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Bài 1:Mark the letter A, B, C, or on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
option that best fits each of the numberred blanks

Many children have music classes when they attend school. And it is thought that
music can help them learn other subjects better. Research has shown
that (1)_______

Some studies have shown that music training can help you understand
(2)_______better. It could also help you with learning a second one. Moreover,
young people(3)_________ also seem to get higher scores in other subjects like
maths. So it could be that (4)_____________

Music also helps you think of new ideas, and believe more in yourself. If you are
learning the guitar, for example, it can be really exciting when you are able to
start (5)_________. One of the biggest benefits, of course, is that(6)_________.
And composing music can make you feel the same way. Maybe your musical
knowledge will even open up a great career path for you in the future! can improve children's performances in certain subjects.

B.this improve children’s performances in certain subjects

C.improving children’s performances in certain subjects improve children’s performances in certain subjects

2..A.our own language

B. your own language
C.their own language
D.its own language
3.A. who have studied music study music
C.having studied music
D.that studying music
4.A these school subjects are connected in some way.
B.connect with these school subjects connect with these school subjects
D.we are connected with these school subjects
5.A.composing owning music
B. composing your own pieces of music. compose your own pieces of music composing your own pieces of music
6.A. listening to music can reduce your stress
B.your stress can reduce by listen to music
C. reducing your stress by listening to music can reduce your stress
Bài 2 :Mark the letter A, B, C, or on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
option that best fits each of the numberred blanks

Millions of young people from Kiribati to Germany marched Friday to demand

that (1)______In Australia, protesters marched in 110 towns and cities, including
Sydney and the capital Canberra. Organizers expected more than 300,000 people to
march — the country’s largest demonstration since protests against the Iraq War in
2003. A 15-year-old student told the Associated Press, “Even though we ourselves
aren’t sick, the planet which we live on is, and we(2)_________”

In the Pacific island nation of Kiribati, students shouted, “We are not sinking, we
are fighting.”(3)__________. In Afghanistan, armed soldiers (4)________through
the streets of Kabul.(5)____________. One organizer said, “The problem in
Afghanistan is (6)______are fighting for power but the real power is in nature.”

1. leaders take action to fight climate change

B.this is taken action to fight climate change by world leaders is a world leaders who take action to fight climate change

D.taking action to fight climate change by world leaders

2. A.your leaders

B.our leaders leaders

D.their leaders

3.A. Rising sea levels have already washed away some villages there

B.Some villages are washed by rise sea

C.To rising sea levels have already washed away some villages there

D.Rising sea level have already wash away some villages there

4.A. protected about 100 people marching

B. protecting about 100 people marching
C. to protect about 100 people marching
D. to protecting about 100 people marching
5. A A group of young women led the protesters

B. The protesters was led by a group of young women

C.A group of young people are leading the protesters

D. Young women are leading the protesters

6 .A. are protesting and fighting for it.

B.have to protest and fight for it

C.protesting and fighting for i protest and fighting for it

Bài 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph in each
of the following questions
A-Many teenagers nowadays spend too much time on digital devices. I firmly
believe that parents should strictly limit their screen time for two reasons.
B- In addition, too much screen time is bad for teenagers’ health. Looking at a
computer or smartphone screen for a long time can damage their eyesight and
cause headaches. Too much screen time may also lead to sleep and weight
C-First of all, teenagers who spend a lot of time on screens are fess likely to finish
their homework. If parents limit their screen time, teenagers will have more time
not only for learning, but also for outdoor activities.
D-In conclusion, I think that parents need to control the time their teenage children
spend on digital devices. This will ensure that their children have time for
homework and outdoor activities, and will protect children’s health.
A. B-C-D-A
B. A-C-B-D
Bài 2 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph in each
of the following questions
A-The good thing about smart cities is that they are very modern. Smart
technologies make people’s lives easier by reducing household chores. Besides, the
city infrastructure which includes sensors and cameras collects information about
people and their activities, and uses it to provide faster, cheaper, and better
B-If you live in a smart city, you will probably agree with me that life is not all
good as some people may think. So what are the pros and cons of living in a smart
C-Living in a smart city: GOOD or BAD?
D-In conclusion, living in a smart city has both advantages and disadvantages.
However, I think these urban areas offer great promise. The issues should be dealt
with in the years ahead as the world’s population keeps growing, and more people
are moving to big cities.
E-On the other hand, living in a smart city has some disadvantages. Some smart
technologies are difficult to use and without training, city dwellers might find them
useless. With cameras everywhere in public spaces, people also have limited
privacy. They are worried that their personal information might not be protected,
and they might become victims of cybercrime.
A. B-C-D-A-E
B. A-C-B-D-E

Bài 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful letter in each of
the following questions
A.Secondly, I went on an exchange to the University of Oxford, which allowed me
to improve my communication skills in English, so I think my spoken English is up
to scratch.
B.Apart from that, I am particularly interested in your programme because,
eventually, I would like to do an MA in English literature and, basically, I believe
that your scheme will provide me with the necessary skills to succeed at my master
C.I feel I would be extremely suitable for the grant for several reasons. Firstly, I
am an English undergraduate at the University of Santiago and I have passed my
exams with flying-colours.
D.I would be happy to provide qualifications, should you require them. proof of
my academicPlease, do not hesitate to contact me, should you require any further
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
E. Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to apply for a grant to study a Pre-Masters
course at your University, as advertised on your webpage.
F. In addition to this, I consider myself a consistent student because I am always
immersed in learning and improving my English.
A. E-C-A-F-B-D

Bài 2:Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the

correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful letter in each of
the following questions
A. Firstly, I would like to ask if there is a test requirement to enroll in the tour
guide training courses.
B. Lastly, I would like to enquire about the daily wage for the apprenticeships
provided by SGV Vocational School. It would be great if you could provide me
with more information about this opportunity.
C. As I do not have any previous qualifications in this field, I would like to know if
there are any specific requirements for admission.
D. Dear Sir / Madam,
I am writing to enquire about the tour guide training courses offered by SGV
Vocational School. I am very interested in exploring different cultures and would
like to know more about the courses.
E. Secondly, I would appreciate it if you could inform me if SGV Vocational
School offers any discounts for students who are financially disadvantaged. This
would greatly assist me in planning for the cost of the training.
F. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
A. E-A-C-F-B-D

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