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Moral Standards versus Non-Moral Standards

Moral standards is defined as principles about what is right or wrong that promotes
human welfare, for the common good/of others and prescribed human responsibilities
and obligations.

Non-Moral standards on the other hand are on the matters of taste or preference like
military traditions and honor, etiquette or rules of the games, school by laws etc. It is
based only on certain groups or establishments to show or determine their difference
among others.

Socrates of Athens
Socrates of Athens (c. 470/469-399 BCE) is among the most famous figures in human
history for his contributions to the development of ancient Greek Philosophy which
provided the foundation of all Western philosophy, He is in fact known as the “Father
of Western Philosophy” for this reason. He also is known as man of principles

He taught that people should care less about their bodies and possessions and more
about their souls, saying “ wealth does not bring goodness, but goodness brings

As such he believed he served Athens and its citizens by highlighting their incorrect
thinking, therefore with this it proven by many that Socrates is a man of principles.

Aristotle is a towering figure in ancient Greek Philosophy, who made significant
contributions in logic, criticism, rhetoric, physics, biology, psychology, mathematics,
metaphysics, ethics and politics. He was a student of Plato for 20 years, however he is
known for rejecting Plato’s theory of forms. He also believes that physics and
metaphysics are the first philosophy and stated that both are disciplines that studies
of “being as being”.

He also stated the natural philosophy rest on the assumed capacity of the human
mind to discern an existing , rather than imposed , order within the natural world
and ability of the human culture to offer analogies by which this may be explained or
Plato is known for his work “The Republic” which details a wise society run by
philosophers. He is also famous for his dialogues (early, middle and late) which
showcases his metaphysical theory of forms- something else he is known for.

Plato believed that there are three parts of a soul, which has its own object of desire.
Reason desires truth and good of the whole individual, spirit is preoccupied with
honor and competitive values, and appetite has traditional low taste on for food, drink
and sex

Jesus Christ known philosophical teachings

Integrity means being honest with thyself, truthful to others and humble your
relationship with them.

Love for others; love thy neighbors as thyself, invite others into your fellowship; seek
reconciliation with your enemies.

Compassion means do good by being kind and generous in serving the needs of

Emmanuel Kant’s philosophies are organized around the notion of a “categorical

imperative”, which is a universal ethical principle stating that “one should always
respect the humanity in others, and one should only act in accordance with rules that
could hold for everyone.”

Saint Augustine’s philosophy is “God is righteousness itself; that which He does is right
and that is right which He does. Obedience to His will, moreover criterion of right for all
of His creatures. It is our duty to do the will of God because His will is our deepest will

Saint Thomas Aquinas stated that, ”All human actions are governed by a general
principle or precept that is foundational to and necessary for all practical reasoning;
good is to be done and evil is to be avoided. This principle is not something we cannot
ignore nor defy.”

Jeremy Bentham who is a legal reformer, jury, economist and a philosopher who made
the modern utilitarianism which is an ethical theory holding that actions are morally
right if they tend to promote happiness or pleasure and it is morally wrong if it only
gives unhappiness or pain.

Confucius gave us the golden rule “Thou shalt not do unto others what you would not
other do to unto you.” There is a debate over if Confucianism is a religion.
Confucianism is best understood as ethical guide to life and living with strong

Islamic philosophical teachings include bravery, consideration, experience, fairness,

justice, honesty, pursuit of knowledge. While Courage is required for those working in
the realms of Science and Technology.

Islamic philosophy is also focused on the reflection upon moral conduct with view of
having good character and attaining pleasure before the eyes of Allah (raza-e llahi)
which stated the specific conduct and norms of behavior. The higher purpose of
Islamic philosophy is based on maqasid al-shariah or higher purpose of Islamic Divine
Divine law is protected by faith, life, intellect, progeny (descendants of person. Plants
and animals) and property.

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