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Marketing is a process by which companies Preparing an Integrated Marketing Plan and Program

engage customers, build strong customer The marketing mix- is the set of tools (four Ps) the firm
relationships, and create customer value in uses to implement its marketing strategy. It includes
order to capture value from customers in return. product, price, promotion, and place.
Five Core Customer and Marketplace Integrated marketing program- is a comprehensive plan
Concepts that communicates and delivers the intended value to
Concept 1: Customer needs, wants, and chosen customers.
-States of felt deprivation Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Physical:food, clothing, warmth, safety. The overall process of building and maintaining profitable
Social:belonging and affection. customer relationships by delivering superior customer
Individual:knowledge and self-expression. value and satisfaction.
-Form that needs take as they are shaped by Customer- perceived value:The customer’s evaluation of
culture and individual personality. the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of
-Wants backed by buying power. a marketing offer relative to those of competing offers.
Willingness and desire to buy. Customer satisfaction:The extent to which a product’s
perceived performance matches a buyer’s expectations.
Concept 2: Market offerings (products,
services and experiences)
-Market offerings are some combination of
products, services, information, or Partner Relationship Management
experiences offered to a market to satisfy a Partner relationship management involves working
need or want. closely with partners in other company departments
-Marketing myopia is the mistake of paying and outside the company to jointly bring greater
more attention to the specific products a value to customers
company offers than to the benefits and -Partners inside the company is every function area
experiences produced by these products. interacting with customers
focusing only on existing wants and losing Electronically
sight of underlying consumer needs (Mouse Cross-functional teams
trap). -Partners outside the company is how marketers
connect with their suppliers, channel partners, and
Concept 3: Value and satisfaction competitors by developing partnerships
Value: Customers form expectations
regarding value whereas marketers must Capturing Value from Customers:
deliver value to consumers. Creating Customer Loyalty and Retention
Satisfaction: A satisfied customer will buy Customer lifetime value is the value of the entire
again and tell others about their good stream of purchases that the customer would
experience. make over a lifetime of patronage.
-It’s five times cheaper to keep an old customer
Concept 4: Exchanges and relationships than acquire a new one.
Exchange: The act of obtaining a desired -CLV for a customer of Stew Leonard is $50,000
object/response from someone by offering Growing Share of Customer
something in return. Share of customer is the portion of the customer’s
Examples: Political candidates, orchestra, purchasing that a company gets in its product
and social action group One exchange is not categories.
the goal, relationships with several ex:
exchanges (create, maintain and grow Share of wallet”
desirable exchange relationships) are the “Share of stomach”
goal “Share of garage”
Relationship: Relationships are built through “Share of travel”
delivering value and satisfaction Customer equity
Customer equity is the total combined customer
Concept 5: Markets lifetime values of all of the company’s customers.
Markets are the set of actual and potential It’s a measure of the future value of the company’s
buyers of a product. Marketers seek customer base.
exchange relationship with buyers that are -Sales and Market share (past)
profitable. -Customer Equity (future )
Not only asking “how can we influence our Customer Relationship Levels, Groups and Tools
consumers?” but also “how can our
consumers influence us…each other?” As
such, buyers or consumers also carry out

Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing

Marketing management: is the art and
science of choosing target markets and
building profitable relationships with
To design a wining marketing strategy,
the marketing managers must answer:
What customers will we serve?
How can we best serve these
Market segmentation: refers to dividing The Changing Marketing Landscape:
the markets into segments of customers The digital age
Target marketing: refers to which The explosive growth of the digital technology (Internet
segments to go after. of Things…everyone is digitally connected to everything)
Which segment of consumers the -Real time marketing
company should go after (target/select)? -Mobile marketing
(Select only customers that the company The changing economic environment
can serve well and profitably) The great recessions from 2008 to 2009…[COVID-19]
Demand Management: is the process of -Spending patterns and new economic realities
finding and increasing demand, also -Sensible consumption (simpler living and more value
changing or reducing demand. for dollar)
Demarketing is marketing: to reduce -Target (value proposition “Expect more, pay less” to
demand temporarily or permanently; the “Pay less” or “More for your money”) upscale-discounter
aim is not to destroy demand but to -Walmart (“lowest-price”)
reduce or shift it. Rapid globalization
The value proposition: is the set of Geographical and cultural distances have shrunk
benefits or values a company promises to -Increased global competition from foreign competitors
deliver to customers to satisfy their -Greater market coverage
needs. -More options for purchasing (sourcing) and
-Differentiate manufacturing
-Position The growth of not-for-profit marketing
“Make yourself at home” (Hilton Hotel) Many organizations are realizing the importance of
strategic marketing to attract memberships, funds and
Marketing Management Orientations or -Performing arts
Philosophies -Government agencies
Production concept: is the idea that -Colleges
consumers will favor products that are Hospitals (celebrity endorsements and corporate
available and highly affordable. partnerships and online presence)
Therefore, the organization should focus on -Religious groups/Churches
improving production and distribution Sustainable Marketing
efficiency. The call for more environmental and social responsibility
However, this philosophy leads to marketing -Consumerism and environmentalism movements
myopia -To do well by doing good…Corporate ethics and social
Product concept: is the idea that consumers responsibility
will favor products that offer the most quality,
performance, and innovative features.
Organization should therefore devote its
energy to making continuous product
However, this philosophy also leads to
marketing myopia… (Example, better
mousetrap instead of solving mouse problem)
Selling concept: is the idea that consumers will
not buy enough of the firm’s products unless it
undertakes a large scale selling and promotion
Good for unsought goods…life insurance or
blood donation
Marketing concept: is the idea that achieving
organizational goals depends on knowing the
needs and wants of the target markets and
delivering the desired satisfactions better
than competitors do.
Societal marketing concept:
The idea that a company's marketing decisions
should consider consumers' wants, the
company's requirements,consumers' long-run
interests, and society's long-run interests.
Strategic planning is the process of
developing and maintaining a strategic fit
between the organization’s goals and Measuring and Managing Return on
capabilities and its changing marketing Marketing Investment:
opportunities Return on Marketing Investment
(Marketing ROI)-
Steps in Strategic Planning Return on marketing investment
Defining a Market-Oriented Mission (Marketing ROI) is the net
-The mission statement is the return from a marketing
organization’s purpose, what it wants to investment divided by the
accomplish in the larger environment. costs of the marketing
-Market-oriented mission statement investment. Marketing ROI
defines the business in terms of provides a measurement of
satisfying basic customer needs. the profits generated by
Nike: We sell athletic shoes and apparel investments in marketing
-We bring inspiration and innovation activities
to every athlete* in the world
(* if you have a body, you are an
Facebook- We are online social network-
We connect people around the
world and help them share
important moments in their lives.
Setting Company Objectives and Goals
Business objectives
• Increase access, lower costs
• Improve quality of care
• Invest in research, education and
customer outreach
• Improve profits
Marketing objectives
• Increase consumer engagement, sales
and market share
• Walk-in medical care (MinuteClinic)
• Increase advertising and promotional
Designing the Business Portfolio
The business portfolio- is the collection of
businesses and products that make up
the company
Portfolio analysis- is a major activity in Market Planning—Parts of a
strategic planning whereby management Marketing Plan
evaluates the products and businesses Executive summary
that make up the company Marketing situation
Analyzing the Current Business Portfolio Threats and opportunities
Strategic business unit (SBU) is a unit of Objective and issues
the Marketing strategy
company that has a separate mission and Action programs
objectives that can be planned separately Budgets
from other company businesses Controls
• Company division
• Product line within a division
• Single product or brand
-Tools Managing the Marketing Effort
-Identify key businesses (strategic planning-
business units, or SBUs) that make Strengths;
up the company Internal capabilnes that may
-Assess the attractiveness of its help a company reach its
various SBUs objectives
-Decide how much support each Opportunities;
SBU deserves External factors that the
company may be able to exploit
to its advantage
Strategic Business unit: Weaknesses;
Problems with Matrix Approaches Internal limitations that may
• Difficulty in defining SBUs and measuring interfere with a company's
market share and growth ability to achieve its objectives
• Time consuming Threats;
• Expensive Current and emerging external
• Focus on current businesses, not future factors that may challenge the
planning company's performance
Developing Strategies for Growth and Downsizing Implementing
Product/market expansion grid- is a tool for is the process that turns
identifying company growth opportunities marketing plans into marketing
through market penetration, market actions to
development, product development, or accomplish strategic marketing
diversification objectives
Developing Strategies for Growth and Downsizing • Successful implementation
Product/market expansion grid strategies depends on how
Market penetration- is a growth strategy well the company blends its
increasing sales to current market segments people,
without changing the product organizational structure,
Market development- is a growth strategy that decision and reward
identifies and develops new market segments system, and company culture
for current products into a cohesive
Product development- is a growth strategy that action plan that supports its
offers new or modified products to existing strategies
market segments Marketing Control
Diversification- is a growth strategy through • Controlling is the measurement
starting up or acquiring businesses outside the and evaluation of results and
company’s current products and markets the taking of corrective action as
Developing Strategies for Growth and Downsizing needed
Downsizing is the reduction of the business • Operating control
portfolio by eliminating products or business units • Strategic control
that are not profitable or that no longer fit the
company’s overall strategy
Planning Marketing:
Partnering to Build Customer Relationships-
Value chain- is a series of departments that carry out
value-creating activities to design, produce, market,
deliver, and support a firm’s products
Value delivery network- is made up of the company,
suppliers, distributors, and ultimately customers who
partner with each other to improve performance of the
entire system
Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Mix:
Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy-
Market segmentation- is the division of a market into
distinct groups of buyers who have distinct needs,
characteristics, or behavior and who might require
separate products or marketing mixes.
Market targeting- is the process of evaluating each
market segment’s attractiveness and selecting one or
more segments to enter.
Customer-Centered Marketing Strategy-
Market positioning- is the arranging for a product to
occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place relative
to competing products in the minds of the target
Market differentiation- is actually differentiating the
market offering to create superior customer value
Developing an Integrated Marketing Mix
Marketing mix- is the set of controllable tactical
marketing tools—product, price, place, and
promotion—that the firm blends to produce the
response it wants in the target market
Product: Promotion: Price: Place:
Variety Advertising List price Channels
Quality Personal Coverage
Discounts Assort-
Design selling Allowances
Features Sales ments
Payment period Locations
Brand name promotion Credit terms
Packaging Public Inventory
Services relations Transporta-

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