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You know, it’s completely understandable to struggle with accepting

What has happened to you. Traumatic experiences can leave deep

Wounds that often seem impossible to fully heal. It’s okay to feel like
You can’t make peace with it like you’re stuck in a cycle of hurt and
Pain. However, not being able to be okay with it doesn’t mean you’re
Destined to stay in that dark place forever. Moving through this isn’t
About erasing the past or pretending everything is okay. It’s about
Acknowledging your pain, allowing yourself to feel it without letting it
Consume you entirely. It’s a journey of accepting that some wounds
May never fully heal, and that’s okay. Healing from trauma is a
Complex process.It’s messy, it’s unpredictable, more like a
Rollercoaster ride of emotions. There will be moments when you feel
Like you’re drowning in memories, suffocating under the weight of
What has happened and others where you glimpse a glimmer of
Hope. And despite the ongoing struggles, you will find a way to
Navigate through it. You might never reach a point where what
Happened no longer affects you. That’s alright because the goal isn’t
To erase the past or to pretend everything is fine. It’s about learning to
Coexist with your pain, finding a way to live alongside it without letting
It define you entirely. And With time, patience, self-care, and perhaps
The support of others, you will find a way to be okay – not because the
Past no longer hurts, but because you’ve found the strength within
Yourself to carry on despite it.

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