand. "Wh-wh-
what?" "I said take off your pants, slut!" he yelled. He stood threateningly over her. "Or
I'll do it!" Josie stared at her brother, then, slowly, her hands went to her light blue jeans.
The snap made little sound, but just hearing the zipper made Alex regard his sister
hungrily. He saw her start to pull down her pants as she shook, her face wet with her
tears. Josie was still young, but her innocent white panties showed her to have the start of
a real thrust to her mound. She pulled the jeans down, but went no further. "I said naked,
whore!" The words were a slap in the face to Josie, but she stood, unmoving. Alex knew
he would have to get tough with Josie as well. "I guess I'll have to do the rest," he
thundered as he came to Josie. Josie tried to slap Alex, but he ducked, then grabbed the
remains of her shirt, and this time ripped it all off. As Josie screamed, he took the jeans
from her hands, then threw them over his shoulder as well. Staring at Josie in just a pair
of panties was exciting, and Josie knew she was in a lot of trouble as she tried to edge her
way back. Alex could see she was heading for the bed, which was where he wanted her
anyway. Behind her, he could see Nichole had curled into a small fetal position, her
crying quiet, but her shaking obvious. He smiled as Josie reached the edge of the bed.
"Oh, God," she whispered, looking at Alex. "Please, Alex, don't," she pleaded. "I'm your
sister! It's wrong! I'm a virgin!" Alex licked his lips at the words of his sister. "You won't
be a virgin after I finish with you, little sister," he said. He started to close in. "Now make
it easy for me. Take off your cute little panties." Josie shook her head, horrified at what
she knew was about to happen, knowing, deep down, there was no way she could stop
her brother. Alex looked determined as he stepped closer to Josie. Josie started to cry
even before Alex slapped her back to the bed. Her crying turned to shrieks as he now
ripped off her virginal white panties. She thought she could still reach him. Alex stared
down. Where Nichole had quite a thicket of hair between her legs, his younger sister was
almost completely bare. The sight was a turn on for Alex, as he saw the thrust of Josie's
mound, with only a few sparse hairs to block his view. "Alex, don't," she said loudly. "I'll
tell mommy." Alex snickered evilly. "Go ahead!" he yelled. "She'll never be able to
change this." Alex grabbed Josie's legs, then spread her as wide open as he could. He
came up, then thrust in hard and deep. "Ohhhh, Gooooddd!" screamed Josie. "Nooooo!"
Josie's hymen broke on the first thrust of Alex, and he lay on top of Josie as she shrieked
and yelled. Being dry and a virgin both hurt her now, and Alex allowed himself to stay
where he was, because Josie's shock was doing wonderful things for him. "Take it out!"
she screamed. "Alex, plllleeeaasse! It hurrrtttss!" Alex started to thrust in and out of his
crying, yelling sister now. The sound of her screams was like music to his ears. He
started to go faster and faster. Josie felt sure she must be dying. The pain was incredible.
She kept her eyes closed. She couldn't bear to see the face of her brother over her as he
went in and out of her. Alex couldn't believe how much tighter, how much better it felt to
fuck his younger sister. She continued to shake and cry and shriek, and he continued to
go in and out. Just the gush of her virgin blood around his manhood did good things.
Josie couldn't believe it. She opened her eyes, and there was her brother, smiling at what
he was doing, smiling at her pain, smiling at her screams. Josie tried to slap her brother,
but when he slapped her immediately, she knew she shouldn't try to fight physically with
her brother. Alex could feel explosions down in his groin, and he gave a loud moan as he
came, shooting his jizz deep in the bloody, dry, no longer virgin mound of his younger
sister. Josie wanted to get off the bed and throw up, but Alex continued to lay on top of
her, forcing kiss after kiss on her. Nichole had continued crying, continued shaking, and
she wouldn't roll over to look at her devastated sister as she cried in bed as well. "I know
how to stop that crying," said Alex kindly. He now lifted off Josie, who thought he would
now leave her alone. She closed her eyes as she shook. Suddenly the back of her head
was grabbed, and she opened her eyes just in time to see her brother bringing her face
toward his manhood. "No, Alex, I-mmmf!" Alex thrust his manhood in Josie's mouth.
