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True or False

1. A reliable research is essentially valid, but a valid research is not necessarily reliable.
2. If some of the research questions were not answered or some research objectives could not be
achieved, then the final report must explain and reflect on the reasons why this is the case.
3. Once data is collected, a researcher should dive right in onto the analysis process.
4. Qualitative data generated from open-ended questions should be analyzed separately using
qualitative analysis methods.
5. A researcher should explore the characteristics of the data and the examined variables to
summarize the data once data is clean and ready for investigation.
6. One of the important considerations in preliminary analysis is to look for patterns in the data and
to check if any specific variable looks extremely erratic.
7. The final research report where a discussion of findings and limitations is presented is the
easiest part for a researcher.
8. Two different researchers may be presented with the same data analysis results and discuss
them differently, uncovering alternative insights linked to the research question, each using a
different lens.
9. Survey and questionnaire are interchangeable words that mean the same thing for researchers.
10. A Codebook is a reference book where the data coding instructions and data codes associated
with the data file are documented.
11. A valid research refers to the degree to which it accurately measures what it intends to measure.
12. Research implications presented in a study must be either theoretical only or practical only.
13. Good researchers should aim for a perfect research, with no limitations or restrictions.
14. Including questions that are not relevant to the research objectives or hypotheses in a
questionnaire but may be of use is a good feature of an efficient questionnaire.
15. The decision on which measurement scale to use for collecting data on a variable depends on
how much data is sought and in what form.
16. Using jargon that respondents may not be familiar with is a clever way for the researcher to
achieve good responses.
17. Descriptive statistics are mathematical techniques which are used make inferences about the
population of interest based on data collected from a representative sample.
18. Blunders are errors made in transferring the manual data onto software for analysis during data
entry or coding.
19. A lengthy questionnaire is recommended as it provides the researcher with as much data as
possible about the topic under investigation.
20. Nominal data provides the highest level of data in terms of richness and the multitude of
statistical techniques that can be used for its analysis.
Multiple Choice

1. Which one of the following stages of the marketing research process is most expensive?
A. Data analysis
B. Data collection
C. Developing the research plan
D. Report writing

2. Research paper of original work is called

A. Primary source
B. Tertiary source
C. Secondary source
D. Alternative source

3. Criteria that can be used to assess the best statistical technique to employ for examining a
phenomenon and testing hypothesis include (please select the answer that DOESN’T apply)
A. the number of variables to be analyzed
B. the type of variables
C. techniques the researcher prefers to use
D. the purpose of the analysis

4. The reliability of a measuring instrument is indicated by its:

A. Coherence
B. Precision
C. Testability
D. Consistency

5. Which of the following similarity is found in qualitative research and survey research?
A. Examine topics primarily from the participant’s perspectives
B. They are guided by predetermined variables to study
C. They are descriptive research methods
D. Have large sample sizes

6. Which one of the following is NOT a method of primary data collection?

A. Interview
B. Questionnaire
C. Delphi method
D. Documents
7. The main problem in questionnaire is
A. Accessible to Diverse Respondent
B. Greater Anonymity
C. Shows an inability of respondent to provide information
D. None of these
8. The existing company information is an example of which data??
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above

9. Reference list (APA) should be arranged

A. Alphabetically by author's first name
B. Chronologically by book dates
C. Alphabetically by author's authors surname
D. Alphabetically by publisher

10. The ___ scale measurement has a natural zero.

A. Ratio
B. Nominal
C. Ordinal
D. Interval

11. Scale in which the respondent directly compares two or more objects and makes choices
among them is
A. Ranking Scale
B. Rating Scale
C. Graphic Scale
D. None of these

12. Which of the following statements about questionnaires is incorrect?

A. Questionnaire design and development is straightforward as it does not require careful
considerations and planning.
B. The key purpose of developing a survey questionnaire is to obtain raw information from
participants to answer the research question.
C. A questionnaire can be very efficient in its design and structure but ineffective in
answering the research question.

13. Exploratory researches are typically:

A. Experimental
B. Random
C. Correlational
D. Qualitative
14. A researcher wants to study the association between gender and using a mobile phone.
Data collected for this study will be
A. Quantitative data
B. Qualitative data
C. Continuous data
D. Classified data
15. Which of the following is not characteristic of qualitative data?
A. Rich descriptions
B. Concise
C. Voluminous
D. Unorganized

16. Which data is cheaper to collect?

A. Primary data
B. Secondary data
C. New Data
D. Collective data

17. In the contrast to interviews, self-administered questionnaires have the advantage(s) in

Survey research of:
A. Being more affective in dealing with complicated issues
B. Producing fewer incomplete questions
C. Dealing with the context of work life
D. Dealing the sensitive issues effectively if the survey are anonymous

18. Assume that the following would be reasonable conversational questions based on an
interviewee's previous statement. Which is the weakest probe/question?
A. "In which way is that a better job?"
B. "How is that a better job?"
C. "How do you mean that is a better job?"
D. "So you say Xis a better job than Y?"
E. "Is that a good job?"

19. Examples of research limitations include (please select the answer that DOESN’T apply)
A. access to the population of interest
B. the study’s coverage of possible contributory factors
C. the researcher’s poor analysis skills
D. the sampling technique used

20. Which of the following dependent variable is most likely to represent a ratio scale of
A. Ranting intimacy of eye contact of a prospective customer with a promotional item
B. Rank ordering of eye contact of prospective customer with a promotional item
C. Duration of eye contact of a prospective customer with a promotional item
D. Distance between the eye contact of a prospective customer with a promotional item

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