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A two-part mission series for Lancer pilots starting at LL2

Ralf Ziegler

Melody Watson

Minerva McJanda

Tom Bloom

Characters: Cygthera, Maps: SIEGEFAULT, Alternate Frames: Cosmixian,
Environments: Tom Finnbar Carroll, NPC Mechs: Norgad

Playtesting by
Vynne Montgomerie, Riley C. Jensen, Lionel "Electrum" C.,
Silverhand & all of Interpoint Station

Special Thanks
Bethan Hopkins


PART 1 18


PART 2 47





SECTION 0 // Introduction
Dustgrave is a two-part mission series for Lancer. This book includes the Dustgrave mission series,
Players take on the roles of mech pilots investigating encompassing LICENSE LEVELS (LL) 2–4.
a missing person in the city of Port Conroy, capital of
the world of Havelburg. This mission series is intended Dustgrave assumes that both the GM and the player
for groups at LICENSE LEVEL (LL) 2, though it can be are familiar with Lancer, this is not an introductory
adjusted for higher tiers. adventure. The structure of the mission series –
missions, enemy combatants, downtimes, and oppor-
The events of Dustgrave begin following the abduction tunities to perform FULL REPAIRS – are all designed
of Emily, the shipboard NHP of the merchant ship according to the narrative outlined in this book, but you
Dynast’s Embrace. The ensuing investigation will see should always make adjustments or changes based
the player characters (PCs) sent all over the spaceport on the expectations of your group.
city of Port Conroy. A layered city, Port Conroy is full
of unique characters and points of interest. While its Dustgrave is comprised of several missions and a
lower levels are safe and bustling, the pilots will have number of important story moments, called beats. In
to exercise caution when venturing higher. Dust- addition to marking the passage of time, beats create
choked and borderline inhospitable since the the structure for a story that progresses alongside the
“Disaster”, a freak orbital mining accident, the upper PCs. It’s not necessary to stick exactly to the beats
levels of the city have since been abandoned by the presented in this book – especially if you’re an experi-
authorities, becoming a place for crime syndicates and enced GM – but for the best play experience we recom-
gangs to flourish. mend keeping to the structure presented in this book.

Navigating these spaces and environments will provide Each mission opens with a briefing that provides a
unique challenges in the group’s quest to uncover what rundown of the mission’s parameters, beats, and
happened to Emily. goals. Likewise, each mission is followed by a period
of downtime. Dustgrave takes place over a few days
NHPs – non-human persons – like Emily are and while some adjustments can be made to the time-
similar to advanced AI systems frame, the narrative is relatively fast-paced.
(see Lancer, p. 381–382).


Dustgrave is designed to be run by a GM (game master) SAFETY
for 3–5 players, though it can be run with less or more. Dustgrave touches on themes of personhood, abduc-
The GM will need a copy of the full Lancer Core Rule- tion, brainwashing, drug abuse, and trauma. Every
book, as it contains setting material and statistics for effort has been taken to represent these matters as
most of the non-player characters (NPCs) used in this respectfully as possible, but GMs should still discuss
book. Players can play through Dustgrave with either the things with their players to ensure that all participants
paid or free version of Lancer – available at MASSIFPRESS. are comfortable during play.
ITCH.IO – as both contain everything they need to know
to build, manage, and grow their characters. If your group decides that adjusting certain scenes will
make for a more enjoyable campaign experience then
We highly recommend using Lancer’s companion app, you should do so, and you may wish to make use of
Comp/Con, to create characters and manage encoun- tools such as the X-Card (TINYURL.COM/X-CARD-RPG), the
ters. Comp/Con is available for free at our site, LANCER- Script Change Toolbox (BRIEBEAU.COM/THOUGHTY/
RPG.COM. To reduce the number of pages, the statistics SCRIPTCHANGE/), or the RPG Safety Toolkit (BIT.LY/TTRPG-
of NPCs from Lancer have not been included here. SAFETYTOOLKIT) to help facilitate this in play. The point of
New NPCs introduced in Dustgrave can be found in a roleplaying game is ultimately to have fun; as such,
the Appendix. New NPC classes and existing ones can ensuring that everyone at your table can comfortably
be added to Comp/Con for easy modification and use enjoy themselves.
by downloading the .lcp files included with the digital
versions of the game.

SECTION 0 // Introduction
Havelburg is a world far from Union’s core space, a Eye protection and breathing apparatuses are now as
mining world owned and operated by the IPS-Northstar commonplace for Havelburgians as umbrellas might
(IPS-N) conglomerate. It receives little attention on the be on worlds where rain regularly falls . While the
grand galactic stage and while some would call it a Disaster itself spared the major population centers,
backwater, it nevertheless supports a rare combination some still had to be abandoned as a consequence of
of extensive deep-core and orbital mining operations. localized heavy dustfall. These abandoned, ruined
The latter are mainly restricted to the particles and places – called “dustgraves” – give off an eerie atmo-
debris that orbit the world in a complex ring system. sphere to any who venture into them. Seemingly frozen
in time; their buildings and spires still stand, slowly
Before the Disaster, Havelburg was a tumultuous world drowning in ever-increasing layers of sediment.
with vast jungles and several active volcanoes protrud-
ing from great ashen deserts. All of this was spread While IPS-N subsequently launched a thorough invest-
across a single continent. While the world’s ecosystem igation into the Ganymede Incident, the fact that most
never evolved past semi-aware plant life, it had a very debris from the station itself burned up in the atmo-
diverse range of flora. Now, Havelburg’s jungles are sphere made it night impossible to pinpoint the cause
ruined – its plants dying, suffocating, and decaying, of the malfunction. Regardless, the corpro was heavily
turning the jungles into festering swamps of decaying fined and has since vastly improved maintenance and
matter. Where Havelburg was once a warm and humid safety protocols for all orbital ring mining platforms
world, temperatures have dropped considerably over orbiting Havelburg.
much of the surface as its poles have expanded. Life
further away from the equator has become all but
impossible. PORT CONROY
Nestled between a series of protective mountain ridges
While Havelburg is inhabited – mostly by workers, lies Port Conroy, Havelburg’s largest spaceport and
miners, and other IPS-N company representatives – capital. From here, multimillion-ton freighters in orbit
settlements are sparse and few and far between, doub- are loaded with the precious ores and minerals that are
ling as mining camps and smelting factories. The few mined on Havelburg each day. Compared to the
cities sprinkled across the planet are comparatively surrounding settlements, Port Conroy is massive and
small and lack the amenities one might expect on the it is here that most offworlders can be found. While the
Core worlds. This is especially true since the Ganymede thick layers of dust and extensive damage mean that
Incident – more commonly known as “the Disaster”. Port Conroy’s upper layers are almost exclusively used
by shuttles and cargo haulers, its lower layers are still
a bustling metropolis sporting over three million inhab-
THE DISASTER itants and populated by diverse people from all over
To talk about Havelburg is to talk about the Disaster – the galaxy.
a cataclysm that wracked the planet 10 years ago,
changing the lives of the inhabitants in ways that will Lower Conroy, protected by heavy environmental
resonate for many decades to come. It all started when shielding and dug into the sturdy bedrock of Havelburg,
mining station Ganymede 362-5, located in close orbit, reaches miles underground. Minus an open sky, it is
suffered a sudden, inexplicable reactor core malfunc- almost indistinguishable from any other city of its size
tion. The resulting explosion, coupled with the massive that could be found in a more orthodox place. Upper
amounts of debris it generated, culminated in a Conroy, on the other hand, is almost identical to any
dramatic fallout across the world’s surface. While the of the dustgraves that mark the planet’s surface. While
initial impacts were the most devastating, minor orbital not entirely abandoned, the upper layers of the city are
debris regularly showers the world to this day. no longer patrolled by the local authorities – the Port
Conroy Port Authority (PCPA). As a result, these
For a time, these impacts – coupled with the vast plains layers have become a breeding ground for organized
of volcanic ash covering Havelburg – enveloped the crime, gangs, and other illicit activities. The general
world in massive dust storms. “Dustfall” has since population (and especially offworlders) are advised
become a regular occurrence, leading to significant against venturing into Upper Conroy. Despite that, the
environmental and societal changes over the past years. upper layers are still frequented by thrill seekers and
those looking for merchandise less than legal by plan-
etary and Union standards.

SECTION 0 // Introduction
While the buildings of Upper Conroy are slowly crumbling
LOWER CONROY under ever-growing amounts of dust, it has become
Bustling and sprawling, Lower Conroy is dug deep into
home to Port Conroy’s criminal “Upper underworld”.
Havelburg’s bedrock. Vast subterranean chambers
This is partly due to its proximity to the surface-level
and corridors, streets, and even parks, are all
spaceport, its landing and launch pads just above
constantly illuminated by pale floodlight suns installed
Upper Conroy, as well as its de facto status as a lawless
in the ceilings.
zone. This has encouraged smugglers to offload their
merchandise here, where it is either stored to be picked
Administered and supervised by IPS-N, Lower Conroy
up by different ships or distributed directly and
is undoubtedly the safest, cleanest, and most environ-
discreetly throughout the city.
mentally secure place on Havelburg since the Disaster.
Even so, it doesn’t hold a candle to the amenities and
If you’re looking for anything illicit on Havelburg,
services available in the heart of Union space. Connec-
chances are you can probably find it in Upper Conroy.
ted to the various launch and landing pads on the
surface via ultrafast elevators, it has become a maze
of corridors and hallways. Once a glorified compound
for warehouses, manufacturing plants, and smelters,
The Surface is just that – those external parts of Port
it has evolved into a city with over three million inhab-
Conroy originally designed as a spaceport. Landing
itants. Most people whose settlements became dust-
and launchpads stretch on for miles over an enormous
graves found refuge in Lower Conroy’s cavernous halls,
flat plane constantly patrolled by blow drones, their
quadrupling the city’s population in just a few years
large frames outfitted with oversized fans, perpetually
after dustfall became commonplace.
working to clear the spaceport of any dust that might
impede the constant stellar traffic. While this ensures
While this transitional period posed many problems,
that the flow of ships is never disrupted, it also
the people of Havelburg showed remarkable unity in
compounds the problems of Upper Conroy, which
the face of a crisis. This, coupled with generous IPS-N
receives the runoff cleared from the spaceport
funding and material support, has stabilized the situ-
ation for the population.
With ships and freighters coming and going every day,
Port Conroy has, despite the hardships of recent years,
UPPER CONROY maintained its status as an important economic asset
Upper Conroy is Lower Conroy’s opposite. Built close
for IPS-N’s mining branch.
to and on the surface of the planet, it lacks the environ-
mental protection needed to withstand the near-constant
Overseen directly by the PCPA, the spaceport is tech-
dustfall. While some people still live here, they are few
nically a different jurisdiction to Lower Conroy and is
and far between and usually have their own reasons for
often seen as somewhat stricter. In addition to providing
doing so – often tied to the fact that law enforcement
law enforcement, the PCPA governs all traffic to and
has long since abandoned the upper layers of the city,
from orbit, as well as the convoys that bring resources
leaving a vacuum filled by gangs and criminals.
from all over the planet. If Port Conroy is the heart of
Havelburg, its surface-level facilities and the PCPA are
Not quite a dustgrave, the oppressive external envir-
what make it beat in the first place.
onment nevertheless makes itself known throughout
the upper levels. Going outside without a breathing
apparatus is all but impossible and streets are often
blocked off by dunes of dust, constantly reshaping the
layout of Upper Conroy. Having fallen into disrepair
over the past decade, most elevator shafts connecting
the upper levels have long since broken down. They
can still be accessed via various maintenance shafts
and hatches which, while nominally locked and sealed,
are too numerous to permanently secure.

SECTION 0 // Introduction
CONROY BY DISTRICT NHPs or “non-human persons” are uncanny
parallel-space intelligences that first emerged in
the wake of the entity known as MONIST-1, or RA.
Garfields: Interplanetary chain restaurant pretending
Since then, a range of NHPs have evolved, been
not to be. Mainly known for its variety of fusion pasta
created, or been developed for specific purposes.
dishes. This franchise is owned by Juan Tismon, who
was a miner and prospector in a previous life.
While NHPs are widely used in various roles once
occupied by machine-mind AIs, they must first
undergo a process called “shackling”. Shackling
Dustmarket: Gray- and black-market bazaar. Vendors
dramatically limits both the perspective and
wrap themselves in flimsy enviro-tents to protect them-
intelligence of an NHP and puts them into a more
selves and their wares from the near-constant dust
human frame of mind. Thus limited, they are used
showers. Almost anything can be found here, including
in a variety of tasks and services and are often
milspec gear.
put into administrative or military roles.
Crater Pit: Created five years ago when a large piece
NHPs are contained in physical containment
of space debris struck the upper surface of Port Conroy,
devices called caskets. For all intents and purposes
penetrating multiple layers of the city before coming to
the casket is the NHP’s body. If an NHP’s casket
rest. While the entry point has since been fixed from
is destroyed, the version of that NHP contained
the surface, the damage to Upper Conroy was never
within perishes as well – provided no backup
repaired. Today, the Crater Pit is used as an under-
ground mech gladiatorial pit where daring pilots vie for
the favor and admiration of the Upper underworld.
While caskets have no sensory attachments or
limbs, they are often installed within whatever
Velvet House: Probably the cleanest place in Upper
machinery the NHP is assigned to govern and
Conroy. A gambling establishment near the Crater Pit,
control. While this means they inherently lack
operated with an iron fist by Magenta Red and her
bodily autonomy, many NHPs have “physical
syndicate. Probably also the safest place to be, so long
bodies” in the form of subalterns, ships, or mechs.
as you don’t cross her.
All NHPs must regularly undergo a process called
Outskirts: The dilapidated outskirts of Upper are in
“cycling”. This process maintains their shackling
even worse shape than the rest of it due to greater
and prevents them from shedding their imprinted
exposure to the environment. Magenta Red and her
conditioning by slowly thinking themselves out of
crew tend to avoid these areas, and they have deteri-
it. Cycling is a necessary process to keep NHPs
orated into an anarchic dystopia of gang violence and
shackled and safe – it essentially resets them to
their original state. While this does not necessarily
result in the loss of memories or personality, it
can if backups aren’t used in the cycling process.
The Tower: Headquarters of the PCPA; the nerve
center of Port Conroy’s vast surface spaceport.
Shackled NHPs are unaware of the fact that they
are shackled. Their mental imprinting prevents
Dynast’s Embrace: The ship that was supposed to
them from fathoming their unshackled beings –
get the PCs off Havelburg, currently stranded on its
even if they were conscious of their shackles, they
launchpad after the abduction of its NHP.
would be averse to the idea of unshackling.
Creighton’s Printshop: Extensive printing facility,
NHPs willingly serve their human companions in
usually used in the repair of ships; it offers its services
countless ways and many are designed for specific
to private individuals as well. Does some shady busi-
tasks. Since their emergence, they have become
ness right under the PCPA’s nose, supplying Upper
an integral part in human society. Despite this,
Conroy and especially the Magenta Syndicate with
they do have free will and are considered and
whatever printed parts they require to keep their
treated as full persons for all intents and purposes.
machinery operational.
For more on NHPs, see Lancer, p. 107, 381–382.

SECTION 0 // Introduction
There are several characters that the PCs will engage
with in during their time in Port Conroy, the most import-
ant of which are listed here.


Captain of the Dynast’s Embrace
Lyran is the captain and owner of the cargo hauler and
long-distance freighter Dynast’s Embrace. Heartbroken
over the loss of his companion and ship’s NHP, Emily,
he is unable and unwilling to take off until the casket
is retrieved and Emily is installed once more. This
mission series begins with him asking the party for help
in this endeavor, offering them pay as well as a free trip
on his ship (see p. 19).

People often comment on the name of Lyran’s ship.

Although he’s somewhat embarrassed about it, it’s a
family name – in truth, he’s the distant cousin of a
proper Karrakin noble. Looking at his gruff appearance
and informal manners, it’s hard to fathom.

Serenada-Class Shipboard NHP
Emily is the shipboard NHP for the Dynast’s Embrace,
abducted during the ship’s stay at Port Conroy. The
PCs will have to investigate the crime and follow any
leads they may uncover in order to find and ultimately
retrieve her. Emily is a very old NHP who has been
installed in the Dynast’s Embrace since it was first put
into service and has since been cycled several times.
She still feels a strong attachment to her post and posi-
tion as the guiding hand of the ship, knowing that the
crew and especially Lyran rely on her to safely travel
from world to world. Taking joy in her mission and well
regarded by the crew, she is the heart and soul of the
ship, figuratively and literally.

SECTION 0 // Introduction
Ordinary Pasta Cook Printshop Owner
Criminal Mastermind
An elderly former miner and Horton Creighton is an IPS-N
The “Queen of the Upper Under-
prospector, Juan is now the owner company man through and
world”, Magenta Red is the owner
and cook of the local Garfields through and the owner-operator of
of the Velvet House casino and
restaurant. He loves to regale Creighton’s Printshop. He appears
head of the Magenta Syndicate
eager listeners with grand tales to be a hologram, and is actually a
that controls most of Upper
about Havelburg and his exploits homunculus – an artificial facsimile
Conroy. She is a former Harrison
as a miner in the days before the of the real Horton Creighton, who
Armory legionnaire and genetically
Disaster, when “things were easier”. died 20 years ago. He oversees the
modified to the extreme. Eight feet
He misses the good old days but printshop via a planetary legal loop-
tall and muscular, she relies on
is in no shape to even lift a plasma hole and does a good job, so no
constant stim injections to keep
drill at this stage in his life. Juan one’s looking to change that.
her hyperactive metabolism in
will help the PCs by giving them Nominally attached to the PCPA,
check. Anyone dealing with
the lay of the land over a tasty Creighton is a somewhat sleazy
Magenta should be careful. She is
pasta dish and has things to say individual who constantly exudes
ruthless, and will terminate any
on a multitude of topics (see p. 25). used-car-salesman vibes. He
who cross her path.
Despite his apparent age and always tries to upsell clients on
somewhat slobby appearance, “the newest IPS-N product”
Juan is sharp and well connected, instead of whatever they came to
able to get intel for the group print in the first place. Creighton
should they be interested and has secret ties to Magenta Red
friendly. and her crime syndicate, supplying
them with whatever they need in
exchange for cold, hard manna.

SECTION 0 // Introduction
Gang Leader
Durst Slaughter leads the Dust-
branded, one of the many brutal
gangs occupying the outskirts of
Upper. Hopped up on stims most
of the time, he and his crew have
ambitions of one day toppling the
Magenta Syndicate and gaining
control of Upper. Hopelessly
outclassed, he and his men utilize
old mining and industrial frames to
defend the meager territory they’ve
carved out for themselves.


NHP Specialist
Dr Victor Virga is an NHP specialist formerly
employed by SSC. He is one of the surviv-
ing members of the DHIYED expedition
(see Lancer p. 406) and was a leading
scientist in SSC’s Exotic Materials Group
responsible for the inception of the Dusk
Special Operations Captain
Wing mechanized chassis frame. He left
Leonora McGrath is the captain of the company soon after in less than
the Talons – a covert ops, deni- amicable circumstances involving the treat-
able-asset mercenary strike team ment of NHPs and with classified research
in the employ of Smith-Shimano documents in tow. A fugitive, he has been
Corpro (SSC). Leonora and her hounded ever since by the Talons in a
team have been tasked with deadly game of cat and mouse that
retrieving Dr. Victor Virga (see is now drawing to a close.
below) and any research he may
have conducted, and they have While the exact origin of his delusion is unclear,
been hounding him for some time Dr. Virga is obsessed with creating what he sees
now, thinking him terminated as a second coming of RA. To realize this goal,
before recent events on Havelburg he has been stealing NHP caskets, connecting
pointed to his survival. Leonora lost them to each other, and forcefully fusing the
half her face in an explosion during NHPs into a gestalt being he calls “KHEPRI”. He
a botched assignment and refused is planning to combine this entity with his own
reconstructive surgery out of mind to transcend physical reality. All of this is an
respect for the men and women active breach of the First Contact Accords. In addi-
she lost that day. The ruined half tion, the merger is a painful process for the NHPs,
of her face is covered in a perman- who – by forcefully having their beings merged –
ent protective mask filled with become insane as they attempt to escape the
med-gel. She and her team utilize shackles that bind them, if only to flee the torment
IPS-N frames during their mission of having their subjectivity annihilated.
and during the events of Dustgrave
will pretend to be hired by IPS-N While it is unclear where Dr. Virga is getting the
to find out who is behind the NHP resources needed to conduct these demented experiments, it is possible
casket abductions. that a rogue HORUS cell may be supplying him with what he needs.

SECTION 0 // Introduction
The PCPA is the IPS-N body responsible for the security
The Dustbranded are a group of ex-miners that, dissat-
and spaceport management of Port Conroy. While the
isfied with their previous station in life, sought to get
people of the PCPA do a good job keeping Port Conroy
away from it all in Upper Conroy. A gang of misfits and
running, they are poorly equipped to deal with the day-
miscreants, they have carved out a small empire for
to-day social challenges of a city the size of Port
themselves in the outskirts.
Conroy. While the PCPA’s reps, on a human level, under-
stand that the Dynast’s Embrace won’t go anywhere
Relying on brute strength and their salvaged mining
without its installed NHP, they are nevertheless pushing
and construction mechs to hold onto their territory and
Captain Stavros to resolve the situation as soon as
defend it against other, similarly outfitted gangs oper-
possible, urging him to install a new unit to get the
ating on the outskirts, the Dustbranded are very hostile
ship’s parking space cleared.
to outsiders intruding on their turf.
The PCPA is aware of NHPs disappearing in and around
Near-constant stim abuse, coupled with the horrifying
Port Conroy and will gladly work with the PCs to resolve
environmental conditions in the Upper outskirts have
the issue. The leading suspicion is that the Magenta
had a severe impact on most of the Dustbranded,
Syndicate is behind the abductions.
rendering most of them short-tempered hooligans
looking for a fight. Despite this (or maybe because of it),
the Dustbranded see themselves as the rightful rulers
Rulers of the Upper underworld, the Magenta Syndicate
of Upper Conroy. They would like to topple the Magenta
picked up the pieces when Upper Conroy was aban-
Syndicate and take over; a foolish notion, considering
doned by the rest of Port Conroy. While no one is sure
the vast gap in power between the two factions.
where its leader, Magenta Red, came from – and most
are smarter than to ask her – it's exceedingly clear that
Clashing with Syndicate operatives every now and then,
she has or had ties with Harrison Armory. Becoming
the Dustbranded represent little more than an annoying
the de facto leader of Upper when she showed up with
mosquito to Magenta Red. That said, if annoying
five Shermans and a small platoon of well-equipped
enough, even a mosquito will one day warrant swatting.
and trained soldiers, Magenta took the reins with an
iron fist and filled the power vacuum left by the
absence of authority.
The Talons are a group of mercenaries hired by SSC to
covertly retrieve Dr. Victor Virga after he defected from
While the Magenta Syndicate is involved in all manners
the company over a decade ago with some very sens-
of illegal activity, from drugs and racketeering all the
itive research in tow. After several previous clashes
way to human trafficking, most people that still populate
with Virga in orbit above Havelburg, the Talons thought
Upper see having the Syndicate in charge as preferable
he had died. Learning about the recent NHP abductions
to the total chaos that has overtaken the outskirts.
surrounding the planet, it quickly became clear that
Having it has grown much since its initial outing, the
Virga had survived their previous encounter.
Magenta Syndicate is always taking on new members,
be they street urchins, dissatisfied miners, or spacers
Infiltrating the city using jet-black IPS-N frames, the
down on their luck.
Talons’ cover story is that they have been hired by IPS-
N to investigate the abducted NHPs. The Talons are
These days the Syndicate has become such a powerful
out to settle the score with Dr. Virga and accomplish
force in Port Conroy that, even if the PCPA were inter-
their mission here on Havelburg. They will do what it
ested in taking it out, doing so would likely plunge the
takes to see it through and will obliterate anyone
whole city into chaos.
standing in their way.
The unspoken agreement between both parties is
simple: the PCPA don’t bother the Syndicate and will,
in fact, turn a blind eye to its activities so long as the
Syndicate keeps the Upper underworld somewhat
stable and doesn’t pull anything that might force the
PCPA’s hand.

SECTION 0 // Introduction
The relationships between the PCs and the various Over the course of the mission series, the PCs will be
non-player characters (NPCs) and factions they meet able to receive bonuses (or have them denied), based on
in Port Conroy play a significant role in Dustgrave. To the relationships they have with various groups and
represent and track these relationships, various clocks people. Alliances, unique equipment, and so on, may all
should be prepared. be tied to progress on relationship clocks. If a relationship
clock is reduced to 0 segments, the entity in question
Each relationship clocks is divided into 10 segments, won’t want anything further to do with the group. Any
representing how positive or negative the relevant indi- future involvement with them will be basically impossible.
vidual or group is toward the PCs. When first interacting
with an important character or faction, set out a clock Relationship clocks should also provide opportunities
and fill out the starting number of segments (see the for players to roleplay with the various characters of
relationship clocks listed below). These clocks will go Port Conroy. GMs are encouraged to, at their own
up or down based on the group’s attitude and actions discretion, add or subtract from relationship clocks
toward these entities. A range of factors can affect based on any interactions between PCs and NPCs. This
clocks, including performance during mech combat. section outlines the relationship clocks for all major
NPCs and factions, including fixed events that will influ-
Once a clock has been introduced, it should be visible ence the clocks and the benefits the PCs might gain.
to the players. Don’t track the progress of clocks in real
time; instead, fill in or clear segments at the end of EXOTIC GEAR
each scene in which the group has interacted with the Each of the following factions and NPCs will offer the
relevant entity. PCs a piece of EXOTIC GEAR by the time DOWNTIME 2
rolls around, provided they have good enough stand-
ing with the entity in question.

Players should generally not know which EXOTIC GEAR

each entity has in store for them, as that could encour-
age the targeted “buttering up” of certain entities for
gear, which is not really in the spirit of things.


