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I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

a. explained the elements of the story and identify the literary

devices used;
b. perceived the essence of the story in a real life setting;
c. dramatized a poem prompt in relation to the ending of the story.

II. SUBJECT MATTER: “May Day Eve” by Nick Joaquin

a. References: May Day Eve by Nick Joaquin: Shortsonline.

shortsonline | featuring the world’s best short stories and flash
fiction. (2023, June 11).
b. Materials: Cartolina, PowerPoint Presentation, Picture
c. Skills: reading, critical thinking, writing, listening
d. Values: Self-awareness, Forgiveness, Acceptance


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Activity

a. Preparation
Before we explore a new lesson this afternoon.
Please rise. Ms. Vale, kindly lead the prayer and (Students’ do as told)
Ms. Navarro, please lead the TCGC Mission,
Vision, and Core Values.

Thank you. Before you sit down, please arrange

your chairs and pick up the pieces of papers. (Students’ do as told)

Thank you. You may now take your seat. (Students’ do as told)

Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon, ma’am!

How are you today? We’re feeling good ma’am.

That’s great to hear. Do we have any None, ma’am.


How about absentees? None, ma’am

Very good! Since nobody is absent today. Let’s
give ourselves 5 claps. 5 claps

Excellent! Now, as we proceed to our lessons,

we must always remember our rules during our
discussion. Alright?

Kindly read our classroom rules. B- e attentive;

R- espect each other and;
B- e cooperative.

Understand class? Yes ma’am.

b. Review

Before we start our lesson. Let’s have a recap

first about our last topic.

Our last topic was about______. Yes, Jetonejie? Our last topic ma’am was all about____.

Perfect! Now, can you tell me what are your

insights about the previous lesson that we had? My insights about our previous topic
Loveth? ma’am is _________.

Great! Thank you for that, Loveth.

Alright! It’s excellent to know that everyone

really is learning!

Any questions regarding our previous lesson? None, ma’am.

c. Motivation
To energize everyone, let’s have a game first and
our game is called, “GUESS ME.”

Are you ready? Yes. We’re ready, ma’am!

Before I’ll read the directions, let’s count from 1

to 5 first to know your groups.

Count off (1-5) (Students’ do as told)

Now go to your respective groups. (Students’ do as told)

Directions: Read and analyze the given

questions. Give what is asked basing on the
series of words shown below. Write your answer
in ½ sheet of paper. (PowerPoint Presentation)

You only have 3 minutes to finish the task and

your time starts now.

Guide Questions:
Expected Answers:
______1. It is a tool of figurative language
1. Symbol
where an image, object, or idea is used to
2. Point of View
represent something other than its literal
3. Flashback
4. Conflict
______2. It is where the perspective through
5. Irony
which a story is told, providing different
6. Plot
7. Foreshadowing
8. Setting
______3. Takes place before the story begins,
9. Characters
interrupting the chronological order of the plot to
10. Theme
provide context or information that is integral to
the text.
______4. Presents the struggle between two
sides caused by a disagreement in values,
desires, and motivations.
______5. A situation in which there is a gap
between expectations and reality. The distinction
between what something appears to mean and its
literal meaning.
______6. The series of events that comprise a
story, whether told, written, filmed, or sung.
______7. Writers use hints or clues to show the
reader what will happen later in the text.
______8. Where and when a story or scene
______9. A person, animal, or object portrayed
in a story.
_____10. The main idea or insight that the
author is trying to convey to the readers.

Time’s up!
(Checking of papers)
Let us now check your answers and see if you
got it right!

And that’s it for our activity today. Whose group (Students’ scores may vary)
got a perfect score?
Thank you for your cooperation, class! Let’s (Students’ do as told)
give ourselves a GOODJOB CLAP.

And class, please stay with your group and

arrange your chairs.

d. Presentation of the Topic

If that’s the case class, then be with me today as

we go and explore the love story of Agueda and
Don Badoy in “May Day Eve” by Nick Joaquin.
“May Day Eve” by Nick Joaquin
Everybody read!

e. Statement of the aim

Before we go deeper with our lesson today. At

the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
a. explained the elements of the
Everybody read. story and identify the literary
devices used;
b. perceived the essence of the story
in a real life setting;
c. dramatized a poem prompt in
relation to the ending of the story.

Yes, ma’am.
Are the objectives clear, class?

Perfect! To start our lesson. Let’s have an

activity entitled, “Describe Me.”

