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Giáo viên hướng dẫn: PHAN THỊ NGỌC TÚ

Giáo sinh: TRẦN DUY ÂN
Ngành học: Sư phạm Anh K11
Lớp chủ nhiệm: 11A11

Năm học 2023-2024

Họ và tên GSTT: Trần Duy Ân Lớp: SP Anh C K11
Trường TTSP: Trung Học Phổ Thông Trấn Biên Tỉnh: Đồng Nai
Họ và tên GVHD: Cô Phan Thị Ngọc Tú Lớp TT dạy: 10B


Lesson 3: Reading
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Develop reading skills for general ideas and for specific information about how to study.
- Be aware of the new learning activities and their importance
2. Competences
- Develop communication skills and creativity;
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork;
- Develop presentation skills;
- Actively join in class activities.
- Communicate in English using topic-related words in real-world contexts
- Understand the benefits of self - study
3. Personal qualities
- Familiarize with new learning activities
- Develop self-study skills.
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 8, Reading
- Computer, connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards

Language analysis
Form Pronunciation Meaning
1. distraction (n) /dɪˈstrækʃən/ something that prevents someone from giving their attention
to something else
2. strategy (n) /ˈstrætədʒi/ a way of doing something or dealing with something

3. (to) exchange (v) /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ to give something to someone and receive something from
that person


Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may lack knowledge about some Provide students with the meaning and pronunciation of
lexical items. words.

- Let students read the text again (if necessary).

- Create a comfortable and encouraging environment for
2. Students may have underdeveloped reading, students to speak.
speaking, and cooperating skills. - Encourage students to work in pairs, in groups so that they
can help each other.
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.

Board Plan

Unit 8: New ways to learn

Lesson 3: Reading
* Warm-up
Game: Memory game
1. distraction (n) /dɪˈstrækʃən/: sự xao nhãng
2. strategy (n) /ˈstrætədʒi/: chiến lược
3. (to) exchange (v) /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/: trao đổi
Task 1: Look at the photos and shows some differences.
Task 2: Read the texts. What are the two students talking about? Choose the correct answer.
Task 3: Read the texts again and decide who mentions the following by putting a tick in the correct box.
Task 4: Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.
Which way of learning is better? Why?
* Homework

Warm-up - To stir up the - Content: game: memory game T   Ss 7 mins
atmosphere and - Products: Ss’ knowledge
activate - Steps:
students’ + T divides class into 4 groups and explains the
background rules of the game:
knowledge on  One S in each team will
the topic of + come to the board
becoming + learn a short paragraph by heart (the Ss   Ss
independent; paragraph: Due to the widespread growth of
Covid 19, everywhere was locking down It
- To set the was too dangerous for people to go outside. T   Ss
context for the Therefore, my school decided to open a new
reading part;
online class for students to continue their
- To enhance study. However, I was looking for learning
students’ skills with my teacher in person.)
of cooperating + run into their team to convey the paragraph
with teammates.  The rest of the group write down the
 If one team has the fastest and right answer, it
will become winner
+ T shows the paragraph and checks the answer
correct or incorrect
+ T asks Ss
 How many different ways to learn can you see
in this?
 Suggested answer: 2 ways: online learning
and face-to-face learning
Lead-in: We can see that there are many different
ways to learn such as online learning, self-study
or face-to-face learning and it’s also what we are
going to learn in the Reading lesson today.

+ T checks the understanding of Ss by ICQs:

 Where is group 3?
 If you forget the paragraph, can you come
back and read again? Yes or No
 If you finish, you will stay there and keep
quiet? Yes or No

Pre- - To lead in - Content: TASK 1: LOOK AT THE PHOTOS T   Ss 15 mins

reading reading skills AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. (p.89)
- To help - Products: Ss’ knowledge
students use key - Steps:
language more + T leads Ss into the lesson by showing the
appropriately pictures p.89 and asks them to show the
before they read differences between 2 pictures (suggested
answer: The girl is at home/ in the picture B: they
are in the classroom)
T   Ss

+ T calls some Ss to share the answers with the

whole class.
+ T checks and corrects if Ss spell or pronounce
the words/ phrases incorrectly.
Lead-in: In reality, we have been familiar with
both types of learning: face-to-face and online
learning. In the lesson today, we are going to read
about some opinions of the two most popular
types of learning.