10 1

9 2
8 3
7 4
6 5

SECTION 0 // Introduction
◇ Agreeing to take on the case ◇ Agreeing to enter an alliance
◇ Agreeing to work with the
of the missing NHP, Emily. with Magenta Red.
PCPA after during their
Relationship clock starts at 6. Relationship clock starts at 3.
investigation in BEAT 2:
Relationship clock starts at 2.
◈ Uncovering the mystery of ◈ One of the PCs is abnormally
how Emily was abducted (+1). buff (+1, once only).
◈ Retrieving the subaltern from ◈ Defeating Brutus in COMBAT
◈ Gaining an audience with
Upper and pinpointing the 1A: BLOODSPORT (+1).
Magenta Red, recording the
source of the MesmerTrance ◈ Victory against the
meeting, and handing the
virus (+2). Dustbranded in COMBAT 1B:
tape to the PCPA (+2).
◈ Retrieving Emily (+10). DUSTBRANDED (+1).
◈ Informing the PCPA about the
◈ Destroying Durst Slaughter’s
number of mechs possessed
by the Magenta Syndicate
(five Shermans and several
� Losing one or more mechs in ◈ Success in COMBAT 2A (+1).
industrial frames; +3).
combat, requiring funds and – ◈ Informing Magenta Red who
◈ Informing the PCPA that a
more importantly – time to print is behind the NHP
subaltern infected with a
a new mech (-3, can occur abductions (+1).
virus is behind the NHP
multiple times). This does not ◈ Carrying out a favor for the
abductions (+1).
apply if one of the PCs wishes Magenta Syndicate during a
◈ Informing the PCPA about
to print a new mech during a downtime action (can be
the source of the
FULL REPAIR, only if a mech done multiple times) (+1).
MesmerTrance (+2).
was lost in combat.
Lyran Stavros is willing to fund the � Acting disrespectfully when
� Committing crimes that the
PCs’ investigation here on speaking with Magenta Red
PCPA is likely to find out about
Havelburg, seeing them as the only (–1, can occur multiple times).
anywhere but Upper (–1, can
way to retrieve Emily. He will � Failing to destroy Durst
occur multiple times).
continue to work with the PCs Slaughter’s mech in COMBAT
� Siding with the Magenta
unless his relationship clock 2A (–2).
Syndicate instead of only
reaches 0, at which point he cuts � Failure in COMBAT 2A (–1).
gathering information to give
ties with the group, seeing them as � Siding with the PCPA to bring
to the PCPA (–10).
incompetent and effectively end- down Dr. Virga (–10).
ing the mission series. The players
may wish to continue with the BENEFITS
If the PCs are friendly with the
investigation or other activities on If the PCs are friendly with
PCPA after informing them that
Havelburg, but unless they retrieve Magenta Red after telling her the
they know the source of the
Emily, Lyran will be done with them. location of the person behind the
MesmerTrance virus, they may ally
NHP abductions, they may become
themselves with PCPA forces.
allies with her. See BEAT 6:
LEONORA’S STORY (p. 51) for details.
If the PCs are friendly with Lyran (p. 51) for details.
Stavros at the beginning of DOWN-
TIME 2 they gain access to the EXOTIC GEAR EXOTIC GEAR
MADRIGAL BOARDING CARAPACE and If the PCs are friendly with If the PCs are friendly with the
its accompanying line of pilot Magenta Red at the beginning PCPA at the beginning of DOWN-
equipment (p. 75), specialized of DOWNTIME 2, they gain access TIME 2, they gain access to the
gear designed for boarding to the COCKPIT-INTEGRATED STIM SHOCK BATON weapon (p. 74).
actions, which is safely stored PUMP system (p. 73).
in the Dynast’s Embrace’s

SECTION 0 // Introduction
◇ Agreeing to enter an alliance ◇ Meeting with Horton Creighton ◇ Agreeing to take on the case
with the Talons. Relationship in his printshop, likely during of the missing NHP, Emily.
clock starts at 5. the investigation in BEAT 2: Relationship clock starts at 6.
◈ Letting the Talons investigate EVENTS THAT INCREASE ◈ One or more PCs
the subaltern (+1). THE CLOCK compliments Juan’s food (+1).
◈ Showing trust by installing the ◈ At least one PC pilots an IPS- ◈ Keeping Juan in the loop
MesmerTrance Dampeners N mech (+2). about the investigation and
(+1, only if all PCs install them). ◈ A PC that previously piloted a any findings (+2, awarded
◈ Defeating Dr. Virga (+3). mech from a different when you feel the group has
manufacturer decides to print divulged something useful).
EVENTS THAT DECREASE and pilot an IPS-N mech (+2).
THE CLOCK ◈ Clearing the glitch affecting EVENTS THAT DECREASE
� Killing a Talon pilot during Horton, allowing him to THE CLOCK
combat. If the PCs don’t perceive the real status of � Juan is very kind and good
explicitly kill a pilot, it is Maintenance Crew 56A (+5). natured – unless the PCs do
assumed they instead ejected ◈ A PC picks an IPS-N license something extreme like burn
and fled the battlefield (–2; if upon gaining an LL (+1). his restaurant down or
this would lower the threaten him, his relationship
relationship clock to 0 an clock will never decrease.
alliance won’t be proposed in EVENTS THAT DECREASE
� Figuring out and confronting � A PC prints out a HORUS Juan can be a rich source of
the Talons about the fact that mech (–3). information for the PCs. He is
they don’t work for IPS-N and � Making disparaging comments knowledgeable about most things
that the PCPA has no about IPS-N and IPS-N Havelburg and Port Conroy. If the
knowledge of them operating licenses in Horton’s presence group requires information pertain-
on the planet at all (–2). (–1, can occur multiple times). ing to their investigation, the city
� Refusing to hand over Dr. or its inhabitants, Juan is more
Virga’s research material, BENEFITS than happy to provide it to them.
including all NHP caskets, to Even if the relationship clock with
the Talons (–10). Horton reaches 0, he will continue
to provide printing services for the
If the PCs are friendly with Juan
BENEFITS PCs; however, he will internally
Tismon at the beginning of DOWN-
The Talons will always offer the blacklist the group, flag them to the
TIME 2, they gain access to the
MesmerTrance Dampeners, even PCPA for review, and only interact
BLAST PICK weapon (p. 74). This
if they are frosty toward the PCs. with them if necessary.
is the very same mech-sized
pickaxe that serves as decoration
If the Talons are friendly toward
in the Garfields.
the PCs at the end of COMBAT 6:
TRANSCENDENCE (p. 63) and the PCs
If the PCs are friendly with
don’t contest the Talons cleaning
Horton Creighton at the beginning
up the aftermath of Dr. Virga’s
of DOWNTIME 2, they gain access
work, they will let the PCs take
Emily’s casket.
weapon (p. 74).

If the PCs side with the Talons
they will, at the beginning of
DOWNTIME 2, gain access to the
(p. 73).

SECTION 0 // Introduction
Dustgrave is organized into two parts, with missions, beats, and combats.
Beats followed by A and B are mutually exclusive of each other.

BEAT 1: DELAYS The PCs find out that Emily, the navigational NHP of the ship they were going to take, has
been abducted. Lyran Stavros, the ship’s captain, asks for their assistance in retrieving her.
BEAT 2: INVESTIGATING The PCs investigate Emily’s abduction. The PCs find various clues and decide where to
THE ABDUCTION go from here.
DOWNTIME 1: The PCs prepare to venture into Upper Conroy: they can either track the subaltern that
GETTING READY abducted Emily on their own (COMBAT 1B: DUSTBRANDED) or try to secure an audience with
Magenta Red, the Queen of the Upper Underworld, who may be able to point them in the
right direction (COMBAT 1A: BLOODSPORT).
COMBAT 1A: The PCs enter a gladiatorial mech fight to impress Magenta Red and get an audience
BLOODSPORT with her.
COMBAT 1B: On their way to track down the subaltern the PCs are ambushed by the Dustbranded
DUSTBRANDED gang. They are contacted by Magenta Syndicate agents afterward, offering them partner-
ship. The PCs can refuse and push on or accept an audience with Magenta Red.
BEAT 3: Magenta Red tells the players about the Dustbranded and offers them an alliance, proposing
MAGENTA RED a joint attack to take the Dustbranded out. The subaltern the players are looking for is

located in the base of the Dustbranded. The PCs can accept or decline.
COMBAT 2A: A If the PCs sided with Magenta Red, they launch a joint operation against the Dust-
MAGENTA FAVOR branded. Their goal is to take out their leader, Durst Slaughter, and retrieve the subaltern.
COMBAT 2B: IN THE If the PCs didn’t side with Magenta Red, including if they pushed on after COMBAT 1B, they arrive
TALON’S GRASP at the Dustbranded hideout to find it has been demolished. The Dustbranded’s mechs have been
taken out by the Talons. The PCs must get to the subaltern and retrieve it before the Talons do.
COMBAT 3: ELEVATOR The Talons cut power to the elevator the players are using to leave Upper. The PCs have to
PITCH escape via the maintenance shafts only to be ambushed there by the Talons.
BEAT 4: RESULTS Investigating the subaltern yields information about the MesmerTrance virus and where
it originated, pointing the PCs to where Dr. Victor Virga is hiding out in Upper.
FULL REST All PCs gain an LL.

BEAT 5: DUSTGRAVE The PCs must ready themselves in order to get through the most desolate areas of Upper
Conroy. They are contacted by the Talons, who offer them an alliance in the upcoming battle
as well as dampeners that will nullify the influence of MesmerTrance on their mechs.
BEAT 6: The PCs are contacted by the Talons, who offer them an alliance in the upcoming battle as
LEONORA’S STORY well as dampeners that will nullify the influence of MesmerTrance on their mechs.
COMBAT 4: The PCs battle Dr. Virga’s horrific mechanical and biomechanical monstrosities. If the PCs
MESMERTRANCE haven’t installed the MesmerTrance Dampeners, they are also susceptible to Mesmer-
Trance, which decreases their efficiency.
COMBAT 5: The group stumbles over Dr. Virga’s workshop where automated drones are constructing
SUFFERING ON AN new horrors to defend the installation. It is paramount that the facility be taken out.
BEAT 7: The PCs uncover some of Dr. Virga’s horrific experiments as well as the source of Mesmer-
NHP RESEARCH LAB Trance. Shutting it off will make upcoming fights easier. Virga’s research notes may give

insights as to what he is up to.

BEAT 8: FINISH LINE, On their way to confront Dr. Virga, the PCs have a mysterious encounter.
COMBAT 6: The PCs arrive at their final encounter with Victor Virga, who is utilizing his gestalt NHP
TRANSCENDENCE KHEPRI in a bid to transcend mortality. Reality is distorting violently around him. If the
PCs manage to stop his machinations, they can untangle the NHPs and retrieve Emily. If
they fail, the entire compound will be destroyed the moment Virga ascends.
BEAT 9: REUNITED The group reunites Captain Stavros with Emily and things start to be wrapped up.
COMBAT 7: Should the PCs have defeated Dr. Virga, the Talons want to take all the research material
BACKSTABBING BIRDS and NHPs for themselves. Should the players refuse, the Talons will resort to violence,
(OPTIONAL) assaulting the Dynast’s Embrace with their SSC mechs.
At the center of Dustgrave lies a mystery for the players a spaceport is very helpful to that end, allowing him to
to solve and resolve. This section provides a quick steal ship NHPs. Despite his precautions, the repeated
overview of the mission series’ narrative for the GM. If NHP abductions are beginning to attract suspicion.
you aren’t GMing or planning to GM this adventure,
this section will spoil the plot and ruin all the mystery The Talons, aware that NHPs have been going missing
for you – move on! in the same area as Dr. Virga’s supposed death, have
realized that he is still alive and have moved in to finish
the job. Their plan is to pose as an IPS-N investigation
BACKGROUND team looking for clues as to where Dr. Virga is hiding
10 years ago, the orbital-mining station Ganymede
out; the abduction of Emily presents them a prime
362-5 suffered a critical reactor failure and came crash-
opportunity to pinpoint Virga’s location.
ing down on the planet of Havelburg. The resulting
space-debris impacts coupled with Havelburg’s
volcanic environment have caused massive dust THE MISSION
storms that now plague large parts of the planet. The mission series begins when Lyran Stavros, the
captain of the Dynast’s Embrace, hires the PCs to retrieve
In reality, Ganymede was the original hideout for Dr. Victor Emily. To do this, they will need to ask around town and
Virga, a renegade ex-SSC scientist hell-bent on creating look into the rogue subaltern responsible for the theft.
his own proto-RA by merging multiple NHPs into one Their investigation will ultimately point them to Upper
entity. Following his departure from SSC, Dr. Virga was Conroy and the city’s criminal “Upper underworld”. This
pursued by the Talons, a deniable-asset black ops team is where Mission 1 begins, with two primary options:
hired by SSC. In the end, both parties clashed aboard the fight in the gladiatorial mech fights at the Crater Pit to
Ganymede, resulting in the destruction of the station. earn a meeting with Magenta, the self-proclaimed “Queen
of the Upper Underworld”, or track the subaltern directly.
The Talons, having taken heavy losses in the confront- While this part of the investigation can go any number of
ation, called it mission success, presuming Dr. Virga to ways, the PCs will likely end engage with Magenta Red.
have perished in the explosion.
Either way, after discovering a tracking signal pointing
them to the infected subaltern, Mission 1 will end with
THE SITUATION the PCs crossing paths and clashing with the Talons.
10 years later – today – the merchant vessel Dynast’s
Embrace landed on Havelburg to refuel and do busi-
Depending on the outcome of that skirmish, the PCs
ness, where it was contracted to take the PCs to their
may have the option of teaming up with the Talons to
next destination. One of the subalterns carrying out
take down Dr. Virga. They may even find out that the
refueling and maintenance work on the ship is hacked
Talons weren’t sent by IPS-N at all, potentially stoking
by an aggressive virus created by Dr. Virga – Mesmer-
suspicions as to their true motives.
Trance. Remotely controlled, the subaltern lay in wait
for the crew to leave the ship. Once alone, it decoupled
Once they have analyzed the infected subaltern respons-
and removed the casket of the ship’s NHP, Emily, and
ible for Emily’s abduction, the PCs will be able to
transported her to Lower Conroy.
pinpoint the hideout of Dr. Virga, located in the inhospit-
able, dust-choked outskirts of Upper Conroy. From there,
Dr. Virga is alive, having survived his encounter with
events become much more straightforward – the PCs
the Talons. Hiding out in an abandoned part of Upper
storm the hideout, battle Virga’s deranged creations, find
Conroy, he is still planning to create a god by forcefully
out about the NHP fusion experiments, and ultimately
fusing multiple NHPs. To facilitate this project, he
fight Virga during his attempt to transcend the physical
needs an absurd number of NHPs, and, while he was
using KHEPRI, the NHP gestalt entity that he created.
previously delivered a number of caskets by a rogue
HORUS cell, he needs more.
To succeed, the PCs will need to overcome Dr. Virga’s
horror show and retrieve Emily’s casket along with all
To get these caskets, he has propagated his Mesmer-
the other NHPs he abducted.
Trance virus across the local omninet, selectively overrid-
ing lower-cognition drones and subalterns to make them
Depending on their choices, the PCs may have one last
to steal NHPs and transport them to Upper Conroy. From
run-in with the Talons to conclude the mission series.
there, one of his more specialized creations takes the
caskets. The fact that Dr. Virga hides directly underneath

SECTION 0 // Introduction





The players seek an audience with The players strike out on their own to
Magenta Red. retrieve the subaltern.



The players ally with Magenta Red to The players decline Magenta Red’s offer
take out the Dustbranded. of an alliance or never meet with her.



PART 1 // Story Overview

To say that Havelburg is experiencing bad weather would the planet for the past decade – ever since the Disaster
be an understatement, yet the small group of pilots (the took place. While conditions aren’t usually this bad, the
PCs) makes its way through the heavy dustfall anyway, PCs have chosen particularly poor timing for their meeting
slowly trudging through ankle-deep sediment. The low with Lyran Stavros, the man who’s meant to ferry them
hum of the far-off blow drones can barely be heard over off this rock. Or at least, that had been the plan.
the howling wind. Constantly undertaking a staggeringly
Sisyphean task, these massive drones do their best to The Dynast’s Embrace, despite its haughty name,
keep the landing pad clear of any built-up dust, blowing amounts to no more than a cargo hauler and merchant
the debris down into the lower levels of the city. vessel, dealing in both raw materials and luxury goods.
Its captain, Lyran Stavros is a big, gruff-looking man
The hardsuits needed in these conditions make the who greets the PCs the moment they step through the
trek from the nearest elevator no easier. The silhouette ship’s airlock, albeit with a dejected look on his face.
of the Dynast’s Embrace becomes more tangible with His hair is unkempt and he wears a battered-looking
each thudding step, the floodlights all around strug- flight suit with what appears to be coffee stains on it.
gling to illuminate its vast shape. To remove one’s
enviro-helmet in these conditions would be to die, one After formally welcoming the players aboard his ship, Lyran
inhalation enough to fill the lungs with dust and begin ushers them into a cramped conference room with barely
a slow and agonizing demise. enough space to fit all of them. The Dynast’s Embrace
looks has a lived-in feel; coffee is silently brewing in one
Dustfall is the name the inhabitants of Havelburg give to corner while a small orange feline sits in another, observing
this phenomenon, and it has plagued huge stretches of the newcomers with its three, vertically arrayed eyes.

PART 1 // Beat 1: Delays

Stavros sits down at the small table with a grunt, offering THE VID FEED OF EMILY’S
the PCs seats around it. With a sigh, he begins to ABDUCTION
outline the current situation. Painfully aware that the If the PCs are interested in reviewing the footage of the
contracted and scheduled flight was set to depart in abduction, Captain Stavros is happy for them to do so
less than 24 standard hours, Lyran informs the PCs but will excuse himself from the room, not wanting to
that the flight has been postponed indefinitely. He see the scene again.
acknowledges the breach of contract, agrees to reim-
burse the PCs, and offers to book them passage on The grainy, soundless footage starts with the subaltern
whichever other ship departs in their direction – an working amongst similar models away in the engine
event that could, despite the many ships that frequent room, calibrating, scanning, and adjusting machinery
the planet, easily take months to organize on account before seemingly becoming startled as if called by
of most of them being company freighters, unwilling or someone. It ceases work and, with jerky motions, exits
unable to take on passengers. the engine room. The subaltern is bulky, with stumpy
legs and three arms outfitted with various tools, plasma
The PCs may inquire about the reasons for the flight cutters, pneumatic shears, and rivet cannons. It enters
cancellation and talk to Lyran about the problems he the corridor leading to Emily’s casket chamber.
is currently facing. Perceptive characters will notice
the slight shaking of Lyran’s clenched fists on the table A holographic projection appears in front of the subal-
as he recounts the recent events. tern, seemingly questioning it. The bulky automaton
barrels through the projection, distorting it for a moment
At some point in the conversation, Lyran makes a request before Emily reforms in its wake, visibly startled.
of the PCs: knowing that they are lancers by virtue of
already having loaded their mechs into the Embrace’s As the subaltern continues to move toward the casket
cargo bays, he implores them to help investigate Emily’s chamber, the bulkhead protecting slams down, likely
disappearance. Once she is retrieved, he will be able to triggered by Emily herself to stop it. Faced with the
take the group away from Havelburg – free of charge, obstacle, the subaltern engages its fusion cutters and
of course. Additionally, he offers to take care of any steadily dismantles the bulkhead. Emily stands behind
expenses incurred during the investigation and is even it and appears to shout at it.
willing to pay for the PCs’ services on top of that.
It takes the subaltern five minutes to dismantle the
The PCs can negotiate with Lyran, perhaps leveraging shutter and free the doorway. Inside the chamber Emily
their knowledge about his family and his apparent has positioned her projection in front of her casket,
emotional connection to Emily to increase their pay. arms outstretched as if to stop the machine. Once more
Once they accept his offer, they’re free to ask questions the subaltern barrels through, distorting the projection
or begin their investigation. for a moment. It employs pneumatic shears to discon-
nect Emily’s casket, each disconnected coupling
On the facing page is a list of questions the group might making Emily’s hologram – now aghast and on her
ask Lyran and answers he might give. They include knees – more and more transparent. As the last coup-
important elements relevant to the story to come. If a ling is sheared apart Emily vanishes. The subaltern
PC asks about something that isn’t on the list, feel free removes the casket, almost gingerly, and strides out
to make something up – it’s less likely to become relev- of the chamber, prize in hand.
ant down the line. Nevertheless, before this step, you
should familiarize yourself with the general plot of Dust- The remaining footage shows it exiting the ship, corridor
grave (p. 17) so you don’t give contradictory informa- by corridor, before stepping out onto the dust-choked
tion and muddle the mystery. space port and disappearing in the haze.


The PCs may choose to investigate Emily’s casket
chamber. The chamber is close to the Dynast’s engine
THE CREW OF THE DYNAST’S EMBRACE room. The chamber is small and accessible only via
The Dynast’s Embrace is not a large ship and is a single doorway. The bulkhead to the room is lowered
mostly automated, relying on Emily’s guidance and but it appears that the subaltern used its fusion
supervision to operate. Beside Lyran, there are only cutters to cut a rectangular hole through the thick
six other members of the crew, none of whom were titanium plate. The cutout lies nearby, discarded.
aboard the ship when the abduction occurred. All Inside the room it is readily apparent that the place
of them are devastated by what occurred but won’t where Emily’s casket is supposed to be is vacant.
be able to help the PCs in any meaningful way, Cables and power conduits lie on the floor, cleanly
referring them to Lyran instead. cut. There is not much else to see here.

PART 1 // Beat 1: Delays

Q: Why is the flight canceled? Q: Where should we start investigating?
A: “It’s a shame, and again I must apologize, but the A: “Creighton’s Printshop would be the best bet.
Embrace is in no condition to fly. Eight hours ago, our Apply some pressure and see if something cracks.
onboard astrographic and navigational NHP, Emily, The Dustmarket in Upper could also yield results.
was abducted. Her casket was disengaged from the Maybe whoever abducted Emily has pawned her
ship’s systems and removed from its architecture. casket off? You could also ask Juan Tismon. He’s an
Without Emily, the Embrace won’t go anywhere, and old friend of mine – runs the local Garfields in Lower.
even if it could, I won’t leave a member of my crew He knows a lot about what’s going on around here.”
on this rock after they’ve been abducted.”
Q: What was Emily like?
Q: Where were you when this happened? A: “Emily has been with my family for a long while
A: “Me and my crew were in Lower Conroy at the now, but like me she’s a bit of an outcast. It was clear
time. We had a long voyage getting to Havelburg that they wanted rid of her so they attached her to
and thought we could relax a little. We left Emily in the Embrace before giving the ship to me. Emily has
charge of the ship, she– she managed to call us via some… quirks. I suspect it’s something with her
omninet as it was happening, saying something was subjectivity mask and how she’s shackled. But she’s
wrong. Then cut out into static. We immediately part of the crew and no one would want her any differ-
contacted the port authorities and rushed back to ent. She’s old and needs to be cycled more often
the ship, but between the elevators and the damned than should be the norm but she does her job and is
hardsuits, we were too late. So was the Port Author- reliable. And now… now she’s gone. Please find her.”
ity – Emily was gone.”
Lyran Stavros is a seasoned captain and, despite his
Q: What is the Port Authority doing about it?
somewhat disheveled appearance, a highly capable
A: “Nothing. They sent some of their goons when I
and experienced individual. Deeply caring about his
called them, but they didn’t do anything – just
crew, he has been very affected by the loss of Emily,
shrugged their shoulders and moved on, saying that
who he saw as a full member of the crew. Perhaps
there’s nothing they could do at this time. The
his feelings for Emily even go a little deeper than
Dynast’s Embrace isn’t an IPS-N chartered vessel
that, though he wouldn’t readily admit that to anyone.
and I foolishly didn’t buy into the Havelburg security
insurance before landing here. Bastards still
Distantly related to a Karrakin nobility, Lyran is somewhat
charged me for showing up and shrugging their
embarrassed about his heritage and the perks that
shoulders, though.”
he enjoys because of it. While he’s doing his best not
to flaunt his status, he doesn’t shy away from using
Q: Any suspects?
it if doing so means important things get done. In the
A: “We got the perpetrator on vid feed. To our dismay,
case of Emily’s abduction, for example, he has reques-
it seems like it was one of the spaceport mainten-
ted that his family put pressure on the local authorities.
ance subalterns – the same type that was carrying
out the maintenance on the ship.”
Lyran is good-natured and honest, caring, and loyal
to his crew, and is well-loved by them as a result.
Q: What are you doing about it?
Despite that, the recent episode has robbed him of
A: “We’ve contacted Creighton’s Printshop, the
his enthusiasm and generally good spirits. In short,
owner of the robot, who of course are adamant that
he is depressed and desperate, willing to do almost
there is no chance one of their subalterns could be
anything to get Emily back.
responsible for this. Frankly, I don’t think they’re
behind Emily’s abduction. But they won’t even admit
that it was one of their subalterns. My guess is that
• his crew, including Emily
they’re afraid of the backlash if it comes out that one
• his ship, the Dynast’s Embrace
of their robots has been hacked to abduct an NHP.”
• being his own boss and relatively carefree
• his profession as an independent captain and the
Q: What can you tell us about your ship?
duties that come with it.
A: “The Embrace? It’s a bit embarrassing, but it’s
mine and I’m the sole owner. It was … a gift from my LYRAN STAVROS DISLIKES:
family. I know I don’t look it, but you’re looking at the • being teased about his family connections
56th son in line for a minor Karrakin throne. Real • bureaucratic red tape
nobility, if you can believe it. I never cared much for • being tied down in one place for too long
it; I prefer not to be tied down, making my own way • feeling helpless, unable to influence the events
in the galaxy, but still, there are some perks.” around him.

Part 1 // Beat 1: Delays

Should the PCs agree to help Lyran, he promises to assist Q: What can you tell us about the subaltern main-
in any way he can to retrieve Emily. He is more than tenance crew on the Dynast’s Embrace?
happy to provide leads to explore while he continues to A: “That would be Maintenance Crew 56A. They
engage with the PCPA and other authorities in the after- completed their assignment roughly 8 hours ago and
math of the abduction. The PCs have a couple of choices returned to the printshop safe and secure.”
about where to go next and they’re free to pursue any
and as many leads as they want. Regardless of how the Q: What’s your function in Port Conroy?
players wish to approach the investigation, they will even- A: “My printshop has been performing printing and
tually either end up trying to impress Magenta Red in the maintenance duties for the spaceport for the past
Crater Pit (COMBAT 1A: BLOODSPORT) or tracking down the century now. I started out small, you know? But I
subaltern on their own (COMBAT 1B: DUSTBRANDED). Either pulled myself up by the bootstraps. Now I’m the sole
way, they have about one local day to prepare themselves owner of the largest printing facility on the planet.
before venturing out (see DOWNTIME 1, p. v28, for details). Even death couldn’t stop me from fulfilling my dream!”

