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The Definition of the muscles (from the previous notes):

The gluteus maximus is the most superficial and largest of the three muscles and
makes up the bulk of the shape and form of the buttock and hip area.
The gluteus medius is a primary hip abductor, assisted by the gluteus minimus and the
tensor fascia lata. Both gluteus medius and minimus act from the pelvis to abduct the
thigh and rotate it internally.
Gluteus minimus is the smallest muscle of the glutei. It shares many similar
characteristics with the gluteus medius, including structure and function, blood supply,
and innervation. It is located just beneath the gluteus medius muscle.
The quadriceps are muscles in the front of your thigh, it is the most voluminous muscle
of the human body.
Hamstring, any of the three muscles at the back of the thigh that begin at the pelvis
and attach below the knee or to their associated tendons. X
Adductors are a group of muscles that go from the pelvic bone down to the inner thigh
and knee.
The calf is made up of 2 muscles called the gastrocnemius and the soleus. They
meet at the Achilles tendon which is attached to the heel bone.
Abdominal muscles have many important functions, from holding organs in place to
supporting your body during movement. There are five main muscles: pyramidalis,
rectus abdominus, external obliques, internal obliques, and transversus abdominis.
The latissimus dorsi muscle, commonly known colloquially as the 'lats,' is one of the
largest or the broadest muscles of the back, stretching across the lower posterior
The rhomboids consist of two separate muscles; the major and minor muscles which
are found immediately deep to the trapezius.
Trapezius either of a pair of large triangular muscles extending over the back of the
neck and shoulders and moving the head and shoulder blade.X
The biceps brachii (BB), commonly know as the biceps, is a large, thick muscle on the
ventral portion of the upper arm.
The triceps brachii is a large, thick muscle on the dorsal part of the upper arm. It often
appears in the shape of a horseshoe on the posterior aspect of the arm.
Thoracic is located at the center of your upper and middle back.
Lumbar spine are the 5 bones (vertebra) in your lower back.
Pelvis is located between the abdomen and the legs.
The deltoid muscle is a large triangular-shaped muscle that lies over the glenohumeral
joint and which gives the shoulder its rounded contour.
Serratus anterior is the very thin muscle and covers the side of the ribcage.

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