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Cloud-Based Event-Triggered Predictive Control for

Heterogeneous NMASs Under Both DoS Attacks
and Transmission Delays
Xiuxia Yin , Zhiwei Gao , Senior Member, IEEE, Dong Yue, Fellow, IEEE, and Songlin Hu

Abstract—A novel compensation control method for heteroge- run out of network resources. This can destroy the necessary
neous multiagent systems under Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks information transmission [19]–[22] and 2) on the other hand,
and transmission delays is investigated in this article. This control the network communication delay is inevitable for the actual
method has all the advantages of the cloud-based computation
strategy, the adaptive event-triggered strategy, and the predictive system [26], [27], also for NMASs investigated in this arti-
control scheme. The adaptive event-triggering mechanism can cle. In these two situations, the consensus performance maybe
adjust the event numbers adaptively, the predictive control can deduced, or the consensus cannot realize at all if we ignore
reduce or eliminate the negative effects brought out by both DoS the negative effects of DoS attacks and transmission delays. In
attacks and transmission delays actively, while the cloud-based consequence, defending against or compensating for the neg-
computation strategy can eliminate the negative effects com-
pletely as the same as there are no DoS attacks and transmission ative effects caused by DoS attacks and transmission delays is
delays. Through the interval decomposition skill and the aug- an important security problem when designing the consensus
mented system modeling method, the compensated geschlossenes control for NMASs.
system model is established. Moreover, the joint design for the Furthermore, the communication network of NMASs
feedback gain matrices and the event-triggered parameters is often has resource constraints, such as bandwidth limi-
implemented. In the simulation part, five VTOL aircraft are used
to demonstrate the theoretical results. tations [18], [35]. The event-triggered transmission strat-
egy is an effective scheme to reduce the communication
Index Terms—Cloud computing, consensus, delay, Denial-of- resource utilization [13]–[17], [23] and has been applied for
Service (DoS) attacks, event-triggered scheme, predictive control.
NMASs [24], [25]. However, most existing works on event-
triggered consensus control are focused on the secure network,
I. I NTRODUCTION that is, without considering DoS attacks. Even recently, some
outstanding results have considered the elasticity control for
OR THE last few years, the investigation on consistency
F for MASs has attracted more and more concern for its
important and extensive applications [1]–[3], [7]–[10], [18].
NMASs by using the event-triggered strategy, consensus con-
trol for NMASs under DoS attacks [31], [32], [35], nearly all
of them passively accept the presence of attacks.
For the complex networked multiagent systems (NMASs), As we know, predictive control is a useful way to reduce
there are two aspects of the nonideal network environment or eliminate the negative effects caused by the transmission
that should be taken into account: 1) on the one hand, the delays or data losses [12], [34], [37]–[39]. However, for the
Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack often means such an attack case of NMASs with transmission delays, even based on the
that it can affect the implementation of network guidelines or classical time-triggered control, the consensus protocol design,
Manuscript received January 30, 2022; accepted March 6, 2022. This and the system analysis by using the predictive control are
work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation challenging due to the complexity and coupling relationship
of China under Grant 61963028 and Grant 62173187, and in part by the among agents, and by now only few results can be avail-
Jiangxi Province Academic and Technical Leader Training Program—Young
Talents Project under Grant 20212BCJ23040. This article was recommended able on this topic [36], [37]. In terms of the event-triggered
by Associate Editor H. Tianfield. (Corresponding authors: Zhiwei Gao; case, there is even less result that has been reported in the
Dong Yue.) open literature on consensus by using the predictive compen-
Xiuxia Yin is with the Department of Mathematics, School of
Science, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China (e-mail: yinxiuxia@ sation method [18], [40]. In our foregone investigation [18], for NMASs with transmission delays and in the way of adopt-
Zhiwei Gao is with the Faculty of Engineering and Environment, University ing the event transmission, predictive control is employed in
of Northumbria at Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST, U.K. (e-mail: order to element the effects brought out by the transmission
Dong Yue is with the College of Automation & College of delays, but it was assumed that the network is secure.
Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, When using the predictive control for NMASs, there is a
Nanjing 210023, P.R. China (e-mail:
Songlin Hu is with the Institute of Advanced Technology for Carbon challenging problem in the open literature, that is, the neigh-
Neutrality, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing bors’ state predictions are imprecise or not complete, this is
210023, P.R. China (e-mail: because the neighbors’ control information cannot be obtained
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at by agent i at every time step when calculating the neighbors
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMC.2022.3160510 predictive states. To our delight, cloud-based computing may
c 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Ramarao Adik Institute of Technology. Downloaded on November 11,2022 at 10:28:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