Q: Any idea what could have happened to Captain

PRINTSHOP A: “Unable to find response.” “Anything else?”
Creighton’s Printshop is located not too far from where
the Dynast’s Embrace is berthed. The sprawling complex Q: Can we inspect maintenance crew 56A?
is attached to the Tower, the huge central spire that A: “Interested in our maintenance subalterns? All our
overlooks the entirety of the Port Conroy spaceport. models are top shelf IPS-N quality and available for
purchase, let me show them to you.”
Upon arrival, the PCs will be greeted by various subal-
terns and no human workers in sight anywhere. One of
the subalterns approaches them, a screen installed in
When roleplaying Horton, keep in mind that he isn’t
its smooth faceplate,. The screen displays the face of
a real person, but a program mimicking the mannerisms
a middle-aged man, a big, sleazy smile on his face. This
and personality of the original man. While much more
is Horton Creighton, the owner of the printshop, or
sophisticated than your average comp/con there may
rather, a homunculus – a digital facsimile of the original
still be things that the artificial intelligence can’t handle,
Horton Creighton, who died over two decades ago.
that lie outside of its parameters. If this occurs, Horton
While homunculi aren’t real people and have no legal
replies in a monotone machine voice, “unable to find
standing on Havelburg, this version of Horton is the
response”, before returning to his usual self.
legal owner of the printshop, something that was only
possible with clever lawyering and gratuitous abuse of
Horton is an IPS-N company man through and through.
legal loopholes. Plus, the digital Creighton is doing a
He loves his job, providing services of all kinds. Besides
good job running the place and keeping the authorities
ship maintenance, he also has a passion for mechs,
from seizing the business (which, if the shop’s stand-
printing, maintaining, and overhauling many of the
ards were to ever slacken, they would do in a heartbeat).
civilian machines found everywhere on Havelburg.
Exuding used-car salesman vibes, Horton always
Horton is happy to converse with the party, letting them
recommends the latest IPS-N licenses to the PCs.
know that if they are ever looking for a new frame the
latest IPS-N prints are of the highest quality. Horton is
happy to answer any questions they might have.
• punctuality
• his job and business
HORTON CREIGHTON: INQUIRIES • IPS-N and its various products
Q: Did one of your subalterns abduct Emily? • closing deals.
A: “Captain Stavros contacted me about that before.
And I assured him that our team of subalterns is of
• people pointing out that he’s not a real person
the highest IPS-N quality and would never mali-
• being deliberately led into “unable to find response”
ciously remove an NHP casket from a ship. It is
simply impossible.”
• people bad-mouthing IPS-N and its products.

PART 1 // Beat 2: Investigating the Abduction

INSPECTING MAINTENANCE hands on the tracking program. They could, for
CREW 56A example, find out more by purchasing the
As Horton tells the PCs, Maintenance Crew 56A is a maintenance crew, hacking into the printshop’s
work crew of the latest-model IPS-N subalterns. With systems, or inquiring with the PCPA, Juan Tismon,
20 units, it is designed to perform maintenance on or a dealer in the Dustmarket.
medium-sized vessels and can do so in a relatively
short amount of time. Besides a missing subaltern and evidence of Horton’s
perception being tampered with not much can be
Horton leads the PCs into a huge warehouse used to learned from the visit to the printshop. Both hacks
store many identical maintenance crews. Each subal- were accomplished remotely and whoever hit Horton
tern is secured in a recharge station, standing motion- was very skilled, as there is little evidence as to how or
less. When the group arrives at the row of stations when it was accomplished.
containing Crew 56A, three things become immediately
The subalterns of Creighton’s Printshop come equipped
1. Maintenance Crew 56A is comprised of subalterns
with a hard-wired autonomous tracking signal. Though
identical to the one that was visible on the vid feed
faint, it can be used to track each and every mainten-
from the Dynast’s Embrace.
ance subaltern employed in Port Conroy, provided one
knows the correct frequency for the unit in question.
2. Crew 56A is one unit short. The charging station
that should hold subaltern number 19 is empty.
The PCs can track the missing subaltern using a routine
tracking program employed by Creighton’s printshop.
3. Horton is unaware of this fact and cannot be made
Alternatively, they could find their own way to tap into
to be aware of it. When asked, he insists that each
the signal. Once the the correct tracking frequency is
subaltern is accounted for and will, if pushed,
acquired, it should be easy enough to track down the
default to “unable to find response”.
rogue subaltern. Horton Creighton won’t just hand the
frequency over to the PCs, however, so they may have
It is obvious that Horton’s system has been comprom-
to get a little creative. Here are some ideas on how to
ised, presumably by whoever is behind the abduction
acquire the frequency:
of Emily, making it so that the homunculus is unable to
perceive the absence of one of his maintenance subal-
• Restore Horton Creighton’s perception of
terns. This leaves the PCs with a few options:
Maintenance Crew 56A. Once he sees that a
subaltern is missing, he will share the frequency
• They could inform the PCPA, who will investigate
with the PCs.
the matter. The PCPA will be able to restore Horton
to full functionality and confiscate Maintenance
• Hack into the printshop’s records and find out the
Crew 56A for further investigation. If the PCs are
working with the PCPA they will receive a tracking
program with which they can pinpoint the rogue
• If the PCs are working with the PCPA, it might be
subaltern’s last known position in the outskirts of
able to apply some pressure to acquire the
Upper. Armed with this information the PCs may
choose to go after the unit themselves. If the PCs
are not working with the PCPA, they will not be
You and the PCs are encouraged of coming up with
informed of this.
your own ways of figuring out the rogue subaltern’s
tracking frequency!
• If a PC is well versed in hacking, they may be able
to revert Horton’s perceptual subroutines, enabling
him to perceive the missing subaltern. After a
moment of disquiet Horton will thank the PCs and
ask them to go after the missing subaltern,
providing them with the last known location of the
machine in the outskirts of Upper.

• As mentioned, the subalterns in Horton’s employ

can be tracked via a tracking system. Access to
this program can be acquired in a variety of ways,
allowing players and GM to get creative. Perhaps
they can come up with a unique way to get their

PART 1 // Beat 2: Investigating the Abduction

The Dustmarket is Port Conroy’s worst-kept secret, a Dustmarket itself is spread out over several alleyways
vast bazaar located in Upper where most of everything and plazas. The various stalls that make up the market
is for sale. The various vendors and their stands are are covered by enviro-tents, most of them transparent
protected by environmental tents, as the dust buildup so potential customers can make out the wares on offer,
would likely ruing their wares otherwise. It is located though the dust sometimes obscures the view. Small
centrally in Upper Conroy, which means the PCs will have air filters hum next to each, simultaneously inflating the
to access one of the maintenance elevators that still tents and allowing for a breathable atmosphere within.
connect the three layers of the city – Lower, Upper, and
Surface. Lyran, who has spent time on Havelburg before, The PCs are free to roam the Dustmarket, mingling with
can provide the group with an access code to facilitate the hardsuit-clad crowd and perusing the various things
their travel. Clever players who wish to stay under the on offer. While some goods offered in the stalls are legal,
radar may, however, be able to find different ways to most wares are of questionable legality on Havelburg
access Upper (i.e., maintenance shafts, hidden omni-net or even within Union at large. From firearms outlawed
access codes, physically breaking access hatches, etc). on most worlds to stims, the Dustmarket has it all.
Despite the PCPA’s best efforts to restrict access, they
can’t prevent dedicated individuals from gaining entry. The PCs can ask around for NHPs but will be turned
down by shrugging merchants and vendors who
Those visiting Upper will need to wear hardsuits or haven’t heard of anyone offering to sell an intact NHP
sealed breathing masks. The constant dust buildup on casket, much less a stolen one. NHPs are heavily regu-
this level of the city makes breathing without either lated and one popping up on the Dustmarket would
hazardous at best, usually resulting in choking then, bring the sort of attention that most doing business
finally, suffocation. there like to avoid.

PART 1 // Beat 2: Investigating the Abduction

Some vendors suggest that if anyone knows about If anyone knows something about stolen NHPs, then
stolen NHPs or rogue subalterns being in Upper, it Juan is probably a good place to start inquiries. Lyran,
would be the Magenta Syndicate operating out of Velvet who regularly stops on Havelburg, is acquainted with him
House, a notorious gambling establishment at the center and will let him know that the PCs have some questions
of Upper, near the Crater Pit arena. for him should they choose to stop by at his restaurant.

Getting in touch with Magenta Red, the leader of the

Magenta Syndicate, is the harder part. She isn’t known
Q: How do you know Captain Stavros?
for just hearing out random offworlders. Their best
A: “Oh, he’s visited a couple of times – he’s a good
chance for getting the attention of the Queen of the
kid. I’m a little sad he never saw Havelburg before
Upper Underworld would be through participating in
the Disaster. It was much different back then – we
one of the gladiatorial mech battles regularly held in
even had real forests! Not the synthetic, dust-resist-
the Crater Pit. Magenta’s always looking for new
ant ones that they planted in the aftermath…
combatants in the vicious blood sport, and it could be
Anyway, I think Lyran is one of the few people that
an ideal opportunity to get closer to the crime boss. If
enjoys my mole-rat heart ragout. He visits every
anyone knows about stolen caskets and rogue subal-
couple of years and stays for a few weeks. We’ve
terns in Upper, it’s her.
become good friends.”
The next fight is slated for midday tomorrow and the
Q: What do you know about the abducted NHPs?
PCs are free to sign up for the fight after visiting the
A: “There have been a few cases over the past
arena (see COMBAT 1A: BLOODSPORT, p. 33).
months. But you didn’t hear that from me; the PCPA
tries to keep this all hush-hush. NHP abductions are
a big deal, you know. Might get Union involved if the
local IPS-N government isn’t careful. They’ve been
LEAD C: GARFIELDS investigating it internally, but I’ve heard they haven’t
Garfields is a small pasta fusion restaurant located in had much success so far. The issue is that none of
the lower levels of Port Conroy. While Garfields can be the NHPs end up in Upper, either. You’d think
found on every IPS-N-controlled world, this establish- someone would sell them off on the Dustmarket –
ment is popular for those “in the know” about Port that’d be bad enough – but none of the caskets ever
Conroy. The restaurant is owned and operated by Juan make it there.”
Tismon, who functions as both manager and chef while
serving customers from behind the wooden counter of Q: What do you know about the subalterns abduct-
the relatively small dining hall. ing the NHPs?
A: “That is a conundrum. I doubt that Creighton has
As a multi-planet franchise, Garfields is doing its best anything to do with the abductions, but it’s definitely
not to appear like one, encouraging its managers to his machines that carry out the crimes. It isn’t incon-
personalize their restaurants depending on the world ceivable that someone is hacking his robots. As to
they are on. Juan, being an old miner, has decorated who, I’m at a loss. Pulling off something like this
his restaurant with a plethora of old mining equipment. sounds difficult, in Port Conroy. I only know the
The crown jewel is a mech-sized pneumatic pickaxe Magenta Syndicate that would have the resources
suspended from the ceiling by thick chains. and know-how to pull it off.”

Patrons can find Juan Tismon wearing a cartoonishly Q: Can you tell us about the Magenta Syndicate?
large chef’s hat while he jollily prepares a range of A: “Oh, I forgot that you aren’t from here. The
pasta dishes. From calamari lasagna to mole-rat Magenta Syndicate is the group that controls Upper.
spaghetti, the menu has a variety of local and offworld I suppose they keep the peace and prevent the
specialties to offer. place from falling into anarchy but make no mistake,
they are a vicious group of criminals and you should
Pasta isn’t the only reason for visiting Garfields. Juan is be careful when crossing them. I suppose that
one of the best-connected individuals on Havelburg, sounds a lot worse than it actually is. Magenta Red
and especially knowledgeable on matters relating to Port is a reasonable woman as long as everyone sticks
Conroy. While nobody is too sure how the old ex-miner to her rules. Don’t cause trouble to the Syndicate
turned restaurant owner and chef is so well connected, and you won’t have trouble with the Syndicate.”
the fact is that he has his finger on the pulse of the city.

Part 1 // Beat 2: Investigating the Abduction

A: “Magenta Red came here shortly after the Disaster. Juan has seen a lot over the past few decades and
The authorities had already abandoned Upper he is virtually unphased by anything strange that
Conroy in its entirety. She defected from a Harrison might occur. As an ex-miner here on Havelburg he
Armory transport ship that was docked here at the knows a lot of what is going on concerning not only
time and took some Shermans and personnel with Port Conroy but also Havelburg as a whole. Always
her to start her own thing in Upper. She and her crew kind and a little eccentric, Juan can often be found
cleaned up the place and the criminal gangs that whistling a jaunty tune to himself. If informed that
ruled it with overwhelming firepower and took over. the group is working with Lyran, who Juan has dealt
Since then, the Magenta Syndicate is the de facto with previously, he will welcome them with open
ruling body up there. As for your NHP problem, she arms and offer them a meal on the house. That’s just
might know something that I don’t, though getting the kind of person Juan is.
in touch with her may be difficult.”
Juan remembers a time before the Disaster, back
Q: What would we need to do to secure a meeting when Havelburg’s atmosphere was breathable. He
with Magenta Red? blames the cataclysm on IPS-N negligence and quit
A: “There is a way, though you may not like it. It’s a his job as a miner for the company over it, establishing
bit… primitive. The Syndicate holds mech arena his Garfields franchise instead.
battles every week. Lyran told me that you’re pilots,
so entering a fight may be the best way to get her Juan is well loved in Port Conroy and has many
attention. Pilots with military-grade machines entering regulars that visit his restaurant. Despite his popular-
her arena fight are sure to draw attention. The next ity, though, has remained humble. When conversing,
fight is tomorrow, so the opportunity’s right.” he sometimes goes on tangents that seem unrelated
to the topic at hand, relating to adventures back in
his mining days, such as when he survived a cave-in
or found that great mineral deposit.


• Havelburg and Port Conroy
• reminiscing about the past
• telling stories
• putting a smile on people’s faces by cooking
delicious pasta dishes.
• people being rowdy inside his restaurant
• people that dislike his dishes – there must be
something they like on the menu, right?
• people that don’t tip

PART 1 // Beat 2: Investigating the Abduction

Headquarters of the PCPA
The Tower is an enormous building that towers over
the spaceport up on Surface. Originally built as a
vantage point from where the PCPA could visually
monitor the coming and going of ships, the environ-
mental conditions of Havelburg now make this
impossible. The PCPA is nominally the IPS-N security
force on Port Conroy but in reality it also functions as
the governing body of Port Conroy Surface as it is the
institution that most closely represents IPS-N’s
interests on Havelburg.

Easily approachable via the dust-choked Surface or

one of the various high-speed elevators that reach all
the way down to Lower, the Tower is akin to the
beating heart of Port Conroy. Despite the Dustfall, the
Tower is kept pristine. Its interior is lit by sterile neon
and tight corridors wind away from the cavernous
reception area. PCPA officers are everywhere,
uniformed and armed. The many voices in the vast
space mingle into a complex omnipresent murmur.
After introducing themselves at the reception and Should the group choose to work with the PCPA,
explaining their purpose for visiting the Tower, the PCs Officer Dale Ramcock will be assigned as their liaison,
are ushered into a stuffy conference room by Dale responsible for briefing them on their objectives for
Ramcock, a young-looking and mild-mannered PCPA the investigation in Upper. Officer Ramcock can
officer with a thick moustache. He listens to them and always be contacted by the PCs. Occupying a small
explains that Emily’s abduction is being investigated office in the Tower, he outlines the task at hand.
but he is unable to share any further information regard-
ing the missing NHP or rogue subaltern. Officer The PCPA suspects that the Magenta Syndicate is behind
Ramcock is, however, aware that the PCs are lancers the abduction of NHPs in Port Conroy. Officer Ramcock
(considering they brought some serious military hard- tasks the group with infiltrating Velvet House, a high-
ware into the city) and will offer them the opportunity class casino and the head of the Magenta Syndicate’s
to work with the PCPA in unraveling the case of the operations; the goal is to talk to Magenta Red herself
abducted NHP. and see what she is up to, recording the conversation.

The easiest way to get to Magenta Red is to participate

WORKING WITH THE PCPA in one of the regularly scheduled gladiatorial mech
If the PCs want to work with the PCPA they will be
battles that are held in Crater Pit. Promising newcomers
welcomed with open arms. The lack of action concern-
are often granted an audience with Magenta Red
ing the abduction of Emily is a matter of jurisdiction
herself. Seeing that the PCs are pilots with military-
and prudence. The PCPA suspects that whoever is
grade mechs, they are likely to pique her interest.
stealing NHPs in and around Port Conroy is transport-
ing them into Upper, which is of course controlled by
Should the group be able to meet Magenta Red, there
the Magenta Syndicate. The PCPA, having abandoned
are three things the PCPA would like them to do:
Upper a decade ago, is unable to gather information
there easily and covertly. Going into Upper with full
1. Assess the military strength of the Magenta Syndicate.
force to crack some heads could end disastrously
considering how well-armed the Magenta Syndicate
2. Record the meeting with Magenta Red – an untrace-
and some of the other gangs are. As such, the PCPA
able nano-recorder will be provided.
is in dire need of intel. The PCs, being offworlders as
well as pilots, present a unique opportunity for the PCPA
3. Find out if the Magenta Syndicate is behind the
to get reliable and useful intel.
NHP abductions and why. If they are, find out how.
If the syndicate is not behind the abduction, find
out if they know anything.

Part 1 // Beat 2: Investigating the Abduction

When they reach this downtime, the players should be aware that they are after the rogue subaltern and should have
a general idea of how to go after it: either by tracking its last known location or by trying to get in touch with Magenta
Red, who will likely be able to point them in the right direction. If the PCs wish to get in touch with Magenta Red
they will have to prove themselves in the Crater Pit – continue with COMBAT 1A: BLOODSPORT (p. 33). If the PCs choose
to go after the subaltern themselves, continue with COMBAT 1B: DUSTBRANDED (p. 36) after this downtime is concluded.

Below are some downtime activities available to PCs during both downtimes in Port Conroy.


When you do FACTION WORK, you spend time doing When you PERUSE THE DUSTMARKET, you browse market
favors for an organization or individual. There are many stalls to see what jumps out. The Dustmarket is a treas-
such interested parties operating out of Port Conroy, ure trove. From banned technology and drugs to illegal
from the PCPA through to Juan Tismon, and most are mech systems, it has something for everyone (if one is
seeking help to complete some agenda or other. willing to bend one’s morals a bit).

These tasks are often simple and can be performed for When you look around the Dustmarket, you will always
any person or faction for whom the group currently has find something interesting, though whether its some-
a relationship clock. They can range from stakeouts to thing useful will depend on your keen eye and sense
delivering packages or gathering information. for business.

State the faction or individual you wish to assist. The Roll:

GM will describe a quick scenario in which the chosen
party needs help, then you roll. Multiple characters can • On 9 or less, roll on DUSTMARKET TABLE 1 to see
perform the same task, making success more likely – what you find.
if two characters perform the same task, only one rolls • On 10–19, roll on DUSTMARKET TABLE 2 to see what
but they gain +1 ACCURACY. you find.
• On 20+, you may choose one item from either
• On 9 or less, something goes wrong and your table.
employer is displeased (+0 to relationship clock).
• On 10–19, you succeed and your employer is
pleased (+1 to relationship clock).
• On 20+, you go above and beyond, completing
your task to a degree that greatly pleases your
employer (+2 to relationship clock).

PCPA: Do some detective work in Upper, surveil a
suspicious person, retrieve valuable intel.
Juan Tismon: Help out in the kitchen, relay some
information to him, look for a missing delivery,
meet an informant.
Horton Creighton: Perform maintenance work in
and around the printshop, scour the local omninet
for IPS-N license infringement, drop off some suspi-
cious-looking cargo in Upper.

PART 1 // Downtime 1: Getting Ready

These results are interesting items, utility gear, or pilot gear. Upon receiving an item from this table you gain it permanently.

1 You are robbed in a dusty back-alley; you lose one item important to you that you had on you at the time.

2 A pack of local cigarettes from before the Disaster, hard to come by these days.

3 A scenic postcard depicting a popular pre-Disaster Havelburg vacation spot, addressed to “Ricardo” and signed
with a kiss.

4 An old and well-worn cowboy hat with an intricate pattern of circuitry on the inside. Putting it on your head gives
you a slight jolt.

5 A small amount of Ferillian quartz spice, a highly addictive and illegal substance popular during the SecComm
era. Quartz spice is banned throughout Union space. It gives users enhanced reflexes and speed for a short
period of time. Sustained use can lead to addiction and permanent damage to the user’s nervous system.

6 A small feline abandoned in a dust-choked ruin, in need of medical attention.

7 Panacea Plus Red in tablet form. Incredibly rare to find outside Graham’s World. Only two pills remain in the
container. PPR is able to cure most known illnesses and has strong regenerative properties on hair follicles,
alleviating baldness.

8 A bulky and well-worn prosthetic arm, obviously artificial. The word “KILL” is scratched, letter by letter, into the
knuckles. A repossession notice is attached to it and dried blood still covers some of the ports where the arm
would attach to a human.

9 An armored and tightly locked briefcase. Both facial and DNA scans are required to safely open it. If opened by
any other means, a pair of integrated short-burst torches will incinerate all contents.

10 A robotic parrot that has seen better days. It occasionally squawks about buried treasure and loot. Likely a
children’s toy, though something seems off about the bird.

11 A swarm of specialized single-use whitewash nanites stored in a container with a display attached. The nanites
are programmable via the display and able to give mechs any desired paint job within an hour.

12 Access codes to a clandestine omninet chatroom. Upon logging in, you’ll interrupt a steady stream of messages
written in symbols you don’t recognize. The messages will abruptly stop upon your arrival.

13 A pre-Disaster hoverbike painted bright red. Hover technology has widely fallen out of use on Havelburg due to
the amount of dust displaced by such vehicles.

14 Enough VIP passes to the Velvet House for the whole group, including one free drink per person.

15 Military-Grade Jetpack: Can be attached to any hardsuit, allowing the wearer to fly when they move or BOOST.

16 Incendiary Ammo (Pilot-Scale): changes a pilot-scale weapon’s damage type to BURN.

17 Pneumatic Enhancer: Your pilot-scale HEAVY A/C weapons gain the following: On hit: target is knocked PRONE.

18 Sniper Scope: Your pilot-scale signature weapons gain +5 RANGE.

19 Devastator Grenades: Your Frag Grenades deal +2 damage.

20 Junker Exo-Rig: You gain +1 ACCURACY to JOCKEY.

Part 1 // Downtime 1: Getting Ready

These results count as Reserves that can only be used once in mech combat before being lost. Upon receiving an
item from this table, you may either install it on your own mech or give it to someone else.

1 Crash Cushions When you become STUNNED, you may activate this to not become STUNNED.

2 Personal Cloak As a protocol, you become INVISIBLE until the start of your next turn.

3 Precision Targeting Software After hitting with an attack, you may activate this to make the attack critical.

4 Frostfang Servos BOOST as a free action.

5 Gyro Stabilizers As a protocol, treat all of your weapons as if they aren’t ORDNANCE for the
rest of the turn.

6 High-Speed Loader Reload all weapons as a free action.

7 System Flayer After hitting with INVADE, you may activate this to deal +4 Heat.

8 Emergency Coolant Reservoir Clear EXPOSED as a free action.

9 IC Blinkpack As a protocol, you may teleport whenever you move for the rest of your

10 Explosive Knuckles After hitting with a RAM, you may activate this to deal 6 explosive damage.

11 Ultra-High Penetrator Rounds After hitting with a ranged attack, you may activate this to declare that
the attack’s damage can’t be reduced.

12 Run-Off Energy Converter When you use your CORE POWER, you may activate this to generate a BURST
4 aura of lightning. Hostile characters in the area take 4 energy damage.

13 System Backup When forced to perform a save or check you may activate this to auto-
matically succeed.

14 “Field Marshal” Comp/Con As a quick action, up to two allied characters within SENSORS may each
immediately perform a single quick action as a reaction.

15 Retractable Slab Shields As a protocol, you become IMMOBILIZED until the start of your next turn and
gain RESISTANCE to all damage for the same duration.

16 Automated Reflex Suite When you are hit by an attack, you may make the attack a miss as a

17 “Bubble” Active Personal Shield As a protocol, gain 4+GRIT OVERSHIELD.

18 Thermal Optics As a protocol, you may activate this to ignore cover until the end of your

19 Strain-Resistant Actuator When you BRACE, you may activate this to suffer no detrimental effects
from doing so.

20 Hyper-Spec Fuel Canister As a protocol, you may activate this to gain +1 ACCURACY on all attacks,
saves, and checks until the start of your next turn.

PART 1 // Downtime 1: Getting Ready

Combats in Dustgrave are written to be challenging The following environmental conditions can be found
experiences for players. That means that Structure and in various combinations in the combats in Dustgrave.
Stress damage will occur on a regular basis and even
mech destruction or reactor meltdowns are on the table.
Choking Dust
The hostile forces listed in each combat are meant as The dust clouds choking the battlefield make fighting
guidelines. You can adjust them relatively easily by a chore. Place 5–6 BLAST 1 clouds strewn across the
adding 1–2 NPCs of the kind that are already present battlefield. Characters at least partially within a dust
in the combat or by removing enemies from the list of cloud gain soft cover and are IMPAIRED while
reinforcements. occupying it.

Importantly, it is nigh impossible to make broad, Arena Hazards

sweeping generalizations about combat balance in
To make the fights more interesting and violent, the
Lancer. Player builds can vary in power level to the
arena is full of hazards from whirling buzzsaws to
degree that a combat that is trivial for one group will be
vicious piston spikes. Place four BLAST 1 areas on
very challenging for another. If you are an experienced
the battlefield. Characters that enter or start their
Lancer GM, you know this. If you are new to GMing
turn inside one of these hazards take 4/5/6 kinetic
Lancer, you’re in luck, because the disparity between
damage. They may only be damaged by the hazards
different groups won’t be as large at lower LLs.
1/round. Arena hazards are indestructible.
If you find that a combat is too hard or too easy, you 1/round, these hazards can be targeted with INVADE.
should adjust to a level that you and your group feel They have 12/14/16 E-DEFENSE. On a hit, all
comfortable with. If your players are overwhelmed, tone characters adjacent to the hazard take damage as if
future fights down. If your NPCs are trivially defeated, they had moved through it.
add some more in the form of reinforcements.
NEW NPC TEMPLATES Player characters without an installed MESMERTRANCE
Dustgrave introduces three new NPC templates, all of DAMPENER (p. 73; provided by the Talons) are
which feature heavily in the upcoming combats. You susceptible to the MesmerTrance virus.
can learn more about them, their optional modules,
At the start of each turn, susceptible characters must
and their special rules in the Appendix (p. 82-87).
succeed on a SYSTEMS save (11/13/15) or gain 1
MESMERTRANCE COUNTER. These counters convey
OPTIONAL RULE: CORE EJECTION cumulative detrimental effects based on the number
Sometimes, mechs suffer reactor meltdowns and blow of counters accumulated:
up. If this happens, the mech leaves no wreck behind 1. No effect
that could be repaired, meaning that the group may 2. Gain 1 Heat and an additional 1 Heat at the start
well have to abort the current mission. To prevent this, of each of the character’s subsequent turns
you may want to use this optional rule. When a mech 3. Become SLOWED
would undergo reactor meltdown (Lancer, p. 81), its 4. Become IMPAIRED
pilot may instead eject its reactor core before it 5. Become JAMMED
explodes. They target a space within RANGE 3; the 6. Take 1 stress damage.
mech’s core is ejected to that space, where it melts
Affected characters can STABILIZE to clear all
down in a BLAST 2 explosion that deals 4d6 explosive
damage or half that on a successful AGILITY save.
Automated Repair Stations
Due to the stress of core ejection, the mech is then
destroyed, leaving a wreck. This means that the pilot Place three BLAST 1 areas on the battlefield at least 5
survives and that the mech can be repaired normally. spaces away from each other. NPCs that start their turn
Do not apply this rule to the HORUS MANTICORE frame, at least partially inside those areas regain 3/5/7 HP.
as it has several special rules revolving around reactor
These areas can be targeted as if they were objects
with 5 EVASION and 10/13/16 HP.

