CARIS HPD 2.4 Changes List

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Hydrographic Production Database 2.4

Changes List
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© CARIS 2004

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August 30, 2006

Table of Contents
Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
New Oracle Database Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
New Product Editor Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
New Utility Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
New Editor Enhancements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Oracle Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
HPD Server 2.4 Release 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
New HPD Project Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
New HPD Catalogue Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
HPD Administration Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
HPD Data Loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Functionality Common to HPD Editors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Source Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
S-57 ENC Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Paper Chart Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Additional Military Layer Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Generic Product Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Installation and Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Post Installation Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Changes : Highlights

New Oracle Database Support
New support for Oracle Database version 10g as well as continued support for Oracle 9i.
The minimum database requirement is now Oracle Standard Edition with the Oracle Locator
core spatial data processing option.

New Product Editor Programs

HPD Additional Military Layer (AML) Editor
New interactive graphical program for creating, completing, validating, producing and
updating S-57 format Additional Military Layer (AML) products. This new HPD product
editor works from the same common source database features, and has similar
functionality to the HPD S-57 ENC Editor program. Users select which AML product category
to process, and operate on database features matching that category to produce and
update S-57 AML products.
HPD Generic Product Editor
New interactive graphical program for extracting “product neutral” or “generic” features,
based on user-defined filtered sets of features and attributes. CARIS HPD GPE works from
the same source database features, and has similar functionality to other HPD product
editor programs. Products and updates are exported to Geographic Markup Language
(GML), an XML-based standard for encoding geographic data.

New Utility Programs

HPD Project Editor
New interactive graphical program for creating and updating HPD projects and related
sources. Projects are used in HPD to assist in managing data processing tasks within a
CARIS HPD database. Further project-related enhancements are also provided in CARIS
HPD 2.4.
HPD Catalogue Editor
New interactive graphical program for creating and updating “profiles” of features,
attributes and values. Catalogue Editor allows you to add features and attributes to profiles,
define relationships between features, assign global attributes, set permitted values for
attributes, and to also define new profiles.
CARIS Symbol Editor
New interactive graphical utility program for creating and modifying symbology used with
CARIS HPD. It can be used to design new point and line symbology, and fill patterns.

CARIS HPD 2.4 Changes List 5

Changes: Highlights

New Editor Enhancements

CARIS HPD 2.4 Editor programs contain a wide range of new functionality and
• New and more powerful graphical user interfaces.
• Additional viewing and selection controls.
• New feature creation and editing functions.
• Enhancements are available for projects, markers, feature certification options and
to feature processing history.
• New user-configurable Mapping Rules files are implemented for use in importing,
editing or exporting features between different data formats.
• Additional geographic data file formats can now be opened and displayed.

6 CARIS HPD 2.4 Changes List

Changes : Enhancements

Oracle Database
CARIS HPD 2.4 officially supports Oracle Database version 10g, as well as supporting
Oracle 9i:
The minimum Oracle database requirements have been changed to support Oracle
Standard Edition with the Oracle Locator core spatial data handling option. This removes
the necessity, and associated cost, to purchase extra Oracle Spatial licences, which is a
separately licenced option available with Oracle Enterprise Edition, and was required in
versions of CARIS HPD prior to 2.4.

HPD Server 2.4 Release 1

A new version of the HPD Server program is available for creating and upgrading HPD
database schemas. Some of its new underlying spatial database support enhancements
• Support for S-57 Additional Military Layer (AML) features and attributes
• Support for AML Usage band names
• Improved support to all HPD Editor programs to operate with database-defined
• Enhanced support for unit and datum types in HPD profiles
• Additional user roles are defined
• A new certification status of “Accepted” is available
• HPD project content and management enhancements, including new project
boundaries and certification status
• Storage for special loxodromes and geodesics line types
• Enhancements to HPD marker storage
• Support for new product creation and storage types: Additional Military Layers and
“Generic” products
• Product locking
• API enhancements
• Maintenance improvements and performance adjustments

New HPD Project Editor

New graphical program, replacing the previous Project Manager program, providing
enhancements for managing HPD projects and sources, including:
• Searching/filtering the lists of available projects and sources
• Creating relationships between projects and sources
• Creating relationships between projects and other projects
• Associating optional geographic boundaries with projects, viewable in Source Editor
• Projects now have a certification status associated with them, managed in Project