Please carefully observe class. I have here a

picture and you need to analyze the things that
you can see in it. Alright?
Yes, ma’am.
I will be calling someone to share us their
I see a picture of a Man, ma’am.

Yes, Choleen? I see a woman ma’am.

Correct. Anything else. Yes, Klyneeh? I can see a mirror and a candle, ma’am.

(Other answers are: night-time,

Very good! Francine?
mysterious, dark)

(Students’ do as told)
Excellent! Thank you for your participation
class. Let’s give each other a GOODJOB clap!

Alright, class. All your answers were correct.

Now, as what you have observed in the picture.
Is there something you would like to add to
deepen our analysis base on this picture? I think the man and woman ma’am are
husband and wife and it appeals very
Kristine Mie? mysterious to me because of the mirror
and the candle that the woman is holding.

Great. Thank you, Kristine.

No, ma’am.
Now, do you find the activity difficult?

Great! This picture was taken from one of the Yes, ma’am!
very famous literatures after World War II.

So, are you now ready to dig into our topic this

B. Analysis

Alright. Let’s now dig in deeper into our lesson

today. Let’s go back to the previous activity that
we had earlier. What can you say about that? It’s very mysterious ma’am. I think the
picture has some relation to what we are
Yes, Gerald? going to discuss this afternoon, ma’am.

Precisely! That has really something to do with

our discussion today.

Now, look closely to the picture, class. In

today’s afternoon, we will go back in time where
witches were abroad at that night in May and in
how that night was a good time for divination
and night of lovers. Yes, ma’am.

Are you ready, class?

C. Abstraction
Today, we will be talking about the short story,
“May Day Eve” by Nick Joaquin.

But first, let’s get to know more about the author

himself. Alright?

Everyone, please read. NICK JOAQUIN (1917-2004)

- Real name: Nicomedes Joaquin

- Born on May 4, 1917, at Paco,
- Filipino novelist, poet,
playwright, and a biographer best
known for his short stories and
novels in the English Language.
- A well-known historian during
the golden age of Spain in the

Thank you, class. Furthermore, Nick Joaquin

was also regarded as the National Artist for
Literature in 1976. The short story, “May Day
Eve” became a classic in Philippine Literature in Yes, ma’am.

Is it clear?

For us to follow the story, let’s all analyze first

the key elements.

So, class. What do you call a person, animal, or Characters, ma’am.

object portrayed in a story?


I agree with you, Diana. Let’s us now explore

the characters in the short story, “May Day Eve.”


Agueda- A beautiful young woman with dark

hair. She is liberated and brave. (First part)

Doña Agueda - An old lady who has grey hair,

full of sentiments, emotions, and resentfulness.
(Second Part)

Anastasia- A maga and mischievous old woman.

Badoy Montiya- A young man with curly hair,

mustache, and scar on his cheek. A man who
will do anything to get what he wants. (First

Don Badoy Montiya - An emotional lover and

full of sentiments old man, repents for what he
had done to Agueda. (Second Part)

Agueda’s daughter – A young girl with curly

Yes, ma’am.
Voltaire – Grandson of Don Badoy Montiya.

Are the characters presented clearly, class?

Great! So, class. It is one of the elements of the Setting, ma’am.

story that states where and when a story or scene


You’re correct, Loren. So, the story happened in

the year 1847 at Badoy’s house.

Now, class. What do you call a series of events Plot, ma’am.

that comprise a story, whether told, written,
filmed, or sung?
Yes, ma’am.

I agree with you, Rhea. Let’s now explore and

proceed to the plot of the story. Alright, class?
Introduction: Badoy and Agueda met on the
first night of May. Agueda is a mature ahead of
her age and is smart. She’s also bold and
liberated. Badoy, on the other hand, is much
older than Agueda. He likes to play with girls
and when Agueda learned it from the stories of
Badoy’s friends, she despised Badoy for that.

Exposition: The story started with a flashback.

The ball at Montiya’s house had ended, and the
guest started to sleep. The caretaker and magi,
Anastacia, sent the girls to sleep. At the girls’
room, Anastacia told the girls about reciting an
incantation in front of the mirror at midnight that
allows them to see the face of his/her lover but if
done incorrectly, they would see a devil instead.
Agueda, unlike other girls, was not afraid. She
persuades Anastasia to tell her about the spell.
Agueda whispered the incantation as she stood
alone in the dark room, holding the candle and
facing the mirror and there she saw a devil.

