System of Measuement of Buding Wrks in Zim 1985 Ed

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Se ec SECTION SECTION 3 SECTION ¢ SECTION D ‘SECTION E SSCTEON F SECTION G SECTION H SECrTON J GENERAL PRINCID! INDEX PRELIMINARIES AND GENERAL EXCAVATION concrete, [BRICKWORK General Principals ei Site Preparation Excavation Disposal Formations Planking and Strutting Shoring and Sheet Piling FORNWORK AND. REINFORCE Generally Concrete Formwork Reinforcenent Precast Concrete sundries ext Generally Connon Brickwork Sundries Facing Blockwork, ete Centering. ASPHALT WORK 5 WALLING AND MASONRY Generally ‘Stone Rubble Work Sundries Centering Masonry Sundries Centering Protection ROOF COVERINGS canrsuTay Generally Corrugated or Troughed Sheet Roofing Slate er Tile Roofing Thatch Roofing Roof Decking Bitugen-felt Roofing Sheet Netal Roofing erally Formwork and Centering Structural Tinber Boarding . Brandering, Tile Battene, Fillets and the Like Sundries 22 22 23 29 32 34 3a 36 38 a7 48, 49 30 82 53 5a 85 56 57 52 88 56 t 1 saint ie ptt : | SECTION K SECTION M SECTION K SECTION P JOINERY AND TRONWONGERY Generally Looring Eaves and Verge Boarding Coiling Board and the like Doors, Windows and the like Frones et: Fillets, Glazing Beads, ote Skirtings, Architraves, Handrails, ete Shelves, Table Tops, Stats, ete Fock Fiteiags ano Fixtures Sunceiss Tronsongery METALWORK Gensraldy Mild Steet Other Metals PLASTERING AND WALL LININGS Plaster Yall Tiling and Nosate Lining In-Situ Terrazzo Precast Terrazzo Division Strips PAVINGS, FLOOR COVERINGS, PLASTIC LININGS, BTC Generaily Screeds In-fitu Granolithle and Sintlar In-Situ Terrazzo Finishinge Precast Terrazzo ‘Tile, Slab and Block Finichings and the Like Woodblock, Thermoplastic, Vinyl and the ike SHEET METAL WORK, PLUMBING AND ASSOCIATED SERVICES: ‘AND DRATNLAYING ‘Sheet Metal Work Generally Sheet Steel, Zinc, Aluminium, Copper, ete ‘Sheet Lead . Clout Nailing Duct Work Plusbing and Associated Services Generally Pipevork. Pipe Fittings Santtazy Pitt Connections: Thereal Inewlation ‘Testing Builders Work, eainlaying ‘Testing Builders Work Gan ec SECTION Q GLAZING Generally Glass in Sashes, ete Glass in Fittings Glass in Roofs Labours to Glass SECTION R PAINTING Paintwork Generally Surfaces Other Treatments Paperhanging Leave Clean SECTIONS SPECIALIST SEAVICES Nominated Sub-Contractors Nominated Suppliers Electrical Installations Generally Equipzent and Control Gear Conduits, Trunking and Trays Cables and Conductors: Fittings and Accessories Sundries Builders Work Protection Builders Work in Connection with Specialist SECTION T WORKS ON SITE, DEMOLITION, ETC SECTION U EXTERNAL WORKS Generally, Fencing and the Like Roadways and the like Kerbe Sundries aan 109 10 an a a mn 1 2 Application Scope Descriptions Special Seaffolding aL a3 a GENERAL PRIVCIPLAS isan tate remeomen of mist ace ff lays covn principles of measuranert visoway Gt is be eee silos tp cuore ent, reset ices ee eee eee ‘The bills of quantities shall enbrace all the {tens te be conveyed to the Tenderer, thus enabling hia to § complete and shall, unless otherwise stated be x dened to include materials or goods and fabricaticn, ‘transport, delivery, unloading, storing, unpackine, hoisting, or lovering thereof, all labour securing in position, cutting and waste, patterns, modele ani templets, plant, tesporary works, return of packing: , establishment charges and profit and all other obligations arising out of the Conditions of Contract. (b) Dimensions shall be given as far as possible in the sequence of length, width and height. (c) Linesrly messurable labours may be included in the @eseription of linear itens on which they occur. (a) Enumerated measurable labours may be included in t description of enumerated ites on which they occ eae (2) Fittings may be illustrated by @ sketch or reference to a drawing which shall be provided where the method of manufacture is optional to the supplier. (a) , Where applied finishes (Je plaster, decoration ane the Like) occur on soffit in internal conpartmente at a height in excess of 5 metres an iten of special scaffolding (stating the number of applied fintsh= 3 Shall be given in square nezres in height stages c- 2,50 metres (sve also Clause K12(c)- (p) Where welis’are coanenced on top of an existing structure, an iten of extra scaffolding shall be : given in linear metres, stating the height above ground at which the well eomences and terainates. