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Floodplain Development, El Niño, and Cultural Consequences in a Hyperarid Andean

Author(s): R. B. Manners, F. J. Magilligan and P. S. Goldstein
Source: Annals of the Association of American Geographers , Jun., 2007, Vol. 97, No. 2
(Jun., 2007), pp. 229-249
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of the Association of American

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Floodplain Development, El Nifio, and Cultural
Consequences in a Hyperarid Andean Environment
R. B. Manners,* E J. Magilligan,t and P. S. Goldsteint
*Department of Geography, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
tDepartment of Geography, Dartmouth College
tDepartment of Anthropology, University of California, San Diego

Using field-mapping, remote-sensing (ASTER, aerial photography), and GIS/GPS, we identified and analyzed reach-
scale geomorphic responses to contemporary floods along a 20-km valley length in hyperarid southern Peru. We
combined these data with alluvial stratigraphy of remnant terrace patches recording late Holocene aggradation and
incision. In this manner we ascertained how climate change, especially the occurrence of the El Nifio-Southem
Oscillation (ENSO), affects the magnitude and frequency of large floods at mid-elevations of southern Peru's
Atacama Desert, and we documented the geomorphic effects of large floods on stream channel properties, especially
the large-scale floodplain erosion and channel enlargement occurring during these large ENSO-related floods.
Reach-averaged channel widening of r 30 m occurs during large ENSO-related floods, with floodplain erosion rates
of 2 ha/river km commonly occurring. Recovery occurs in two stages: channel narrowing requires several decades of
lateral bar development which can ultimately aggrade sufficiently for complete floodplain development to occur.
There was a similar response to ENSO floods during the late Holocene, and our radiocarbon dating of alluvial
surfaces, combined with an ASTER-DEM of the floodplain, indicates that ~ 80 percent of the floodplain is younger
than at least 550 14C years. We conclude that the lateral erosion and recovery cycle related to ENSO floods could
have been a critical factor for prehistoric societies dependent on floodplain agriculture. If cultural systems can
maintain pace with geomorphic change in these irrigated floodplain systems, the loss of arable land may not be
critical. However, severe social stresses may result if episodes of accelerated floodplain loss outpace both natural
recovery and social adaptation. Key Words: Andes, climate change, El Nifio, floods, geoarchaeology.

n the Andean region of South America, no single 1992; Moseley and Richardson 1992; Keefer, Moseley,
climate phenomenon has had a more significant ef- and deFrance 2003) or beach ridges (Richardson 1983;
fect on past, present, and future human occupation Sandweiss 1986; Ortlieb, Fournier, and Machare 1993;
of the region than the El Nifio-Southern Oscillation Wells 1996; Rogers et al. 2004) in coastal Peru, there has
(ENSO) (DeVries 1987; Grosjean et al. 1997; Fontugne been minimal attention paid to the broader alluvial and
et al. 1999; Kerr 1999; Sandweiss et al. 2001). Socially, geomorphic effects of these events and their sociohis-
regional and global-scale climatic changes have been torical significance for riverine agricultural societies in
commonly evoked to explain an array of cultural re- arid regions of the Southern Hemisphere.
sponses, including large-scale migrations and complete
"social collapse" (Seltzer and Hastorf 1990; Shimada
et al. 1991; Kolata and Ortloff 1996; Binford et al. 1997;
Kolata 2000; Kolata et al. 2000), although critics argue ENSOs, Climate Change, and Cultural Responses
that these deterministic explanations portray humans as
passive players whose ability to respond to environ- There has been heightened interest recently in inte-
mental change is underestimated (Erickson 1999). Both grating climatic change, riparian response, and cultural
sides of this debate tend to focus on water availability per adaptation, especially in characterizing channel re-
se as the critical factor in climate-related culture change. sponses to climate change (Rumsby and Macklin 1994;
However, ENSOs are also one of the most significant Wells and Noller 1999; Maas and Macklin 2002; Maas
vectors in the formation and modification of Andean et al. 2001). Much of the geomorphic literature on
landforms, and are particularly significant for the modi- channel response to large floods has focused on humid
fication of stream channels and subsurface hydrology alluvial settings (Costa 1974; Pitlick 1993; Ritter et al.
(Houston 2002; Houston and Hartley 2003). Other than 1999; Magilligan et al. 1998) in Northern Hemisphere
the geomorphic signature and paleo-climatic significance watersheds, and less is known about channel response
of either alluvial deposits (Wells 1990; Moseley et al. and recovery in hyperarid streams where the thresholds

Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 97(2), 2007, pp. 229-249 ? 2007 by Association of American Geographers
Initial submission, August 2004; revised submissions, November 2005, January and March 2006; final acceptance, April 2006
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, and 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, U.K.

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230 Manners, Magilligan, and Goldstein

