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TP 2022/2023

1. Nafisah : Happy birthday, Valentina! Here is a present for you

Valentina : Thanks. That’s very kind of you.
Nafisah : ….
A. Nice to meet you.
B. Good afternoon.
C. You’re welcome.
D. Hello.

Read the text and answer number 2 and 3!

Allie : Good morning, Allie! Could I trouble you for a second?
Jade : Good morning, Jade! Of course. What do you need?
Allie : I forgot to bring my schedule note with me today and I forgot when the schedule
for Mathematics class is?
Jade : The Mathematics class is not for today, Jade. It will be on Monday at 8 AM. and
Thursday at 7 AM. Why do you need to know now?
Jade : I have something to talk about with the teacher. Thank you for the information,
Allie! It’s already 7 AM. It’s time to study!
Allie : I see. Yeah, no problem. Take care, Jade!
Jade : Bye, Allie!

2. How many days they study mathematics in a week?

A. 4 days.
B. 3 days.
C. 2 days.
D. 1 days.

3. When they study mathematics on Thursday? They study on the … time.

A. fourth
B. third
C. second
D. first

The following conversation is for question 4 and 5.

John : Hi, welcome to the neighborhood.

Alex : Thank you
John : I'm John, your neighbor next door.
Alex : It's nice to meet you, John. I'm Alex. This is my wife, Emma, and these
are my children.
John : I'm very pleased to meet you all. We're having a barbecue on Saturday
And we thought you might like to come. Lots of the neighbors will be
there I think it will be fun for you to meet them.
Alex : Thank you for the invitation. That's very nice of you we would love to
come. What can we bring?
John : Oh, you don't need to bring anything. Don't worry about that. I have to
go to the doctor, now. If you need anything you can drop by our house
any time.
Alex : Okay, thanks a lot
John : Have a nice day.
Alex : You too! Bye!

4. Why do they have the conversation?

A. to let someone go to the doctor.
B. to give someone permission go to a party.
C. to welcome new people in the neighborhood.
D. to give a good impression when meeting old friends.

5. John is going to have a barbecue in … house.

A. his
B. her
C. him
D. my

The following label is for question 6-8.

6. What is the purpose of writing the text above?

A. To give complete information about a product
B. To persuade the reader to buy a product
C. To inform how to purchase a product
D. To show statistics about a product
7. Based on the label, which of the following is NOT true about the drug?
A. It can make us stop sneezing.
B. It mustn’t be put within children’s reach.
C. It will cause our nose running.
D. It doesn’t cure people permanently.
8. The word “facts” in “Drug Facts” is closest in meaning to…
A. Opinions
B. Information
C. Reports
D. News

Read the text to answer question numbers 9 – 11.

Last holiday I went climbing Mount Lawu. It was my first time going on a mountain
hike. I do it with my friends.
We started climbing at 6 pm. It was a little foggy and we used our flashlights to find the
hiking trail. At first, I was so scared, but my friends motivated me not to worry they are
professional climbers. I just followed their instructions. I felt excited and tried my best to get to
the top of Mount Lawu.
We hiked slowly and enjoyed our climb there. After 6 hours of climbing the mountain,
we finally reached the top of the mountain. The clock shows 12 midnight. It turned out that there
were many people who had reached the top of the mountain before we came. Then we set up our
tents and rested. After that, while waiting for the sunrise we cooked food and made warm drinks
to restore our energy. We exchanged stories and got acquainted with new people there.
After enjoying the sunrise, we had to hurry home. Going down the mountain is not as
tiring as climbing. We just need a little energy and time but we have to do it carefully.
However, it was the most memorable experience I've had so far. The rest, the experience
was the greatest experience I've ever had.

9. What can we learn from the story?

A. Don’t be hurry home
B. Don’t climb a mountain
C. Don’t worry to climb mountain
D. Don’t give up and tried the best
10. How was the writer’s feeling at first?
A. He was so scared
B. He was motivated
C. He was excited
D. He was afraid
11. We started climbing at 6 pm. The word “we” refers to … .
A. The writer
B. The writer’s brother
C. The writer and many people
D. The writer and his friends
Read the text to answer question numbers 12 - 15


Tour Travel Agent

Serving orders:

 Java Bali, and Lombok Tour Packages

 Religious Tourism
 Study Tours
 Honey Moon Package
 Tourism Village



1. Free entrance tickets to tourist attractions

2. Comfortable Tourism Bus with Polite and experienced drivers
3. Snack, mineral water, meal
4. Free parking and toll fees
5. Professional and Friendly tour guides