+ T asks Ss to look at the explanation and the
photos to guess the meaning of new words. T asks
Ss to get the meaning of the in context.

 distraction (n) /dɪˈstrækʃən/: something

that prevents someone from
giving their attention to something else

+ T asks Ss some questions:

 What is the man doing? (suggested
answer: he’s working.)
 Does he focus on his work? Yes or No
(suggested answer: No.)
+ T says “So if you want to focus on working but
another thing prevents you from that, we can say
+ T shows the meaning and examples:
 distraction (n) /dɪˈstrækʃən/: something
that prevents someone from
giving their attention to something else
 Ex: Don’t annoy her – She’s easily
+ T asks 1 student to read the meaning
+ T checks the understanding of students by
 What is the distraction in this picture?
(suggested answer: the phone.)
+ Teacher asks students to repeat the word in class
2 times.
+ Teacher asks students to repeat the word

 strategy (n) /ˈstrætədʒi/: a plan of doing

something or dealing with something
+ T askes S some questions
 if you want to do something, what is the
most important step you need to do?
(Suggested answer: set a target)
 How can you get the target? For example,
when you learn English and your target is
8.5 in Ielts. What do you do to gain the
target? (Ss’answer)
+ T says “You need to set up a clear plan to get
8.5, we can say My strategy in ielts is learning
listening in the morning and writing in the
+ T shows the meaning and examples:
 strategy (n) /ˈstrætədʒi/: a plan of doing
something or dealing with something
 Ex: The company's financial strategy is not
+ T asks 1 student to read the meaning
+ T asks students to repeat the word in class 2
+ T asks students to repeat the word individually.

 (to) exchange (v,n) /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/: to give

something to someone
and receive something from that person
+ T askes S some questions
 What can you see in this picture?
(Suggested answer: many presents/ gifts)
 Who can guess what occasion is it?
(Suggested answer: Christmas Day)
+ T says “In the Christmas Day, you need to
prepare a present and put it under the Christmas
tree like this and then at night you will pick
another gift randomly, so the action gives
somebody something and then receive something
from that person. What will we call - exchange”
+ T shows the meaning and examples:
 (to) exchange (v,n) /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/: to give
something to someone
and receive something from that person
 Ex: best friends will usually exchange their
+ T asks 1 student to read the meaning
+ T asks students to repeat the word in class 2
+ T asks students to repeat the word individually.
+ T asks students some questions to check their
1. Will you exchange your secrets with your
best friends?
2. What do you want to exchange with your

WHILE- To develop - Content: TASK 2: READ THE TEXTS. T   Ss 13 mins

information CORRECT ANSWER. (p.89)( individually)
- Products: Ss’ answers
- Steps:
+ T asks Ss to open the book, read through the
texts quickly
+ T asks Ss to stand up and read paragraph about
Kim and Laura
+ T calls some Ss to give the answer and explain
which sentence gives them the information.
+ T checks if the answer is correct or incorrect.
A.Ways of helping students.
B. Ways of learning.
C. How to enjoy learning.
Answer: B. Ways of learning
To develop - Content: TASK 3: READ THE TEXTS
information THE CORRECT BOX. (p.90)(individually)
- Products: Ss’ answers
- Steps:
+ T asks Ss to read through the sentences and
underline or highlight the keywords in each
+ T lets Ss work independently in 5 mins and find
the correct answer.
+ T lets Ss compare their answers in pairs before
checking with the whole class.
+ T asks one student to write the answer on the
+ T asks Ss to give the evidence for their answer
This person:
1. thinks that online learning is not as good as
face-to-face learning (Kim)
2. gains the same knowledge in both ways of
learning (Laura)
3. has more direct conversations and discussions
4. uses e-mail to contact classmates (Laura)
5. can pay more attention in class (Kim)
6. needs to have access to high-speed internet
POST - - Check TASK 4: WHICH WAY OF LEARNING IS T   Ss 7 mins
READING students’ BETTER? WHY? (p.90)
understanding + T sets the scene and gives instruction.
about the Situation: You are students who want to get
reading passage Ielts 6.5 to have a part time job. Between 2 Ss   Ss
- To help some choices: face to face learning or online learning. T   Ss
students Which one do you prefer and why. Raise your
enhance hand and express your personal viewpoint.
presentation + T gives Ss 4 mins to work in groups, discuss the
skills question and give explanation.
- To practise + T calls some Ss to present their answers in front
team working of the whole class.
- To give + T allows Ss to give comments for their friends
students and vote for the most interesting and informative
authentic presentation.
practice in + T gives feedback and comment
using target
WRAP- To consolidate + T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in T   Ss 2 mins
UP what students the lesson
have learnt in
the lesson
HOMEW To review the + T asks Ss to write down their opinion about the T   Ss 1 min
ORK lesson they have way of learning they prefer.
learnt and + T asks Ss to search for the pros and cons of
prepare for the online learning.
next lesson:
Họ và tên GSTT: Trần Duy Ân Lớp: SP Anh C K11
Trường TTSP: Trung Học Phổ Thông Trấn Biên Tỉnh: Đồng Nai
Họ và tên GVHD: Cô Phan Thị Ngọc Tú Lớp TT dạy: 11A11