help us to solve the above problem [3], [6], [29], [30]. As Definition 1: The definition of consensus for (1) is referred
used in the important work [3], agents’ information will be to [37].
emitted to the cloud center via the Internet, where the control In this article, we assumed that all agents transmit their
end will generate a series of predictive control signals which information via a shared network and the network has a cloud-
are sent back to agents’ actuator side by networks. However, based computing center, see Fig. 1. Every agent is connected
work [3] was based on the classical time-triggered communi- to a cloud controller node (C-C node) via network, meanwhile,
cation strategy and did not consider the insecurity situation. each C-C node is linked to its neighbors. For agent i, who is its
In a word, up to now, there is no academic publication about neighbor depends on the agent’s information acquire ability.
the compensation control for NMASs with DoS attacks under The following assumptions are needed.
the event-triggered scheme, not to mention for NMASs with Assumption 1: There exist transmission delay τ between
both DoS attacks and transmission delays. sensor i and the C-C node i, and network delay d between the
Taking into account the above discussions, here we will C-C node i and the actuator i. The transmission delays among
put forward a novel compensation control structure, named as C-C nodes are negligible. τ and d are known integers. Indeed,
cloud-based adaptive event-triggered predictive control (CB- these delays are multiples of the sampling period T [3]–[5].
AETPC), which has integrated the cloud-based computing Assumption 2: There being a spanning tree in the directed
scheme, the adaptive event-triggered transmission strategy, communication topology.
and the predictive control method altogether. The specific Assumption 3: In all the data transmission, each data are
contributions are shown as follows. timestamped.
1) This article puts forward an innovative CB-AETPC
approach. Based on the available event-triggered state B. DoS Jamming Attacks
information of agents, the real states at the current time
This article focuses on the devastating DoS attacks, which
of agents are all predicted completely at the cloud-based
can block the information transmission among agents.
control node and so the predictive controllers can be
Definition 2 (Attack Frequency): This definition is referred
to [19] and [31].
2) The investigated system is heterogeneous NMASs, all
Definition 3 (Attack Duration): This definition is referred
agents have different evolutionary properties. A new
to [19] and [31].
consensus control protocol that makes it convenient for
Assumption 4: The upper bound of the DoS attack duration
us to build the geschlossenes system is proposed.
time is M for a single attack. This is reasonable since the
3) Through the interval decomposition skill and the aug-
attackers often have limited energies.
mented system modeling method, the consistency crite- j
Assumption 5: It is assumed that the initial times t0i = t0 =
ria are obtained and the joint design of feedback gain
t0 , i = j.
matrices and the event-triggering parameter matrices is
In all, the proposed CB-AETPC has the advantages of C. Adaptive Event-Triggered Scheme
reducing the utilization of the limited network resources sig- Event generator ai can help to judge that if the current state
nificantly, compensating for the DoS attacks and networked needs to be transmitted to the C-C node i through network, see
transmission delays completely and guaranteeing the desired Fig. 1. For easy understanding, we use tki to describe the kth
consensus control performance. event-triggered time and xi (tki ) represent the event-triggered
Section II displays the consensus problem to be solved. state for agent i, k = 1, 2, . . . , i ∈ SN . For agent i, the event-
The details of CB-AETPC are displayed in Section III. The triggered function fi (·) is defined as follows:
consensus analysis is shown in Section IV. We make some     T     
experimental results in Section V and summarize the content fi (·) = xi tki + l − xi tki i xi tki + l − xi tki
in Section VI. − μi tki + l ŵTi tki + l i ŵi tki + l (2)
II. S OME P REPARATION AND S YSTEM D ESCRIPTION where ŵi (tki + l) = − j∈Ni aij (xi (tki ) − x̂j (tk (ti )+s )), the state
ij mi
The graph theory can be seen in [18]. j −
→ j
x̂j (tk (ti )+s ) ∈ X j (tk (ti ) ) (its definition will be given in the
ij mi ij mi

A. System Model Statement next section) is the latest predicted event-triggered state for
current time t = tki +l of neighbor j, and i > 0, μi (·) satisfies
We consider the discrete heterogeneous NMASs, including
the following adaptive law:
N agents denoted by 1, 2, . . . , N. Every agent’s dynamics is  
described by the following equation: μi tki + l
xi (t + 1) = Ai xi (t) + Bi ui (t) (1) λ − μi tki + l − 1
=λ−     T      (3)
with xi (t) ∈ Rnand ui (t) ∈ Rm
representing the state variable 1 + xi tki + l − xi tki i xi tki + l − xi tki
and control variable for agent i. i ∈ SN and SN  {1, 2, . . . , N}. where λ > 0 is given in advance. When xi (tki ) is triggered, the
Ai and Bi are system matrices with dimensions Rn×n and next trigger moment is judged by
Rn×m , respectively. Bi is assumed to be a full-row rank. xi (t0i ),  
i ∈ SN are the initial states of agents. i
tk+1 = tki + min lki , q (4)

Authorized licensed use limited to: Ramarao Adik Institute of Technology. Downloaded on November 11,2022 at 10:28:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 1. System structure.

lki = min l|μi tki + l ŵTi tki + l i ŵi tki + l When there exist both DoS attacks and transmission delays,
l∈Z +
    T      the detailed consensus control, i.e., the CB-AETPC, will be
< xi tki + l − xi tki i xi tki + l − xi tki designed in the next section.
where q > 0 and it is an integer.
Remark 1: The adaptive law in (3) can help us to adjust the The previous works [3], [18], [36] have investigated the
transmission numbers timely according to the system dynam- predictive control consensus for NMASs, with the purpose of
ics [17], [18]. Furthermore, the adaptive law (4) can facilitate compensating for the communication delays or dealing with
us to deduce the following Lemma 2, which is necessary and the data dropout. However, there exists one common horny
important for us to analyze the consistency performance and problem in the previous investigation: when designing the dis-
obtain the consistency criteria. tributed predictive control for each agent i, it needs to predict
Assumption 6: For the initial time interval [t0i , t0i + τ + d), the future states information not only for agent i itself but also
the dynamic system (1) is working as follows: for its neighbors, and it is impossible to predict the precise
states for the neighbors, since neighbor’s control information
xi (t + 1) = Ai xi (t) + Bi ui (t) (6) cannot be obtained by agent i directly at each time.
ui (t) = 0. (7) Insight by work [3], it is possible to use a cloud-based com-
putation method to deal with the problem mentioned above.
The event generator ai also starts working at the initial time Here, we try to combine this ideal with the event-triggered
t0i , in order to facilitate the following analysis, it is assumed transmission scheme to solve the resilient (compensation) con-
that all the states in the time interval [t0i , t0i + τ + d) are not trol problem for NMASs with both transmission delays and
released. Let xi (t0i + τ + d)  xi (t1i ), which will be sent to C-C malicious DoS attacks. The overall framework for this method
node i as the first event-triggered state. Then, the subsequent can be seen in Fig. 1. The calculated event-triggered states
event-triggered states will be adjusted by the event generator xi (tki ) of each agent i will be sent out to its C-C node. Each C-
ai according to (2)–(4). C node i has the ability of predicting state information of itself
In this article, for the heterogeneous NMASs (1), based on and calculating the predictive control sequences by using the
the event-triggered transmission scheme above, if there do not predictive model embedded in it. One can see the details about
exist DoS attacks and transmission delays, we can design the the communication and computation relationship between C-
consensus control as follows: C nodes i and j in Fig. 2. The predicted control signals will
 i  i  −

ui (t) = −B−1
j be packed together in U i and sent back to the actuators of
iR A i xi t k − Ki aij xi t k − xj t kj (8)
j∈Ni individual agents via the shared network. There exists a selec-
tor (which contains three parts: 1) “actuator i”; 2) “buffer i1 ”;
where B−1
iR is the right inverse of matrix Bi and xj (tkj ) is and 3) “control selector” as in Fig. 3) at each agent’s actuator
the latest event-triggered state of neighbor agent j for current side, which is used to select the suitable control input ui by

time t. comparing the timestamps on the control elements in U i and
Remark 2: As stated in work [36], the full rank of Bi guar- the current time, please see Fig. 3 and the following detailed
antees that Bi has right inverse B−1 −1
iR . The solve method of BiR descriptions in (29)–(31).
−1 −1
can be illustrated by BiR = WBi (Bi WBi ) , where W can be
T T Assumption 7: At each agent’s C-C node, there is also
any matrix satisfying rank (Bi WBTi ) = rank Bi , i ∈ SN . embedded an event-triggered generator bi together with the