12. The advertisement will attract those who like … .

A. Farming
B. Studying
C. Travelling
D. Making content
13. How are Exaudia Tour and Travel’s tour guides?
A. Polite and professional
B. Polite and experienced
C. Friendly and experienced
D. Professional and friendly
14. Travelling with Exaudia Tour and Travel we will get … .
A. Free parking and comfortable bus
B. Free entrance tickets and soft drink
C. Free mineral water and restaurant
D. Free toll fees and hotel
15. Where can this advertisement probably be found?
A. School Information office
B. Tourist Information office
C. Market Information office
D. Factory Information office

The text is for questions no 16-19.

Healthy Fried Rice

- Frozen green peas soaked in hot water.
- A spoonful of oyster sauce
- 5 spoonfuls cooking oil
- Chicken fillet
- A plate of rice
- Two eggs
- Pepper
- Leeks
- Garlic
- Salt
1) Cut up chicken fillet into small pieces.
2) Chop up the leeks into very small pieces.
3) Grind garlic, pepper, and salt together.
4) Break and stir together two eggs.

How to make it:

1) First, fry the chicken fillet in the cooking oil.
2) Then, pour on the eggs and green peas.
3) After that, pour in the ground garlic, pepper, and salt.
4) Add a spoonful of oyster sauce.
5) Add in the leeks.
6) Then, add the rice. Mix well.
7) Finally, serve the Healthy Fried Rice on a plate.
16. The text above tells us about ….
A. the ways to keep fried rice
B. the steps to make fried rice
C. how to serve fried rice
D. how to order fried rice

17. What should we do directly after pouring in the ground garlic, pepper, and salt?
A. fry the chicken fillet in the cooking oil.
B. pour on the eggs and green peas.
C. Add a spoonful of oyster sauce.
D. add the rice.

18. “Grind garlic, pepper, and salt together”.

The underlined word above is similar in meaning with ….
A. pound
B. glide
C. cut
D. dry

19. What should we do to the leeks?

A. soak them.
B. cut them.
C. chop them.
D. dry them.
The text is for no. 20 to 22.
Mrs. Amira is my English teacher at school. She teaches us at class VIII. She is a smart
and humble teacher. She can teach us well. She always smiles with us. She is also a discipline
teacher. She doesn’t like her students came late at class. He will be angry. She also instructs her
students to bring dictionary. She will be angry too if we don’t bring it. Besides that she doesn’t
like us cheating in the test. She always tells us to be honest. Her students must pay attention to
her explanation.
Besides that Mrs. Amira always does the same things every day. Entering the classroom,
she will wash her hands in the basin in the corner of the class. After that she will walk around the
class and check the class whether it is clean or not. Then she sits in her desk, she will look at and
greet us formally. And she will put on her glasses, open her textbook and ask us what lesson we
discussed in the previous meeting. Then she also asks us to open the dictionary and starts
teaching. I was really amazed with her habit.

20. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To make the readers know the description of her teacher.
B. To show her dislike of her teacher.
C. To get attention of her teacher.
D. To describe the teacher’s life.

21. The writer describes Mrs. Amira as….

A. Selfish woman
B. Talkative woman
C. Rude woman
D. Serious woman

22. “She can teach us well.” The word “us “ refers to …

A. The writers and her friends.
B. The writer and her teachers.
C. The writer and her family.
D. The writer ‘s friends.

The text is for no. 23 to 26.

Long time ago in West Java lived a woman named Dayang Sumbi. She lived alone in a
forest. One day, Dayang Sumbi was quilting when suddenly, her quilt fell off from her
house. Then she prayed to God. “If a man picks up my quilt, he will be my husband. If a
woman, she will be my sister.” Then a male dog picks it up. For keeping her words, Dayang
Sumbi married the dog and called him Tumang. Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a baby, named
him Sangkuriang but never told him who his father was.
One day, Sangkuriang was hunting with Tumang in the forest and he found nothing. He
blamed Tumang for the failure and killed him. When Dayang Sumbi knew that, she hit
Sangkuriang’s head with a big spoon and asked him to go.
Many years later, the wandering Sangkuriang found a house in the forest, and an old
beautiful woman was in the house. The woman, Dayang Sumbi recognized the adventurer as
Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang forced her to marry him and Dayang Sumbi asked him to make a
vast boat in one night. In the night Sangkuriang called his friends, ghosts, and forest fairies,
to help him. Dayang Sumbi feared the boat could be finished on time, so she asked some
woman nearby to help her. The woman hit the grain punchers to make noise which disturbed
the ghosts and the fairies. The ghosts and the fairies run away before completing the boat.
Sangkuriang was very angry. He kicked away the boat upside down, and it turned into a
mountain called Tangkuban Perahu. It means the down side boat, which stood in the north

