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Perception of DaHS SHS Students on the Implementation

Of Catch-Up Friday Program





The educational landscape in the Philippines have faced many significant challenges to the global health

crisis, that led to many disruptions in the teaching and learning environment of institutions nationwide. In

accordance with the unprecedented effects of the global crisis to the educational landscape, the Department of

the Education devised a multifaceted approach to ensure learning continuity and strengthen skills necessary to

fulfill the objectives of the basic education curriculum.

As such, DepEd Undersecretary for Curriculum and Teaching Gina Gonong issued the DepEd Memorandum

No. 001 series of 2024 that highlighted the implementation of Catch-Up Fridays. “Catch-Up Fridays is a

learning mechanism intended to strengthen the foundational, social, and other relevant skills necessary to

actualize the intent of the basic education curriculum” (DepEd, 2024).

As the program is still on the starting phase, the query for its effectiveness among students had arisen.

Effectiveness requires minimum input, and that Philippine basic education suffers in terms of efficiency (De

Dios, 2014). This means to say that the efficiency and effectiveness of programs implemented by the

educational department is marked by inefficacy. This will be seen as a loose screw in the teaching and learning

mechanism of the curriculum.

The perception of education in the Philippines is influenced by challenges in the education and learning

system, the value placed on education for career advancement, and the effects of COVID-19 on the learning

modalities, all have an impact on how students view education in the country.

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