Listening Report 1 Summary and Outline

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Listening Report 1

Pre-DY 105


Violetta Cupial

September 21st/2020

In the listening What’s Wrong with School Lunches, Cooper (2007) describe why
the school lunch is a social justice issue. Speaker is trying to change how people feed

kids in America, and change children’s relationship to food (Cooper, personal

communication, December 2007). Speaker said that USDA gives and allows

unhealthy food to children in school, so that kids will learning this bad thing (Cooper,

personal communication, December 2007). A lot of big businesses control almost

commercially produced and control much of stores what people eat in America

(Cooper, personal communication, December 2007). Hence, people should teach

children about regional food, as schools always give food to children which is full of

chemicals and it is an issue in the food supply (Cooper, personal communication,

December 2007). Speaker said that the USDA cannot be seen as all of what people

feed their kids. The antithesis of this whole thing is sustainable food (Cooper,

personal communication, December 2007). People really need to change the whole

paradigm with children and food and change the way people teach kids about these

thing (Cooper, personal communication, December 2007). In Berkeley, Speaker is

changed this social justice issue, and is totally fresh now (Cooper, personal

communication, December 2007). Speaker said that people have to make kids

understand that their food choices make a big difference. Speaker thinks if every

school district allocated a few moneys, and then people could start to fix this program

(Cooper, personal communication, December 2007). Speaker said that we have to get

academic institutions to start thinking about ways to teach people how to cook again,

and change how people have oversight over the National School Lunch Program

(Cooper, personal communication, December 2007). People can make a difference to

change this problem (Cooper, personal communication, December 2007).


Cooper, A. (2007). What’s wrong with school lunches [Video]. TED.


School Lunches is a social justice issue.

1. Trying to change how we feed kids in America.

(a) Salad bar--- neither happened.

2. How do we really change children’s relationship to food?

- [Teach children the symbiotic relationship between a healthy planet, food, and

kids. (antithesis--- extinct, sick)]

- Problem: food is unhealthy; kids learning; big agribusiness control

commercially produced, grocery stores, and much of what people eat.

(a) Teach child regional food. (most school can’t afford organic food; full of

chemicals, cause kids getting sick; USDA allow to produce antibiotics---it’s an

issue in the food supply)

(b) Sustainable food (USDA can’t be seen as the all of what we feed our kids and

what’s allowed---otherwise, have kids that have a life less long than our own.)

(c) We have responsible for what kids eat. (including parents and schools)

(d) We need to change this whole paradigm with kids and food.

(e) We have to change the way we teach kids about these things.

(in Berkeley, it’s totally fresh--- cooking classes, gardening classes, use our


(f) Make kids understand their food choices make a big difference. (recycling)

3. The consuming on educational system is too less.

(a) To fix this program.

(b) To get academic institutions to start thinking about ways to teach people how

to cook again.

(c) Change how we have oversight over the National School Lunch Program.

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