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: ee as Measurenents cutting and AS waste curved ” work. Deductions AB Grouping ss of Sizes Unless otherwise stated all work shall be Applied finishes shall be measured to the face of ‘the constructional elenent te which they are ahere unit of Billing ts the metre, each measurenent shall be taken to the nearest 10 millimetres and the total quantity shall be Billed to the nearest whole Where the unit of Billing is the kilogram, quantities shall be Billed to the nearest whole unit. ® aeasures net. applied. ro unit. @ te Where the application of the preceding clauses would cause an entire iten to be eliminated, such itens shall be expressed to the nearest 0,25 of a unit up or alternatively shall be enunerated stating the size or aass as appropriate. Where cutting 4s required to be given separately, unless otherwise stated, consequent waste, it shall be deened to include for the (a) Curved work to square and Linear itess shall be given séparately and described to quick sweep if Of radius not exceeding three metres and to flat sweep if of radius exceeding three metres. Junctions between straight and curved work shall be Seemed to be included with the work in which they Where minimun deductions of voids are referred to in this docunent, they shall apply only to openings wholly within the boundary of the areas neasured. Openings which are at the boundary of measured areas shall alvays be the subject of deduction No deduction shall be made for small bars, raile, timber, tubes, pipes, etc, intersecting or embedded The following rules apply only where specific reference is made in this document to this Clause, oo) @ irrespective of size. we) in measured work. @ we Pipes and round tubing shall be described by their internal dianeters and bars, standards, rectangular tubes and the like by their external dianeters, or widths unlecs otherwise stated and shall be grouped as follows: (4) Small (ie not exceeding £0 millinetres dianeter or width.) Grouping of sizes (contd) order of Work symbols mo an IAL, PRINCIPLES (44) Large (ie exceeding 50 millimetres ‘and not exceeding 100 millinetres dianeter or width.) (ii) Extra large (ie exceeding 100 millinetres Gianeter or width) in stages of 100 nillinetres.. (a) any work which 48 to be done ina particular order or in sections shall be given separately. (v) Work in existing buildings shall be so described, fend the rates thereof shall be deemed to include the extra cost of handling and tranesortation of material and plant in and out of such buildings. The following synbols shall be used in the Bills of Quantities: Heacurenent Unit, ‘Symbol Linear metre = Square square metre cuble cubie metre : Nass Kilogran xB, unit unbe no. Teen item In descriptions millimetre nn Description of Works sits Access to Site + Trial Keles Form of Contract Condi tions of Contract Appendix to Conds tions of Contract Labour Tests site EetabLishnent a 3 BS a7 9 no SECTION ‘5! FRELIMENAR: GENERAL A full description of the works included in the Bills of Quantities shall be given, The height of the building ov and below ground level shall be given together with the nilibar of etoreys. ‘The position of the eite ehall he described and attention shall be dravn to any special features and adjacent dines Farticulars as to any restrictions on access to the site shall be given. the site end inspect any trial holes and ascertein the nature of tne ground fand the circumstances under which the work is to be executed. the Form of Contract shell be defined. ‘the headings of the clauses of the Conditions of Contract shall be tabulated to enable the tenderer to insert prices to cover hia obligations under such clauses, and any itens affecting price which are incidental to or in amplification of such clauses shall, be given under the respective headings. the particulars to be inserted in the Appendix to the Conditions of Contract shall be given where applicable. ‘The Contractor shall be deened to have full knowledge of any statutory or other conditions relating to rates of pay end sllowances, hours ef work, piece-vork, skilled labour, ete. State whether tests of materials and/or the works are to be carried cut and define to what extent the cost thereof shall be borne by the Contractor. Define and describe whichever of the following or Like {tens shall be provided by the Contractor: Tenporary fencing Foatdings, footwalks, gantries, ete. Temporary access roads Lighting aad watching Office for Clerk of Works Office for Foreman Lockeup Accoanodation Toilet ai Where mandatory, full detetla shall be given. posi Snide aka abis, Su So a Provide Bu everything necessary rnsurané B12 and Protection cueor Site BIS Bua Avtendanze Fiuctuations BIS antiquities Blasting Buy sureties Bs contingencies B19 PRELIMINARIES AND GENERAL, State that the Contractor shall provide everything necessary for carrying out the works including all Labour, matertals, plant, tools, scaffolding, shoring, horeing, water, Lighting, fuel and power. Define the Contractor's Itabiiities in respect of Snaurancss and protection of public property and services abjoining and adjacent property