Fly From Montgomery - 03.04.2024 - Early Access PDF

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A LL0 scenario for the Lancer Roleplaying Game

John Perich

Edited by
John Perich

Layout by
John Perich
Template via Lancer RPG Template by Michael Prijatelj, used under CC BY 4.0

Cover Art
brown and white mountains under white clouds and blue sky during daytime by omid roshan, used under
the Unsplash License

Interior Art by
Starlight Furnace (map backgrounds and assets); Delapouite, Ubed, and Lorc ( under
CC-BY-3.0; Michael Schiffer, Patrick Hendry, Aleksey Kashmar, Andreas Haubold, Siyuan, and NASA
(Unsplash) under the Unsplash License

Playtesting by
Dreamer, Matthaeus M, Fungus, Tank enthusiast, Seakeal, Ferrus Axel, Sophie, and others

Special Thanks to
Massif Press for the use of the Lancer setting and system; the welcoming and creative Lancer community
at PilotNET; the DOJ/HR auxiliaries of Arbitration; Bonnie Raitt and John Prine.

Fly From Montgomery is not an official Lancer product; it is a third party work, and is not affiliated with
Massif Press. Fly From Montgomery is published via the Lancer Third Party License.

Fly From Montgomery by John Perich is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Lancer is copyright Massif Press.

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 4
CHAPTER 1: IF DREAMS WERE THUNDER ............................................ 6
COMBAT 1: IF LIGHTNING WAS DESIRE ......................................................... 8
CHAPTER 2: NO MATTER HOW I TRY .................................................. 10
COMBAT 2: LIKE A BROKEN-DOWN DAM ..................................................... 14
CHAPTER 3: FLIES IN THE KITCHEN .................................................... 17
COMBAT 3: I CAN HEAR THEM THERE BUZZING ........................................... 18
AFTERMATH ........................................................................................... 20
NEW CONTENT ....................................................................................... 21

is copyright Massif Press.

12 years ago, Harrison Armory began shipping
OVERVIEW arms to partisan cells fighting the ruling clans of
Montgomery, a Diasporan world of volcanic
Fly From Montgomery is a 3-scene mission for islands and ashen steppes. A long-standing
Lancer. It is designed for LL0 mech pilots. It border skirmish turned hot overnight. The
provides a narrative hook that can jumpstart an Montgomery Royalists may have had the
entire campaign, or a one-off scenario that can numbers and the shells, but the partisans had
be worked into another storyline. fervor and state-of-the-art armor on their side.
And when the Royalists stepped up their
Only the Lancer Core Rulebook from Massif
counterattack, Harrison Armory's Colonial
Press is required for this scenario. Fly From
Legion responded in force.
Montgomery introduces two new rules options
suitable for use in other encounters: Metaurus followed close behind. They have
been poaching the arms and armor of both sides
● KNOCKOFF, an NPC template that gives
from their cutter, the Nerone, in low orbit.
enemy mechs surprising versatility at
Metaurus has made enough off this conflict to
the cost of a new vulnerability.
keep itself afloat another year—just long enough
● DELIVERY, a new sitrep that requires the to transit to the next battle.
PCs to pick one zone out of several to
It's a weary business. Every member of
defend and then hold it against sudden
Metaurus, especially the frontline pilots dodging
waves of reinforcements.
artillery, would like a chance at something
better. Just one big find, one perfect score, so
BACKGROUND: MAKE ME AN that Metaurus could pick its own battles rather
than scurrying after someone else's.
Metaurus Reclamation and Recovery has Yesterday, Executive Officer Madhuri McKellar
heard a rumor.
survived off the salvage of the conflict-prone
Altai Ring for over 120 years. They orbit the
The Petrovic clan of the Montgomery ruling
perimeter of a hot zone, then drop in after the
family recognized early on that the war was
fighting has waned but before the battle lines
going against them. They pulled most of their
can be redrawn. Spent reactor cores, discarded
reserves back to their mines, extracting as much
weapons, abandoned chassis: no scrap goes promethium as possible. Harrison Armory's 2nd
overlooked. Some of it gets resold to the
Montgomery Legion blitzed through the
combatants—either side—and some gets
Petrovics' weakened lines on their march to
pocketed for their own use. Rapid insertions into
Prine, the capital city. It was the penultimate
a war zone often mean taking pot shots from
advance in the Legion's victorious rout.
both sides.
In ten days, the surviving clan leaders will sign
It's an ignoble business. It's not as cruel as the
terms of surrender in Prine. The Colonial Legion
causes some of these planets fight for. But that's
will take formal control of the planet. All eyes are
little consolation when you're surviving off a on the capital ... and not on the Petrovic stores
richer planet's leavings.
of promethium.