Authorized licensed use limited to: Ramarao Adik Institute of Technology. Downloaded on November 11,2022 at 10:28:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


t̂0+1  t0i + τ + d (11)
t̂0+r+1 + min l , q
t̂0+r (12)
 i 0+r
= min l|0 (·, ·) i 0 (·, ·)
l0+r T i
l∈Z +
i  T i  i 
> μ̂i t̂0+r + l ŵi t̂0+r + l i ŵi t̂0+r + l
i  λ − μ̂i t̂0+r + l − 1
μ̂i t̂0+r +l = λ− (14)
1 + i0 (·, ·)T i i0 (·, ·)
 i |ti ) − x̂ (t̂j |tj )] if
with ŵi (t̂0+r i + l) = − j∈Ni aij [x̂i (t̂0+r 0 j 0+s 0
j j
t = t0+r i + l ∈ [t̂0+r
i , t̂i
0+r+1 ) ∩ [ t̂ , t̂
0+s 0+s+1 ). i0 (·, ·) =
[x̂i (t̂0+r + l|t0 ) − x̂i (t̂0+r |t0 )] and i are the same as in (5).
i i i i

x̂i (t̂0+1
i ) represents the first predicted event state on account
of xi (t0i ) and x̂i (t̂0+r
i ) expresses the subsequent predicted event

states for agent i. The predictive model is working as follows:

x̂i t + 1|t0i = Ai x̂i t|t0i + Bi ûi t|t0i (15)

ûi t|t0 = −B−1 i
iR Ai x̂i t̂0+r t0
Fig. 2. C-C nodes.    
i i j j
− Ki aij x̂i t̂0+r t0 − x̂j t̂0+s t0
predictive model, which is used to generate forward event- t ∈ t0 + τ + d, t0 + 2τ + 2d + 2q + M)
triggered states and event-triggered control predictions to  i  
eliminate the bad influences of communication delays and the ∩ t̂ri , t̂r+1 ∩ t̂sj , t̂s+1
possible DoS attacks. j
r = 1, . . . , L0i , s = 1, . . . , L0 (16)
By using event generator bi , the size of the control packet

U i will not be very large and this point will be further illus- with L0i satisfies that t̂Li i ≤ t0i + 2τ + 2d + 2q + M < t̂Li i +1 .
0 0
trated in the following Remark 8. The detailed realize process j
L0 satisfies the similar relationship. Then, we can obtain the
for CB-AETPC is given in the following two situations. −

predictive states in X i (t0i ) = {x̂i (t̂1i |t0i ), x̂i (t̂2i |t0i ), . . . , x̂i (t̂Li i |t0i )}

→ 0

A. For the Initial Time Interval and X i (t0i ) is sent to its neighbors. It should be noted that
j j
the predicted event-triggered state information x̂j (t̂s |t0 ) ∈
For easy understanding, we first take the initial state xi (t0i ) of −
→ j j j j j j j
agent i as an example. Assume that xi (t0i ) is transmitted to the X j (t0 ) = {x̂j (t̂1 |t0 ), x̂j (t̂2 |t0 ), . . . , x̂j (t̂ j |t0 )} of neighbor agent
network successfully and the network is not subjected to DoS j is calculated at C-C node j and the calculation process is
attack in the initial time interval [t0i , t0i + τ + d]. Considering similar to (9)–(16).
j j
the transmission delay, xi (t0i ) will arrive at the C-C node side Remark 4: Each predict state information x̂j (t̂s |t0 ) of neigh-
at the time t0i + τ , let x̂i (t0i |t0i ) = xi (t0i ), then the predictive bor j is sent to agent i’s C-C node (indeed, it is sent to buffer
model in the C-C node i will work as follows: ij [15] in Fig. 2) once it is calculated for the timely use of
      event generator bi . The reason for sending the state package

→ j
x̂i t + 1|t0i = Ai x̂i t|t0i + Bi ui t|t0i (9) X j (t0 ) to agent i via network after the prediction is completed
    j j
ui t|t0i = 0, t ∈ t0i , t0i + τ + d . (10) for the time interval [t0 + τ + d, t0 + 2τ + 2d + 2q + M) is

→ j
that X j (t0 ) is also needed to be sent to agent i’s sensor side
In the predictive time interval [t0i , t0i + τ + d) at the C-C node for the use of event generator ai , j ∈ Ni . Indeed, each agent
i, the event triggered generator bi works the same way as the should to do so. This remark is also suitable for the following
event generator ai as stated in Assumption 6. general case.
Remark 3: All the initial states xi (t0i ) of agents can also
be assumed to be transmitted successfully, and so the initial B. For the General Time Interval
control is not zero. This may help us to improve the consensus
performance. It is just an assumption, each hypothesis has its Now, we consider the general case. Assume that xi (tm i )

practical significance. is the mi th successfully transmitted event-triggered state for

Then, for the further prediction time interval [t0i + τ + d, agent i from sensor to the C-C node i with transmission
t0 + 2τ + 2d + 2q + M) at agent i’s C-C node, it is needed
i delay τ , that is, xi (tm
i ) will arrive at the C-C node i at time

to predict further state information and control information for tmi + τ . It is clear that {xi (tm
i i )} ⊂ {x (ti )} and {ti } ⊂ {ti }.
i i k mi k
the use of compensating for the DoS attacks that might happen To make the key idea of this mechanism easier to follow, let
in this real time interval. The event generator bi is working as x̂i (t̂m
i |ti ) = x (ti ) and use T
i mi i mi i
tm = {tmi , t̂i
i mi +1
, . . . , t̂m
i i mi

