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Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd


Comprehensive Range of Components MARY
200 Daily Practices

Focus on One Component A Day

Claire Leow
Week7/Day 2
Term I
Visual Text Comprehension

Look at the poster below and answer the questions that


Welcome to the opening

of Amazing Toy Store
in Sheldon Shopping Centre!
(We are located between Yummy Café and
Cosy Bookshop.)
Come on down on 16 May from 2 o'clock
to 4 o'clock!
Whether youare an adult or
a child,we welcome everyone!
Mogic peformonce ot hatf post 2
Watch the magicion, Mr Dozzle,
perform cool magic tricks with his helpers,
Mr Glitter and Miss Sparkle.
Singing performance ot half post 3
Enjoy songs pertormed by the singer,
Miss Belle.
There will be tree ice cream cones and popcorn
for all customers.
All chidren will receive atree goody bog to0.
See you there!

43 G Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd

Choose the correct answer and write its number
(1,2, 3or 4) in the brackets provided.
Is having its grand opening
(1) Yummy Café
(2) Cosy Bookshop
(3) Amazing Toy
(4) Store
Sheldon Shopping Centre
is a magician.
(1) Mr Glitter
(2) Mr Dazzle
(3) Miss Belle
(4) Miss Sparkle (
3. The singer will
perform at
(1) 2 o'clock
(2) half past 2
(3) half past 3
(4) 4 o'clock

4. Free goody bags will be given to

(1) all adults
(2) all visitors
(3) all children
(4) all performers (
5. Which of the following sentences is true?
(1) You must pay to eat popcorn.
(2) The magician has no one to help him.
(3) The grand opening or tne toy store is on 16 Mau.
iA) Onlu children are allowed to attend the
Publishing House Ple ( td 44
Weelk7/Day 3
Term I
Synthesis and Transformation
Join the sentences with 'and' or or'.

1. Does the lesson start ot 2 o'clock? Does the lesson

start at 3 o»clock?

2. Mary feels sad. Jamie feels sad too.

3. I go to the park every Saturday. I go to the park every

Sunday too.

45 O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd

Week7/ Day 4
Comprehension MCQ

Read the passage carefully and answer the following


Ashley was very excited. She was going to the airport

with her mother to pick up her father. Ashley's father was
atour guide. He had been to many places such as Japan
and Nevw Zealand. This time, he led a tour to Taiwan.
Ashley hoped that he remembered to buy a present for
her. She wanted a new soft toy.

When Ashley and her mother reached the airport, it

was still early. Ashley and her mother went to a café for
abite. Ashley was not hungry She ordered a small cup
of hot chocolate. Her mother ordered a cup of tea and a
slice of cake.

Finally Ashley's father arrived. He gave Ashley a hug.

"I miss both of you so much!" he exclaimed. He handed
a box of chocolates and a wooden puppet to Ashley. "I
got these for you from Taiwan," he said. Ashley smiled
happily. The presents were not what she wanted but she
Was still happy. Her father was back!
o Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 46
Choose the correct answer and write its number
(1. 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets
provided. Term
1 Ashley was excited because
(1) her father was atour
(2) she liked to go to the guide
(3) she Was going on a holiday soon
(4) she was going to see her father
soon ( )
2. Ashley's father was coming back from
(1) Japan
(2) Taiwan
(3) shopping for a new toy
(4) having a bite at the café

3. Ashley hoped that her father would get her

(1) acake
(2) a puppet
(3) a soft toy
(4) a box of chocolates

4. Ashley and her mother went to a café because

(1) both of them were hungry

(2) they reached the airport early
(3) Ashley's father was waiting there
(4) both of them wanted to get hot chocolate

5. Ashley felt to see her father.

(1) sad
(2) glad
(3) worried
(4) disappointed ( )
47 O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd
Weok7/ Da5
Read each question and look at the picture. Then choose
and put atick(/) in the box beside it
the correct answer
1. Lionel wears a





2. Iclap with my




Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd
3. Reing is She often helps her friends.




4. Mr Singh visits the He has a fever.


veterinary surgeon

5. I. the floor.




49 OEducational Publishing House Pte Ltd

Weok 8/Day1

() the correct ansWa.

sentences carefully. Tick
Read the


taller than my mother.

1. My father is


2. When does the movie start?


OEducational Publishing House Pte Ltd 50


3. Lindsay wants to buy a book Term 1

but she

goes to the bookshop.

4. Jeremy is sad because his pencil case
is missing.

5. Where is an box? I saw it here just


51 eEducational Publishing House Pte Ltd

Week 8 / Day 2

Grammar Cloze

Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box.
Use each word only ONCE.

in on Over beside between

It is six o'clock in the evening. Mrs Wee and Melody

are (1) the dining room. Mrs Wee puts the
plates (2) the table. Melody helps to put the
spoons and forks (3). the plates. It is time for
Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 52
Week8/Day 3 Term

Vocabulary Cloze

Eill in each blank with the correct word from the box.
IUse each word only ONCE.

clouds strokes
sky See

Camera appear colours paintbrush

Reina cannot believe her eyes. After a heavy rain, a

beautiful rainbowappears in the clear, blue (1)
This is the first time Reina sees a rainbow. It is made
of seven (2). -red, orange, yellow, green,

blue, indigo and violet.