CARIS HPD 2.4 Changes List 7

Changes: Enhancements

New HPD Catalogue Editor

New graphical user interface program, replacing the HPDCatalogTool.exe command line
program, with functionality that includes:
• Editing of database and external-source profiles
• Updating existing profiles of HPD features, attributes and values
• Adding new features and attributes to profiles, defining relationships between
features, assigning global attributes, and setting permitted values for select
• Creating new user-defined profiles

HPD Administration Tools

New user account roles are now available:
• New roles for the new HPD AML Editor and HPD Generic Product Editor programs
• New role allowing Project certification
• New roles to edit all data, including source features, within a product in ENC Editor
and AML Editor

HPD Data Loader

Some enhancements to the HPD batch data loader program include:
• S-57 AML data sets can be loaded
• Non-metric S-57 files will have their units converted during the loading process
• Data can be assigned the new “Accepted” certification status during loading

Functionality Common to HPD Editors

The following list summarizes enhancements to the HPD Source Editor program. Much of
this new functionality has also been implemented in other HPD Editor programs.
• New Graphical User Interface, allowing for dynamically positioning windows
throughout the interface, or across multiple monitors:
• You can better customize their HPD applications to meet their requirements.
• Changes to column widths and settings in different panels are preserved
between sessions.
• You can restore the default layout of the application’s user interface at any
• Project Enhancements:
• A new project dialog box is used for selecting projects when opening
• A user’s list of projects can be filtered, and completed projects can be hidden.
• You can view the current project information and project details from within
HPD Editors.
• You can optionally switch the active project without having to close the
workspace first.
• Optionally draw project boundaries, if these were defined in Project Editor.

8 CARIS HPD 2.4 Changes List

Changes : Enhancements

• Current user information, including the user’s roles, can be viewed from the Help
• You can create plugins to browse and request data sources from external
• File> Open via Source Plugin
• Tools> Query Sources by Superselection
• Customized attribute plugins can now be created to replace default attribute value
dialog boxes
• HPD Editors can view S-57 ENC, S-57 AML and VPF datasets as backdrops:
• If the file content is unrecognized, users are now prompted to select to
appropriate catalogue, i.e. the list of features, attributes and their relationships
• Header information of external S-57 files is listed in the Properties window
• Support for new backdrop file formats:
• VPF Datasets including DNC and TOD0 - with an option to only load tiles in the
current view
• Notebook Marker files - S-57 HOB files with CARIS Notebook Marker features in
• HCRF raster chart update files
• MrSID Images - requires installation of LizardTech’s MrSID Plugin (see later)
• JPEG 2000 images
• ECW images
• Enhanced support for opening S-57 update files, with the optional listing of S-57
update messages
• Enhancements to features displayed in vector backdrop layers:
• Transparency levels can now be set for vector backdrop files
• Override colours can be assigned to these layers
• You can now change the display coordinate system to use that of any entry in the
Layers window
• Session files now store additional information about HCRF and S-57 HOB files
• Zooming/Panning enhancements:
• New controls provide options to go forward or back to previous zoom/pan
• You can save views created using zoom/pan tools while the workspace or
product is open
• Mouse wheel buttons can be used to zoom in/out in the Data window
• New command to move the cursor to a specific position by defining the
• You can define and display temporary graticules, projected grids or scale bars in
the Data window
• New Scratch Layers can be created to store temporary information during data
import or processing
• Enhancements to layer creation and selection by filter tools have been made to
include the meanings of feature acronyms, enumerated and list attribute values.