Authorized licensed use limited to: Ramarao Adik Institute of Technology. Downloaded on November 11,2022 at 10:28:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 3. Control selector.

i < t̂i
i mi +1 < · · · < t̂mi +Lm
i ) to express the predicted event {x̂i (tm
i |ti ), x̂ (t̂i
i mi i mi +1 |tmi ), . . . , x̂i (t̂m +Li |tmi )} and controllers
i i i
i i mi
moments set according to event generator bi , that is ûi (tm
i |ti ), û (t̂i
i mi i mi +1 |tmi ), . . . , ûi (t̂m +Li |tmi ) will be iteratively
i i i
i  i mi
t̂m = tm
+ min lm ,q (17) calculated as follows. First, x̂i (tm
i |ti ) = x (ti ) and
i mi
i +1 i i i mi
lm = min l|imi tm i
, l i imi tm
,l    i   i 
i i
l∈Z + i
i  i  i  x̂i t + 1|tm i
= Ai x̂i t|tm + Bi ûi t|tm (25)
> μ̂i tm + l ŵTi tm + l i ŵi tm +l  i 
i i
 − → i

i i i
ûi t|tmi = ûi t|tmi −βi (t) ∈ U i tmi −βi (t)

(18) i i 
i  λ − μ̂i tm +l−1 t ∈ tm ,t + τ + d
i mi

μ̂i tm +l = λ−  
1 + imi tmi , l T  i t i , l ∩ tm
i −βi (t)
+ τ + d, tm
i −βi (t)+1
+τ +d
i mi mi
i i
t̂m i +r+1
= t̂m
i +r
+ min lm i +r
,q (19)
i T i 
lm i +r
= min l|imi t̂m i +r
, l i imi t̂mi +r
l∈Z + where βi (t) is an integer and satisfies 1 ≤ βi (t) ≤ τ + d.
> μ̂i t̂mi +r
+ l ŵTi (·)i ŵi (·) (20) Furthermore
i  λ − μ̂i t̂m i +r
+l−1    i   i 
μ̂i t̂mi +r
+ l = λ − i T i  x̂i t + 1|tm i
= Ai x̂i t|tm + Bi ûi t|tm (27)
1 + imi t̂m i +r
, l i imi t̂m i +r
,l i i
 i  i
= −B−1 
iR Ai x̂i t̂mi +r tmi − Ki
r = 1, 2, . . . , Lm
(21) ûi t|tm i
imi (tm i , l) = [x̂ (ti + l|ti ) − x (ti )], i (t̂i       
i i mi mi i mi mi mi +r , l) = i 
· x̂i t̂mi +r tmi − x̂j t̂  t j
[x̂i (t̂mi +r + l|tm
i i ) − x̂ (t̂i |t i )], Li meets that ti ≤ i 
+s  kij
i i mi +r mi mi m +Li i i i
mi kij tm i
tm i
i + 2τ
tm + 2d + 2q + M < i
tm . ŵi (·) = ŵi (t̂m
i + l) with i 
i +Lmi +1
i i +r
t ∈ tm + τ + d, tm i
+ 2τ + 2d + 2q + M
i i
i  i  j j
ŵi tm +l =− aij xi tmi − x̂j t̂
j  t  (22) ∩ t̂mi +r , t̂mi +r+1 ∩ t̂ i  , t̂ i 
i i
i i
kij tm +s kij tm
i kij tmi +s kij tmi +s+1
j∈Ni i i
r= 0, 1, . . . , Lm
, s = 0, 1, . . . , L . (28)
j j i
for t = tm
i + l ∈ [ti , t̂i
mi mi +1 ) ∩ [t̂k , t̂k ) and kij tm i
ij (tmi )+s ij (tmi )+s+1
i i i

ŵi t̂mi +r
+l Once the prediction is completed, the prediction state vector
→ i
i  X i (tmi ) of agent i is transmitted to its neighbors’ C-C nodes
aij x̂i t̂mi +r tmi − x̂j t̂
i j  t j  (23)
kij tm i
+s  kij i
tm i
for the use of calculating the neighbors’ prediction controllers
j∈Ni and also transmitted to neighbors’ sensor node via the network
j j for the use of event generator aj , j ∈ Ni . See Fig. 2.
if t = t̂m
i +r
+ l ∈ [t̂m i , t̂i
i +r mi +r+1
) ∩ [t̂k (ti )+s , t̂k (ti )+s+1 ),
ij mi ij mi Remark 5: Each agent’s buffer i2 in Fig. 2 is used to store
where −

 enough predicted control packets U i (·) for the use of (25)
i  and (26), the main purpose is to ensure that the control
kij tmi
 arg min t i
m i
+ τ − t j
m j
+ τ |tmj
+ τ ≤ tm i
+τ .
mj inputs for the predictive dynamic system (25) and for the real
(24) dynamic system (1) or (30) are the same for the time interval
[tmi , ti + τ + d). The reason for 1 ≤ β (t) ≤ τ + d is that
j i
From (24), it is clear that xj (tk (ti ) ) is the latest suc- i mi
ij mi tmi ≥ tm
i i
i −τ −d
+ τ + d.
cessfully transmitted event-triggered state before time For the prediction time interval [tm i + τ + d, ti + 2τ +
i + τ for agent j. x̂ (t̂i mi
i mi +1 ) represents the first pre-
tm i 2d + 2q + M), from (28), we can observe that ûi (t|tm i )
dicted event state on account of xi (tm i ) and x̂ (t̂i
i i mi +r ) is updated not only at the predictive event-triggered

expresses the future predicted event states. According to i , t̂i , . . . , t̂m

i ) and the predicted state signals in − → j time instants tm i mi +1
of agent i, but also
i +Lmi
xi (tm X j (tk (ti ) ) =
i ij mi updated at some of the predictive event-triggered instants
j j j j j j j
{x̂j (tk |t ), . . . , x̂j (t̂ |tk )} from tk (ti ) , t̂k (ti )+1 , . . . , t̂ i of its neighbors j, j ∈ Ni ,
ij (tmi ) k ij (tmi ) ij (tmi )
i i i )+Lj i j
kij (tm i )
ij mi j ij mi kij (tmi )+L i )
i kij (tm kij (tm

→ i −
→ i i
C-C node j, the prediction of states X i (tmi ) = so the packaged and transmitted control vector U i (tmi
) from

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 4. Information transmission.

