CHN and Maternal Laws

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CHN Maternal and Child Laws

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1. AO 2004-0045 Guidelines on the Implementation of the RA 9288 [Ex-

panded Newborn Act]

2. AO 2005-0014 National Policies on Infant and Young Child Feeding

3. AO 2006-0012 Revised Implementing Rules And Regulations of EO 51

[Milk Code]

4. AO 2007-0026 Revitalization of Mother-Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative

5. AO 2008-0025 National Policy and Strategic Framework on Expanded

Newborn Screening

6. AO 2008-0029 Implementing Health Reforms for the Rapid Reduction of

Maternal and Neonatal Mortality

7. AO 2009-0025 Essential Newborn Care or Unang Yakap

8. AO 2010-0014 Administration of Life-saving Drugs or Medicines by Mid-

wives to Rapidly Reduce Maternal and Neonatal Morbidity
and Mortality

9. AO 2012-0009 National Strategy Towards Reducing Unmet Need for

Modern Family Planning as a Means to Achieving MDGs
on Maternal Health

10. AO 1-A, s. 1998 Defined the 10 elements of the Philippine (RH) package

11. AO 36, s. 2010 Expanded Garantisadong Pambata

12. AO 39, s. 2003 Policies on the nationwide implementation of the EPI

13. AO 43, s. 1999 Integration of RH package in health facilities

14. AO 50-A, s. 2001 National Family Planning Policy

15. AO 132, s. 2004 Natural Family Planning Program

16. RA 1148 First 1000 days of life or Kalusugan at Nutrisyon ng

Mag-Nanay Act
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17. RA 6365 National policy on population and created the Commission

of Population

18. RA 7600 Rooming In and Breastfeeding Act

19. RA 7846 [1994] Compulsory immunization with HBV of children < 8

years of age

20. RA 8172 Asin Law

21. RA 8976 [2000] Philippine Food Fortification Act

22. RA 8980 Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD)

23. RA 9173 Sets the basis for the nurse practice on MCH

24. RA 9288 Newborn Screening Act

25. RA 9626 Anti-violence against women & children

26. RA 9709 Universal Newborn Hearing Screening

27. RA 9710 Magna Carta of Women

28. RA 10028 [2009] Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act

29. RA 10152 [2011] Mandatory infants & children health immunization

act for children up to 5 years of age

30. RA 10354 [2012] Responsible Parenthood & Reproductive Health


31. PD 79 POPCOM, empowers nurses & midwives to provide ac-

ceptable methods of contraception

32. PD 491 July as the Nutrition Month and creation of National Nutri-
tion Council

33. PD 791 nurses & midwives to dispense & administer acceptable

methods of family planning

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34. PD 965 Requires applicants for marriage license to receive in-

structions of family planning

35. PD 996 [1976] Compulsory immunization for children < 8 years old

36. PP 4 Measles eradication (Ligtas Tigdas)

37. PP 6 UN Universal Child Immunization and Wednesday as Im-

munization Day

38. PP 46 Polio eradication

39. PP 1064 AFP surveillance

40. PP 1066 Neonatal Tetanus eradication

41. EO 51 Milk Code

42. EO 119 Recognizes that family planning is a basic human right

43. EO 209 Family Code of the Philippines

44. EO 382 November 7 is declared as National Food Fortification Day

45. LOI 47 Family Planning integrated in school curriculum

46. AO 2010-0010 Revised Policy on the Micronutrient Supplementation to

support Achievement of 2015 MDG Targets to reduce
under five and maternal deaths and address micronutrient
needs of other population groups

47. Art. 25, Sec. 1 Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate
(UDHR) for the health and well-being of himself and his family
including food, clothing, housing, and medical care and
necessary social services and the right to security in the
event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood,
old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances be-
yond his control

48. Art. 2, Sec. 15

CHN Maternal and Child Laws
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The state shall protect and promote the right to health of
the people and instill health consciousness among them

49. Art. 13, Sec. 11 The state shall adopt an integrated and comprehensive
approach to health and development. Services must be
provided throughout the lifespan (from conception, to
birth, to adolescence, to adulthood until the elderly stage).

50. RA 8423 Traditional Alternative Medicine Act


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