The Royalists no longer have a claim to it. The of promethium could mean a fresh start
Legion wouldn't even miss it. But in the hands of elsewhere in the Diaspora. All it takes is a
a small mercenary salvage company, a stockpile cunning plan, plenty of daring, and a bit of luck.

This scenario presumes the PCs are an advance mech team from Metaurus Reclamation and
Recovery. But this same mission could be adapted into an existing campaign with a few tweaks:

● The PCs could be former Montgomery partisans, trying to keep the promethium out of the
Royalists' hands. You may want to reskin the Legion opposition to be Royalist diehards.
● The PCs could be Union DOJ/HR auxiliaries, dispatched to rescue hostages from the
Montgomery conflict. In Chapter 2, the challenge is not to load promethium but to attend
to malnourished and injured prisoners, while finding a safe way to transport them
overland. Both the Royalists and the Legion want the hostages as leverage in the
upcoming surrender negotiations. DOJ/HR simply wants them safe and free.

The PCs approach the depot. What should have been a milk run turns into a firefight.

those warehouses are stuffed to bursting with

ON THE MARCH pallets of promethium. The Petrovics pulled their
reserve forces from the front lines in the final
Read the following to the players: days of the war in a desperate attempt to extract
enough of the rare mineral to turn the tide. But it
You've been on the march since dawn.
wasn't enough.
Your dropship deposited you on a plateau eighty
In ten days, the last of the Montgomery
klicks north-northeast of your target: high above
Royalists will sign terms of surrender with the
sea level, far from any of the battles that have
Harrison Armory Colonial Legion. The Petrovics
plagued Montgomery for a generation, no one
no longer have a claim to this promethium. The
surveilling you but the birds. The air was thin
Legion doesn't even know they have it. If you
enough that it would cause dizziness after an
can get in, load up the last of the haul, and get
hour and hallucinations in less than a day, but
out, you'll have earned your salvage company a
you were safely ensconced in the cockpits of
modest fortune. Not enough to retire early, but
your mechanized chassis. Temperatures were
enough to start picking your own battles, rather
comfortable, breathing was easy, and all
than chasing after the scraps of richer planets.
systems were nominal.
Rumor has it that the depot is entirely deserted.
You proceeded down the steep slopes of the
And initial surveillance from 1000 meters out
plateau at a steady pace, letting the legs of your
doesn't show any activity. But you haven't
armored frame do the work. Your target lay over
survived this long by charging in blind.
the horizon: not even a speck in your viewport,
but a blip laid over your HUD by Messidor, the
administrative NHP aboard your cutter. Messidor THE LAST DEPOT
and the rest of your crew wait in orbit, two
thousand kilometers above you. They've plotted This is a chance for the players to introduce their
a course, confirmed the rumors, and scouted the pilots in action. Ask each of the players in turn
surroundings. But the fortunes of Metaurus what their pilot's standard practice is for
Reclamation and Recovery—or the disastrous surveilling and securing a target. Let the players
consequences—rest on your shoulders. respond at their level of comfort. Some may give
brief descriptions. Some may roleplay their PC's
Four hours later, your HUD waypoint resolves response in detail: cracking jokes, lighting a
into something real: the last mining depot of the cigar, filling the comms band with military jargon.
Petrovic clan. The depot is a cluster of Either works!
warehouses, garages, and offices in the base of
a rocky valley, settled around a dirt crossroads. The PCs' responses may set them up for certain
If the rumors your XO heard are correct, then skill checks that could convey an advantage in