CARIS HPD 2.4 Changes List 9

Changes: Enhancements

• Enhancements to layer filters include:

• New read-from file option to create a new layer from a previously saved
complex filter
• Creating a layer by Projects now uses the new Select a Project dialog box
• Enhancements to the selection tools include:
• Selection of features within a radius of a superselected feature, or from a user-
defined coordinate
• Select features within a user-defined circular area
• Select features based on a previously saved complex filter file
• Attribute details reported in the Attribute window can be sorted on any column,
or by Profile order
• New Coordinates toolbar with functions to centre on, or move the cursor to, a user-
defined position, and to enter coordinates while selecting features (by lasso),
measuring distances, digitizing or editing
• New functionality is implemented in the Options dialog box, including:
• Draw contour labels on safety contours and/or other contours
• Draw error ellipses for point features, having the error ellipse (errell) attribute
value populated
• Turn off automatic screen refresh, forcing users to manually refresh the screen
as needed
• Measure Distance and Angle tool enhancements:
• Supports snapping to features to more accurately measure distances
• Reported distance and angle values are based on the Display Units Options
• New support for user-configurable Mapping Rules, used when importing or editing
• Pre-defined rules files included with HPD 2.4 map features from: DNC to ENC,
ENC to DNC, AML1.0 to AML2.1, VPF AML to S-57 AML, and TOD0 AML to S-57
• Implemented in Import Selected Objects, Change All, and in Export to GML and
to HOB
• Enhancements to interactive data import process including:
• Import Selected Objects can convert objects and attributes from one product
catalogue to another
• One feature can be mapped and imported to create one or more database
features, and multiple features can be mapped to create one new database
• Object Import Utility allows the you to select the catalogue profile to be used
for mapping feature and attribute acronyms when creating a script to import
objects into HPD
• Object Import Utility also lets you identify the coordinate system for the
imported features
• Enhancements to importing selected objects from S-57 backdrop files include:
• Feature attributes and sounding depths imported from non-metric S-57 ENCs
backdrops will have their values converted to metric equivalents

10 CARIS HPD 2.4 Changes List

Changes : Enhancements

• New option to apply a shift to height or depth attribute values during import
• External files, referenced by imported S-57 features, are copied to a new
ExternalFiles folder
• Conditional mandatory attributes are now indicated and highlighted in yellow in
Attributes dialog boxes and in the Attributes window
• New feature creation tools include:
• Functionality to create areas from Minimum Bounding Rectangle around
selected features
• New dialog boxes for assigning external files to TXTDSC and NTXTDS attributes
• New dialog box is available for setting periodic date PERSTA and PEREND
attribute values
• Line digitizing is enhanced to support geodetic arcs (clockwise and counter-
clockwise), loxodromes and geodesics
• Arcs can be created, and edited, and stored with start, centre and end points
• New line and area features can be created based on user-defined graticule/grid
• New raster line following vectorization option when digitizing lines. During line or
area digitizing, you can select a line vectorization option to capture lines from black
and white or 8-bit colour raster images
• New edit commands are available including:
• Filter or Smooth a selection of edges
• Change All allows you to apply a shift to depth and/or height attribute values
• New Change All option to apply a shift to correct the depth values of selected
sounding features
• Change All also allows you to customize mapping tables to maps objects/
• Markers have been enhanced as follows:
• Markers are now associated with the current project only
• A new Marker Details window now show details and replies for the selected
• Undo/Redo is now available for markers when the Marker layer is selected
• Users controls when markers are saved to the database
• Double click markers to select the related feature(s) and re-centre on the
• With the Markers layer active, selected markers are reported in the Selection
• Certification status enhancements include:
• A new “Accepted” status can be applied to features that are acceptable but not
yet verified
• Creating layer filters and selection by filters have been enhanced to include this
new value
• “AND” and “OR” operators can be used to create filter layers and selection by
filter for Certification Status
• Complex filters can be created using Certification Status