of recovery are high due to a lack of (cf. Chapdelaine 2000)flashy

vegetation, and theoretically, as "neo-envi-
hydrologic regimes, and limited bedload determinism"
mobility (Erickson 1999, 2000). More-
over, El Nifios may have
1977). This contrasts with the rapid geomorphic had profound positive impacts
(Sandweiss et
ery characteristic of humid regions where al. 1998, 2001) and be associated with
moderate flows occur regularly, and monument
the bed building
and and bank
the emergence of complex so-
material are relatively mobile. Thus, cieties
althoughafter the humid
initial mid-Holocene onset of ENSOs.
environments have recovery times In of ~ 101riverine
hyperarid years agricultural regimes, consider-
(Costa 1974; Magilligan and Stamp 1997), arid envi-
ation of the cultural effects of ENSO and related phe-
ronments have recovery timeframes nomena
that span has been couched in terms of the availability of
years. In arid environments, Wolman water
and itself-by
(1960)on the cultural effects of pro-
principle that the most frequent events droughts (Seltzer
accomplish theand Hastorf 1990; Shimada
most work may lack validity, and large et al. 1991;
floods doKolata
ofOrtloff 1996; Binford et al.
the geomorphic work (Baker 1977). In1997); the destructive
particular, effects of flood events on water
floods spawned by ENSOs may greatly delivery
alter systems (Clement and Moseley 1991; Huckle-
riparian zones, and floodplains in these 1999; Williams 2002; Huckleberry and Billman
2003); andmay
and the geomorphic legacy of these changes the devastating
endure effects on villages and pop-
for > 102 years (Baker 1977). The legacy of of debrisfloods
large flows spawned by ENSOs (Satterlee
1993; Keefer,
is strongly climatically dependent because Moseley,
climate dic- and deFrance 2003). It is there-
tates channel recovery (Costa 1974; Baker
fore not1977; Wol-
surprising that most of these studies highlight
man and Gerson 1978; Ely and House catastrophic
2000). Thus, not interactive or adaptive inter-
rather than
only are the timeframes of channel recovery of the human-climate
amplified in interaction. We pro-
arid environments, but once the system has
pose that thebeen de-
cycle of flood-related loss and subsequent
recovery of
stabilized by a large flood, lesser magnitude agricultural
events may floodplain lands is an important
maintain that instability and prevent andgeomorphic
overlooked variable
re-in studies of the cultural ad-
aptation to
covery from immediately occurring (Schumm andriverine
Lichtyagriculture in hyperarid regions.
1963). Valley-bottom lands (floodplains and terraces) have both
The importance of ENSOs is critical climatically, ge- a significant hydraulic/energetic advantage in their
omorphically, and culturally in the south-central Andes. proximity to the river, and a fertility advantage because
Unlike many prehistoric climate changes, which may of the floodplain's active sedimentation and soil devel-
only be detectable post facto as long-term trends, opment. Although both ancient and modern farmers
ENSOs are discrete events of relatively short duration utilized both valley-bottom floodplain and valley-side
and significant scale (Moseley 1997, 2000). As such, reclaimed lands, the valley-bottom floodplain lands are
they may have been consciously reacted to by the soci- considerably more productive and today command prices
eties experiencing them. Twentieth-century ENSOs and of more than $20,000/ha. Because of the deeply incised
longer-term events have disrupted coastal fisheries, topography of the south Andean valleys, the irrigable
washed out desert settlements and irrigation systems, valley-bottom floodplain land is both extremely limited
and caused highland famines (Chavez et al. 2003), and in extent and highly susceptible to disturbance by floods.
in the Andean region, recent research has focused on To evaluate how these societies have adapted to working
the negative effects of extreme flood and drought on these high-risk, high-benefit lands, it is fundamentally
settlement and agricultural systems. In this context, El important to first understand the cycle of loss and re-
Nifios and related droughts are considered to be prime generation of this limited agricultural resource.
suspects in the retraction of human food production Our research investigates the magnitude and rates of
systems, and thus a proximate cause in the collapse of landscape and environmental change in a hyperarid
ancient societies (Moseley et al. 1983; Wells 1990; section of southern Peru by documenting the geomor-
Seltzer and Hastorf 1990; Clement and Moseley 1991; phic effects of large floods on stream channel properties,
Shimada et al. 1991; Satterlee 1993; Weiss et al. 1993; especially the large-scale floodplain erosion and channel
Kolata and Ortloff 1996; Binford et al. 1997; Moseley enlargement occurring during large ENSO-related
1997, 2000; Williams 1997, 2002; Reycraft 2000; floods. First, through detailed field-mapping and the
Satterlee et al. 2000; Weiss 2000; Caviedes 2001; de- utilization of remote-sensing (aerial photographs,
Menocal 2001). Although the destructive power of ASTER) and GIS/GPS, we characterized the geomor-
ENSOs cannot be disputed, "catastrophic" scenarios phic effects of contemporary large floods in the
have been questioned, both on empirical grounds Moquegua Valley of southern Peru's Atacama Desert and

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Floodplain Development, El Nifio, and Cultural Consequences in a Hyperarid Andean Environment 231

determined the magnitude and rate of geomorphic ef- precipitation rates are limited ( 75-100 mm/yr) but
fects in hyperarid regions where the legacy of effects may increase with altitude (Satterlee et al. 2000; Houston
persist for decadal, or longer, timescales (cf. Baker 1977). and Hartley 2003). For this part of southern Peru, two
Second, we used established regional and local alluvial flood-producing mechanisms exist: localized ENSO-
chronologies to develop a late-Holocene record of related precipitation and rain/rain-on-snow in the
channel changes to large floods. Third, we documented highland Andes during La Nifias. Climatically, wet and
the interrelatedness between the type, direction, and dry periods in the Bolivian Altiplano correspond to high
tempo of channel and riparian adjustments to ENSO- and low index phases of the Southern Oscillation, re-
related large floods and the sociocultural realm by spectively (Vuille 1999). The dominant surface atmo-
characterizing the rates by which in-channel post-flood spheric circulation over the Bolivian Altiplano, known
depositional features are converted to arable land. In this as the Bolivian High, is formed during summertime
way, we are able to link the timescales of geomorphic heating that coincides with an increase in moisture-
recovery to the broader cultural arena. bearing trade winds. The strength and position of the
Bolivian High modulates rainfall anomalies. During low-
index phases (El Nifio) of the Southern Oscillation, the
Study Area
Bolivian High decreases in strength and shifts south-
This current study focuses on the mid-valley Mo- ward, weakening easterly winds and further reducing
quegua Valley in southern Peru (Figure 1). Because of its movement of moisture onto the Altiplano. The opposite
regional setting, the Rio Moquegua is strategically situ- occurs during high-index phases (La Nifia), pushing the
ated to record the occurrence of ENSO-related floods, as High northward and allowing for wetter summers (Vuille
Southern Oscillation-derived events dictate flood mag- 1999; Baker et al. 2001; Placzek, Quade, and Betancourt
nitude and frequency. The Rio Moquegua heads in the 2001). Therefore, La Nifias potentially indicate large
south-central Andes and flows westward into the Pacific rainfall events over the Altiplano, prompting Andean
Ocean near Ilo, Peru. The valley is situated in the runoff into the Moquegua Valley and causing large
northern fringes of the Atacama Desert and annual floods. This effect indeed occurred in March of 1997



14oS * Abancay

Lake Titicaca

Figure 1. Map of south-central An- Puno

des with enlargement of Moquegua
River Valley. Arequipa



O 40 80 160 240 320 Km

22 S
76?W 720W

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232 Manners, Magilligan, and Goldstein

This was of
when an extremely large flood hit the mid-valley also the approximate site of a
and eruption
Rio Moquegua despite the lack of rain occurring that occurred in AD 1
on mid-
elevation western slopes. Residents spoke of anand Eisen 1999), spewing ash int
short duration event that lacked corresponding rainfall
Valley. This ash is readily identifiable in h
in the mid-valley section of the basin. According
and alluvium
to local
and is an important stratigra
officials and residents, the March 1997theflood
fillof a
(Magilligan and Goldstein
greater magnitude than the immediately Modern
land El
use in the Moquegua Vall
Niflo flood in March of 1998 where sustained localized
irrigated floodplain agriculture (Figure
precipitation occurred (Magilligan and amplification
Goldstein 2001).
of irrigation to reclaim mor
Our study focuses on the ~ 20-km mid-valley ofsystems
lands. Canal the for water delivery ra
Rio Moquegua which heads near the town operated cement-lined canals to hand-du
of Moquegua,
The earliest
Peru, and ranges in elevation from ,, 1350 dates
m to -,- 980of floodplain farming m
m. The regional geology consists of a series of an indigenous ceramic t
of Tertiary
sedimentary and volcanoclastic rocks that Valley,
are capped in known as Huaraca
cal ADClark,
places by Quaternary alluvial gravels (Tosdal, 340). and
Huaracane settlement a
Farrar 1984; Gregory-Wodzicki 2000). patterns
More resistant
suggest a nonspecialized agrar
igneous rocks crop out irregularly along the mid-valley,
strategy. Represented by 169 habitation co
and the distal section of the mid-valley terminates domestic occupation in the M
the channel flows into these resistanttotaled 73.5 ha
lithologies. in residential area, with
area is tectonically active and earthquakes components under 2 ha in siz
are common
hazards. A 7.9 quake (Richter scale), centered
generally lownear
level of political and econ
tion widespread
Arequipa, Peru, occurred in 2001, causing (Goldstein 1989, 2000b, 2005). H
structural damage in Moquegua more than tations were
200 km found on virtually every