Rising Action: Then, Doña Agueda heard a

voice of a little child. It was her daughter, asking
about the features of the devil. Doña Agueda told
her child about the devil having a scar on his
cheek, moustaches, and curly hair like his father.

Climax: Don Badoy entered the room, saying

that her charm doesn’t need a candle. Agueda
got angry and it led to a talk fight. At last,
Agueda ended up crying and Badoy begged for
forgiveness. But instead, Agueda bit his
knuckles and went upstairs. Badoy got angry and
decided to take revenge. However, he fell in love
with her and thought how beautiful Agueda was.

Falling Action: Years had passed, and Don

Badoy was already sixty years old. He walked to
the hall and saw his grandson, Voltaire, in front
of the mirror. Voltaire’s schoolmates told him
how he would see his future wife. Then, Don
Badoy remembered when he was about his age,
he also saw a witch which ate his heart and drank
his blood.

Resolution: Don Badoy realized that he ponders

on love that had been wasted. They shared a
bitter and loveless marriage. He reminisced
about the time when he saw Agueda in front of
the mirror and the time that he was madly in love It’s very indulgent, ma’am.
with her. That old love that had been blinded by
hatred but resurfaced yet too late because No, ma’am.
Agueda is dead.

So, how was the story class? It’s because of how the story was told,
ma’am. It’s a little bit confusing as to the
Great! Did you understand the story, class? author’s techniques.

Oh. Why is that, Gerald?

Yes, ma’am.

I understand, Gerald. As we go on deeper with

our lesson today. We will analyze the author’s Yes, ma’am.
techniques and the literary devices that he used.

Great! So, now. Let’s start to analyze the story.

Conflict, ma’am.
Class, again. What do you call the struggle
between two sides caused by a disagreement in
values, desires, and motivations. I think man vs. man and man vs. himself,
Man vs. man ma’am. Badoy vs. Agueda
Great! So, what do you think is the conflict in because of the conflict between the two
the story, Kristine? and how the story showed their loveless
marriage. And at the same time, man vs
Correct. Why do you say so, Kristine? himself in a way wherein Badoy was full
of regret for not being able to address his
emotions to Agueda.

I think the story evolved around regret,

love, and deception ma’am. We can see
I agree with you, Kristine. Now, theme is the in the end how Don Badoy regretted for
central idea or insight that the author is trying to not loving Agueda right and how
convey to the readers. miscommunication in the marriage
resulted to a turmoil. At the same time,
What do you think is the theme, Sophia? we can also say that it has a deception as
to how Agueda believed that she can see
his future husband in the mirror and
believing in superstitious.

Precisely! We all know that we Filipinos really

tend to believe about the superstitious believes
that had been passed down to us by our
ancestors. And that is also the same case with
Agueda. I think it’s Third Person POV, ma’am
because it uses pronouns, he and she.
Great, I can really see that everyone is learning.

How about the Point of View, class? What do

you think is the POV used in the story and why?
Yes, ma’am.

I totally agree with you, Lharenie.


We will be answering your question a while ago

about the complexity that you have observed by
the author’s techniques.

Let’s talk about symbols, foreshadowing,

flashback, and irony. These literary devices are (Class in silence)
present in the story.

Now, what do you think is the difference

between Foreshadowing and Flashback?


It’s okay. Class, the difference between the two

is that writers use Foreshadowing to give hints or
clues to show the reader what will happen later
in the text. Whereas Flashback takes place before
the story begins, interrupting the chronological I think foreshadowing occurs ma’am
order of the plot to provide context. when Anastacia started telling the girls
about the mirror and the superstitious
Class, when do you think did Foreshadowing belief that it will let them show their
took place? lovers. It foreshadows the magical events
that unfold.

Thank you, Rexil. That surely is where the

foreshadowing took place class. Because the
incantation, mirror, and candle gave hints about
the magical events that will happen in the later

Moreover, class. Flashback started when Agueda Yes, ma’am.

told her daughter about what happened in the
past as to how she met the devil.

Is everything clear so far, class?

I think it’s the mirror, ma’am.
That’s good to hear. And now let’s move
forward. What do you think is the symbol used Because the mirror is the reflection of
in the story, class? Badoy’s and Agueda’s bitterness that
they have harbored during their loveless
Alyssa? marriage, ma’am.

Why do say so, Alyssa?