CARIS HPD 2.4 Changes List 11

Changes: Enhancements

• Quality control validation tools have been expanded to include the following
additional S-58 checks:
• Validation checks for obstructions, wrecks and rocks
• Invalid Attributes test has been expanded to include more S-58 conditions
• Additional options for testing duplicate objects’ geometry, acronyms and/or
attribute values
• Depth areas with “UNKNOWN” minimum/maximum depth range attribute values
can be tested
• You can save reports of Validation checks to a text file for future reference
• A new Check Geometry tool allows you to detect Dangling Edges, Overshoots and
Undershoots. Results can be saved to a report file, and are also listed in the Output
window with hyperlinks allowing you to select, zoom or highlight reported features
• Many windows now include a new right click menu option to save their contents to
a text file. This includes Properties, Output, Selection, Attributes and Coordinates
• A new Generate Statistics tool reports all features and attribute values present in
the current database workspace or S-57 file layer. Results can be saved to a report
file, and are also listed in the Output window
• A check plot can be generated based on the current scale, projection and layer
• New export options are available including:
• GML format - export a selection of features to GML format file
• S-57 format - export a selection of features to S-57 file (which is not an official
S-57 ENC file)
• GeoTIFF format - export the current screen contents, with a user-selection
image resolution
• Exporting selected features to GML permits further advanced options:
• Mapping features and attributes on export, based on a user-selected and
configurable Rules File
• Apply optional horizontal, vertical and/or sounding shifts to attribute and
spatial data on export
• Optionally convert depth, ground, height and positional accuracy units on
• The current user’s HPD environment settings can now be edited directly from the
Environment tab of the Options dialog box
• HPD applications have been undated to include version 3.3 of the S-52
presentation library

12 CARIS HPD 2.4 Changes List

Changes : Enhancements

Source Editor
In addition to the new functionality common to HPD Source and other Editors listed above,
the following additional enhancements apply to HPD Source Editor:
• Display a historical read-only view of the database contents for a user-selected
• Users can find which ENC, AML and Paper Chart products use selected source
• Any ENC or AML products reported can be opened as read-only layers
• Product boundaries of all supported product types created in HPD can be viewed
and selected:
• A selected ENC product can be opened as a read-only layer
• Functions have been enhanced for edit tasks in the History window to include:
• Options to display feature and project information
• Option to show coordinates and attribute details of a previous version of a
• Options to restore a previous version of a feature’s representation and/or
attribute values
• Distinction is now made in the History window between features loaded,
digitized, merged or split
• The History window now records if features are assigned the Rejected status
• Help topics for a specific command or toolbar button can be viewed by selecting
the new context-specific help command and clicking on the desired menu item or
toolbar button.

S-57 ENC Editor

In addition to the new enhancements common to HPD Source and other Editors listed
above, the following functionality has been added to HPD S-57 ENC Editor (and in many
cases to HPD AML Editor):
• Product locking - if another user has opened a product for editing, other users
opening the same product will be notified, and can only open the product read-only
• Area features - new function to create areas from the current selection, or a new
minimum bounding rectangle around selected features
• Soundings - users can now choose to group all soundings in a new product, or to
group only the selected soundings; automatic generation of sounding groups can
also be done on export to S-57
• Markers - markers are now available for use, with the same functionality as in
Source Editor
• Validation tools - new test to identify lines/area boundaries having too many
• Certification - new certification status of “Accepted” can be set on product-specific
• History window - users can list the product or source processing history for the
selected feature
• Export to S-57 - new functionality includes:

CARIS HPD 2.4 Changes List 13

Changes: Enhancements

• A new popup appears after completing the Export, summarizing the number
and types of features present in the newly exported base or update file
• An optional sounding rounding rule, defined when a new ENC product is
created, is applied to soundings during export to S-57
• Exchange Sets - several new enhancements include:
• Users can create New, Update, Re-Issues and Cancellation Exchange Sets from
the wizard
• The long file name (LFIL) attribute is written to the S-57 Exchange Set
catalogue file
• External Files are now searched for in the new External Files folder

Paper Chart Editor

CARIS HPD Paper Chart Editor also has many of the enhancements found in the other HPD
Editors listed above, including those listed below:
• Interface - adopts the same new Graphical User Interface with improved layout
control and flexibility
• Backdrops - new support for additional backdrop formats. S-57 files (displayed
using INT1), AutoCAD DXF/DWG vector data and HCRF raster charts
• Properties window can now be used to assign colours to ranges of soundings and
depth contours
• View - new controls to go forward or back to previous zoom/pan extents, and to
save extents, and to move the cursor at a specific position
• Selection - new functions to select features inside selected areas, and around
selected features
• Border creation - a new version of the Template Editor program is installed with
Paper Chart Editor
• Create - some new functions to create features are now available:
• New line and area features based on a user-defined graticule or grid
• Enhancements for generating symbology for sector lights for masking the light
• Edit - new functions are available as in Source Editor including:
• Apply filtering or smoothing to multiple selected edges
• Apply shifts to attribute values, including height and depth attributes, and to
sounding depths
• The Erase command is now available
• Colours can be assigned to features to override their default colour/colour fill
• History - feature processing history is now listed in a new History window,
complete with options to display previous information about the feature, and to list
Project information
• Export - option added to define the print area of a chart before exporting it to
postscript for printing
• Other - list information about the current user