Figure 2
Top pho
dry and
age of th
tation is

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Floodplain Development, El Nifio, and Cultural Consequences in a Hyperarid Andean Environment 233

along the rim of the valley-bottom in the study area, at

an average elevation only 48 m above the river level.
This close relation to the floodplain indicates a reliance
on simple valley-bottom canals. This distinguishes
Huaracane's agrarian strategy from those of subsequent,
X Meters

politically more complex societies, notably the Tiwanaku


colonization of the region (AD 600-1000). Tiwanaku's ii. . . . . . . . . .

far larger settlement enclaves were located far from the /Av

valley and were associated with the reclamation of desert

pampas through extensive canals or supplementary iiiiii~iAd
groundwater sources for surplus maize production (Wil-
liams 2002; Goldstein 1993, 2000a, 2003, 2005). Fol-
lowing the Tiwanaku collapse, most of these extended
irrigation systems were abandoned in the middle valley,
and through the Inca, Spanish Colonial, and historic

periods, agriculture again focused on the highly fertile mpkMR..:::i

0 g?

valley-bottom lands.

Data Sources, Field Methods, and Statistical

0 300i
Mete rs
This study relied on several approaches to document
the spatial and temporal response to ENSOs. For reach
scale changes, we utilized a combination of remotely- Figure3. Aerial phot
mapping. For each p
sensed data (airphotos and ASTER) and combined these
channel (I), arable lan
with contemporary GPS field mapping of riparian geo- and calculated surfac
morphology. This reach-scale analysis was augmented image and photo set.
with a finer scale spatial resolution to better identify
which floodplain sections respond to and recover from
ENSO-related floods. Holocene floodplain adjustments successive photogr
were ascertained by detailed alluvial stratigraphy and tensive analysis wh
radiocarbon dating of buried paleosols to compare robust sequential
twentieth-century fluvial adjustments to millennial scale intensive coverage
adjustments. sive analysis where
of 19.5 km) is cover
Remote Sensing Using ArcMap, v
photo set for (a) a
Aerial photographs of the Moquegua Valley were (c) land deemed "f
obtained and scanned at high resolution (4200 dpi) and 3). This was done f
subsequently georectified to a set of 1997 cadastral maps Rio Moquegua fro
in ArcMap using the Universal Transverse Mercator and Torata River
projection with the Provisional South American Datum narrows then enter
for Venezuela 1956. The five sets of photographs (1946, The active channe
1955, 1970, 1976, and 1997) span fifty-one years and dominated areas pos
were used to document the sequence and style of no dense vegetatio
channel adjustments to large floods in an approach Plowed land with
similar in design to the recent work by Winterbottom but in a state that
(2000), Poole et al. (2002), Rinaldi (2003), and Rogers was labeled arable
et al. (2004). Although temporally rich (51 years), not riparian zone adjac
all of the basin is covered completely over this timespan. as "floodplain un
Because of selective differences in basin coverage from sence, this categor

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234 Manners, Magilligan, and Goldstein


46116 46117' 46118 '46/20 '4612 46123




Figure 4. Longitudin
1200- 19.5 km mainstem of
9.9 km Rio Moquegua based
DEM. Along the upp
the portions of the va
E 1100- STUDY ENTERS reaches that are the basis for the
MGORGE composite interpretation for the im-
age analysis (in order: Reaches 46/15,
1000- 46/17, 46/18, 46/20, 46/22, and 46/
23). At the bottom of the image are
- Section the locations of the sections (Sections
1-29) for the upper 9.9 km of the
900 - 5 10 15 20 25 29

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Distance Downstream (km)

colonization of side-channel lateral bars by shrubs and gradient changes or knickpoints (Figure 4). To track and
trees. Because no aerial photographs exist post-1997, systematically compare changes between photo sets, we
contemporary geomorphic and riparian conditions were segmented the photos into reaches of - 1-2 km, and
field-mapped in 2003 by a field team using GPS and then further into finer scale sections of ~ 350 m. In this
walking both sides of the 19.5 km channel/riparian zone. way, we could identify the changes in channel position
We created vectors consistent with those mapped from and morphology across two scales. Because channel re-
the aerial photographs based on the same field criteria. sponse and recovery to large floods are conditioned by
GPS field data were differentially corrected to local base channel position within the valley and by differences
stations nightly. between valley and channel strike (Miller 1995), we
To quantify the continual reworking and lateral mi- developed a dimensionless index that characterizes the
gration of the river, we use transition probability matrices channel position relative to valley controls (equation
(equation (1)) to characterize the shift from one riparian (2)). Valley width, valley midpoint, channel midpoint,
condition (active channel, arable land, floodplain under and channel width were measured in ArcMap at a cross
construction) to another between successive photo sets: section marking the beginning of each reach and at 350
m intervals through each section. To document temporal
pij = Prob[Xt+1 =-jX, = i]. (1) changes, each of the reaches was measured for each of
Many studies use this statistical tool as a means to assign the six time periods represented (1946-2003). Those
the probability of some condition (i) being in a discrete data were subsequently entered into equation (2) to
state at time t+ 1, given that it was in another discrete determine the Index of Channel Movement (Icm). This
state (i) at time t (Formacion and Saila 1994; Selim and index isolates reaches that are geomorphically active
Al-Rabeh 1995; Yu and Yang 1997). In this study, we throughout the study period, tracks the channel's
used this tool as a means of characterizing the actual movement within the valley, and indicates its location
transitions. Therefore these matrices do not actually over time from the valley wall to the middle of the valley.
represent a probabilistic model but instead capture and As the channel approaches the valley side (away from
represent the percentage of land use change from one the valley midpoint), Icm approaches 0.5. Icm values close
period to the next. to 0 correspond to the channel being near the middle of
the valley:
Reach Scale Geomorphic Response

The channel bed longitudinal profile is relatively

constant ( ~ 1.8 percent slope), lacking any significant Icm _ [Valley midpoint - mChannel midpoint] m (2)
[Valley width]

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Floodplain Development, El Niflo, and Cultural Consequences in a Hyperarid Andean Environment 235