the coming encounter. Consult the list of options ● On a 10+, they will confirm what the
below. Any PC who takes an action similar to initial long-range scan suggested: the
one of the following should make a skill check, depot is in fact abandoned. Treadmarks
adding relevant skill triggers and accuracy for along the dirt road are crusted over,
their background. If more than one pilot engages suggesting no one's been here in the
in any of the following tasks, they can provide +1 last six days. All the tracks are for light
ACCURACY for teamwork. They'll also benefit vehicles: personnel carriers, not heavy
from any of the bonuses earned on a 20+. transports.
● On a 20+, they can do a quick inventory
SECURING THE PERIMETER of the vehicles and cargo available. Any
skill checks for loading promethium in
Any pilot who mentions circling around or
the next chapter (see CHAPTER 2) will
securing the perimeter has a chance to spot
get +1 ACCURACY.
the Royalist forces approaching the valley from
the other side.
● On a 10+, the pilot picks up signs of ROYALIST RETURN
inbound mechs on their scanners. The
PCs will know that a fight is coming. Once every PC has had a chance to investigate
● On a 20+, the pilot spots the inbound or engage with the depot in some way, read the
mechs early enough to take advantage following:
of them. They can apply LOCK-ON to
The rhythmic stomp of armored legs and the
one of the hostile mechs as a protocol in
hum of fusion reactors draws your attention.
Round 1.
From the southern end of the valley—opposite
SCANNING THE DEPOT from where you entered—a squadron of mechs
emerges from the wiry scrub. Their frames are
Any pilot who mentions scanning the depot or scuffed with dirt and faded from sun exposure,
deploying a drone to scout ahead could spot but you can still make out the yellow and
the turrets placed around the area. turquoise of the Montgomery Royalist faction.
● On a 10+, the pilot spots the turrets.
They are powered and active, set to By now, the Royalists have to know that they’ve
target and fire upon anything that comes lost. The Legion has won. They have no more
within their radius. claim to the promethium stacked in those
● On a 20+, the pilot identifies the turrets' warehouses than you do. Are they opportunists
network signature. Any tech attacks they like you? Survivors denying the obvious?
make against the turrets will have +1
A second later, your HUD notifies you their
weapons systems are coming online. That's one
PROCEED WITH CAUTION question answered, anyway

Any pilot who mentions proceeding with

caution or scouting the depot can get a lay of
the land.

The PCs must secure control of the depot against the Royalist forces. They must contend not only with
enemy mechs but with the automated turrets the Petrovic clan left behind.

SITREP: Control (Lancer Core Rulebook, p268)

OBJECTIVE(S): Maintain control of the depot and drive off the Royalists.

FOR 2 PCS: 1x BARRICADE (Drag Down)
1x BASTION (Fearless Defender)
1x KNOCKOFF BERSERKER (Harpoon Cannon)
FOR 3 PCS: Add 1x KNOCKOFF BERSERKER (Harpoon Cannon)
FOR 4 PCS: Add 1x BARRICADE (Drag Down)
FOR 5 PCS: Add 1x BASTION (Fearless Defender)
FOR 2–3 PCS: 1x KNOCKOFF BERSERKER (Harpoon Cannon), 1x BASTION (Fearless Defender), 1x
FOR 4-5 PCS: 2x KNOCKOFF BERSERKER (Harpoon Cannon), 2x BASTION (Fearless Defender), 2x
TURRETS There are 3 turrets distributed across the center of the map. These turrets can affect PCs
and NPCs alike.
At the end of each round, any character within RANGE 3 of a turret takes 2 kinetic damage.
A character who is HIDDEN or INVISIBLE is not affected.
Turrets have EVASION 8, E-DEFENSE 8, and 5 HP.


Four control zones (CZ) are spaced around the The BERSERKERS will charge in as swiftly as
depot. At the end of each round, the PCs score possible, contesting any zones the PCs lay
a point for each zone they control (with only PCs claim to. They will use their HARPOON CANNON to
present). The NPCs score a point as well for close distance or drag PCs out, then use
each zone they control. If one side controls all LIMITLESS to pile on more and more attacks.
four CZs, they gain an additional +1 point. At the Savvy PCs will capitalize if a BERSERKER'S heat
end of Round 6, the PCs need more points than gets too high and put them in EXPOSED.
the NPCs to win.
The BARRICADE will pin PCs down via DRAG
The turrets are distributed to throttle free DOWN and their GRAVITON CANNON, preventing
movement between the control zones. The PCs them from threatening any zones the NPCs
will need to destroy the turrets, move in the control. If they can block off a lane with their
tricky space between turret threat zones, or risk MOBILE PRINTER, they'll try that too. The BASTION
being fired upon. PCs with the ability to force will look to block any open paths between the
movement can also trick the NPCs into a turret's PC zones and their own.
fire zone.


● PC Victory: if the PCs control more

zones for longer, the NPCs will retreat.
The PCs will have the opportunity to
begin loading promethium for transport.
Having to defend the depot the minute
they arrived should put some pressure
on them, though. Apparently Metaurus
weren't the only ones to hear about this
rumored stash.