23. What is the moral value of the story?

A. Do not ask help to ghosts and fairies
B. Never blame someone for our failure
C. Work patiently without asking for someone’s help
D. It’s better to tell the truth to avoid something unexpected

24. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Dayang Sumbi blamed Tumang for its failure.
B. Sangkuriang was exiled from home.
C. Sangkuriang hit Tumang’s head.
D. Dayang Sumbi killed Tumang

25. What did Sangkuriang do to make a big boat in one night?

A. He worked hard alone to make it
B. He asked help to a famous architect to make it
C. He did it by asking help to his friends in the town
D. He called his friends, ghosts, and fairies and asked their help.

26. Sangkuriang’s friends asked making to fail the boat when Dayang Sumbi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
some women them were
8 9 10

A. 6-1-10-3-5-7-2-8-4-9
B. 1-10-2-3-5-6-7-4-9-8
C. 7-2-1-3-5-6-8-4-10-9
D. 7-2-8-3-5-6-1-4-10-9

Text for questions number 27 to 30.

Elephants are four-legged herbivorous mammals with a very huge body. They have a very
distinctive body part which became their unique feature in most people mind, it is called “the
trunk”. It is basically their nose, but it can also be used for several purpose besides breathing. It
can be used to grasp object (food, flowers, etc), to suck and pour water, and also to do hand
shake with humans. It is recorded that there are three species of elephant existed in the world.
They are: The African Bush Elephant, The African Forest Elephant and The Asian Elephant.
A full grown elephant can reach 3.3 meters in height and 6.4 meters in length, with the total body
weight of 12.000 kilograms. The time that a baby elephant spend in their mother womb is about
18 to 22 months. They can live up to 60 to 70 years. It is believed that an elephant have a very
strong memory and also affection. It is proven by the emphaty that they show towards their
dying or dead friend. They have two large ear flaps that help them in controlling their body
temperature. Their legs look like pillar. It helps them to carry their super heavy body. They can
perform various ways of communication for example they can communicate to each other
through body touching, smell and also sound (infrasound and seismic communication).
Elephants are considered to be one of endangered animals by the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN), because they are hunted by humans since a long time ago for
their ivory.

27. What advantage do you get after reading the text?

A. Get physical description
B. Get information how to breed elephants
C. Get complete information about elephants
D. Get information about herbivores

28. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Body temprature of elephant
B. Life of elephant
C. Full grown elephant
D. Physical features of elephant
29. Which is informing about elephant?
A. Can reach width 6.6 metres
B. Can reach height 3.6 metres
C. Can weight 12.000 kilograms
D. Can own unhuge body

30. Elephants are one of endangered animals, ... they are hunted by humans since a long time
ago for their ivory.
A. because
B. but
C. when
D. so that

II. Match the questions on the left side to the correct answer on the right side.
1. The sign says we … feed the bird.
A. Bikes
B. Wow…
you’re the
best. Keep
up the
C. is used
D. is made
2. What does the sign mean? E. We must wash
3. Anjas : “I won a gold medal for my last swimming hands with
competition.” water and
Eva : “. . .” soap.
4. Riko : “Do you know? Bella was hospitalized F. a man’s love
because of traffic accident.” G. need
Amalia : “Really? . . . .” H. must not
5. Sandra : “I have to go to school now, Mom.” I. I’m sorry to
Mrs. Yulia : “ . . . .” hear that.
6. Complete the paragraph below by choosing the Let’s visit her
correct word on the right side. tomorrow.
Last week my friend and I were bored after wo J. beautiful
weeks of holidays, so we rode our . . . to K. Good bye
Sangiran Museum, which is only ten kilometers
L. so much
from where I live. When we arrived there, we were
surprised to see many foreigner tourists.
7. Complete the paragraph below by choosing the
correct word on the right side.
The . . . . light of rainbows are made up of red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The seven
colours which combined to make white light and they
are called the Spectrum or the rainbow.
8. Complete the paragraph below by choosing the
correct word on the right side.
Magnolia champaca (Kantil Flower) is large
evergreen tree in the Magnoliaceae family. It was
previously classified as Michelia champaca. It is
known for its fragrant flowers, and its timber . . .
in woodworking.
The following song lyric is for questions 9 and 10.

