Clergy Abuse Victims Demand EU To Cancel Vatican's Privileges As A Sovereign State in Italy

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SAVONA, ITALIA Start date: October 31, 2011

Details of the Hunger Strike Against Clergy Abuse In Italy

* * Victims encourage people worldwide to sign the online petition to revoke the privileges of the Vatican as a EU sovereign state * *

SAVONA, ITALY On October 31, clergy abuse victims Francesco Zanardi and Alberto Sala, have declared a hunger strike against abuse by pedophile priests after an unsuccessful 500 km pilgrimages to Rome, where the Vatican denied a meeting to discuss proper guidelines of addressing pedophilia. As the Vatican continues to be uninterested in addressing this global issue, then the victims now turn their attention European Union, where they have declared a hunger strike, requesting a meeting with the EU President Jose Barroso, demanding that the rights as sovereign nation of the Vatican be removed. Below are two crucial documents submitted by Francesco Zanardi and Alberto Sala. The first one is the situation at hand, illustrating examples of how the Vaticans sovereign state privileges are Italys biggest problem and second, is the petition being submitted to the European Commission requesting that these privileges be removed. If you stand against clergy abuse and support this cause, you can take part in signing this petition that will be presented to the European Union. You can submit it online by accessing: You can also find out more info, by visiting or in English at where we would be more than happy to address your questions. PLACE: Savona, Italy DATE: Begins October 31, 2011 - unlimited LIVE STREAMING:

* * * We encourage everyone and around the world who is in agreement with the Hunger Strike seeking justice for Catholic Clergy Abuse, to support by signing the online petition at * * *


First of all, we must immediately distinguish between the Catholic Church and the Vatican State. The Catholic Church, as we know, it is a religious organization, a fundamentalist sect that propagates superstitions from the medieval age. This is of no interest for the problem at hand, but it must be stated since the Hierarchy of the Vatican, which has ruled the Vatican State since the start, acts on two different planes. This is of convenience to them in two ways. When convenient, they call themselves a religious organization - that is, they define themselves as the Catholic Church. However, on the contrary, when their action and interests are of another nature, such as politics and economy, they act and speak like Governors of the Vatican City State. The Vatican governors speak and act within the Italian State. Our interest is to take a look at and concentrate on the Vatican State. Vatican State, officially Vatican City State, is a state recognized just like any other such as the State of Germany, the democratic State of Israel, or the North Korean State. The Vatican State is an independent, sovereign state and not a member of the European Union, but rather a simple observer. How is it constituted, and under what regime does Vatican State operate? The Vatican hierarchy that rules assure the Vatican is an Absolute Monarchic State, or a Theocratic State. We know that the theocracy is a form of government in which a political power is established based on religion. However, how Governors of the Vatican define the Vatican State is of no interest to us. It is not a mystery that almost all African States, for example, define themselves as Republics when, they are anything but; we very well know that they are true dictatorships. They are African States governed under totalitarian regimes, often times under brutal and ferocious dictatorships. We now turn to the issue at hand. The Vatican State possesses legislative, executive, and judicial power, as well as many other powers. Based on Letters, Treaties and International conventions of member states of the European Union, the Vatican, irrefutably turns out to be a dictatorial state, under all accounts. The Vatican is a State totally governed under a dictatorial regime. There are no doubts regarding this. Therefore, the Chief of State of the Vatican is the absolute dictator Joseph Ratzinger. Later, what he is called or how others call him is of no importance on Treaties, Letters, and Conventions of international human rights. If a foreign state has a dictatorial regime it would be of little interest to Italy. However, it becomes an astronomical problem the moment the dictatorial Vatican State which geographically positioned within Italian territory - enters Italys politics, the Italian parliament, Italian institutions, issuing orders and directives to