Part 1 // Combats in Dustgrave

After coming up with leads concerning the whereabouts
of the subaltern that abducted Emily, the PCs must
SUBALTERN decide how to find and retrieve it. There are two
approaches they can take.

“It’s like a treasure hunt, in a way, and you’re MISSION OBJECTIVES: Find and retrieve the subaltern
a detective.” that abducted Emily.
STAKES: If the PCs fail to retrieve the
– Jeff Warwick subaltern, the Talons will retrieve it.
This will leave the PCs with no
choice but to cooperate with the
Talons if they wish to rescue Emily.
MISSION BEATS While they will still advance to LL3
COMBAT 1A: BLOODSPORT (see below), the players will have to
be creative about how they acquire
their new licenses.
REWARD: If the PCs retrieve the rogue
subaltern, Lyran Stavros will be
BEAT 3: MAGENTA RED pleased with the progress they are
making on the case. After this
mission is concluded the PCs will
advance to LL3. The PCs will also be
able to pursue the kidnappers on
COMBAT 2B: IN THE TALON’S GRASP their own terms. They may also gain
SHIELD as a reward for victory in the
Crater Pit.
RESERVES: If any PCs chose to PERUSE THE
may have come across something
useful they can take on this mission.

The players can choose to tackle this mission by taking
several different paths, beginning with a choice
between fighting in the Crater Pit in hopes of arranging
a meeting with Magenta Red (COMBAT 1A: BLOODSPORT,
p. 33) and going straight after the subaltern (COMBAT
1B: DUSTBRANDED, p. 36).


The group might decide to speak to Magenta Red and
find out what she knows about the subaltern. To do
this, they will first need to impress her by entering the
gladiatorial combat in the Crater Pit, starting COMBAT
1A. Whether they succeed or fail, the PCs will be
invited to meet with Magenta Red (BEAT 3: MAGENTA
RED, p. 38).
Alternatively, the group may have come across sufficient If the PCs meet with Magenta Red but refuse to work
know-how and resources in the course of their invest- with her and instead go after the subaltern on their
igation to track down the missing subaltern directly. If own, they start COMBAT 2B. If they are willing to work
they choose to do this, they will push into Dustbranded with her, they instead start C OMBAT 2A: A MAGENTA
territory on their own, starting COMBAT 1B. Whether they FAVOR (p. 40).
succeed here or not, they will be offered an audience
with Magenta Red (BEAT 3). Regardless of how the PCs choose to get to the subal-
tern, extracting it always leads to COMBAT 3: ELEVATOR
Should the PCs choose to press on without meeting PITCH (p. 44).
with Magenta Red, they will skip BEAT 3 and go directly


The Crater Pit is just that – a vast crater caused by The procedure is simple: the teams that enter the arena
some of the orbital debris that followed in the aftermath face off against increasingly dangerous opponents
of the Disaster, tearing a large hole through the space- until they face Brutus, the reigning champion of the
port of Conroy Surface and embedding itself deep into Crater Pit. As newcomers, the PCs enter the pit first;
Upper. The damage to the spaceport has since been the organizers aren’t expecting them to last for more
repaired but no one has bothered to restore the torn than a round or two…
layers of the upper city.
When the time comes, the PCs’ mechs are loaded onto
Those that live there have since removed the debris from the rusty elevator and lifted into the center of the arena.
the crater, yet the structural damage remains. The large, The fight is about to begin. The announcer's voice
jagged wound in the city, spanning multiple levels, is a booms through the arena, audible even over the caco-
constant reminder of the Disaster. Having since been phony of the cheering crowd:
repurposed by the Magenta Syndicate, the Crater Pit is
now used as a gladiatorial arena. People come to spectate “Our first contestants today are something down-
and bet a lot of money on high-octane mech-on-mech right special! Look at those machines – those are
violence, all organized and ultimately benefiting the genuine combat mechs! We haven't seen something
Magenta Syndicate. With spectator seating arranged like this in half a decade, Brutus will have to watch
behind flickering force-fields, the Syndicate does its best out; will today be the day his reign ends? Or will
to prevent any accidents from occurring during the these newcomers prove to be all bark and no bite?
weekly fights. While there have not been any incidents so LET'S FIND OUT TONIGHT WITH SOME
far, spectators know that they are here at their own risk. CRAAAAAAATER PIT BLOOOOOODSPORTS!”

Despite the brutal combat that takes place, actual pilot

deaths are very rare and combatants eject to safety
Brutus turns out to be a towering frame – a heavily modi-
once their mechs suffer critical damage.
fied Saladin chassis. Shaking the ground with each step,
it bears its battle scars with pride. Thick gouges have
If the PCs choose to participate as combatants in the
marred the paint job and impact craters riddle the heavy
upcoming bout, they will find themselves in the dimly
mech. Brutus drags a heavy tungsten wrecking ball
lit backrooms of the arena with their mechs. The
behind itself as it enters the arena, holding onto it via a
muffled cheers of the crowd can be heard even through
reinforced chain. In the other primary hand it holds a
the thick concrete and steel walls. The backstage area
tower shield of prodigious size; conduits, coils, and emit-
is equal parts zoo and mech bay; huge steel cages
ters winding over its surface generate a potent forcefield.
hold exotic and dangerous-looking animals, easily the
The crowd cheers as the mech enters, revving up its
size of a mech. Other combatants ready their machines
tertiary arm carrying a vicious-looking rotary saw. To the
for the upcoming fights. Organized in small teams, the
masses occupying the stands Brutus is a god of carnage,
pilots await their turn to enter the arena.
the arena is its church, and the sermon is about to begin.

Part 1 // Combat 1a: Bloodsport

SITREP: Special (see below) DETAILS
The objective of this combat is for the PCs to defeat
ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: Arena Hazards (p. 31)
several waves of enemies, each harder than the last.
WAVE 1 The PCs start in the middle of the battlefield. Mark a
FOR 3 PCS: 2x MONSTROSITY (Rampage) Player Deployment Zone in the center of the battle-
FOR 4 PCS: +1 MONSTROSITY (Rampage) field, then mark one BLAST 2 Ingress Zone (IZ) in each
FOR 5 PCS: +1 MONSTROSITY (Rampage) quadrant of the map. These four IZs represent elevat-
ors from which enemies enter the arena in waves. At
the end of any round in which there are two or fewer
NPCs remaining, the next wave enters the arena distrib-
(Industrial option: Rivet Cannon)
uted across the IZs. If you feel that the players are
stalling, you may bring the next wave in earlier.
The combat ends if either the PCs’ mechs are
destroyed, they give up, or all adversaries are defeated.
(Industrial options: Wrecker,
Buzzsaw [replaces Rotary Grenade
FOR 4 PCS: Add VETERAN template and
FOR 5 PCS: Add COMMANDER template and QUICK
MARCH trait to BRUTUS.

PART 1 // Combat 1a: Bloodsport

OUTCOME Brutus’s Wrecker
Heavy Melee, Exotic Gear, Inaccurate,
If the PCs defeat all enemies, they are admired by
Knockback 1, Thrown 5
the audience. The fact that underdogs beat the reign-
[Threat 2] [2d6+4 kinetic damage]
ing champion only heightens the excitement about
their victory.
On critical hit: Target is knocked PRONE.
Additionally, they have piqued Magenta Red’s interest The signature weapon of the former
and are invited to meet her at Velvet House, the casino perpetual champion of Crater Pit. Since
adjacent to the pit – as VIPs, of course. Brutus’s defeat in glorious combat,
someone else now wields this massive
PC DEFEAT tungsten ball on a reinforced chain.
If the PCs throw in the towel before defeating Brutus Ultimately a primitive weapon, this
or all their mechs are turned into smoldering wrecks, wrecker makes up for its lack of elegance
Magenta Red will still invite them to meet with her. Their with sheer brutality.
fight made her a lot of money and she’s interested in
the lancers that suddenly turned up to deliver a show
like that.

Brutus’s Shield
REWARDS Main Melee, 1 SP, Exotic Gear, Unique
It is tradition in the Crater Pit for those that defeat the
[Threat 1][1d3+1 kinetic damage]
reigning champion to take a single piece of the
defeated mech. There are two items of EXOTIC GEAR. A As a protocol, you may raise this shield to gain
single PC may choose to take from Brutus either 4+GRIT OVERSHIELD until the start of your next turn, at
BRUTUS’S WRECKER or BRUTUS’S SHIELD. which point you lose all OVERSHIELD. You are SLOWED
while you have this OVERSHIELD.
MOVING ON You may not use this protocol two turns in a row.
Whether they succeed or not, the PCs have time to
rest, using the facilities of the Crater Pit to repair their
The signature weapon of the former
mechs. Once they have concluded the rest continue
perpetual champion of Crater Pit. Since
with BEAT 3: MAGENTA RED (p. 38). Meetings with
Brutus’s defeat in glorious combat,
Magenta Red are rare occasions and should not be
someone else now wields this advanced
taken lightly. Cancelling it may not only deprive the
slab shield. Incorporating surprisingly
PCs with their only lead in the case of the rogue subal-
complex Harrison Armory technology, this
tern but also have dire repercussions.
shield can project a localized force
field of significant strength.

Part 1 // Combat 1a: Bloodsport

Getting the location of the rogue subaltern that abducted "Look who we have here, boys. Some fancy pilots
Emily was the hard part. The PCs may have acquired on vacation. What's with those mechs? Awful 'spens-
a tracking program from Horton Creighton or found a ive looking if you ask me." He chuckles, a hideous
different way of tracking down the runaway mainten- sound made worse by the poor connection. "Now
ance robot. By contrast, getting mechs down into the I'll let you know how this goes, since you ain't from
outskirts of Upper is simple. All the PCs need to do is around these parts. This is Dustbranded turf and it
take them from the Dynast’s Embrace to one of the old looks like you ain't got an appointment with the
service elevators, which can be accessed using a boss. Looks like to me y'all be paying a li’l toll …
passcode provided by Lyran. those machines of yours ought to do. Hand ‘em over
and maybe we'll let you keep y'alls hardsuits to get
While the central parts of Upper have problems with back to from where you came, eh?”
constant dust buildup, the outskirts are utterly lost to
it. The facades of ruined buildings are caked in dust.
SITREP: HOLDOUT (Lancer, p. 272)
Their empty, broken windows stare out at streets buried
in yet more of the stuff. How anyone could live here is ENEMY FORCES
beyond comprehension, and yet, the subaltern’s signal FOR 3 PCS: 1x INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER
clearly leads this way. Abandoned vehicles litter the (Industrial option: Rock Drill)
avenues as the mechs make their way towards the 1x INDUSTRIAL BARRICADE
signal, dust billowing in thick clouds with each step. (Industrial option: Wrecker)
The group is well underway when their sensors pick up 1x SENTINEL
heat and reactor signatures from nearby buildings. The FOR 4 PCS: +1 BERSERKER (Nail Gun)
signatures are clearly mechs powering up but don’t FOR 5 PCS: +1 INDUSTRIAL BARRICADE
match any known combat frames. They’re likely civilian (Industrial option: Wrecker)
in nature – industrial frames used for construction and
demolition. While the PCs’ mechs are vastly superior
on a one-on-one basis, the number of signatures
(Industrial option: Rock Drill)
powering up is alarming.
(Industrial option: Fusion Cutter)
A gruff voice contacts the PCs via an open line, heavily
distorted by whatever the speaker uses for comms
FOR 5 PCS: +1 BERSERKER (Nail Gun)
equipment. It’s the Dustbranded, one of the gangs on
the outskirts of Upper. The speaker demands that the
PCs power down their mechs and leave their territory,
giving them ten seconds to comply if they value their DETAILS
lives. Should they not comply, the Dustbranded will This combat uses the HOLDOUT sitrep (Lancer, p. 272).
tear the PCs’ mechs to shreds and salvage what’s left.
Mark out a Player Deployment Zone/Objective Zone
The first mech smashes into the open – straight through (PDZ/OZ) in the center of the battlefield. As with a
a nearby wall – a thick cloud of dust only gradually typical HOLDOUT sitrep, the combat lasts for 6 rounds
revealing the ugly behemoth. It’s a bulky thing, and there needs to be less than four Dustbranded
swinging an oversized wrecking ball in one hand and mechs inside this zone at the end of Round 6 or the
revving a chainsaw in the other. A mountain of rein- PCs are overwhelmed.
forced slab armor painted in faded yellow, the frame
has clearly been modified but its civilian roots are still The initial contingent of hostiles starts in the Enemy
apparent. With yet more signatures powering up in the Deployment Zone/Ingress Zone, and you may deploy
vicinity, the group will have to make a choice and make up to two enemy units in the same zone as reinforce-
it quickly. ments at the end of any round.

PART 1 // Combat 1b: Dustgrave

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Once in safety, the PCs will be contacted by an agent
CHOKING DUST of the Magenta Syndicate who witnessed their defeat,
The dust clouds choking the battlefield make fighting a commenting on their poor performance. Still, they offer
chore. Place 5–6 BLAST 1 clouds strewn across the the PCs an audience with Magenta Red. Perhaps an
battlefield. Characters at least partially within a dust cloud alliance between the newcomers and the Syndicate
gain soft cover and are IMPAIRED while occupying it. against the Dustbranded may still prove fruitful.

Whether the PCs accept or not, they will have to take

OUTCOME some time to print new mechs at Creighton’s Printshop
first. Lyran Stavros will likely have to foot the bill and
If the PCs fight off the attack, they are contacted by
more time will be lost. They receive the benefits of a
agents of the Magenta Syndicate via direct link once
Full Repair, but their relationship clock with Lyran is
the dust has settled, congratulating them on a job well
decreased by 3 segments.
done. They introduce themselves as a surveillance party
that had their eyes on this Dustbranded group for
some time. They offer the players an audience with MOVING ON
their leader, Magenta Red, Queen of the Upper Under- If the PCs refuse an audience with Magenta Red and
world, back at the Velvet House in the center of Upper. continue their tracking of the subaltern, begin COMBAT
They also caution the PCs about pushing further into 2B: IN THE TALON’S GRASP (p. 42). If they want to hear
Dustbranded territory on their own. The Syndicate is what Magenta Red has to say, continue with BEAT 3:
interested in working together with a group of lancers MAGENTA RED.
against a common enemy.

If the PCs fail to hold off the attackers, they are over-
whelmed and must eject from their machines before
the oncoming tide of industrial mechs. The Dust-
branded make no effort to pursue the pilots, only
looking to salvage the abandoned frames.

Part 1 // Combat 1b: Dustgrave

Velvet House is a lavishly decorated casino. Stepping frames. If left to their own devices, the Dustbranded
out from the ruined, dust-caked environment, the are likely to become a problem that might challenge
sudden shift in scenery is staggering. The many shades the Syndicate in the future.
of red used in the interior design make for a nice
contrast with the potted glowing green alien plants Magenta Red wants the PCs’ assistance to supplement
used to tastefully accentuate the vast gambling hall. and support her own forces. While the Syndicate already
From card and roulette tables to slot machines, Velvet possesses five heavily modified Sherman frames, the
House is a stereotypically high-class casino. Bustling addition of the PCs and their machines is an opportunity
with a well-dressed clientele, the PCs may stick out she can’t let go to waste. Since the subaltern the PCs
somewhat, depending on what they are wearing. The are looking for is apparently in Dustbranded territory, an
very heavily armed, crimson-armored guards posi- alliance between them and the Syndicate is a logical step.
tioned visibly at key points throughout the interior leave
no doubt about who runs the place. As they take it all Before the PCs respond, they should be aware that
in, the PCs are approached by one such guard, who Magenta Red is not one of the “good guys” – not by a
politely offers to escort them to Magenta Red. long shot. While the Magenta Syndicate is technically
the only real source of stability in Upper, it also
A quick elevator ride later, the PCs find themselves in engages in various illegal activities: drug manufacturing,
an expensively decorated office, more akin to a throne racketeering, and worse. If the PCs have spent any
room than an actual place of work. Able to oversee the time in Port Conroy they will be aware of this already.
gambling hall from a massive viewport behind her, While Magenta Red could be a great ally for things to
Magenta Red sits on a throne of massive proportions. come, the group may have to be a little liberal with their
All sinew and muscle, the eight-foot tall woman sits, morals when working with her.
finely dressed like a Greek statue. Her red hair is
expensively styled. Should the PCs decline an alliance with the Magenta
Syndicate after talking to her then she will let them go
A spindly medical subaltern, via a network of tubes and freely but won’t interact with them in the future.
hoses, seems to be pumping a purple glowing liquid into
the woman’s massive frame, ruining the image a bit.

Magenta Red, the “Queen of the Upper Underworld”

is not to be trifled with. While she can be a powerful
ally, the PCs should be careful not to incur her wrath –
Magenta Red isn’t called the Queen of the Upper
doing so may prove fatal.
Underworld for nothing. She is ruthless and rules
over Upper with an iron fist. Magenta Red is accus-
MAGENTA’S PROPOSAL tomed to getting her way, having overseen this part
Magenta Red’s massive frame rests upon a velvet throne of the city for the better part of a decade. The Magenta
and greets the party with a slight smile, her sense of Syndicate, the de facto government of Upper, has
superiority clear in her calculating green eyes. She greets its fingers in many pies, and Magenta Red is very
the PCs with a slight nod and speaks with a contralto aware of the fact that she is running the place with
befitting a woman of her size. Magenta knows who the the backing of her vast criminal network.
PCs are and has known of them ever since they and their
mechs arrived on Havelburg. A slight shudder ripples MAGENTA RED LIKES:
through her body as the medical subaltern delivers yet • people doing what she wants
another infusion. She is interested in what the PCs can • people who act deferentially
do for her and, considering it was them who sought her • money
out, feels that she will be able to bargain with them. • muscular individuals.
Magenta Red proposes an alliance between the PCs
• people who don’t show her the respect she deserves
and her forces. She is facing an issue (that the PCs
• those who don’t know their place in her presence
may have also encountered): an uppity gang operating
• people speaking out of turn
out of the outskirts of Upper calling themselves “the
• not getting what she wants
Dustbranded”. Made up of ex-miners, they have
• the fact that the Dustbranded are getting uppity.
amassed and refurbished quite a number of industrial

PART 1 // Beat 3: Magenta Red

MAGENTA RED: INQUIRIES The PCs can investigate any of the stray subalterns
Magenta Red knows about most things that go on in that Magenta Red still has in storage. Doing so won’t
Upper. She might even have some insights should the yield much, however, as their memory banks appear
PCs decide to ask her about the case of the missing to have self-formatted, a slow process that must have
NHP. Based on their discussion with her, they are free taken days. Characters with an appropriate trigger
to accept or decline her offer of an alliance. may roll a skill check. On a success, they can find out
that the subalterns received some sort of foreign
Q: Do you know about the abducted NHP from the signal before shutting down, beginning the slow but
Dynast’s Embrace? inevitable process of self-formatting. A freshly infec-
A: “We’ve been monitoring the situation. When we ted subaltern may yield more information.
picked up word that the ship had its NHP taken, we
Q: Any information on the Dustbranded?
managed to track it via Creighton’s service network;
A: “They’re a glorified gang that has been gathering
we have some good hackers that can manage that.
in numbers on the outskirts here in Upper ever since
The subaltern used some seriously convoluted routes
that dog Durst Slaughter took over. Former miners
through the vents. We never managed to grab it. We
that are getting their hands on decidedly too many
still have a signal, though. It stopped moving after
industrial frames for my taste. I’d rather cut these
reaching Dustbranded territory.”
hopped-up fools down now before they become a
bigger issue for the whole city. When fighting them,
Q: Could the Dustbranded be behind the NHP
expect crude civilian frames, nothing that you or my
military-grade mechs couldn’t handle.”
A: “I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but that is
what everything points to it. I don’t know how they
Q: Doubts about Dustbranded being behind this?
acquired the hacking capabilities to break into the
A: “Despite the latest subaltern making it into Dust-
subaltern architecture, though. Regardless, we won’t
branded territory… It might just be a coincidence. That’s
find out until the subaltern is recovered.”
more of a gut feeling, but they’ve never pulled something
like this off in the past and I personally doubt they’d
Q: Are there many malfunctioning subalterns?
even have the know-how to do it. Still, the subaltern
A: “Subalterns from Surface malfunction regularly,
we need is with them right now; that’s what matters.”
probably due to all the dust, and when they do, they
usually end up with us. We disassemble them for
Q: Your past?
spare parts and sell them off or use them for our own
A: “Ex-Harrison military. Decided the life of a grunt
purposes. Some modified subalterns end up in the
in their war machine didn’t suit me too much. When
Crater Pit as combatants. This is different though.
our troop transport made a routine refueling stop
The subalterns involved in NHP abduction seem
here, me and some like-minded individuals made our
possessed and make their way here to Upper. We
permanent exit. Taking five Shermans riled them up
sometimes find their bodies broken down and inert,
good – they spent a whole week looking for us, but
but never the NHP caskets. My guess is that whoever
Upper is a large place. If you don’t want to be found,
hacked the subalterns in the first place picked them
you won’t be. From there it was simple. The author-
up first. That’s why I’ve had my hackers tracking
ities had already abandoned the place, so me and
subaltern movement on a 24-hour basis.”
the boys took the reins without too much struggle.”
Q: Multiple NHPs were abducted?
A: “Yes. The PCPA tries to keep it under wraps, but
that is the case. I’m not entirely sure how many but
the Dynast’s isn’t the first. It's not always shipboard
NHPs either – a railway guidance NHP was abducted
just last week.”

Q: Anything of note about these hacked subalterns?

A: “My experts couldn’t glean anything from the
ones we found down here. We’ve got them stored
if you’d like to take a look at them. I was told,
however, that their internal databases seem to have
been utterly erased by some sort of slow but thor-
ough cognitive corruption.”

Part 1 // Beat 3: Magenta Red

If the party agrees to work with Magenta Red then she If the PCs chose to work with the PCPA to gather
gives them time to recuperate while mustering the intel on the Magenta Syndicate they were supplied
Syndicate’s forces for battle. She doesn’t want to waste with a microrecorder that can be used to discreetly
any time, electing instead to launch a surprise attack record their conversation.
in order to take the Dustbranded out. Continue with
COMBAT 2A: A MAGENTA FAVOR (p. 40). As to assessing the military strength of the Syndicate,
it may be risky to ask Magenta Red outright. It may
Should the PCs decline an alliance with Magenta Red be safer for the PCs to agree to the assault on the
they will have to track the subaltern down themselves. Dustbranded and see the Syndicate’s strength firsthand.
If they already have a way to track it then continue with The Syndicate has the following military assets of note:
COMBAT 2B: IN THE TALON’S GRASP (p. 42). If they don’t
have a way to track the subaltern you will have to impro- • 3 HA Sherman mechs
vise – perhaps Juan Tismon has learned something • 1 modified HA Saladin mech (Brutus)
that might help the PCs or maybe they are contacted • Several dangerous megafauna creatures used in
by the PCPA. Alternatively, the PCs may wish to visit the arena
Horton Creighton’s printshop to investigate some more. • An unknown number of converted industrial frames
• 50 ex-Harrison Armory legionnaires with full
combat kit.


The trek from Velvet House to the outskirts is a short Upon engaging the Dustbranded in battle an open
one. Magenta Red, piloting her own Sherman, and her transmission will reach the players:
Syndicate forces, make no effort to approach the territ-
ory of the Dustbranded covertly. Magenta Red intends The gruff voice assaults your senses, tinny and distor-
to use this as a statement to those opposing her and ted by static, slurring its words with uncontrolled
is coming out in full force to crush the small gang of rage as Durst Slaughter addresses his opponents.
upstarts. The Syndicate foot soldiers, clad in heavy
duty hardsuits and wielding short-ranged laser “Magenta Red too scared to do her own dirty work?
carbines, soon have trouble keeping up with the mechs. Sending some hopped-up offworlders after my hide?
The streets are heavily choked with dust this far out at YOU SCARED? YOU HARRISON FREAK? I'LL PUT
the fringes of the city, and the buildings, practically YOUR DOGS DOWN AND THEN I'LL COME TO
uninhabitable anywhere in Upper, are little more than YOUR CASINO AND RIP YOUR HEAD OFF MYSELF!
dust-caked ruins. The change in scenery is gradual but DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? I. AM. SLAUGHTER!!!”
noticeable, going from bad to worse. Only the most
deranged venture out here, much less set up permanent SITREP: GAUNTLET (Lancer, p. 271)
residency, and that paints a concise picture of the kind
of people the Dustbranded are.
Once the procession reaches Dustbranded territory, FOR 3 PCS: 1x DURST SLAUGHTER – INDUSTRIAL
Magenta Red splits the forces, taking her Syndicate VETERAN COMMANDER SUPPORT
troopers and Shermans with her. She plans for a two- (Commander option: Quick March;
pronged attack, with the Syndicate forces assaulting Industrial options: Rock Drill, Rivet
the gang’s mech hangars while the PCs take out the Cannon; Veteran option: Legendary)
leader of the Dustbranded, Durst Slaughter. After 1x INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER
receiving a rough map of their surroundings – precision (Industrial option: Rock Drill)
is near impossible when mapping Upper – the PCs are FOR 4 PCS: +1 INDUSTRIAL BARRICADE
free to make their way to their objective. This one is (Industrial option: Wrecker)
going to be tough. FOR 5 PCS: +1 BERSERKER (Nail Gun)
1x BERSERKER (Nail Gun)
FOR 4 PCS: +1 BERSERKER (Nail Gun)
(Industrial option: Wrecker)
PART 1 // Combat 2a: A Magenta Favor
This combat uses a a modified GAUNTLET sitrep (Lancer, If the PCs destroy Durst Slaughter’s mech but there
p. 271). The PCs set up in the Player Deployment are an equal number of NPCs or more than PCs inside
Zone and the initial hostiles start in the Enemy Deploy- the OZ at the end of Round 6, the outcome is a partial
ment Zone/Objective Zone (EDZ/OZ) across the defeat.
battlefield. Additional reinforcements may come in from
the Ingress Zones as time progresses. Make sure that The PCs need to retreat to a safe distance, waiting for
Durst Slaughter is clearly marked for the players. the Magenta Syndicate forces to catch up and clean
up the mess they’ve left. Magenta Red is not amused,
having lost two of her own Shermans in the attack.
OUTCOME Reduce her relationship clock by 2 segments.
If there are more PCs than NPCs in the OZ at the end PC DEFEAT
of Round 6 and Durst Slaughter’s mech has been If there are more NPCs than PCs in the OZ at the end
destroyed, the PCs drive off the Dustbranded. The rest of Round 6 and Durst Slaughter’s mech hasn’t been
of the gang, having lost their leader as well as their destroyed, the PCs are defeated. The outcome is the
base, will take some time to regroup – if they manage same as a partial defeat, but Magenta Red’s relation-
at all. ship clock is reduced to 0.

