COT3 Bias and Prejudices

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School Manuel A.

Roxas High School Grade Level 9

Teacher Francisco Trance, Jr. Learning Area English
Plan Teaching Date & March 11, 2024, 3:15pm-3:50pm Quarter Third

I. Objectives

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature

and other text types serve as means of connecting to the world; also how
to use ways of analyzing one-act play and different forms of verbals for
him/her too skillfully perform in a one-act play.

B. Performance Standard The learner skillfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective
verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following
criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.

C. Learning Competencies Differentiate biases from prejudices: EN9LC-IVf-13.3

D. Objectives 1. Make judgement based on given scenarios;

2. Differentiate biases from prejudices through examples; and
3. Weigh information to make decisions

II. Content

Learning Resources

A. References


Differentiating Biases from Prejudices
Third Quarter – Week 1, Pages 1-10


Differentiating Biases from Prejudices
Third Quarter – Week , Pages 1-10


Differentiating Biases from Prejudices
Third Quarter – Week , Pages 1-10

4. Additional Materials from N/A

Learning Resources (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources

III. Procedure
A. Review Previous Lesson or
Presenting New Lesson
Routinary Activities:

1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
4. Reminders/House Rules

*Assignments about Bias and Prejudice were given the day before.

Determine whether the given scenario shows bias or prejudice.
Bias 1. Not hiring someone because of their age and gender.
Prejudice 2. Assuming someone is gay because of the way he acts.
Prejudice 3. Bullying and discriminating against someone with disability.
Bias __4. Accepting exclusive membership in clubs where certain
people are not allowed.
Prejudice_5. Posting negative comments in social media about the
economics status of a family
B. Establishing a purpose for
the lesson

 Are you familiar with the adage No man is an island?

 What comes to your mind when you see these logos?

 Was there a time when you caught yourself free judging others?
 Do you consider yourself judgemental as well?
1. *Presenting instances of
the new lesson Brief Introduction:

Bias refers to a tendency to lean in a particular direction or side. It is a

disposition to be in favor of or against one thing, person, or group. It is
having a concept or thought in a way considered to be unfair. Biases can
be learned or acquired implicitly within cultural contexts. A person may
develop biases toward or against an individual, an ethnic group, a sexual
or gender identity or preference, a nation, a religion, social class, political
views, ideologies, physical attributes, abilities,and disabilities.

To be biased means to lack a neutral perspective on a specific matter. It

means one-sided, lacking a balanced viewpoint, or someone not having
an open mind. When people are biased towards something, they lean
favorably towards it and think positively of it. On the other hand, when they
are biased against something, they lean negatively against it and think
poorly of it.

Prejudice is an irrational or incorrect attitude towards an individual or a

person based solely on their social group membership. The word is often
used to denote preconceived, usually unfavorable feelings, towards
people or a person because of their age, gender, sex, disability,
race/ethnicity, nationality, education, occupation, social class, beliefs,
religion, values, political views, sexuality, language, beauty, criminality,
affiliation or other personal characteristics.

Moreover, it is a positive or negative evaluation of another person based

their apparent group membership or what people think they belong.
Prejudice can also refer to unfounded or unsupported beliefs or an idea or
opinion that disregards basic facts. It is similar to ignorance or a lack of
knowledge, experience, or education.

2. Discussing New Concepts

and Practicing New Skills Guided Practice: Examine the given images closely. Identify which image
shows Bias or Prejudice. Write the word Bias or Prejudice as your answer.
3. Developing Mastery
Identify whether each situation shows bias or prejudice. Write T if the
statement is True, and write F if the statement is False.

1. Prejudice is the opinion or viewpoint while discrimination is the action.

2. If someone is thinking poorly of another person for his belonging to a
certain race, or for having different religious beliefs, then he has
3. Bias and discrimination are alike.
4. Prejudice is taking action based on a discrimination.
5. The tendency to favor one person, group, thing or point of view over
another, often in unfair way is called bias.

4. Finding Practical Read the paragraph, then answer the questions that follow.
Application of Concepts
Joyce believes that vaccine A is more effective because it was
and Skills in Daily Living
manufactured by an American pharmaceutical company. On the other hand,
Mico thinks that vaccine B is more effective because it comes from China.

1. What is Joyce's opinion about the COVID-19 vaccine? What about

2. What factor influenced their preference?
3. Do their respective dispositions reflect bias or prejudice? Why?

5. Making Generalizations
and Abstractions about the
Bias is a tendency to lean in a certain direction or side. It is a disposition
that someone is in favor of or against one thing, person or group compared
with another.

Prejudice is an irrational or incorrect attitude towards an individual or a

person based solely on their social group membership.

Bias and prejudice may lead to segregation, vulnerability, disadvantage and

discrimination in many places in our society.

6. Evaluating Learning Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is reflected in the act of judging people unfavorably on account of
their ethnicity, religion, or organizational affiliation?
A. bias C. prejudice
B. fairness D. solidarity

2. Which of the following statements best describes bias?

A. People tend to form opinions without due knowledge.
B. People tend to dislike those who belong to a different group.
C. People tend to think that all members of a group are the same.
D. People tend to have an irrational attitude towards a particular group,
or religion.

3. Which of the following situations shows prejudice?

A. A group speaks hatred for other races and praise for their own.
B. A company hires a woman who shows expertise and has more
in the construction industry.
C. A member of the ruling party agrees with everything the government
but disagrees with everything the opposition believes.
D. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, any person of Japanese descent
in America was considered a suspect.

4. Which of the following statements best defines bias?

A. It is an inclination toward or against one way of thinking.
B. It is an opinion or judgment formed without due examination.
C. It is a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or
D. It is an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without
knowledge of the facts.

5. Which of the following does not show any form of bias and prejudice?
A. Refusing to listen to the opposing side
B. Identifying all East Asian individuals as carriers of the coronavirus
C.Choosing news sources that present stories that only support one's views
D.Evaluating all potential employees exclusively by their professional

Put a checkmark (✔) before statements that express bias and a cross mark
(x) before those that reflect prejudice.
6. A person only pays attention to information that confirms his/her beliefs
about global warming.
7. Companies choose to terminate older employees during the pandemic.
8. Trisha believes that only women are empowered and self-directed.
9. The teacher believes that football is a male thing.
10. The teacher needs to pick the best athlete in class; he'd probably pick
a boy.

7. Additional Activities for

Application or Remediation
Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, many individuals, particularly those
from East Asia, experience bias and prejudice from people they encounter.
If you were the President of the country, how would you address the issue?

Checked by: Approved by:

___________________ __________________
Josefina M. Andal Berwyn N. Bautista
Master Teacher I Head Teacher VI

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