3rd Int Grammar Booklet

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Mayar International Schools

Second Semester
English Third Grade Intr. C/D/E/F/ G/ H.

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Mayar International Schools
Second Semester
English Third Grade Intr. C/D/E/F/ G/ H.

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Mayar International Schools
Second Semester
English Third Grade Intr. C/D/E/F/ G/ H.

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Mayar International Schools
Second Semester
English Third Grade Intr. C/D/E/F/ G/ H.

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Irregular Verbs (Past tense) Lists

List A List B
Present Past Present Past
be Was / were cut cut
break broke draw drew
build built drive drove
catch caught fall fell
come came fight fought

List c List D
Present Past Present Past
fly flew make made
freeze froze meet met
give gave put put
have had ride rode
keep Kept say said

List E List F
Present Past Present Past
sell sold wear wore
sing sang think thought
sleep slept wake woke
steal stole win won
take took begin began

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List G List H
Present Past Present Past
bring brought eat ate
buy bought feel felt
choose chose find found
do did forget forgot
drink drank get got

List I List J
Present Past Present Past
go went pay paid
hear heard read read
know knew run ran
leave left see saw
lose lost send sent

List K List L
Present Past Present Past
shut shut teach taught
sit sat tell told
speak spoke understand understood
stand stood
swim swam

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Mayar International Schools
Second Semester
English Third Grade Intr. C/D/E/F/ G/ H.

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Mayar International Schools
Second Semester
English Third Grade Intr. C/D/E/F/ G/ H.

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Mayar International Schools
Second Semester
English Third Grade Intr. C/D/E/F/ G/ H.

2 words contraction 2 words contraction 2 words contraction

I am I’m is not isn’t does not doesn’t
she is she’s are not aren’t do not don’t
he is he’s was not wasn’t did not didn’t
it is it’s were not weren’t has not hasn’t
they are they’re that is that’s have not haven’t
you are you’re

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Mayar International Schools
Second Semester
English Third Grade Intr. C/D/E/F/ G/ H.

Prepositions of Time

A preposition of time is a preposition

that allows you to discuss a specific
time period such as a date on the
calendar, one of the days of the week,
or the actual time something takes

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Q1: Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1. I always get up _________7 o’clock.

2. My brother was born ________10th April.
3. _____the moment we are practicing prepositions of time.
4. It often rain ________winter.
5. My father is a doctor and he sometimes works _______ night.
6. Our friends travelled to Yemen _______1998.
7. Ahmad has lunch______noon.
8. I go to school_______the morning, and I do my
homework_____the afternoon, then I watch TV_____the evening,
and finally I sleep ______8:00 pm.
9. We have PE ______Tuesday.

10. The entire family gather _______Friday.

Q2: circle the preposition of time and use it to write a sentence of


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Mayar International Schools
Second Semester
English Third Grade Intr. C/D/E/F/ G/ H.
Time fillers
Subject Verb Agreement

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Mayar International Schools
Second Semester
English Third Grade Intr. C/D/E/F/ G/ H.
Time fillers

Present Simple/ Past Simple/ Future

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Mayar International Schools
Second Semester
English Third Grade Intr. C/D/E/F/ G/ H.
Time fillers

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Mayar International Schools
Second Semester
English Third Grade Intr. C/D/E/F/ G/ H.
Time fillers

Irregular Past Tense Verbs

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Mayar International Schools
Second Semester
English Third Grade Intr. C/D/E/F/ G/ H.
Time fillers

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Mayar International Schools
Second Semester
English Third Grade Intr. C/D/E/F/ G/ H.
Time fillers

Write the suitable contraction in the box.

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Mayar International Schools
Second Semester
English Third Grade Intr. C/D/E/F/ G/ H.
Time fillers

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