Assignment 2

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1. A single-threaded power screw is 25 mm in diameter with a pitch of 5 mm. A vertical load

on the screw reaches a maximum of 5 kN. The coefficients of friction are 0.06 for the collar
and 0.09 for the threads. The frictional diameter of the collar is 45 mm. Find the overall
efficiency and the torque to “raise” and “lower” the load.

2. An M14 3 2 hex-head bolt with a nut is used to clamp together two 15-mm steel plates. (a)
Determine a suitable length for the bolt, rounded up to the nearest 5 mm. (b) Determine the
bolt stiffness. (c) Determine the stiffness of the members.

3. A steel bar of thickness h, to be used as a beam, is welded to a vertical support by two fillet
welds as shown in the figure. (a) Find the safe bending force F if the allowable shear stress
in the welds is tallow. (b) In part a, you found a simple expression for F in terms of the
allowable shear stress. Find the allowable load if the electrode is E7010, the bar is hot-
rolled 1020, and the support is hot-rolled 1015 (b = 50mm, c = 150mm, d = 50mm, h=
5mm and Tallow = 140MPa)

SUBMISSION DATE: 23rd March, 2023

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