and busldings, thicd parties, worknen and the Works. State chat the st! be is " < of the works and thar the site and Works shell be left leer on conpletion. Stet: that the Contractor shall allow for each trade to attend upon all trades as necessary. If the tender shall be subject to fluctuation in Statutory and/er parket prices of Luhcur and/or materials his shal? be stoted and the method and requirenento in Fespect of claiming such fluctuations shall be defined. state that in the event of the discovery of any natural or historical monument or relic the Contrector shalt Snnediately conply with the laws relating thereto Any restructions as to blasting shall be defined. a beed of Surezyehip for the completion of the work TE NetIS Gf te’ cholt be dencrsted in detail inctuding SE EIUEES ie quality for the releate thereof Particulars snalibe given of any contingency item to be included for unforeseen works. ie & Nature of Ground ara pickable ground Rock Work in underpinning Reduction of water table level Keeping Excavations Free of Stora and Surface Vater Preserving ture Vegetable Soil, a c2 ca os. cs or ce. secrton EXCAVATION GENERAL PRINCIPLES ‘The Tenderer shall be required to ascertain the nature ef the ground to be excavated and to inspect any trial holes or beres. Where available, soil report shall be Provided. Pickable ground shall include all types of ground met with in excavating and shall include made up ground, Clay, loam, schist, gravel and any isolated Ss boulders not’ exceeding 0,03" encountered, Hard pickable ground shall include hard shale, hard laterite, hard decoaposed granite or similar naterial which 18 of such hardness that it ts extremely difficult to excavate with a pick and shovel, but not sufficiently hard as to fall within the definition of rock defined in Clause C3 below. : Rock shall include solid granite, chertz, quartsite or Pock of sinilar hardness necessitating the use of drilling, blasting, heating, wedging or the use of preunatic compressor tools in loosening or removing Work in underpinning shall be given,under a sub-heading stating its length, the depth of tho underpinning and the ‘maximum length to be carried cut in one operation. Prelisinary excavation and excavation for working space shall be given under the sub-heading. Either @ provisional qunber of actual pumping hours for the different classes of punps Likely to be required shall be given stating the number of punps of each class, or the method of devatering may be given as a Provisional Amount or as @ Provisional Sua to be executed by a noainated Sub-contractor. ‘An item shall be given for keeping excavations free of storm and surface water for the duration of the Contract, and a separate iten for any period thereafter. SITE PREPARATION If turf is to be preserved this item shall be given’ 4 separately in square metres including its lifting, preservation and disposa: If vegetable soll is to be preserved ‘this shall be given” | separately in square metres including its excavation stating average depth and its disposal. " Rocks Removal of concrete ete Removing, trees clearing site Generally 9 cto. eu cia 13 EXCAVATION SETE PREPARATION (conta) Renoval and disposal ef rock proud of natural ground level shall be given in cubic metres. Breaking up and disposal of surface concrete, reinforced concrete or other hard surface paving? shall each be given seperately in square metres stating the thickness. Renoval and disposal of kerbings and the like shall be given in Linear metres stating the cross-sectional sizes. Breaking up and disposal of foundations under shall be included in the description. Trees to be ronoved shall be girthed at 1 metre above ground and shall be enunerated including grubbing up roots and filling in holes; and classified as trees exoreding 0,50 metre but not exceeding 1 metre girth and thereafter in increments of 1 metre girth. Dead and sprouted stunpe shall be girthed at ground level and shall be enumerated together including grubbing up roots snd filling in holes, and classified ac stumps exceeding 0,50 metre bub not exceeding 1 metre girth and thereafter An increments of 1 metre girth. Clearing site of vegetation shall be given in squai metres, which shall snclude removal and disposal of bushes, Scrub, undergrowth, hedges and trees and stumps (airthed as Clause Cli above) not exceeding 0,50 metre girth, and grubbing up roots and filling in holes. EXCAVATION (a) The quantities given for excavating and subsequent disposal shall be-deened to be the bulk before ‘excavation and no allowance shall be made for ‘any subsequent variation in bulk or for any extra space required to accomodate planking and strutting. ALl excavations shell be deemed to include gecting out excavated material by any feans and depositing in spoil heaps, algo