14 CARIS HPD 2.4 Changes List

Changes : Enhancements

Additional Military Layer Editor

CARIS HPD AML Editor is a new program for creating, completing, updating and exporting
S-57 Additional Military Layer (AML) products. Overall the functionality is similar to the HPD
S-57 ENC Editor program. It allows you to create any of the six standard AML products,
such as Contour Line Bathymetry (CLB) or Routes, Areas and Limits (RAL) products.
• To include S-57 AML features in an HPD database, two special AML scripts needs to
be run after creating a new HPD database schema:
• A script to insert AML features and attributes into the source database
• A script to create AML Usage bands in the source database
• S-57 AML data and features are then supported in an HPD database and can be
loaded, created interactively, edited and manipulated in HPD Source Editor as for
standard S-57 features
• AML Editor supports multiple product profiles, for each AML product category (CLB,
RAL, MFF, etc.)
• Users select an AML product profile when opening a workspace and in AML Editor
only see database features matching the selected profile
• The S-57 Exchange Set wizard supports the creation of S-57 AML Exchange Sets

Generic Product Editor

CARIS HPD Generic Product Editor is a new interactive graphical program for extracting
“product neutral” or “generic” features to create new products. These will be based on user-
defined filtered sets of features and attributes.
CARIS HPD GPE works from the same source database features as other HPD Editors, and
has similar functionality to other HPD Editor programs.
Generic products and updates are exported to industry standard Geographic Markup
Language (GML) format, an XML encoding standard used for storing geographic

Installation and Setup

The CARIS HPD 2.4 installation guide is included on each CARIS HPD software installation
During the HPD Editor installation process, there are new prompts for either/both of the
• Unique Feature Object ID file location
• External File folder location
HPD 2.4 installs files to the following locations by default:
• HPD Software - C:\CARIS\HPD\program_name\2.4
• Common program file location, for programs shared between different CARIS
applications - C:\Program Files\Common Files\CARIS
• Log files - C:\Document and Settings\user\Application

CARIS HPD 2.4 Changes List 15

Changes: Enhancements

• User interface files - C:\Document and Settings\user\Application

Environment Variables
Most environment variables can now be configured from within HPD Editors using the
Environment tab under the Options dialog box.
New environment variables for v2.4:
• objXcatalogue_control - stores the new Catalogue Control file name
• uslXrulefiles - new folder for storing user-configurable Mapping Rules files
• objXs57productinfo - stores the S-57 Product Information file name
• S57Config - points to the S-57 configuration file folder
• VPFConfig - points to the new VPF configuration file folder
• ColourMapPath - points to the new folder storing colour map files
• ExternalFiles - new folder, defined during installation, for storing copies of external
• uslxostnDataFile - stores the new OSTN datum transformation file name
• hpdXoracle_login - stores the previously selected HPD user name
• hpdXsqlnet_node - stores the previously selected Oracle database name
Modifications to environment variables for HPD 2.4:
• objXobjunid - points to the unique feature object ID file, but now in a folder defined
during installation
• LogPath - now points to a different folder, C:\Document and
Settings\user\Application Data\ CARIS\program_name\2.4\Logs
The following previously used environment variables are now obsolete and no longer used
in HPD 2.4:
• objXxmlprofilesrc
• objXxmldict

Post Installation Setup

To view backdrop data in MrSID georeferenced raster image file format, the free CARIS
MrSID Plugin must be downloaded and installed. This is a separate task and is not part of
the CARIS HPD installation:
Download this free software plugin from -

16 CARIS HPD 2.4 Changes List

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