Josie choked and gagged, having never had anything very large in her mouth before. She
struggled with Alex as he stared thrusting his manhood in and out of her mouth. Alex
could tell a subtle difference in the mouths of Josie and his older sister Nichole. Nichole
had a big enough mouth and throat she was able to avoid tasting him. Josie's mouth was
smaller and tighter, and it was an effort for her to take her brother in her mouth. He
smiled as Josie started to turn red as she gagged and choked. Josie had never heard of this
act, but she hated it. Just the fact that her brother was in her mouth was devastating, but
the fact that she couldn't get away, that she had to serve him, made it worse. Alex felt
almost like he was fucking Josie again, her mouth was so tight. He worked quickly, and
he came now, this time keeping his manhood in her mouth, forcing Josie to keep him in
her mouth. He waited while she tried to shake away, but then he heard an audible gulp.
She had had to swallow him, and he could tell by the new tears running down her face
that she had not liked it at all. Josie now felt her brother continue going in and out of her
mouth momentarily, before he finally pulled out. He lay between crying, shaking sisters,
a big smile on his face. He noticed Josie's shaking more. She was absolutely devastated,
and her entire body shook, especially her ass. Alex compared Josie's ass to his older sister
Nichole's. Where Nichole's was pink, round and jiggled, Josie, because of her age and
inexperience, her ass was almost ivory white, not nearly as rounded, and looked to be
even tighter. Alex hardened as he thought about how tight Nichole's ass was, how it had
been an even better ride than her mound. Alex knew that, given how much pleasure
Josie's mound had given him, her ass would be the ride of all rides. Josie had felt her
brother moving around on the bed. It was only when he pushed her flat on her stomach
that she realized he was about to go after her again. Alex tried to work his way in Josie,
but she was just too tight. "Ohhhhh! Jeeeesusss! Oh, Gooood!" she shrieked. "Noooooo!
Ohhhhh! The paaaaiinnn! Alexxxx!" Alex again tried to thrust in, but Josie shook away.
He now remembered that spanking Nichole had worked, so he did the same to Josie. As
Josie shrieked and cried, he felt her loosen momentarily. That was all he needed. He
thrust in. Josie was seeing stars. Her screams were even louder than Nichole's, her
shaking even wilder. Alex watched Josie's head shake in pain, but the way her body
shook worked wonders on his manhood. He had still not moved any further, yet he could
almost feel the pressure rising in him. Josie's ass was just that tight. Alex now reared
back and started to thrust in and out of Josie's ass, the girl screaming with every stroke.
He didn't care about that. Josie had never felt this much pain. She shook her head and
body, trying to escape the pain and her brother, but it just didn't work. He was planted in
her ass, and there was nothing she could do. Alex went faster and faster, knowing he was
wildly out of control. But he knew he had to work fast, just because of the wild grip
Josie's ass had on him. Just shaking it massaged him, and he knew he was close. He came
now, peaking, jizz deep in his crying, younger sister. Josie fell to the bed, crying even
more hysterically than before. She couldn't believe what her brother had done to both she
and Nichole, and she could see from Nichole's almost still form the impact her brother's
attack had had on her. Alex stayed deep in Josie's ass. He had never felt such a good
feeling on himself, and Josie's ass was so tight, he knew he couldn't get out of her without
it being another painful experience for her. He just stayed where he was. Joanna had
come home early. She had wondered where the kids were, and when she heard the
agonized screams of Josie, she took the stairs quickly. Alex had started to harden again,
still in Josie's ass. He now lifted his sister's ass, so that she was on all fours. "Nichole, get
under her," he ordered. Nichole just rolled over, staring at Alex with red eyes and tear
stained face. "Wh-wh-what?" "I said get under Josie and lick her." Nichole started to cry
again. "But I-" Alex slapped Nichole. "Now, slut." Another slap, and he could feel
Nichole slide under Josie. He slapped her again, and he could feel Josie stiffen as her
sister started to lick her. Joanna quietly opened the door.

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