forming to falls, slopes, curves ete, trinming sides and stepping, levelling and ramming bottons. Where Levelling and renming bottons is required to be executed to a epecific density, a separate ites shall be given in square netres stating the density. Where, due to restricted working space on site, the location of areas for use of spoil heaps shall be stated. (®) Excavation shall be given in cubic metres, except:— (4) it hati be given separately if the depth does not exceed 300 millimetres (43) it ahall be given separately if the width does net exceed 300 =illinetres, EXCAVATION Generally (conta! Bulk ae Excavation Trenches as column cis bases, Pier Holes, ete Working ar Space * EXCAVATION (contd) (442) ie shall be emmerated if both horizontel Ginensions €o 300 eilline each. Surrace excavation in devel where no pare exceeds 200 millizetres in depth siall be given separately. Excavation to form cuttings shall be given separately. Excavation in tunnelling shall be given separately and sie Langa, width sad helgh" of the tunnel stave excavation (basements and the Like) shell be given separately stating the conencing level and Excavation for surface and basexent trenches shall each be given separately stating the coanencing level. | Excsvation shall be meacured in ouscessive stages of 4 2 metres. (a) Excavation for column bases, pier holes and the Like shall be given separately stating the conmencing level. Excavation shall be meacured An successive stages of 2 metres. (b) Where excavation for the above exceeds 2 xetres An depth a mininum geaourensat on plan of 1,25) metres by 1,25 uetres shall be taken to the tsp of the base. (a) Where formwork or external finish is required the following sllowances for warking epace (not subject to adjustment If nore or less space 1s actually required) shall be mde in the measure 4 ment of excavation: (4) For formwork to columns at any depth, no allowance. (44) For alt other formwork at any depth, 3C0 & 1g Free Face. (344) For lL applied finishes comencing not less ‘then 0,3 metres and finishing not more than A metre below starting level of excavation, $00 millisetres from face. 4 Gu For atl applied finishes finishing more than J metre below starting level of excavation, L metre from face. (o) Working space for underpinning (not subject to adjustnent $f more or less space actually required) shali be measured 1 netre wide for trenches not Working Sea! Hard pickable ground Rock Existing foundations ete. Soptic tanks Ternites Nests Refilling cis cas cz0 can cae c23 EXCAVATION EXCAVATION (contd) exceeding 2 metres deep, 1,50 metres for trenches, ® not exceeding 4 mecres deep and 2 metres wide for drencics exceeding 4 votes dewp, measures from toned, oF Face of dation 29 be reta: the face of the In alt case for workin; epace required under (4) und (2) abov- eneld bes constant width from starting level to tne final excavated Level at which the formwork, external finish or underpinning terminates. Excavation in hard pickable ground shalt be given in cubic fetrea as extra over all excavation at any depth and shall be @ ned to include any extra cost of disposal. Excavation in reck shall be given in cubic metres as extra over all excavation at any depth and shall be deened to ~ include any extra cost of éieneaal. Breaking up consrets, voinforced concrete, brickwork, nesonry, ete, met with in excavating shall each be given separately in cubie metres as extra over all excavation St any cepth and shal! be deceed to include any ence cost of disposal. i Clearing out and removing contents of septic tanks set with in excavating shall be enumerated. a (a) whore termite neets are visible on the eite their excavation and renoval sbave and below ground shall be given soparately in cubic metres and shall be deemed to include the renoval of the queen. Subsequent surface treatment shall be measured in ; square metres. Filling shall be given in cubic metres. Alternatively, where Gernite activity is not visible 4 and ita incidence unlitely, an iten may be included Pequiring the Contractor to allow for reaoving any tornite nests within the excavations, tresting ee surfaces as required and sussequent soil filling. Any concrete filling required shall be measured separately. bisess: Returning, refilling ead raneing earth around foundations shall be given in cubic metres. Where 2 required to be executed in specified thicknesses and densities, this shall be stated. : EXCAVATION = Refilling (contd) surpivs an Generally Filling Send Beds turfing Pitching, Hardcore Mandatory 2a 25 c2s cer 28 c2a 30 cat DISPOSAL (conta) (>) Filling in and ramming earth in making up levels shall be given in cubic metres, Where required to be executed in specified thicknesses and densities, ‘this shall be stated. The disposal of surplus spot) shall