● PC Defeat: if the NPCs hold off or

overwhelm the PCs, they'll take control
of the depot. While the PCs fall back to
consolidate their position, the Royalists
will start loading up pallets of
promethium. They will quickly withdraw,
but the PCs' coveted stash will be
notably depleted. The maximum
available number of promethium units to
be loaded in CHAPTER 2 will now be
equal to the number of PCs.

Either way, advance to CHAPTER 2.

With the depot all theirs, the PCs must now secure as much promethium as possible. But they won't have
the place to themselves for long.

is to sift out the naturally occurring promethium

SILENCE IN THE HILLS at a refinery and use the rest of the irradiated
soil as a printing substrate.
Read the following:
Set up a clock with 6 wedges (for 2-3 PCs) or 8
After a hard-fought battle, you now have access
wedges (for 4-5 PCs). Let the players know that
to the depot. The hills surrounding the valley are
they can help load up containers in the
quiet, the wildlife having been frightened off by
autowagon, search the depot for salvage, or do
the deafening firefight. The buildings are
other things. Each turn they take in this period
chipped and pockmarked from incoming shells,
fills in one wedge on the clock. Once the clock
but largely intact.
has filled, move on to the next section of
A quick check of the area shows that the garage Chapter 2.
still has a working autowagon. It will be simple to
Some options the PCs might take are listed
pair the wagon's COMP/CON unit with one of
below. They are not limited to these options!
your chassis so that it will follow you out of the
valley. From there, you can march to the LOAD UP PROMETHIUM
arranged pickup spot and rendezvous with the This is the whole purpose of the mission. PCs
rest of your company. can make skill checks with appropriate triggers
and backgrounds to haul containers onto the
The real work—loading up the autowagon—
autowagon. Yes, loading a truck is skilled labor.
begins now. Of course, some of you are in better
shape than others, and may want to scavenge Let the PCs know that Metaurus expects them to
for other useful things. bring back at least a number of units of
promethium equal to the number of PCs (e.g., 4
LOAD AND LOCK PCs = 4 units). A "unit" is a deliberately abstract
measurement that represents multiple cargo
First, make sure the PCs get a REST (Lancer containers.
Core Rulebook, pg 84), allowing them to spend
repairs and restore HP and weapons as needed. ● On a 9 or less, the pilot has to pause
midway through to rearrange some of
The promethium is stored in the depot's central what they've packed. They load 1 unit of
warehouse in IPS-N standard medium promethium, but must fill in an additional
containers (2m by 1m by 0.5m). Each container wedge of the clock.
is clasped shut. Opening a container reveals a ● On a 10-19, the pilot does a good job,
densely packed pile of dark soil and rubble that loading 2 units of promethium.
triggers bright, blaring radiation warnings in a ● On a 20+, the pilot is on a roll: they load
pilot's hardsuit. There's only about a gram of 3 units of promethium.
promethium in each container. Normal practice
If the PCs were defeated in COMBAT 1, then ○ INDUSTRIAL COOLANT: reset
there are only a total number of units available OVERCHARGE to 1d3 (if higher)
equal to the number of PCs. The Royalists made during a rest.
off with the rest. Otherwise, the supply is ● On a 20+, the pilot finds all of the 10-19
effectively unlimited. options. Share with your comrades!

The autowagon can hold 6 units of promethium LET OFF STEAM

in total. Mechs with EXPANDED COMPARTMENTS
can hold 1 unit apiece, so long as the pilot You didn't get into this business to pack up
silences or disables their internal radiation trucks. You just got shot at! One of these depot
alarms. offices must have a bottle of something good
tucked into a drawer.
● On a 9 or less, the search is fruitless.
Pilots who aren't satisfied with filling the ● On a 10-19, the pilot finds something to
autowagon can scrounge around for alternative take the edge off. They gain the
means of transport. There are plenty of RELAXED status.
passenger vehicles around that could be jury- ○ RELAXED: when a PC would
rigged to carry cargo containers with a little become IMPAIRED, SLOWED, or
effort: tearing seats and benches out, STUNNED, they may instead
programming vehicle autonavs to form a clear their RELAXED status.
caravan line, etc. RELAXED vanishes at the end of
the next combat.
● On a 9 or less, the pilot gets a vehicle
● On a 20+, they find enough to share
ready but doesn't get any containers
with the rest of the class. Any pilot who
wishes to may gain the RELAXED status.
● On a 10-19, the pilot loads 1 unit into a
converted vehicle. SECURE THE PERIMETER
● On a 20+, the pilot loads 2 units into one
or more converted vehicles. After the last encounter, pilots may be
reasonably concerned that someone else could
SALVAGE show up at the depot.