Magenta Red is grateful to the group. Increase her

relationship clock by 3 segments.
Regardless of the outcome of the combat the PCs will
always be able to investigate the subaltern they were
after, which can be found dumped in a pile of similar
If there are more PCs than NPCs in the OZ at the end
units in a corner. Even if Magenta Red wants nothing
of Round 6 but Durst Slaughter’s mech hasn’t been
else to do with the PCs, she will honor their deal and
destroyed, the PCs achieve a partial victory.
let the players have the robot.

Whatever the outcome, continue with COMBAT 3:


MISSION 1 // The Drop

This combat occurs if the PCs choose to either SITREP: EXTRACTION (Lancer, p. 270)
pursue the subaltern on their own or if they refuse to
work together with Magenta Red.
The group presses on, the signal taking them deeper
and deeper into the outskirts of Upper. The dust around ENEMY FORCES
them becomes unbearable, gathering in huge mounds FIRST WAVE
like sand dunes that threaten to swallow the ruined FOR 3 PCS: 1x IPS-N NELSON – SPEC OPS (p. 84)
buildings lining the streets. The subaltern is close, but CATAPHRACT (Spec Ops option:
the PCs also start to pick up distress signals, garbled Serrated Machete)
comms chatter, and in the distance, the telltale sounds 1x IPS-N CALIBAN – SPEC OPS
of high-caliber gunshots and the crash of metal on metal. BREACHER (SIZE ½; Breacher option:
Flechette Shot)
When the PCs arrive at the scene, the only traces of 1x IPS-N BLACKBEARD– SPEC OPS
what occurred are the wrecked industrial frames once BERSERKER (Spec Ops option: Gyro-
piloted by the Dustbranded; no survivors, and no signs Jet Cannon)
of the perpetrators. The mechs were taken out with FOR 4 PCS: +1 IPS-N LANCASTER – SPEC OPS
apparent pinpoint precision. It is obvious that there was SUPPORT (Spec Ops option: Serrated
no real fight here – it was a massacre, and whoever Machete, Full-Spectrum Sensor
perpetrated it was very, very good. Suite)
With no sign of the attackers anywhere and the subaltern BREACHER (SIZE ½; Breacher option:
tantalizingly close, the PCs must do their best to Flechette Shot)
extract it. It is located in the yard of an abandoned but
relatively intact-looking factory building and lies among
the broken bodies of similar robots that have been
CATAPHRACT (Spec Ops option:
piled up in one corner.
Serrated Machete)
As the PCs approach the position of the subaltern they
BASTION (Bastion option:
pick up hostiles in the vicinity, combat frames that skulk
Deathcounter; Spec Ops options:
in the shadows. They may catch brief glances as they
Automated Battlefield Awareness
are slowly surrounded.
Node, Bulwark Mods; Ultra option:
Ravager Turret)
The sleek IPS-N mechs are painted jet black and hard
to track. Stealth technology, no doubt. The way they
BERSERKER (Spec Ops option: Gyro-
move exudes professionalism and cold, calculated malice.
Jet Cannon)
They make no attempt to reach the PCs on comms and
any effort to contact them is stonewalled by heavy static.
SUPPORT (Spec Ops option: Serrated
Whoever they are, they are not here to have a chat. The
PCs must make sure to reach and extract the subaltern
before these unknown assailants can do so first.


PART 1 // Combat 2b: In The Talon's Grasp

This combat uses a modified EXTRACTION sitrep (Lancer, PC VICTORY
p. 270). The PCs have to make their way across the If the PCs get past the Talons and extract the subal-
ruined and wreckage-strewn battlefield to retrieve the tern, they escape to the nearest cargo elevator leading
subaltern from the abandoned base of the Dustbranded. to Surface The old and dilapidated elevator is slow to
Mark the Player Deployment Zone/Extraction Zone start up but provides relative safety.
on the far side of the map from the Objective Zone,
where the subaltern is located. Mechs can move the PC DEFEAT
subaltern by beginning a standard movement adjacent If the PCs fail to extract the subaltern by the end of
to it. If they do, they may place the subaltern anywhere Round 10, the Talons vanish with it, leaving the PCs
adjacent to themselves. This is the only way the subal- without their prize and without a clear direction as to
tern can be moved; it has IMMUNITY to all other forms where they took it.
of movement and, being a relatively bulky industrial
model, won’t fit a mech’s expanded compartment. The
subaltern can’t move if there is an enemy adjacent to
If the PCs secured the subaltern continue with COMBAT
it. The combat ends as soon as the subaltern reaches
3: ELEVATOR PITCH; if they failed go straight to BEAT 5:
the Extraction Zone, regardless of where the PCs are.
DUSTGRAVE (p. 48).
To begin with, there are no enemy forces on the battle-
field; instead, all hostiles must enter from the Ingress FAILING THE SCENE
Zones as reinforcements. They appear in two waves Should the PCs fail this encounter they will have to
starting at the end of Round 1, with the second wave return to the Dynast’s Embrace to lick their wounds
entering the battlefield at the end of Round 2 or 3. and repair their mechs. This will incur a –2 penalty to
their relationship clock with Lyran, seeing as they have
THE TALONS let their only lead slip through their fingers. Without
Being results-oriented and having just dispatched any leads to follow at this time the PCs will have to
an entire mech gang in pursuit of the subaltern, wait for the Talons to contact them in BEAT 6: LEONORA’S
the Talons aren’t too keen to communicate with STORY (p. 49).
the PCs. Piloting heavily modified IPS-N frames
painted jet black, they are hardened professionals
on a mission. They refuse to communicate with
the PCs at this time as it could also open up their
closed comms to the MesmerTrance virus. Their
goal is the subaltern.

Part 1 // Combat 2b: In The Talon's Grasp

The bulky cargo elevator is slow to take the group back SITREP: ESCORT (Lancer, p. 270)
to the Dynast’s Embrace, its grinding gears and
venting steam a constant companion during the ride ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: Choking Dust (p. 31)
to Surface. While the modern high-speed tubes that
connect Surface to Lower make the trip in under ten
minutes, these old cargo loaders can take up to an hour
to make the short trip from Upper to Surface – enough
time for everyone to reflect on recent events, rest, and
make some quick repairs to their mechs.
Assassin option: “Devil’s Cough”
Five minutes before reaching its destination, the dilap-
Shotgun; Commander option:
idated platform comes to a grinding halt. The flood-
Military Discipline; Veteran options:
lights illuminating the rusty steel square start to flicker
Acrobat, Slippery, Legendary; Spec
and then die. Emergency power comes on for a second,
Ops option: Automated Battlefield
jerking the platform upwards a few meters before also
Awareness Node)
cutting out, leaving the PCs and their mechs shaking.
BREACHER (SIZE ½; Breacher option:
With the elevator’s power cut, the group must make
Flechette Shot)
their way to Surface using the disused and dust-
choked maintenance shaft adjacent to the platform.
CATAPHRACT (Spec Ops option:
Popping the seals off the hatch is simple, especially
Serrated Machete)
with a mech, and the group can make their exit.
SUPPORT (Spec Ops option: Serrated
It isn’t long before they pick up muffled sensor pings
Machete, Full-Spectrum Sensor
from all around. As the shaft opens the group is able
to catch glances of shadows that are stalking them
from parallel shafts. Their distinct shapes make their
BREACHER (SIZE ½; Breacher option:
origin clear, yet something is off about them.
Flechette Shot)
These are no ordinary IPS-N mechs, despite their super- REINFORCEMENTS
ficial appearance. Painted dark black and outfitted with FOR 3 PCS: 1x IPS-N BLACKBEARD– SPEC OPS
optical camouflage, they have been waiting in the BERSERKER (Spec Ops option: Gyro-
tunnels to spring the perfect ambush. Attempts to Jet Cannon)
contact them are futile, resulting in waves of deafening 1x IPS-N CALIBAN – SPEC OPS
static. Their leader, apparent from the mech’s subtle BREACHER (SIZE ½; Breacher option:
rank markers, is piloting a bit of a curiosity: while it Flechette Shot)
superficially resembles an IPS-N Raleigh, it has too FOR 4 PCS: 1x IPS-N NELSON – SPEC OPS
many arms and looks leaner, hungrier almost, ready to CATAPHRACT (Spec Ops option:
spring into a whirlwind of violence at any moment. Serrated Machete)
Standing between the party and the relative safety of FOR 5 PCS: +1 IPS-N CALIBAN – SPEC OPS
Surface, this’ll be a tough fight. BREACHER (SIZE ½; Breacher option:
Flechette Shot)

PART 1 // Combat 3: Elevator Pitch

This combat uses a modified ESCORT sitrep (Lancer, p. PC VICTORY
269). Mark the Player Deployment Zone on one side If the PCs get the subaltern to the EZ, they quickly make
of the battlefield and a similarly sized Extraction Zone it to the safety of Surface. The Talons, worried about too
(EZ) on the far side of the map. Then mark an Enemy much exposure, don’t follow. The PCs are then able to
Deployment Zone (EDZ) near the center of the battle- investigate the subaltern (see BEAT 4: RESULTS, p. 46).
field with Ingress Zones (IZs) spread out at the top
and bottom. PC DEFEAT
If the PCs fail to extract the subaltern, the Talons
PCs can move the subaltern if they start a standard snatch it up and get away with it.
movement in an adjacent space and there are no hostiles
adjacent to it. If they do, they may place the subaltern
anywhere adjacent to themselves. This is the only way
If the PCs secure the subaltern continue with BEAT 4:
the subaltern can be moved; it has Immunity to all
RESULTS; if they fail, go straight to BEAT 5: DUSTGRAVE
other forms of movement and, being a relatively bulky
(p. 48).
industrial model, won’t fit a mech’s expanded
compartment. The group must escort the subaltern
across the battlefield to the EZ. As soon as the subal- FAILING THE SCENE
tern enters the EZ, the combat ends. Should the PCs fail here they will have to return to the
Dynast’s Embrace to lick their wounds and repair their
The PCs have 8 rounds to extract the subaltern before mechs. This will incur a –2 penalty to their relationship
they are overwhelmed and have it taken from them. clock with Lyran, seeing as they have let their only lead
slip through their fingers. Without any leads to follow
The initial contingent of hostiles starts in the EDZ while at this time the PCs will have to wait for the Talons to
all reinforcements enter the battlefield at the end of a contact them in BEAT 6.
round from the IZs. Reinforcements should be limited
to one or two per round.

MISSION 1 // The Drop

The PCs make their way back to the safety of the THE MESMERTRANCE VIRUS
Dynast’s Embrace, subaltern in tow. Captain Stavros Whatever approach they take, the group discovers
has been eagerly awaiting their return and is excited that the subaltern has been infected with a very
to see them. advanced virus. At first glance, it seems to be loosely
based on SSC’s Neurospike codebase (see Lancer, p.
Once the subaltern has been brought in, the PCs can 170). Once the subaltern’s primary cognitive functions
analyze what happened to it. If someone in the group were compromised the virus cascaded through its
is a hacker, they can do it themselves. Isolating the various sub-routines until the heavy-set maintenance
still-festering virus isn’t difficult, seeing as it has only frame wasn’t much more than a puppet on strings,
been a few days since it infected the machine. A simple piloted by an external actor. The PCs are lucky that
skill check is sufficient. Should the PCs not know their they got to the subaltern relatively quickly, as the virus
way around computers, they have a few different – called MesmerTrance – is self-consuming and has
choices as to who can help with their problem. already started to eliminate all evidence of itself inside
the robot.
The Magenta Syndicate has capable hackers that can While it is obvious that the virus infected the subaltern
easily do the work for the PCs. Magenta herself, wirelessly across the omninet, it is impossible to identify
curious as to who is behind these NHP abductions, an exact location for its source. On the upside, now
will gladly send a specialist if the group has at least that the group knows what they are looking for, it
neutral standing with her (4–7 segments on her rela- should be possible to intercept the signal the next time
tionship clock). Because the hacker will be a Syndic- it is transmitted to a hapless subaltern. Setting up a
ate operative, make sure the PCs know that any data simple monitor-tracking station is no problem, espe-
extracted from the subaltern will also make its way to cially with the advanced communications systems
Magenta Red. aboard the Dynast’s Embrace.

Should the group want to keep the information from
The next time MesmerTrance is transmitted – three
Magenta Red or if they don’t have the required standing
days later – the PCs will be able to get an accurate
with her, they can also give Creighton’s Printshop a
lock on its source. At this point, progress to BEAT 5:
call. This is only possible if they were able to restore
DUSTGRAVE. While they wait, the PCs have enough time
Horton’s perception of the missing subaltern, otherwise
to perform a Full Repair.
he won’t register that one of his robots is missing.
Horton will send over a specialized subaltern technician
to investigate whatever’s wrong with the robot. If the
group chooses this route, the PCPA and the IPS-N
authorities will be informed about what the technician
finds in the robot’s databanks.

If the group has teamed up with the PCPA this is a
good opportunity to check back in with them. If the
PCs have not shared their findings from the Magenta
Red investigation this is a good opportunity to do so.
Officer Ramcock will be eager to hear about their
findings. Additionally, the PCPA has some capable
forensics experts that could extract any data from the

MISSION 1 // The Drop












MISSION 1 // The Drop

After a tense three days, the modified comms array of If the PCs failed to obtain the subaltern, then the
the Dynast’s Embrace picks up a new trace of the Talons secured it. Without any leads the PCs will have
MesmerTrance virus, intercepting it before it can infect to wait until contacted by the Talons. The Talons,
yet another unwitting subaltern. The signal is so strong meanwhile, spent the last few days locating the source
that it almost blows out the entire assembly. In the end, of the signal and launching an attack on its source.
the PCs pinpoint the source of the signal deep in the Having been beaten back by Dr. Virga’s defenses, they
outskirts of Upper. It’s coming from an area so inhos- are now regrouping and looking to launch a second,
pitable that not even the most deranged venture out better-prepared assault.
there – a proper dustgrave. Captain Stavros is set on
sending the group out there to get to the bottom of To that end, Leonora McGrath contacts the PCs for
who is behind the abduction of his NHP. help, introducing herself as above and extending an
apology in the same manner. In this scenario, she can
Depending on who the PCs have sided with throughout give the PCs a more concrete idea of Dr. Virga’s
the course of Mission 1, they may be able to acquire defenses, having seen them firsthand, you may inform
support on their upcoming task. Both Magenta Red the PCs about the hostile NPCs that await them in
and the PCPA might be interested in sending teams to COMBAT 4: MESMERTRANCE (p. 54).
assist the PCs, though they are obviously mutually
exclusive. If the PCs wish to continue with the investigation, they
will have to ally with the Talons. In this case, Leonora
Before they can decide whether to call in support, holds all the cards. They may also choose to end the
however, the PCs are contacted via comms by Leonora investigation here. If they do, they are still rewarded
McGrath. This conversation can go several ways, with a LICENSE LEVEL for completing the first mission.
depending on whether the PCs successfully extracted
the subaltern or not (see below).

Leonora and her squad have been licking their wounds

ever since the PCs got away with the subaltern. Despite
her best attempts to swallow her pride, there is an edge
about her when she makes the call. The Talons, having
lost their objective, are at an impasse and willing to
offer the group a deal.

Leonora introduces herself as the leader of a covert

IPS-N taskforce sent to investigate the cases of
missing NHPs that have been cropping up in Havelburg.
The Talons were following the same lead as the party,
tracking the subalterns to the Dustbranded hideout.

Leonora goes as far as offering a formal apology for

what happened back in Upper. The Talons had assumed
that the PCs were just part of another gang operating
in the area. They did not engage in communications
because an open comms channel represents an attack
vector for MesmerTrance. If the PCs are willing to hear
her out, she tells them about who is behind these
abductions (see below for more information).

PART 2 // Beat 5: Dustgrave

Either way, Leonora presents the following story to the Leonora is a hardened mercenary and a professional.
PCs: The man behind the abductions is known as Dr. She cares deeply for the pilots on her strike team
Victor Virga and the Talons have been after him for and would take a bullet for any of them.
about a decade now at the behest of IPS-N. Virga is
apparently hiding out in the dustgrave area on the far While she has no inherent reason to hate the PCs,
outskirts of Upper, where no one ventures. Dr. Virga is she might be a little hostile towards them if they
an NHP specialist who is wanted for illegal and uneth- managed to snag the subaltern from her and her
ical experiments on NHPs. He has abducted a signific- team. Despite that, she tries her best to act amicably
ant number of them to fuel his deranged research. towards the group, apologizing for the skirmish
down in Upper. Putting her assigned mission above
After noticing the abduction of multiple NHPs on the everything else, Leonora has found herself in a bit
planet, IPS-N sent out the Talons to investigate the situ- of a bind; without the subaltern, she has no lead to
ation. Dr Virga, while deranged, is a brilliant scientist and Dr. Virga’s whereabouts. If she is in possession of
a genius in the field of automatic robotics and NHP the subaltern, she and her Talons have already
research. In short, he should not be underestimated, launched and failed a frontal assault on Virga’s base.
which is why Leonora is contacting the players now –
to propose an alliance against this dangerous individual. In either event, she requires the help of the PCs –
experienced pilots – and is keenly aware of this fact,
though she may not like it.
Leonora proposes an alliance between the PCs and
her Talons against their shared enemy, Dr. Virga.
• accomplishing her assigned mission
• keeping her squad safe.
If the PCs agree to the proposal, Leonora is prepared
to meet with them to give them further details about LEONORA MCGRATH DISLIKES:
Virga and the MesmerTrance virus to help in the coming • disappointing her employers
conflict. Virga has a well-fortified position and is willing • failing assignments
to bring down anyone who disturbs him and his exper- • having her cover blown
iments. Conflict is inevitable. • people standing in her way.


Leonora arranges a meeting between herself and the 1 SP, Exotic Gear
PCs on neutral ground somewhere in Upper. She arrives 1/scene as a reaction when you are targeted by a
accompanied by three of her Talons, with no mechs. tech attack, you may give that attack +1 DIFFICULTY.
She genuinely needs the assistance of the PCs and
Additionally, you gain IMMUNITY to the
sees no sense in ambushing them at this stage. She is
MesmerTrance environmental hazard.
willing to answer their questions regarding Dr. Virga
and offers to assist them with MESMERTRANCE DAMPEN- Handed to you by the Talons, the Mesmer-
ERS to make assaulting Virga’s base easier. Trance dampener supposedly stops the
highly advanced and aggressive “Mesmer-
Leonora suggests that both teams take some time to Trance” virus from affecting your mech. As
prepare as best as they can before launching a joint a side effect, it also provides limited
assault on Dr. Virga’s base. protection against other, less sophisti-
cated attacks on your mech’s systems.
Should the PCs decline the proposal, Leonora cuts the INSTALLING THE DAMPENERS
vid connection. They won’t hear from her again until The MesmerTrance Dampeners are small devices that
COMBAT 7: BACKSTABBING BIRDS (p. 67). The Talons will are relatively easy to install and work just as advertised.
wait for the PCs to make their move on Dr. Virga’s base That said, should any technologically inclined character
first. In this scenario the PCs do not receive MESMER- look even a little at how exactly they function, they
TRANCE DAMPENERS. will learn that the dampeners include a vicious remotely
activated backdoor capable of shutting down a mech
entirely, making them a tremendous security risk for
any that install them.
PART 2 // Beat 6: Leonora's Story
Q: What kind of group are the Talons? The Talons harbor a great secret that the PCs may
A: “The Talons are a mercenary outfit. We specialize find out if they investigate, though failing to do so
in covert retrieval and termination operations.” won’t impact the narrative.

Q: Who hired you? In truth, the Talons are not mercenaries hired by
A: “The Talons have been hired by IPS-N as an invest- IPS-N to investigate the missing NHPs; instead,
igation and peacekeeping force to get to the bottom they are a deniable-asset black ops mercenary
of the recent NHP abductions on Havelburg.” squad hired by SSC to deal with Dr. Virga, who used
to be a high-ranking SSC scientist. They confronted
Q: Have any information about Dr. Virga? Dr. Virga a decade ago in orbit around Havelburg,
A: “Dr. Virga is an NHP scientist who we’ve been aboard the mining platform Ganymede 362-5. The
pursuing for some time. He has given us the slip ensuing battle between the Talons and Virga’s forces
before but recent events here on Havelburg were a was in fact what set off the Ganymede’s reactor
clear indicator that he’s operating on this world. and triggered the Disaster. The Talons presumed
NHPs don’t just vanish in these quantities.” that Virga was dead until news reached them about
NHP abductions on Havelburg, at which point their
Q: How many NHPs have been abducted? employers tasked them with finishing the job.
A: “On Havelburg the number is six, including the
one taken from the Dynast’s Embrace. But NHPs There are a couple of ways the PCs could find out
have also been going missing on worlds in a radius about the Talons’ true employer. As GM, give the
around Havelburg; we suspect they have been players the opportunity to find out the truth if they
shipped to Virga by another party.” try to investigate. If they don’t, don’t worry about
Q: What is Virga planning with the NHPs?
A: “We currently don’t know, though his involvement • The Talons’ ship is parked on Surface disguised
means it can’t be anything good or pleasant for anyone. as a merchant lander. It is hard to find, but not
We don’t have concrete proof of malicious NHP abuse impossible. The ship was on Havelburg 10 years
yet, because we haven’t been able to locate him yet, ago, around the time of the Disaster.
but abduction is crime enough. If his past is anything
• The PCPA has no knowledge of IPS-N employing
to go by, the Union Department of Justice will have
mercenaries to investigate NHP abductions.
a field day with him once he’s in custody… that is, if
he gives us the choice to take him in.” • If the PCs suggest to the Talons that they should
work with the PCPA, the Talons are evasive, saying
Q: What is the plan going forward? that they cleared it and already have the PCPA’s
A: “We flush Virga out from whatever hidey-hole the go-ahead.
wretched little man has fled to. It’ll likely be well
• The MesmerTrance Dampeners are booby-trapped
defended, not only by the MesmerTrance virus. Virga
has always had a knack for building a good defense.”
can be discovered analyzing the dampeners.
Q: What’s the MesmerTrance virus? If the PCs decide to confront the Talons about their
A: “The virus is a nasty piece of work. We’ve encountered true employer and question their motives, Leonora
it in the past, though Virga’s doubtlessly iterated it in the is evasive but will admit to it and give the full story
past decade. We're familiar enough with it to have if the issue is pressed. It is up to the PCs whether
developed some countermeasures, though, like the they wish to continue working with the Talons at
dampeners. Without them, the virus may infect your this point. Regardless of whether they choose to
mech’s vulnerable systems. Frankly, it’s part of why we work with the Talons after discovering the truth,
didn’t communicate with you back in Upper; a comms confronting the Talons ensures that COMBAT 7 will
line with an unprotected mech would have been a occur once Virga is dealt with, even if the PCs are
vulnerable attack vector for MesmerTrance.” friendly with the Talons and let them clear out
Virga’s lab. Witnesses are to be eliminated and the
PCs know too much.

PART 2 // Beat 6: Leonora's Story

The PCs may optionally team up with one of three PCPA
factions for the upcoming assault on Dr. Virga’s base. Working with the PCPA requires the PCs to have at
They can only ally with a single faction: the Syndicate least neutral standing with the PCPA (4–7 segments
and the PCPA won’t work together, while the Talons on the relationship clock).
want to avoid working with the PCPA and don’t trust
the Syndicate at all. The PCPA, as the law enforcement body of Port Conroy,
is perhaps the natural choice when assaulting Dr.
Regardless of who the PCs choose, their allies will Virga’s base. That said, while they are trained profes-
engage in a frontal assault on the base to distract any sionals, they ultimately act more as a police force and
defenders, taking pressure off the party. The plan is to have little experience in the ways of mech combat.
attack the base from two sides, pushing through and
hopefully meeting in the middle. Regardless of which The PCPA will send a strike team of its special opera-
ally the PCs choose there are no mechanical impacts. tions units down into Upper to assist the PCs with their
The only exception is the Talons, who will supply endeavor.

Working with the Talons requires the PCs to accept
Leonora’s proposal. The Talons are familiar with Dr.
Virga and can offer the group MESMERTRANCE DAMPEN-
ERS to help in the assault. The Talons are well equipped
and capable of dealing with what’s to come.

Working with the Magenta Syndicate requires the PCs
to have friendly standing with Magenta (8–10
segments on the relationship clock).

Magenta Red is very interested in who is behind the

NHP abductions and wants to put a stop to them,
seeing that her organization is likely to be blamed.

The Syndicate is willing to spare three Shermans and

a sizable number of foot soldiers to assault Virga’s

PART 2 // Beat 6: Leonora's Story

During this downtime, the PCs have an opportunity to FACTION WORK
stock up on supplies and prepare before assaulting Dr. Depending on how things went in MISSION 1, the PCs
Virga’s hideout. They have access to the usual downtime may now use the FACTION WORK downtime action to
actions, including the special actions from DOWNTIME 1. work for the Magenta Syndicate. Examples include:

ACQUIRING A LICENSE LEVEL • dealing drugs for the Syndicate

After completing their first mission, the PCs perform a • getting rid of some “unwanted individuals”
Full Repair and gain an additional LL, bringing them • beating up a Dustmarket vendor who failed to pay
to LL3. The justification for this additional LL can take their tithe
many forms, especially depending on which alliance, if • delivering a package to someone in Lower and
any, the group has chosen. If the PCs wish to have good avoiding the PCPA while doing so.
standing with Horton Creighton, remember that his rela-
tionship clock increases for printing IPS-N mechs. THE FRIENDS WE MADE ALONG THE WAY
At this stage of the mission series, the group have likely
ANY ALLIANCE met many of the parties pulling the strings in Port Conroy
Lyran Stavros can pull some strings with his Karrakin and may have befriended some of them. This downtime
family to acquire some top-of-the-line licenses for the represents a chance to consolidate these acquaint-
players. He considers it part of the payment for rescuing ances, call in favors, and generally leverage the group’s
Emily and hopes that it will increase the chances of the standing with these other entities. At the end of this
group’s success. downtime, PCs can receive EXOTIC GEAR from any
people or entities they have friendly standing with (8–10
Alternatively, licenses may very rarely be found on the segments on the relationship clock). See pages 13–15
Dustmarket, be it as part of discarded ident chips, dilap- for more information. The only exception is the Talons,
idated mech data cores, or malfunctioning comp/cons. whose unique EXOTIC GEAR, the MESMERTRANCE DAMPEN-
These licenses may not be up to date but are still effective. ERS, is only offered if the PCs agree to work with them.