C-C node i to actuator i (also to buffer i2 ) will be as follows: transmitted successfully to the agent i’s actuator side.
⎧   For this case, the prediction step τ + d is enough.

− i i  j  2) The second case is that the event-triggered state xi (tki )
U i tmi = ûi tmi tmi , ûi t̂mi +1 tmi , . . . , ûi t i  t i 

⎩ kij tmi kij tmi is transmitted to the C-C node i successfully but U i (tki )
      is subjected to the DoS attacks, so agent i’s actuator
j i −

, . . . , ûi t̂ i  t i  , . . . , ûi t̂m +Li tm
i cannot receive U i (tki ) at time tki + τ + d. See xi (tk+1 i )
kij tmi +s  kij tm i mi i
and xi (tk+2 ) in Fig. 4.

 ⎬ 3) The third case is the worst case, that is, xi (tki ) is subjected
, . . . , ûi ⎝t̂ i  j
j t ⎠ . (29) to DoS attacks, so there is no information received by
kij tmi +L  kij ti ⎭
kij (tm
i ) mi
the C-C node i at time tki + τ . See xi (tk+3 i ), xi (tk+4
i ) and

→ i xi (tk+5 ) in Fig. 4. However, it is hard to know when
The control elements in U i (tm i
) are arranged in chronological there will start the DoS attacks, so we have to predict for
order (time sequence) according to the timestamps added on the worst case at each time the C-C node receives new

→ i
them. When U i (tm ) is transmitted at agent i’s actuator side at event-triggered state xi (tki ). 2τ + 2d + 2q + M prediction

→ i
the time tmi +τ +d, the old control packet U i (tm
i −1
) in buffer steps are needed.
i1 will be discarded and the real control inputs for NMASs (1) Remark 7: Let S  2τ +2d+2q+M. Indeed, for the general

→ i
will be selected in U i (tm ) by comparing the timestamps on case, each agent’s prediction step should be 2S. This is because

→i i the event-triggered instants for agents are general different, in
the control elements in U i (tm ) and the current time j i (< tj j
most cases, tk (ti ) < tm i i )+1 ) and so tk (ti ) + S <
kij (tm
ij mi ij mi
xi (t + 1) = A

→ i
⎧i xi (t) + Bi ui (t) 
(30) i +S < tj
tm +S. When calculating X i (t ), maybe some
⎪ i j i k (t )+1
ij mi
i mi

ûi t̂m +r t if i
t̂m i +r
≥ t̂  j
⎨ i m i
kij i
tm +s information of agent j between the time interval [tk + S,
   i ij (tmi )
ui (t) = j

⎪ j t j i + S) ( ⊂ [t
j j
+ S, tk + S)) is needed. Taking

⎩ ûi t̂ i

if t̂m i +r
< t̂  i k ij (tmi )
ij (tmi )+1
kij tmi +s kij tm
i i
kij tm +s j j
i i
into account that tk (ti )+1 − tk (ti ) ≤ S, so the prediction
 ui t|tm ij mi ij mi
   step 2S is enough for any case. Owning to the modern com-

= −B−1 i ti − Ki puter calculation ability, there is no problem. However, for
iR Ai x̂i t̂m i +r  mi
j∈Ni easy understanding according to Fig. 4, we just assume that
i j the prediction step is 2τ + 2d + 2q + M in the above writing.
· x̂i t̂mi +r tmi − x̂j t̂  t
i j  Remark 8: Event generator ai is used to save the
kij tm +s  kij tm

network transmission resources. However, compared with the
t ∈ tm
+ τ + d, t i
+ τ + d works [33], [34], event generator bi is used to prevent the
i mi +1
→ i
 control packet U i (tmi
) s size from getting too large.
j j
∩ t̂mi +r , t̂mi +r+1 ∩ t̂ i  , t̂ i 
i i
kij tmi +s kij tmi +s+1
To establish the geschlossenes system model for NMASs (1)
Remark 6: The reason for us to choose the prediction step with the CB-AETPC (10), (16), (26), and (28) to analysis
as 2τ + 2d + 2q + M can be illustrated in Fig. 4. Three cases the consensus performance, we need to deduce the following
should be thought. important lemma first.
1) The first case is also the best case, that is, xi (tki ) is suc- Lemma 1: Assume that the initial event-triggered parame-
cessfully transmitted to the C-C node i and meanwhile ters μi (t0i ) and μ̂i (t0i ) for (3) and (14) are the same, i ∈ SN .

the corresponding predicted control package U i (tki ) is Then, for any time t ∈ [t0i , +∞), the state xi (t) of system (1)

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


for agent i is the same as its predictive state constructed = Ai x̂i tm
i +1
+ τ + d − 1|tm
i +1
in (9), (15), (25), and (27), that is 
  + Bi ûi tm i
i +1
+ τ + d − 1|tm i
i +1−βi (t)
xi (t) = x̂i t|t0i , t ∈ i0 (32)  
 i  = Ai x̂i t|tmi +1 + Bi ûi t|tmi +1−βi (t)
i i
xi (t) = x̂i t|tmi , t ∈ mi i
= Ai xi (t) + Bi ûi t|tmi
where i0  [t0i , t0i + τ + d) and imi  [tm i + τ + d, ti
i mi +1 +
i +1−βi (t)
τ + d), then 0 ∪ {∪mi =1 mi } = [t0 , +∞). Furthermore
i i = xi (t + 1).
i  i 
xi tmi +r
= x̂i t̂m |ti and tm
i +r mi
i +r
= t̂m
i +r
(34) For (34), it can be easily deduced by taking into account
that μi (t0i ) = μ̂i (t0i ) and the event-triggering conditions in (3)
for any time interval imi .
and (4) for event generator ai , and (11)–(14) and (17)–(21) for
Proof: For the initial case (32), it is easy to see that xi (t) =
event generator bi are the same.
x̂i (t|t0i ) for ∀t ∈ i0 , since the initial states xi (t0i ) = x̂i (t0i ) and
According to the above proofs, we can complete this lemma.
the dynamic systems in (6) and (7), and (9) and (10) are the
Taking into account Lemma 1, the control in (31) can be
For the proof of the general case (33), we will use the
rewritten as follows:
mathematical induction method. For ∀t ∈ [t0i , +∞)\i0 ,
there exist one time interval imi and nonnegative integers i 
ui (t) = −B−1
iR Ai xi tmi +r
r, s, and p, s.t. t = tm i + p ∈ i ∩ [t̂i
i mi mi +r , t̂mi +r+1 ) ∩
j j i 
[t̂k (ti )+s , t̂k (ti )+s+1 ). Assume that xi (t) = x̂i (t|tmi ), the fol-
− Ki aij xi tmi +r − xj t
ij mi ij mi i
kij tm +s
lowing two situations should be proved separately. Situation j∈Ni i
(1), xi (t + 1) = x̂i (t + 1|tm i ) if (t + 1) ∈ i and Situation
i mi 
j j
(2), xi (t + 1) = x̂i (t + 1|tmi +1 ) if t + 1 = tm
i i + τ + d, that t∈ imi ∩ i
tm , ti
i +r mi +r+1
∩ t  ,t  .
i +1 i
kij tm +s kij tm
i +s+1
is when t + 1 just equal to the left end point of the next time i i