Climatic Metrics Results

We used published records of ENSOs to provide the In general, our results indicate the fundamentally
climatic context (Quinn, Neal, and Antunez de Mayolo dynamic nature of alluvial responses in the Rio Mo-
1987; Ortlieb and Machare 1993; Ortlieb 2000). Using quegua with differential lag times of alluvial and agri-
historical and maritime archives, Quinn, Neal, and cultural recovery occurring. The 10 km portion of the
Antunez de Mayolo (1987) compiled a 450-year regional Rio Moquegua available for the time-intensive analysis
history of El Niflo magnitude and frequency, and ranked (1947-2003), Reaches 46/15 to 46/23 (Figure 4), shows
the relative intensity of ENSOs. La Nifia occurrences that considerable channel widening (and consequently
were derived from Pacific Ocean pressure differences, floodplain loss) occurred between 1946 and 1955 (Figure
otherwise known as the Southern Oscillation Index 5). Within this nine-year period, mean channel width
(SOI), with high-index phases (positive SOI) corre- increased by ~ 30 percent, resulting in a loss of about
sponding to La Nifias. Because floods more commonly 19 ha of land ( 2 ha of erosion/river km), 14 ha of
occur in the austral fall, we determined the SOI values which had been cultivated. Conversely, the 1955-1970
solely for February and March to more accurately portray and 1976-1997 periods showed gradual, yet substantial,
the regional hydroclimatology. For our study area, largechannel and floodplain recovery. The cumulative change
floods result from SOI extremes, although the moisture over the two recovery periods corresponds to a mean
sources differ radically. channel narrowing of ~ 30 m. Channel recovery during
this forty-two-year period (1955-1997) is even more
evident in the composite transition probability matrix
(Table 1). For both periods (1955-1970 and 1976-
Holocene Alluvial Chronologies 1997), the probability that the active channel remained
an active channel was 68 percent (Table ib) and 65
While mapping the river margins in August 2003, we percent (Table id), respectively, suggesting that what
also collected datable material in floodplain alluvium had initially been active channel has either been con-
where it was exposed along the Rio Moquegua. Samplesverted to arable land or to floodplain under construction.
were collected to augment established alluvial chro-These figures differ from the initial widening phase of
nologies and floodplain dates (Magilligan and Goldstein 1946-1955, when the amount of active channel re-
2001) and were dated by traditional radiocarbon meth- maining as active channel was 92 percent (Table la).
ods. Using various floodplain terraces found along the The striking difference between these two stable periods
study stretch, we documented the longitudinal and is the disparity between the rates of change of arable
cross-valley pattern of Holocene lateral reworking of theland. While the channel recovers from whatever desta-
valley. We correlated floodplain terrace dates with ter- bilizing event (or events) occurred between 1946 and
race heights above the channel bed to establish an age- 1955, the percentage of arable land stayed fairly constant
height relationship for the alluvial fill. Although sampled up to 1970 (Figure 5). This differs from the sharp
as close to the terrace base as possible, some of the
dates do not completely represent basal dates and are
considered minimum ages for the terraces. Terrace 140 76

heights above the channel bed were measured with a 120 Channel - 74
TOPCON total station. A 2003 ASTER image was . Width72
converted to a 30-m ASTER-based digital elevation

model (DEM). From the DEM, 2 m contours were 80 -68 Y

overlaid in ENVI? and exported as a shapefile to 60- cm

270 -0
ArcMap. The floodplain topography was mapped and
ultimately contoured as heights above the channel bed 40
Land ,.
Arable -62 0
(in 2-m contours); the downstream suite of bed eleva- 20 - 60
tions was determined by the bed elevations along the
0 ........I.......... . ......... 58
longitudinal profile (see Figure 4). In this way, we were
able to approximate the age of alluvial surfaces Year

throughout the valley based on elevations and ultimately

Figure 5. Time series of mean chann
determine the percentages of the total valley at various arable land for the fifty-seven-year st
estimated ages. composite 9.9 km reach-averaged valu

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236 Manners, Magilligan, and Goldstein

Table 1. Transition probability matrices for conversion of one land cover (active ch
arable land) to another land cover for successive photos

Photo dates Active channel Floodplain under construction Arable floodplain

(a) 1946-1955 1946

1955 Active channel 0.92 0.36 0.05
Floodplain under construction 0.07 0.36 0.02
Arable floodplain 0.01 0.28 0.93
(b) 1955-1970 1955
1970 Active channel 0.68 0.34 0.01
Floodplain under construction 0.23 0.4 0.04
Arable floodplain 0.1 0.25 0.96
(c) 1970-1976 1970
1976 Active channel 0.85 0.24 0.04
Floodplain under construction 0.12 0.57 0.03
Arable floodplain 0.03 0.19 0.93
(d) 1976-1997 1976
1997 Active channel 0.65 0.18 0.01
Floodplain under construction 0.15 0.31 0.01
Arable floodplain 0.2 0.51 0.98
(e) 1997-2003 1997
2003 Active channel 0.92 0.45 0.05
Floodplain under construction 0.07 0.46 0.04
Arable floodplain 0.01 0.09 0.91
(f) Composite: 1946-2003 1946
2003 Active channel 0.8 0.44 0.04
Floodplain under construction 0.11 0.27 0.03
Arable floodplain 0.09 0.29 0.92
Note: This represents the probability transition matrices for th

increase in arable floodplain a relationship has

(a been loosely established
gain of 44 (Figure 5),
ha) t
curred between 1976 and indicating that from(Table
1997 1946 to 1955 as1 the and
channel wid-
This increased area of ened, arablethe amount of arable land decreased.
floodplain isYet furth
the re-
vealed by the transition lationship probabilitydoes not hold as matrix
strongly during channel-
1997 (Table id), which narrowing shows phases
the(1955-1970 and 1976-1997) as the o
active channel and floodplain riparian system begins
under to recover. The transition is not
coming arable land as 0.20 physically and
sequential because
0.51 floodplain development to
areal increase revealed for conversion to arable land arable land requires the intermediate stage of lateral bar
exceeds that of any other sequential photo set. The development, which then requires sufficient time to
active channel to arable land transition ranges from as convert to arable land. The amount of arable land in the
low as 0.01 to 0.10 among the other matrices (Table 1), period 1955-1970 stayed relatively stable (Figure 6), but
with a combined probability (1946-2003) at 0.09 (Table despite the overall constant area in arable land during
1f). The floodplain under construction to arable land this period, considerable channel narrowing occurred.
rate ranges from 0.09 to 0.28, with a combined proba- The disparity results from areal changes in land classified
bility (1946-2003) of 0.29. Additionally, the probability as floodplain under construction: that increase explains
of a square meter of land that was arable in 1976 re- the noted landcover changes, with a 75 percent increase
maining arable in 1997 is 0.98 (Table id), again much in this fifteen-year timespan. In terms of probabilities,
higher than any of the other time slices (with the there is a 0.23 probability that the active channel in
probabilities falling between 0.91 and 0.96), suggesting1955 would become floodplain under construction by
that channel activity was especially limited between 1970 (Table ib). In 1976 the percentage of arable land
1976 and 1997. begins to increase, and the amount of floodplain under
Channel width should correlate with changes in the construction declines.
amount of arable land as changes in width would seem to Separating out these landcover types reveals that re-
dictate a gain or loss of this landcover type. Indeed, such covery occurred in two distinct steps. After considerable

