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MMPI-2™ and Non-K-Corrected T

Scores Bibliography
December 2008

Alperin, J.J., Archer, R.P., & Coates, G.D. (1996). Development and effects of an MMPI-A K-correction
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Butcher, J.N., & Tellegen, A. (1978). Common methodological problems in MMPI research. Journal of
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Clopton, J.R., Shanks, D.A., & Preng, K.W. (1987). Classification accuracy of the MacAndrew scale with and
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to chronic pain complaints with the MMPI-2: The role of the K scale. Journal of Personality Assessment,
70, 448-459.

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MMPI-2™ K and Non-K-Corrected T Scores
Pope, K.S., Butcher, J.N., & Seelen, J., (2000). The MMPI, MMPI-2, & MMPI-A in court: A practical guide
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Williams, M.A., Putzke, J.D., LaMarche, J.A., Bourge, R.C., Kirklin, J.K., McGiffin, D.C., & Boll, T.J. (2000).
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on profile height and configuration among young adult men. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 52, 468-473.

“MMPI-2” is a trademark of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

Copyright © 2009, Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.

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