Lesson 4: Speaking

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:

1. Knowledge

- Give detailed instructions on learning basic life skills;

- Memorize vocabulary to talk about a basic life skill.

2. Competences

- Gain some language expressions to talk about life skill;

- Talk about the steps to give instructions for learning a life skill;

- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork;

- Develop presentation skills;

3. Personal qualities

- Acknowledge and be able to give instructions on learning basic life skills;

- Develop self-study skills;

- Actively join in class activities.


- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 8, Speaking

- Computer connected to the Internet

- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards


Language analysis

To give instructions, you should use:

• the imperative form of the verb.

Example: Don’t …/Avoid …/Make sure …

• modal verbs.

Example: You could …/You should …/ You mustn’t …

• linking words or phrases.

Example: First,/To begin with,/First of all, … Second,/Secondly, … Then,/After that,/In

addition, … Last but not least,/Finally, …


Anticipated difficulties Solutions

Students may lack more vocabulary to - Provide vocabulary and useful language
before assigning tasks.
deliver a speech.
- Encourage students to work in groups so
that they can help each other.

- Give short, clear instructions and help if



1. WARM-UP (5 mins)

a. Objectives:

- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge on a basic life skill;

- To set the context for the speaking part;

b. Content:

- Reorder these steps on how to boil eggs.

c. Expected outcomes:

- Students can follow the instructions and memorize some of the steps.

d. Organisation


- Teacher divide the class into 8 groups The steps how to boil eggs: (key)
- The teacher gives each group a marker and a paper
- The teacher gives students the steps to boil eggs in no 1. Pour the hot water into the pan and let it
particular order boil on the stove.
- The teacher asks students to reorder these steps in the
correct order 2. When that’s done, put the eggs into the
- If one team has the fastest and right answer, it will boiling water.
become a winner 3. Let them sit for about 10 minutes. Take
the eggs out. Let them cool.
 T checks the understanding of Ss by some ICQs: 4. If they’re still hot, let them cool for about
+ Where is group 2, 7? 3 more minutes.
+ When you finish, you will stay there and keep 5. Peel off the eggshells
quiet? Yes or No? 6. Eat

 Leads in: You can see that this is the easiest dish
you can make by yourself, you can take care of
yourself and it’s also what we are going to learn in
the lesson today – how to become independent

e. Assessment

- Teacher observes the students’ performance, collects their answers and gives feedback.


a. Objectives:

- To introduce more ideas for the main speaking task and get Ss involved in the lesson.

