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Name: Ivy R.

Luna Date: April 15,2024

Grade & Section: STEM-12 FARADAY UCSP

A group is where
people have the
chance to interact
with other people
and think of
themselves as
belonging together.

Each society is made

up of smaller groups
The group exists as How and associations
long as individuals
are interested in Society is that are built on
social class, personal
belonging to it. organized? interest, or common

Development of
accepted sanctions if
and when norms
were respected or

1. What are the different sociological perspectives about social groups?

Sociological perspectives on social groups offer diverse lenses through which to understand their role in society.

 Functionalism posits that groups serve essential functions such as cohesion and stability.
 Conflict theory views groups as sites of power struggles and inequality.
 Symbolic interactionism focuses on the meanings and identities constructed within groups
 Social exchange theory examines the costs and benefits of group membership in terms of rational calculations.

What are the different forms of social groups in our society?

Social groups in our society manifest in various forms, including primary groups like family and close friends,
secondary groups such as workplace teams and clubs, reference groups like peer groups and social media
communities, in-groups and out-groups shaping identity and belonging, and formal organizations like corporations
and governments with explicit structures and objectives.

2. Why are there various social groups formed in our society?

Various social groups form in our society for reasons such as facilitating socialization by imparting norms and
values, shaping identity and belonging through membership, providing support in times of need, enabling collective
action for shared goals, and offering security against external threats or uncertainties.

3. How important are social groups in our society?

Social groups are crucial in our society as they facilitate social cohesion, identity formation, support networks,
collective action, and a sense of security and belonging among individuals.
Name: Ivy R. Luna Date: April 16,2024

Grade & Section: STEM 12-FARADAY UCSP


You are a family counselor asked to give advice to a recently immigrated family experiencing tension due to
conflicting cultural expectations around kinship roles and duties. The grandparents are upset that the adult children and
grandchildren in America are treating elders differently than the traditional respect for seniors they knew back in their
homeland. Using what you have learned about the purpose and cultural variability of kinship duties, write a short
paragraph giving recommendations to the family counselor for helping this family negotiate across the generations and
establish shared expectations honoring both old and new cultural norms. In your recommendations, be sure to address:
(a) why the kinship duties and roles seem changed since immigrating

(b) how adapting traditional elder respect could strengthen the extended family

(c) how appealing to the underlying functions and needs kinship provides could resolve tensions.

In addressing the tensions within the recently immigrated family, it's crucial to recognize the cultural adjustments
inherent in transitioning to a new environment. The alteration in kinship duties and roles is often a product of
acculturation, where individuals integrate aspects of the new culture while retaining elements of their heritage.
Acknowledging and validating these changes is key to promoting harmony within the family unit. Embracing traditional
elder respect within the framework of the new cultural context has the potential to fortify the extended family by
fostering intergenerational understanding and solidarity. Facilitating open communication and mutual appreciation
among family members can facilitate the negotiation of differing expectations while upholding the cultural values of both
generations. By recognizing the fundamental functions and needs that kinship fulfill such as providing support, fostering
a sense of belonging, and ensuring continuity conflicts can be resolved. Highlighting the shared objectives of preserving
family unity and nurturing relationships across generations can lay the groundwork for bridging cultural disparities and
establishing collective expectations that honor the diverse cultural norms within the family.

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