Pilots whose mechs got badly shot up in the last ● On a 10+, the pilot picks up signs of
encounter may want to scavenge repairs and inbound mechs on their scanners. The
gear from their fallen foes. The depot itself may PCs will know that a fight is coming
also hold useful equipment, too. Make an once the scene's clock is full. Give them
appropriate skill check: a rough sense of numbers (how many
mechs, plus the number of squads
● On a 9 or less, the pilot finds
standardized parts and lubricants worth
● On a 20+, the pilot gets a full readout of
1 REPAIR, but that's all.
the inbound forces. Give them the exact
● On a 10-19, the pilot finds one of the
number and type of mechs in the inital
following (their choice):
deployment. Let them know that there
are reinforcements behind that initial
○ Ammo to restore LIMITED 2 to
wave as well, but keep the numbers and
any LIMITED weapons or
details vague.


If a PC wants something specific, or wants to try Trying to bribe the platoon with some of the
something not covered in the above, resolve it salvaged promethium will result in an immediate
as POWER AT A COST or use your best judgment. order to open fire.

Once the clock is full, the next interested party BLUFF

shows up: a squadron of mechs and infantry
from Harrison Armory's 2nd Montgomery Legion, Trying to bluff the platoon has a better chance of
Excelsior Company. succeeding, though this is still a RISKY check
that will only succeed on a 20+ (HEROIC).

ENTER THE LEGION ● Outlandish bluffs ("we're your

commanding officers!" "we're just
Read the following aloud: farmers who found these state-of-the-art
combat chassis in a well") will get +1 or
They emerge from over the steep rock wall to
the west: a platoon of mechanized chassis in the
● More reasonable bluffs ("we're an
familiar deep plum of the Harrison Armory
advance team of auxiliaries sent to
Colonial Legion. A squad of infantry accompany
secure the facility") can earn +1
them, taking up positions behind the boulders
scattered along the lip of the valley. The
● Pointing out that the Provisional
Royalists you contended with a few hours ago
Government doesn't have authority here
seemed ragged and uncertain. These pilots are
until the terms of surrender are signed in
disciplined, equipped with modern weapons and
10 days is worth +2 ACCURACY (nice
comms. They're another class entirely.
work paying attention in the briefing,
A signal flashes on your open comms channel. pilot).
The commanding officer of the platoon, ● In any case, even with success, the PCs
Lieutenant Jocasta van Breda, appears in your will still be expected to follow through on
HUD. the implications of their bluff. "Advance
team, eh? All right, sync that autowagon
"This depot and all of its contents are the with our mechs and follow us back to
property of the Montgomery Provisional the FOB." The PCs will probably still end
Government, administered at present by the 2nd up in a fight, but may each LOCK ON or
Montgomery Legion. Power down your reactors SCAN one hostile character as a protocol
and identify yourselves or you will be fired upon. in Round 1.
You have ten seconds to comply."

THE CLOCK IS TICKING Attempts to intimidate the platoon will have no

effect on the mech pilots. They have the full
Unless the PCs do as the Lieutenant asks, this
backing of the Legion behind them and are
will almost certainly turn into a fight.
jonesing for a real fight. However, the infantry
Exceptionally clever pilots may try to parlay first.
are local volunteers, drawn from the native
Do not allow the players a lot of time for
Montgomery population, not hardened soldiers.
planning. If the players seem to be dithering, ask
everyone to roll 1d6 and note the highest result ● On a 10-19, the Squad will be IMPAIRED
as the number of seconds that have elapsed. until the end of their first turn.
Remind the players the Lieutenant has only ● On a 20+, the Squad will be STUNNED
given them ten seconds. until the end of their first turn.


If the PCs surrender, the Lieutenant and her

platoon will surround them and seize all of the

● So long as the PCs identify themselves

honestly and thoroughly, they will be
free to go. Metaurus has permission to
operate in this theater, though the
Lieutenant will point out this strains the
bounds of their license. The PCs will be
asked to move along while the Legion
secures the depot.
● If the PCs plan to retake the cargo,
perhaps while the Legion moves it back
to their headquarters, set up an
Extraction sitrep with hostiles similar to
those below.
● Otherwise, the PCs head to their
rendezvous point emptyhanded.

