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Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Artificial intelligence has recently become a growing source of technology used in all types of
daily use, ranging from basic research to professional studies used throughout different
programs. Specifically, the use of AI has become predominant in our medical studies and
healthcare programs. As we continue to advance in technology our reliance on computers to
keep us healthy is something that revolutionizes our future but also draws a lot of concern to
medical professionals. For example, a case study directed by “AI prediction & human judgment.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine” showcased that, “Some dermatologists in this study were
concerned with the reliability of AI and many would have rather checked and done their studies
through a dermatoscopy and with their years of tacit knowledge.” Exemplifying this we can see
that although AI intelligence can be a step in the right direction, there is still hesitation to the
reliability of AI-generated diagnostics and its impact. The avoidance of this can lead to
misdiagnoses, health problems, and other related provisions if AI gets taken advantage of. In
this paper, I examine the subredditr/Medicine, finding that the acts of artificial intelligence in
medicine provide both technical and ethical resources associated with the use of AI in medicine
and NLP techniques. This subreddit provides both an inside look into the advancements AI is
making in the medical field and also its drawbacks/concerns to new users and healthcare
professionals working day to day with the use of AI. This paper provides some insight into the
feelings and opinions of those who continuously follow the impact AI has on our health and
well-being and why it can both be one of success and doubt. This paper is not particularly
conclusive since there is an abundance of variation between how people feel and study the
effects of AI in medicine and since the use of this technology is still particularly new and
growing. One example of this is the unknowingness of NLP techniques and medical research
conducted using AI shown in comments 1 and 6 while another showcasing how AI will
progressively help us through accuracy in comment 2.

1. Methods

I used Reddit, the subreddit r/medicine, and the subreddit r/ArtificialIntelligence to collect all of
this information. There are over 70 million users throughout Reddit platforms making Reddit
one of the top communities used for gathering and distributing information through posts and
discussions. Being able to look through divided posts based on topics of discussion helps me to
see what exactly they are presenting throughout the posts. I searched the terms “Intelligence”,
“Medicine”, “healthcare” and” medical field” into the search bar and found a wide variety of
discussions focusing on the impacts of AI and drawn opinions of people either working or have
had experience with technology and medical professionals. I began by looking through the
subreddits diverted specifically to Artificial Intelligence and Medicine, finding that over 427,222
intelligences have been found through different aspects of AI, specifically health and well-being.
Some are neurosurgeons, physiatrists, nurses, etc. I also did some basic searches throughout
the subreddit to find posts that are a little less generalized and more specific to certain people
working in the medical field. I managed to find a few that are regarded in the next section
dealing with the results. I took from the subreddit r/ArtificialIntelligence and r/medicine
focusing directly on societal standpoints and people involved in medical professions.

2. Results

This section goes over the findings from the search into subreddit r/ArtificialIntelligence and
r/medicine. I will divide this section into 4 different parts with posts relating to them. Those
being i.) personalized Medicine and AI, ii.) How Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing health
care, iii.) AI in medicine do you see potential in the future?

1. Personalized Medicine and AI

Let's first look into the advancements of personalized medicine which uses AI to tailor
treatments to a patient's unique characteristics, including but not subject to, genetics, medical
history, and lifestyle.

1. Thus far, most of the trials using AI in personalized medicine have not been very
successful. We just tested genetic data and AI to improve the secondary prevention of
cardiac events. It did not add much to the basic risk factors, which we know anyway.
You should get your weight and cholesterol down, exercise, and not smoke.
2. That’s really interesting! I think it’ll be a great addition to healthcare if used wisely.
We can see throughout these two comments while in the first one, the impact of personalized
medicine using AI is insignificant and practically unnecessary showcasing that trials of this do
not need to be conducted if one stays healthy naturally. We then see the complete opposite
occur as someone comments back through the subreddit r/ArtificialIntelligence stating they
don’t disagree but rather think if used the right way, there could be potential improvements
and success through personalized assistance.