Reina feels very fortunate to be able to (3)

does not
a rainbow. She knows that a rainbow

(4). each time after it rains. She takes out a

(5) to take aphotograph of the rainbow.

next day!
She wants to show her friends the picture the
53 OEducational Publishing House Pte Ltd
Week 8/Day 4

Each of the underlined words contains either a spelling

or grammatical error. A wrong or missing punctuation
is indicated by a circle. Put the correct punctuation or
word in each of the boxes.

Kelly visits the doctor. She is not feeling well. She is

having a feever.


The doctor give Kelly some medicine. After she

takes the medicine, she feels best. Kellyalso need a lot


of rest.
he Cannot wait to get back to school soon.
She does not like to be sick.

© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 54

Weok 8/ Day 5
Term 1
Comprehension Cloze

Fillin each blank with a suitable word. The first letter of

each word is given.

Jack is learning how to cycle. He wants to be like his

older brother. His older brother can (1) C

on two wheels. Jack does not want to cycle on four

(2) w

Jack's father is very patient. He holds the seat of the

bicycle. This helps Jack to find his balance. His father
lets go of the (3) s. when he thinks Jack can

balance himself on the bicycle.

Jack falls down many times. He is not afraid to fall.

Every time he (4) f he gets up again. He does

not (5) c Crying does not help to solve the
problem. Jack is a brave and sensible boy.

55 CEducational Publishing House Ple Ltd

Week 9 / Day1

Visual Text Comprehension

Look at the poster below and answer the questions that



Snowy is a white cat.

It wears a gold collar.
One of its legs is hurt.
It was last seen at the void deck of
Block 713 on 30 September
at around n0on.

Ifyou have any information,

please call Charlotte at 9183 4803 or
6739 4015.
Reward: $50

O Educational Publishing House Pte LId 56

Choose the Correct answer and write its number
1. 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets provided. Term
1 The colour of Snowy's fur is
(1) grey
(2) gold
(3) black
(4) white

2. Snowy's is hurt.
(1) leg
(2) tail
(3) neck
(4) head ( )

3. Snowy was last seen on

(1) 10 September
(2) 13 September
(3) 15 September
(4) 30 September (

4. Janet remembers seeing a cat like the one described

at aplayground nearby. She should
(1) give Charlotte a call
(2) write aletter to Charlotte
(3) meet Charlotte at the void deck of Block 713
(4) look for Charlotte at her house to let her know

5. If Yusof finds Snowy, he will get

(1) $13
(2) $15
(3) $30
(4) $50 ( )
57 © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd
Week 9/ Day 2
Synthesis and Transformation

sentences with 'and' or 'or.

Join the

this bed hard? Is this bed soft?

1. Is

laughing too.
2. Ben is laughing. Hashid is

3. Ilike to swim at the swimming pool. IIike to swim

in the sea.

G Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 58

WOek97Day 3

Comprehension Mca Term 1

Read the
questions. passage carefully and answer the following
Ronald was having acostume parts for
invited all his classmates. Jovian was his birthday. He
Meng Nas coming as a coming as a knight.
apixie. snowman. Sharvini was coming as
Ronald did not know what he should
mother said, "Why don't you dress up as adress up as. His
Sounded like a good idea. clown?" Thot
First, Ronald's mother gave him a green Nig
on his head. Then, she painted his face to wear
white. Next, she
used her orange lipstick to give him a huge grin. Ronald
looked into the mirror. He felt that something was still
missing. He exclaimed, "I'm missinga red nose!" Ronald's
mother made a nose for him.

On the dayof the party everyone was impressed with

Ronald's costume. Ronald walked towards his birthday
cake on the table. Suddernly, he tripped over his huge
clown shoes and fell on his birthday cake. Everyone
laughed becquse Ronald was covered in cream. It was a
Tünny sight. Even Ronald could not help grinning. He was
a wonderful clown!
59 O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd
write its number
answer and
Choose the correct provided. brackets
(1,2, 3 or 4) in the
going to dress up as a
1. Mengwas
(1) pixie
(2) clown
(3) knight )
(4) snowman
him a/an wig.
2. Ronald's mother gave
(1) red
(2) white
(3) green ( )
(4) orange
3. Ronald realised that he was
missing a
(1) shoe
(2) nose
(3) mirror
(4) lipstick (

4. Ronald fell because of

(1) the cake
(2) the table
(3) his shoes
(4) his friends (

5. Everyone laughed when Ronald fell because it was

(1) funny
(2) strange
(3) amazing
(4) surprising ( )
Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 60
Week 9/ Day 4

Vocabulary Term 1

Choose the correct answer and write its

(1. 2, 3 or 4) in the number
brackets provided.

1. A fish swims with its

(1) fins
(2) feet
(3) pawS
(4) flippers )

Tommy his head to
show that he agrees.

(1) nods
(2) blinks
(3) waves
(4) shakes (

61 OEducational Publishing House Pte Ltd

3 Daisy wipes her hir dry with

D (1) rug
(2) towel
(3) carpet
(4) blanket (

4. Ari is a in the school


(1) king
(2) pirate
(3) knight
(4) wizard ( )

5 There are bees flying around


(1) den
(2) hive
(3) web
(4) nest ( )

O Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 62

Weelk 9/ Day 5
Term I

Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in

the brackets.

1. There are many (sheep) in the field.

2. I (be) not feeling well today.

3. Kyle (eat) all the cookies just now.

4. Amir (go) to school by bus every

morning. Amir likes going to school.

5. My mother buys three (mango) from

the market.

63 Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd

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