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Problem 1

Mike tipped $ 2, so his total bill is 2∗10=$ 20. Similarly Joe’s bill is 2∗5=$ 10. So the difference is
clearly $ 10. (D).

Problem 2

1+2 −3+3
Working in the inside brackets first we get ( 1 ⋆ 2 ) ⋆ 3= ⋆ 3=−3 ⋆ 3= =0 . (C)
1−2 −3−3
Problem 3

Working the value of x for the first equation, we get 2 x=−4 → x=−2 . So
bx=8→ b (−2 ) =8 →b=−4. (B).
Problem 4
Let the width be y , therefore the length must be 2 y . Using Pythagoras we get y 2= . The area is
2 2 2( x2 ) 2 2
2 y so we get 2 y = = x . (B)
5 5
Problem 5

We can work step by step. Dave buys 4 windows for $ 400 and gets one free now he has 5. He buys
two more for $ 200, making $ 600. Similarly Doug cost $ 700 making $ 1300 in total.

If they buy together they need 15 windows in total so again, buy 4 get one free they have 5
windows for $ 400 . Again 10 windows for $ 800, 15 windows for $ 1200.

The difference is 1300−1200=$ 100. ( A).

Problem 6

Let the sum of the 20 numbers be a 1. So we have
=30 → a1=600 and similarly a 2 is the 30 other
a2 a1 +a 2 600+600 1200
numbers so we have =20 → a2=600. So we are looking for = = =24 .
30 50 50 50
Problem 7

Let x be the amount of miles Josh rode, therefore Mike rode 13−x miles. Let y hrs be the time it
x 4
took for Mike to ride, therefore 2 y hrs is the time Josh rode. So Josh’s rate is , we know it is of
2y 5
Mike’s rate so
2y 5 ()
4 ( 13− x )
→5 x=104−8 x → x=8 . So we are looking for Mike’s distance

which is 13−x=13−8=5. (B).

Alternative 1
Let x be the distance Mike rode, since Josh rode twice the time as Mike and ’s of his rate, he rode
2∗4 8 4 4
∗m= m. Because if he travels ’s of the rate, he will travel ’s of the distance and if he
5 5 5 5
travels twice as long his distance is also twice as long as the ed rate. Their combine distance is 13
8 13
so m+ m=13 → m=13 → m=5.
5 5
Problem 8

All the triangles are right angle and are also congruent, because of the big square’s right angles. For
example if we let angle ABH =a, then EBC=90−a and going around, they all have these angles.
So they are congruent. Let the inner square side length be s, so we have HB=s+1 and EB=1 ,
because of congruency, AH =1. Now we can use Pythagoras to solve.
12 + ( s +1 )2=( √ 50 ) → ( s+1 )2=49 → s+ 1=± 7 → s=6 ,−8. s>0 as it is a length so s=6. Therefore
the area is 6 2=36. (C) .

Problem 9

There are =10 ways of arranging them uniquely and 1 possibility of arranging it in that order
3! 2!
so, , (B)
Problem 10

The quadratic is 4 x 2+ ax+ 8 x +9=0 → 4 x 2 + ( 8+a ) x +9=0. We can use the quadratic formula and
for it to have one solution the discriminant must be 0 , so instead of writing out the whole quadratic
formula we are only interested in the discriminants and not solutions for x .
( 8+ a )2−4 ( 4 ) ( 9 )=64 +16 a+ a2−144=a 2+16 a−80=( a+ 20 ) ( a−4 ) → a=−20 , 4 . So the sum of
the values is −16 . ( A).


If it only has one root it can be factored as a square. So

2 2
4 x + ( 8+ a ) x+ 9=( mx+n )
2 2 2 2
4 x + ( 8+ a ) x+ 9=m x +2 ( mn ) x +n
Obviously the m 2=4 → m=±2 , n2 =9 →n=± 3. Finally
2 ( mn )=( 8+ a ) → 2 ( ± 2 )( ± 3 )=± 12 → a=−8 ± 12 →a=−20 , 4 . So the sum is −16 . ( A).
Problem 11

The number of faces painted red is one side which is n2 times the number of faces of the big cube
which is 6 , so 6 n2 . The total number of faces in the unit cubes are 6 faces in a cube and n3 unit
6n 1 1 1
cubes in total (volume) so 6 n3 and we need 3
= → = → n=4. (B).
6n 4 n 4
Problem 12
All the sectors are also congruent and the area of it is . If we multiply by 4 we include all the little

ends of the sectors and all the triangles so . (B)
Problem 13

Work with the first two first, simplifying we get 13050 n50> n100 → 13050> n50 → 130>n . Working
with the last two we get n> 22=4 . So 130>n> 4 as n is an integer 129 ≥ n≥ 5. There are 125
numbers between 5 and 129. (E).

We could have also rooted all the inequalities by 50 instead of working with each one individually,
so 130 n>n 2> 24 →130> n ,n> 4 .