I agree with you, Alyssa. Another symbol that

was present in the story was the Shadow cast by
the candle. It is because the candle was supposed Yes, ma’am.
to give the light for their marriage and make
them bring out the best in each other. However,
it also enables to see them the worst.

Is everyone learning?

Okay. Now, let’s proceed to the last literary I think Irony was used to create tension
technique in the story. And that is Irony. and highlight the characters’
misunderstandings. The ironic twist at the
Class, why do think Irony was used as one of the end of the story shows the tragic
literary elements in the story? consequences of characters’ actions and
Yes, Sheryn?

Thank you, Sheryn. In relation to that, class. The

title, “May Day Eve” initially suggests a festive
and joyous occasion but as the story progressed,
it reveals a darker and more solemn undertone as
it revolves around heartbreak and
I can say how important it is to be aware
f. Values Integration of our partner’s character and not solely
relying on beliefs or even hearsay about
Upon knowing and analyzing the story, class. someone. It is important to assess them as
What are the insights that you can get from it? a person and someone you will be with in
the future and not just focus in their
Yes, Ricky? physical features.

No, ma’am.

I have learned ma’am that forgiveness is

essential to attain our peace. In the story,
Oh. Have you experienced being loved only by we have discovered how the characters
your physical appearance, Ricky, or the other hated each other and really remember
way around? their grievances towards each other.
Instead of communicating their problems
Alright. Another. Christy? with each other, they did not do it.

I believe ma’am that we should always

value our loved ones before it’s too late.
Don Badoy realized his love for Agueda
after her death. Through communication,
addressing issues, and listening to each
other, we can strengthen relationships
and find our happiness.
Precisely! How about, Allaine?
Bravo, Allaine!

Good job everyone. In a real-life setting, we

must always be willing to listen to one another,
forgive, and understand. No, ma’am.

In general, the story, “May Day Eve” gave us an

insight to reflect on our choices and actions. It
also gives highlight on the importance of

Class, do you have any questions before we


D. Application

To check if you have learned something from

our discussion today. Let’s do an activity called,
“Poem Prompts.” (Students’ do as told)

Mechanics: Directions: Select a single prompt that

1. Same groupmates. resonates with your group and make a
2. Write it down in a ½ sheet of paper. free verse stanza where you are going to
3. Do the activity for 5 minutes. continue the poem upon the provided
prompts. After writing your prompts,
Everybody, read the directions. (Powerpoint give it a title.
Prompt 1: Mirror, mirror, who I am
Rubrics for Poem Writing: really? …
Criteria Points Points Obtained Prompt 2: That night in May …
Creativity 5 Prompt 3: Every year, season change, so
Impact 5 do I …
Organization 5 Prompt 4: Baby, Let’s talk.
Total 15 Prompt 5: Come back, be here …

(Students’ do as told)
Let’s give everyone the Good job Clap! Expected Answers:

1. A
2. D
Evaluation: Modified TRUE or FALSE 3. A
4. B
Directions: Read each pair of statements 5. D
carefully. Choose the letter of your choice from
the given choices below. Write only the letter of
your choice. (2 points each)

A. If the first statement is correct and the

second statement is incorrect.
B. If the first statement is incorrect and the
second statement is correct.
C. If both statements are correct.
D. If both statements are incorrect.

___1. a. It was Anastasia who told

Agueda about the mirror and the
b. It was in April that the story took

___2. a. Voltaire was married to Agueda.

b. Don Badoy was an emotional
lover and has full of sentiments and
regrets towards his wife, Anastacia.

___3. a. Agueda saw Don Badoy in the

b. Voltaire and Agueda had a
happy ending.

___4. a. May Day Eve is written by

Nicolo Joaquin.
b. Agueda told her daughter that
she saw a devil in the mirror.

___5. a. Don Badoy didn’t realize his

love for Agueda and loathed her until he
b. Voltaire saw a witch in the
mirror and ran away.
Assignment: Story Prompt

Directions: On a short bond paper, get

imaginative and create your new storyline. Add
your own lines to finish the story. Simply
provide your responses beneath each prompt.
Minimum of 2 sentences. (5 points each)

1. If you were to write a book about Agueda

and Don Badoy’s happy ending, what
would be the last line?

2. If you were to write a book about Agueda

and Don Badoy’s love story, what would
be the last line?

3. If you were writing a book about losing

someone very close to your heart, what
would be the line?

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