be given in cubic metres stating whether 1t is renoved from site to tip er deposited and/or spread and levelled on site, giving ‘the maxiun distance. FORMATIONS Separate itens shall be given for spoil obtained from the excavations, from specified pits, or imported by ‘the Contractor. Filling under floors, steps and the Like and to enbenknents and terraces shall be measured to the consolidated volunes, stating if to be deposited in layers, thickness of layers and densities required ‘and given in cubie metres. Sand Beds under concrete or around pipes’ shall be given in cubic metres. Where not exceeding 100 nillinettes thick it shall be given separately. Soiling and seeding or turfing of surfaces shall be Biven in square metres stating the thickness of soiling and nature of seeding or turfing, and shall be deened to include for watering and fertilizing up to the contract completion date. Pitching shall be described and given in square metres 3 stating the thickness. = (a) Hardcore, stone packing and siniler fillings shall be given in cubic metres and measured to the finished thickness. The material to be used, thickness of layers and densities required shall be stated. {b) Blinding to hardcore and stone packing shall be given in square metres. PLANKING AND STRUTTING Planking and strutting shall be measured and fully described to the face of excavation where it is mandatory on the Contractor to provide it, stating the nature of the ground or structure to be supported : against collapse and given separately for bulk ‘excavation, trenches, colunn bases, etc, in depth stages of 2 metres. 10 Optional Generally Shoring Sheet Piling ca2 23 3a 35, EXCAVATION ELANKING AND STRUTTING (contd) here planking and strutting is optional at the riete of the Contractor, a general ites shall be given in square metres requiring the Contractor to maintain and support aides of all excavations and to make good all Slips et his own cost, irrespective of classification or depth. SHORING AND SHEET PILING Shoring and temporary sheet piling shall only be measured a3 such when it is sandatory on the Contractor to provide it, stating the nature of the ground or structure to be supported against collapse. Shoring units shall be enunerated and fully described. ‘The re-use of shoring units involving no alteration but merely removal and refixing, shall be enumerated Separately. Cross bracing between shoring units shall be enumerated and fully described, ‘Tenporary sheet piling shall be given in linear metres along the length to be retained and stating the height of face to be retained, and shell be deemed to include for handling, pitching, driving and extraction. a Classification DL Testing be Generally 3 Foundations Da and Bases SECTION 'D" )_ RETNFORC vaneranny, (e) concrete shalt te classified es plain concrete, steciwors olaced 4a eitu, and shall not include Fornwork or reinforcenent unless otherwise stated. (p) Separate itens shall be given for different qualities or mins: (or strength requiresents) of concrete. Any special conditions required in connectica with the mixing, placing, conpaction or testing shall be jsecribed. (c) Concrete shall be measured ea executed but no deductions shall be made for the following: Volume of any steel pipes, conduits, e embedded in the concrete. (it) Voids not exceeding 0,25 square metres in work given in equare metres. (414) Voids not exceeding 0,05 cubic metre in work given in cuble metres. Slump tests, test cubes or blocks which are required for testing 'the quality of reinforced concrete end which have been specified as part of the concreting procadure shall ‘be given in number. Where the work iz to be executed by @ specialist firm this shall be stated or a Provisional Sun shall be allowed to cover the work. coNcRETE (2) 221 concrete shall be given in cubic metres unless otherwise herein stated. (b) Separate itons shall be given for different conponents sash as foundations, bassz, undarpinning, columns, isolated beans, upstand beans, lintols, slabe and besns, stairs including landings ond associated’ beans and walls. (a) Foundations in trenches, strips and ground beans shell each be given septcately end eo described. {b) Eases to columns, piers, “ete, shall be given Separately. Those in casings to steal griliaces shall be #9 deacribed. (c+ Grouting under steel bases etc, shall be given separately in square metres stating the thickness, mix of grout and number of bases to be grouted, or enunerated. Fry Bases “{eont Machin= bs Basse gods, Slabs D6 and the Like aids Ca Beans be Steps and bo Staircases Kerbs pio CONCRETE (conta) (e) Tenporary boxings + heidi included in the cevcription of building in. Yuchine bases shgll be given in cubic wetres or enumerated. (a) Beds, slabs, including integral beans, toos, thicknessing, ete