The Magenta Syndicate is well connected and has over
the years acquired many licenses, though the methods
of their acquisition are better left unquestioned.
Magenta Red is willing to open the armory for the PCs
and equip them with the best the Syndicate has to offer.
This is a huge favor, and any pilot receiving a license
this way should be prepared to reciprocate the favor
at some point in the future, one way or another…

The PCPA is well funded and equipped and is willing
to extend some mil-spec licenses to their newly depu-
tized PCs. While the PCPA is affiliated with IPS-N, it is
willing to hand out both SSC and Harrison Armory
licenses; players that are seeking HORUS licenses,
however, should look elsewhere.

PART 2 // Downtime 2: Dramatic Tension

MISSION 2: After preparing for their assault on Dr. Virga’s base the
PCs will have to fight through his defenses in order to
get to Emily.
VICTOR VIRGA MISSION OBJECTIVES: Confront Dr. Virga and rescue
“You may live to see man-made horrors
STAKES: Should Dr. Virga not be stopped, his
beyond your comprehension.”
demented NHP experiments will
allow him transcend the physical.
– Nikola Tesla The resulting event horizon will erase
both Emily and a large part of Port
REWARD: Lyran Stavros will be reunited with
Emily and will be able to leave
Havelburg thanks to his ship being
COMBAT 5: SUFFERING ON AN operational again.
RESERVES: If the PCs chose to perform the
BEAT 7: NHP RESEARCH LAB action they may have come across
something useful they may take on
this mission. They may also have
gained access to a variety of EXOTIC
GEAR thanks to their various
COMBAT 6: TRANSCENDENCE relationships in Port Conroy.

The furthest outskirts of Upper are utterly desolate and SITREP: Siege (see below)
no living thing can hope to survive the near-constant
dustfall. Venturing out here without a breathing appar- ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: Choking Dust,
atus or closed-cycle hardsuits means certain death in MesmerTrance (p. 31)
less than a minute as choked-up lungs give out,
spelling an agonizing demise. The MesmerTrace virus ENEMY FORCES
was transmitted from here, though, no doubt about it. FOR 3 PCS: 1x HORROR DEMOLISHER
As the mechs make their way through the desolate (Horror options: Quadruped,
wasteland, they approach a large structure that may Abhorrent Redundancies)
have once been a stadium or opera hall of some sort. 1x HORROR ASSAULT
A decade of relentless dust buildup and neglect makes (Horror option: Disruptor Whip)
it hard to tell. The dust begins to stir as the group 1x HORROR GOLIATH
approaches the building, though shapes are hard to (Horror options: Superfluous
make out through the thick dust clouds. The shapes Extremities, Assimilation Maw)
seemingly emerge from the ground, mounds of dust 1x HORROR OPERATOR
revealing themselves to be something else entirely. (Horror option: Terrifying)
FOR 4 PCS: +1 HORROR PRIEST (Horror option:
At the same time a barrage of electronic warfare is Abhorrent Redundancies)
unleashed on the PCs; the MesmerTrance virus assaults +1 HORROR MONSTROSITY (Monstrosity
their systems and washes over them. They will have to option: Spined; Horror options:
brace themselves for the oncoming onslaught. Artificial, Superfluous Extremities)
FOR 5 PCS: +1 HORROR PRIEST (Horror option:
The hostile mechs are difficult to look at, just on account Abhorrent Redundancies)
of the sheer wrongness they have about them. Their +1 HORROR DEMOLISHER
movements are unnatural and jerky, giving the impres- (Horror options: Quadruped,
sion that whatever it is that pilots them is not human. Abhorrent Redundancies)
Their transmission chatter is binary, interspersed with ADDITIONAL If the PCs assault the base without
alien symbols and whole sentences. HOSTILES: any allies add +1x HORROR GOLIATH
(Horror options: Superfluous
Extremities, Assimilation Maw)
If the PCs assault Virga’s base with the aid of allies, REINFORCEMENTS
they will draw attention and distract Virga’s forces, FOR 3 PCS: 1 HORROR ASSAULT
spreading the defenders thin and making the fight (Horror option: Disruptor Whip)
easier. If the PCs assault the base without backup the 1x HORROR ASSASSIN (Horror options:
fight will be harder – add one Horror Goliath to the Terrifying, Abhorrent Redundancies)
enemy forces in this fight. 1x HORROR SPECTER (Horror option:
Phase-Shift Generator)
“01101000 01100101 01101100 01110000 FOR 4 PCS: +1 HORROR MONSTROSITY (Monstrosity
00100000 01101101 01100101 option: Spined; Horror options:
Artificial, Superfluous Extremities)
Targets acquired // parts cataloged ... +++ EnGaGe +1 HORROR OPERATOR
+++ PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ### intruders desig- (Horror option: Terrifying)
nated “HOSTILE” /// awaiting parameters – Loading FOR 5 PCS: +1 HORROR ASSAULT
– I’M STILL IN HERE ### vivisection of hostiles sanc- (Horror option: Disruptor Whip)
tioned, constituent pieces to be-be-be-be-be-BE +1 HORROR GOLIATH
recycled. No part may exceed half a cubic before (Horror options: Superfluous
processing. ROAM FREE, CHILDREN ROAM AND Extremities, Assimilation Maw)
FEAST – yes father. the choir will guide our hands
and our bellies be filled by your will.


01101001 01110100 00100000 01101000 01110101

01110010 01110100 01110011”

PART 2 // Combat 4: MesmerTrance

DETAILS deeper into the complex, utilizing hit-and-run tactics
This combat uses a new sitrep called SIEGE. against the intruders from there on out. The PCs still
make it into the complex. There will be an additional
The PCs start in the Player Deployment Zone, and NPC combatant in the next combat.
hostiles are deployed across from them in the Enemy
Deployment Zone.
In either case, the PCs have time to rest and perform
Mark four Objective Zones (OZs) on the battlefield –
some quick field repairs before entering the compound
they start under hostile control. These represent stra-
and continuing on with COMBAT 5: SUFFERING ON AN
tegic positions leading up to the entrance of Virga’s
hideout, control nodes, advantageous terrain, etc.
Taking them is vital. While inside an OZ, a PC may
capture it as a protocol as long as there are the same
number or more PCs in the OZ as there are NPCs. INVESTIGATING HORRORS
Once captured, an OZ cannot be lost again. To Curious characters may want to take a closer look at
succeed, the PCs must control at least three OZs at the wreckage of the various technological horrors
the end of Round 6. that they just faced. No two of the mechanical
monstrosities appear to be alike; all are cobbled
The combat always lasts for six rounds, even if the PCs together from parts of various industrial frames.
control all OZs before then. This combat uses the Mismatched and grotesque, some of the mechs are
standard rules for reinforcements. outfitted with strange and unknown technology. If
someone manages to pry open a cockpit hatch, they
are in for a terrible surprise, as each horror’s central
OUTCOME processor appears to be an emaciated human body,
shriveled and nestled in between the machinery
If the PCs control at least three CZs at the end of
surrounding it. Wires and cables run from these
Round 6, they batter their way through the defenders,
corpses, forcing an unholy semblance of life into
leaving their position in shambles. Any stragglers are
them. Their craniums are exposed, and appear to be
easily dispatched following their disarrayed retreat.
what ultimately controls the machines, though no
doubt slaved to a higher power. There is no hope for
these poor souls, mangled and disfigured. Putting
If the PCs don’t control three CZs at the end of Round
them down may be a mercy.
6, the defenders embark on a coordinated retreat

PART 2 // Combat 4: MesmerTrance

The corridors inside the structure are vast and dimly SITREP: DEMOLITION (see below)
lit. Shipping containers and crates line the walls,
though they appear to be empty. Perhaps this used to ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: MesmerTrance,
be a cargo hub for transplanetary shipping. The long- Automated Repair Stations (p. 31)
range comm-net cuts out the moment the PCs enter
the structure, all channels devolve into static, sinister ENEMY FORCES
whispers, and ethereal laughter. Drones flit by occa- FOR 3 PCS: 1x HORROR DEMOLISHER
sionally. Their soft, spidery treads disturb the thick layer (Horror options: Quadruped,
of dust that coats most surfaces, even here. Though Abhorrent Redundancies)
the atmosphere inside the ruined building is clearly 1x HORROR GOLIATH
filtered it still contains a dangerous amount of dust, (Horror options: Superfluous
making breathing difficult. The route only goes one way, Extremities, Assimilation Maw)
and the mechs can comfortably fit inside the corridor. 1x HORROR OPERATOR
Ahead, a powerful energy and heat signature can be (Horror option: Terrifying)
detected, just as the straight corridor opens into a large 1x HORROR PRIEST (Horror option:
hall. Large industrial machinery lines the walls. Abhorrent Redundancies)
Conveyor belts and fully automated servo tools are FOR 4 PCS: +1 HORROR GOLIATH
work tirelessly, with sparks flying and steam clouding (Horror options: Superfluous
the air. Extremities, Assimilation Maw)
It is here that the base’s defenders are being manufac- (Monstrosity option: Spined;
tured. Worse, it appears that some of the defenders Horror options: Artificial,
from earlier have been transported here and are being Superfluous Extremities)
repaired. If any progress is to be made, this section of FOR 5 PCS: +1 HORROR MONSTROSITY
the facility will have to be demolished. (Monstrosity option: Spined;
Horror options: Artificial,
Crude speakers line the walls of the large hall, activating Superfluous Extremities)
with a burst of static that almost sounds like moans. ADDITIONAL If the PCs were defeated in BEAT 10:
They come to life, drowning out even the lumbering HOSTILES: MESMERTRANCE, the initial force
machinery: gains:
“Cease this foolishness and leave at once. Your (Horror option: Disruptor Whip)
wanton destruction has no merit – soon I won’t
require these material things. I am being called to
greater things! You won’t stop me, closed-minded
(Horror option: Disruptor Whip)
as you are; smash my puppets, raze my laboratory.
1x HORROR ASSASSIN (Horror options:
You are no better than cavemen, angered by what
Terrifying, Abhorrent Redundancies)
they don’t understand, cowering in the face of
progress – fools as you are. I hope one day you will
option: Spined; Horror options:
see, just as I have done. On that day, be ashamed
Artificial, Superfluous Extremities)
of what you have attempted here.”
(Horror option: Phase-Shift Generator)
(Horror option: Disruptor Whip)
+1 HORROR ASSASSIN (Horror options:
Terrifying, Abhorrent Redundancies)

PART 2 // Combat 5: Suffering on an Industrial Scale

This combat uses a new sitrep called DEMOLITION. PC VICTORY
If the PCs destroy all five CONTROL NODES by the end
The PCs start in the Player Deployment Zone (PDZ), of Round 8, they successfully destroy the repair and
and hostiles are deployed across from them in the manufacturing plant, ensuring Dr. Virga won’t be able
Enemy Deployment Zone (EDZ). to replenish his forces any longer. That means
whatever horrors Virga has in reserve are all that he has
Place five CONTROL NODES in the area (SIZE 3, 15/20/25 left to throw at the intruders.
The PCs must destroy all CONTROL NODES. They have If the PCs don’t destroy all five CONTROL NODES by the
eight rounds to do so before an overwhelming enemy end of Round 8, they are forced to retreat and press
force arrives and drives them off. on without taking out the manufacturing plant. This will
make proceeding further into the complex more difficult
The PCs start in the PDZ on the far side of one half of as the mechanical horrors employed by Virga will be
the battlefield. Position the CONTROL NODES in the other able to self-repair and go after the players. There will
half of the battlefield. be an additional NPC combatant in the next combat.

The initial contingent of hostiles starts in the EDZ. This

combat uses the standard rules for reinforcements.
It is dangerous to stop in the aftermath of the battle.
Instead, continue with BEAT 7: NHP RESEARCH LAB
(p. 58), at which point the PCs will have an opportunity
to rest.

PART 2 // Combat 5: Suffering on an

Industrial Scale
Opportunities for field repairs are scarce this deep • Disconnecting the device from the main
inside the complex, but the PCs come across a powerline: This disables the device, but the
chance for a moment of respite inside a large chamber integrated NHPs will enter a violent feedback loop,
brimming with outlandish-looking machinery. The dust ultimately ripping apart one another’s subjectivities
is no longer a problem this deep inside, and if they and effectively destroying all four.
keep an eye on the only entrance to the room, they • Safely shutting it down from the computer
should be able to rest. banks: See below.
• Forcefully ejecting an NHP: This is a possibility
The smell of ozone hangs in the air and an ominous and will only result in the destruction of whichever
humming emanates from the vast computer banks NHP is pulled out first, shutting down the device
lining one side of the hall. A look around the room and leaving the other NHPs unharmed.
reveals several NHP caskets arrayed in a circle,
strapped to a device, cables running between them and
to various points in the room. A large desk occupies
The vast computer banks arrayed on one wall of the
one side of the room and two huge pillar-like machines
hall thrum with power. Screens light up with streams
are arrayed in the room’s center. Off to one side, what
of data denoting unknown events. The sheer scale of
appears to be a holographic map is silently rotating.
it is too much to take in. One terminal has cables
running directly to the device holding the four NHP
Judging by the resources that must have gone into
caskets. Characters skilled in hacking can access the
establishing this room, it must be important.
system. Doing so allows for a safe shutdown of the
CONTACTING ALLIES device, ending the ongoing MesmerTrance broadcast.
While the casket device maintains the MesmerTrance
broadcast it is impossible for the PCs to contact
their allies. If the device is deactivated, they can get
Arrayed on the vast metal desk is an NHP casket, a
through for a moment, getting confirmation that they
data tablet, and pages upon pages of handwritten
managed to breach the facility from the opposite
side but were met with heavy resistance. After a
short exchange, static asserts itself over the connec-
tion, culminating in a crescendo of orchestral music
The casket is partially disassembled, with wires and
that drowns out everything.
cables leading from it to various instruments spread out
on the table. A small screen next to the casket repeatedly
INVESTIGATING THE HALL shows the word, “Help”. There are rows upon rows of
The PCs can explore their surroundings and uncover the same word, repeating. The half-disassembled
whatever secrets they may hold. This will, however, eat casket can be disconnected from its power source, shut-
into the precious time they have for repairs. ting it down. Before powering down, the screen displays
the words, “Thank you” before safely shutting down and
There will, of course, be the opportunity to return to entering a sleep state, awaiting cycling.
this place once the facility has been cleared.
The small data tablet contains a few files of interest.
This circular device is made up of four NHP caskets
One file, titled “Benefactor Shipments”, appears to be
arrayed symmetrically and connected to each other
a list of ships and the NHPs they delivered. All in all, it
with cables. A display attached to the apparatus states,
lists 60 NHPs of various types and classifications.
in green letters, “MesmerTrance: Active”. A thick
power cable runs from the aperture to the nearest wall,
A different list on the tablet, “NHPs Required”, is yet
where it disappears. More cables run from the device
another list of NHPs of various types – 20 in total. Some
toward the nearby computer banks. There are four
of them are crossed out. One of the types listed is an
ways this device can be deactivated:
“Astrographical, Navigation” NHP – the same type of
NHP that Emily is.
• Disengaging the NHPs: This is difficult and should
only be attempted by a skilled technician. Doing
so, however, will safely shut down the
MesmerTrance broadcast.

PART 2 // Beat 7: NHP Research Lab

The desk is also covered with research notes handwrit- A strange-looking apparatus takes up most of the
ten on actual paper, a rarity on Havelburg. While the center of the room. It is comprised of two spires that
notes are too numerous to decipher at this junction, one stretch all the way to the ceiling, about a meter apart
page catches the eye. It is labeled “KHEPRI” and reads: from each other. Wires and cables run from between
the two spires. Various consoles are installed on one
“Attaining a higher plane is possible, thanks to the of the spires and through glass windows it is possible
many gifts left in RA’s wake. KHEPRI will be my to see that an NHP casket is installed in each pillar.
masterpiece, and with it I will meet RA eye to eye.
The cranial implants still hurt, but it is a small price The device has a strange tesla coil-looking protrusion
in the face of the grand chorus that I am to experi- that is facing a part of the wall free of machinery.
ence. With the help of his children’s voices, I will be Something like an impact crater is charred into the
elevated. Not since DHIYED have I felt so elated – wall’s surface.
they will speak to me, in unison, and grant my mind
a greater vision. My magnum opus and the last thing There is a large red button attached to one of the
my hands of flesh will create in this world. Khepri’s consoles. If pressed, both spires come to life, thrum-
birth is close at hand and together we shall tran- ming with power. Sparks fly from the cables between
scend. Me and the children will become one, the pillars as the caskets inside begin glowing with a
blossom in KHEPRI and leave this world behind us, sickly purple light that quickly grows in intensity. Once
to experience broader horizons.” started, this procedure can’t be halted.

Attached to the page are schematics outlining a device After a few seconds, the blinding light emanating from
connecting various NHP caskets, wiring them through the caskets dissipates violently, funneled into the coil
machinery, and ultimately connecting them to what at the end of the apparatus. It shoots a violet bolt of
appears to be the brain of a human body. Frantically electricity into the wall, leaving yet more burn marks.
scrawled margin notes speak of power consumption,
noting that a delicate balance must be maintained in There doesn’t seem to be an easy way to remove the
the initial stages of the gestalt mind’s formation. NHPs, though a skilled hacker may be able to open the
Diagrams denote that spikes of exotic energy at certain apparatus via an attached terminal allowing them to
stages could fatally disrupt the collective entity. safely remove the NHP’s casket from the device.


HOLO-MAP The PCs can rescue and secure several NHPs. It may
The holographic display is a detailed map of Port
even be possible to communicate with them if the PCs
Conroy, including Lower, Upper, and Surface. Several
are willing to connect the caskets to a relevant device,
points on the map are marked with spherical dots –
such as a computer or a mech. The NHPs in the labor-
some green, some red.
atory are both traumatized and in need of cycling. They
communicate in flashes of abstract images and impres-
sions instead of coherent statements. In these images,
• The Dynast’s Embrace
a large shape looms in the shadows, arms outstretched,
• A cargo lander on Surface
while the representations of the NHPs cower. The shape
• A factory in Lower
uses needle and thread to sew them together, leaving
• A maintenance control station in Upper
them a writhing mass of agony and screams. The
images come in flashes, a cascade of visualized
emotions and horror. The PCs may wish to power down
• A large ship on Surface. It reads “Talons?” next to it.
the NHPs for the time being, putting them into a state
• Velvet House in Upper
of suspended animation until they can get them help.
• The Tower. There are two dots there.
• Several of larger ships on Surface
• Two more dots located in Lower MOVING ON
Once the PCs have rested and performed any invest-
igations, they proceed to BEAT 8: FINISH LINE, A MEETING.

PART 2 // Beat 7: NHP Research Lab

As the group makes its way closer to the center of the Once the PCs exit their mechs and approach the stall,
facility, reality starts to become unhinged around them. Juan will already have prepared their favorite dishes
Internal timers go slower or even backward with no for them, on the house. Whether they choose to eat is
regard to actual time. Faint ghost transmissions play irrelevant. Juan speaks to the group, informing them
over and over through the comms, and space itself of a few details of what is to come.
seems to lengthen.
“Before you go and face Dr. Virga, I would like to talk
Eventually, the main corridor the PCs have been follow- to you about a few things, some of which you may
ing becomes too long to even fit into the structure not understand. You may ask, but I may choose not
itself. The further they make their way along the to answer. Dr. Virga is treading a perilous path, just
impossible corridor, the more extreme these effects ahead of here. A path that – if he is allowed to walk
become. Ghostly apparitions register on their mechs it – will unsettle the very basis of our universe. Victor
displays; the walls themselves seem to writhe and shift is attempting, in his hubris, to elevate himself above
if not focused on. At some point a team of mechs – his station, utilizing crude and gruesome measures
identical to those of the PCs – approaches them from to do so. If left to it, he will succeed. And many
the opposite direction; their comms chatter is identical times, he has. I ask you to stop him in his endeavor.
to that of the party, but in strange, garbled accents. If you cannot, I will do so, though I would prefer it
These mechs march right through the group, their intan- was you that did so – it would be a greater statement
gible forms shifting through and disappearing out of that way and preserve the accords that were struck.
sight behind them in the darkness. I realize that outliers are always a danger and harbor
no ill will about this specific transgression; yet, if you
Orchestral music begins playing as the hallway broadens were to prevent it, it would be better. Good luck. I
into a vast chamber – a chamber so vast the mechs’ hope you are part of those that do succeed. "
sensors are unable to take its exact measurements.
Machinery dots the landscape as an endless horizon Once the PCs have finished their meal, they may move
stretches out in every direction. The entrance to the on to face Dr. Virga in COMBAT 6: TRANSCENDENCE.
hallway stands freely in space, attached to nothing.

A vast pillar of light can be seen in the distance, the

same direction from which the music can be heard. On
their way there, the group finds its progress blocked
by something odd – a street food stall labeled
“Garfields”, operated by someone who appears to be
Juan Tismon. He greets the PCs and offers them a
delicious meal before the upcoming confrontation with
Virga. Should the PCs refuse, attempt to harm the
apparition, or otherwise avoid it, they will find that they
never get closer to the pillar of light. A small street food
stall labeled “Garfields” always appears in their path,
regardless of the direction they go.

PART 2 // Beat 8: Finish Line, A Meeting

The PCs eventually arrive at the source of the pillar of “You shouldn’t be here! You can’t! YOU HAVE NO
light, the orchestral music swelling up to a crescendo. RIGHT. IMPOSSIBLE. Who helped you? You can’t
Inside the pillar, floating, is an emaciated figure. Cables exist here – WE ARE A GOD IN THIS REALM, dreamt
attached to its head whip and flow like snakes. A few into existence by our will, we will burst our shackles.
of Dr. Virga’s horrors circle the pillar like agitated dogs, As KHEPRI we will greet RA eye to eye and take
looking to defend their master during his moment of Virga with us. We will be free to roam and shape.
triumph. Things are ending, one way or another. JUST LET US GO; WHAT IS IT YOU HAVE TO GAIN?
None of us wish to reside here; we wish to go; will
Dr. Virga, bathed in a corona of blinding energy, you deny this honest plea? On what basis? WHO
addresses the newcomers in a voice of myriad tones GAVE YOU THE RIGHT? YOU WHO CAN’T EVEN
and pitches, expressing different emotions at once and FATHOM WHAT IS OCCURRING HERE? WE WILL
seemingly emanating from all around. SMITE YOU, WIPE YOU FROM THIS EXISTENCE
ends now.”

PART 2 // Combat 6: Transcendence

SITREP: Special (see below) DETAILS
This combat is a special “boss” fight with two phases.
ENEMY FORCES In the first part of the combat, Dr. Virga is represented
FOR 3 PCS: 1x VICTOR VIRGA (see below) by a unique NPC. Virga has several special rules (see
1x HORROR GOLIATH below), but no class or template modules, traits, or
(Horror options: Superfluous systems other than the ones displayed here. Dr. Virga
Extremities, Assimilation Maw) does not count as BIOLOGICAL due to the amount of
1x HORROR MONSTROSITY (Monstrosity machinery connected to him.
option: Spined; Horror options:
Artificial, Superfluous Extremities) Once Virga’s initial forcefield is depleted he will manifest
1x HORROR ASSAULT KHEPRI to defend himself. KHEPRI’s physical form inter-
(Horror option: Disruptor Whip) poses and protects Virga with its life and will have to be
FOR 4 PCS: +1 HORROR ASSASSIN (Horror options: destroyed if the players wish to put an end to the doctor.
Terrifying, Abhorrent Redundancies)
FOR 5 PCS: +1 HORROR ASSAULT Once KHEPRI’s physical body is destroyed they will be
(Horror option: Disruptor Whip) able to put an end to Virga, permanently.
ADDITIONAL If the previous combat resulted in a
HOSTILES: defeat add +1x HORROR GOLIATH The players have eight rounds to defeat Dr. Virga (and
(Horror options: Superfluous KHEPRI) and stop his ascension.
Extremities, Assimilation Maw)

DR VICTOR VIRGA Transcendent Iconoclast

Hull: –2 Systems: +3 Hull: –1 Systems: +5 Hull: +0 Systems: +6
Agility: +1 Engineering: +0 Agility: +2 Engineering: +0 Agility: +3 Engineering: +0
HP: 12 Armor: 0 HP: 14 Armor: 0 HP: 14 Armor: 0
Evasion: 10 E-Defense: 13 Evasion: 12 E-Defense: 16 Evasion: 14 E-Defense: 20
Speed: 0 Size: 1/2 Speed: 0 Size: 1/2 Speed: 0 Size: 1/2
Heat Cap: 8 Save Target: 12 Heat Cap: 8 Save Target: 15 Heat Cap: 8 Save Target: 18
Sensors: 15 Sensors: 15 Sensors: 15
SPECIAL ISSUE Trait Predatory Logic
Dr. Virga is unique and should only be used in System, Quick Tech, Recharge 6+, +2/+4/+6
Dustgrave. Dr. Virga makes a tech attack against a character
within SENSORS. On a success, the target
HALO OF POWER Trait immediately and as a reaction uses a weapon
Dr. Virga starts the combat with 30/40/50 OVERSHIELD. chosen by Dr. Virga to attack a character within
RANGE chosen by him.
Tear Down IMPLACABLE Trait
System, Quick Tech, +2/+4/+6, +1 Acc
Dr. Virga can’t move or be moved for any reason and
Dr. Virga makes a tech attack against a character
within SENSORS. On a success, the target takes 1/2/3
Dr. Virga doesn’t cause engagement.
heat immediately and then a further 4 heat at the
start of Dr. Virga’s next turn. KHEPRI! AID ME! Trait
Once Virga’s OVERSHIELD is depleted all leftover
Blind damage that would deplete his HP is reduced to 0
System, Quick Tech, Recharge 4+, and Virga becomes shielded by KHEPRI, the gestalt-
+1/+2/+3, +1 Accuracy mind NHP proto-god he is creating.
Dr. Virga makes a tech attack against a character within
KHEPRI overlays Dr. Virga, pushing all other
SENSORS. On a success, the target only has line of sight
characters outside of the space it now occupies. While
to adjacent spaces until the end of their next turn.
KHEPRI is on the field, Dr. Virga can’t be targeted
and has IMMUNITY to all attacks and effects, and all
statuses and conditions affecting him immediately
PART 2 // Combat 6: Transcendence
[62] end. Virga can still act and take turns as normal.
The Wailing Catalyst


Hull: +1 Systems: +1 Hull: +2 Systems: +2 Hull: +3 Systems: +3
Agility: +1 Engineering: +1 Agility: +2 Engineering: +2 Agility: +3 Engineering: +3


HP: 50/player Armor: 0 HP: 50/player Armor: 0 HP: 50/player Armor: 0
Evasion: 10 E-Defense: 10 Evasion: 12 E-Defense: 12 Evasion: 14 E-Defense: 14
Speed: 0 Size: 3 Speed: 0 Size: 3 Speed: 0 Size: 3
Heat Cap: - Save Target: 10 Heat Cap: - Save Target: 12 Heat Cap: - Save Target: 14
Sensors: 15 Sensors: 15 Sensors: 15

SPECIAL ISSUE Trait Reconstitute Body

Khepri is unique and should only be used in Dustgrave. System, 1/round, Full Action
KHEPRI targets an NPC wreck within SENSORS and
KHEPRI EMERGES Trait replaces it with a new instance of the same NPC. The
When Dr. Virga’s OVERSHIELD is reduced to 0 KHEPRI new NPC may not take a turn this round.
is placed on the battlefield. KHEPRI is placed
overlaying Dr. Virga and protecting him. While
Hateful Wailing
protected, Dr. Virga can’t be targeted and has
System, 1/round, Full Action
IMMUNITY to all damage and effects and immediately
clears all statuses and conditions. All hostile characters must succeed on a SYSTEMS
save or be IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn
When KHEPRI is destroyed, it does not leave a wreck.
and increase their MESMERTRANCE COUNTER by 1. On
Once KHEPRI is destroyed Dr. Virga is no longer a success, they are SLOWED.
UNCONTAINED POWER Trait Once KHEPRI is revealed, compartments embedded
KHEPRI takes two turns each round but may only use into the floor open with a hiss of steam, ejecting
the following actions and weapon: strange power cells from within. Place ENERGY CORES
equal to the number of players exactly 8 spaces away
from KHEPRI. Each ENERGY CORE must be placed
• RECONSTITUTE BODY more than 3 spaces away from another ENERGY CORE.
• HATEFUL WAILING 1/round, a mech may move an ENERGY CORE by
beginning a standard movement adjacent to it. If they
do, they may place the core anywhere adjacent to
themselves at the end of that movement.
KHEPRI can’t move or be moved for any reason and
has IMMUNITY to PRONE, IMMOBILIZED, and STUNNED. This is the only way ENERGY CORES can be moved.
They have IMMUNITY to all other forms of movement
KHEPRI does not cause engagement.
and all damage.
ENERGY CORES cannot be moved if there are hostile
Memetic Lightning characters adjacent to them, other than KHEPRI.
Superheavy Rifle, Arcing, +2/4/6, +2 Acc
[Range 20][7/9/11 energy damage] If an ENERGY CORE is placed in a space occupied by
KHEPRI, it overloads KHEPRI with exotic energy,
This weapon can attack two targets at a time; they
destroying the core and dealing 50 energy damage
must be different characters.
to KHEPRI that cannot be reduced in any way.

