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Dairy Farming Capacity Assessment Survey

- Srinagar District, Kashmir Valley

Instructions for the surveyor:

1. Introduce yourself and the purpose of the survey to the respondent.

2. Ensure the respondent understands the objective of survey and how the data will be used.

3. Assure the respondent that their answers will remain confidential and will be used only for
the purpose of designing policy and program to support farmers' livelihoods.

4. Encourage the respondent to answer questions honestly and to the best of their ability.

5. Record responses accurately, and ask for clarification if needed.

Survey Form:

Section 1: Respondent Information

1. Name of the respondent (optional): _________

2. Age: ___

3. Gender: Male / Female / Other

4. Village name: _________

5. Contact information (optional): _________

Section 2: Current Dairy Capacity and Livestock Strength

6. How many cattle do you currently own? (Please provide the number of cows, buffaloes,
and others)

a. Cows: ___

b. Buffaloes: ___

c. Others (please specify): ___

7. How many liters of milk do you produce per day? ___

Section 3: Feed Availability

8. What types of feed do you provide for your livestock? (Check all that apply)

a. Grazing

b. Crop residues

c. Purchased feed

d. Other (please specify): ___

9. On average, how much do you spend on feed per month? (in INR) __________

10. Is there any difficulty in accessing adequate feed for your livestock? Yes / No

a. If yes, please explain: ___

Section 4: Housing Capacity for Livestock

11. Do you have a dedicated space for housing your livestock? Yes / No

12. If yes, please describe the housing facilities available (size, type, and capacity): ___

Section 5: Veterinary Care and Doctor Availability

13. Is there a veterinary doctor available in your village? Yes / No

14. If yes, how far is the nearest veterinary clinic from your house? (in km) ___

15. Have you faced any issues in accessing veterinary care for your livestock? Yes / No

a. If yes, please explain: ___

Section 6: Finance Facility

16. Are you aware of any financial assistance programs available for dairy farming? Yes / No

17. Have you ever availed any financial assistance for dairy farming? Yes / No

a. If yes, please provide details: ___

Section 7: Breed Suitability and Prior Experience

18. What breeds of cattle do you have? (Check all that apply)

a. Local breed
b. Crossbreed

c. Exotic breed

d. Other (please specify): ___

19. In your opinion, which breed(s) are best suited for the climatic conditions in your area? ___

20. How many years of experience do you have in raising cattle? ___

Thank you for your valuable input! Your responses will help us design policies and programs
to support farmers' livelihoods by promoting dairy farming in the Srinagar district.

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