Regardless of how the parlay shakes out, the

most likely outcome is still a fight. Proceed to
COMBAT 2 once the ten second deadline has
elapsed or all efforts at parlay have failed.

Lieutenant van Breda will not hesitate to
open fire at the ten-second mark unless the
PCs have powered down their mechs. If a
fight breaks out after the PCs have powered
down, then they start Combat 2 with the SHUT
DOWN status. SHUT DOWN can be cleared with
a BOOT UP full action and nothing else. This
means the PCs will essentially waste most of
the first round.

The PCs must defend the depot against a platoon of Harrison Armory's Colonial Legion. Failure here
means going home empty-handed.

SITREP: Holdout (Lancer Core Rulebook, p272)

OBJECTIVE(S): Keep enemies out of the center of the depot.

FOR 2 PCS: 1x HIVE COMMANDER (Grind Maniples; Press the Attack)
1x SENTINEL (Rapid Response)
1x SQUAD (Disciplined)
FOR 3 PCS: Add 1x SENTINEL (Rapid Response)
FOR 4-5 PCS: Add 1x SQUAD (Disciplined)
FOR 2–3 PCS: 1x ELITE WITCH (Dark Cloud), 1x SQUAD (Disciplined), 1x SENTINEL (Rapid Response)

FOR 4-5 PCS: 2x ELITE WITCH (Dark Cloud), 2x SQUAD (Disciplined), 2x SENTINEL (Rapid Response)
BONUS Lieutenant van Breda (the HIVE COMMANDER) will leave her comms channel open the entire
OBJECTIVE combat, attempting to talk the PCs into surrendering. Technically-savvy pilots may be able
to exploit this and gain useful intel.
If a PC SCANS the HIVE COMMANDER, they earn one roll on the INTEL BONUSES table after the
combat, provided the HIVE COMMANDER is also destroyed by the end of Round 6.
Only one roll may be earned per round (maximum of 6 rolls).
The HIVE COMMANDER must be destroyed to complete the BONUS OBJECTIVE. Otherwise,
any and all earned rolls are lost.

DETAILS The HIVE COMMANDER will lay down as many

RAZOR SWARMS as she can in the PC zone,
This battle uses the same map as COMBAT 1, forcing them to disperse at the risk of constant
but with a holdout zone in the middle instead of Burn. She'll use her GRIND MANIPLE and her
four control zones. The PCs must defend that PRESS THE ATTACK reaction to protect her
zone for 6 rounds. At the end of Round 6, they platoon from any PC who proves a substantial
score 4 points, less 1 point for every NPC in the threat.
The WITCH will pair TEAR DOWN and standard
TACTICS INVADES to put targets into the Danger Zone as
quickly as possible, heightening the heat they'll
The SQUADS will advance directly, relying on
receive from DARK CLOUD. Artillery PCs will get
BLIND while strikers are good targets for
the worst damage. The SENTINELS will charge
ahead, attempting to worm their way into the
zone and limit PC movement with their high-


● PC Victory: if the PCs prevent enough

hostile mechs from entering the allied
zone, the Legion forces will retreat.
Survivors will lay down covering fire to
allow their wounded to evacuate. Make
it clear to the PCs that this was just a
small part of a larger company. The
Legion is certain to return in force.

○ If the PCs scanned the HIVE

COMMANDER at least once and
destroyed her mech, they are
entitled to one or more

● PC Defeat: if the PCs can not keep the

zone clear, they are forced to withdraw.
The autowagon can not come with
them; any promethium loaded aboard it
is lost. Their priority now is to get to the
rendezvous point before the Legion
catches up with them.

Either way, the PCs get a Rest. Then proceed to


If the PCs scanned the Hive Commander one or more times and destroyed her mech—both steps are
required—then they can roll on the table below to determine what intel they gathered from Legion comms.
Each Reserve below may only be acquired once; move up one entry if any duplicates are rolled.


1 SUPERIOR LOGISTICS: you may deploy up to 3 spaces outside the Allied Deployment Zone in
the next encounter.
2 COMMS COUNTERMEASURES: At the end of your turn, if an NPC would act next, you may
designate a PC who has not acted already in this round. That PC may take their turn
4 SPOTTER DRONE: [Quick Action] apply LOCK ON to all hostile characters within 10 spaces
and line of sight.
5 Premiere Maintenance Package: [Quick Action] Restore all HP, clear the IMPAIRED
condition, and reload all LOADING weapons.
6 Diagnostics Platinum Package: [Quick Action] Clear EXPOSED, any Burn affecting your
mech, and one condition that was not caused by your own systems, talents, etc.