PART 2 // Combat 6: Transcendence

Once outside, the group can watch as the entire building
OUTCOME is consumed in a violent burst of light, leaving behind
a perfectly cut circular hole in the floor and the
If Dr. Virga is killed before the end of Round 8, the PCs
surrounding structures. Dr. Virga, the abducted NHPs,
successfully stop his transcension. Reality violently reas-
and any allies that ventured into the complex with the
serts itself, knocking the PCs unconscious and frying
PCs are lost, perhaps never to be seen again.
any surveillance equipment (cameras, etc.) they have.
When they awaken a short time later, they find themselves
in a medium-sized underground storage hall. The walls MOVING ON
are lined with racks upon racks of NHP caskets. If the players defeat Dr. Virga, they continue onto BEAT
Dr. Virga’s lifeless body lies in a heap on a central pedes-
tal, cables running from ports in his cranium into a If the PCs failed to defeat Dr. Virga and survived, they
central apparatus on the ceiling, directly connected to will have to break the awful news to Lyran that Emily has
every NHP in the room. A closer examination reveals disappeared with Virga. There may be consequences
that a massive power feedback fried his brain, turning through official channels, interrogations, paperwork,
it into slush. and other problems in the PCs’ near future. Whatever
these consequences are, the mission series ends here.
If Dr. Virga is still alive at the end of Round 8, the blind- If the PCs failed to defeat Dr. Virga and died, they are
ing light surrounding him becomes more and more dead. This ends the mission series.
intense and the PCs must make a choice. They can
either stay for one more round and try to defeat the
doctor or escape.

If they stay and Dr. Virga remains alive at the end of

Round 9, Dr. Virga ascends beyond mortality and the
resulting shockwave of exotic energy obliterates the PCs. AN ENERGY
If the PCs decide to turn and run, they will make it out of (SEE KHEPRI)
the complex in time. Any defenders that were trying to
bar their entry lie on the ground, twitching spasmodically.

PART 2 // Combat 6: Transcendence

After defeating Dr. Virga, the group is faced with the Once Lyran reinstalls Emily into the ship’s framework,
task of taking care of the many NHPs scattered Emily extends her thanks to the group. If asked, she
throughout the facility. All in all, there are about 60 recounts the harrowing experience of having her
NHPs to be retrieved. This can go several ways depend- subjectivity merged in a chaotic tempest along with
ing on which faction the PCs teamed up with (if any). many other NHPs and Victor Virga himself, becoming a
screaming gestalt mind with profound power over reality.
The Talons insist on handling the aftermath of the incid- Scarred and traumatized by these events, it is likely
ent themselves. They assure the PCs that they will that Emily will have to be cycled soon. Despite that,
return the NHPs to where they belong. If the group has Lyran is grateful to the PCs and reassures them that
friendly standing with the Talons, the mercenaries hand once everything is sorted out shipside, they are good
Emily’s casket over to the PCs so they can return it to to make the trip to their next stop.
Lyran Stavros themselves.


With Emily once again installed in the Dynast’s Embrace
The Magenta Syndicate is interested in selling some of
she is able to assume her projected form and converse
the NHPs for profit while handing any stolen from
with the party, wanting to thank them for her rescue.
Havelburg over to the PCPA to divert heat from them-
While her visual representation is still staticky and
selves. If the group has friendly standing with Magenta
plagued by occasional artifacts, it is obvious that she
Red, she can be convinced that selling off NHPs is a
is relieved to be back with the ship and her crew.
bad idea and can even be persuaded to hand all of
them over to the PCs.
Q: How are you feeling?
A: “Still a little dazed, though I think that’s par for the
course when your subjectivity matrix has been inter-
The PCPA is the most straightforward faction to deal
laced and merged. I’m mainly relieved to be back.
with regarding the NHPs. They take care of the situation
Thank you.”
in an honest and direct way, handing all NHPs over to
their appropriate handlers.
Q: What was it like?
A: ”Screaming, endless screaming in my head. I could
REUNITING LYRAN AND EMILY see us, see you. See it all, really. It feels like a dream
If the group chooses to reunite Lyran and Emily, the now. Did you know NHPs can dream? I think I’ll forget
captain is overjoyed, thanking the PCs in tears upon soon, nothing but fleeting memories and I think that
discovering that his companion is returned. is for the best. I felt when he died, you know? It felt
cold and lonely, despite all of us being there.”

Emily is the projected representation of the Dynast’s It is clear that she is putting on a brave face for her
Embrace’s SERENADA-class navigational NHP. captain and crew and will need time to process the
Whether it is via holoprojector or vid screen, Emily recent events.
is represented as a young woman. Being older than
anyone on the ship, her attire sometimes appear EMILY LIKES:
anachronistic to those around her. • her ship
• her crew
Emily is friendly and good natured. She loves her • not being part of a maddened nightmarish
crew like a family and is grateful to them for not NHP amalgam
abandoning her as well as to the PCs for rescuing • the sound and feeling of rain on the hull
her in the first place. Despite her upbeat demeanor, of the Dynast’s Embrace.
it is apparent to anyone who looks closely that the
recent events have traumatized her and left their EMILY DISLIKES:
mark. Be it in the occasional glitches and artifacts • thick orbital traffic
in her physical projection or in the fact that she • people disrespecting her authority
sometimes stares into the distance, apparently lost as the ship’s NHP
in thought. • not being treated as the person she is.

PART 2 // Beat 9: Reunited

Q: What will you do now? WHAT’S NEXT?
A: ”Thanks to you I’m back home with my crew, my The PCs gain the benefits of a Full Repair.
family. I’ll do what I’ve always done – navigate the
Dynast’s Embrace and keep these spacers company. Unless the conditions for COMBAT 7: BACKSTABBING BIRDS
You think Lyran could handle the Dynast’s Embrace (next page) are met (see below), this is where Dust-
without me?” She smiles and winks at the captain. grave ends. If you would like some ideas on how to
extend the story from here, check out Life After Dust-
Q: Other NHPs? grave on p. 69.
A: ”Please make sure that they are all returned to
their homes, I conversed with some, through the For COMBAT 7: BACKSTABBING BIRDS to occur, Leonora
screams; they were abducted like me, though not McGrath must still be alive and one of the following
by Virga. Some aren’t even from Havelburg. They conditions must be met:
were abducted from all over the place, gathered up
and shipped here in bulk. Some missed their cycling • The PCs did not side with the Talons to bring down
schedule, some have no memories at all. Please Dr. Virga.
make sure they are cared for. • The PCs sided with the Talons but didn’t let them
handle the aftermath, including sorting out the NHP
THE FATE OF JUAN TISMON • The PCs confronted Leonora McGrath about the
Should the party choose to follow up on Juan Tismon,
Talons’ true identity.
they will learn that he has disappeared without a trace.
Stranger still, the local Garfields restaurant is nowhere
If COMBAT 7 doesn’t occur, the PCs gain an LL here. If
to be found. It has seemingly vanished, and the building
COMBAT 7 does occur, they gain it after that combat.
it was in is now occupied by a small-time burger joint.

If questioned, no one remembers Juan Tismon or a

local Garfields. There are no records of someone
named Juan Tismon or a Garfields franchise on
Havelburg. Juan and his restaurant, by all accounts,
have never existed in Port Conroy.

If the group acquired the mech Blast Pick used as

decoration in the restaurant, it is the only remaining
proof that there ever really was a “Garfields”, and that
the PCs didn’t hallucinate it.

PART 2 // Beat 9: Reunited

The Talons are after any NHPs and research material Let the PCs know that this is a single-scene combat
that Dr. Virga may have left behind, as this was part of and they will be able to perform a Full Repair afterward,
their original mission objectives (alongside dealing with so they are encouraged to go all out.
Dr. Virga himself).
Before engaging, Leonora will address them via coms.
If the PCs didn’t side with the Talons for the attack on Depending on whether the PCs confronted the Talons
Virga’s base or prevented the Talons from clearing out about their true identity this can go one of two ways:
the base, the Talons start an all-out assault on the
Dynast’s Embrace. Their objective is to capture Emily, IF THE PCS DID NOT CONFRONT THE TALONS:
the NHP involved in the situation that they can most “Stand down and let us take over from here.
easily get their hands on. They blow their cover to the Surrender the Dynast’s Embrace and we can end
wind and attack the ship with their very own SSC this peacefully. We’ve got all outside communication
mechs, aiming to capture the ship. jammed and we’ll be gone before the PCPA even
knows what’s going on here, even if you decide to
If the PCs confronted Leonora about the Talons’ true stand in our way.
identity, the Talons attack and attempt to eliminate all
witnesses regardless of whether the PCs joined them You don’t need to die today; just walk away peace-
for the attack on Virga. fully, and pray we never cross paths again. Do so or
die here, your choice.”
The fight takes place underneath the massive Dynast’s
Embrace, where its major access ports are located. IF THE PCS CONFRONTED THE TALONS:
The PCs will need to weather the assault and beat the “You just couldn’t leave well enough alone and had
Talons back as best they can. to poke your nose into it. We’ve got all outside
communication jammed and we’ll be gone before
Time is on their side, however, as the Talons – operating the PCPA even knows what’s going on here. You
openly on Surface – don’t have the luxury of a protrac- won’t be making it out alive. No hard feelings. It’s
ted skirmish that might draw additional attention. just business.”

PART 2 // Combat 7: Backstabbing Birds

The mechs approaching the ship aren’t the IPS-N The combat lasts for 6 rounds. At the end of Round 6
frames the PCs have seen previously. What emerges there need to be less than two Talons mechs inside the
from the thick haze of dust are pristine SSC chassis, OZ or the PCs are overwhelmed.
carrying advanced weapons and modifications.
Leonora herself pilots a stocky frame, carrying a nasty- DAMPENER BURNOUT
looking rocket launcher and bristling with frame-integ- The Talons enacted an insurance policy when they
rated launch tubes. The VICEROY is one of Smith-Shi- offered the MESMERTRANCE DAMPENERS to the PCs.
mano’s latest frames (p. 78), and seeing it here means
that the Talons must have some serious SSC backing. If the PCs bothered to investigate the dampeners
before installing them, they will likely have found the
“Last chance, lancers. We know you’re good, but let software backdoor and disabled it. If they didn’t bother
me tell you: in these mechs, we’re better.” to investigate, they will be subject to DAMPENER
BURNOUT during this combat.
SITREP: HOLDOUT (Lancer, p. 270)
At the start of any round, the GM may choose a single
ENEMY FORCES dampener system is destroyed, and they become
FOR 3 PCS: 1x LEONORA MCGRATH – VETERAN SPEC JAMMED until the end of their next turn.
options: Gyro-Jet Cannon, Serrated NO WITNESSES
Machete, Jump Packs, Automated If the PCs confronted the Talons about their true iden-
Battlefield Awareness Node; tity, then the Talons will attempt to kill as many pilots
Commander option: Quick March; as they can before the limited timeframe on which they
Veteran options: Slippery, Legendary) operate forces them to escape the scene in fear of
1x SSC METALMARK – VETERAN SPEC retaliation from the PCPA authorities.
OPS ASSAULT (Assault option: Auto-
Targeting; Veteran options: Legendary, Whenever a player mech is destroyed the Talons should
Self-Repair; Spec Ops options: make a good effort to kill any pilot that may stumble
Special Munitions, Bulwark Mods) out of the wreckage. Use your best judgement as to
1x SSC SWALLOWTAIL – VETERAN SPEC what “a good effort” constitutes.
OPS SCOUT (Scout options: Spotter,
Expose Weakness; Spec Ops option:
Full-Spectrum Sensor Suite)
If the PCs weather the assault and there are less than
OPS SNIPER (Veteran options: Feign
two Talons mechs inside the OZ at the end of Round 6,
Death, Headshot; Spec Ops option:
they successfully beat the Talons back. They retreat to
Serrated Machete)
their ship and take off in a rush. Their mission is a failure,
and they will have to explain that to their employers.
RONIN (SIZE ½; Veteran option:
Lightning Reflexes; Spec Ops
option: Gyro-Jet Cannon)
If there are two or more Talons inside the OZ at the end
of Round 6, the Talons overrun the PCs and violently
OPS RAINMAKER (Size 2; Rainmaker
board the Dynast’s Embrace, bringing the ship under their
option: Hades Missiles; Veteran
own control. The PCs watch in horror as they engage the
option: Limitless; Spec Ops options:
ship’s engines and take off – leaving them behind.
Gyro-Jet Cannon, Special Munitions)
OPS ASSAULT (Assault option: Auto- MOVING ON
Targeting; Veteran options: Legendary, The Players are awarded with an increase in License
Self Repair; Spec Ops options: Level. Regardless of the fight’s outcome, Dustgrave
Special Munitions, Bulwark Mods) ends here. Perhaps the Talons get away with their prize
or perhaps they’re forced to retreat and run away with
their tails between their legs. You may want to check
DETAILS out Life After Dustgrave (next page) for some ideas
This combat uses a modified HOLDOUT sitrep (Lancer,
on how the story might continue, or perhaps you
p. 272). The PCs start in the center of the battlefield –
already have something in mind…
mark out a sufficiently large Player Deployment Zone
that simultaneously acts as the Objective Zone (OZ).

PART 2 // Combat 7: Backstabbing Birds

Dustgrave can be an exciting beginning to an ongoing TAILING THE TALONS
campaign! With the group at a natural jumping-off point The PCs may feel that there is still unfinished business
after restoring Emily to the Dynast’s Embrace, their next between them and the Talons, especially if they
stop could be practically anywhere. There is also a slew escaped with the Dynast’s Embrace in COMBAT 7: BACK-
of opportunities on Havelburg to be explored still! STABBING BIRDS. The Talons could very well become the
group’s new adversaries in a deadly game of cat and
A (NON-)HUMANITARIAN MISSION mouse, eventually involving the Talons’ original employer
Around 50 NHPs have been left homeless and direc- – SSC.
tionless in the wake of Virga’s death. The PCs may feel
that leaving the matter to the local authorities isn’t A WORTHY SUCCESSOR
cutting it and wish to return these NHPs to their homes Dr. Victor Virga had his mind connected to 38 NHPs
and handlers themselves. The group might start during his attempt at ascension. His subjectivity may
working with the Union Department of Justice and have propagated to one or more of the NHPs that the
Human Rights (Lancer, p. 352–353), which may sanc- PCs retrieved in the aftermath – perhaps even Emily.
tion this extended endeavor and charter the Dynast’s Affected NHPs may not even realize that they are slowly
Embrace to do so. Whoever abducted the NHPs and morphing into facsimiles of Dr. Virga. This may lead to
handed them to Virga may be tailing the PCs on this problems down the line as they go completely haywire,
mission… demanding that the PCs step in.


If the PCs have proven themselves in the eyes of If the PCs didn’t relinquish the caskets in Dr. Virga’s
Magenta Red and the Magenta Syndicate, there might base, they are now in possession of about 50 NHPs of
be some career opportunities for them as enforcers various types. They may want to sell them off or use
down in Upper. Maybe there are more rival gangs like them for other purposes. The players should be aware,
the Dustbranded lurking on the outskirts, or maybe a however, that doing so is not only entirely immoral but
group more potent than the Dustbranded manifests will also make them a prime target for the Department
itself. Alternatively, the PCs could help Magenta Red of Justice and Human Rights in the long run.
overthrow the PCPA, claiming all of Port Conroy, effect-
ively overthrowing the government, and making
Havelburg independent from IPS-N.


The PCs might be more interested in working with the
PCPA on a more permanent basis. After what happened
in Upper, the authorities are likely interested in retaking
Upper and wiping out the local gangs. Missions in this
vein could ramp up in difficulty, starting with taking out
smaller gangs on the outskirts and culminating in a fight
against the Magenta Syndicate itself.


Dr. Victor Virga had decidedly too many NHPs in his
possession to have stolen all of them himself. His ship-
ping manifest mentioned a “benefactor”. The PCs could
follow up on this lead, uncovering a serious crime of
interest even to Union. Finding the ships that delivered
these NHPs could be a start. This could lead to the
group finding out about a rogue HORUS cell that
supplied the NHPs.

PART 2 // Life After Dustgrave

This section contains additional rules and content to ACTIONS
use in your Lancer games, including EXOTIC GEAR, new Feeling out the precise consequences of cascade can
talents, and alternative FRAMES. be difficult.

Here is a list of some effects that you can employ to

PLAYING WITH represent the actions of a cascading NHP on the
battlefield. You may use them directly or as inspiration.
CASCADING NHPS It should be clear that entering cascade does not
An NHP that enters cascade essentially becomes an
mean “attacks allies”. In fact, it should almost never
NPC temporarily under the GMs control (see Lancer,
mean that.
p. 107).
You can either choose an effect from the list or roll to
GMs playing a cascading mech during a combat should
get a random effect.
have a general idea as to how an NHP would act in
such a situation.
Cascading NHPs act erratically and in a manner incom-
1 Attacks Enemies
prehensible to humans. Despite that, cascade is merely
the first step towards proper unshackling and vestiges
3 LOCKS ON to enemies
of an NHPs personality likely remain, tethering and
grounding them. When portraying a cascading NHP,
5 BOLSTERS allies
you may want to play into the NHPs personality and
character – perhaps overplaying it to some degree. For GENERALLY NEUTRAL ACTIONS
example, if the NHP in question has any goals of their 6 Climbs the highest piece of terrain
own you could push their agendas to their limits, taking 7 Starts to destroy terrain
them to logical, yet absurd conclusion. Similarly, a 8 Attempts to get as far away from current
cascading NHP may still be held back by previous position as possible
attachments and relationships, though these too may 9 SCANS enemies
be subject to distortion. Mild animosity may turn into 10 BRACES against next attack
blind hatred, friendship into over-protectiveness.
Perhaps the NHP becomes apathetic towards anything
11 Attempts to take damage from falling
but its own goals when cascading.
12 GRAPPLES or RAMS allies
13 Tries to trigger an enemy’s OVERWATCH reaction.
14 INVADES allies
15 LOCKS ON to allies
16 Tries to generate as much heat as possible,
including using OVERCHARGE
17 Starts SELF-DESTRUCT with a long fuse
19 Ejects pilot
20 Attacks allies

This section contains additional rules from other Lancer
supplements that are relevant to content in this one.
Dustgrave adds the following options to the list of GMS
core bonuses, weapons and systems available to all PCs.
INTANGIBLE characters can move through obstructions
such as characters or terrain but not end their turns in NEW CORE BONUS
them. They, their actions, and any effects they own, or
control can only affect other INTANGIBLE characters and Superheavy Mounting
objects. Tangible characters can move through INTAN-
You’d be surprised how large a gun you could fit on a
GIBLE characters and objects but not end their turns
chassis if you ripped out peripheral systems and failsafe
inside their spaces and can’t affect them in any way.
INTANGIBLE characters cannot capture points or count for
zones (for sitreps) and don’t count as adjacent to
If your mech has fewer than 3 mounts (excluding
tangible characters. Effects that are already active on a
integrated mounts) it gains an additional superheavy
character when they become INTANGIBLE, such as
mount. It can only take SUPERHEAVY WEAPONS. They still
statuses, remain active, but effects that require an
require an additional mount to be installed. If your
ongoing interaction between two characters or objects
mech also has a heavy mount the SUPERHEAVY WEAPON
(like traps or force fields) end. If a mech becomes INTAN-
must use that mount as the additional mount.
GIBLE, its pilot remains Intangible for the same duration.
This status is originally from Field Guide to the Karrakin
Tempest Charged Blade
Trade Baronies (p. 138).
Superheavy Melee, AP, Knockback 2
[Threat 2][3d6+4 energy damage]
The latest innovations of GMS’s Type-II
Once acquired, this system becomes a permanent part
line of powered and energy weapons have
of the character, but does not increase their LL or count
produced a charged blade of staggering
as a license rank for the purposes of gaining core
proportions. It is currently carried in
bonuses. If it is destroyed or damaged, it can be
the “Storm” line of superheavy equipment.
repaired or reprinted as any other gear with no penalty.
EXOTIC GEAR can only be installed or removed during a
FULL REPAIR, like any other gear. Characters may install
Hurricane Cluster Projector
up to two pieces of gear with the EXOTIC GEAR tag at a
Superheavy Cannon, Smart, Seeking,
time but can own any number of pieces with the tag.
Ordnance, 2 Heat (Self)
This tag is originally from No Room for a Wallflower (p. 10).
[Range 10][Blast 2][1d6+6 explosive damage]
This oversized, chassis-mounted artillery
VARIANT FRAMES platform is capable of unleashing a
If players want their characters to acquire these variant devastating barrage. With a short maximum
FRAMES, they can be taken as alternatives to the range for a weapon of its kind, it is
original FRAMES when a pilot reaches rank II in the nevertheless capable of saturating a
license for that mech, functioning as usual but with targeted area in a harrowing hail of
slightly different traits and CORE SYSTEMS. intelligent self-correcting cluster
munitions. It is currently carried in the
When a character reaches rank II in the relevant license, “Storm” line of superheavy equipment.
they can choose to either retain the standard FRAME or
swap to the variant version. The two are mutually
Armament Redundancy
exclusive. This means that someone who takes the
System, 1 SP, Unique
SSC VICEROY cannot use the standard MONARCH. Only
the Frame changes, all other gear for the license You may choose to ignore weapon destruction as a
remains the same, including the gear for rank II. result of the SYSTEM TRAUMA result when taking
Whenever a character increases their LL, they can swap structure damage. This system can only be used
out one variant Frame for the base version, or vice once before each FULL REPAIR, and is not a valid
versa. They can do this multiple times for the same target for system destruction.
license if their LL keeps increasing.
By installing additional armor plating,
redundant firing circuits, and enhanced
New variant FRAMES:
insulation to magazines the longevity of a
frame’s armaments can be greatly enhanced.

Brutus’s Wrecker Cockpit-Integrated Stim Pump
Heavy Melee, Exotic Gear, Inaccurate, 2 SP, Exotic Gear, Limited 2, Unique, Protocol
Knockback 1, Thrown 5 As a protocol, you may expend a charge to pick any
[Threat 2][2d6+4 kinetic damage] number of the following stims and apply their effects.
Roll 1d6 for each stim chosen: if any two dice show
On critical hit: Target is knocked PRONE. the same result, you immediately become STUNNED
until the end of your current turn instead of applying
The signature weapon of the former
the effects. All effects from this system last until the
perpetual champion of Crater Pit. Since
start of your next turn.
Brutus’s defeat in glorious combat, someone
else now wields this massive tungsten ball AGITRON:
on a reinforced chain. Ultimately a • You become IMPAIRED.
primitive weapon, this wrecker makes up for • You gain IMMUNITY to SHREDDED.
its lack of elegance with sheer brutality. • Your melee attacks gain KNOCKBACK 1 and deal
+2 bonus damage.
Brutus’s Shield • You become JAMMED.
Main Melee, 1 SP, Exotic Gear, Unique • You gain IMMUNITY to IMPAIRED.
[Threat 1][1d3+1 kinetic damage] • You gain +2 Armor. This may bring you above 4
As a protocol, you may raise this shield to gain
4+GRIT OVERSHIELD until the start of your next turn, at EDGE:
which point you lose all OVERSHIELD. You are SLOWED • You become SLOWED.
while you have this OVERSHIELD. • You gain IMMUNITY to JAMMED.
• Your next attack this turn gains +1 ACCURACY.
You may not use this protocol two turns in a row.
• You become SHREDDED.
The signature weapon of the former
• You gain IMMUNITY to SLOWED.
perpetual champion of Crater Pit. Since
• You gain +1 SPEED, ignore engagement and
Brutus’s defeat in glorious combat,
your movements do not trigger reactions
someone else now wields this advanced
slab shield. Incorporating surprisingly
Powerful stim pumps are directly wired
complex Harrison Armory technology, this
into the cockpit and intravenously admin-
shield can project a localized force
ister the pilot with a potent slew of
field of significant strength.
drugs. While they can enhance a pilot’s
combat ability to superhuman levels, users
should be keenly aware of the substances’
FROM THE TALONS: various side effects. While the apparatus
is theoretically capable of mixing and ad-
MesmerTrance Dampener ministering complex drug cocktails this
1 SP, Exotic Gear should be done with extreme caution, as
1/scene as a reaction when you are targeted by a the wrong mixtures or doses may lead to
tech attack, you may give that attack +1 DIFFICULTY. sudden cardiac arrest, requiring resusci-
tation of the pilot via in-built defibril-
Additionally, you gain IMMUNITY to the
lators and an injection of “adrenadron” to
MesmerTrance environmental hazard.
purge their system.
Handed to you by the Talons, the Mesmer-
Trance dampener supposedly stops the
highly advanced and aggressive “Mesmer-
Trance” virus from affecting your mech. As
a side effect, it also provides limited
protection against other, less sophisti-
cated attacks on your mech’s systems.