- To help Ss learn how to give detailed instructions on how to do the laundry.

b. Content:
- Task 1: Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. (p. 90)

- Task 2: Read the following instructions on how to do laundry. Fill in the blank with some
words and phrases to list the ideas. (p.90)

c. Expected outcomes:

- Students can use key language more appropriately when they speak;

- Students have an overview on how to give instructions on a basic life style.

d. Organisation


Task 1: Answer the answer and fill in the blank (4 mins)
- Ask Ss to have a look at the pictures and ask, What is Fill in the blank (key):
the man doing? (He’s loading a washing machine. He’s
adding washing detergent to the detergent drawer.) 1. First of all
2. Then
- Tell Ss to look at the diagram and read through the 3. Thirdly
steps. Explain any new words or phrases. 4. Finally

- T had put the steps in order for Ss. Tips:

- T asks Ss to fill in the blank with some words and

phrases to list the ideas e.g: First, Then, Next

- Check answers as a class. - Give Ss two minutes to

memorize the steps, then ask them to close their books.
Then call out a number, e.g. Two. Have the class say the
correct step.

- T gives Ss some tips to list the ideas and suggest

someone doing something.

Task 2: Read the following instructions on how to do laundry. Circle the correct answers. (6 mins)
- Ask Ss to read the instructions and the tips Key:
carefully, focusing
1. sort
on how to do the laundry and check their
comprehension. 2. Secondly

- Have Ss decide on the right choices. Tell them to

work in 3. load

pairs to check and discuss their answers. 4. remove

- Check answers as a class. 5. Finally

- Alternatively, call on some Ss to take turns and

share their

answers with the whole class. Correct any wrong

answers. In

stronger classes, ask other Ss to decide if the answers


correct and give explanation

e. Assessment

- Teacher checks students’ pronunciation and gives feedback.


a. Objectives:

- To give Ss an opportunity to practise giving instructions on how to cook rice in a rice cooker.

b. Content:

- Task 3. Work in pairs. Read the steps in cooking rice in a rice cooker. Use the model in 2 and
the tips above to ive instructions. (p.91)

c. Expected outcomes:

- Students know how to give instructions on a basic life skill.

d. Organisation


Task 3: Work in pairs. Read the steps in cooking rice in a rice cooker. Use the model in 2 and the tips
above to give instructions. (15 mins)
- T asks Ss to study the pictures with steps in cooking rice Suggested answer: There are several steps in
in a rice cooker. Tell them that this is one of the basic life cooking rice in a rice cooker. First of all, rinse
skill teenagers need to become independent. the rice to remove any dirt. Secondly, measure
the rice and the water. You should add two cups
- T checks to make sure Ss understand the vocabulary of water for every cup of regular rice. Then,
used in the pictures. Explain any difficult words / phrases combine the rice and the water in the non-stick
bowl that comes with the rice cooker. Finally,
- T has Ss refer back to the sample and tips in Activity 1 turn on the rice cooker and wait for a few
to help them. Ask Ss to work in pairs (1 will describe and minutes until the rice is cooked.
1 will act). They should give instructions to each other on
how to cook rice in a rice cooker.

- Walk round to provide help if necessary.

e. Assessment

- Teacher’s observation on Ss’ performance.

- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.


a. Wrap-up

- T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.

b. Homework

- Write the steps for how to make your favorite food

- Prepare for the next lesson – Listening.

Họ và tên GSTT: Trần Duy Ân Lớp: SP Anh C K11
Trường TTSP: Trung Học Phổ Thông Trấn Biên Tỉnh: Đồng Nai
Họ và tên GVHD: Cô Phan Thị Ngọc Tú Lớp TT dạy: 10B


Lesson 1: Getting started – A Presentation On The Environment
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- Gain an overview about the topic Protecting the Environment;
- Build vocabulary about the environment and identify the reported speech with
statements and questions.
2. Core competence
- Develop communication skills;
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work;
- Actively join in class activities.
3. Personal qualities
- Raise awareness of environmental problems and solutions;
- Promote environmental protection.
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 9, Getting started
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards

Language analysis

Form Pronunciation Meaning Vietnamese equivalent

1. identify (v) /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/ recognize a problem and show that it exists nhận biết, nhận diện

2. deforestation (n) /ˌdiːˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃn/ the cutting down of trees in a large area, or sự chặt phá rừng
the destruction of forests by people

3. endangered (a) /ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd/ in danger of being harmed, lost, unsuccessful, có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng

Anticipated difficulties Solutions
- Students may not know the environmental problems - Use a mindmap and images of some major environmental
and solutions. issues and solutions to show in the class.
- Students may not know how to make an effective - Give short, clear instructions and help if necessary.
presentation on environmental protection.
Board Plan