Though the PCs have options for how they approach each challenge, this scenario assumes the
PCs will face three fights back to back without much variation. For new players, or players looking
for a string of interesting battles, that might be enough. But GMs looking for greater complexity
might introduce one or more of the following options:

 The depot is not in fact abandoned. A skeleton crew of miners and foremen were left
behind with orders to keep extracting and packing promethium for the Royalists’ “glorious
counterattack.” They stopped work two weeks ago but have stayed here, fearing the chaos
in the hills. They have no strong loyalty to either the Royalists or the Legion, and they
have no use for the promethium, but they don’t like off-worlders much either. Depending
on how the PCs treat them, the miners could be helpful, indifferent, or antagonistic.
 A cell of anti-Royalist partisans show up as the PCs are robbing the depot. They have
heard rumors of the Legion’s plans for Montgomery following the surrender and they’re
not thrilled. Their plan is to salvage some saleable commodities, bury them in hidden
caches in the mountains, and wait for an opportunity to strike back. The PCs might want to
assist them in their revolutionary struggle, gently dissuade them from trying to fight the
Legion, or propose a trade.

The PCs have now made enemies of the two most powerful factions on the planet. Whether they have all
the promethium they wanted or not, it's time to make a break.


Read the following aloud:

What should have been a milk run has turned into a brutal slog. You've pinged Messidor to relay your
status and confirm pickup. The pickup zone is 65 klicks south of the depot, where the sandy valleys of the
depot give way to densely forested mountain slopes. It looked like an easy march to an obvious landmark
when you were planning this from the comfort of the Nerone's command lounge three days ago.

The landmark finally comes into view: a massive rock formation towering over a dense stand of trees.
Your shoulders soften and your breathing eases for the first time since you left the depot.

Then, as if to punish you for optimism, your HUD pings with contact warnings. Hostile mechs are on the
horizon. And you recognize their frame signatures ...

SITREP: Delivery (see NEW CONTENT below)

OBJECTIVE(S): Designate a landing zone, then keep all enemies out of it.

FOR 2 PCS: 1x ASSAULT (Auto-Targeting)
1x SEEDER (Grav Spike)
1x RAINMAKER (Endless Rain)
FOR 3 PCS: Add 1x SEEDER (Grav Spike)
FOR 4 PCS: Add 1x BASTION (Fearless Defender)
FOR 2–3 PCS: 1x ELITE SCOUT (Expose Weakness, Dataveil), 1x ASSAULT (Auto-Targeting)

FOR 4-5 PCS: 1x ELITE COMMANDER SCOUT (Expose Weakness, Dataveil), 1x ASSAULT (Auto-Targeting),
1x RAINMAKER (Endless Rain)


The enemy mechs in this combat can be from This encounter introduces the Delivery sitrep. A
either the Montgomery Royalists or the Harrison Delivery encounter requires the PCs to secure a
Armory Colonial Legion. site in advance of a particular deadline. The PCs
have some freedom of choice in sites, but must
● Do not choose a faction which defeated withstand a heavy wave of hostiles once the
the PCs in either of the first two delivery is inbound.
combats. Neither the Royalists nor the
Legion are likely to pursue someone There are four CZs spread across the map. At
they think they've whipped. the end of the second round, the PCs must
designate one of these CZs as the Objective
● The PCs are more likely to encounter Delivery Zone (ODZ). If there are only PCs
members of the Legion on other planets within the ODZ, they control it. If there are
or in other systems. GMs with an eye characters from two or more sides within the
toward a longer campaign may want to ODZ, it is contested.
set up Lieutenant van Breda, or another
tenacious NPC, as a recurring rival. After the ODZ has been selected, NPC
reinforcements may deploy from the CZ
● When in doubt, pick whichever faction diagonally opposite of the ODZ. For instance, if
the players seemed to hate more. the CZ in the northwest corner has been
Players find few things more satisfying designated as the ODZ, hostile mechs may
than trouncing a hated foe. deploy in either the southwest CZ or the enemy
deployment zone.

At the end of Round 6, if the PCs have
uncontested control of the ODZ, they win. If not,
they are defeated.


The ASSAULTS and SEEDERS will split up around

the rock mass in the center of the map, relying
on their armor (and the ASSAULT'S HUNKER
DOWN) to withstand damage. The SEEDER will
use GRAV SPIKE to pull PCs onto the mines it
launches. The RAINMAKER will hang back and
use its MISSILE PODS to harrass as many PCs as
possible, advancing until it has line of sight to
make use of its JAVELIN ROCKETS.