interval imi +1 .
For Situation (1), from system (30), control (31), the state
prediction system (27), and control (28), we have that The closed-loop system of NMASs (1) can be further obtained
 i   i  as follows:
xi (t + 1) = Ai x̂i t|tm + Bi ûi t|tm
 i i 
= x̂i t + 1|tm i
. xi (t + 1) = Ai xi (t) − Bi B−1
iR Ai xi tmi +r
i  j
For Situation (2), taking into account (25), control (26) − Bi Ki aij xi tmi +r − xj t  (36)
and (30), and control (31), we have that
kij tm i
x̂i tm + 1|t i t ∈ imi ∩ tm
, ti
i +r mi +r+1
i +1 mi +1
 j j
= Ai x̂i tm
|ti + Bi ûi tm
|ti  ∩ t  ,t  . (37)
i +1 mi +1 i +1 i mi +1−βi tm +1
kij tm +s kij tm
i +s+1
i i

= i
Ai xi tm i +1
+ Bi ûi tm
i +1 m +1−β ti
 Denote ei (t) = xi (t) − xi (tm
i +r
) if t in the time interval
i i m +1 j

i i
[tm , ti
i +r mi +r+1
) and denote ej (t) = xj (t) − xj (tk (ti )+s ) if
ij mi
= i
xi tm +1
i +1 t in the time interval [tk
j j
, tk ), let X(t) =
 ij (tmi )+s
ij (tmi )+s+1
x̂i tm i +1
+ 2|t i
mi +1 [x1T (t) x2T (t) · · · xN
T (t)]T , and e(t) = [eT (t) eT (t) · · · eT (t)]T ,
1 2 N
 the geschlossenes system is obtained as follows:
= Ai x̂i tm
i +1
+ 1|tm
i +1
X(t + 1) = Āe(t) − B̄K̄(L ⊗ In )X(t) + B̄K̄(L ⊗ In )e(t).
+ i
Bi ûi tm i +1
+ 1|ti 
mi +1−βi tm
+1 +1

 Here, Ā = diag{A1 , A2 , . . . , AN }, B̄ = diag{B1 , B2 , . . . , BN },
 and K̄ = diag{K1 , K2 , . . . , KN }.
= Ai xi tmi +1 + 1 + Bi ûi tm
i i
i +1
+ 1|ti 
Furthermore, let δi (t) = xi (t) − x1 (t) and δ(t) =
mi +1−βi tm
+1 +1i
i  [δ2T (t) δ3T (t) · · · δNT (t)]T , and taking into account the following
= xi tm+1 +2 relationships:
.  X(t) = (E2 ⊗ In )δ(t) + (1N ⊗ In )x1 (t) (38)
x̂i t + 1|tm
i +1
 δ(t) = (E1 ⊗ In )X(t) (39)
= i
x̂i tm i +1
+τ + d|tm
i +1 L1N = 0 (40)

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where E1 = [1N−1 − IN−1 ] and E2 = col{0, −IN−1 }, the where i ∈ SN . ρ > 0 is given in advance, and
following geschlossenes system model (41) can be deduced: H1 = −(E1 ⊗ In )B̄K̄(LE2 ⊗ In )
δ(t + 1) = −(E1 ⊗ In )B̄K̄(LE2 ⊗ In )δ(t) H2 = (E1 ⊗ In )Ā + (E1 ⊗ In )B̄K̄(L ⊗ In ).
+ (E1 ⊗ In )Āe(t) + (E1 ⊗ In )B̄K̄(L ⊗ In )e(t). Proof: We choose the following Lyapunov functional can-
(41) didate:
V(t, δ(t)) = δ T (t)Pδ(t)
where P > 0 is unknown.
The coming lemmas are important and necessary to discuss
Computing V(t, δ(t)) along the trajectories of (41) and in
the consensus of NMASs (1) according to the geschlossenes
consideration of the relationship (43) in relation to (4) and (5),
system (41).
it can be obtained that
Lemma 2: If the initial event-triggered parameters μi (0) ∈
(0, λ], we can obtain that V(t, δ(t))
μi (0) ≤ μi (t) ≤ λ ≤ T
1P − δ T (t)Pδ(t) + 2TT λ 2 − eT (t)e(t)
(42) ( 
  −P 0
and furthermore = δ T (t) eT (t) + [H1 H2 ]T P[H1 H2 ]
0 −
)( )
eT (t)e(t) ≤ [(LE2 ⊗ In )δ(t) − (L ⊗ In )e(t)]T δ(t)
+ [F1 F2 ]T λ−1 [F1 F2 ]
· λ[(LE2 ⊗ In )δ(t) − (L ⊗ In )e(t)] (43) e(t)
i ∈ SN , t ∈ [t0i , +∞) = ∪∞ k=0 [tk , tk+1 ), 
i i = 
diag{ 1 , 2 , . . . , N }. 1 = −(E1 ⊗ In )B̄K̄(LE2 ⊗ In )δ(t)