Date of teaching
Lesson 1: Getting started – A Presentation on the Environment

* Warm-up
Task 1: Listen and read.
Task 2: Read the conversation again and answer the following questions.
Task 3: Match the words in A with the words in B.
Task 4: Complete the sentences.
* Homework

In each activity, each step will be represented as following
* Deliver the task
** Implement the task
*** Discuss
**** Give comments or feedback

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

WARM- - To activate CROSSWORD 5 mins
UP students’ * T gives instructions T-S
knowledge on ** Ss do the crossword puzzle individually, choose a number and S
the topic of give your answer.
the unit. *** Ss can ask T for more clues or consult their classmates if they S-S
- To create a don’t know the answers.
lively **** T checks and corrects if Ss spell or pronounce the words T-S
atmosphere in incorrectly. T decides on the winner who is the first to give the
the classroom. correct key word ENVIRONMENT.
- To lead into - T leads in the lesson: Environmental protection is the practice of
the new unit. protecting the natural environment by individuals, organizations
and governments. Its objectives are to conserve natural resources
and the existing natural environment and, where possible, to repair
damage and reverse trends. As students, at your age, you can take
some simple actions to help save the environment effectively.
- T shows the mind map and briefs students on some key points of
environmental problems, solutions and practical actions.
PRESE - To get TASK 1. LISTEN AND READ (P.100) 12
NTATI students * T draws Ss’ attention on the conversation between Nam and his T-S mins
ON interested in father. T plays the recording twice, has Ss listen to the
the topic. conversation, read along and underline words and phrases in the
- To get conversation which are related to the environment.
students to ** Ss do the task individually. T-S
learn some *** Ss compare the words and phrases they have underlined and
vocabulary to discuss their meaning with a partner.
be learnt in **** T checks their answers with the whole class. S
the unit.
* T has Ss read the conversation in pairs. T-S
** Ss read the conversation S-S
*** One pair read aloud. S-S
**** T collects common mistakes and gives comments. T-S
specific * T asks Ss to work individually to read the questions and underline T-S
information. the key words, then share their ideas with a partner who sits next to
- To practise them.
scanning. ** Ss do Task 2 individually first. S-S
- To develop *** Ss share and discuss with their partners about the key words. T-S
Ss' knowledge **** T corrects their answers as a class.
of vocabulary 1. What did Nam’s teacher ask him to do?
for the topic 2. What has Nam come up with so far?
protecting the 3. When does Nam have to deliver the presentation? T-S
environment. * T asks Ss to scan the conversation, locate the key words to find
the answer for each the question with the partner who sits behind S-S
them. T-S
** Ss do the task in pairs.
**** T have Ss share answers with the class and confirm the
correct answer.
1. She asked Nam to do some research on the environmental
2. He’s come up with a range of environmental issues.
3. Nam has to deliver the presentation next week.
revise IN B TO FORM PHRASES IN 1. (P.101)
collocations * T has Ss locate the verbs or phrasal verbs in the conversation, find T-S
for the the nouns or noun phrases after each verb/ phrasal verb to do the
environment. matching. S
- To practise ** Ss work individually.
scanning. *** Ss share their answers with a partner. T-S
**** T checks and gives the correct answers with the whole class,
has them say the meaning of each collocation.
* T checks Ss’ understanding of the individual words (adjectives in
column A and nouns in column B). T can do that by asking Ss for
synonyms or simple explanations, e.g. Does ‘global’ mean affecting