and the like shall be given in cubic metres and a separate item chall bs mwssured for striking off and curing as later described. to) ferface beds, elske ete, required to be laid in bays enall be i Ceseriled. Formvark between bays shall be given separately. (c) Stoping and ramped slabs shall be kept separate and classified as not exceeding 45° and exceeding 45° (a) Curved, conical, spherical and elliptical slabs shall each be given separately and so described irrespective cf radius. (e) Blinding concrete under bases and the like shall be given in square wetres stating the mininun thickness fnd shell be dened to include for striking off and curing. Walls shall be messured in cubic metres. Walls not exceeding 150 millinetres thick shall be given separately ‘and so described. Attached piers and pilasters shall ‘be included with the walls in which they occur. (a) Beans, upstand beans, isolated beans and Lintols shall each be given Separately. (>) Beans poured at the same time as slabs under which they occur shall be included with the slab concrete, (a) Steps and staircases shall be given separately in cubic metres including landings and beans in connection therewith. {b) Balustrades, hangers and the like shall be measured as for walis above. Kerte shell be given in cubic metres, or in linear metres stating the size. 23 i ‘CONCRETE FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT Hollow Block ‘Floors, Ribs, ete Gunite Projections Concrete abutting against pock faces ‘Shaped Tops channels ‘and Chases, ete Expansion Joints, pun biz pis pia pis pis pu CONCRETE (contd) (a) Conerete in beans, ribs, topping slabs end scotia margins, shall be’ given together in cubic metres and so described. (0) Hollow blocks shall be emmerated and deacrited, (c) closed ends to blocks shalt be enumerated ang described as extra over. (a) Spacer tiles bet: in Linear metres. hollow bl cs shall be Gunite shall be given in‘square metres stating the thickness and shall include formwork in the description, Small projections on beans and coftins shall be included with the items with which they ecour. If they are Fequired/to be east separately, they shell be given seperately in cubic mtces. Extra labour ané material casting concrete againat vertical or horizontal rock faces shall each be given in square metres for the area of abutment. The description shall include all necessary filling to irregularities but no thickness shall be stated. Forning splayed, curved or shaped tops to concrete shall be given in square metres. Where not exceeding 200 nillinetres in width, they shall be given in Linear metres but shall not be measured where back shuttering or striking off end cuning is to be meazured. la) Formiork required for forming channels ete shall be included in the description including angles, ends and the like. (b) Forming channels and chases in the surface of unset concrete shall be given in linear metres stating the shape, width and depth. {c) Channels to falls shall be so described. (a) Where channels, chases ete require additional concrete, the additional concrete ehall be Included in the description. {a) Expansion Joints shall be given in square metres and shell be fully described. Where not exceading 200 millinotres wide, expansion joints shall be given In linear metres stating the width, (>) Surface Fillers to expansion joints ‘shall be given iy in linear metres. as striking off and curing Generally pie pie fa >) ( @ fa) cS) cS) «a te) CONCRETE FORMWORK ‘AND REINFORCEMEN? coNoRETE (conta) Striking off and curing of the exposed top surfaces of ell surface beds, floors, roofs end similar labs ehall be given in square metres measuréa over beans. Soparate Stems shall be given where to falls, ete. Striking off and curing of beds and slabs laid in panels shall be kept separate. where special finishes are recuired, this shall be fully doceribed and included in the deseription. Striking off and curing of all other surfaces, te stairs, landings, tops of isolated beans, invervud beans, ‘and lintols, etc chall be deesed to be Aneluded with the concrete. Foamwoax Formwork shall be measured to the actual surfaces of the finished structure vhich require to be supported during the placing of the concrete Including back shuttering to the top surface where ‘the slope exceeds 45° from horizontal (not subject to adjustaent whether used or not) and shall be given fn square metres unless otherwise herein stated. Formork to concrete encasing structural Steslwork shall be grouped under 2 separate sub— heading. Where the face of the concrete is troughed of sinilarly shaped the aetiod of measuring the formork shall be stated. No allow= ‘ance shall be wade for overlaps or passings at angles and no deduction made for the following:— (4) Voids not exceeding one square netre (41) Intersections of pain beans with walls or columns (414) Intersections of secondary beams with main beans. . Battens, struts, reversed cut strings, bolting, weéging, easing, striking, and regoving shall be Geened to be included with the formwork. Fornwork to curved surfaces and the Like sill be so described. Forawork requiring aurface treatment shall be given separately and so described. Formwork requiring delayed or accelerated stripping tines shall be so described and given separately. as Generally feenté) Ends, etzes, risecs and ‘the like Propping columns Stabs FORIOHORK AND RE ‘220 pat 122 pea FORMWORK (contd) (2) Formvcrk to be left in position shall be so eascrised. (g) Formork with particular finishes shall each be of formwork shall be dened to be included in the description ef the formwork. (3) Wneze the surface of the conerete is required to be brushst om sintiarly treated, thie ekul? b in the éeseription. to ends, retums, edges, risrrs softite end the like not exceeding 300 ail) ‘shall each be given separately in square matres and doseribed as in narrow widths, (a) (GQ) Forawors to soffits shall be deaned to include Hor propping not exceeding 3,5 matres, there~ after 1t shali be seperately given in stages of 2,50 metres except in the case of stairs and lendinge where no separation of varicus heights shall be made. (41) mara preoping of soffite doos not exceed 1 nutre the formwork shall by given eeparately end $0 described. (>) Separate itens shall be given for formiork to walls, columns and the Like exceeding 5 metres above bearing level in stages of 2,50 metres. (a) Formwork to colums of different shapes shall éach be given separately and described. (>) Formwork to cireular columns shall be Linear metres stating the radii. (eo) Ferwork to shaped cups and be enumerated and fully described. of wow shat) fa) Formwork to soffite of slabs shall be measured net Where solid slabs exceed 300 millinetres in thickness: formwork shall be given separately, stating the thictness of slab. (4) “Hoaaork te sefzSea of composts slabs shati be given exparately masured evar asd including the flush surface of adjacent concrate, here composite elabe exceed 300 millinetres in thick- ness, formwork shall be given separately stating the thickness of slab. 1s suave (eontd) pease Grooves and chases, ete Projections 28 27 CRETE FORM¥ORK AND FoRYWORK (conta) co) ipoorting prefabricated beans shall be ‘a te to soffits of ribbed slabe shall be ontally ‘the full extent of the ‘addition the formwork £9 the Eiven in Linear metres, the widths, heights ee eevctne being stated. Closed ends to the troughs Shel! be enuneraied. {e) Formwork to soffits 2! piven separately in square metres. Formesk to stds of beans, isolated beans, Upetand besas, wall beans, Jintols and the like Shall each be given separately in square netres. (2) Formwork to soffits of beans, isolated beans, Nell beans over cpeniags, lintsis end the Shell be given eeparately in square metres: (ed Former to beans shall be measured between eolunne or sain beans. (a) Formwork to soffits of all beans exceeding one heore cverell depsh shalt be given separately. sen, rebates, ete la) posing is to form grooves on, rebates, preceding £00 aillintres in Length shall be Even in Linear wetres stating the size including Elope, angles ete in the description. red Fonmork to the genersh eusfaceo shall De mes Ne over the chases, grooves etc as if they did not (e) Grooves, chases, rebates and the Like not exceed Sng 800 millimetres in length shall be sintlarly measured and enumerated. a) poxing out t0 fore projections and th a exceeding 500 millimetres in length shall be cxcenting 00 inte cating the sive inking etops, angles ete in the description. {b) the foemuork to the general surfaces shall be evar she peejections as if they did not < exceeding £00 nS2Li- , metres in length shall be similarly measured and w CONCRETE PORSOAK AND REZHFORSENENT openings cuttings Holes Bar Reinforcenent, pes aa 20 pat @ (>) to) fa) «) te) fa) co a) () () (a FoRmWoRK (contd) Boxing in to form openings not exceeding one square netre shall be enunerated giving the thickness of the slab, bean or wall in which ‘they occur. Formwork to the general surface shall be measured over such openings as if they did not exist. Where openings exceed one square metre the general surface formwork shall be deducted and separate itens shell be measured for sides of the opening. Circular cutting of formwork shall be given in Linear netres. Circular intersections such as groin points shall be given in linear metres and shall include the circular cutting on both eides in the description. No other cuttings or notehing shall be measured. Holes through formwork for rods, bolts, pipes and the like shall be enumerated and classified as defined in Clause