2. How Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing health care

Drastically, AI has significantly shown factors of success through health care assistance on a
wide range of procedures and analyses for patients. Giving a lot of information through
r/ArtificialIntelligence on the subject.

1. On the other hand, A is ready to replace many human healthcare workers. I have a terrible
family doctor and I would already trust ChatGDP over my GP to diagnose a problem.
2. You're not using your imagination if those are the only negative outcomes you can think of.
Medicine is big money and there are lots of opportunities for profit motives to trump best
practices. A closed and proprietary model for giving medical advice could be compromised in a
billion mundane but harmful ways. Dunno why everyone is afraid of Skynet and super cancer
when privatized healthcare is already here.
Explained within these two comments we see how significant it is to showcase the potential
threats and positive correlations AI has on the healthcare world. In the first comment, this
person believes that AI can perform a much better analysis of medical problems on them than
an actual medical professional stating that their doctor practically sucks at their job and a
computer can do it better. On the contrary, the second comment suggests that healthcare is a
huge money maker, which it is, showcasing that replacing this with AI can change the course of
how money is distributed amongst patients and medical professionals. They see no point in
changing the system when greater healthcare options are already in place.

3. AI in medicine do you see potential in the future?

AI in medicine and its potential standpoint in our future is of major question and is frequently
discussed in the subreddit r/medicine showcasing its reasonings behind the use of AI and what
we can look forward to in the future of this technology.

1. There's a new AI program rolling out to primary care that learns with you to essentially act as
a virtual medical scribe. You turn the mic on and do your office visit speaking casually/normally
to your patient and at the end, you get a fully fleshed-out note. Apparently, it can take a few
hours at first but once it learns your style it can be sent to you within minutes. These are the
types of advances I think are really beneficial that cut non-value-added tasks and let us just be
more clinical and efficient.
2. Rads resident here. I really wish AI didn’t suck so much. Now I have to add a line to half of the
reports about why it's wrong. Even when it does find something like a rib fx, it misses 6-7 other
rib fx not to mention all the other stuff. It would be great if it could be trusted to find lung
nodules at least.

These two comments focus primarily on the way AI is used throughout medical diagnostics and
how we see its potential for future use. In the first comment, there Is significance that AI has
the potential to be very useful in finding key information associated with medical analyses from
doctors by collecting information essential to yourself and what you need to know. Take out all
the unnecessary information given to you by a medical professional. In the second comment,
we see that a medical professional dealing with AI has not had so much luck when it comes to
reports based on diagnostics. They stated that even when AI does find something useful, there
are still key parts that are left out and need to be viewable for doctors and diagrams to conduct
procedures. It causes a lot of frustration for these professionals to notice that AI isn't exactly
formidable when it comes to designing exactly what they need. Lots of work still needs to be
done in order to fully rely on AI assistance.

3. Reflection

As we see, Artificial Intelligence use in Medicine is still an ongoing risk we are willing to take
when it comes to the hands of medical professionals. In general, people who either work in
healthcare or have dealt with a medical history all have clear opinions of what the best use we
can get from using AI. Through its future potential and growing concerns, the subreddits
r/ArtificalIntelligence and r/medicine provide a huge differentiation between what we know
and what we are still figuring out about AI. Not to say AI is a threat but rather, a learning curve
in the way we use it for our safety and well-being. In these online spaces through Reddit, we
can conclude that lots of people go to get some kind of reassurance or to state their opinions
and explanations about what they research, experience, and assume. The use of AI in medicine
shows how we can revolutionize the way we work with human interaction and technology to
conform a successful yet careful approach to the health of patients and work conducted in and
throughout hospitals. Overall, the relationship between the two is a tricky one as we still don’t
know the best ways to advance AI’s use in medicine, let alone, our daily lives outside the
medical field, but as we continue to grow and adapt to changes used within our medical
practices, AI is not to far away from becoming a standpoint in how we research, conduct
procedures, deliver diagnostics and information for the better of society.

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