To The Bone (By Pamungkas)

Have I ever told you. I want you to the bone

Have I ever called you. When you are all alone
And if I ever forget. To tell you how I feel
Listen to me now, babe I want you to the bone 3x

Maybe if you can see. What I feel through my bone

Every corner in me. There's your presence that grown
Maybe I nurture it more. By saying how it feel
But I did mean it before
I want you to the bone. I want you to..

Take me home, I'm fallin'. Love me long, I'm rollin'

Losing control, body and soul.
Mind too for sure, I'm already yours.
Walk you down, I'm all in.
Hold you tight, you call and
I'll take control, body and soul.
Mind too for sure, I'm already yours
9. The theme of the song above is about the magtitude
of. . . .
10. The sentence:”I love you to the bone”. Has the
meaning that the man loves some one . . .

III. Essay

Questions 1 refer to the following texts.


1. a. What are the receivers’ profession of both greeting cards above?

b. What are these two texts about?

The following text is for question 2.

How do I create an Instagram account?

Instagram app for Android and iPhone:

1. Download the Instagram app from the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play
Store (Android).

2. Once the app has been installed, tap to open it.

3. Tap Sign up with email address or phone number (Android) or Create new
account (iPhone), then enter your email address or phone number (which will
require a confirmation code) and tap Next. You can also tap Log in with
Facebook to sign up with your Facebook account.

4. If you register with your email address or phone number, create a

username and password, fill in your profile info and then tap Next. If you
register with Facebook, you'll be prompted to log in to your Facebook account
if you're currently logged out.

2. a. Who is the text intended for?

b. What will you do if you have trouble signing up using email or phone number?

The following text is for question 3.

I know we about to have a good time

Cause I got all my friends with me
I know everything's gonna be fine
Cause I got all my friends with me
When I'm in trouble, need some help
And I feel all by myself
Know exactly who to call
I know to make it all right
I got all my friends with me
And after all my money's spent
And I can't afford my rent
They walk me in the house
Saying, "You can take the couch, " yeah
That's the only friends I need
Meghan Trainor

3. a. What is the song about?

b. What message can we convey from the song lyrics?

The following text is for question 4a and 4b

Killer Whales
Have you ever heard of the killer whale? Did you know that killer whales live in
oceans all over the world? They are found mostly in the Arctic and Antarctic oceans, where
the water is cold. Killer whales can also be spotted on both shores of the United States. Killer
whales have been spotted in warmer waters such as the Bahamas and the Gulf of Mexico.
This just goes to show how adaptable the killer whale can be.
How do killer whales differ from other whales? One way is in their coloring. A killer
whale is striking in its coloring of black and white. This makes it easy to spot. Killer whales
have a sleek body form. They are smaller when compared to most whales. Killer whales are
typically 19–22 feet long and can weigh anywhere from 8,000 to 12,000 pounds.
Killer whales get their name for a reason. They are the top predators in the ocean.
Killer whales will eat almost any kind of sea animal including sea lions, fish, squid, seals,
walruses, birds, sea turtles, penguins, and otters. It’s been recorded that even a moose has been
found in the stomach of a killer whale. Killer whales are very agile and can move quickly
through the water. In fact, they are the fastest swimming marine mammals. This speed and
agility makes it easy for the killer whale to hunt. Often times, killer whales will hunt in groups.
This improves their chances of catching prey

4. a. What is the purpose of the text above?

b. How big can a killer whale be?

The following text is for question 5a and 5b

I spent my last summer holiday in Seoul, South Korea. I went there with my friends. On
the first day, I landed at Incheon Airport around 7 AM after a 6 hours long flight. Then I went
to Seoul by train and checked in to the hotel I already booked. I decided to take a rest for a
while. At night, I went to Hongdae, a famous district in South Korea. I went to eat traditional
Korean food. On the next day, I went to the Gyeongbokgung Palace and National Museum. I
also went to learn how to make Kimchi and see the scenery of Seoul from Seoul Tower. I went
back to the hotel at 10 PM and immediately went to sleep.

I spent my last day in Myeongdong and bought some stuffs and souvenirs for my family
and friends. I also ate the street food there. I went to the airport at 3 PM because my flight was
at 5 PM. I had a fantastic experience in South Korea and made wonderful memory with my
friends. It was a great trip.
5. a. What is the purpose of the text above?
b. What will happen if the writer did not go to the airport at 3 PM?

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