Once the SCOUT deploys, it will advance toward

the ODZ, relying on its DATAVEIL invisibility—and
frequently HIDING—to avoid taking fire. It will tag
as many PCs as possible with its MARKER RIFLE
to augment the RAINMAKER'S firepower.


the SCOUT'S QUICK MARCH, and the decent
speed of the ASSAULT units, NPCs will have lots
of chances to make sudden dashes for the ODZ
in later rounds. The PCs do not need to be on
the ODZ until Round 6, but they will find
themselves scrambling if they don't play tight


● PC Victory: if the PCs control the ODZ

at the end of Round 6, the hostile mechs
will retreat. The dropship from the
Nerone will swoop in, scooping up the
PCs and their haul. Mission
● PC Defeat: if the PCs do not have
control of the ODZ, the dropship does
not have a clear landing site. The PCs
will have to withdraw. A final encounter
to get the cargo of promethium out of
harm's way—perhaps an Escort—might
be necessary.

The mission ends with the PCs hustling into orbit ahead of their pursuers. They will have earned the
emnity of two powerful local factions. Though the Royalists are about to lose control of Montgomery, they
will still have whatever wealth they can abscond with and sympathetic allies on other worlds. And while
the 2nd Montgomery Legion will have its hands full on-planet for a while, officers cycle between postings
and share war stories all the time.

Was it worth it?

● If the PCs escaped with fewer units of promethium than their number (e.g., 3 units for 4 PCs), the
mission was not a success. Metaurus can fence the promethium to recoup their costs, but
they're not free of the grind yet.
● If the PCs escaped with more units of promethium than their number (e.g., 5 units for 3 PCs), the
mission was a success. Metaurus has a windfall that will enable it to jump from the Altai Ring to
more lucrative systems.
● If the PCs escaped with twice as many units of promethium as their number (e.g., 6 units for 3
PCs), the mission was a smashing success. Make some EXOTIC GEAR available—perhaps from
other Lancer supplements, or as a one-off weapon or system from another mech license—for
their acquisition.

Regardless, the players will need to get out of system quickly and find a new client. With a healthy
amount of experience under their treads, they will hopefully be ready for more complex and open-ended
missions in the future.

Fly From Montgomery introduces one new NPC template—the Knockoff—and one new sitrep—

Knockoffs merge parts and processes from
several mech manufacturers to cobble together
an unconventional frame. They are more
vulnerable to significant structural damage than
traditional builds, but are capable of surprising

KIT-BASHED Template Feature

If the Knockoff takes a critical hit, they take 1
STRUCTURE damage instead of the attack's usual

LIMITLESS Template Feature

The Knockoff can OVERCHARGE. Instead of the
standard cost, they always gain 1d6 HEAT.

OFF-LABEL Template Feature

The Knockoff can not take the GRUNT or SQUAD

OPTIMIZED Template Feature

The Knockoff gains +1 ACCURACY on all checks
and saves for one mech skill (selected at
creation): HULL, AGILITY, SYSTEMS, or

A Delivery mission requires the PCs to secure a zone in advance of a particular deadline. The PCs have
some freedom of choice in zones to control, but must withstand a heavy wave of hostiles once the
delivery is inbound.


● PC Victory: The PCs have control over At the start of the third, fourth, and fifth rounds,
the Objective Delivery Zone at the end the GM may deploy 2 NPCs (or up to 4 GRUNTS)
of the sixth round. in the CZ farthest from or diagonally opposite of
the ODZ, or 1 NPC apiece in each of those
● Enemy Victory: At the end of the sixth zones. Reinforcements may also deploy in the
round, the PCs do not control the EDZ as usual.
Delivery Zone.

Four CZs (at least 4 spaces on each side) in
different quadrants of the map, each placed
anywhere in their quadrant. A similar layout to
the Control Sitrep from the Lancer Core
Rulebook may be used. At the end of the
second round, the PCs must designate one of
these CZs as the Objective Delivery Zone
(ODZ). If there are only PCs within the ODZ,
they control it. If there are characters from two or
more sides within the ODZ, it is contested.

The GM should prepare enemy forces of a
normal encounter. Half of these deploy at the
start of the encounter.

The PCs deploy first, choosing positions for their
characters within the ADZ; next, the GM deploys
enemy forces in the EDZ.


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