one country only? (No, it means affecting or including the whole
world.) or for example sentences, S
e.g. The global ‘economy’ is affected by the pandemic.
** T has Ss read the conversation quickly again, find these words S-S
and phrases, and underline them. Then T asks Ss to do the T-S
*** Ss share their answers in groups of 4.
**** T checks answers as a class, writes the adjectives on the board
and calls on individual Ss to write the correct noun next to each
adjective. Alternatively, T asks one student to read an adjective and
another one to say the noun that goes with it.
1-d: global warming
2-c: practical actions
3-b: environmental issues
4-a: endangered animals
reported * T has Ss read each sentence, try to think of a verb that will T-S
speech with complete the gap.
statements and ** Ss do the task individually S
questions. *** Ss share the answers with a peer. S-S
**** T asks the whole class about the verb form first, then the kind T-S
of verbs used in the very sentences, i.e. reporting verbs. T calls on
individual students to read the complete sentences.
1. asked
2. advised
3. said
CTION pair working SITUATION: mins
and - Student A: You’re Minh, a student of Thang Long High School in
conversational Hanoi. You are preparing a presentation on Environmental
skills in the Protection. You meet Greta Thunberg, a famous Swedish
form of role environmental activist. Ask for her advice on your presentation.
play. - Student B: You’re Greta Thunberg, a famous Swedish
- To give environmental activist. Give your advice on the presentation that
students Minh asks you.
authentic T-S
practice in * Teacher gives Ss clear instructions in order to make sure Ss can
using target role-play effectively. Ss are to bound to follow these conversation
language input steps and use required language they have just acquired.
of the lesson. - CONVERSATION STEPS:
1. Greeting
2. Small talks
3. Main topic
4. Finishing off
- REQUIRED LANGUAGE: Use vocabulary in 3 and structures in
1. Vocabulary: environmental issues, practical actions, endangered
animals, global warming.
2. Structure: Reported speech S-S
**The student chooses his/ her partner and role play as instructed.
***T observes Ss while they are role playing, notes their language T-S
errors and gives help if neccessary.
**** T calls to pairs to role play in front of the audience, then gives
Ss feedback.
WRAP- To help Ss WRAP-UP T-S 5 mins
UP memorise the - Gain an overview about the topic Protecting the environment
HOME target - Build vocabulary about the environment and identify the reported
WORK language and speech with statements and questions.
skills that they HOMEWORK
have learned - Exercises in the workbook
and do - Project preparation
research about • Ask Ss to open their books at the last page of Unit 9, the Project
a local or an section, say what the topic of the project is (Environmental
international organisations).
environmental • Tell Ss about the project requirements: Ss will have to do research
organisation. about a local or an international environmental organisation. They
will have to find out information about the organisation such as
when it started working, its aims and activities, and prepare an oral
presentation, which they deliver in the last lesson of the unit.
• Suggest some organisations that Ss may know or hear of.
Encourage Ss to search for information from different sources.
• To make their presentation more interesting, Ss should also
prepare some visuals to illustrate the information.
• Put Ss into groups, and have them choose their group leaders. Ask
groups to make a list of tasks they need to accomplish before each
lesson, and assign them to different students, making sure that all
group members contribute to the project work.
Họ và tên GSTT: Trần Duy Ân Lớp: SP Anh C K11
Trường TTSP: Trung Học Phổ Thông Trấn Biên Tỉnh: Đồng Nai
Họ và tên GVHD: Cô Phan Thị Ngọc Tú Lớp TT dạy: 10A11