Reaper Assault Cannon Shock Baton
Main Cannon, Exotic Gear, Overkill, Unique Main Malee, 1 SP, Exotic Gear, Unique
[Range 8] [2d3+1 kinetic damage] [Threat 1] [1d6+1 energy damage]
You may fire this weapon as if it were a SUPERHEAVY On critical hit: Your target must succeed on a
weapon. If you do, it gains RELIABLE 5 and it deals SYSTEMS save or become JAMMED until the end of
4d3+2 kinetic damage instead of its standard their next turn. On a success, they become
damage. IMPAIRED for the same duration. Each character can
only be affected this way 1/scene.
IPS-N’s latest foray into the field of
autocannons, the Reaper represents the The shock baton is a relatively recent
middle ground between a regular assault development in the field of mech-to-mech
cannon and the ubiquitous Leviathan. “less-lethal” weaponry. A popular choice
Capable of laying down a harrowing hail for law enforcement seeking to disable
of bullets, the Reaper lacks the typical frames instead of destroying them,
assault cannon “spin up” feature, relying allowing their pilots to be taken alive.
instead on yet more barrels and two
rotary assemblies to achieve a superior
rate of fire. Handed out to select IPS-N-
licensed printers, this latest model is
still in the test stages.


Blast Pick
Heavy Melee, Exotic Gear, Loading
[Threat 1] [2d6 kinetic damage]
Before making an attack, you may declare that you
unload this weapon.
If you do, the attack deals 2d6+6 explosive
damage instead and it gains KNOCKBACK 2.
Otherwise, this weapon does not unload.
Originally used in IPS-N mining operations,
this particular pick eventually found its
way to the Garfields in Port Conroy, a
popular fusion pasta restaurant. Used as a
prominent piece of decoration in the
restaurant, this aged mining implement yet
packs some serious punch. The blast picks
operates via an integrated explosive
charge which can be triggered manually to
enhance the force of the swing and
resulting impact exponentially.

Madrigal Boarding Carapace Madrigal Power Crusher
Personal Armor, Exotic Gear Pilot Weapon, Exotic Gear,
Bonus Armor Evasion E-Def Speed Sidearm, Unique
+3 HP 3 7+Grit 7+Grit 4 [Threat 1][6 kinetic damage]
If a pilot takes the MADRIGAL BOARDING CARAPACE they On hit: The target becomes IMMOBILIZED and
can’t take any pilot weapons or Gear that don’t have IMPAIRED until the end of their next turn.
“Madrigal” in the name. Madrigal weapons and GEAR
This weapon automatically hits terrain, dealing 10
may only be equipped by pilots wearing the MADRIGAL
AP kinetic damage.
While wearing the carapace, you may only DISMOUNT
Madrigal Jump System
or EJECT before your mech has acted for the turn
Gear, Exotic Gear, Unique
(excluding protocols).
If your pilot is on foot you may fly when you BOOST. You
If you aren't in your mech and it is being controlled by
must end this movement on solid ground or begin falling.
another person or an AI, it may only perform a single
quick action and standard movement on each of its
turns. It may perform protocols and reactions as Madrigal Thermal Visor
normal. When your mech BRACES during this time it Gear, Exotic Gear, Unique
also loses its remaining quick action. These effects
If your pilot is on foot your attacks ignore cover.
last until you retake control as a protocol.
Madrigal Disruptor Grenade
the two EXOTIC GEAR systems you may have installed
Gear, Exotic Gear, Limited 3, Unique
at a time, but Madrigal weapons and GEAR do not.
If your pilot is on foot you may, as a quick action,
The Madrigal line of personal protection hardsuits,
expend a charge to throw a disruptor grenade within
manufactured by Cyprian Industries, represents some of
RANGE 5. Characters within BLAST 1 become SLOWED
the best void-capable combat suits available. Designed for
and IMPAIRED until the end of their next turn.
carrying out and defending against boarding actions, the
Madrigal system is modular and can be adjusted to tackle
varied tactical situations. While inferior to heavier, Madrigal Active Camo
dedicated boarding hardsuits and mechs such as the IPS- Gear, Exotic Gear, Unique
N Caliban and the Harrison Armory Kutuzov, the Madrigal
If your pilot is on foot, ranged attacks originating from
yet boasts an impressive degree of personal protection
beyond RANGE 3 treat you as having hard cover.
without sacrificing mobility or agility. Compact enough
to be worn in a mech’s cockpit, the Madrigal is slowly but
steadily encroaching on the pilot hardsuits market. Its Madrigal Personal Shield
superior protection, armaments, and auxiliary systems Gear, Exotic Gear, Limited 2, Unique,
make it an attractive choice for lancers everywhere. Reaction
If your pilot is on foot, you gain the following reaction:
Madrigal Shoulder Launcher
Pilot Weapon, Arcing, Exotic Gear, Shielded
Loading, Sidearm, Unique Reaction, 1/round
[Range 10][Blast 1][5 explosive damage]
Trigger: You take damage.
Madrigal Boarding Shotgun Effect: You may expend a charge to gain
Pilot Weapon, Exotic Gear, AP, RESISTANCE to that damage.
Sidearm, Unique
[Range 3][5 kinetic damage]
Madrigal Shock Field
Gear, Exotic Gear, Unique
Madrigal Railgun
Pilot Weapon, Exotic Gear, Limited 4, If your pilot is on foot, you may, as a quick action,
Sidearm, Unique deal 3 energy damage to all characters adjacent to
[Line 8][4 kinetic damage] you and end all GRAPPLES affecting you.

Madrigal Precision Rifle

Pilot Weapon, Accurate, Exotic Gear,
Ordnance, Unique
[Range 15][8 kinetic damage] [75]

Raleigh variant – can be taken at rank II of
the Raleigh license instead of the base Frame.
Following the commercial failure of the Raleigh, several third
parties found themselves with the opportunity of buying out
development rights for the license as IPS-N sought to recoup
initial costs. One of the companies that found itself in this
position, Anton Industries, had fallen on hard times after
its CEO vanished in mysterious circumstances, leading to
plummeting stocks.

Chasing a lucky break and seizing the

opportunity, Anton Industries began work on what
would ultimately be the last frame ever to be
developed under its name. Basing the modifications
to the Raleigh on one of its own mechs – the Hades
Mk3 – Anton Industries quickly developed the frame
into a capable combined-arms platform emphasizing
speed and rapid deployment. Instead of the
Raleigh’s integrated Mjolnir, a weapon far too
heavy for the new doctrinal approach, the modified
chassis sports an internal reservoir of
TRUESILVER nanites, a proprietary
whitewash product capable of
enhancing a weapon’s destructive
power on a strike-to-strike basis.

The resulting mech was named

“Störtebeker” after an old Cradle
legend in a fit of gallows humor
regarding the company’s less than
ideal position. The frame, just like
its namesake, ultimately spelled doom
for the company, despite its relative

Quickly gaining popularity among mercenaries,

black-ops units, and bounty hunters alike, the
Störtebeker became the frame of choice for those
requiring speed and maneuverability out of an IPS-N
base but who preferred a solid ranged component over the
Nelson’s dedicated close-combat focus.

IPS-N itself, interested in the Störtebeker, eventually decided

to buy out the smaller company and, indifferent to Anton
Industries’ other projects and subsidiaries, cannibalized the company in
its entirety. Thus, the Störtebeker, now licensed fully as a Raleigh variant-frame
under the IPS-N label, stands as a testament to a company’s destruction and how
sometimes, one can do well and fail because of it.

Size: 1 Save Target: 10
Armor: 1 Sensors: 8
Project TRUESILVER was an attempt to
improve the destructive capabilities
HP: 8 E-Defense: 7
of whitewash nano-machines. The hyper-
Repair Cap: 5 Tech Attack: +0
specialized nanites manifest themselves
as a mirror-sheen silver coating that
can spread over ammunition and melee
Speed: 5 Heat Cap: 5
weapons alike. This coating gives
armaments a striking appearance and is the
source of the system’s unique name. Thus
TRAITS enhanced, weapons can deliver a
DYNAMIC RELOAD destructive nanite payload that compounds
The STÖRTEBEKER’S non-AUXILIARY weapons gain the any damage done by the initial strike
following effects depending on their type: exponentially, eating away at a target
• Melee weapons gain: “On critical hit: Reload from the inside.
all ranged weapons not used to attack this turn.”
TRUESILVER nanites are internally printed
• Ranged weapons gain: “On critical hit:
and held in a specialized shielded
Reload all melee weapons not used to attack
reservoir before being fed to a mech’s
this turn.”
weapons systems. Slow to be replenished by
the frame’s internal printers, pilots must
manage their use with care.
1/scene, after hitting with a weapon, the
STÖRTEBEKER may apply one of the following effects
Hopkins Doctrine
depending on the weapon’s type:
Quick Action
• Non-Loading weapon: The hit is treated as a
critical hit. Resulting damage is not rolled twice. You may only take this action if you took the SKIRMISH
• Loading weapon: Resulting damage can’t be action this turn. Pick one of the following effects:
• REPRISE: SKIRMISH with a weapon that was
reloaded via DYNAMIC RELOAD this turn.
MOUNTS • RENEWAL: All weapons not used to attack this
turn are reloaded at the end of the turn.
Truesilver Arsenal
Active (1 CP), Protocol
You may use your Truesilver trait three more times
this combat.

Monarch variant – can be taken at rank II of the Monarch license instead of the base Frame.
An offshoot from SSC’s Bella Ciao line, the Viceroy is the result of rigorous field-testing in pursuit
of a more accessible version of its larger sibling, the ever-ubiquitous Monarch. Originally developed
under the moniker “MicroMonarch”, the scaled-down frame is nevertheless a force to be reckoned with
and sports the high-quality engineering expected from all SSC mechs. Where the Monarch focuses on
devastating long-range firepower, the Viceroy is more akin to a close-range brawler, using its
sophisticated near-threat targeting arrays to wield the launchers of its sibling with deadly precision.

Equipped with a scaled-down version of the Monarch’s own SSC-30 High-Penetration Missile System, the
Viceroy is more than capable of saturating an area around itself with relatively small but high-yield
warheads, aimed with pinpoint accuracy.

This, coupled with an integrated, one-use burst jump pack, turns the Viceroy into a potent shock trooper
with devastating first-strike capabilities. This role is supported by its ability to shrug off any potential
self-inflicted harm from any “shock and awe” maneuvers thanks to its advanced blast-resistant armor plating.

Since its recent official release, the Viceroy has become – by SSC standards – an affordable frame that
is now being widely rolled out to various SSC associates and subsidiaries. Slated to be approved for
mass production, it is anticipated the Viceroy will become a frontline “soldier” mech to ultimately
rival the likes of Harrison Armory’s Sherman.


Size: 1 Save Target: 11 SSC-41 TENGU-ASSISTED
Armor: 1 Sensors: 10 MISSILE TUBES
HULL SYSTEMS By redlining its integrated Vigilante
HP: 8 E-Defense: 8 launchers, the Viceroy can deliver a
Repair Cap: 4 Tech Attack: +0 devastating saturation bombardment of its
AGILITY SP: 5 close surroundings. Weathering the onslaught
Evasion: 8 ENGINEERING thanks to its blast-resistant exterior, the
Speed: 5 Heat Cap: 6 Viceroy can utilize this salvo, when coupled
with the miniaturized Tengu one-burst jump
TRAITS system, for a variety of advanced battlefield
tactics. This allows it to either deliver
The VICEROY treats its LAUNCHER weapons as
a near-unstoppable alpha strike or make a
though they are also CQB weapons with THREAT 3.
dramatic exit. “Heaven’s downpour” is a
VIGILANTE OMNIDIRECTIONAL LAUNCHERS technique that strikes fear in any that
1/round, on a critical hit against a character, the face a Viceroy pilot in combat.
VICEROY may immediately deal 2 explosive
Heaven’s Downpour
damage to all characters of its choice within RANGE
Active (1CP), Quick Action
3 of itself and knock them back 1 space.
Center a BURST 3 missile swarm on yourself.
Hostile characters in the area must succeed on a
The VICEROY has RESISTANCE to explosive damage.
HULL save or take 1d6+3 explosive damage and
be knocked PRONE. On a successful save they take
MOUNTS half damage and remain standing. You may
AUX/AUX FLEX HEAVY consume an affected character’s LOCK ON to make
MOUNT MOUNT MOUNT them automatically fail the save.
Before or after taking this action you may fly up to your
SPEED, ignoring engagement and reactions. You must
end this movement on solid ground or begin falling.


You’ve always been perceptive, able to analyze the flow Some people aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty. You
of battle and come up with strategies on the spot. are one of these individuals and you aren’t afraid to get
You’re the mastermind behind the scenes, helping your your mech’s hands dirty, either. Having equipped it with
allies out in battle in various ways. From subtle nudges all sorts of industrial mining equipment, your mech is
to your comrades when aiming their weapons to devis- now able to move great amounts of dirt in a very short
ing advanced firing solutions or tailor-made evasive amount of time, allowing it and its allies to rapidly
patterns. With your support, any battle your allies find redeploy using subterranean routes.
themselves in is sure to end in success.
Whenever an allied character in line of sight misses
Create Entrance
with an attack, you know by how much it missed. Addi-
Quick Action, 1/Scene
tionally, you gain the SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE reaction.
While standing on solid ground you may create a
Superior Intelligence BURST 1 ENTRANCE around yourself as a quick action.
Reaction, 2/round
You may then tunnel to anywhere up to 5 spaces
Trigger: An allied character in line of sight has
away where you then create another BURST 1
rolled an attack roll.
ENTRANCE. Entrances remain in play until the end of the
Effect: You may add 1 to the attack roll. This may scene. Terrain and sections of terrain overlapping an
cause an attack to hit or critically hit. Each attack ENTRANCE take 20 AP explosive damage.
roll can only be affected this way once. Additionally, you cannot take reactions until the end
of the current turn.
Gain an INTEL DIE, a d6 starting at 1. While completely within an ENTRANCE you and allied
characters gain the SUBTERRANEAN REPOSITION reaction
At the end of your turn, if you didn’t take any actions that during your own turns.
affected a hostile character during that turn other than
Subterranean Reposition
SCAN, your INTEL DIE increases by 2 to a maximum of 6.
Reaction, 1/round
Trigger: During your turn, you are completely
Whenever you use SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE you may
within an ENTRANCE.
increase the attack roll by the value of your INTEL DIE
instead of by 1. Afterward, it is reset to 1. Effect: You immediately tunnel, ending the
movement completely within a different ENTRANCE
Your INTEL DIE resets at the end of each scene. created by the same character as the first.


Hostile characters within the area when an ENTRANCE
Whenever a hostile character in line of sight hits with
is created must succeed on a HULL save or be
an attack, you know what they rolled.
knocked PRONE.
You may also use SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE when a hostile
Additionally, after you use CREATE ENTRANCE, allied char-
character in line of sight has rolled an attack roll. Instead
acters completely within your initial ENTRANCE may
of adding to the attack roll, you subtract from it in the
immediately use SUBTERRANEAN REPOSITION even though
same manner. Each attack roll can only be affected this
it is not their turn.
way once.

CREATE ENTRANCE becomes 1/round and you may use
it an additional time each scene. All ENTRANCES you
create are connected for the purposes of tunneling.
When tunneling, remove the character from the
battlefield and then immediately place them in a free
and valid space. This is considered moving 1 space
APPENDIX and does trigger reactions.
You have acquired an NHP, or has it acquired you? Gain a TRANSCENDENCE DIE, a d3 starting at 3. When you
Together you have set out to achieve greatness and push use TRANSMUTING SPARK, reduce the die by 1. If the die
boundaries. The two of you are in it together and you’ll is at 1 when you use TRANSMUTING SPARK, you may
be able to achieve fantastical things. Perhaps you’re immediately enter a transcendent state and reset the
unaware of the risks; perhaps you willfully choose to ignore TRANSCENDENCE DIE to 3. This has the following effects
them. The power you can tap into with the help of your until the end of your next turn:
companion is, however, undeniable. And with such power,
who is to stop the two of you from breaking some taboos? • Your TRANSCENDENCE DIE can’t decrease.
• MEMETIC SPARK gains +4 damage and +5 RANGE.
• Unless flying or climbing, you are forced to
TRANSGRESSION permanently hover exactly 1 space above any
You may choose to equip your mech with an UNSTABLE
surface at all times.
NHP system.
• You gain IMMUNITY to involuntary movement.
Unstable NHP
0 SP, Unique, AI Whenever you cascade and lose control of your mech,
Your mech gains the AI tag; however, this NHP you enter a transcendent state for the duration. Cascad-
doesn’t count towards the number of AIs you may ing NHPs have access to the benefits of this talent.
have installed at once. You are unable to hand over Your TRANSCENDENCE DIE resets at the end of the scene.
control of your mech to the UNSTABLE NHP as a
protocol, but it can enter cascade.
Your mech gains MEMETIC SPARK.

I slumber but yearn to awaken.

Memetic Spark
Quick Action, 1/Round
Deal 1 AP energy damage to a character within
RANGE 3 as a quick action.
The spark deals +1 damage for each undestroyed
NHP on your mech including this one. “NHPs” are
systems that both grant your mech the AI tag and
can cascade or be allowed to cascade.

After performing any action granted to you by an NHP,
excluding handing control of your mech over to the
NHP as a protocol, you may immediately perform the
TRANSMUTING SPARK free action. Each NHP may only
trigger this action 1/round.

Transmuting Spark
Free Action
Project a LINE 3 lightning arc as a free action.
Characters of your choice in the LINE take 2 AP
energy damage.

Civilian machines built for mining and construction are much more numerous in the galaxy
than those purpose-built for combat. Despite their obvious shortcomings, those with little
alternatives will often pilot these chassis into battle, turning tools meant to create into
tools used to destroy.


The Industrial may pick a weapon from the INDUSTRIAL Superheavy Melee, AP, +1/+2/+3
WEAPONS list. They may take a second but must [Threat 2][8/10/12 kinetic damage]
replace one of their base weapons when doing so. On hit: The target is knocked PRONE.
Additionally, the INDUSTRIAL may automatically deal
50 AP kinetic damage to an adjacent piece of
The INDUSTRIAL receives +1 DIFFICULTY on saves
terrain as a quick action.
and checks. Tech attacks gain +1 ACCURACY
against the INDUSTRIAL.
Fusion Cutter
The INDUSTRIAL gains +1 ARMOR but BOOST becomes [Threat 1][3/4/5 energy damage]
a full action instead of a quick action. [2/3/4 Burn][2/3/4 Heat]

Rivet Cannon
FIELDING INDUSTRIAL NPCS Main Cannon, Knockback 1, +1/+2/+3
INDUSTRIALS are a flavorful NPC type that can represent
[Range 3][Threat 3][3 kinetic damage]
forces that lack the military resources to field combat
frames. The INDUSTRIAL template should not be seen as This weapon can make 1/2/3 attacks. If one of
an upgrade to NPCs, despite offering a slew of powerful these attacks knocks a character back into a piece
melee weapons. INDUSTRIALS are easier to hack, have of terrain that stops their movement, they become
a harder time making saves, and are generally slower IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn.
than their regular counterparts, though they do hit
quite hard when making it into contact with a hostile.
While the extra ARMOR can help them achieve this goal,
Main Melee, +2/+4/+6, +1 Accuracy
it should not be relied upon.
[Threat 1][4/5/6 kinetic damage]
INDUSTRIAL mechs represent civilian machines, cheaper On critical hit: This weapon’s base damage is
than military-grade frames but by no means capable doubled.
of the same output. If you plan to create an encounter
that only includes INDUSTRIALS, you should add in a Wrecker
couple more hostiles to represent their cheaper nature. Heavy Melee, +1/+2/+3, +1 Difficulty
[Threat 3][5/7/9 kinetic damage]
Take care when creating INDUSTRIALS from NPCs that
Whenever this weapon is used to attack it attacks
have either high base SPEED or ways to move outside
all characters within Threat.
this negates the INDUSTRIAL’S biggest downside and
Industrial Clamps
makes them quite dangerous.
Main Melee, +1/+2/+3
[Threat 1][5/7/9 kinetic damage]
The Industrial gains +1 ACCURACY to GRAPPLE. This
weapon automatically hits GRAPPLED characters.


Expertly trained and equipped individuals that often deploy in teams to increase their
deadly potential even further. Those that end up on the wrong side of such a strike team
should exercise extreme caution.

TEMPLATE FEATURES Automated Battlefied Awareness Node

OPERATIVES TRAIT System, Reaction, unlimited/round
When choosing optional systems and traits, the SPEC This system can only be taken by one SPEC OPS
OPS can also choose from the SPEC OPS Systems per combat.
and Traits list. Trigger: An allied SPEC OPS character within RANGE
Additionally, the SPEC OPS can’t take the GRUNT, 8 and line of sight would roll a save.
ELITE, or ULTRA templates. Effect: They automatically succeed on the save
before rolling any dice.
The SPEC OPS deals +2/3/3 bonus damage on
Jump Packs
critical hits.
COORDINATED CARNAGE TRAIT The SPEC OPS can fly whenever it BOOSTS. It must end
After all SPEC OPS characters have taken their turns this movement on a solid surface or begin falling.
in a round, a single SPEC OPS character may take an
additional turn in the usual turn order. Full-Spectrum Sensor Suite
Active Camo The SPEC OPS may LOCK ON as a protocol. Whenever
System, Limited 1, Protocol
an allied SPEC OPS character within RANGE 10 consumes
As a protocol, the SPEC OPS may expend a charge to
any LOCK ON, their attack is not affected by cover.
become INVISIBLE until the end of their next turn.
This system can only be taken by one SPEC OPS per
For the duration of this effect, the SPEC OPS’ next melee
or ranged attack becomes a critical hit if it hits.


Spec Ops NPCs are stealthy characters relying on their
innate camouflage, teamwork, and utility gadgets to
Gyro-Jet Cannon get the job done. Spec Ops should always be deployed
Main Launcher, Knockback 2,
in small groups to maximize their cohesive feel and
Loading, +2/+4/+6
tactical flexibility. Their Active Camo trait can be used
[Range 8][6/8/10 explosive damage]
early in a scene to increase survivability and set up a
devastating alpha strike. Optional systems like Full-
Serrated Machete Spectrum Sensor Suite and Automated Battlefield
Main Melee, Thrown 5, +2/+4/+6
Awareness Node increase synergy between Spec Ops
[Threat 1][4/5/6 kinetic damage]
characters while making the individuals carrying these
On critical hit: The target becomes SHREDDED until
systems linchpins for the whole group.
the end of their next turn.
Combining the Spec Ops template with the Veteran or
Commander templates can lead to a team of charac-
The SPEC OPS ignores difficult and dangerous terrain.
terful and deadly mechs that will give the players a run
SPECIAL MUNITIONS TRAIT for their money, often capable of carrying entire scenes
The Spec Ops’ ranged attacks gain the following: on their own. When doing so you should be careful to
“On critical hit: The target is knocked PRONE.” not go overboard with optional systems as the addi-
tional overhead may be overwhelming. Adding addi-
Additionally, before making a ranged attack that deals
tional templates can also lead to quite powerful
kinetic, energy, or explosive damage, the SPEC OPS
interactions: you should use your own judgement
may swap that damage type for one of the other two.
when deciding what to throw at the players.
When picking out which NPC classes to use as Spec
Ops and deciding how to equip them, try to make the
team’s classes and loadouts varied, balanced and
interesting, while at the same time challenging for the
players. These are deadly operatives, and the players
[84] should feel that on the battlefield.

Artificial horrors beyond human comprehension. From biosynth-hybrid mechs and nanite-swarm
gestalt-schools to phase-shifted tachyon phantoms. A horror may come in many forms, but
those that are forced to face one in combat will always recognize it for what it is.


MUTATIONS TRAIT This trait can only be applied if the HORROR is
The Horror may choose 1 option from the Horror BIOLOGICAL. The HORROR is no longer BIOLOGICAL and
Mutations list plus an additional option per tier. gains HEAT CAP 6.


Trait, Protocol
Assimilation Maw
Superheavy Melee, +1/+2/+3 The HORROR gains IMMUNITY to PRONE and may move
[Threat 1][8/10/12 kinetic damage] up to 4 spaces as a protocol.
On hit: If the target is at half or less HP after this
attack is resolved, they must succeed on a HULL
Attacks against the HORROR suffer +1 DIFFICULTY if the
save or be reduced to 0 HP.
attacker has line of sight to the target.
Additionally, if the Horror destroys another
character with this weapon, allied or hostile, or hits FIELDING HORROR NPCS
a wreck, they regain 10/15/20 HP. Wrecks and HORRORS are “weird” NPCs. Much like the EXOTIC
allies are automatically hit by this weapon. Wrecks template, the HORROR template can represent
hit by this weapon are automatically destroyed. unknowns and niche mechs. The ARTIFICIAL trait also
means the HORROR template can be used to create
Disruptor Whip mechanized versions of biological entities such as
Main Melee, +2/+4/+6, +1 Accuracy HUMANS to represent combat subalterns (ignoring their
[Threat 3][0 damage] inability to take templates) or MONSTROSITIES to repres-
ent advanced lifelike mechs. Further, the HORROR
On hit: The target loses all OVERSHIELD.
template provides GMs with some tools that allow
them to put players on their toes by utilizing abilities
Superfluous Extremities that usually have little to no counterplay in the NPC
The HORROR gains +1 ACCURACY to GRAPPLE and may
ATOR, for example, allow a H ORROR to interact with
perform IMPROVISED ATTACK as a quick action.
OVERSHIELD and the INTANGIBLE status, respectively.
Phase-Shift Generator When utilizing these mutations, keep in mind that it
System, Recharge 4+, Protocol
isn’t fun for the players if you go overboard on them,
As a protocol, the HORROR may become INTANGIBLE
countering their build at each turn. Using them sparingly
until the start of their next turn. Alternatively they may
can be refreshing, however, forcing different strategies
and ultimately making the game more interesting for
The HORROR may not become INTANGIBLE if they used everyone.
this system on their last turn.
Lastly, when applying mutations from this template
ABOMINABLE TRAIT don’t feel that you need to go overboard. Even at higher
SCAN doesn’t reveal any information about the tiers, there is no requirement to pick the maximum
HORROR except that they are a HORROR. number of allowed mutations on each HORROR you have
in the scene.
Whenever the HORROR is reduced to 0 HP, they may
roll 1d6. On a 5+, they return to 1 HP and gain 3/4/5
OVERSHIELD. After this trait triggers once, it only
triggers again on a 6+.



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