This content downloaded from on Sun, 24 Mar 2024 20:17:32 +00:00
All use subject to
Floodplain Development, El Niflo, and Cultural Consequences in a Hyperarid Andean Environment 237

80 i i ARABLE LAND 140

70 i- -120

60 CHANNEL 100 :
-- . * - WIDTH *
> 50: 0 - 80

0. :

10 '20

Figure 6. Time series of m

km section of the upper m
channel narrowing is first
1970 even while the chan
floodplain. The sequence of
floodplain land.

lateral of
exists in 1970-1976
the recovery
substantial upper
increase 9.9ink
construction. The
floodplain recu
ing conditions
the simil
valley i
After 1997,
wastheat Moqu
its n
quential extreme
decadal even
in 1998), causing
to sim
lateral ch
channel expansion.
occurred inH
widening differed
For the mfr
(Figure 6) erage
in that was
resulted in 1997)
a loss and
of ara

Table 2. Transition prob

arable land) to an

Photo date Active channel Floodplain under construction Arable floodplain

(a) 1970-1997 1970
1997 Active channel 0.72 0.22 0.02
Floodplain under construction 0.16 0.48 0.02
Arable floodplain 0.12 0.3 0.96
(b) 1997-2003 1997
2003 Active channel 0.85 0.28 0.03
Floodplain under construction 0.09 0.57 0.03
Arable floodplain 0.05 0.15 0.94
(c) Composite: 1970-2003 1970
2003 Active channel 0.71 0.36 0.03
Floodplain under construction 0.16 0.44 0.04
Arable floodplain 0.13 0.23 0.94
Note: This represents the probability transition matrices for th

This content downloaded from on Sun, 24 Mar 2024 20:17:32 +00:00
All use subject to
238 Manners, Magilligan, and Goldstein

Reach 46/15 Reach 46/17

- 90 r 90
o 0
(, 70 , 70c
S60 ) 60
50 50

'B 40 40


120 ..2.... . .. .0
1955 1970 1976 1997 2003CONSTRUCTION
1946 1955 1970 1976 1997 2003
Date of Aerial Photograph Date of Aerial Photograph
Reach 46/18 Reach 46/20
90 0
S70 - 70
> 50 50
S40 o. -. 40 ,+. ACTIVE CHANNEL
30 ... - 30
S200 ... -,0
10 ...' - 20
1946 1955 1970 1976 1997 2003 1946 1955 1970 1976 1997 2003
Date of Aerial Photograph Date of Aerial Photograph

Reach 46/22 Reach 46/23

90 c90

U 70
LAND 70 70
4 60 -' 60
' 40 'b 40

- -W...-.....-.......
ACTIVE .. 30
--- --20.. -. .-- -
S0 0
1946 1955 1970 1976 1997 2003 1946 1955 1970 1976 1997 2003
Date of Aerial Photograph Date of Aerial Photograph

Figure 7. Reach by reach change in arable land, active channel and floodplain under construction over time. For locat
longitudinal profile in Figure 4.

probability that an active channel in 1997 remain

period of time covered by the aerial photos corresponds
to significant channel recovery for the upper active channel in 2003 is 0.85 for the lower reaches
9.9 km
(Figures 5 and 6). The transition probability matrices for2) and 0.92 for the upper section (Table le).
the lower half of the mid-valley show similar recovery
During these floods in 1997 and 1998 there was a ,. 9
trends (see Table 2). Between 1970 and 1997, there was loss of arable land in the upper reaches
(Table le) and 6 percent loss in the lower reaches.
a major transition of active channel to either floodplain
under construction (0.16) or to arable land (0.12)The transition of floodplain under construction to
2), with a probability of 0.30 that the floodplain land was 0.15 between 1997 and 2003; the same
period saw a transition of only 0.09 for the upper reach
construction would be transformed to arable floodplain
(Table 2). This trend of increasing arable floodplain(Table
up tole).
1997 mirrors in many ways the transitions for the upper
9.9 km of the valley, although there is no 1976 photo Scale Channel-Floodplain Adjustments
the downstream section to make the comparisons more
complete. The sequence of floods in 1997 and 1998Theaf-
previous analysis focused on the aggregate
fected the downstream reaches less dramatically. The
change of the mid-valley, especially for the more tem-

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All use subject to
Floodplain Development, El Nifio, and Cultural Consequences in a Hyperarid Andean Environment 239


46/15 1 46/17 1 46/18 1 46/20 46/22 46/23



Figure 8. Index of channel move-

ment (Icm) over time for each section.
The index is based on equation (2)
and represents channel movement for 0 0.3 - 1955
the upper 9.9 km of the valley. -- 1976
Reaches are delineated at top axis and tA, 1970
sections are located on bottom axis. x 0.2 -_ 2003
-.- 1997


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

recover). After major floodplain erosion between

porally complete upper 9.9 km. A more spatially focused
and 1955, Reach 46/20 became relatively more sta
analysis begins to highlight which reaches and sections
are most responsive. Minimal geomorphic changeThe
oc-channel generally straightened out after 1955
curred in the most upstream reach, Reach 46/15, and in more parallel to valley strike, ultimately dim
the two most downstream reaches, Reaches 46/22 and major lateral reworking. If, as is the case in Rea
46/23 (Figure 7). The composite upper mid-valley46/20,
gen- flow is transverse to valley axis, then floodp
erally experienced channel widening and lost arable land more commonly occurs (Miller 19
between 1946 and 1955 (Figure 5), however Reach
But as the river adjusts and recovers from the in
46/15 shows minimal change during this samedisturbance,
time it becomes less transverse and major
period. It is primarily a fairly stable reach throughout
morphic activity attenuates. At a finer scale of anal
most of the period of analysis (1946-2003) althoughthreeitof the five sections in Reach 46/20 were the
did lose arable land following the floods in 1997 three
and most active sections in the entire study site.
1998 (Figure 7). The lower two reaches also changed
Section 17 shows some of the most reworking of
minimally, especially the most downstream reach all
the sections, with the 1955 channel not occupying
46/23), which was the least sensitive composite reach.
any of the 1946 channel (Figure 9). This section pos-
The lack of change in this reach is attributable to its the most drastic difference in valley and channel
wide and straight channel and its relatively fixedorientation,
loca- with an 18-deg difference in valley and
tion where it hugs the right valley-side throughout the strike.
period of record (Figure 8). To explain geomorphic controls on long-term changes
Most of the alluvial reworking occurred in the at the section scale, we determined the cumulative sum
three downstream reaches (Reaches 46/17, 46/18, of and
the absolute value of channel narrowing and widening
(Icm) and used it as an expression of total geomorphic
46/20). This enhanced activity was manifested primarily
in Reach 46/20 (Figure 7) where the amount of arableactivity because some sections never widened or nar-
rowed whereas other sections "accordioned" in width
land fell to a minimum value of 56 percent of the valley
in 1955 (Figure 9 and Figure 7). Following this channel-
over time. The cumulative channel change by width is
widening episode, progressive change occurred in plotted
the against Icm (equation (2)) to determine if
accumulation of arable land, which increased channel
to 75 position in the valley (and its variation over
percent of the valley in Reach 46/20, corresponding
time)toexplains the cumulative change in channel width
its initial maximum value in 1946 (thirty-one years to 10). For many sections, the stable channel