Problem 14

Let the number be xyz . We have y= . So x and z must be both even or odd to be divisible by 2.
The value of y is irrelevant in this case as we are just counting. So possibilities for x , z when x=1,
z=1 , 3 ,5 , 7 , 9 which is all the odds, similarly when x=2, z=0 , 2 , 4 , 6 , 8, which is all the evens.
Continuing like this x has 9 numbers because x ≠ 0 and z has 5 possibilities each so 45 in total. (E)

Problem 15

The prime factorisation is 33∗23∗52∗4 2∗7∗6=33∗23∗52∗2 4∗7∗3∗2=3 4∗2 8∗52∗7 . Clearly

3 3 3 3 3 3 3
1 ,2 , 3 , 4 divide it. 6 =3 ∗2 also divides it. To create higher ones we need to multiply existing
factors by a cube, we can see after creating 63 we still have 24 remaining so we can use 23 to create
3 3 6 3 3
12 . We could have done the same with 3 ∗2 , 4 ∗3 to get the same result. So 6 options (E).

Using the idea of combining cubes we can see the factor 28 can be divided by 20, 23, 26. Similarly
there is 30 , 33 . So using product rule we get 3∗2=6 options. (the other prime factors, 5 , 7 can’t be
cubes so there is 1 option for them which doesn’t affect).

Problem 16

Let the number be 10 a+ b. So after it will be 10 a+ b−( a+b ) =9 a. So the number must be a
multiple of 9 , have a 6 at the end and be at least a two-digit number (10 a+ b is two digit and 9 a is
smaller so it must also be at least a two digit). The only one is 36 . So 9 a=36 and b can be any
number from 0−9. So there are 10 options. (D).


Similarly we get 9 a , but now we let it equal 10 x+ y where y=6 as stated in the problem. We know
that 10 a has a 0 at the units digit and 9 a has a 6 , and we are subtracting a , so a=4 because a ten
minus four is clearly 6 . Again b has 10 options

Problem 17

Every number is used twice, the sum of the numbers is 30 so the total is 60. As it is an arithmetic
sequence, the average must be the middle term, we already have the sum, so we need to divide by
the number of them which is 5, so the average is 12.
Problem 18

There are a few possible outcomes:

( A , B , B , A , A ) , ( B , B , A , A , A ) , ( A , B , A , B , A ) ,( A , B , A , A). Since A , B are equally likely each

1 1
one gives a probability of = , except the last as it only has four, so it has probability of
2 32

1 1 1 32 1
= . The one that starts with B is the second one with a probability so in total = .
2 16 32 5 5
( A).
Problem 19

In the diagram, DE=1 as it covers the same distance as the square put there before. Clearly triangle
DEC is a right isosceles as ∠ C=90∘ and the square is also rotated 45 ∘, so we can easily work out
1 1 1 1
that FC = using Pythagoras, so if we subtract 1: 1− = , from C to the bottom is also a ,
2 2 2 2
BC= √2. In total √ 2+ . (D).
Problem 20

Draw a horizontal lines as shown

Now we have two trapezoids and a rectangle. Each angle of the octagon is 135∘, so the acute angle
of the trapezoids is 135−90=45∘. If we draw a perpendicular line from A to the base, we have a
right isosceles, same thing with B, we can use Pythagoras to work out that the legs are , so
HC=1+ 2 ( 12 )=1+1=2. Now we can work out that area of the trapezoids: A= 32 ( 12 )= 34 . The
rectangle: A=1 ( 2 ) =2. In total 2 ( ) +2= + = . ( A).
3 6 8 7
4 4 4 2
Problem 21

n ( n+1 )
The sum of consecutive integers is . We get that n ( n+ 1 ) must be an integer, simplifying
n∗2 12
gives: 6 = . Possible values for n=1 ,2 , 3 ,5 , 11, which is 5 values. (B)
n ( n+1 ) n+1
Problem 22

The LCM of 4 , 6 is 12. Set S is smaller, so we only consider it, the floor of =668. (D)
Problem 23

Triangle ADC must be of the area of triangle DCB due to the ratios of the side lengths and that
the two triangles share the same vertex and base, therefore the altitude must be the same and the
areas are in the same ratio of the side length. Let AC=2, CB=4 due to the ratio. Let the area of
ADC be 2 x , therefore the area of DCB is 4 x. CO=1, because BC=4 and BO=3 (radius), so it
must be half of ADC or a quarter of DCB which is x . Triangle COE shares the same base and
height and it shares the same base length of 3 which is the radius, so it must have the same area
therefore it has area x . Therefore the ratio is 2 x :6 x=1 :3= . (C)
Problem 24

√ n obviously is an integer and must also be the largest prime of n, this means that n must be a
perfect square and √ n must be prime, if it isn’t, then it can be factorised further, and it clearly isn’t
the largest prime factor, for example n=16 doesn’t work because √ 16=4 which isn’t the largest
prime as the largest prime factor is 2 being 24 =16. We can denote √ n= p 1 where p1 is prime this
implies n=p 1, similarly √ n−48= p 2 → n−48= p 2, we can substitute n from the first equation to
2 2

2 2 2 2
get p1−48= p2 → p 1−p 2=48 →( p ¿ ¿1+ p2 )( p1− p2 )=48¿ . We find the factor pairs of 48 :
( 1 , 48 ) , ( 2 ,24 ) , ( 3 , 16 ) , ( 4 ,12 ) , ( 6 , 8 ) . Making p1 + p2 equal to the higher factor we can see only
(2 , 24) works giving p1=11 and p2=13 , everything else either doesn’t give an integer or isn’t
prime. ( B ) 1 .

Problem 25
The two triangles share the same angle at A so the ratio of the area of ADE and ABC is
(19 )( 14 ) sin ( x )
2 19 56
= . The quadrilateral is the remaining area which is . So the ratio of their
1 75 75
( 25 )( 42 ) sin ( x )
areas is . (D)

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