Proof: The relationship in (42) can be proved by using + (E1 ⊗ In )Āe(t) + (E1 ⊗ In )B̄K̄(L ⊗ In )e(t)
the mathematical induction method and the proving process = [(LE2 ⊗ In )δ(t) − (L ⊗ In )e(t)]
is similar to [18], so we omit it here.
Now, we give the proof of (43). From the event-triggering F1 = LE2 ⊗ In , F2 = −L ⊗ In .
conditions (4) and (5) and Lemma 1, the following inequality By adopting the Schur complement method, V(t, δ(t)) < 0
holds: for any t ∈ {1, 2, . . .} if
⎡ ⎤
eTi (t)i ei (t) ≤ μi (t)wTi (t)i wi (t) −P ∗ ∗ ∗
⎢ 0 − ∗ ∗ ⎥
 ⎢ ⎥
j j
with wi (t) = − j∈Ni aij (xi (tki ) − xj (tkj )), where xj (tkj ) is the ⎣ H1 H2 −P−1 ∗ ⎦
latest event-triggered state of agent j for current time t ∈ (LE2 ⊗ In ) −(L ⊗ In ) 0 −λ−1 
[tki , tk+1
i ). Then for the augmented form, we have that <0
eT (t)e(t) ≤ [(L ⊗ In )X(t) − (L ⊗ In )e(t)]T λ and using Lemma 3, we have that −P−1 = −IP−1 I ≤ 2 P −
· [(L ⊗ In )X(t) − (L ⊗ In )e(t)] 2ρI with any ρ > 0, so we can obtain the condition in (44).
So that is the proof.
where Hi is the ith row of the Laplace matrix L. Taking Remark 9: Making comparisons with [18] and [41], where
into account that (38) and (40), then (43) is satisfied. This agent i has no ability to detect the current or future predicted
completes the proof. control information of its neighbors, thus in the prediction of
Lemma 3 [11]: The relationship −X T P−1 X ≤ ρ 2 P − 2ρX neighbor’s state x̂j for agent i’s predictive control calculation,
holds for any ρ > 0, where P > 0 and X is symmetric. it was assumed that uj (t) = 0. However, this article is based on
Based on the above preparations, now we deduce the consis- the cloud-based computing control, all agents can obtain the
tency criteria for NMASs (1) under the proposed CB-AETPC. information they required, so the neighbor’s accurately pre-
i in (5) and Ki in (31) or in (35) can also be co-designed by dicted state information x̂j can be obtained by agent i’s C-C
applying the LMI technique. node timely. So the DoS attacks and the transmission delays
Theorem 1: For given system matrices Ai and Bi and the are compensated completely.
upper bound of the event-triggering parameter λ, NMASs (1)
can achieve consistency with DoS attacks and transmis- VI. N UMERICAL E XAMPLE
sion delays if there exist P > 0, block diagonal matrix In this part, we take a group of five agents (VTOL) with
 = diag{ 1 , 2 , . . . , N } > 0, and augmented different dynamics to validate the theoretical results. Four of
feedback matrix K̄ = diag{K1 , K2 , . . . , KN } with appropriate which are VTOL aircraft and one is the leader with velocity
dimensions such that the following inequality is met: 135 kt [28]. The dynamic matrices Ai and Bi of agents are
⎡ ⎤
−P ∗ ∗ ∗ proposed as follows:
⎢ ⎡ ⎤
⎢ 0 − ∗ ∗ ⎥ ⎥ −0.0366 0.0271 0.0188 −0.4555
⎣ H1 H2 2 P − 2ρI ∗ ⎦ ⎢ 0.0482 −1.01 0.0024 −4.0208 ⎥
−λ−1  A1 = −⎢ ⎣ 0.1002 0.3681 −0.707

(LE2 ⊗ In ) −(L ⊗ In ) 0 1.420 ⎦
<0 (44) 0 0 1 0

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(a) (b)

Fig. 5. Consensus performance for case (1). (a) States of all agents. (b) Consensus errors of agent 5.

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
0.4422 0.1761 0.578 0 0.0413 0.0006 −0.0003 −0.0086 0.0601
⎢ 3.5446 −7.5922 0 0.909 0 ⎥ ⎢ 0.0007 −0.0004 −0.0098 0.0685 ⎥
B1 = ⎢ ⎥. ⎢ ⎥
⎣ −5.52 4.49 1.237 0.321 1 ⎦ K2 = 103 × ⎢
⎢ −0.0006 0.0003 0.0085 −0.0588 ⎥⎥
0.1 0.593 0 0 4.172 ⎣ 0.0035 −0.0018 −0.0484 0.3377 ⎦
−0.0001 0.0001 0.0016 −0.0112
⎡ ⎤
A2 = 2A1 , A3 = 3A1 , A4 = A1 , and A5 = −A1 , and B2 = 0.7858 −0.0414 0.0105 0.0002
0.1B1 , B3 = 0.2B1 , B4 = 0.3B1 , and B5 = 0.4B1 . ⎢ −0.0414 0.4151 0.1307 0.1652 ⎥
3 = 10 × ⎣
6 ⎢ ⎥
The communication relationship among agents can be 0.0105 0.1307 0.8528 −0.048 ⎦
shown by the corresponding Laplace matrix given as follows: 0.0002 0.1652 −0.0480 1.4062
⎡ ⎤
⎡ ⎤ 0.0020 −0.0559 0.0073 −0.04877
3 −1 0 −1 −1 ⎢ −0.0023 −0.0637 −0.0083 −0.0556 ⎥
⎢ −1 4 −1 −1 −1 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ K3 = 103 × ⎢
⎢ −0.0020 −0.0547 −0.0071 0.0478 ⎥⎥
⎢ 0 −1 3 −1 −1 ⎥
⎥. ⎣ −0.0113 −0.3138 0.0410 −0.2736 ⎦
⎣ −1 0 −1 3 −1 ⎦ −0.0004 0.0104 −0.0014 0.0091
−1 0 −1 0 2 ⎡ ⎤
1.4871 −0.0363 0.0153 −0.0055
⎢ −0.0363 1.0871 0.1655 −0.1516 ⎥
The initial conditions of each agent are set as x1 (0) = 4 = 10 × ⎢
⎣ 0.0153