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All use subject to
240 Manners, Magilligan, and Goldstein

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Figure 9. Time s
with mapped vect
1946, 1955, 1970, 1997, and 2003.
Sections are located on each photo. For
location of sections, see the longitudinal
profile in Figure 4.

This content downloaded from on Sun, 24 Mar 2024 20:17:32 +00:00
All use subject to
Floodplain Development, El Niflo, and Cultural Consequences in a Hyperarid Andean Environment 241

250 0.5
46/15 46/17 46/18 46/ 46/22 46/23

Figure 10. Mean value of the Index of - 0.4

Channel Movement (Icm) at each section E 200 0.
and the cumulative movement of the
-. o
channel at each section. For the mean
Icm at each section, the standard devi- 150
0.3 t

ation is shown by vertical bars. For the

cumulative movement of the channel, it o 0.2
represents the sum of the absolute value
of channel width (narrowing or widen- o 0
ing) over the fifty-seven-year time period;
the Index of Channel Movement indi-
cates the position of the channel relative E
to the valley side or the middle of the
0 . II I.. . I- . .0.1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829


ENSO, which caused major floodplain erosion (cf. Fi

position over time along the right valley side (Icm -+ 0.5)
and its minimal variance over time help to explain ures
the 6 and 12). The 1982-1983 event may have been
lack of sustained geomorphic activity (Figure 11). profound
Sec- ENSO as measured by SOI, but synopt
controls may have limited it moving inland from t
tions showing the greatest cumulative channel activity
(cumulative widening and narrowing) seem to corre- coast where major flooding occurred (Wells 1990).
The temporal pattern of the SOI and La Nifia epi
spond to high variance in Icm (error bars in Figure 10)
almost irrespective of mean channel position. Sections
sodes seems to correspond well with fluvial activity
and reaches showing the greatest cumulative change the Rio Moquegua. The lack of climate stations
correspond to a highly variable Icm or to where thestream gages precludes exact correlation, but a geomo
channel shifted its mean position from the valley wall phic
to signal seems to appear (Figure 12). Wolter a
the mid-valley or vice versa (Figure 10). Timlin (1998) suggest decreased frequencies of La Nif
between 1976-1997 and Chavez et al. (2003) posit
ENSO Controls on Geomorphic Change increased sea surface warm phase from 1975 to the m
1990s. The lack of La Nifias may help explain t
Using mean channel width as a proxy of geomorphic minimal channel erosion in the Moquegua Valley duri
stability, we relate channel change to climatic controls
the same period.
and flooding events. Separating possible flooding eventsLinking the climatic signal to fluvial response may no
into two possible categories, El Nifio-induced and beLa a simple one-to-one correspondence, nor can
Nifia-induced, permits distinction between the specifically
geo- separate out the relative importance of
morphic effects of these events. The temporal changesNifia
in from El Nifio events (except in the later reco
SOI, ENSO frequency and magnitude (Quinn, Neal, where regional information is more available). Durin
and Antunez de Mayolo 1987; Wolter and Timlin 1998; the past fifty-seven years of aerial photographs, ma
McPhaden 1999), and mean channel width are com-
geomorphic work was done between 1946 and 195
pared (Figure 12). Matching specific ENSOs with with significant channel widening occurring. In th
channel change is often inexact for several reasons. time,
The two ENSO events are noted (Figure 12), one th
SOI measures oceanic pressure differences that maywas
not weak-to-moderate and the other moderate-p
(Quinn, Neal, and Antunez de Mayolo 1987). Neith
materialize directly in terrestrial precipitation. Similarly,
of these events seems to have been on the order of
because of the spatial variation in precipitation magni-
tude and intensity, it is possible that ENSO eventsmagnitude
de- to generate major valley reworking, however
limited by SOI may not have as large an impact in1950the was a particularly strong La Nifia year, with an
Moquegua Valley. This may explain why the 1982-1983 average SOI in February and March of 17.6 (Figure 12).
ENSO failed to manifest geomorphologically in channel
The geomorphic changes noted in Figure 12 may result
change in the mid-valley reaches of the Rio Moquegua,
from this one event, or major floodplain erosion could
have resulted from the cumulative effects of the two
even though it was of similar ranking to the 1997-1998

This content downloaded from on Sun, 24 Mar 2024 20:17:32 +00:00
All use subject to
242 Manners, Magilligan, and Goldstein

1946 1976
i:--:?--iiiil : 'iiiii ii- !i iiiiiii iiiii,,{,,,,{i < :


-iii:-::i::; : . :i~8iiiiiiiii i'"' k il'


,-iii~,?''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiM ete rsii

A A-

1955 1997iii-- iii~a~ii

? .:wmxx8~: ::

':::::-. -:-iiiiii;:ii V

!iii !il .iiiiii: :: iiiiiiiii? :iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i i:

0 0 oc 0 10O0 200

.ii~ii.. ... ...

1955 1997

... '':::
.iii ::: -:-: :-iiii i ii ........ iiiiiii
S100 200(~~~~ ~ sBLiI 160, O' Figure 11. Time
Meters j~- "~ 8 Meter
with mapped vect
1946, 1955, 1970
1970 20039
tions are located
cation of section
profile in Figure


0 10O0
SMeters 2oc 0 100
MeterS 20c

1970 2003

0 10O0 2o0 0 100 200

.......s i, ', M eter s

This content downloaded from on Sun, 24 Mar 2024 20:17:32 +00:00
All use subject to
Floodplain Development, El Nifio, and Cultural Consequences in a Hyperarid Andean Environment 243

1940/1 1957/8 1972/3 1982/3 1997/8

(S) 1943 1951 1953 (S) 1965 (S) 1976 (VS) 1987 1992 (?)

(M+) (W/M) (,M+) (M+) (M) (M) (?)