AS hereof and if required to be An exact position this shall be otated. Holes for bolts ete used for construction of formwork are dened to be included with the formwork. EBINFORCENENT Reinforcement including designed stools shall be measured to the designed lengths and given in Kilograns and shell exclude the mass of binding wire and temporary supports. ALL maze shall be calculated and based on the manufacturer's current nass lists, no allowance being wade for rolling margin end waste. Deseriptions shall include all bending, hooked fends, binding wire and tesporary supports. Special supports and spacers shall not be measured but shall be described. Particulars of the following shall be given: (4) Kind end quality of steel (45) any tests of the bars (441) any restrictions as to hot or cold bending. 18 | Bar Peinferconent (conta) Fabric Reinforcenent Generally ps2 p33 oy tn) @ om @ &) te) ta) fa) ) CONCRETE FORIMORK AND REIN? REINFORCEMENT (conta) Round and square bars shall be classified in groups of dianeter or width respectively not exceeding @ millimetres, exceeding 8 millimetres but not exceeding 12 millinetres, exceeding 12 nillinetres and not exceading 90’nillinetres, fand exceeding 20 millimetres. Bars in lengths exceeding 12 aetres shall be given separately in stages of 2 metres and include for butt welding and testing curved or helical reinforcenent shall be given separately irrespective of radius. Mild steel rods, high tensile steel bars, twisted bars or bare of special section shall be given separately and so described. Fabric reinforcement shall be measured to the area covered with no allevance made for laps ané no Geductions made for voids not exceeding one square metre. Fabric reinforcement shall be given separately to the various concrete conponents in square metres Stating the manufacturer's reference or mesh and ase per square metre, together with the minimus extent of side and end laps. Strips not exceeding 600 millisetres in width shall be measured in linear metres stating the width, hanufacturer's reference or mesh and mass per square hetre giving the minimun extent of end laps. ALL cutting, bending, notching, tying vire and @istance blocks shall be deoned to be included (cefer D3 for designed stools). RECAST CONCRETE, Precast units shall be given under an appropriate heading and shall be deened to include all necessary handling reinfercenent. Particulars of the following shall be given: (4) Kind, quality and size of structural reinforeonent (42) Shape of cross section of unit + (441) Nature and extent of surface finish (iv) Composition and mix of unit ax material for jointing and bedding == 19 CONCRETE FORNMORK AND REZNFORCENENT Ganeratly ‘oonta) Keying 3a Grinding 3s end Sandblasting Waterstops D836 cutting p37 Grooves, Chases and the ike Holes 38 Mortices pag PRECAST CONCRETE (continued) (v) Method of fixing. (a) Precast units ge: tne sine ef essh hie (e) Precast units having the same sections size but varying daLengh: ma, 6+ 5 sd in Maca: stating the muncus. ‘SUNORI (o faces ef conevete she! be given in square metres (except where deemed to be included with the applied finish ie M1(2) stating the purpose for uhien the key iz required. (b) Hacking by special mechanical means shall be so described. (a) Grinding, sandblasting and the Like treatnents to ‘the face of concrete shall each be given separately in square aetres and fully described. (v) Separate itens shall be given for different meabers as defined for formwork. Vateretope and the like shall be-given in linear metres detailing the thickness of the menber in whieh they occur and shall include all associated formwork and joints in the running length. Angles and other Intersections shall be enumerated. (a) Cutting grooves, chases and the like-shall be given separately in linear metres stating the size. (b) Such detaile produced by formwork shall be measured ne decerhes unter Tehwuore. (4) Hotes for pipes, tubes, bars, bolts, eables, coneutcs, fend the Like shall be enunerated and classified ax Gatines in Clause AD horeof avatiag the thichnecy of the conerets. (2). Betas tor ducts, coumerated stzting the sections ‘thickness of the concret: area and the (a) Mortices, Sinkings and the Like shall be enunerated separately stating the size and purpose. yortices (eens paling good DAD * Protection -D¢L TRUCE FORMCORR AnD SUNDRIES (conta) ) Jing nertices vith Taad op ortes ded fa the © ouother fa) Making ge~d concreting in connection with eles, mortises ond the Iya suall be even in the Geseripets, of such Letours. (v) Making good Finishes shell v2 given in accordance with rules for measurement of such finishes. ALL conerets work requiring spacial protection shall be so doseribed and given separately. au ‘sme i

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