Italian parliamentarians, Italian ministers, and Italian institutions. And we all very well know that they always obey the opinions of the Vatican hierarchical fascist. This is a very serious problem. This is the first problem that Italy has to solve promptly. As it stands, Italy is a colony of the Vatican State. The Vatican State has completely colonized the State of Italy Hunger..Strike...against..the..CatholicClergy The Vatican City State is a dictatorial State. Therefore, the Vatican State violates all principal and inviolable parameters and requirements that compose the essential foundation of Democracy, Equality, Freedom, and Human Rights. Parameters and requirements recognized and applied by all democratic countries as fundamental in their own political constitutions. The Vatican State also violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Vatican City State is, in fact, a dictatorial regime state, fundamentalist without precedents, and of social and political terrorism. Due to these and other violations of inviolable human rights and of the evident violations of inviolable democratic rights, Vatican State is not part of the member states of the European Union. From here on, the European Union must no longer recognize the Vatican as a State. This extreme anomaly has become unacceptable, untenable by the Italian people and inadmissible by international policy and the democratic Universal Declarations of Human Rights. I, Francesco Zanardi, along with my associate, have requested a meeting with Jose Barroso, of the European Commission of Brussels and with Ban Ki-moon, of United Nations of New York, to expose in detail the serious problem of the false autonomy and sovereignty in Italy. We hope that the European Union and the United Nations, after careful consideration of the problem, proceed with the corresponding political steps to no longer recognize the dictatorial Vatican State, so that the totalitarian State of the Vatican City loses its classification as a State, once and for all. If this does not take place, things in Italy could get remarkably worse, including the entire European Community. Hunger..Strike..against..the..CatholicClergy.

We hereby request the Central European Initiative (CEI) to support and declare in favor of our institutions request for an investigation to be performed by an independent commission: Truth and justice for the victims. Savona, November 11, 2011 We seek truth and justice for the survivors and victims of sexual abuse of minors committed by clergy, monks, and nuns of the Catholic Church. CEI Guidelines In accordance with the guidelines announced by the CEI in regards to sexual abuse of minors in the Catholic Church, we request action in support for survivors and the victims requests for truth and justice. We ask that the CEI supports and declares in favor of the request for an independent commission of sexual crimes against minors committed by the catholic clergy, monks, and nuns in Italy. The members of this commission must be chosen by unbiased jurors, health care professionals, and professional experts in regards to this matter, certified specialists, and representatives of the survivors and victims. We request for the CEI and the Catholic Church to proceed in a manner whereby the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, along with the Dioceses, institutions, congregations and religious communities involved make their archives, which contain crime reports processed by their offices, available to the Commission, to authorities, and to the public opinion, according to the usual norms of guarantee. The archives in their possession of crimes committed by clergy, monks and nuns. We request that the CEI guidelines not only impose upon the Church authorities the obligation to show crime files processed by their offices, but also the obligation to show this information to the members of the Roman Curia, dioceses officials, and the parties in charge of religious orders, congregations, and religious communities, as well as all members of clergy, the consecrated life institutes, and the apostolic life societies. We ask the CEI to promote guidelines and norms that ensure the prevention of penalties not being prescribed for sexual crimes against minors committed by clergy, members of the consecrated life institutes, and apostolic life societies, in order to avoid crimes staying without punishment. We request CEI guidelines to impose the immediate removal of the clerical status for all those responsible for sexual abuse against minors, and if punishments have been prescribed, to reject distinction between more serious cases and less serious ones, without exceptions.

We request that the guidelines obligate the resignation of all bishops who although were informed of the abuses, did not report the crimes committed to authorities. We further request to the highest level authorities of the Catholic Church, the destitution of all positions held by that of Cardinal Bernard Francis Law within the government of the Catholic Church in Italy, regardless of their origin -whether spiritual, pastoral, governmental, etc.- in Italy. We request that CEI guidelines further impose the dioceses, the consecrated life institutes, and the apostolic life societies, to spontaneously compensate the victims according to the damage suffered - this because, in most cases, abusers cannot or do not want to compensate what the authorities impose on them. Finally, we request the CEI to promote a serious and deep reflection on why these crimes are committed in the Catholic Church against minors. Crimes that would not be committed if members of the clergy, consecrated life institutes, and apostolic life societies were to actually fulfill the rule of celibacy, their vows and promise to remain chaste. Therefore, we request for the CEI to reflect upon the actual effectiveness of sexual repression by the clergy, monks, and nuns and the abuses they have committed worldwide. These requests are made as both survivors and victims ask for true justice, rather than just empty words and public pity which serve no purpose. If you truly want to listen to the victims and survivors, it is necessary that all we have asked is in fact done. Press Office of Rete L'abuso [Abuse Network] Francesco Zanardi as delegated by: Rete L'ABUSO Savona Associazione Piccolo Alan ONLUS Comunit Il Rifugio di Alan ONLUS D.A. Atheistic Democrazia Protect Your Children Foundation SNAP International (The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) Independent Firms: Associazione sordi Antonio Provolo ONLUS Il Dialogo - Peridico de cultura, poltica, dialogo interreligioso Survivors Voice Italy - La Colpa Survivors Voice Europe

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