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Interviewer 1 (Nabeel): Okay, Mohamed Hussain, which name do you prefer, Mohamed
or Hussain? Anyone?

Interviewee: Hussain.

Interviewer 1 (Nabeel): Good afternoon. How are you?

Interviewee (Hussain): Good, thank you. How are you?

Panel: Good, good, we are good.

Interviewer 1 (Nabeel): So, my name is Musa Nabeel, I am General Manager of


Interviewer 2 (Haany): And I am Maryam Haany, I am the current Head of Technology

and Planning. Nice to meet you.

Interviewer 3 (Suma): My name is Suma Rahman, I am the HR Manager. Nice to meet

you. So, how are you?

Interviewee (Hussain): Good, thank you.

Interviewer 3 (Suma): So, can you tell us about yourself, probably something that is not
on your CV?

Interviewee (Hussain): Well, I'm a quite active person, I run on the weekends, so if
there's any kind of running event, I'm there.

Interviewer 1 (Nabeel): Okay, I think we are very happy to hear about it, because we
ourselves, BTC, we do enter into such competitions. I think you will be able to win some
medals for us.
Interviewee (Hussain): Yeah, probably.

Interviewer 3 (Suma): Okay. So, how did you hear about this job?

Interviewee (Hussain): So, I saw the post, this vacant post on the cassette, so I applied.

Interviewer 3 (Suma): Okay. So, what do you believe is your greatest strength?

Interviewee (Hussain): Well, my greatest strength would be our team play and
communication, so I can be able to communicate the strategy and the needs of the
organization to my team.
Interviewer 3 (Suma): So, you believe you can work in a really big team?

Interviewee (Hussain): Yeah.

Interviewer 3 (Suma): Yeah, okay. So, can you give us a summarized version of your
qualifications and previous work experiences?

Interviewee (Hussain): Well, I have a bachelor's and a master's degree in this training
and technology field, as well I have 10 years of experience in this field. I, as a senior,
post, admin, and assistant manager, last five years.

Interviewer 3 (Suma): Last five years, okay. So, what motivated you to leave your
current position and apply to this position?

Interviewee (Hussain): Well, my current job is fantastic, but the thing is I wanted to
bring my skills to another new challenge, so that's why I applied to the BTC post. Okay.

Interviewer 1 (Nabeel): Okay, so since we got to know about you a little bit, we'll move
into the technical aspect of it. And as you know, the technological sphere keeps on
changing. Previously, we had CMDs, then we moved on to GUIs, then system-based and
software-based applications. Now, we are using cloud computing and also, nowadays,
we are integrating AI solutions into this cloud computing. So, as head of technology and
planning, could you tell us how you would leverage such knowledge about the trends and
emerging technology to drive strategic planning for our business, for BTC?

Interviewee (Hussain): So, to be up to date, I keep following the latest technology news
source. And to implement the presence and the needed targets, I will be establishing
clear objectives and define the role of technology for BTC. As well, I will implement
real-time data analysis for strategic plans and operational performance data to support
the decision-making.

Interviewer 1 (Nabeel): Excellent. So, what is your experience with managing large-
scale IT projects? Tell us from one of your past, recent experience.

Interviewee (Hussain): In my current job, I am being required to plan IT projects with

complex technical requirements. As well, I am the project manager at Willow College. I
have the opportunity to lead a large-scale IT project. I have implemented robust risk
management tools to the organization, which counter issues, which help the organization
achieve the targets.

Interviewer 1 (Nabeel): Great. But, could you further tell me about the results of this
implementation project?

Interviewee (Hussain): So, implementing the robust risk management tool, we were able
to achieve 90% of the targets. But, we were not able to implement the new tools and
models to achieve those targets.

Interviewer 1 (Nabeel): So, do you foresee further implementation or further

developments? Well, currently, we are achieving the 10% average. It is now between 9
to 10%.

Interviewee (Hussain): So, we have achieved our full target.

Interviewer 2 (Haany): So, Hussain, with this, we will move on to our performance-
based questions. How do you ensure that the goals of your plans are achievable and
Interviewee (Hussain): One of your key roles in the BVTC organization is developing
business professional design. So, for that, I will implement a smart model tool. I will set
specific goals for the business professional design and set achievable BVTs. Are the
BVTs relevant to the organization? And, are the set time-bound BVTs?

Interviewer 2 (Haany): How do you prioritize tasks when working on multiple tasks at
the same time?

Interviewee (Hussain): That's a good question. So, I will prioritize between what's urgent
and what's important. So, I will attend the time-sensitive tasks, which could bring a halt
to the operations. So, those urgent tasks will be first attended, and then we will go to the
important tasks.

Interviewer 2 (Haany): I like your approach there. So, to close this interview, I would
like to ask, why do you think that you are a good fit for our company?

Interviewee (Hussain): Well, as I said, I have the needed qualifications of a business

bachelor's and master's degree. As well, I have the necessary attributes to excel in this
role. And also, I have the advantage of having the experience of 10 years.

Interviewer 2 (Haany): Thank you for answering our questions. So, now do you have
any questions for us?

Interviewee (Hussain): So, what's the culture of BTC?

Interviewer 1 (Nabeel): Okay, that's a very good question. Here at BTC, we foster
collective learning within the organization. So, if you're selected for the head of planning
and technology, we will expect you to foster the same culture of learning and
development. First, within you, and also through the team as well. So, from our end, we
will look at the necessary budget and give you full support. But, fostering the learning
and development is something we are very keen on. So, I think that's the most important
part. Okay, any more questions? I think that was all. Thank you.

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