Lesson 4: Speaking
I. Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Knowledge

- Identify environmental problems and relevant solutions;

- Gain an overview about the outline and useful expressions for making oral presentations on
solutions to an environmental problem.

2. Core competence

- Develop communication skills and creativity;

- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work;

- Develop presentation skills;

- Actively join in class activities.

3. Personal qualities

- Understand more about Protecting the environment;

- Develop self-study skills.

II. Materials

- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 9, Speaking

- Computer connected to the internet

- Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards

Language analysis

Form Pronunciation Meaning

Recycle (v) /ˌriːˈsaɪkl/ to treat things that have already been used so that they can
be used again
=>Recycling (n) /ˌriːˈsaɪklɪŋ/

Illegal (a) /ɪˈliːɡl/ not allowed by the law



Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may lack knowledge about the

organization and some useful language of

- Provide students with the form and use of some useful
structures in their talk.
oral presentations.

2. Students may have underdeveloped - Create a comfortable and encouraging environment for
students to speak.
speaking and co-operating skills. - Encourage students to work in pairs, in groups so that they
can help each other.
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.

3. Some students will excessively talk in the

- Explain expectations for each task in detail.
- Have excessive talking students practise.
- Continue to clarify task expectations in small chunks (before
every activity).

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

WARM UP - To introduce the GAME: Reorder the letters T   Ss 7 mins
topic of speaking. - T divides class into 4 groups

- To enhance - T chooses one student randomly to pick

the questions and answer in turn
students’ skills of
- Which team has more points, it will
cooperating with become a winner
 Reorder the letters (key)
1. R/ D/ A/ N /O /S /U /E /G

2. I /N /G /U /H /N /T (HUNTING)

3. L /S /O /I /N /T /O /U

4. T /I /O /N /E /D /R /S /T /E /F /O

5. P /L /T /C /I /A /S (PLASTIC)

6. P /L /L /U /N /I /O /O /T

7. H /I /S /B /U /R /B (RUBBISH)

8. N /V /I /O /M /T /E /E /R /N /N

CONTROLLED - To introduce TASK 1: VOCABULARY – GUESS T   Ss 18 mins

more ideas for the THE WORDS
PRACTICE main speaking task. + T asks Ss to look at the explanation and
the photos to guess the meaning of new
words. T asks Ss to get the meaning of
- To provide Ss
the in context.
with essential
+ T asks Ss to look at the picture and
gives them a situation

 Situation: You have a bottle of

water and after drinking all the
water, you can cut the bottle to
plant the tree into

+ T asks Ss guess the word after giving

a situation
+ T says “So if one thing – it can be
used again for another purpose, we can
say recycle”
+ T shows the meaning and examples:
 Recycle (v): to treat things that
have already been used so that
they can be used again
 => Recycling (n)
 Example: The bottles were being
recycled into a lower-quality
+ T asks 1 student to read the meaning
+ T checks the understanding of
students by CCQs:
 Do you recycle anything
recently? (SSs answer)
+ Teacher asks students to repeat the
word in class 2 times.
+ Teacher asks students to repeat the
word individually.
T   Ss

+ T asks Ss to look at the picture and

 What is this? (suggested answer:
 Is it allowed by the government?
(suggested answer: No)
+ T says “So if one thing – it is not
allowed by the law, we can say illegal”
+ T shows the meaning and examples:
 Illegal (a): not allowed by the law
 => Antonym: Legal (a)
 Example: It's illegal to drive
through a red light.
+ T asks 1 student to read the meaning
+ T checks the understanding of
students by CCQs:
 So you think hunting endangered
animal is illegal? (SSs answer)
+ Teacher asks students to repeat the
word in class 2 times.
+ Teacher asks students to repeat the
word individually.

T   Ss
TASK 2: Work in pairs. 3 mins to
match the environmental problems
with the suggested solutions. (p104)
+ T asks Ss some questions before
working in pairs
o How many environmental
problems are there? (suggested
answer: there are 3:
disappearance of endangered
animals, deforestation, air
o How many solutions are there?
(suggested answer: there are 6)
Ss   Ss
+ T gives Ss 3 mins to match the T   Ss
solutions with the suitable problems
+ T calls some students to share their
answers and gives feedback.
 Key:
- Disappearance of endangered
animals: C, E
- Deforestation: A, F
- Air pollution: B, D


+ T introduces the presentation outline T   Ss
+ T gives Ss 4 mins to rearrange the Ss   Ss
information in the box in the correct
order of presentation outline
+ T calls on some Ss to share their
answers with the class and checks T   Ss
answers as a class.
Key: 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B
LESS - To give Ss an Task 4: work in groups. choose an 15 mins
CONTROLLED opportunity to environmetal problem in 1 and make a
PRACTISE discuss in groups, presentation on the solutions to it. use
the expressions below to help you.
create a creative
mind map/ diagram
and deliver a group + T asks Ss work in groups. T   Ss
presentation on + Each group: Ss   Ss
solutions to an  Chooses an environmental problem
environmental in 1.
problem.  Designs a creative mind map /
diagram on the environmental
- Check students’ problem.
 Prepares a 5 - 8 minute presentation T   Ss
about the topic. on the solutions to it.
+ T chooses randomly a group to
- To help some present
students enhance + T asks Ss to give comments
WRAP-UP - To consolidate WRAP-UP T   Ss 5 mins
HOMEWORK what students have + Teacher asks students to talk
learnt in the lesson. about what they have learnt in the
- To review the
lesson they have HOMEWORK T   Ss
learnt and prepare + Giving the solutions for global
for the next lesson: warming

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