0.1655 1.3714 0.0913 ⎦
[ 0.2 1 −2 0.5 ]T , x2 (0) = [ 1 2 3 −1 ]T , x3 (0) =
−0.0055 −0.1516 0.0913 1.1145
[ 4 0 4 −2 ]T , x4 (0) = [ 9 −2 7 −5 ]T , and x5 (0) = ⎡ ⎤
[ 5 0 3 −1 ]T . Assume that the transmission delays for all 0.0001 0.0044 −0.0119 0.0471
⎢ 0.0002 0.0051 −0.0137 0.0545 ⎥
agents are the same as τ + d = 5T with T = 0.01. The upper ⎢ ⎥
bound of the event-triggered parameters is λ = 0.6 × 10−3 K4 = 103 × ⎢
⎢ −0.0002 −0.0048 0.0129 −0.0512 ⎥⎥
⎣ 0.0008 0.0255 −0.0685 0.2718 ⎦
and the initial event-triggered parameters μi are given as
10−3 × [ 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.15 ] and the upper bound of −0.0000 −0.0008 0.0022 −0.0089
⎡ ⎤
the event-trigger intervals is q = 10T. 2.7186 −0.0798 0.0346 −0.0107
By solving the LMI in Theorem 1 with ρ = 0.1 × 10−3 , ⎢ −0.0798 1.8236 0.3681 −0.3737 ⎥
5 = 106 × ⎢
⎣ 0.0346

the feedback gain matrices Ki and i are given as follows: 0.3681 2.4219 0.2136 ⎦
−0.0107 −0.3737 0.2136 1.6993
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
3.5277 −0.0873 −0.0374 −0.0002 0.0016 −0.0158 −0.0005 −0.0483
⎢ −0.0873 2.6137 0.3549 −0.2606 ⎥ ⎢ 0.0019 −0.0183 −0.0006 −0.0560 ⎥
1 = 10 × ⎢
⎣ 0.0374
⎥ ⎢ ⎥
−0.3549 3.1821 0.1823 ⎦ K5 = 103 × ⎢
⎢ −0.0018 0.0172 0.0006 0.0526 ⎥⎥.
0.0002 −0.2606 0.1823 2.4950 ⎣ 0.0093 −0.0914 −0.0031 −0.2791 ⎦
⎡ ⎤
−0.0131 −0.0695 0.0587 0.1934 −0.0003 0.0030 0.0001 0.0091
⎢ −0.0150 −0.0792 0.0669 0.2203 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ The simulation will be taken in three cases and mainly
K1 = 103 × ⎢
⎢ 0.0129 0.0680 −0.0575 −0.1894 ⎥⎥ focuses on the situations with or without compensation for
⎣ −0.0737 −0.3902 0.3298 1.0858 ⎦ DoS attacks or transmission delays. For a fair comparison, all
0.0024 0.0129 −0.0109 −0.0359 three cases will choose the same Ki and i , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
⎡ ⎤
9.2604 −0.4089 0.1415 −0.0080 M is assumed to be 10T.
⎢ −0.4089 5.2219 1.5349 0.0522 ⎥ Case (1): Without compensation for both DoS attacks and
2 = 105 × ⎢
⎣ 0.1415

1.5349 8.7678 0.2426 ⎦ delays. The simulation time is chosen as 1 s. The DoS
−0.0080 0.0522 0.2426 9.6807 attack time intervals are assumed to be (as shown in Fig. 5):

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


(a) (b)

Fig. 6. Consensus performance for case (2) (i). (a) States of all agents. (b) Consensus errors of agent 4.

(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Consensus performance for case (2) (ii). (a) States of all agents. (b) Consensus errors of agent 3.


[0.05, 0.1] s, [0.18, 0.25] s, [0.40, 0.48] s, [0.60, 0.68] s, and agents can reach a consensus at last but with big fluctuation
[0.78, 0.85] s. Let T0 = 30T and σ0 = 5 in Definition 3.Then, sometimes.
Ta (0, 1) = 0.0 s + 0.08 s + 0.09 s + 0.09 s + 0.08 s= Case (3): DoS attacks and transmission delays are all off-
0.40 s< 30T + 1/5 = 0.5 s. The total transmission delay is set by using the raised CB-AETPC scheme. Fig. 8 shows that
assumed to be 5T seconds as mentioned above. Fig. 5 shows the five agents can reach consensus in a very short time. It
that the consensus cannot be realized. is clear that the consensus performance (in terms of the con-
Case (2): Without compensation for DoS attacks. The trans- vergence time and the fluctuation of the curves) for this case
mission delays are assumed to be compensated. Two subcases is much better than the above two cases, which illustrates our
are considered: (i) with strong DoS attacks, that is, the total theoretical results effectively.
attack duration time is 80% of the simulation time. The states The event times for all cases are expressed in Table I. We
of all agents and the consensus errors for agent 4 are given can draw such a conclusion and evaluation that the event-
in Fig. 6(a) and (b), respectively, which show that the agents triggered transmission strategy can apparently economize the
cannot reach consensus at all and (ii) with weak DoS attacks, utilization of communication energy.
the attack time intervals are the same as in case (1), the total
attack duration time is about 40% of the simulation time. The VII. C ONCLUSION
states of all agents and the consensus errors for agent 3 are This article has investigated a novel CB-AETPC method for
shown in Fig. 7(a) and (b), respectively, which show that the heterogeneous discrete-time NMASs with both DoS attacks

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


(a) (b)

Fig. 8. Consensus performance for case (3). (a) States of all agents. (b) Consensus errors of agent 5.

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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[43] D. Zhao, Z. Wang, D. W. C. Ho, and G. Wei, “Observer-based PID
He is a Professor with the Nanjing University of
security control for discrete time-delay systems under cyber-attacks,”
Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China. His
IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern., Syst., vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 3926–3938,
research interests include event-triggered control,
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[44] Z. Cao, Y. Niu, and J. Song, “Finite-time sliding-mode control
of Markovian jump cyber-physical systems against randomly occur-
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pp. 1264–1271, Mar. 2020.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Ramarao Adik Institute of Technology. Downloaded on November 11,2022 at 10:28:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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