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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where the conversations

With someone you once had a deep connection with have become
Shallow and distant? It’s like you’re both there, but it feels like there’s
A huge gap between you. Questions get short answers, and even
Though you’re talking, it’s all surface-level stuff, failing to delve into
The deeper topics like you used to effortlessly. There’s this sense of
Not being on the same page anymore, like your understanding of
Each other has faded into thin air. It’s strange how two people who
Were once so close can now feel like strangers passing by. It’s like
Looking at a reflection of someone you used to know so closely but
Now seems like a blurry, distant memory. You try to talk, but the
Words don’t carry the same weight they used to. You’re stuck in this
In-between zone where you’re not enemies, but you’re far from the
Riends you used to be – friends who shared everything, understood
Each other without even speaking. Now, it’s like you’re both just there,
Occupying the same space without truly connecting. You’re more like
Two passersby who happened to cross paths long ago and are now
Just nodding to acknowledge that brief moment of shared past. You
Feel this emptiness, this void of comprehension that hangs between
You, reminding you that you’re no longer the people who once shared
Secrets and dreams. Instead, you’re simply two individuals who share
A past but are now just strangers, threading on the edge of what used
To be a deep bond, now faded into a distant memory.

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