Activity 5

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1. What are the strategies to undertake to establish a livable community?

- There are several strategies that can be undertaken to establish a livable community:

- Urban Planning: Implementing effective urban planning practices that prioritize walkability,
accessibility to amenities, and mixed land-use development. This includes designing neighborhoods with
a mix of residential, commercial, and recreational spaces to promote convenience and reduce the need
for extensive commuting.

- Sustainable Transportation: Promoting sustainable transportation options such as public transit, cycling
infrastructure, and pedestrian-friendly streets. This reduces reliance on private vehicles, decreases
traffic congestion, and improves air quality.

- Affordable Housing: Ensuring the availability of affordable housing options to accommodate diverse
income levels and prevent social exclusion. This can be achieved through policies that encourage the
development of affordable housing units and the preservation of existing affordable housing stock.

- Access to Essential Services: Ensuring easy access to essential services such as healthcare facilities,
educational institutions, parks, and recreational spaces. This promotes the well-being and quality of life
of community members.

- Environmental Sustainability: Implementing environmentally sustainable practices such as green

building design, waste management, and conservation of natural resources. This helps create a healthier
and more resilient community.

- Community Engagement: Encouraging active community participation in decision-making processes

and fostering a sense of belonging and social cohesion. This can be achieved through community events,
forums, and initiatives that promote dialogue and collaboration among residents.

2. How can livable communities be pursued? Explain each outcome.

- Livable communities can be pursued through various outcomes:

- Improved Quality of Life: Livable communities prioritize the well-being and quality of life of their
residents. This includes access to essential services, recreational spaces, and a clean and safe

- Sustainable Development: Livable communities focus on sustainable development practices that

minimize environmental impact and promote long-term resource conservation. This includes energy-
efficient buildings, green spaces, and sustainable transportation options.

- Social Inclusion: Livable communities aim to be inclusive, ensuring that all residents have equal access
to opportunities and services regardless of their income, age, or background. This promotes social
equity and reduces disparities.
- Strong Community Connections: Livable communities foster strong community connections and social
cohesion. This can be achieved through community engagement initiatives, neighborhood events, and
the creation of shared spaces that encourage interaction and collaboration among residents.

- Economic Opportunities: Livable communities provide economic opportunities for residents through
the availability of jobs, entrepreneurship support, and a diverse local economy. This helps create a
vibrant and sustainable community.

- Resilience: Livable communities prioritize resilience by implementing measures to mitigate and adapt
to the impacts of climate change, natural disasters, and other challenges. This includes infrastructure
planning, emergency preparedness, and community-based resilience initiatives.

Overall, the pursuit of livable communities involves a holistic approach that considers various factors
such as urban planning, sustainability, social inclusion, community engagement, and economic
opportunities. It aims to create environments that promote the well-being and happiness of residents
while ensuring long-term sustainability and resilience.

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