30 140

Figure 12. Time series of calculated mean

channel width and the occurrences, inten- CHANNEL WIDTH 120
2 100
sities, and measures of the El Nifio-
Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Along the 10100
upper portion of the diagram, we use
the occurrences and intensities from
Quinn, Neal, and Antunez de Mayolo
(1987) where W = weak, M = moderate,
S = strong, and VS = very strong. For the 10 40
1997/8 El Nifio, we use Wolter and Timlin-10 * MEAN
(1998). The SOI time series is based on the o 0 *,
February-March Pacific Ocean sea surface
pressure differences, and the SOI graph is -20 20
the five-value moving average.

-30 .0'''''' v '

1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
' i'

ENSO events, or even a combination of all SOI-related

from a fan terrace complex near Tres Quebrada
events. 3). The top of the late Holocene fan terrace is -
above the modern channel bed, with only a few
Late Holocene Alluvial Adjustments of higher surfaces existing in the valley. The young
of alluvial material suggest that major channel migr
has typified
Paleo-flood chronologies may help contextualize the the past 550 yrs, with 80 percent of th
km study
geomorphic response of the Rio Moquegua. Using pub- reach estimated to be younger than at lea
radiocarbon years.
lished (Magilligan and Goldstein 2001) and recently
acquired radiocarbon dates (Table 3), we correlated
terrace heights with basal floodplain and terrace ages
(Figure 13). Using this correlation and the ASTER-de-
rived DEM, we assigned estimated ages between Although
mea- climatically hyperarid, large floods have
sured valley fill heights (2-m contours) and radiocarbon
ravaged the Moquegua basin on both decadal and longer
age. This analysis indicates that 80 percent of the valley with the potential to significantly affect
is younger than at least 550 14C yr BP (Figure physical
14). Theand social conditions. Because of the broader
oldest sampled date in the valley, 3250 14C yr BPclimatic,
comesgeomorphic, and cultural implications of thes

Table 3. Radiocarbon dates for terrace and floodplain surfaces

Conventional Intercept with Calibrated

Beta # Site ID '4C yr BP calibration curve 1 sigma Comments

Conde High 189086 CONDE-HT2003 550 + 40 AD 1410 AD 1400-1420 Organic soil lens
Terrace -, 1.46 m from terrace top
180008 CONDE-HT-A 1130 ? 70 AD 900 AD 810-990 Organic soil lens
- 2.5 m below terrace top
Tres Quebrada 180009 TQ-FAN-A-UP 3250 ? 70 1520 BC 1610-1440 BC Peaty layer near fan base
Fan Terrace
Rio Moquegua 180015 TQ-RB-TERR 560 ? 50 AD 1400 AD 1310-1420 Organic sediments in
Floodplain floodplain base
189088 MOG-PAN-AM1 190 ? 60 AD 1670, 1780, AD 1650-1950 Organic sediments 67 cm
1800 below floodplain top
189089 MOQ-PAN-AM2 60 ? 30 AD 1950 AD 1890-1950 Organic sediments 40 cm
below floodplain top

This content downloaded from on Sun, 24 Mar 2024 20:17:32 +00:00
All use subject to
244 Manners, Magilligan, and Goldstein


mated recurrence interval of

3000 R2= 0.98 this event was not of the m
fios" documented through
I 2500 South Pacific (Wells 1990;
2000; Magilligan and Goldste
O 0. 2000 and deFrance 2003), neverthe

1500 significant channel erosion

pecially following on the heels
event. For the upper ~ 10 km
I 1000
average channel width incre
500 , nificant floodplain scouring w
percent of arable land.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Comparison with regional s
Terrace Height (meters)
and Antunez de Mayolo 1987
Figure 13. specifically
Correlation of toterrace/
radiocarbon age. stances, extreme SOI values h
Terrace/floodplain f
channel bed. the fluvial record, such as
other times the associations
the 1997-1998 La Nifia and E
of correspondence may refle
ENSO-related events, our measure
marine/atmospheric docu
provides an and the
important actual terrestrial
environm ex
text especially in
linking and flooding.
the m H
floods to broader
channel response
and and
the extension to
regional and GPS
with t
that the magnitude and fre
may be as important, if not
Climate and the Magnitude an
gion than the occurrence of E
Channel Change
water availability and flood fr
Over the contemporary tim
Comparisonsof flood timings
ENSOs fail to pinpoint average
photography, channel chann
events although proximately
the 78
La to 120
Nifia m, an
currently irrigated floodplain
1998 were previously field corro
Goldstein 2001),cent over the
with fifty-seven-y
the 1998
extensive lateral migration f
responds to the style of activi
60 environments affected by E
0 50
southwest United States f
1982-1983 ENSO indicates that most of the flood
damage resulted from channel widening and lateral mi-
gration (Kresan 1988; Huckleberry 1994), which also
seems to have occurred in the late Holocene (Huckle-
berry 1995, 1999; Waters and Ravesloot 2001, 2003).
For the Moquegua Valley, where cut and fill periods may
occur, the past several hundred years seem to have been
0-2 2-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 10-12 > 12 dominated by lateral erosion. Extensive reworking of the
Terrace Height (meters above
valley seems tochannel bed)
have begun at least 550 14C years ago
(Figures 14) and tops of dated buried gravel bars
Figure 14. Histogram of elevations above channel bed for the total
( 1600 AD) correspond to the elevation of modern
valley length (based on ASTER DEM) and percentage of valley
bar surfaces
within these 2-m contours. Histogram (Magilligan and
indicates Goldstein
that 2001), suggesting
80 percent of the total valley is 6that
m valley
the has been limited
channel over approximately
bed, where 6
the past
m corresponds to , 550 14C years BP 400 years. Figure 13.

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All use subject to
Floodplain Development, El Nifio, and Cultural Consequences in a Hyperarid Andean Environment 245

