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Cartiqiot Tntetu'gen : @Puthonwariy # ‘Topic ee th © Trbroduction to Al > Tntebl qene > bnoWl ote 9 4 +> browleclye ysami + 9 aoblem seheton inal > Turing Teop « Exbest System 2 Gge Cycle >a deel + Seaachii > Bate} Heurmsre Search > BFS] OFS > Hill amen , > Conotraittd — Satid4actoh Heine: ata ouithm > do” Ream Seasth. > Nodurel ey Pee ceoaing > Componerd (Worhi 2 cech Fecoqh itor 2 we bipla © 2 Robson. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner a) Dinit-4 2 fy te-awout in cles = = 9771025313 Ht Ati ticiae “Tyiagenee Eon Heceutgy a 0 y n. n ) : +» Antidciae ieltigerce la Gmboged Y two wosda = otitical = And Trdelligence “yan-made" Shining powea’ »& la @ bsanch _ Computes — science by tohich we Can yeare —ntedbigen?- machine which we Can ‘behave ibe Q human; think Bre ‘human, and able +o moke decision: > When Al Orla Shen @ machine Gn fave fuman bowed hill auch ay feaaning 1 seasoning Grol Satving prablerg - > ay we leasn Al “(With the help G& Al1 We Gh Geate such Software which Gn dolye deal- Wosid — paoblema - Gn Caeade —--Pedsaan vital Qguidtant can build = guch = gabaha: aaa — C Develop Code — ral peafosm aed. cial @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ~PIVIBPP2aAV®eI,I~eL,a’I2dIaaD ! 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