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#1: Goals help you chalk out a clear direction
Do you know the three things that help us love and
live our lives? They are focus, purpose, and priority.
Unless we have these, we will be drifting away in this
world, like a rudderless boat that drifts about in the
wind. The last thing that anyone would want is
spending energy in going around in circles and
reaching nowhere.
The biggest hurdle that keeps us from keeping goals or
pursuing them is the waiting factor. What does it mean?
It simply refers to a mental attitude of waiting for the
right time, because of the feeling of ‘not being ready
yet’. No one needs to wait till the beginning of the year
to get the motivation of keeping mammoth resolutions,
which don’t work out well.
How can goals give you the needed direction?
Goals motivate you
Wendy Osefo, a professor of John Hopkins University says
that goals keep you motivated through every journey in life.
Without them, you can reach a professional or personal
standstill in life. Wendy also made a useful comment: “You
want to keep pushing yourself to reach your full potential.
[Setting goals keeps you] motivated to achieve more, depending
on what is important to you. You don’t want to get stuck on a
hamster wheel at work.” why you don’t need to wait for the
New Year to start keeping goals.
Goals give you a target to aim
Life without a goal is like having a bow and an arrow
without a target. Where would you shoot? Goals give you
the aim to focus your energy, talents, resources, and
abilities. When you have a sense of direction, your mind
gets the power to focus on that particular direction and
makes it possible for you to hit your target and achieve
your goal. All of this becomes possible without stress,
strain, and pain.
How can you keep such goals?

The simplest way of keeping goals is the P-V-G-A

formula. Let’s understand how it works.
•P stands for Purpose – What is your purpose?
•V stands for Value – What value does it bring?
•G stands for Goal – What goal should you keep?
•A stands for Action – What action should I take?
Now let’s take 1 example to see how we can
use the PVG formula.
•Purpose: To reduce weight
•Value: To become healthy and happy
•Goal: To reduce 10 pounds in 6 months
•Action: Cut down on carbs, eat more
proteins, etc. (can be more specific)
How does it keep chaos away?
Goals let you plan
What comes first? Goals or chaos? Many people have
started keeping goals after they have been through a lot
of chaos in life, while many people have faced chaos
while fulfilling their goals. No matter when chaos hits
you, if you have clear goals in mind, it becomes easy to
plan and stick to your goals.
Goals let you adjust
If you have the habit of keeping micro and macro
goals, you will also be in a better position to adapt or
rewire your goals. When you have everything clearly
outlined it becomes easier to make way for
contingencies, or damage-control, which is not
possible if you don’t have goals.
#3 Goals make you more productive
According to a study conducted by Sven Asmus,
Florian Karl et al, goal-setting can increase the
performance of an industrial worker by 12 to 15%
(even without any financial incentive) compared to a
situation where no clear goals are defined. There are
numerous studies where researchers have connected
goal-setting to performance and this holds true for
all aspects of our life.
How can goals make us productive?
Goals keep us regulated
Goals that are clear and specific help you in
implementing decisions faster, and allocate
resources smartly. Goals act as guidelines to keep
your plans in check and help you pool all your
resources to your desired outcome. With a plan,
you are motivated to push harder. In a sense, your
goals regulate your resources, energy, and focus to
lead you swiftly to your purpose.
Goals help you measure performance
When you have a goal in place, you can measure your
existing performance with it to understand where you
have reached. Without a specific target, it is impossible
to measure productivity and efficiency. There is no real
way to identify performance or quantify your efforts
without keeping a target. If there is no goal, a person
may find himself needlessly slogging and risking stress
and burnout.

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