Cultural Adaptation, Collapse, and the Tempo of millennial timescales, and the channel may have sus-
Geomorphic Change tained periods of floodplain stripping, with the result that
young (and generally infertile) alluvium represents most
Archaeologists have long been interested in the re- of the valley fill.
lationship between climate change and cultural pro- The social responses to floodplain loss and recovery
cesses. In the Peruvian Andes, most of the attention has are difficult to elucidate but depend strongly on the
focused on droughts (Seltzer and Hastorf 1990; Shimada magnitude and frequency of the hazard (Dean 1988;
et al. 1991; Kolata and Ortloff 1996; Binford et al. Waters and Ravesloot 2003). Societies have evolved
1997), yet large floods, especially those related to El intricate responses to mitigate the effect of hazards and
Nifio, may also result in acute social responses. Yet most have ritualized elaborate social mechanisms to lessen
of the interest in floods has been in extreme events that environmental hazards like droughts or floods. Social
eradicate infrastructure like canals and other water de- responses to rapid or sustained climate changes vary by
livery systems (Huckleberry 1999; Satterlee et al. 2000; the stochastic nature of the hazard and the ability of
Huckleberry and Billman 2003), or in the devastating social systems to mitigate the effect. Our results suggest
effects on communities where debris flows spawned by that floodplain loss following a succession of normal,
ENSOs may instantaneously wipe out villages (Satterlee high-frequency flood events may be a contributing factor
1993; Keefer, Moseley, and deFrance 2003). Less atten- to long-term social change, and is probably more signif-
tion has been given to the effects of floods on other icant than either catastrophic infrastructure loss or
landscape phenomena, specifically the loss and resto- drought in riverine floodplain agricultural regimes. The
ration of floodplain planting surfaces. For hypersensitive approximately thirty-year timeframe for reconstituting
areas like the Moquegua Valley, where irrigated flood- arable land exceeds the generational timespan ( ~' 20+
plain agriculture is the primary source of agricultural years) identified by Dean (1988) where social memory
productivity, the links between geomorphology and can deal effectively with high-frequency events. In so-
culture may be profound. Our results on decadal scales cieties like Moquegua's Formative Huaracane, with
indicate that floods with recurrence intervals of - 50 preexisting fracture lines of social stress like the growing
years may be associated with lateral erosion rates of , 2 tributary demands of elites, population increase, or
ha/river km. In one of the few studies also linking competitive pressure from outside groups, the combina-
channel lateral erosion with social response, Waters and tion may have been fatal (Goldstein 2000b). We suspect
Ravesloot (2001) documented a major period of channel that even incrementally increased episodes of floodplain
widening (-, AD 1100) in the Gila River which led erosion and decreased recovery rates could have been a
to Hohokam village abandonment and population significant factor in the decline of the Moquegua's
rearrangements. In regions where the entire agricultural floodplain-dependent Huaracane occupation of the
resource depends on irrigated floodplains, land may be as valley in the mid-first millennium AD, and the com-
valuable as water, especially as populations approach petitive ascendancy of Tiwanaku colonists, who added
regional carrying capacities (Dean 1988); in such regions diverse agricultural, political, and settlement strategies
the continued cannibalization of productive land by such as desert land reclamation, herding, and increased
channel widening during floods may be an underappre- long distance exchange to the mix. Future research must
ciated mechanism for both terrestrial and social erosion determine to what degree the decline of the Huaracane
(Ensor, Ensor, and DeVries 2003). (and, conversely, the competitive success of the Ti-
The tempo of geomorphic adjustments has an acute wanaku) is attributable to low-frequency events like the
relationship with land use and therefore with social re- one documented for AD 700 (Magilligan and Goldstein
sponse (Hudson 2004). Channel widening during ex- 2001), or to a situation where tributary agricultural de-
treme events erodes productive land, requiring several mands gradually outstripped the resilience of human
decades to reconstitute to arable land. In these arid response to the normal cycle of high frequency floods,
settings, vertical accretion rates are ~ 2-5 mm/yr land loss, and land regeneration.
(Magilligan and Goldstein 2001). If a period of con-
tinued channel erosion occurs, our results indicate that a Conclusions
minimum of 30 years may be required before the new
alluvial material can be converted to productive land, Large floods have commonly occurred in this hy
assuming of course that no intervening catastrophic arid environment of southern Peru, and the time seri
events occur. For some sustained periods, progressive response shown herein has documented the type, m
and extensive lateral migration may dominate on sub- nitude, and tempo of geomorphic change. On cont

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All use subject to
246 Manners, Magilligan, and Goldstein

porary timescales, channel widening has indom-
been the social collapse as has been
the Hohokam,
inant response to large floods with reach-averaged values and for the formative
of r 30 m occurring, which translates theinto Late an Intermediate
. 2 ha Chiribaya agri
loss of arable floodplain per river kilometer. Irrigated
floodplain agriculture is the dominant economic
Within re-
the broader framework of ENSOs, the timing
source base, and the magnitude of lost andland
geomorphic change seem conditioned
and the recovery rates have important social
by the repercus-
magnitude of the Southern Oscillation Index, but
exact relationships
sions. For this hyperarid region of southern Peru,are difficult to establish. The Rio
extremes dictate flood hydroclimatology Moqueguaand lies El
in a Nifios
sensitive region where Pacific-de-
have been important flood-producingrived mechanisms ondescribed by low-phase SOI,
moisture sources, best
both contemporary and longer timescales may generate
and have localized precipitation and subsequent
large floods,as
evoked as a causative factor in social collapse, as in 1998. Yetas
much not all low-phase SOIs will
their part in severe and long-standing affect these inland locations
droughts in the as is evident from the lack of
highlands (Kolata and Ortloff 1996) and socially-dev-
a geomorphic signature of the 1982-1983 El Nifio. More
astating floods in coastal areas (Keefer, Moseley,
important is that theand
effects of La Nifias seem to ma-
deFrance 2003). terialize in the basin, and the pattern of channel wid-
ening and recovery
Remote sensing and field analyses indicate thataccords
re- well with the timing and
covery is a two-stage process requiring in some
magnitude cases
of high phases of the SOI. As such, this re-
upward of thirty years for arable land tosearch has shown the impact of ENSOs on both short-
be reconstituted,
assuming the lack of an intervening largeterm and long-term
flood. geomorphic conditions and further
channel widening/narrowing corresponds tohopefully
research will the de- reveal the longer-term history of
crease/increase of arable land, but channel
ENSOs in thisnarrowing
climatically sensitive and culturally rich
may result more from lateral bar development that lacks
immediate conversion to arable land. Probability tran-
sition matrices indicate that after a major channel-wid-
ening phase that occurred some time between 1946 and
1955, there was a sustained period of recovery, especially
This research was funded in part by the Dartmouth
between 1976 and 1997; initial channel dimensions had
College Rockefeller Center, the Dartmouth College
been reattained by approximately 1970 but arable land
Dickey Center for International Understanding, and the
peaks required an additional twenty-seven years to be
Dean of the Faculty Office at Dartmouth College. The
achieved. The probability transition matrices are an ef-
authors would like to thank Mark Macklin, Hector Neff,
fective technique to document the direction and rate of
and Dan Sandweiss for review comments that greatly
channel and riparian change.
improved the quality of the manuscript. Additional
On longer timescales, our results have several im-
thanks go to the University of California Pacific Rim
portant extensions and ramifications. From a purely
Research Program and the Museo Contisuyo, Moque-
physical perspective, the contemporary pattern of re-
gua. Jodie Davi and Heather Carlos helped with image
sponse to extreme floods-lateral migration-appears to
analysis and cartography.
be the dominant channel behavior for the past ca.
500-600 years in this section of the Rio Moquegua.
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veys indicate that upwards of 80 percent of the valley is
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Correspondence: Department of Geography, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3220, e-mail:
(Manners); Department of Geography, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755, e-mail: (Magilligan
corresponding author); Department of Anthropology, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0532, e-mail: (Goldstein

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